f AQK FOUR THE DAILY KEW9 Friday, March SI, lo?2, BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus mm TCLL...r-i mz i I . iu u I'M THE JAN4TOR- DO YOU WANT rui. ctve you tcm iliw-i I I ; I N.l ill WHAT rT VOU TO MAKE -mf DOLLARS IF VOO J THM-b L I KHOW 9 WANT TQl J J c!UtT A I MAKE. THE LADY r "YOUR TWAT" ' xe him y rUNUTF - . I - ) ' r X APARTMEtST 6 C. Nothing else knftwn to tTOP tMNIrV c science performs the same marvellous healingand dispels disease from the tissues as 2am-Buk does. This pure herbal balm takes the fire out of a wound or sore, kills and repels germs and grows fine new skin. Zam-Buk is acknowledged j" J-JT 7 '"T1- F'ATimi Scuvict. Inc. til?H Tw-ISsI! IiW -B AIR COMPANY CATARRH OFFICIALS ARE of th I MOVING? IS ORGANIZED fCach iBLADDER Catxut liinvl ! VERY PLEASED Daily News Classified Ads. iillUJ bears JtrwarwcounierfelU e.roe.tin 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lea then HOc Seaplane to Be Operated From D. B. Hanna and T. G. Watson Lake Kathlyn to North j Gratified at Passage of SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. If Country., j Bylaws. I'tSII Klt.MAN and experienced WANTF.D Men and women In .VM0 lll'.W.MUf if fi , ,,l(v so, j Ten Years Ago ship i-Arpenler both family h-arn Ibe Itnrber Trade by Ihe hair. Oriental Iluir lti.i iair flic Railway men's Indiislrial In Pr'nce Rupert 'The following telegrams have men want work of any kind. only method in Hie world lhal Grower. World's Gr.at,i Call Us Up ami Investment Association of heen (received hy Mayor )lo- Heen unemployed for bins period. will save you lime and money llnr Grower, tihiws hair ,m Smilhcrs ha heen incorporated rhesjer: i Address .1. Oalbrnilh, P. and fit you for n position lnl,il head. rmiM tint be Fxperienced men give satisfaction willi.a capitalization of inn.nnn March 24, 1912. "Very pleased indeed lo hear O. Ilox .125. i'.72 Highlit .Va worjh while. Wh guarantee 1'itl wtiere hair Is not want-j In household removals. lo establish an aerial service lo The provincial election contest result of voting in bylaw and line j-.asi. steady eni4oyineiit al good Cures dandruff and all I In- Malison, ingrnica and Kin lav is proceeding holly with four wish lii cmtgruliilatc you and wages. Writi! now for beautiful Irouhles. f.75 per ,;)r Orders for general cartage rivet districts front headquarters candidates. Willjatn Manson, Alex the municipal council for Hie KXPKUT cross-cut saw filer illii-lnilfd catalogue. Mocr Agents wanted. I'rut. M. p work given careful attention, which will likely I m established at Munson, W. II. Montgomery ami vole of coiifideuce which I hi"! wauls work in lumber liaiup. ' Itarlier College, :i00 Main St.. nrosse, UN .oKan Ave , Wm-nipeg, Wn promise prompt delivery Lake Kalhlyn, says Ihe Interior Dr. W. II, Clayton, in the field. passing of the bylaw by the, - Iteinrtied man. Dntirail - W Vancouver. H.jO. .Man, of all Coal orders given In us. News. A seaplane, will he pur Liberals and Conservatives are electors deuolcsr" I'. II. Hanna. Mcintosh, Owlhursl, list. It. C. chased and a freight anil passen both sure of victory at I he polls. "Am gratified to learn thai the IIFLIAItl.i: agenl wanted for H"- l U LOST BOARD. repl 1kl.lli(f Tin. C11-nf.Atrrr. ger service lo the country norlb . -The bylaw has carried and, personally LOST. Small black PACIFIC GARTAG E of the Itulkley Valley will he in pipe line between Shawal-lans wish to thank you and Hie muni. ItOAItn Inlander, .10. Second Life office,.ssurance Winnipeg,Company.Mnn. Write Head laining key and finger imr.se rnj,,,. lilutvd. Passage mid Acropolis Hill cipal council-for their efforts in Avenue. Phone 1H7. If Cfias. A. Pyne, Prince helween Post Orfiee and W -i. George, As hest suiteil lo the conditions for the hydro-elect rie system is this inatter. I feel confident Mine Theatre. Finder Limited of this country of great distances nearly completed. The reservoir lbl the selllemenl will prove manager for Northern llritih return lo Daily Nw tl.