pA'nn robn THE bAII.Y NEWS M.'Milnv Juim.vv in ',j2v"' RINGING UP FATHER "r- ' .'' " ' -':y - By George McManus the te throat, chetL, and lung I colJ. reiiitlnr. When a natty cold or a coughing bout'foretelli the revival cf your old bronchial trouble, the best thine to do it to-take Peps at once to strengthen und PK0TE th chest. When a Pepi tablet il II i a Ixtl rtATvwr srnvicc. Inc. J.y "ft II taJten from lit preserving silver I e X Wrapper and allowei to dissolve (tithe mouth, it give off powerful u - wj medicinal and" germicidal fume WORKSHOP AND Do Your Bowels J 11 -r ia rr thai- immediate! circulate with move regularly, or do they; News Classified Ads. ism the breath through all the air. Daily HOUSE BURNED TIMBCR (Alt k.MST. passages, and trov"'any.ermi become constipated ' 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad rllmenl Tnkrn for Leaa than BOc sesien leniiern vtnr be rna.i that have Into X tot . ( nreler, ITIgre ttHISrt. .lit ..r Fritz Schulti' Place Suffered Thrre Is lyi mrdlimi Ihrouiti hlrli IS., f'.r Uw iiurrMr ..1 J if if v Loss of $2500 Covered by rtlM- v otxrn stU'ks the rytlrm ss LJ WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. near! rut mhiiii I i" .mo eiMl tourtl IU (jkr.reel irf Kllsle.Mar, Insurance. stliiwinir Ihe Irawrls to N"roini cHsWslPd, mi .lime I:' no h r first Iriii in snd thre ts no other Irutibl Hist nesh s 1 1 in. .Al.i.t i vi. r..,. KXPKHIKN V. I; I) In-csKinutrr SI.AIH-: STKVK.NS. grndunte piano 4 nie year will br all.iv 4 fmr holr tn that is nimre Uatile to I nrrlTlfd. - ttishe tM-wmst at lmme. Apply lunei. At )i'iuiy Allen I lorn-puny ir I III,f pini'-iilsr irf the liner I . wan specially built. It i nostrils and throat. At the time' The simp ami resilience nf I)i'ii1 matnriat Inponvenlfiic may not be rt;:t Sixth .Ucnuc Kai. ! .i.irc. Third Avenue. Vii'Hirn (in. I I'lH I, r Si Hint she will iie in nut--' n Frilr. hulU, Ihe'hnndymau, wa rell, at oure. fnun Irrrrtilar artkin of the cotn-tnand I'h..iii- Iilin- I .Hi. if time the sore, inflamed membrane jiulteii by fire which broke oul bowrls, Wlien there Is not n-rular anion or Capjnln Slater, Ilie senior O K.N Kit A I; Sei-iuil wanted. Apply nmaa act." it toothed, healed, and protected, yesterday afternoon ill 2 nVloek. ine rflenllon or the. deriyed and flTrl skipper of lli'i service. Willi Mrs., l.irt Klfih Avfitue fiOATS FOrt HIRE Ceetlflut l imtmeu. matter, with It Hl.toiyui ffn. soon phlegm ii released from the'brcm The alarin was sent in In Uie fire poisons thr'nljole sy-trm by b!nr sb Hie (rip of (lie rlures l.mii.e KAsl. If 0O.MI.Nfi. iTuneh I (OWN "Nar-bethong" 50Tir:. chiali, breathing ii made ekiy, department by. box It ami when corht'd into It, rsu'tnr vlnlrnt slrk and the summer service of the (1. I' wa.Ullr ta. Minenl ruiid. (itiiai n Ilie hriiide reached (he scene the bilious iM-adarhrs, Intrrnsl lilwdlnt or It. lo