fndny. Majrrl) 31. 1022. TH1 DAIUT HfSWB - PAQE STT Sport Chat j In the Letter Box irmr Tlio tflkg are arranpins In lake DAYLIGHT SAVING. rhnrjre nf the Virlnria Day rele-trillion in I'rinee. lluperl on May Anyox. U. MACDONALDS 21. The rmnoiillee, ennslMlthgr ICdilnr Ialy News: nf W. ". Ilnberse, j,.n Mpjind Tim Xpws has fnr kOiiip lime Half ili V. i. l.opiii,s appointed In past iidvnpnlc.l rp.iirlin;r In day 1 make iri'liiiiiiiiii-y nrrnnjremenl, Ijshl savinr and advane'd nrjru-ippnls lias already inlerviewed Hie Fair lo su.lain 111 vipws. Hp. Cut Brier Assorjaliiui !in, aslul, ppniiH. pause Hip .pw. ririyilalcs hpj-ond ion In use Jf. AyrifMiliui-jjl Mall the confinp. nf I'rinpp Itunprl free of rliuryp in pctiiiipplinn w'flli and as such virus ts of n liiihlv MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY lli" pripp.'(liiitfs. ijirt m.X ;,.p inrpplious charanlpr tlio discus Will lie In liavp Ihe cily pjiiiheir sion or me .siitijeci helonK lo When sranl I he use of Ihe Arrnpnlis. anyone. Comes Baby Hill spoils jfimin.l for Hip. oe-oasinn. In view of opinions p.vprcsxcd Alllinush arrari'PniPiriK Ihereiu, il would he inlereslinfr XT T HAT a joy to met by Dr. Chase's Nerve are Mill in Hie fnniiallvp slufie lo know why any" place apart YY mother's heart when Food. il i.H planned m hav a baseball from ancouvpr should sci up baby comes! What Mrs. Wm. Woods, Cold- frame between Anyox and I'rinr.e. flrlWiojjn Ijine, wlieii liy- snfdoln a relief after months of water, Ont., writes r "After lluperl, frmlball Karnp and a il would ennriict wilh slahdard ' the birth of my baby I was liia: carnival- in Hip hull, There Hiiip as used hy lralisiorla(ion anxiety arid nerve strain! 10 run down, nervous and could will also probably lip gpnrls and pompanlps. Cunniii? savpr.s in Mother is happy and ex not eat sr sleep, jumping at niees for Hip ynunjrslers. lieriu- the past have persislpiilly spread to-,b and the least noise. Dr. Chase's - Canada's Best Buy -THE pects soon strong ilc anuouiieeiiienls wliitiiM Ae the reporl lhal when ti, rail road well again. Nerve Food built me up and niiMipninlHH- in Dip very npar V changed from wlulpr. lo lhal of ECONOMY made me strong and well fill Tiro. package But frequently reaction sunmiev, j mean) c'lock manipu-lalion sets in, anil when the excitement again." The final whisl fip as. par) of il policy. si Mrs. David Logan, Thor-burn, g-auips. is over she is left weak twppn a.H lo furnish an i'xeuse foi N.S., writes: "A the Valhalla Ladies and and,limp arid'does not seem Hip ulfifil ilijx (hp fad and. iimoppMls friend of mine whom I went Valhalla Met phamjiirms. ir to build up the way she hai hPeii known In fall fqr the Hip Ladies' should. to see after baby was born . and Men's Whisl I'llSI told me he used Dr. Chase's LeapilP respppjivel)-, n decide HP fortunate the mother who Nerve Food all through the cily chainpionsliip . nn, lhi pos-spssifm Leisure. Oiie day aiid halt and in. has at hand the kirully nurse u expectant period end attributed or Hie Hylihavu :up, ror Is npcossary, his pprsnnal libpr- clusie if holidays Jon, out of or attentive friend to tell her her wiU good condition and 22. Tip playrd in IIie".r?.-rnpolp Hps heinff infringed dife not allow much leis are upon: M how Dr. Chase's Nerve Food seven, splendid baby to its use." llll npjfl Tuesday -c-nitif. ure it JsHue, for Ihosp who in a .nianiipr svhich p.oncprns will her this help at critical 1'hp time. