10 I!.?'.' tttr nAir-Y NEWS PAflE FIVE PERRY BACK TO LIBERAL CAMP MACD0NAL! Will Attend Caucus of Liberal Well-known Salvationist Tells of Mother & Son Members on January 23 Saved from' Blood-Poison & Disablement. In Victoria. " "On cannot Speak too hljhly of this wonderful Zm Buk, ay MANSON FOTTHE CABINET Cut Brier Mr. Jan E Zlley, an -MJor of th Salvation Army and .. . m dauchtar of th tat Or. Bvan, of St David a, South Walt. Called ber homt.S.Boibnew Pattullo Will Visit Eastern Can- apodal offering I raightbave tavrd the toy, Avenue. Toronto. Mm. Zftajlty taid : bid I fot Zai-Kuk at 6rt and and Then Procesd MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY h.igbt year ago my bor Alfred "V.'bea I (ell over a ateel (eodrr to Europe. acratcbrd bit leg with the bra lag and injured ray tnee 1II, I again of a hoe lac and blood jxrucining mi uted am-Huk Mi daughter. wLo la. I had vra nout ointment on wa a nurte. thovcbt'an operation VirroillA. Jan. If,.- Hon. T. I) Packages 15 ine ur. wmioui uomg form, ea, F would Lm Herniary to remote tl.e PaliuJIo, mincer of land, re. beanoe ai'Iendid reuiri about matt of infUmmatiea and put. but t uirneii iiMjay from a lour of IbTins 85 ,..nhuk 1 derided i give ii a trial hadn't forgotten mr pretict eien oHhern Jlirllah Yoi an imai :it rrn jrhet, whea. ciicewitb am-lluk Again regular iVdumhia. and r-jr allrf a few appli' ii.oiu nl m Huk. application of tbe baJm lock out all S4 1 cent Hot towW&V Hie fealuri of Jhe new, brought Taawibal healing had already tlarted pain and awellmg And betted the rUri im'P lrl Uti . I to Hon. John Oliver wan that he onlloueu t.-eaiutentq,iH.klvreinoved wound I a few day Tbe lm ii had we? m 1mwt4 Fit inle'rviewiil II. fi. Jitt kii4 perry, mem- " i Of eery trace obatmate mre never given further trouble Herbal I'iiit'4 -nia.Mif It made roe realise iiat iwin and Zam-Buk I 60c box. all dealer ! ( tier fur I ort (jeorge. and Ihot .Mr. I'erry whh likely fo attend Ihe atieti of l.ihernt meiii.r in Vic. tnrla on January 23. V attWii HtWM" "Mr. Perry will he very glad to Hi CrA 1.1 THE OPTIMIST- Mitpport the party." ald Mr. In the Letter Box Pattullo. CARLTON An .iliim. i Mir- man wliii "That mean then, he will he hark in Hie Liberal .'niiii. a few Rimy hair- ai-rds a eaiiriuj" Mr TERRACE BRIDGE. Pattullo ' wan ankrM. hald head, M il fonl'I:ii r mifli "Yex, f Hi ink he will he," the Restaurant ,,,,, W(I rj1 Kililnr )aily N-wm: mfniftler replied. i lliake H twite hill out of a IIIIMHI A yu Hlrciuly know we h.nl New Attorney.general. ?! and Tea Room ,lin i.f lrouhwjklii,Hifiia News. a iil frrnii mir ri'iin'-x-nlalivi' Mr. Patltilln iiN xaid that he Sport Chat ij.iiiiM-tx an- -iTlinir lu af irioria, lluu. T. I). I'aliulln had talked with Hon. A. M. .Man. M. T. LEE Third Avenue -ll ftl'l fW full bile out of wlin jrai- iu a ry i(iproirial(. on. speaker of the