ran tuui Till DAILY MWD MwWriay, Aiinn WEDDING SURPRISE BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManm TOOK PLACE LAST WHAT SAX- OtHTt v NIGHT AT A PARTY THC HeAstUEb AND The. Crvf,t. TONtCrlT , DOCTOR. tA-rt, MGtL BE Mrt. Wick of the 'Richmond fa A V HIS -Rooms Becomes Bride of afT " - am Anskar Wick. Snrprip parlle ".r comnsrin hnl urprie wedding are nn-ii.uat. Lnt niplil n nrprle wr.l. illn look place nl the home of Mr. 4acnben. Ninth tftreel. Tliat lady ihad invited n ffarty of friend, cnougli ( eomfnrtnldy fill lie limine, when lit (he ur-prie of everyone, lv..Or. (Irani arrived on the ceiip' ajwl lli gnnU Mint realized (hete wa hlnjr mil iiMIip ordinary In happen, i '.'1 lr i I f tuf The- pretty ceremony hen look place, Mr., Anna AVTek. Hi' popular proprietress of the ft irh arain. anl the Jananee oenemli NEWSPAPERMAN SAYS niorul (looms,. Mnr Jninc, tnipil. matrimony do Ankar Wick of "May .1 lake the oldir' American CONDITIONS ARE BAD (hi city. I O. I.ar.en he I nrief" he nke. the adjutant Daily News Classified Ads. Express limn wlill1 Mr. I.aren acted a IN ALASKA FISHERIES general, hridomnid.- Thy wedding march lienernl KiiiprM dde.!. 3 CENTS reft WOKU IN ADVANCE. No Adrtl nl T-bn tur La than Oa Money Orders was pl.iypl by .Mr. Aiidefson anil Thi' private n.pileji. handed Mr. ll.ar.pn ang. 8KATTI.K. Aujr. 1 1. rendition hi rifle lo the mnfiTrv geiipral Issued on After the crremoiiy there wa bordering on peonajre were found and tiioveil lo the rnr. Into Hip WANTCD FOR RENT Norway, Sweden a iMiiinlifiil supper at which lr. fn'llie so-called "China irnnir" of Ice- CALGARY & ib .ih ..-n,i HILLHURSTS r WA.MT.U loiieral ervanl. ITIlNISHITl four Oranl proposed the ioa't of the lheAlakn salmon canneries by" '" ,p. r...o.,.-. flat Denmark at LoWctt " " ply Mr M. ! McCaffrry. 3t for ISST rent: forniiure fr alc bride. Mast Stern, newnpaer innn. enl WON CONNAUGHT CUP Current Rate, , llflll APIUP e I Ittf I'hoiie 0 1 I'JO The parly accompanied the lo llristol Hay In investigate He fire.1 10 hol. i couple In Hi lioat where Ihey Ihiwr al first hand. Stern, a From the pit un.ler the target Dr,w wUn gUr Unt,d of To. WANTKU Woman for hnlel FOHII room motlern apartment to Agents far u-pf given a ureal enliiff ad writer on Hie San FriMi a niiier leiepiionmi: work Apply Hotel inlml. rent. Apply Smith A Mallett. Norwegian Amerlesn U thcyidefi for Seattle anil other iMlly Xpw. wa llii prinir tv-en "Ten traixht uiH' ronlo on Saturday Before tii'.lliprn pilip ont their honey. .tlie aijinment In lftp a an AIA -1.....1..... Jfo, Ten Thousand Fan. FOR SALE FLAT for (lent in Ite.ner Apart, Swedish Scandinavian American Um iiuHin. inokilled rniinery hand in one menl. M. M. Hteohen. tf Americsa llarnanerhi entered with mud. Splendid lt with natural b.ie. Ufia. of the wirtdja m roer bound from niilel. HIIIOXTO,, Aiib 14. llill-hurt hieril, Third Avenue and lev-olid BOARD. OIIee Kaii l iaiii i. .. to Ilrittol Tl.iy. of Caurnr on Saturday TypowrtUe TEAiAND SALE OF "innn Hip grouiiil up. ye. .lree. (j.iiiMi. Vjksg, tenil I'or over a month he.lived in the Hip Ctinaaiigtii tin p. enu Two view lot. Seelktfl I. firtrt HOAIlI Inlander. 830 Second Caey Safee FIRE HOME COOKING WAS hold of one of lhete e re- SPECIAL PREACHERS i feleiiiatip of the ilanadian ipper Ihe pair. Avenue. Phone 137. II INSURANCE iiliilr .Im .nidi I I... m ttti. I.'