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 inepliiifr will he an makif iilpiisuiP-seekinfr (lie chief himself alone, and which if he Lumber Lath cents a box. All dealers, or orillnary nine same nlateh and aim of,life.'Ycl Hip world to-day has any righls, lie alone should & Now more than ever the Edmanson, Bates & Co.. Hip winijprs of Hip five or more lakes; a.jTTffpretil view, anl complains deride. mother reouires the assistance Ltd., Toronto. gamps will Im the champions. Look for portrait hilt(irly of Hie eivfoiced In 1910, this Issue was raised of a blood-forming, tissue-building, and signpturp. of A. W. The leains are as follows: leiKUrp In which il is siihjeclpd. and fought to a finish in parlia Shiplap-Boards and nerve-invigor Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt alhall ! I.adies Mis. Olof This provinep lips hplwepn itip ment al Ollawa, and decisively ating treatment; and these Book Hansen, Mrs. O. .. .lohnson, Mrs. author, on the (01 h and Mill parrallfls of north di'Tcaled,- and Ihe railroad man-ageniPnls requirements are admirably box you buy. K. llallher, Mrs. (ieorsp I'rilz, laliludp. The leijyiirof Ihe day wpre givpn a lesson Dimension Mrs. M. Japohspn and Mrs. A. lhal has nol been forgolipu. iii in the north is summer Lindsay. so Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Oovor lnii that -il seems monotonous. I'll is should seltle Ihe queslion Valhalla Mpii A AkPrhprft, h, bul il basn'l and Hie fad has enlivened liy rpal aeliwr il be-i'iiiiip.h ICven jiow, daylight, afipr Ihe sun WILL REDUCE nf adilcil interest. Sain O.Myhhavn,I,.arsen'"7)f K. Uaijliprp.Slejravifr,and ,lpji?r John crossps is Hip meriilian (at nooni dpvploppd In view inln of Ibp a fad niailia.lhal Ihis is Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding WimjiI directed, I.iirna Morin wr,ole much over an hour "niorp than Xplshn. urn A. i.evmn adapted the before il reaches- fhal poinl. Iip higliPst lawmaking Inidy in and Finish The dplay.in letlitiii this series POLICE FORCE!- Canada, it would be inleresling whici shows, lhal Ihe day ac-rnrdiiifr. iry. II - lias In do will) two played- off lias lu-en on apcoitut lo know by wiial authority any wmnen who Ifivp the .samp man, a of UliiPss in tin I" slaiijhird tiiue..is ovor ranks of the SPRUCE LATH organiPil "brtdy (eilliPr hy direct sefsnililicing who hives ' balancpil in lh" ilirecllon of'lhp friend Iwo-tearus. - I Two Officers Are Given Notice i iillc nf Hip women ;,ml ulm heln : aflprnoon, Ypt lle "ecceulricilips Ifgislatvie melhods or oilier. Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices fop April i Doard Against his friend In win liPr even npninsl The I'renpli may know liltle of Hip savpr prouiji.t hii)i'ln makp wise; has the nghl in. fnisi this Wage Reductions Now. his own chance of happiness. ahoul poir,- hul tlipy have not, il further lopsided, and Ihose frealiish measure on a coinmun- muph In iParn who clamor for ily over which it may preside. ahoul Hip dayli?ht-sain?, InslCad nf i-iiliiiio- il,n ni,.ial ''' ' spiriieu polo triiiuo an.l playin? 1). .1. HI U.1VAX. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. f Hip Hip " 'alitir accident during its of ru?hy fiolhal, says Hip Man-rhpstpr under such circuiiislanpps. officers., mission has divided pij,.,. com- l'rov-re. It i a real picture wilh liuarillan; if M. Ilriand should be regarded wilh amiisp- Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Hint I lip llinuh lhal Hip' nipnl if not LOW TEAMS 'AT famous polf-nialcli suspicion. TWO I force will hp rodliccd J.y Iwo nipn r,'!" I"'"!'"' ' l,n" l ' "n"'1- al (JanitPs yas a deep-laid The Real Saver. pffpplivp ni A;.ril 1 and, in ,.. -".V sia.