-,,.,.rr:. Phone 93 wilh their objective far removed has been excavated and cement beneficial to all parties concerned." ROTARY CLUB ASKS Columbia. Heward. fi7 from the centres of population, for it ordered. , The mayor says Thomas fl. Walson. W.NTI:D Loan n'f 2,000 to roni-irlete the association has decided on a pumping can fomiuence at AMEND CRIMINAL LAW iuiirnvei real estate. music eaplane, and a new machine will Woodwnrlh Lake as soon as the POLAND ARRANGES Ample security, clear title, p.' PIANO SCHOOL he ordered slrorlly, the pipe line, is finished. Local plane Organization Would Tight O. Hon 7I. If Le.clieHky Method. All selected being equipped with a LOAN IN BRITAIN en Up on Drug Traffic. Infccn and grade A good point to remember Liberty tnotnr of 200 h.p., Ilie cost LiiuM Ilnppeustein has been WANTKD In fenl, five or ni upecial nttenlma being in the neighborhood "of appointed captain of the Skeena Al the llolnry Club luncheon a roomed house. Modern. Phone lo beginners. Term ()500. A pilot with wide experience Hlver snag scow succeeding Captain Borrows Four Million Pounds resolution was passed iinani. Illne 2!)i5. If CHAS.moderate.P. IJALAGXO. Ramsay's under conditions tif country Noel, who was recently Under Favorable Conditions. niously yesterday asking Ihe Dominion FOR SALE Hand IHock, corner Sixth and (hat will exist on the trip to drowned. The scow, which sank On eminent In so amend I'nllnn. Phone nine Thulade Lake has lo-en secured, will soon be afloat again. WAUSAW. March 21. Polish the criminal law in regard In Hit FOIl SALK One grinding and 61.1 tl heins n man who has been flying delegates scut In-London lo seek drug Iralllc as- to provide prison nuffing 'motor, suitable for BOATS FOR HIRE. to he Fort Norman oil fields. The a loaiT for Poland announced today FINES COLLECTED sentences instead of firm's and Jcwijller or dc'ulM; one lire LAUNCH PAINT machine is. to be, shipped lo Jericho lhal they, had .'arranged tn lashes for those caught engaged ' "Narbelhnns We - Ileach for assembly and the IN POLICE COURT ttortvow four million pounds from In It. point vulcanizing electric outfit;slfive; one me Hot.sixteen Service. Plione Mark mo. n trip to. Smiljiers will be "made on an important llrjlislt group of Deportation for aliens in addi- candy r:nnrt:AM. ,t n. 1...... ounce scale; one its own wings. The machine to be FEBRUARY LIGHT '' 'l,al " ' " lion to lines, imprisonment or boat slote wilh Northern' MUCH HAS BEEN SAID oven. . . . . . IS . pure and will stand the ordered will have a capacity of been effected under .favorable). , - Kxchange. Alioul Hie sanitary ( in i n test of time. almost a Ion, with a safe average February was a Iigbl month as conuiuons. latioit of naturalization papers to nf ihe power laundry Il load around 1200 pounds. II will far as cases presented and tines follow con iclioti. FOIl SALU SI. Anna 'Chicago) may be of Interest .- nni.' 'Nai ihave seatintr accommodation for collected in the police court was NO INTEREST TAKEN flfl h. p. t-cyliudcr I cycle marine Dr. Ira S. Wile writing in fie For sale two besides the pilot ami will have engine. May he seen on at concerned, according to the report reiliral New.. New on. additional capacity for freight. of the chief which was pre IN BRITISH COMMONS ALBERTA DRUGGISTS application to Indian Office. eludes a discussion of !an"dry SILVERSIDES J.cn Hell, the well known engi- en led lo the. commission last MUST NOT SELL CAMERAS Hxchange Building. TVIephune hygiene w siiyin? that rt Ulack SIM lied ,iieer. is oi ine TherV or 57.1. If president company: evenin; were ten