October 25, 1932 ee fox Oa Miss Ann Adam bakes her famons Muffins with Magic Baking Powder “When selecting ingredients for my recipes,” says Miss Ann Adam, cookery author- ity of the Cana- dian Home Jour- 3 nal, “I consider hree points — economy, health value, and successful performance. “Magic Baking Posvder meets hem all. I use and approve Magic, ecause | know it is pure, and free rom harmful ingredients, and be- ause experience has taught me hat | can count upon successful esults with Magie every time.” Magic Baking Powder is used ‘ 'y by the majority of cook- ry experts, dietitians, and house- ives throughout Canada. In fact, jagic outsells all other baking ers combined! et Miss Ann Adam’s Recipe for Bran Muftins % cup bran 1% cups flour 14 cup sugar % cup milk % teasy oon salt 1 egg 3 teaspoons Magic ‘4 cup melted Baking Powder shortening Miz the bran with the sifted fine dry in- gredients. Make a well in the centre and pour in the milk and well-beaten egg. With the fewest possible number of strokes, blend these ingredients and stir in the shortening. Half fill greased muf- fin pans and bake in a hot oven, 400° F., 15 to 20 minutes. A few chopped dates, lightly coated with some of the measured flour, may be added. 7 Magic Baking Pow- der has been home- testedandapproved by the Homme Serv- ice Bureau of Cana- dian Home Journal, Torvato, ab yy FREE COOK BOOK—When you CONTAINS ope Radote Copate bake at home, the new Magic Cook Book will give you dozens of recipes CONTAINS 00, ASSES." ESS Steee> for delictous baked foods. Write to ment om every tim is your guarantee 2 that Magic Baking Powder isfreefrom Standard Brands Led., Fraser Ave. alum of asy harmful ingredient. and Liberty Se., Toronto, Ont. we. Snappy New A. FUR COATS The Biggest Stock in Town GOLDBLOOM'S The Old Reliable Now is the time to buy coats. Next year they will be twice the price, Winter is coming on and you need a fur. Nothing looks so well as good furs and ours are the real thing. Your Credit is Still Good , os 1. ese Seek ee Du-All Reversible Dustin MOPS Double Surface—You Use Both Sides—No Adjustments Necessary nnot mar the furniture; they °$ le flat on the floor. Price from 65¢ 1.50 — For Sale By Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2s Pes eee er Modern Flat For Rent on Second Avenue Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnace coal CANADIAN PACIFIC lo Vancouver PRINCESS NORAH--Oct. 12. 24. Nov, 2, To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m, via Ocean Falls and Ports. ‘ To Ketchikan, W rangell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH-~ Oct. 8, 20, 29. For Information ¢all or write Wt UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 2 Steamers leave Prinve Rupert for Vancouver :— rss CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. i Via Waypotnts, arriving Vancouver, Thursday #1. NS.s VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Wee @'tving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx. ‘ekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Alyox, Py River points, Sunday, 8 p — ail “ther Information regarding all satlings and ticke pi YRINCE RUPERT ROENCY: Second Avenue, Phome 66 Stewart and Near .. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, Bu. | LOCAL NEWS NOTES . ih Taxi 35—Ernie Large. t'; Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone} na 290. tf Basketball tonight, Auditorium) ‘at 7, | Just arrived, lovely Parisian! ack Sih |models, in fur felt sat $4.75 and Something new in stylish Polo velvets at $4.25. Demers 248 ,Rain Coats. Guaranteed rain-proof, “ ‘windproof, washable. Demers. 248; Hyde Transfer—Ail coals are in} |dry shed. See adv. for prices. $1.00| City accounts for two weeks end-| per ton lower than any other com-' \ing October 21 totalling $3,075.97| pany in town. tf j;were passeu for payment at last i /night’s council meeting. ; _— |. A. K. Mowfey, who arrived last} icant |week from Telegraph Creek, sailed | For Fall Kalsomining MURESCO yestétday afternoon on the Prin- is supreme. Eighteen beautiful| cess Norah for Vancouver. tints to choose from. Gordon’s sainalinel i Hardware, McBrice St. Phone 311 | Mooseheart Day program, | tf 9 p.m. Wednesday, in the) Moose Hall. All men.bers of Chapter and Lodge cor- dially invited to attend. Frank Haugh, well known Stew- art prospector, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah yesterday »j o, + afternoon from the Atlin distriet,, The city council last night ac- where ke has been spending the | cepted an invitation from the Ca- 2nd will sail tomerrow | adian Legion that the mayor and Frince Rupert for, 2/dermen join in the Armistice Day ceremonies to be conducted on No- vember 11. No aétails of the day’s program were given. past season afterfioon on th Stewart On motion of Aid. Collart, see- ,onded by Ald. Black, the city coun- cil last night complied with a re- quest from J. 8S. Wilson, secretary of the Canadian Legion, that the Legion be permitted to hold its an- nual poppy tag day on November § this year A recommendation from the fi- nance committee that an applica- tion from Mrs. Fanny Leaper to purchase tax sale certificate rights in lots 3 and 4, bloek 30, section 6, at the upset price of $223.39 be ac- cepted was adopted by the city council at its meeting last night. Garnet C. Watt, well known Yu- W. Hill Barrington, manager of the Barrington Tansportation Co., whieh operates river boats on the Stikine River. and Mrs. Barrincton |¥0™ insutanee man and brother of iS cl sliver, ar Mrs iTringt a attends heat its prin. |Government Agent Norman A. fer assenzers a r the ‘in- . at a | Watt of this city, arrived in town cess Norah yesterday afternoon » ‘ from the north on the Princess bound south from Wrangell to Se- ? a‘ Norah yestetday afternoon and, lattle where they will spend the after a visit here, will proceed to Vietoria where he will spend the winter. | winter In answer to a question by Ald Casey, Mayor C. H. Orme informed} the city council last night that} Norman L. Freeman, local repre- Messrs. Gabora, Guyan and Henry |Sentative of the International Fish- |Smith, the only applicants, had eries Commission, gave an inter- lbeen appointed to share the work|esting vocational talk at the regu- lof cemetery caretaker. on the basis|!ar weekly luncheon of the Prince (of two months time each. while w.|Rupert Gyro Club in the Boston 1H. Goodsell is away on a six-|Cafe today. President William months’ leave of absence on ac-|Cruickshank was in the chair and leount of his health there was a good attendanec of chen members. On recommendation of the fi- FM ate Po dit-aLetit Maintain eed eel lez aa TEE Lak SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian ay. te OT To Build Resistanee Easy to Digest Harold McEwen, C.N.R. divisional freight and passenger agent, re- tuened to the city on the North- land this morning from a_ brief trip to Ketchikan on official busi- ness. Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 10 o'clock this morning from Anyox, Stewart ana other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypoints. Provincial Constable Wm.. Har- rison, who eseorted a liquor ship- ment across Alaskan territory for delivery to Atlin, returned to the eity from the north on the Prin- cess Norah yesterday afternoon. Mr. ana Mrs. Arthur R. Hunter returned to the city on the Prin- cess Norah yesterday from Stikine where Mr. Hunter has been stationed during the past summer as Canadian Customs of- ficer Thorwald S. Pedersen of Juneau arrived in the city from the Al- aska capital on the Northiand this morning and will proceed by train tomorrow morning to Halifax where he will embark Novembef 14 aboard the steamer United States for his native home at Esbjerg, Denmark E. G. Newnham, for the past sev- eral years Dominion constable at| Kincolith, was a passenger aboard | 1ance committee, the city council! There were 125 passengers on last night rejected an applic ion}board the steamer Princess Norah | from G. H. Arnold, agent of the|which called in port yesterday af- Wallace Block, for retund of wa-/ternoon southbound from Skagway ter rates on some flats which have|to Vancouver. This list Inciuded a been vacant for some time be-/large number of members of crews cause proper notice of vacancy ac-|of Yukon River boats. going south cording to the Water Bylaw had/for the winter now that navigation not been given. Some of the flats|inas closed on the Yukon. Nincieen| have been vacant ior as long as|passengers disembarked from the} ighteen months, it was pointed| vessel here while two went sonth! mit by Ald. Collart, chairman of]aboard her from this port the finance committee, but no or- der had been made to the city to have the water turned off Ald. Casey asked the utilities com- mittee at last night’s meeting of| the city council on whose author- ity a street light on Ninth Avenue West near Thompson Street had been recently removed from its former location near a group of houses to a less advantageous point where there were no dwellings, Ald Macdonald, chairman of the utili- ties committee In reply, stated that the committee hac already taken the matter up with the manager of the Northern B.C. Power Co. and it was expécted it would be possi- ble to make a report to the coun- cil at its next meeting. j | Announcements Hill 60 Hallowe'en Bridge lance, Oct. 28, I.0.D.E. Hall. ani Eagles’ Dance, October 28. Ad- tission, Gents. 