..n fiMttlal Ahawpionlii by defeat I( 3, lltoek 3i. Sp. I. with 3 VERY SUCCESSFUL " PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in It I'Nler IhnlPil Af Trunlo MiomrO hoile. VI feel frontage. BOARD AND ROOM! Dybhavn & Hanson. ,alo worke.) for a month in on by two voajI to one in two Hi mr I'laee. fl.(ini). Iltitll SC.IHMil irl w oil.) a..' fythlan Sitter. Reallied Sum of "r '"" "r"",l. rannerie. ' wanie. JO-Su . . sterllnK Marine 1- with h"ii.ew'"rk 111 return fi-r Third Atenue $5f.30 From Affair on Satur- 'lh' ' Hi- Yplerday al 'tie er1ii j Salnrtiai' Mme wa played Kfne. r.Nii mi, M.Ard u II daily Prlnoe Rupert, B. 0. Jlay Afternoon and of unkille,t worker enl Chun-li th.r.- w.i- twi ktifiirp lei tk)olanl eo,e aiol fjiuneh Triton, tfi-10 ?terlln. New llffi.-e 1 Jeali year frMii nal itie lireler. l thpwrtjij flev. ewde.1 wiinnul a -ore. lilifar'. Irtoo, r ljuoeh ltit,n..n Hie um of 5J 30 wa realixed'"b,M,, a ha1 anything I A. E. Mllrhpll. of VsiinMnn,!,,,,, W,H j, fr., ami lliiffalo. Auto.Marine, 'JH0. TOWINQ AND FREIOHTINO by the Pythian Siter at their af j snww or, flii iiern on HI re-i ntuver pofcp on Hip "Fifth Vear ui ,, TtwrUy by two l Three roomeil lioue and Iwu Tug "Hanaoo," Cow Bay From the Farm lerniHin lea and nale of "hiini'ur"1 l P""le- in th lorwanl Mopie- urit- ,., an fr ejrie the total lot. SWlion t, 1 100 e.li. Hal. SAI.VAOK WORK to the Table ,nry " -WWK t. ior inn iiui the eiutrenRli.in I.. rv-!ud uuio4-i ..f ffoal i eotuitel. ookintr and flower at the Hed a lire like rent. F.irtn .1 riivere and dlyinsr Ihe (hril of Hip ioe. , rnner manaRer. but for an I !.... Hut ..n Sal.ir.l.v nflern.-.n Ilou.e ami lot on eay term. iiiifii "rt"''1 -ntrartor. Hi In Hip evpninv Itev. ir. li. A. . TIm- affair wa. well patronised only I.oirjilna rnaehlnery, txa t , en- BRANNEN'S BulkieyValley iult in them i to exploit WilHi. eiiterinleiHlenl of mi- und "a very upeeful. Mr. X. Sport Chat j ginp. elr. Phone lllue 711 ami Mt them ion, Mke Ihe lioou I- ll..l.il..(in r.f to the limit. IIP Ft UH I on lii.ioii. ua. ..nv.n.r M. M. H'lKIMIFH. BEEF P.O. IU fiO'J VYiif U.ii..rl III: ommiltee. the other memheM of "'"J "f ,M,,n'1 ,wr prolilem. -- i m I'hnne JJS. f. PORK wliirh were Mr. K. J. Iirge. Mr. him fwr a whole eaofl, IIIKl Mie evening ervire wa. If- Tie f.,iiwll. . CLOTHES CLEANED MUTTON J. rhermgn and Mr. F. Wermlg. Uiey have wrket five or ix lieiitarty well attended. '' evet . ii.mii i. . riAIIAOF. Ft lit SAM'. -On, of Ihe VEAL month for prartkally nothintr .porting ealemlar: mI eiuipied garase In I h" and prerd by lale.t KTF.AM The several rafjle resulted a FRBtM MILLED P0ULTRT follow: The poor find and inanilary FINED AT SMITHERS. MoiKiay loniirhl, Stuart eily for ale. lioiAg l.?oo.oo prelnir pmre. Skaeoa Rliee Farm Pr4 Ontrppierp, donatedjhy Mr. Jj ronditiop only add to their mi tin Saturday before Mst-Irale ! Shield fooiltall. Son of Canada I x-r month; thirteen inch S nit railed for and delivered. VANDCRH0OF CREAMIAT ery. llo.kln. at Smither I.. 1.. v. lirttllo. nap lathe, nearly new. with Phone MS Mierman, won hy Mr. F. V. Hartw BUTTER Cut Sla btk-t, donalpl by" lite laor eamp of the iMvoiii wa fined fifteen dullar. Tliexmlayv- lMermdiate llae nprp.ary Iim.U lor senernl LINO, The Tallae Mr. V. '(Itflna trnng' of the Alaka ran. for eonlrcneniiHr eetiiHi ton of ball Leatrue final