the north will bo rnm- FOR SALZ I am not asking you tlxi keiMlnMt liltlMMI of Prlcer In and that diitretiing',' -cough and tt IMlneI; turated m l'rlfjr K pn.iriidinr pll, hetriLurn. Jaundlre, etc. i uejiceil. ll will provide for two for fl Job. I am offering you Iillkt, nnle fruifi e. throat place wan a hia of.Name and KOIl SAI.K Singer Sewtliir Marlv Mir ass a half nrf i,..; sortneis disappear. n service at rmlticMl thii I lie adjoining.hoiife of T..Hutlen-ieli will rrri'late the flow of bile to an prop s(eamei. one weeb and one ine f.nn.mi. Mi-mi stutp. ill prlres r'mf'5irUe thai I, Met. tinreiwe II. i,o By direct, treatment Pep t earner the next aliemalinsr lbu I'hour I Hack 400. I'rer Miner' lrtMeale Ha. IIS4 . mir... wu ulxn rtii fire. Sr hull a frly on the boel, thus tnaklnr tbrm arUre Thin! Aemu. n keep trouble ,off the place waas Itadly gulled and the and rrrular. and rrniovlnr tbe constipation : lllllil well i inln (lie fall, The to siltr the Wlnlflf fN Henieater the date fiir hnretif.a renin.I., an u . Jit rici: nit ill II. allied fhmhlA AUCTION SALE. iNitieiiteaieM. tnr Um tmrpose of U.u... r Princess Alic will be I he ee iiileni all ilaitiarei willi wye S rr, OrMI f the abate ratlSk Nr. Samuel Diirkler, Tatamarnuehe. N. la-QtMn i jmpmm, letaawts Uad und sieumert IKMrvet, AM furllier Sake antte thi arn. of alimit' $i50(i Vovereit s wrlles: "For over s year I suffered AltniO.N SAI.K ruofttluy. Jan "iriim niMriri bf keM. k. c, aoif umtor fterMnaj , iMvat t f unmw m-nt i CHEST ! iiisui-ance. nie liiMirnirli with ronstl'tlon. I look sereral dUTfmit The erviee of the ciuupny t? eiiHBW it ilie viMti ijm w. Hiamsv fiiee Uv liMiw, or . mi Cm-iia.,i. ,t uary at :3i pjti.. ni ;.IB '"www. f. kinds of medicine, but could only set this spring pruvide for fort ImwoTemeut. hmisr sol off willi ulit'lil rurch. Sixth Avenue Went, nf Hie IvaiMl OiSa Oth (tar of lpbf 11 temporary relief. I was told to try N1J-burn's nightly Trip by the Princess rakr mourr SWl BU'Ure Ussiliiir EeUln. inr, anil Hie OsNorjie inue on Jjss-Uver Tills. I leAvini-- (aik llininu Ki,o " ySnew. m ;.. icripiiMa SMMrer. .ifiTirr. procured two and lungs, and the wont weather I lie other side liflnnfrinp In .1. W tlals or them, but alter I bad taken one Ij Mary iinlii MtreM when a ten day Healer. Itureaa. Hd. Camels, ta M,UW)terribet fur MeiMtuHiu U4 I..T la mfjII Bf.,i.anjgj rl ' r. . . . .. . . ... . ... . can be faced without fear of evil Kxley.ilhe city hall janitor, wax round that I was relieved of my trouble. I schedule will lw put inli effect (Jiafrs, Gnmi of Drawers etc Mir.-,Inril. hair r.rtitfnenrmr Bilk' mmi at a Uwi 4iiMl ijj .n V AL' !r ui",m I do not hesitate to recommend until the sen ice i?. yl -HHate itv We. m' tint ilamaed atlhoii?li il wn Laia-Llveri urituiir .ipen half ntrieti .