t " te! oe vd ; ne of g PAGE FOU Throw OFF That COLD! Some men and women fight colds all winter long. Others enjoy the protection of Aspirin. A tablet in time, and the first symptoms of a cold get no further. If a cold has caught you unaware, keep on with Aspirin until the cold is gone. Aspirin can't harm you. It does not depress the heart. If your throat is sore, dissolve several tablets in water and gargle. You will get instant relief. There’s danger in a cold that hangs on for days. To say nothing of the pain and discomfort Aspirin might have spared you! All druggists; with proven directions for colds, headaches, neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism. , ASPIRIN TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA 8 be BAYER E R Not More Than 00 PAINT BRUSHES GIVEN AWAY FREE This Week One With Every Purchase of PRATT & LAMBERT’S “61” Paint, Varnish or Enamel Touch up the kitchen set or see our Nite Tables, Magazine Racks, Etc., $1.00 to $1.75 BROKEN WINDOWS—Call us, we will reglaze it in a few minutes.—Phone 3 KAIEN HARDWARE (C0. : en | MacKenzie’s Furniture $125.00 Chesterfield Suites— pedroon Suites—b pieces ee $100. 00 oe End er ie $2. 50 Bed Springs, Bed Mattresses, English Baby ahi Linoleum by the yard and Linoleum Rugs, all and patterns. MacKenzie’s Furniture — Phone 775 sizes Early Ad. Copy is appreciated HALLOWE'EN “(CITADEL | IS DEDICATED ite Captain Acton Officiates at | - CELEBRATED |Usk Baseball Club Staged Delight- ful Masquerade Dance Last | Friday Night USK, Oct. 25:—The Hallowe’en masquerade held last Friday eve-/dication of a fine well attended by enthusiastic sup-| recently by Sta | porters from Terrace, Copper City | Acton of Wrangell, divisional com- Army for Northern Yukon, | and yellow assisted by prominent natives of \colors, with owls, black cats, witches, | the village and district. It marks a ere and goblins peering at one very important improvement in the| jning by the Usk Baseball Club was|Army Citadel here was conducted ’ ew and other points. ° | the proverbial black from any and every corner effected ja genuine Hallowe’en atmosphere. ; winners: | Victorian Lady. | Senator THE DAILY NEWS Opening of | | KITZEGUCL }mander of the The hall, artistically decorated in| British Columbia community. | The proceedings commenced with | During the masked parade theja parade from the United Church | ‘following were selected as the prize|to the new citadel at the Acton, ton and D. L Kitzegucla Hall— Many Visitors A, Oct. 25 new Salvatior Captain Josepl and “the Wells of Kitwanga —The de- | door of which the dedication was conduc- | | Miss Betty Anderson as a young|ted. After speeches by Staff Captain! Chief Thomas Mrs. Roberts as an old fashioned | Haseltin, Chief Spokque of Hazel- | Campbell of | CUT RATE SHOE STORE Prices Guaranteed 35% Less 4 We have just received a big , shipment of Children’s Footwear |} Also three-quarter length rub- ber boots for ladies and misses. Be sure you see these before buying. Cut Rate Shoe Store | | M. Anderson as a Scotch soldier.|Chief Stephen Morgan handed over | Enjoyable Cinderella J. Tennant, representing a stork | with its infantile bundle, was un- ;animously acclaimed the most no- jvel and original character of the | evening. At midnight a bountiful supper jwas served by members of the ‘club. The five-piece orchestra poured forth its jazz till the early hours of ‘ee morning. Much credit for the success of )the evening was due Mrs. Carl Brac- |ken and Mr. Bracken, captain of the Baseball Team. Mail Schedule the East— For | | Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30 am From the East— Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- | day : 9 p.m. ‘or Vancouver— Tuesday 12:30 p.m Thursday 9 pm Friday 11 pm October 3, 12 and 24 p.m | | from Vancouver— Sunday ...... ides. Se Weanesday . 9:30 a.m Friday bi p.m October 8, 20 and 29 a.m |For Stewart and Anyox— Sunday . 7pm Wednesday 3 p.m From Stewart and Anyox— Tuesday ........... 11:30 a.m Thursday 8 p.m For Naas River and Port Simpson— Sunday 7 pm | Trade in Your | Old Pen on a new Parker or Water- man. We can allow you from $1.25 to $2.50 on have no matter what con- any pen you dition it may be in while this drive is on. The old pen is as good as cash and we have a fine selection just now. _JOHN BULGERe JEWELLERS LTHE STORE WITH THE CLOCK a key of the new building to Ser-! Dance on Saturday By geant Major Arthur McDames who, | Sons of N orway Lodge | in turn, tendered it to Staff Cap-| el 8 tain Acton. : | About forty persons were present Before opening the door, the di-|4+ an enjoyable Cinderella Dance visional comm: The service Woods, speech galdo of Hazel son, Glen Vowell a Mendum of Meanskinisht, and Kitselas. Refreshment Sam Jabour week's trip to | business, | the smelter to this morning. building to the Then the congregation marched in- |, to the building, Forward, Soldiers.” included another Captain Acton, hymns, songs by the Kitzegucla brigade, fred McDames Wale, speech by Capt Major D. Williams visitors from Kis dies of the Army returned ander worship of God Singing “Forward inside on) ’ c > - ‘ . | $010 by Jame 5 Staff Captain Joseph