deeidinn renair work: jiw un to dale NORTHERN INTERIOR F. HarL, won by Mr, ( name ORIENTAL GOODS I nibleton. i nerie are among (he mot effi the Fore Ael and A. J. Mackay for IVill i:iit and Ihe Itearh vulennliin? mach toe. only one 'Cake plate, donated by Mr. frienl lUUheviki faetorie in wa fined ten .doltarx for eun-Iraveninir iiinlal, (iM' v. ilrollo in Hip city; welt equipped Jpane Klmoiia. Crockery, CO-OPERATIVE John Hulirer, won by It. Mcjlan- Amerira. The whole Chine eelion 109 of the wo.day-iSenior ljrrie electrical hop for le.iinr. llamboa) Furniture, Ornament, PhOAe Si l.iel. font rani ylem ehoulil be abol amp. iiame, KU v. Son of lUna.U. rharying ami rcpairin lor- lia.keta. Children' Honier, ished by law, and the eannerie UiHerie, dyuamoe. elr.. Ah tray, donated by Max ileil. Thureday Sluart Shield fo..t aife Tuyn. Hie. broner, won by Joe Halrliford. xhnuld hire and feed their men BASEBALL tuill. liallie. v. Son of Knaland btiildniK hold, .even eur.ilhe-vwdel I.OVIT MHCF44, themelve, a Ihey tlo the flh. and Frd Kervb-e . TERRACE Perfumed pottery, donated by Friiliiy Senior ba.eball. S41111 F. K. AKA8E MOTORS X. C. Itchinnon, won by Mr. T. J, ermen and nierhanir." if Canada v. Kiiiahl of dduiii. lion. Price iJJVmi.OO. half P. O. Ilov 1 Tel. lied PS Mienlon. Stern fuund the rod fiherie Saturday Qames. Mi. eah. Tin. i an 9vrelenl Third Avenue Terrsca, ji.C. of Xnea and Pirate Cove a nel AMERICAN LEAQUE. onitorliinilr for a man famil Vacation parkace, donated by of diertnlenled men, deerlin:z at St. U.ui. 7: Chioaw. A. Willi two vielorie In the) iar with Ihe automobile repair WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Orme' Limited, won by Olady Iiplroil. 10: Cleveland. 5. TAXI opportunity. He aid that and buinc. Johnson every red it alrwady in the Iwu name acce.tory Kiperi watch, clock and 1 . .1. line men rannoi ma-e a uptpiu NATIONAL LEAGUE, they have i.layed. Hie Son uf Nor I hern Ktrhanite. tf - 111 iron, iioimiru ; raiirinnali. 0; Ptlllirjr. li. chronometer maker. Melianiel. wn by Mabel Ivaron.!,,a"1y w 8 nttalrr "f a New York. 3: llrooklyn, I. Canada will i,e well away in the FOn S.M.F-Plann. tnahoirany Watch and Jewellery llepalrs a ul ,he Ran' Ahiminum kettie. donated by J.?a f ranr""a T rml ,mmt-Sark l CJtie.a?o. fl, St. Ijmii. I. SI wa r I ShieM foolball rare if fini.h. Apply' No. I. I.evlit peealty. Service C. Oavinan, won by Mr, flreen. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. they defeat ihe On.llo in lo. Apartment or Limey" Hro- Mall onlr promptly et ecu led of mitrar, donated by Ham iiialil' game. On I lie other hand GEO. OIBB Toronto. 5-.V llalumore. 1 1 -to cery. If Eipress and BagQtt llwe, won by Mr. T. Smith. , lAPAMFF TPNFRAI Itorlie.ler, U; Newark. .1. if the llroiiu win, (hey will Opp. Po.l Office 'P O. )Uit 71) 41A J li A-HW-t UlillielUlU lliiffalo. 10-10: Iteadiuy. H-4 lietl al Hie ton of ihe .landing FOIt SAI.FV Handy pleasure Prince lliiMrt It Transfer. JACK HUGHES PASSED HITS TEN BULLS COAST LEAGUE. with the ...nurk. ((lie match lauiieh and nw boat eheap One Price to All. Sacramento. 0; I"."-. Ansrele, loMiylil 1 evMrled in brtnv forth Phone 1 11 lie 3U. If TAXI Let us make your rc-f"' aoioe Hood lively playiiiK and a AWAY SATURDAY NIGHT GOATS FOR SALE. Phone C93 Hons at Shows Americana at Peekeklll ?vmI deal i- exiieeled of the In. Salt take. I : San Frani-iwo. i 'Call neorge lto Lakelse HoUSprlng HeUk IN GENERAL HOSPITAL How Nipponese Shoot. Vernon, 5; 1'ortl nl . Iiililt. With the iutereat OOATH FOIt HALE. Fine Milk Five.paengrr Tourinit Car Ililf lllialioii In be brouubt aboiii Oakland. 