-'.." tm- a..t. i It it the tafeit plan I'liillpnlt-Kvill Co Aur , mm rnji, Uar HtM of consequences. lelaatt n i: tlirealeiieil for while. Pill for any kind of constipation." in June. ;rniall her m iiv J .r.(n lksntt to always have a few Peps handy a Price, ir.e a vial at all dealers, or mailed 1 lioneeri. fl'.l tiff ee. thnirr .. . lam n-th. II r4ef i .i. i The fire frimi ien rrain ... s to arrest cold, and it orKrinali'il an dlrert on receipt of prire by The T. Mil JOH.VMY SPILLS THE BEANS. Un-iky liMiie Ml i. I J2H AHrt .irk, of VI irsnrsa: a a prevent FOR RENT ". : 'tsi i's. miena tu kn-it overheated healer which had lieen burn Co Limited. Toronto. Ont. i tm iii mm. xnntamilic A 10 arre. Burr ue Juli tiny whs entertaining bis niMMMtia fir'eet tar rustjntiiir reaching the lungs' starting or; left hunting while l'rilz hail eta mil ?one hmtrr. Jfmf tu ami tn..b sister';, culler and said, "Helen I'.NIiKIl new joauVcement. ,J sKWa ktij.. AMinrsai. bronchitis-arid chest" wea.kness.-v oul. to visit nearby. Ouile n t. W. limn,H. Jirewt half''eaft'Ini'ii anbein"ai . PRINCESS LOUISE TO I old ma yesterday ymi were n l.ouls Itoiinm. lr. P. Valpy Itateti onoiMtr , i at i. i wufco nf crowd galhereil ami there was n Ml tu lmrelliv nf a Null i i : I hum jiolltinian," niaiMgrresH. Ilalen S.;!!! H.ri en the mr) llatul 'hie .4. Kr i ... Kooil deal of flame and smoke. MAKE FIRST TRIP TO " SOTK.r. hrtir nnih en Hhiim. ihntre eat "Indeed! Kill. ihe youiig nun week nni an. Also furniaheil rjHftkW. ittrire mmiIM so rfairi. taenrr Once i he fire depart menl wa mi pleased Hx he ciuibl lie. "Why h..U.ekeeplg r.a. ' j hSXT .'llT m rhaliM lu nM4 tH nai mqit. . ljaml,.tlie blaze w,n quickly extinguished; ALASKA ON JUNE 12 MUtHm i aerea. does ette Ihlijk Vjl ?"" ' - 'Mtnase nn the W-l .! Uurrelit foiM f.lj;y r.ojljiji. mr (wo lines of linsc lie. vliM i till .( for rent. Am- iiael nfl"- SlhfHT a rrTT fTirk. ruir. lim "'I'hal's ju.v pia wanted yr. oortt. Aio ilfr uxeil. The new Canadian Pacific lo know, and Helen said -it's be. land iipimsite Savoy 1 1 lit H.,,laM Take AfUMi tun See Sell lkal ir.itm nl Welrr YfrtrM.lasnueM II. C..i" te4 ftrtehee a. leanier Prince l.ouise, whicli cause ymi can do so much lalk-Ing Phone . V. Hart. II irertniai broker. iBiend in aftM frl V'TICE. Insurance policie issued by J. Mm wmi.ipi u imvnni uie iimm.k tnr 110. l,orne Slacl.aren, J.imileil. is now iilinul rompli ert m lite without com'mitfing yourself. IT HK.NT KurnUhiil iMHironm. erllied JaMts Car rWl tml rs-tMeuinil lp 0ur OiartMle tUiulTln!TT.rl' Pay south, -will arrive this jmm--'wm i tmmt tnmwiwu imi m-t neenegitir iHttnri in aaeetia. ft. r.. al.. promptly and cost ew. a port --HiswU'ransc4?ljiU- with or wilhoul board. I'hiMie air. B4le miI im oae half lull eat frvnilieau nn. Hie A'rl CMIt Of inreat.i w .."".iiiw m mai Mr cm inv m 1 aM. n, L lllark 21. 