50c. Ladies 25c, Moose Hallowe'en Dance, Qct. 31. Sons of Norway Bazaar, November 1, Oddfellows’ Hall. Rebekah Concert Oddfellow’s Hall el il CAPITOL MEAT MARKET | Fifth Avenue Phone 455 November 9, Elks’ Bridge and Whist Novem- ber 23 Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 24. SOUTH Winter Sailings | Wednesday and Thursday | Morning From Prinee Rupert for SPECIALS | Ocean Falls, Powell River | and Vancouver, Pot Roast of Beef 10¢ Thursdays, 10.00 p.m. per Ib. UEEN CHARLOTTE Rib Roast of Beet QUE ETSLANDS cae 'th sc From Prince R .-2 ; Shakenuenh aniltna os Gebel Rib Boiling Beef 8e oe Fotts. Fort- per lb. , nightly service. Particulars ak— on request. * oe 15¢ TRAIN SERVICE : a Passenger trains leave Prince Sirloin Steak— 35¢ | Rupert Mondays, Wednes- 2 lbs. bit duet {| days, Fridays at 9.30 a.m. Shoulders of Lamb— 15 | for jonton, Winnipeg Ib c and points East. : TE ig \ et 29 Passports arranged for 10GB wine Old Country sailings, per lb. Cc Lamb Stew— For mation call write wig aan o per lb. L 10¢ “tatoo /Loin Pork Chops— 15¢ V-100R-82 péer Jb. CANADIAN “rr 25¢ Si Te eabicivn....: Ry the Cardena today, accompanied by | Mrs. Newnham, bound for Alert Bay where he will assume his new! duties as Indian Agent, having re- cently received appointment to that position Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Is offering a special price in PERMANENT WAVES $4.00 and $5.00 Why not look your best? We are giving free feminine hygiene your booklet advice oh Call for afternoon |’ | Prince Rupert Classified Ads FOR SALE LOST —, FOR SALE—-Mink, Quebec. Labra- dor, young or adult. $20 per pair. F. Hoppe, Lochdale, B.C, tL ee FOR RENT FOR ‘RENT—Modern flat, Rand - Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. t? FIVE-ROOM furnished modern house. Two unfurnished. Phone Green 698. tf STORE for Rent. Thitd Avenue, adjoining Wrathall’s, low rental. McClymont. tf —~ ee ee MODERN House Dunsmuir Street available for rént November Ist —Official Administrator. tf ‘ULLY Modetn Hotise, close in, with furnace, breakfast nook and fixtures. Rent reasonable. Phone |- Red 720, tf WANTED WANTED—Smart young lady with some experience im store. Apply Box 154 Daily News. 248 LOST—White kitten. Joan Watt. Phone 146. (248) FOUND FOUND—Between Lucy Island and South Dundas,new rowboat, 9 feet long, green outside, grey inside. Apply J. Furunes, P.O. Box 239. (251) . . PIANO TUNING | PIANOS Tuned $3.00, Walker’s Mu- sic Store. tt TRANSFERS Cameron’s Transfer— Cordwood, r'irewood, Furnacewood, Kindling, Poles, Piling. DAIRIES (lpn alban All Our— Milk and Cream SHIPMENTS DANCING Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products TAP DANCING taught by Miss El- VALENTIN DAIRY eanor Tite. Phone 20. ti Phone 657 CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Three Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 ‘pen Evenings 6 Exenange Bik DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts | Phone — 655 ome tm | Srd Ave. || WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & ; | ‘For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 AUCTIONEER G. M. HUNT Phone Red 637 ! Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me : GEO. J. DAWES—Phone Black 126 DIRTY WALLS? We paperhang a room for $5.09 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 and up. Call, Red 802. J. P, MOLLER TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Special Hard-Time Bargain Offer To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscribers All our advertisers have been offering special bargains to the custom- ers. Here is our eontribution. Any person sending in a full year subscrip- tion now will get the rest of the year 1922 free. This applies either to new subseriptions or renewals. This is a very attractive offer and is made for a limited period to induce subseribers to pay a year in advance during the difficult financial period. Payment may THE DAILY NEWS Delivered in tne ciry One year from Jannary 1, $5.00 Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by mail out of town one year from January 1, $3.00 Rest of this year to Jantary 1, 1933 FREE FREE made by check, money order or currency. The sooner it is sent the more you get for the money. DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C.