J.c?jaltir Lumber & (New MartlnBlock) very iwo,liil. Washington .iililn jIuIiiii.' willi ki'iiithI ami who. arronlinlo the ,e rrporfH SlMirlina: rev'triU tmlalc in Time. , lix-iil iiiiiliprf. will he the jwxt allorney.general. Senior League bannelball: C ('.. Ladies' & Gentlemen's An iifimiir iiMj.l ji ,nan In ii't'aril U llin. Kkivriia Jlivrr i lie ininier am mem wan a Clemen I win (Klkni,'H3; W. (i. Afternoon Tea wh put entire mnfMnrr in the briilf nl llil tmln wliirli ynii general feeling in the norlh that 4 rtr(Auinn LI I k It. 4' 4 I.'n . TAILOR Short Orders Specialty -uspender bullous mi , in.in. miiiw na i-imk nir ve lMiie Mr. Manon wonhl he returned by on 'A'.;, 30: C. lickemen J Fit Guaranteed Shingles LUNCH COUNTER IN !!. "Topics of Hie Day" I'Hiin. liire for llii- fcil Iwrlvr yearn. acclamation. and i;. J. Smilh (V.,, S2; J. CONNECTION An ifliiill r ne wini I hi ilia Mr. I'allijllu saiil thai lir (inv Mr. I'alUillo j. planning In Shakepejire (SOO , I ft; .. X. , Third O. Avenue, opposite P. jwif.- imy hi ii,. an, mil, r,r enilli"il wh rPMiJy l.i" inukf , lave nejt month for' -liatern I.ane (WiC; and H. Me.u7.ies so Home-made Breed, Cakes, Ihe nro jul wlml lie wfinli1.- Marl fn il if llir miiIi if -IimmUIj- (i rnida lo take -up departno-nlal V.i. 1 1 ; II. Krielli!iOC. 10: Phone Red 138 A new shipment of Fir Pastries, Jelly Rolls, Etc. VuuiWillr Sfwn. - m wuuhl auric .u j ... tllaitern at OlXliwn iind lo ilin-ii. C. Jllylbe OHM:,, J; V. Hlytlie Dimension and Shingles An I'litiiniM I a man jroinir up ralinn. with financial inlereiii the (K). It. Stuart (SO( P.. Muckiu. Cooked.Meat Ham, Tongue (In- hut Willi a ram, a lianlifirl I biTi . an Wmly Iwu feaiMr larlins nf a pili and tiaiier mill lo.h (Hi, ft; W. H. Martin K . has just arrived, bought Beef, Mutton, Etc. iriH. a laU J,, it lilankrl un.l a lli-a whnr Ilia I IrriilKi' ran lw at Prince fleorge. Ilewill likely and II. II. SmiH (S(MJ), t. , BASKETBALL Jat the market's rriufil'1 f iiilluuii. CrcififoWt fiut hi nrii liaii imyiui or go to i:urie to furlheV the iiiimi. Mr-Hun Mowbray Pork Pie Hpari. l.i f t! liHynn. Thr Two ranynni n i a I n hi m-Iii-iiiv, winch will he Itile: mediate W. Mitchell .Ci Lowest Prices 1113d lo order. arr two ami a half iiiiIck apari luki n 1 1 1 by the Hriin.li lli.iie of V,. M. Mlyliie (SOCj. t2; II. TIME TABLE Ask for quotations. who aiM-n iu ihr arasr ImimiuW iiI Mi"fiiiiiiiii ..f ihi-, l..raiiun Uiuiiik in h nl (Jie next (e.ion. tori (KC, 10; IL Maekini"oh BOARD BY DAY OR WEEK In jri-l koiiiHblus lo raj. Win if I he hridze itltereitlK Hie ih-ii-ple 'V.i. 3fi; K Sirjilir(?OC;, JO; S. nt.i- -r'ri I'ri-nd. verj- li i net). Haxzetl-Jone (K. 51; U. U. l.a Released by Association Will! The Home of Home E. H. Cooking An ontiittii r a (nan wbv At Hell's Gate. OLD ARCHIVES Ca-..e (Kli,,'20; II. 1'Hzielf V., Wind Ufi on February 14. j Shockley f.tit bin hal In llin allnr. rack No ilouM fhe (iowrtiinent ia and K. W. Iiavien K). 