13 Mint ii af r$m . Ihnve mm fluHiel tmrtk. Uw-ar sa rtialnn eatl. thrnre sa .Take netire Hut J,.bn ('e.ii STEAMER MEN MAKE FHO.NT liedriMim in rent. Steam eferUM eOlh. Iheore an eM4t t lo Uil . ovt Altei rMI .,-k. of VtevSCa,' n ' The Canadian Famine Relief Committee for the i nimmi hi 1 nrrii. aim rtwivainins; orvtinatkjtfi hpuaer.. muiid ia aiditi healed. Norfolk llooum. Phone arre. mure r leav ' trtnlaHa si o-w-J ihe fuUnlna PRESENTATION TO lllaek WEHirv rlrXL aad arriiird Und. for nail .and lelfiJ' :tVJ. If AUteilT SCOTT LOCK. Ai1rM.KCmBMWBt al a pul 4aaut si tte- ' W QUALITY 1 V. IUHll klrt.1 nr of Tih.It I i.a An, aSMr.thr". Stricken Russia LOCKEPORT MERCHANT Drought in Soviet . HAIRORESSINQ. fHled OrtoW . Htl, wma aa rnaiii. tneaire eal an riu. theatre xhiim a 'baias. theatre r. Under New Mana?emeiil JKTlCf liain rsni 4 ea)iinarmiiit. Handsome Shield Designed and Affiliated with the American Federated Russian Famine Relief IKX lIAmiKIt HIIOP AND UATIIS la Qaeeii dMrtuHe IfUmis Laaal IHstrlrt, nsalaitaar foiix 4i wrair arre. roorr COixrjj.r le.anA Is OOfcl CIvO. GI...I leeoeiiinii nuiiirt of s'ti-as. a :.. af AIPIBT aiTT Itt. wttrf.-' Economy Made Here to Be Given to Committee, Head Office, New York. .-ini i-hci. ,lliial- ine west ri r Mureeay J V. CamM. As-ai O. .M. KILIiAY Phone Illue 78!faii. a Paled Oete . tH. William Moraan, of Distributing through the Red Cross Society of the Russian . iiif le-iirw 1 tm 1 uttnm i.inueaj. m rnnre The chief trial of housekeeping Locke port. Soviet Republic. BOARD. Hufri, a. C ueruwtle heaelf. itMwtMt JIOTICK. ' t apiilv fur aeraataetna 1.. .miie the today is the keeping f..noIBg elrmi H htm. rH eaat aad In Oneen ChsrlMIe liiands Laad ftwin-i down of esp'-nses, aqd the A handsome shield, rlesi?iTed THE new dining room at the iKJgf'S:- tl.rary1"'..'.' i-gLi!.' llmrillli lilillrt f eena. S. t . and made by John llulger, of this Prince Rupert Branch Inlander is oiieTi. s'f "iie MtiMIe the Weil tna.l of More h. surest, way to succeed is to now IJoard,""' rai rr.i. the aureinir is- a lasaad. B. C. deal yilh Grocers of Quality, rjty, is lo jx presented to Will J. H. Burrough, Secretary, Box 33 - by the week or month. Phone I 1 iMw Hlull bar e.UK thrnre I he M..tTti iwna sa ula,M rhaiiM.X1e tawir of 'Take nidier that ioha Weaker ""' who carry nothing hut the iam Morjian, the I.orkepnrl mer-clinnl, 11? ir'e' " einin. ihefi-r "ith rhain. and (Uierl Srnll Lurk, of Vlrf.ila. a ' orevnallnai brVAers. Inietid tm Mti ' by the officers of he and BEST OF EVERYTHING. AUDITORS' REPORT leu nrraataeinai to iwishh the fMott or tli-and Trunk Pacific steamer arrfljed lands for eoal and For the period October 15, 1921, to November 9, 1922. I nasirmrier at a rl (Aanied a the v MAIL SCHEDULE when the steamer Prince John Aleail nurtb S rhMa. Ilxtkre rtia.i -nnsrr et a The nest Is Always the Copy toted ilrtAfeef . latt,''" calls al the Moresby Island port of Tlaober Lirae Mn. '. Ih. Cheapest. In account with the Central