eases. LONDON. Mar. 21. All inf crest power laundry process "exposure DROS. Frank Foster, vice-president, and eight convictions anil a total of is temporarily gone out of the AFTER CLOSING HOURS .1(1x9 V4 Cabin Cruiser, hull only. to heat and the usual washing Frank Warren, the conductor, is '.Ml collected in tines. Or six House nf Commons proceedings, heavy built, suitable for log- r gents atono with mechanical Second Street treasurer. In addition there is n cases of intoxication only two feeling that nothing can happen gers. Coiild.be used for fish agitation, destroys the hardiest KDMONTON, March 21. In Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 strong board of directors. paid lines, Jhe remainder serving in doineslic politics until after the considering the special charier carrier, will sacrifice for cash bacteria" and that "Laundering Ihe optional jail sentence. There debate nexl week uu Ibe Genoa for the city of Kdmonlon, Ihe this week. Northern F.xchangc. appears to b an efficient hy WINNIPEGFAILS TO were two burglaries reported d urine conference. This lends lo make discussed gienic method of promoting Legislature al some the month ,one at Oration's members indifferent lo routine FOIl SALIC Brass bed complele. cleanliness without danger to length tin of hc keep question REDUCE TAX RATE store and thn other at Olier Hes-ner's business of the session. Patriot healer, two Axminster patrons or employees. This can ing open of drug slores i;i the bnixledliquor warehouse. sipiares. Fumed oak smoking net be said of the hand laundry." Metropole Hall Failure 'of School Board to, Cut Hread and coal weights wet-e, DIFFERENCE OYER eviyilngs.that drug II stores was finally might, decided be al- .stand and other household ef. . Tlte old bugbear of c ufariK'ia-llnn found to lie correct. feels. Phone I;recti 192. If has beep exploded. I;x;n: Salaries Given as Reason loweij In sell anything in lite eve The for the month failed t u-.d payroll inffsticalion has was LETTERS OF ALPHABET for High Millage. niugs except- cameras. FOIl. SALIC Team nf horses, for rent lo lodges or similar li2i and the cost of keeping weighing Il.'tno pounds wilh atni diseae producinsj g" an organizations. prisoners nl Okalla was 880. i. tiif. si fiiKsji: i:m nT or miitisu U"ithogens where ctolhins c WINNIPEG. Mar. 21. Winnipeg's SOFIA, Mai'. 24. Two members :oi.r.Miu i. H.t.tkiicixy' harness, drays and wagons. rf lax rate for 1922 not be Enquire al lCdson Coat Co. been exposed In a lernpera'u OFFICE SPACE can of the cabinet resigned yesterday n Tiir. mattcii or rnv. iu.xKnrf ri:v ' net less than 30 mills on the dollar FUR PRICES DROP result of differences in Hie or i.fk wo.vo, cKoiKiK riurj t'l(l. Phone S8. If IctO degrees fahr. or where 38 hy 21, healed, suitable for as a (Oil (IIA.V I'IC.k AMI, ti.Wft lave been washed al a eni. a-lure owing li'i the increase . of 250.(!On ministry over Ihe government's I f I .s I , iir.ii IMII. professional man, for rent. -ell- FOIl quick sale, pleasure launch 101 iU TAKK .MllICi: that a lUnkninlry a. dnw as -fahr., in EDMONTON AUCTION school hoard estimates, Mayor determination to eliminate three IIihi Ua Imvii pri-M-nird aKaliil you In tid "I.C.U"' iMdu cash. Boat at usinjr 'soap liberally Agents for Parnell slated. r.iiuri iiy keiiy noiivia 4. itinpany i.iiiuien, letters from the Bulgarian alphabet siewarl k Moliley I.Hulled and f. G. Iiau--011 Princo lluperl Itowing Club. These precautions ur- ' Norwegian American Line "I hoped strongly for It reduc-lion l.ijuliisl. nil of Prime Iihhti. II. 1:.. which. announced several KDMONTON. March 21.