10: AV. I). Planing Slilla. MRS. R. H. S ME ETON iimlrr the Ibrafrf- a( and i thorough;)' intratiKaled tUf mat-ler. Sniifh iH. and A. Aflori (KC. The schedule for the second Phone 343 I' l- H lo lay Ihrri'. .N'nxlivillr If il ia nal il eliould. II ARE PRESENTED 13: I". Morrison (SOCi, 12; T. iialf of the baskrihall season has Prince nupert, B. C. i'fiin'aiai1. U uiy o(iniun I lie hriile kIiouM MlaUer.on (SOO.i and W. V. Ho-ibefKe leen released by the association. I Hiti"' a ih-finlliou nC an np. lie ' pul in ti near an wiiilile KV.;, II; T. Moloney (KCj It follow: (fiiirii: A lran2r who jror when- ihe lej land and nftiur&l Agent General Wade Receives In lit. I)avid-on it:u and (5. Illylhe January 1 7 Dry Hock vs. I hrnki- iu SriiUn, iirrliuir In reMiule He, not only for Hie teresting Record for Deposit I: . 10; 1.. A.lorl .tKtI)filJ, King Kdward; Canucks vh. Com. - - burrow liU fart Itditifi llivtliin lake of Ihe prefnt lul for Hie In Parliament (irahani fSOC), ; (!. Jlill (K) ets; Elks vs Sol's of Canada (!n-lermediale) -just like i lrrorl. a fulure general ioq. In my juds- Buildings. C; II. A. Cliaflloii (Wlft), 5; W .. SILVERSIDES All oliwii i thai hunkaml inenl, tonkin? at Ihe ilra?eiic LOXDOX. Jan: IC Sir l.eices-er (fray iSO()""j. it. Milehrll (V.) y January 20 Telephone flirts who ln'jivr hi wife fl (rnal a and economic jMiinl of iew. Tin-(itt1 1; II. I.. Otmpbell (B), ( Shaw . Meteors; Odls vs. Knight of HarinVworth litin K. BROS. new!! ,i k a llir iliniKr 3url anirt. tlfr only hri.ixe title. I preenled (Hi. (!. Milehell 0 n. j. Columbus; Sons., of Canada vs. t :. Wade, K.U., agent general for ' j Vi-ifiHJ l.atl'T. ' ;inIrrl and- it has lMen nvom-iludij he jioivino ot'llfiHi-h (i'lunilila FarreJI (KG;. I. r. hiss. Second Street I II taken an oitiftill lo rJoirr iy etinrerx thai have January 2 1 Kins Edward vs. I hi i h- fiii'i I hat aflrr n wntiianj liwikNI at the Iwu ailex in iiupi-lion 'iUi Ihe original archives ron- Junior I.erfSufi-s-fJt niylhe Tiny Tims; Sons of -Canada vs. Dealers in tecied wrth lloir oflrn liave we h?art :lia lii-! of lii kiiN hi- rtt oince the early diiyn. The epreenlalive gov. f.Df) , 3l; .1. Kelly (IT. 3d; M. fjnlts; F.Iks vs. Sons of Canada. ernmeiii Vancouver I Miami. stirli an I'trlamatioii fmrn a many uiH'iim a hr like. fiale i red Ira I and would he mi Hudenlrh (TD, 29; W. hamiiie January 27 Maple. .Leafs vs. WALLPAPERS air rtiloine?r when lliry n?4iit!i IIitjiIi). hfl for the (M-ojilr of Henio, Ihe record, which, are of great 'II,-, 21; C.Clapp ,m. i7;fll,pli'iM OirU: (Checkers vs. PAINTS hitorir tro thr rriull of thr lry l.akeUe, KiUuinkaluiM and yam. intere!. are lo lie dn. . Cavalier (KKj. ItJ; W. Ker- Meteors; Sons of Canada v. clratunB ard Pr"ln we C'til valley. . oi!cil in (he