tt M'indar A ig ,i i AQE fVt 1TH1 D4ILT MFWB JSiu i ssn i-J-u jx aau itn EVIDENCE OF FISHERMEN TO-DAY ask him for his license Two BEFORE THE FISHER. years ago he fished with another G. H. Arnold, Notary Public ICS COMMISSION, man's license, tli llccni WESTHOLME Ihe THEATRE ticiitg gltcn lo him by cannery. FIRC INSURANCE It carefully written by us In rellabla (Continual from Page I Produced Nets, ionium anu tomorrow companies. We are permanently engaged In the business and the flh by such a method be Wtlne.. produrei mie urn our records are accurately kept so that when your policy expires Tore hey ha J imwnrd. The pic. of pel useil by Ih while ou will be notified In sufficient time to keep your properly puroe eine method allowed Ihe n. Indians and Japanese to fih to Ret through. The In business. how Ihe difference In Hie meas protected. We solicit your dians, ii.iun the draft seine iif-menls. Mr. Marlell .ug H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. loot! on the earli and laughed gi-itid thai these samples le pul Rentals. Insurance. Loans. hi the while men. n - xhilill and examlne by ,lbe ked what he lliouxhl .f , ..niilii..ton later W illie., vjd! ti..lihtnit ihe (Iras eln- al Ho- nets giten lo Ihe Japaue- MR AND MRS. MORRISON he loKclher,an recti Mr.lhal Nelvilb-abolition slated of inm Hut Purest of all 1 and were of of smaller a much mesh heller than quality Hi-neix LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA would cuicrve Ihe fih. At any glteii lo while men and Indians. rale, the ilrna -itiei nhould not Far tototool oil rltk rtttn be Rlbnveil tit cbe to (he i sit, froia oor owa plt.tttloot, Mr. Gonl asked why lliM-ni t hZ- Members of Masonic Order Make mouth "f Ihe creeks. sr ikliroltr kl.oit a ootiKI neries wrmhl not give the tesl TO EUROPE Presentation to Pioneer Of Mr. Mollterw-ell ialct thai the loss. Il It 1st otrttl Itf net. to the white fl.hermen. fleer of department endeavored Slktt SMllt7 ItooSrr tots Tyee Lodge 0 pul lines- said he could n"i ay i Ihe for Ihe hot Ik Isrf tt ttto I 1st torM. -il boundary drajr net tic hut that he ha had al lime- a-good Ml RESERKIIIONS NOW! Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Morrison far enotiuh itit no that the fMi Soitk(awt,aM Wittirtttr net git en him a any i.lln J ami llielr family sailed by the would be protected. mi t It hat a lajoaro Urt. man used. Qutsco-CHCRBouia-(OUTHaMPTON I'rincess Loulc on Saturday af-hamsuss Tax Unfair. loam II so a os year oUtko aa4 Mr. Duff asked why If bad tcrmion for Lo. Angeles where Ilrdardinn the He fer Nsli attkat Ikoat mi lootr. brought Ihe samples of net in Stp. .1 Oct. 17,Nt. 1 rtm''"ef Scotland Hcy will make their Tulure home tax. Mr. Neville malntalne,) thai Wtlne-- aid lhal he wanted lo There was .a large crowd" of such a tax alike on pinks which prove thai the canneries gave MONTRtSL-SOUTHSStrTON-ANTWIS' f friend a.I the wharf as (he steam brought them tc apiece and the white man inferior ntU. .SO So. T Oct. XS eunnoSot Mlltl'I rr pulled out to bid them fare. wkryen, 70c was wholly unfair. 