-u. The rpal savpr.is. WHIST PLAYED OFF plo in jihn.ke his nerve hp slmuld invariably . j oiunui r wiiii iii.ii iii'i'iMiiiii i .mi. ' have countermined wi.lli a rur'hy one who can Pomply-wilhe.lhe law f lor sl.dilpsltuiiriip ,-nd Timer, juu. PREST TO LAND tpam galhprpd roiii Itip fiix hp advnpalps, by advancing Hip Elks' Men Defeated St. Andrew's QUALITY CLEANLINESS nf the members, fore", ni. t playprs nf SouliiPrn France. On cIock-linK1 wille by reason of ln t Ladies Refreshments Folr i"olififuh.)v (heir service ;alurday, al Twickcnhain, on our his circumslaiicps. can evempl 'It's Better when Baked by Electricity" truay tint he required attei- that NEAR SMITHERS nativp .soil and hy our donipslic himself from Hip incoiivpniPiiPPs lowed Playinn of Games. dap. In I(id meantime and hc-fnre hearth, where victory is assum and hardships Us operation in- the reduction pp,me,s i.ilo ed and not . disruspd. Hip flicls nn,others. The numerical The SI. Andrew's ladies whist Gold Piece effect u special , drive is o be Frenchmen'.drew. make inferiority of Hlis classics ad- li'am ainl Hm Klks' gPiillempii, $5 $5 Las Airman Intends may Vegas to made by Hie Fly police oYpnrluieut lowest team in Hip Ladies' and This Year From Auburn, up our minds tn il; Hi(. day -is millPd, bul ils policy is 6iiforcpd GIVEN AWAY nsainsl i hp 'drus irnffie in the .Men's whisl leagues respccl ively, New York. fasl eoniili? when the I'rpncli lhiT(iii?li and by lhe: aid of salPl-lljes oily. will do hPller 'than inakp a ippre "o who in. paii'jie aeprpdiled played ciff in,the Klks' home last A $5 GOLD PIECE will be placed in our "The whole jnalter or reorganization Further night to decide which would be MILK BREAD on FKIUAY information rpyardinj,' draw. The' French, and espe Ihe jsubversion. xf (he liberties QUALITY or and possible wave-reduction the'fliillit wtiirh C. O. I'resl. Hie cially I he Soul hern French ari nf Hip iipojIp and pulhrojipineiii Ihe lowest in Hie city. 'Nip Klks SATURDAY wa.i-'iveji full discussion l.as Veffus, .evada, aiiiiniu, who well pijuiiippd for Hie ramp. The" of special jirivitep-p pverywhprp. won Hip match so Hip Spoil isb TRY A LOAF and TRY YOUR LUCltl al Hip meeting, I'niniuissionpr whs here with his machine '"Pol have a liveliness and impelu I'his fad is ..uppiirTed by a proup Indies got Ihe consolation. Macdimald .iaid (hat he was absolutely The players were: Ask Your Grocer for Electric Bread. ; ar- llttir" lal fall,, iulPiul.s In a swift i-psponsp of arlinn lo nf orsanized tiiinorilips in cities opposed In any reduc- make litis.summer In Siberia lias lliouyhl that would always make (Overlords) Hip rpal diclalnrs St. Andrew's .Mrs. J. I,. I.pp, Note We will cjve $6.00 in cash for tfte lion now as he fell thai Hie Mule r,.at,,,., k. ,.iy. IIipiii hard lo heaU Hul whereas nf puhlip policy;. The Yanpnti-pr Mrs. V. Sandison, Mrs. .1. (am return of the Gold Piece.. was '"oppijrjiiiip ft' livinpr coslsi This AyiaUir l'rpsl will lis has hepn nion, Mrs. Mcllobbie, Mrs. V. . I .. year one wuulil suppose t lint I hey frpijupntly published I. ..J i - I It Electric Bi nan noi ciiiuiu uiiwu Miiiiciemiy hlnrt from Auluirn. New York, Jn-slpad were hy Ipuipprainenl sprinlrr.s. in