Parliamenl build. gin ( IT , 12; . Milrhcli (KB). I.Tks. WINDOW GLASS give Ihoir RartiiftntJi. BILLIARD STANDINGS In the fulure another hridfe ng al Viclofia. II: It. Lillle (KB),.8; II. Friit- January 31 Tiny Tims vs. Yon il nf,y i( loo, "wltrn will have o he huitft letwei'il the y I'll KK;, 7; T. Fra'ser (DID, 7 Dry Docks; Knights of Columbus FRAMED and UNFRAMEO you -' ihr work you aak i Kollowiiiir u I lie lil of in-Uiiviilual mouth of the Copper liner and OMMISSION DEMANDS J. Martin ( ITj, It. Jucttlisen (I) ,vsv Sons of Canada; Colls vs.) PICTURES u lo Jo for yu. nvcrase mi far Mil Unk. KiUelu in another naltir- II . (i. Hill fill :iks. 1 When Shall We Call? M'uaon in Hie Trail Oluli Hup al bridge hf. Then with a good SURRENDER GERMANS . . v February , 3 Checkers vs. ! WINSOR & NEWTON'S thilfiaril rompellllon: way mi mad "lo Terrace oil th CHARGED WAR CRIMES The Wandei-ers Club and Ihe Telephone Cirls; Meteors vs. I ART SUPPLIES Canadian ! name Tnlal Aver. railroad ide in IhU way the Sons of Bugland are scheduled .Maple Leafs; Klks vs. Sons of illartMiur 'CI) C, I nn 0o'!l"wn l,'rri,pr ""'I would to meet in a ( rtiil SliWdU idlliard Canada. SPECIALISTS In SIGN and Steam Laundry iHtythe 'T . r. ln MOl ie coiiikh'Ii'ii. iii my juuKmriii PAItlS. Jan. Hi. The Allied luiirnaiiicnl fill urv. The Vu41 February 7 Dry Dock vs King SHOW Wr.iTING would ie and Cotumi.M'n War Criilies B)vvard; Colls Knights of CAftD ,,I'H JtHtlc i on rec. deriVs llieniselve vs. I'ilLlmry (K; ... 5 1000 20(1 ate priming Phone 8 ommend the Kiirrender all Columlius; Sons of (Canada deal Hie Mipiare for jmople. of vs. Sli.wkly (S .... ( HOO 2,,n for a clean swoep nf Ihe Sons Third Ave. W., Prince Rupert keMar' (T) 3 f,(lD 20(1 Bridge Needed. rtermans charge.! wili warrr)me as they diil' iii the curly part of Klks (Inlermedlale). Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 IIowh (W) .: 8 ion 200 The hridgi in guelim i'cer lo I lie Allies for trial. The recom the first half schedule. ,Tbey February o Cumols vs. Ca Juilgi 'T fl Hill tiiu jlainly neeiled for the proper do- mendation has been forwarded to need it junl 'nbout this linie lot, nucks; Maple Leafs vs. Check . Mi'llitHiyle IE) .... 3 an: lt7 M-Joiiiiienl of (III iidrt of the ili- the Camje.s conferejje'e, 'which Is willi (he Trail lill fur away in ers; Suns of Canada vs. Blks. MrMvoy V.i d iTr.H up flrirt.- IU locution nhoiild interest not .fitting at preseiitiin ix-count lue Jejid fur. I'l" f'rM plac and February It. King Kdward vs. of Hie crisis the French fJov-erntnent. Tiny Tims; ,A 1 1 Star Men's ln- i. iirown rr .... c. IISK 103 everyone who Imih the welfare of in Ihe SI. Affirm' (earn simwiiig;! VICTORY Metropole Hall srir -i: t I J. LrOTliicrn ltrii ieh Columbia al menace or jumping into scound lermediale; Sons of Canada vs. Wauah ;TN t 10t mi heart. So let us ue . a