Acton, divi- | by Chief Gitdim- sional commander of the Salvation | ton, solo by William nd speech by Hazelton Capt Glen Vowell Kitwanga, pnliox plox Ss were Home League who has been o1 Anyox on insur wn on the dedicated the the building address by Staff} tne speech by Al- R. Tomlin- speech by Ensign Parkson of Sergeant welcomed the Hazelton served by la- ance to the city from Cardena held Saturday fellows’ Hall by the Sons of Norway sige. Accordion music was fur- nished by Julius Welle and John Fredehim was master of cere- monies. Harry Hanson presided at door, Dancing was in progress from 9:30 p.m. until midnight. Army for Northern British Colum- bia and the Yukon with headquar- ters at Wrangell, returned to the city on the Cardena this morning after paying a visit to the corps at Port Simpson. He was accompan- ied by Captain Ruby Steele, local commandant JONES Blue Ribb 3-lb. pkg (With ez or Sail free } Coffee Ha 1-lb | Nabob Ext: 4-o0z. bott (Lem Bleached R 2 Ib 18 — P | 317 and 31 Special mo $4.15 Mn pkg ne pepper iker, silver plated ) ’ dC ° 34¢ ic n Or Vanilla) ns Oe MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store Where dollars have more cents hones — 360 9 Third Avenue Market j oe s —_—— 25¢ Shoulder Lamb, 5 lb I tin Braid’s Coffee BLeOO Covenient t Special m Rooms Hotel ( First Avenue Hotel Central Ltd. business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. Rates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. FIRST CLASS: CAFE Open at All Hours nthly rate for and Meals ‘entral Ltd. & Seventh Street Wher cotet:): (MBO ot Se 4 lbs. & 50¢ a ee ee ae S Raciggi. 30¢ ews 50¢c See 25¢ ae 45¢ T-Bgne Roast, 4 Ibs. & 1 Cross & ~ape T ey yew ee ! 957 — Phone — 957 Re Te eS Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 Steamship Sailings) “T]LLIE THE For Vancouver— TOILER” A Job Half-Done night in the Odd-| Family Meat RESOLUTION ~ TS ADOPTED City Requests Prime Minister to Bring Silver Question Before Conference Having been redrafted since last meeting by Mayor Orme and City Solicitor Jones and certain unde- irable features of the original draft eliminated, Ald. Casey’s re- solution requesting Prime Minister R. B. Bennett to bring the gold and ilver question before the forth- coming world economic conference was unanimously adopted by the city council last night The resolution expresses the be- lief that Some fundamental reason exists for the present depression and cessation of production and requests the upon the advisa- th employment and Prime Minister to impress economic conference’ the bility of carefully iz lve 7, of siivel ind | i “| quiring int of relation gold in re-| gard to monetary System and possible, establish a fair ratio be- tween the two metals | : i a | Mrs. Haakon Selfjord and child] |will leave on tomorrow morning’s| train for Halifax where they will! embark November 5 aboard the steamer Gripsholm for a visit to oe native home in Norway | cee Vesna % Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS — 7 angs Feature starts 7:40 ang a ADMISSION — ix 44 ————___| OUT OF THE AIR DRAMA — ROMAN HEARTACHE “ARE YOU LISTENING With William Haines, yy Evans, Anita Page, Kare Morley, Neil Hamilton, y lace Ford Back of the Scenes ina Broadcasting Station Comedy—“HARUM SCARY Sportlight— “OLYMPIC TALENT’ METRO NEWS WEDNESDAY & THURSDA ‘TWD AGAINST THE Wor WEDNESDAY REVIVAL “THE CUBAN LOVE soyg: «t's OF INTEREST TO WOMEN —We are repeating, for a limited time only, the offer of a British-made, 13’ aluminum cooking spoon for the retura of only 30 Oxo Cube Red Wrappers. OXO Limited, St. Peter Street, Montreal ‘ TEN TO ONE = _} HRRSCING | Jasper Hard Coal = — " wan EGG—Per Ton .., $11.50 MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton ..... 12.50 JASPER LUMP—Per Ton 12.50 Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 The Fish which made Pisses Rupert Famous “Rupert Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. —By Westover. Tuesday— “6, Cardena 1:30 p.m. [SOo% : NIG WT to are VAT SE j THANKS | MR. WISE 18 A a BUT, " \LL NEVER ae Thurs.—ss Prince Rupert, 10 p.m 1 HOPE ITLL Be PERFECT GENTLEMAN TILLIe SPEAK TO you Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaiae 10 p.m, | 4 | xoun Se | OnAy Gon ge you ne HE sae AGAIN UNLESS Ss. Catala midnight | 3 BET TER im 7% BLACKEN je 100 a GO BACK ’ ‘ a WHEN Wwe AND APO 2E Oct. 24—ss. Prin. Norah p.m. IN THE HIS EYE AME BACK ‘ LOGIZE From Vancouver— y MORNING RXR, ee “TO “THE OFFKE ? wt, {V om ¢ Sunday—ss. Cardena p.m | aha ; WO bES? APTER BEING |) 47 7 | WAY Wed.—ss, Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m aad Ye AWAY - b+ i | 1 pe jp GIVES MEA ee { Friday—ss. Catala p.m. | Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Oct. 17—ss. Princess Norah a.m. | Oct. 29—ss. Princess Norah a.m.}| For Naas River and Port Simpson— | Sunday—ss. Cardena 8 p.m. | From Naas River & Port Simpson— Tuesday—ss. Cardena ....11:30 a.m. 1g King Features Syrv vdveate, Inv Grea Britain Fig) —t4 carved For Stewart and Anyox— , Sunday—ss. Cardena 8 pm | PAIN Fy | SMOKED BLACK COD i Prepared Daily By Brand’ HEY: Wiss Guy 1 YOST CAme BACK TO SAY I'M SORRY \ DION'T BLACKEN BoTH Your on ae) EveS J y) CONTIN ET — “