Office, Winnipeg r. nr. MOTICK. dieaiee XMlIk rhalm. Ihetire ea.l ' ("his week. Th irifl in being For the Eaav. tsaslSMi I I sua i of roniuirurHneai. '"' To 11 a Villeetion llereipl llonks al 4- eaeh. .2fJ;0.nn eawtalobir arre. naire A ea. awarded as an appreciation of Mondays, Wednesday Saturdays Ip Ooeen Cteelolte aand Uad (Hlrtet. ano join Vlllr-r tietlU and Cash Iletn'ipts as per eotinterfoils. j 50:1.75 Heifcrdiiii (n.trin of Sfcri-na. H. I .. aad ' the courtesy and hospitality of at 10:15 a.m. j"alr on the Wael Cuul uf Muteebjr Al.ftrtlT UrOTT fCX. ApfliaM' Ileeeipls returned unused 1 t:j.25 ... 1. VT. Connell, Arrni Munro Bros. Mr. Morgan who for many years From th Eaat. ihwi.Take n.tmuee Uiai Oanrtr v. Were, if nued irur 1, last lias kept open house for I he Suudav, Tuesdays aud Thura. Prlnee flnnerl. II. C oeriipaiiiisi atnrniMti .MiTHf St5.nn St75." ii.lr4 i. afifily fur wrtMli to nrouiet I ' crews of Ilie various vesnel ttie rotl.ivinr iWrltwa Hnd. r arul d.1ys at 7:15 p.m. for ' In "The Quality Grocers" Receipts Oi:een charlotie l.lind I ini Dllr. h lr .le..o rjMqarln at a Mt pltalrtl in the island service. flertwdiix IHMrtrt or Skeena, a. .. Phone 88 Third Avenue (ollee Irons as fier Hceeipl Hooks .I503.75 about half nite half mile amnli and two aad ir Itasie on Vesl Ciai of fore m The shield in a handsome affair For Vancouvar mile t rnaa lr sttvarrUoe of a and South, (land. n. Loan lelurneti, J. It. Ktiipht.... malt bar WnreiTf ttlirt 'id of nf mahogany' and -sterling (jilleetiinis at Ptibtie MelinT for whleh no Tuesdays 7 p. m. SO rlwin eaai.tararr theare so eliaias so flnaiae aurtb, lim aoulli. Take mdlee Dial .tim Ward. W'. silver. II is surmounted lytendetit. and War4. bails-r. with lufrl Thursdays ............ 11 llieoee'Sfi elnins west nf p.m. to reeeirrts.lwere isnued . . . 53.30 (waat fltmi-weweweiH. R c. attend t afMy or i" an engraving of the steamer Salurdayn 10:15 a.m. in leaa. sad ennialMaa S40 irri'i. mum ntoaliMi to proaiwrt IM fnlkelWa' IWrni ' Box 446 Phone Green G10 Prince Huperl, under which ai I .'.(57.05 January 7 and I'l OEOBOF. J W.VV S.FH1I.U.nfll 4Mdleant. lands In af for a noi rui tilaiiied aad i-t entrant:on the hwndiK rnai ' text siirncd Uie A at. Cmi rasa. al.ut one mite smtlr and '-- appreciative Ji' From Vancouver and South. niwi fietntmr . i tf.i. rr- i Eipendltures mile ni of the a.W. enetter or Tli-Lieraae maslers, pursers und male of Sundays 8 1, SCr. ihrttre MMlth 10 rlnn J. H. Knight, loan ....... ' . ii ii.iio .j.y. p. m. nnTICE. . liieaee north east so 'a- " rtitto.. ihenie ul) steamer who have ever made Wednda. . Teleferams 17.55 lOr.tOa. m. lu Queeti Oharli.tir lelarnl Land Dlatrtet rhalaa, llimre ni a atiaina M fsiint (lie J.orkeporl call. stationery ,, 1.75 January 3, In and :0. neeuruiait ni'tef t of Hkeeiu B. i .raut inure riantrienretnetii,or leaa. and tM)tinln ajn a. " sUaale on Uie U'ui Oui if nrmay Iaily New, advertlsinp . . . .' 