Utile pluco and diaiilacitig f hem - to Klks. for rrnl lo loder or similar Sr..11 (W)' 5 m 191 ulralegy and iiiiioioiieiii' ami Advertise in the Iallv News. third iftlhey do mil "gel a muvV Practice Schedule. COAL J. Itrowu (KA) .. t 7fit 101 priM'eed with life work. nn towards an ndvanre in the The following is. the schedule uriratiiiatiuiis. Maedouahl (KA).. f tm IHU hKKKXA HIVKIl oiisr.iivr.ii Had Bad standing in short unler. Victory nf practice hours that has been SlepheiiH fV) 5 9lf. IHU Cough for Ihe Waiolcrcr in tonight's drawn up: 1 OFFICE SPACE For Furnaces, Fireplaces taie ti.) 8 730 I HN NAMES AND NUMBERS. and tournament 1 pretty cer Mondays Maple Leafs, 0:30 SH (iy 84, helei, fullahle for y and Stoves Hi.lr1)H (K.. ft I I OH H5 tain bill Ihe nfforfs of Ihe club to 7:30; Checkers, 7:30 to 8:30; profi'KHional man, for rent.- Andrew fSA) .... 111. IH3 Kdilor I ally Xew: Sore Throat will be towards making il as big Colts and KnifHit of Columbus. rock Guaranteed and clinkers.to be free from Agent for KiukIi'To (HA) (. 111)1 IHI lit h.e mallMi- of iiiiprovcntenlh and perfect a victory us possible 8:30 to 9:30. Almost Bootless and smoke, Norwegian American Line Holiery (1) 1100 INI for he Klty one of eviraL lliiugr in order lit strengllii'ii Ibis im.i Wednesdays Meleors; Tele .Never oegleci a rvuiti or cold, ho ever phone Clrls; Sons of Canada, 2 less. Swedish American Line Nelmin (V) yifi I HI ax Ihoy eit -mH-tiiw to me a lion. li(til. If you du It can bv tut one re-rult; trains, (same hours). Small moisture content. Scandinavian American 1(111 fS) (MO H heiiig: ajiomalou, for example .,. II leave lb ttirual or )uu, or brnh, S13.00 ton delivered In Line. Halaunn (K) .... 180 Die iHitiienelatjire and ought to aliened, A Untie ne or LEAGUE HOCKEV Thursdays Junior Itoys; per sacks. Knights nf 'Columbus and Colls; Oliver Typewriter Allen KA). i or,a I7K lie ery considerably improved. DR. WOOD'S $12.00 ton delivered In per Safe Ilooi.itr (V) .... 335 l"H A I M'aU your paper 1 nuticc NORWAY FINE SYRUP I'.lks, 2 teams. Cary :siuln (T) KK7 177 alrea giveu a block ho and Will lU'lp Iu ktup llw rough. MX)the inn National. Saturdays Cornels, 2 to 3; bulk. itr lliroal. aiul If tbe routb or culd baa become Canucks, 3 to I; Checkers, t to FnE INSURANCE !Wakefield (K) .... 331 177 o, Joiieii' lllnck. Iirown lllook. httil mi llui lunra lha heflllnr vlrtuA tif (It law a, 5 Ton mi to, ?. 708 I7G ad. Inf., without inkling Montreal, 10 Hamilton. .fi. 3; Meteor G:3Q (o 7:30; Maplo j Tinker (S) any tbe .umty pfhe Iree aloug wltb tbe aootb . Kntjf (S) -i 61 172 of what avenue or utreet or inr and etpertgrinl proertlri of oilier Leafs, 7:30 In 8:30. PACIFIC CARTAG Dybhavn & Hanson lUrern (K) A 30 172 wkal iiol'lion of tin licet or etcelleiil lirrlii, rout' and bark) promptly Sunday Juniors, II to 15;! iftinlioe TK) r.17 172 number The location nilgjit b rradiratra the lud vffrrli, and live per Sons of Canada, 2 learns, 12 to liwiil um raiiiiul but Itripo bring about 2 1:30 to 3:1 Limited learns. 