0-9; Seattle. 5-K. ing Nannie, 35 each. One I'rompi pay ami siti k Wa Well known Old-Tlmer of, I'KEKSKHX.N. V.. Au. It. Sunday Games. by Hieir win ihey are 'lliiiir grado Nubian, billy kid. three Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue ' In tlnaNait a e v officer INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE SMHi Meti.UIP of upporl for HP month old. fine Nubian ap City, Alice Arm and Anyox on Let Us Advise You .'e uf iiort. The on will I? lb., BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR. Member Elks' Lodge the national guard rifle ramie lloche.ter, 1.5; Newark. 3.1. 1 pearance, no horn, and today aked Maj. ien. II. Kara. Syraeue, 6-5: Jerey Cily. I- have lo .lirleh Iheui.elve one two year old ilehorned Tun-Kenhurg (wilff lifetimes Phono Black CSS. Juck lluelie. a well known old If Hi'lii uf the Jitpanee army if,. little more Ilia 11 lhey did with billy, gentle, erfert Halrdrelnif, Shampooing, Hen.1 erica in all branches uf tk Hie ooininio.joned romel of the Culli ihi Friday niaht. eolor. not reiri.lered, 110.00 Trade timer of the city and diotrirt, Toronto. S; llaltlmore, r. nalng. Marcel Waving, Manour-Ing, HuildiiiK the Nipone.e force wa well j lliiffalo. 3; Iteadiosr. lo. each. Nubian tit tud with Va'd away in the (ieneral linn, Face and Scalp Treatment. Brickwork, about 3 trained "from the ground up." I COAST LEAGUE. Prince Oenriii beat Vander. UrilWIi regl.tralion Nannie (.ilal o'clock on Sunday Above Wralhall's, following an operation. Mr. 1'he major general anwere Oakland. 1-1: Seattle. 7-1. hoof by a eorei of M lo ? in Ihe iM.arded - Oeo T. Kane, Third AveX Stonework, Iliuzhe an liiHir la Iin-, when he aeeoni. Portland. 3-t: Venoui, 7-H. la.t name Mween Hip twi Inverne. I(10 wa admitteij to Hie hit. I'ital on Saturday evening. He pailieil Adjt. Oen l.elie Killaid, Salt Lake, t; San Fraiiclo limn in ihe Campy Cup erie. mmr arrrar l?io m.tmct Concrete, etc. iitmct or coast hii.iua 1. New ork national uuard. down 3. It wa. the m- aaiiie o far B? bail been COMPANY INCORPORATED .f. itufferinir from an old Mane and Spc line of 7lh reimenl at llii. eaon in the renlral interior. Tl iwillr. IKil I. a. r. HftkyL 11 a men Sarramenlu. AURAlr. internal trouble for severul year1 -'- . B.C , nwlwr, Inlrul Ui Hlf w free to all our iienH, fclid bail not r Pali led the nerioli prarlire on Die SOO.yard ranxe. 4.0. Oray pilehed practically OPERATE MASSET INLET II Miniiur i.f l.ixt fur Unnn .hut-oul hit 1 1 fttr Prince u nMier tuf Cbl oil sad utiuril Co. The dptachment of national AMERICAN LEAGUE. Oeoriie & ni' of hi ronditinn until tito utrr Hi. folli in 4rvnA Ui ,1, WiUiam Walls labf. vuard.men were prone; it wa Detroit. .'; Cleveland, 3. 11M llarrv .lohti.on, a Omaoiiip The current nuiiilier of Hie It, smUi.Ni I.LIUIiMM'la mrwr i s or IMMl M iiUiiikI uc .1 tttMira is raining; the firing line hlUU, made .ureal .liowlim alir rail ft rtumi, llwaca Builders and ContraeU' The. late Mr. Iluche waa aliotit wa a New York, Wa.hiiMloii, 3 a ,.,-He reoorl Ihe Incoriuirn. enuia hii,.i 14 year of at"" and rauw here luaKiiui'P. Ill Hie centre of Hie St. I.oui. 3; Chicago. 