- Furs was Cow Bay. Apply P. 0. Box Y"': an 757, (Stir served in Swedish American Line and I In I Ilie CiMirt lias orderrd llul tlie proi'ess. of at least one mill on our are going down in price rapidly, weeks ago. M'lullnr nf a rrpy of Uie l'-IIUon toiri-lber city. If safely irus'l us wilh your w i n Scandinavian American lax rale this year, hut the school ultn a '!' or ine order and nouie or Line. as was evidenced by Ihe bids nljiiiiulMl service of Hie rtuUiii l,v ing problems. We will " board's answer lo our request for tendered at the fur auction held relo.ered rsil addresiwd 10 ysi In eare l'OH SALIC Kdi diamond SAMTMIV Was Troubled or .VI loir Sanr tunpaiiy, I'rlnre luierl. H. your elolhittg CI.FAN. Oliver a imi jn the estimates has wiped disc phonogrniih, good as new. Typewriters in the Northern Trading Company's ' and tlH- putdirailon fur one liuerlloii of and I'NDAM AiilCD by "j ' Cary Safes out any possibility of reducing iuia uoiu-ein a iiewsfiiiMr puoiisim-u hi Cost 1.H2.50. Will lake 90. fur warehouse," Kniib Oy :iljf or I'rlnee Uiirl .lull lie ilcpoieil chemicals the rate Ibis yeaK. Despite close Sholl's fur pack from the Fort With Her Liver li be sertire or Ilie I'fillioii. Order and 'I'o close estate. Phone lied FIRE INSURANCE Milling of city estimates, it will Mackay dish-id-was put-up for .oiier AMI iinon I I IITIII V4iii.II TUP. MITIi:K tlul tlie 073. r. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY be dillicull to bold the lax rale eald I'etlilon will le heard by Ihla Cimrl sale, and was purchased by the for over 4 months ji Uie Till day of April A H. IU at the Phone K down In last yrar's rale wilh Ibe A. CarrulhcrSi company; all Ihe our or iu:3u o rox k in ine roreiosm at FOIl SALIC Four room house, .Dybhavn & Hanson Ihe OMirt House. Prlnee IiuiktI. H. on cheap. Five minutes from additional revenue required for representatives of the city fur Kliirh ilny ou are reipilreil to apfiear and WlKn the liver become tlow, sturrKb school purposes," he said. 11 you 110 ihii appear ine conn may City Hall. ICasy terms. Phone Third Avenue houses being present, the bids mid torpid it u Dot working projierly adjudre you bankrupt and may make a ie- Black !.rl. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS being very close fn respect' lo and !' not. mippljr lumclmt bile to ri-lvlnr ordir airailisl voil III tour ah.eiii'e Prince on niieli proof or Ihe Rupert, B. C. niiieiiients lu ilm llsir'iiitrldy let in I lie lioweti md d BY-ELECTION TODAY figures. carry j'liiiion n 10c noun may ihuik sunjrieni. SI. Andrew's Sale of V'irit kit Hie ate products vt tlie aytteiu, The petition ran tie liispened liv yoii Mill SALIC Modern seven looiu An' The pack consisted of a choice Iwiire I lie lioweli becon clnvtrd up, tlie on applUallon-at my ofllre. house, ftiriiUlted. Phono Oreen Home Cooking, April 5, bupch of 'prjme winter skins bile aria Into the blood, ronntlriatlon tut ' , . "".V ...IT"' 'V 3r drew's Hall. Successor to Sir Donald McMaster ' ----- ui Mil rii ivrr. .122. 1170 Ambrose Avenue, 74 which il developed were sold at. In and liver troiible rollow, aioonr wtilclil , u, p, Vael.Koli, Is Being Chosen. prices Iwenly-five per cent -lower (water are 'Irk br tilllmu hea'dacbei, benrtburti,' , Herltrar In JiaukrijtV'. I'O 11 SALIC Hun sebotild fiuni-lure. Tho Ladles of the llya ,,ir: hrah, Jaundlre. noalliif tpecka t than those in at this i:ldn (or f linn, plrk, Work on'i vogue Apply 5J2S Ninth Avenue ple Sale or Taney TERRACE orp iuv rjpa, pain.. uur ' nr'li I'rlnre lliiiert, II. I'. LONDON, Mar. 21. The by-flerlion time last year. This Is considered shoulder. roaUI ',lie, b lirralb, f-liiw Fast. Phone 600. " 7,'i Home rooking Tuesday. l"'d In Chert sey caused Jiy by (ho fur men to illustrate eyes, etc. " ruiNcr. fit i'i.iir 1.AM1 nisrnii r PIS ! Ihe death of Sir Donald McMaster. the trend nf the limes and is re. MILBURN'S TIIUIT Of. fiUHT. tM;t; 5. FOIl SALIC Six hole Canada The Ladies AJd f '" I''i' FRUIT LANDS M.P., is taking place today. Sir garded as important, pointing to LAXA.LIVER TILLS Take ii'dlee that I, 0. r. Momupm, of Pride range. 