'Third 1:30; Klks; Avenue T. 8ilvrlde(S) 171 171 UN far an Ihe informal mil tfoex, relief. Prince Rupert, B. C. iMr.Moiille tV) .. K5 r 170 anywbrri hi'ilweeu PJIUbury -poml Mr. Albert Marin, Lower L'Ardolte. M. Telephone Girls, 3 to 4. j Phone 93 JW.I). Hinilh (KA) 310 170 and Scal'Qoxc. Then again there write: "Aliout a year vo I ronlrarted eold aeroiiipanied by a very bad oougb tod OoiMlrirk (! .... 100U. KIH HieKcclloiiH. What inform. are kurv lliruat. I m for tb doctor, but BODY OF MAN IN Ilemtniinr (W) - nos ICH alion ix it to a non.riideul wbat be pictcriboJ did uie o little good OMAftTtniD AOQOUfiTANTS AND May mis ICO looking fir an addrewN to learn t began to ret dttrouraged. A frleud ram GOOD FINANCIAL Night Phono - J. G; Steen. 871 Auotroa Wearmnttlh (S) 810 ItU I hat il Jn Knme. nection 'which lo ee uie and ktU iu If I bad etrr ued W. Long;will, Klue270 lir. Wood'e Norvay rhie Syrup. I told SHAPE IS. FOUND SilverMldca (rt) Knn Iftt he known nothing, about. A. Day Phone S RORIE & SMALL him I bad not and aeut biin rlrut tway 10 Warrior (i UM I lo you not think thai there vet we a buttle. I ttarted utlog It, and Rvtldtnt rartner J lettilnK (fi) 315 158 might and ouglil In be an iiu- after couple of diyi I found I i get VAXCOUVKn, Jan. l6.The STEEN&LONGWILL oeonoi noaif, oa. Dr. Nl (0) ft 013 ISrJprovehient in defin(njt Ihe loca. ting relief, and aner taking two bottle body of a man, aged about to Shoot Metal Work Ike rrne la uiy throat aeruied I be City Aumior' fur Frlnr htiiierl Mnnell (H) .... y 718 lit tiotiH more intelliuritlly o thai leaving lue, o I tvaolved roqtlnu III was found between Iwn cabin in audit uthnrttrd Truatee in Viiikruptey' Mown (15) ....... i 131 121 Ihe wayfarer though 9 fool may ue, and arurj bad ud avt bottle boli Ihe Fast F.nd of-the. rlly today. Agent for McClary Furncaes If ).tlBUlent PaMnerehlp AcvouaU J lininpnon (0) . i 103 103 mil pit therein. uiy lore tbrot and cougb were sou. I A bank book found in tils possession Sanitary and rinanelal Iteparta, ete.Llqulalln(Aulinmntt I,n Cae (0) ..... i 101 101 J'Iii'm) ugKrlloi) 1 comtuend would hot be without br. Wood'' for iny showed that he had on lleatlna Engineer rarl Bulldl, rrlno. Huron ' Kasartn (12) i 0V CD for tha ronjdei'alfvt of those In njooey."Prlie. Ike and toe t boitlt) put up Dorothy phillip. ppeating in depoit in a bank Hie sum nf fitb Street and Kraaer Street r-hon. SIT e.i SS aulUoj-ily and your r-tidorfrmrnt. only by The T. Ulikurn ea LUntled, Man. Woman, Marriasrc," at the $1,000. Ninety dollars in rash t'rinc Kupert . U, U Advertise iu (he Hal'y News. NON-IIHSIDKNT. lon j.lo, Out. . ' Wolholine Friday and Saturday was found In hi pocket. . t , - ......