Hie press of ihat cily, ItPid and .Mrs. .1. M. Simpson. wijl pay you to buy end La poinpared Willi 10M In war- riliiiit Klks V. CHI hilly, ti. Anderson, nf Mexico. Tim will well I.,..., .., . i Ihpy are also linlahle slayers; In us as slatcniPnls e.mnnalin? ; u i : I ..i i ii...i coninipiirp in TMiril or May and actual Irack-alhlrlips Ihpy havp from that srujire dealinir . wilh W. W. Knighl, W. Mcl.Piid, V. Ii in? pnsU were O.'l pfppnl Prince Hupeii slmulil hp reached had somp' of Hie JipsI runners ind outlining Ihe niellioils where. Ilpjd and C. Waddell. Electric Window Bakeries liiglipp today llian Ihpy were in hy .Iuiip. Instead if Ilazellon il at Hip Ion?, if not I lie on?Pst iy coercion should be applied in l-'ollowing Ihe playing of Hip 10H and inerenKP would he is propose,! to laild al Sniilliers dislanees. hihli'i'il to sPcurn compliancp games, ihe nipmbprs nf Huv lloyal "Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" more In line than iinIui4 ioiix. and Mr. PrPiSt has already roin- Iherewilli. fiucl diclum should Purplp whisl tcairi surprispd the I lilll suih liyip as these costs InUnial fit 5H' Un (own council D. D. M'KENZIE MAY grille i.i poii i he pars of al least players wilh Hip sprviug of iIp. VALUE Phone 667 SERVICE amp down ponsidprahly he would ! ,,.,.,. wj, Jfe-I" oMainliijr a snrnp parents who woyld Iip Iolh light ful refrpsliments. not he willinsr lo consider wage . ,,,,,,. landln? idace Two sites SUCCEED LANGLEY n shirk the rpsoonsilMlily of nils. II was worth al lens) Io;,avo hwi n,cinmpndpd, onp -al proleelhiK llielr off-spi'ins SONS OF ENGLAND l.ercpul more In work in I'm ' Hip Rosenthal A Deyoiu farm and ; Orr-WVA. March The Ap-piiinlmeul iaipsl (he caprices of maniied unpen man in. uiiinr rim-. as (h(, 0.,.r ,,u the Ou on ntapp. of .'ii successor to Ihe urpi'd. GUESTS OF ORANGEMEN FIRE! FIRE! far as Dip iiucslJnii ffencrally was Mr. ITi-st is lirinsinR wilh lilm late .liide l.antfley, of Nova Personal Rights. ''incprnpd ho HiOukIiI Ilia' tliff Ihis year in his one man biplane Scol;i, sui,-iMiie court is being-discussed Tm priiicijdPs upon which thU -alariPH of pilyniplnypps should which is smaller than the 1'olar in political circles and ovprnoienl rests, and in I henry Whist Orlye and Dance Last The lire inspertors have been round nnd wo knhw Just what remain as Ihey were and Hip Ilpar anil suitulite for lauding it is uudPi'slood Hint he nppoinlt-. at least supjiorls,- is Hiu reeng- Night proves to Be Enjoyable you need tn proteet your walls, partition and eellintrs. firoppfly owners should hear Hip nn shorici- fields, a pomplPtp iiiimiI will probably fall lo lon. nitjon and prolectioii of Hie cili- Event. We make ASH BARRELS and everything for your protection cost. moviiii.' pn-iure oiilfil. I). I). MeKenzii', solicitor ppneral icn iii iis individual rights, in against fire. (JornmissMn'ij tyiixjkley vyas of who lias nigh) I lie Sous uf Img. previously ieen inen-linned mat tern that uffecl bin) alone. I.asj the opinlonUliid 'lIip whole mailer for Hip vacancy and who,1 and in no way conflict witl.r Ihe laud W'Pre guesls of the I,oval Rowe's Sheet Metal Works should Jip llirashed out hefore THE COUGH il is understood, would no! he public welfare por inujurily in.r Orapgp Lodge t(it n whisl drive an arhilralion -l.oard before the with that aversp lo accejilins Hie position Iprpsis. WIipii condiliiins aro and iaiu'e in Ihe .)elropole Phone 340 police poiiuuisijoii look any ne-linn afler the piul of Hie present srss, ; imposed upon li i m. coippolliiiK rooms, , ypry ei.ijoyatile liinr ulnns thj.tjjlue. TicklishSensation ion. him lo arise an liour earlier thai) was spent and the parly disners Mayor Jtochp!1!