0. aond ba.e .ui hi firt appear-,,H (lf ,hH r,v.uy formed Ma. rlwiiMi mi la puinl tf ut rhainu cuiliiMaaat.llwiir nurtii hm.t P.O. Itoi 8S3, Phone line lay a pnxate, mud meard. 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE. anoiwiH. the Upjr Fro.er town TiiiHr (iunpany, (l Unrk. promt .ImhiI ! srrr. Office 1017 3rd A several year a?o fionr Montreal UMlMl April IIMj tf. Uewent to Alice Arm in IIMH and and pvery lime he fired a flair IUmIiui, i; New York. -4. twiiii. In the erie earb leami, roneerri rerenlly Curtm-d in O W r.SA.MSOM.MOMCTO.I. Jobbing Work of all Klw AimiI. wa there" enitaved for a lime a waved over Hie tariiet, nifnrminu Pitt.burg, t; Cincinnati, 5. have now a victory and a lo. (,.ra, , , at llucklfy Hay. him hi hot had mied Hip Philadelphia. lliiHiklyu. 3. A paHy of in Prinee Heorge fan lrp, Columbia end of It rimrr himrt mid iiutmct a barber and later fireman on tbo IiISTHICT Ol COAST MM0E I TERRACE loly Yardcn Hallway. Ue went to! mark. Ho mied aiiain and Cbirago. 16, St. .f.oiii, 5. areompameu ineir leain 10 van. P.luil,-( nl 100.000 wilh derhoof. . rain torni lift the r. Aii)in about two year ago and head office in Vancouver. Sirh, .(.' , rurr, iunl ut LANDS otiiili-v in Hie evening and a ,J'"M,'r t for lirJari FRUIT employed by the fSranliy (uiipany Ui pricrl fur ru.1 Nil lie iliffn ully wa eifierieueed Mr. and Mr. O M. Meek-r and ."i '',r.,b " U.ribil "Jill until relurninir lo Prince ftupert 011 Hi, home trip. The lineup wo children naili'd for home on t"' 1'l.lllrd H. Flva Acres Fruit tarly In the summer. He made a '"' "t Un- iisim wfre a fo. llm PriiM-' lluiieri lat nlgtil af- iM.rih rlMI.; IIh-HT. 4 ,i riZZ?. miles from lown, t In Ketchikan and then . .,n.l.. I'llllO ' trip rame "W I -II b w- ler vi.iling Mr. Meeker' parent. IZ.ZZ ,Z .Mi.l ut irai ! US fl(M i.Biio a.. ' s , ua back to Prince lliipert uiraia H P oioe n'oru-. Johnlon. Mr. nitl Mr. J A. Meeker, of '." .' ,'tion and well fenced, "".,.. wa a iiieiidier of the l',U- IhIka II yes sstlsr lre IkssautUa. Mrl.eod. Hi; II. .lohli.loii, 'Jli; Ihl cily. ft. M. Meeker I ple-idenl i. r, MonrToiv. t. t'H eloriea, aim y j Sciatica. Nearltis M Mir-J14.r . el' . ut 'Aoyov. , W lANil !. T11 - id ulll. luiv tii' - - t. .I0I1111.011. lb: Tufl. of Ihe CiiliimonwealHi He. rear UeaM klU the vans .Itelatlve of the dereated Pi " -..i..r is asre mi is ua rt Wlnii r.hnrr mtrmT 1 in tiurairT loppltt set out li"- eHkal Uait. 4M a,,, , ,.iu. if; hrowii, f; irey. rve Fund Hanker and iiive.l-or. l.tsTlilrT or tree , 1 Montreal are bring rommuniculeU ' coast hoiir s ,.MI L,"'' Saeaawu UeseKs treat Co. of Cliieairo and return . Til. rn.Ur. thai 1. o r u.t:. r mit of l raw ne n .nll' with reKardlntr funenil anane. -r. "a 1st aclp af sJBar vtstaar, I T11 t. jwmw IMW1 sat. Vadeit f .Sharp A : Mi- to Ihe "U1" with n mol favorable waKou. meul. The remain are 111 lh K nncy it,, Nolan, Af; Turner, iiiiprelon of 1I1U ill. wrnt fcL:ir: 5zL S under band of Hayner Kn.. if "oiwin, ; Johnson, p; (rid, from hi firl vi.lt. laker. lair . MUehell, rf; Uocliran. I BROS. Itev. W. K. lUilluon, of Ihc KENNEY Persistent advertising is ab. Naa Indian Apriicy, i.ft ( liit solulely Decenary to iucccii, Sold by 0RMES LIMITED. IbtSlfd AWII lire. 1st Rsal Estate A Insursnce I bubicobs for lbs Dally Htws mgbi fur Kincoliih. 0 TERRACE W i.1i.1,A,B.