33,0il. Phone lerlan Church will Imld a .llarain quickly remove die MCretlum, clear 111-ifiroi. p. 1... iiiuwr, inii-iM i. apply for a Philip Ilichardsou is the t'nionsl a further reduction, and Ihe away lirenM- to proeier for inal, lietroleuni and Oreen 107.' the erlete and m.le matter by aellna- April 2. naliiral ran on the r,,wiiik- desrribed candidate and Sir Hubert Hough, stabilizing of the fur (raile on a dirrrtly on tlie )er, and maklor tb bile IiihU; i:i,nuiMiielii al" a ii 1,U 11 1 i-d 11 FUrtNITimi: for sale. Suite : independent Liberal. national bfUs. pa UiioiiKti the bowrU Inttead (il allov-Iny chains immii It if ilie smiiimci corner of N'"v We have a select list of five and Lot 03T, llieuee soli Hi nil chattel. Ilk-ore Fmad Jllock. Phone IJlue ,1. Tim rtlin' Annual Faster II tu Kf Into the blsl, west 0 rlinlii. lUeiire Friday. len-acrc tracts of improved and .,nonii u rlwnn, 71 elty iiall in the? AudHorlum CARELESS OF HER. lr. Alir Nehill, Napanee, OntM thence ea ku liniln. jsuint of 11,10-iiiciiii unimproved fruit lands cjose lo MRS. LOTTIE HARVEY write: ft w 11 -very badly ruo down for U.. Uienl, r4ilaiiimt tl r'liM.i't'..,.CIO iu-re tnoie i.r April 21. town. Magistrate So you broke an over four irs.pllu.-. tried aeveral rente, . -.M VMiekU.11.w".,.i'i,ttrenf. F.LIT1C Cafe for sale, furnished diet, but yAt no reller. One day eomprele. Phono 173. If NOTtCC. nssrP DIES RESULT POISON toy I nr It is liuio to get laud umbrella An examlimiW.il lor Launch your now over your husband's liusbaud broutlil'rn borne t vial or Mil PlIIXfT IH'I KIIT I.AXn lilSTIIICT-HIS It. ... n will lield Vaiieouier. ",'.,. for this season's operations. head. What have ynu lo say? bum'a l.ais-l.lvrr l'lll. and before I bad ThICT or CiMST. HAXOK S. ITTIINITUHK for sale. Sulla 3 Mill U and at al Crlnen Ituiierl on M"?'!,;, ,,, Write us tor fre booklet on Iefcndaid--ll was a haccidenl, VICTOMIA, March 21. Mrs. uneil hair or It I wa intlrb Inlter. I wily Take tiollie uu , Uveuder Mmicktou. Kmad Block, OH Surceslful apl'llraulii and offered will be varan'V n the walllnv II.t ued two via In ami I tm different person f Terrace. H. if., married wonwu. Inieml Terrace and surrounding district. sir. Lollie Ann Harvey, afier con-veiing today. 10 apl'ly for a license lo prnspert-ror rpal hey isur, til order of merit.month. P,"'..T MagUlrat How cpuhj ij le wilh her husband wept to I ran lately reroimnend Laia-I.lver prtio deirrrlbed eiioi and lands:luiliiial ffiiiiiisncinir ka .11 Ilie n f..lUiliiK FOR WENT" allow salary anie for l inlala u.n when tr away fi"'"ua.Z KENNEY BROS. & CO. an nr.chU?nt;f the panlry and drank Jyspl and rills to anyone troubled itu liver plauted it (limn. mtli of the n,iiii,cIi uuanera. rlslmr to lluo.OO kervtre.i r muul W tiiiublc.'i enruer of Ut I0J7. lueiw svulb nil rhaiua TO HUNT FtirnJfcheil room. oiie yeir1 alUfartory "ilia""-d Jvfendaiit ll, I 'ad iio in. died fur bourn later. She Jiwd ttience ral tu rruiu.. tbiiic tuMlisr lnfrtoi.mli.il ran t leniion nf thn ITlre, tic t vial at atl dHer, nr mailed rlililllR.. IL.-IU-S IkSfcl .HO sl.Ul..u uojtli........ .b- Steam heated. Board, f desjr. an appllralion to the follnwlnir. & umbrella. Real Estate Insurance Brokers breaUing at ZiihO I,ydia Street... She Jeavcs ' - M,.,, W Cldef toresler. Ictmia, H, C- " ' dirrrl rui reielpt of price by Tb" T. Mil-burn niiiMoMiceioent. containing b0 jici-J.. lAnie ed. Home Cooking. Norfolk .i..... a ... tu...,.,,s, s Tho Passlri? Show two small children, Co Miulted, Toronto, Ont. orieaa. .AVfX.Kh tlOrkfo. oi- ri.irsiri, s.i. lii.llirl Hultl. f. At. Noiickloii, Aient. ltor;ns. Phono Black 32l, If t'ebruary t'oretler,Jtl, ivti.I'rlti'