30.113 land. R. c rPTiir wsan and f V"r""rt !LUMBER PARTY For and Alice Arm. ! Take nntiee Oul John Cliriattaniumt. of IiiiKIIiT WAHti, .reann. 7 , BACK . Knipire, adveitiainef . . i n. ... j?Ji0 Anyox rriitrr niiwrri. n. . 'rnqmumi imiM'nnaB. J W. Cnrmrll. Sl ' Alio., i J adrtislns' Sundays 10 P.m. intend tn 1iy for peemleaum vn (ir'l-rl Anyox. , Z I"" f"H"i daarrilied taqda fur eual aad FROM GRAHAM ISLAND W, (i. Harrie. cJiajr hire 0.50 Wednesdaya ........... V p.m. iieteoienni: V4miHrmt at a fnl pianied HOTir.E. . aisiui 'ite nail nine minn ana tuiw sua Sundries . , From Anyox and Alice Arm. one half ralte eaat frn the tlioreiliie on . tn Quern rhartolt Mlandl Lantf Dlitr. ' F. L. Buckley and Party Returned Hed nrnsH Hoeiely'fif'Sovit llnswra Tuesdays ........ .... a.m.1. Miiaii liay on Ilie Min-liv laland aide of lieeunlina liuirtrt tj skeenu. Xi Vore-t'" I.HI.M. -, iiinr- iwiriii in ivia'tl. inefire Iptair an iimi Wei! Ooail of to South By This Morning's :nurscayi p. tn. eaf an rlialna, inenee mlti s . liMu oiami. a. c. Itii-m-e wini ) rliilin in olul xf maii- Train. Total expendilureii 1170.70 menreinenl, mntain nir Sid irrea. imire or TsM nntlm that Allien riir Lark ai"1 Fnr Knef. jtlmnmn Sninilil. Mill li'-l. J. wealev cnonell. f virions. B 110.35 Italatieft on hand Ja3iiary , tt2J. Mi j J J. JL. , nn r.llJtlSTirNSOt. Appllrant. oriAntatlun iir..krr. fnli-nd n afly f 1 Feed I.. Uuker, the l.o An On Deposit, Iti.yol Hank "T tiaumla . D0.H5 Bay, Wales Island and Naaa River. ' w.; .-ni IM-itiilsnlisi lo urmirH-rt the fnlloMinr de airiiied lanil" fur eoal and iietrolriiii' geles NhipbuiliJer and Iransporla Lens Cheque 0ul.elat1d.jmT , ; . . CJ.0 Sundays .10 n.m.' "ffl" . i lanioenrin at a it planted, alsmt I'm man; 1. .. Huckley, the From lt. Slmpaon, Arrancale, Mill WOTICE. Italf mllr uiulh and ahotil one lialf a ni'i fn.m Ilie liar eat fhorrltne m a small L. O. LARSEN proiiiiiienl lumber nian, and J. Rl;35 Bay, Wales Island and Naaa River. ! In Oneen Charlotte Ulaitds Land MUrlel, Ilie Mweeliy lilahf) aide of (a.K i nreordlli lilelrlrt of Skeriia, H. aiw Ihrnre SO rlialna Amrlh, thenre S" rliai"-eal. Ilatina, of Victoria and J. K. Cash in bund . . . . , tl.po 00.35 Tuesdays p.m. aituaie on the We Coaal af Mnrtaby thenre aa chain aomli: ihearr S" PAINTER Mnguire, f Heatlle, returned The iinilernJefHwIi iluly elected Auditors of the abose Ooiiimlllre, . i.i.iiii Take hi:notlre that liestuald Herbert !-haina lonlalnlnr eat !4ii arre.H.lnt of more roiiiineneenient.or leaa. ai' 1 early Ibis morning on the tug haw iheekfd the abpye rtyiunclal Ileporl, examined all folleelloni Queen Charlotte Islands. IWrtrlit. r Vlrtorla. B. C... nrrupotlon pro.. Al ", hT "OTT l""lf and muter. Inieful to apply fur peruilaalon to iH1 WMI.EY .I.L. AmdlranU iTarlar from a visit to Mr. liuck rw'fipt hooka, counterfoils and reeeipla reliTnied uniiM-d, rereipts and For , .rorl Uie furti.wlnr rtearrlhed lania for' I. W. Conner). Are"!