7. which could Im- proved 1T tllf S.O. 1 Oct. It Not. S 1 well. He considered lhal the tax on eomiill-.ion 'taioiiilOJ 'tic He' montrcal to usinroot. A gold watch and chain was pink ofjffttt to be abolished and al i Ii'- xnnei n - i ii'-m--K . ?7"" r",'?.',. Ireenlrd lo Mr. Morrison. by T. they would he atmfKl lo ay i ) its. soct. snot, s momrott Johnson on .behalf tif Tw on soekejR. On lhP ouzaclion se. is Oct. 13 ni. 10 Victoria Lodge, A.F. .1 A.M., of w hich Mr. of Mr. Huff. Mr. Neville staled CHRISTENING AND Morrison ha been one of the lhal, nf eoe. Ihey would be! MONTREAL TO OLAIGOW I FAREWELL PARTY it alifird w-tlh the abolition of y(.test. 23 Oct.21 MtUfcmeadi"? menu-crs since llicep- St. e Oct. 7.Not. 4 Tamils 'lion. Members of the lodge, who Ihe lax altoselher. Mr. Huff WERE COMBINED ss.l ''""jwcre IniliatPd during Mr. Morri- aid it wa hi. private opinion regiilalion should fiaoird ih- o lhal, with Ihe ihirment of the son's term a worshipful master, Qucsto to Liverpool lhal the inviter of a ImhiI whose A larae nttmlwr of friend- met St. It Oct. 10 Not. T Imoratt of rital (dsn presented him with H polk! 3n licen. the lax per flh tn,f,, hnllld be alioli.hetl altocelher. boat wa ued for the purpose at tire home of Mr. ami Mrs I. II : QUESEO-CHERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON Mr. Ma Hell .airl thai he dhi not of violating the fi.her liiw I'arry. Sixth Avenue West oi Sto. 1 Iisprota of InSIs ' should be guilty under Ihe fisheries for the rhrl-leii night think h Vie tax on Ic ami 7 Or iHalurday Spot, te Atlt titfjwhtrs, t. t. MOTION POSTED IN fifth alike wax fair. act. LMn taking a cae ina partt of their infant sun and 7.7.:;. TZXJrXZ Mr. Dickie enquired how many Into -coort for tioUiion of the alo to farewell Mr. O. Linleb't CANADIAN PACiriO RAILWAY REGARD RELIEF WORK ourse seine and drtta- peine law and a mil n i fined .a Ti or who. afler living In Ihe Hit t-twelte Mack .Sennett Comedy, "The Duck Hunter' Traill Stoat. there were alloaclber in Di.tHel 410 ami Hale he doe not own )ejtrs. is teavitlg for lh- with Billy Bcvan and Mildred June Notice of Motion to This Effect No. t and was Informed by Ihe boat tliea the administration south ssxhi to go into Ihe inlllin .I Has Been Posted Major MMherw-HI lhal tltere were of the Fishery d-iiarlMenl be cry buolne. Mr. Apthorpe. rluct Admission, 15c and 35c thought had been lav. A 14 finei SO of the former ami 36 nf the stevk-nnl of the Prince Hopert It v ill ! moved by Aid. Kerr taller. on a boat load of fi-h worth ay ami Mr. fUnblelon were sHnor- Green and seconded by Aid. Montgomery, Hear Perry Later. thing.fkHI he thought was a ridiculous lor the child. Mr. I'mhlrlon s old at tonight's rounril meeting, that C. C lerry. Indian azenl, stal. Inends JMiieil In wishing be Mr. Duff asked the in view of the ineffective scheiires ed Ida! he had evbience lo site witne. etery iieces. . ' for relief work that have been in in regard to the Indian hi thi what be ttrMsght wa a remedy togue in the pat and a Wo 1m i next ion. II wa deckled that agalM4 fi.ltenoen flohiitg be NOTICt- Stuff fore time. O Dotmell replied that IV Tilt VtTTIR el in tpelktima for view of the forllicoiirlns merlini: he, being a departmental official, the .ending of Official out with Uv Ittoo t a Imt rernlirsi f llOo M Httgtrton Blotk, Print Riptrt Pint 6S6 of the t'li ion of ll.C. .Municipali would tic heard after the .n. .Mxtlfclt. Oltrtt. It .II Hilrto.1 Hi a fish bout hit UriHssrht would - m i mm ties lhal the council or committee Ibstiermeti. Us fl. Sl-Hk S. lot Leit IS. St-aa4 tf. Fresh Shipments Arriving on draft a resolution to ! submitted Presents Petition. "terciHwc it. Haisrrl stark si.