- staled thai he ed a i a.m. The cmii mil lee in would prefer reducing Ihe staff charge ponsjsled of I). .Vlmiru A llitle tlrkllnff.ln the ihroit; now ind The best in town ivpr ci)ltin warfps Jnu sonie-' chairniaii, lJiank Ifaugh, Ales Ithcn dry. liackliif couriy you "m 11 M. T. LEE hinwr must he donp for the city a lint Imrt cniiurb to bother iboui, uui Mcllae, am Frank .ldri.cli. oa,l reapliPd Hip limit.. Uvery haik ii,nke t tawji In tl )-j In charge uf the ipfieslinienls n tn,. Mraiiis Ihe uufi and prepare! Hie I was a cominillee nf ladh-s eon tidies' & Gentlemen's Strand fur more terloua trouble. uay Uistinif of Mrs. Haugh, Mrs. War "DONT TELL EVERYTHING" INav waDy people nave lout a fcooJ TAILOR n..,... liu il.u, imutv tlrkllnr. Irrl. rior, Miss Lilian Warrior and IS AT THF WFSTHOLME '""' 8natl in Hie mroatr The dry, Mrs. W. Uei.il, Fit Guaranteed Cafe Arthur's orchestra provided yu (tii tip In the riinmhiir you feel as ir - TT I tie music. A Real Picture With Real People iu iiud M no reu at u. Third Avenue, opposite P. O. In It Is Description of Play. NORWAY PINE SYRUP PRESENTIMENTS. Phone Red 136 All White Help. ihe ivmt'dy you require to Hop The Is Just spirit of. Hie-outdoors is Itmt Irriutlnr. lltkllui courli on account 0viden in Kvery-MiinR." yinjiig nuillicr vita pinndly "Jiiin'i Tell .,f lu noolhliiK, Imalliiir and eipectoryit which will . ) Iip atlrac IH'oprrllea. m pxhibiling her Iwiil babies lo a For your next Night Phones W. G; Steen, 371 iu Innlght ul- the esthplme Mr. P. Johnson, Port Albernl, B. C, f fii'i,i'l who bad been married on n. ()ngwi, ciue iU 'I'liPiilip. de- wrliea: "I have suffered Tor yeara, on I ie same day. Day Phone B J. js,n. I'uraiiinunt wIMi a tickling- eourh.. 1 could Shoe Job ind ure and priii)ueed wilh Hie usual not on.1ct'P nltrlit and hud lo alt up In bed And (Jo ynu kn)ivy; ile.'MV" she Repair STEEN 8 LONG WILL 'ii ellenee. lhal charai lejies lo ret relief. In raet, I counhed o I u1! said. "I had a prnseutiuienl 1 Ilieso offeiintfH;..Tho notahleiliiiiK lo vomit. 1 tiled dUTertiit Uocor' pre-crlplloiia would hijve twlp girls, because try Sheet Metal Worke "f until Jieard of lr- Wood'i I lie day we Were manic,I Ihe eiiijrse Irf tho conibiivallon nf tried It uud found, J. C. EMERTON ftorway'flne Kyrup..l Agent for McCUry Furncaee Litlln pianist kepj playing "JVu H'ullip-p ItK nloiia and Swaniwu the (irt mat rnrr arivr I fad mieu " Chapipon Shoe Repair Shop 1'lli'dt Dexr i Jlie piclure, holllw aiid have not been troubled Unce. (irU tn Itluul' Sanitary and w,'ih in ilsplf is nsupeii(ir at-Jracllcii,- I than alwaya keep It In Ihe houe." wtieu 'Valla RjjW, Gloria. $yan?n ad EUiott Daxtcr "flood tieaveiiK."'iixelaiiiied her Etna nipclf, Tli.ird. Avenuf Wood'a" a Ce iu're" and ret "Dr. Paramount Picture J.Vont Tell fl'iPH IUiny PlJe, "Wheii I 6tb Street end '"raaer Street UiitijylitD. IbfW la ynu ask fof I'rlr'i sc m. " tiu; Every thlnJ' yas iiurried the pianist played "Repairs while you wait" Prince fiuptrt - B. O. arftejy storjv h tiinala id" fabriefl-lloiu Tha T. Mllburn Cq., bniilei iut up only by Htarriug tonight at the Weslholmye Theatre. Ten Utile Nigtser Hoys'I" and a lot of good situations Liuilted, Toronto, 0t.