- ley'n mill and timber holdings on eoneiledrJietiieH of all ejrp!Kilure, verllled the bank balanee, and January 2 id and 30. Iroal!.lalll.l,...and......n pelfd-uni:.1......n UK..ip.... Coimnrnrinr.. at,... i.i.ipp....L. at, ...a poell ail'l faled Orti.Ur . . " I'lraham Island. They left on reihfy thal-lhls Jleport is itine nr.d areiirate nreount or nil the ritmltt Prom atiuut otin tnlir aouih and one mile weal of KOTICK. TORK'S illii iiuii'iihiff. Iriin for the rereiverf and f-jpetideil, npi Ihul all the eoII,Hlion reeeipl books re. January 5 and 10. aK.the M.W.tlienra eornee iM,rih of u Timber rhauis.llrenre Ilienre No.n In Oneen r.harlntie laland Land plain' ', SELL, smith by Lucerne and th C.N.U reived hy jhe Seoielary frtjjn' tfie Central onlee and )rcanirer J. II. eat SI) rhaina Ilienre lo pniiii aontti or Sd rommrnrement.rhaUi. theme situate flreorduia on platrlrt the Weat of hkreiia,Coaal of B, Mnra-I'i'si'1 overland route. Knlsht are.'lierein duly artjSLUnled for. n verllled by correspondent For Skaaway and the Yukon. and iviiilalninr '.in a.-rea. more or In. Uland. . C. TO YES. fvfYi by the New fn his re. on lie. All information 'required ha fiAen duly mippllad. January ?. 10 and 3. ijtoiNAi.D iirnntnT wmwmt.Applirant. Taka no I Ira Dial Arrhlhahl: llarpfr " turn front the Island, Mr. linek. '(Warned) JAR. A. CliriTlF, From Skagway and Yukon. Paled nriohre T 1.tatl W. Oinhell, Aienl. arrhnle, Of VailLOUtar. U. IL. otflll'aH' ley had nolljlngr furllier In .ay in itAMKi; w. Momtissr.Y. January 7 und 21 enrineer,to proanarl Hie follotainr In piy deaeribed tor iro"-'l'' i-i'gard lo future operations aH JOHN HAM. Itawart, Maple Bay arid Swamp NOTICC. mm- K.or ixiai nlanled ail'l al prirnieniii the AAV.r rnrnrr Coinineiieliia of l imb'al Huckley Aiidiliys. . FolnL TAkE NflTir.E ilia I after piihtltlou M l.lntiae So rlial"-, Fred Stork's Hardware Hay. . v . N llila not w e ror one month Ootrthtooina. thenre el rlialna,thenre thrnre aoutli Si norm January. 1 1. 1PJI2. FOIt.-r Joint UMIeil. ulli apply to Ilie H.fUlrar o rlialna. thenre rail o- rhaina tn point "' Second Avknvi Mr. and Mr. P., S. Magoffin ' 'riieGomtnftt'ee deiren lo aeknowlt'da r.ereipt of .f rat? advcrlleintr Inniiarjf, , 1, IR and ?fi lia Hi"Mark iimi.'fliminanlee,af ilie wninjnjr Vlrtorla.rhituiea)B. r . tr tr roininrnrement,or lea. and ronlaliilni sere-iiHira PHONE OlACK 114 left nn tills iiioriiing's train for in.lhe KvrnfnR rnplie. value; se of Reereallon'llall, Atiyox, I'roin-- , frlnre Mm pert nOLiiBiriOMii rr A Hide 1 r 1 mitE id.n. . ARnnmin iMnrea Mfarniie:Aiipllrani. Winnipeg. jfred of churge; And A. 0. Pranks, printing, 2.00. January 0, 11, to and VR. i rr Wllllaina. Manaon a 'miJf. W. connell, as SoliaTtor tiatad Orintier 1, till.