(Mtp an Stl.I soriiua . air M rner Dr. E. S. TAIT Four Boats This Week. to the different municiitalitie J. O'Donnell in rising to (rive Few Chrlstlsns Fishing. StUtrsclotr Dtoer of IS luat W ! CI .11. on Monday. and the The ehairiiMii ahl lhal the rrrurtrtt r.f nuo imomi I ho ItM.t contention whereby Hu- evidence before the eoniHiio.ioii uaat. bauai bora iwnaaroa n la as M- Denial Surgeon O.T.l. on Wednesday. lun eminent rliall be re.tonibl tiresented a etHimt lanl by weekly rhel time for salmon mm loatli-oi tHMnih lo Irnm afisr nrtl Ik p.tlHtnuoi oistrstwsi" f ii.l.H. on Friday. tor all relief work for rtideul white fihcnien ami ImlkaH ftshlHg was frui Friday A p.m. of. a Iretk tmirirat tt nil is IS Office I loan, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. O.T.l. on Saturday. outside of the muuiclpalilie am fi.brrBten itneralinff in local until Sunday 0 p.m. ami aked ,mm Mrh of rvrllllrllo M-4irl ttMib of no a4 It Hr OlIOS Sa.ll.iltk Sunday by Appointment i.Wo any other resolution that mm) water.' The petition wa mark. witues ir i ware. ,7 not breaking !'emjr,nsied si lilt,lae swl Und It en.trr xa.brri lift ofno.I Price Changes: Lc deemed advisable in the interest d exhibit II by order of the Ihe law of Ihe i-abbath lo fi-h i rrowa Hvrt. ax. this sis Sty ef J at. Corn on Cob. 75c dot. of the city. chairman ami will b referred lo oh Sunday. O'Disnnell replied;"" h r Mtciton, New Cabbage, 8 lb. for 25c. later. In sit In? evidenee Mr. that he dbi not think there were' Krrtlrsr bl Tltlos. New; t-'puds, S lb. for 25c. BIRTHS. O'Doniiell Mhl that on lljc many Christian fishing on tin I'arsnips, 3 lb. for 25c. There wa born to 'Mr. and Mr SVcena river today the while river. New; Pea from Terrace, 2 lb. (.. A. Klkln. 8th Avenue Ka.t. a fishermen and Ihe Indian fi.h. The chairman asked witne- for 25c. son on August IS, at the Oeneral ermen were hein? ilclUierjIcly if there were any good rea-.o. Outdoor Tomatoes, per basket Hospital. puthed off Ihe river through unfair why the regulation should not 50c. A on wan born to Mr. and Mrs. method. The fWliIni? law- read till MoiMUy at 6 pin Tlo Vegetable Marrow, per lb. c. K. Mshikagl, Fraser street, yes- he sahl was nol belnst enforced. witness said ihat he did Preserving Peaches, per lerday, al the Oeneral Hospital. He said thai it was common think the alteration of tin- tun. these Facts crate, $2.10. A daughter wa born this knowledge that the Japanese malt ere.J very much a- wtilrtt Study morning lo Mr. and Mr. C. Hat. were unto? a mueli a Ihree net ever way il wa- worked I to- fi-ii Rupert Table Supply Co. mollcr. at the Oeneral llo.-pital. illegally. It wa also common ermen did net have a day off f knowledge that yestenJay afler. he wa not fi.hmg be wa- im- Phones 211 A 212. POSTPONE PAYMENT noon thV Itoat had their net out memliug hi. n.-u prrparaiorv i. I'AIIIS, Aug. It. The repara before 6 o'clock ji.m. ami lhal going out aaam. lloweter. he lions commission this morning (be while fUherwen were getlin? lid not think hlat sueb a hanic- 1. The Bituminous Mines in the United States have been shut down decided to postpone the August IS inferior net and inferior boat, would affect anyone very much since April. lie bad been fishing up lo last O Don nel touched on the ipi.- BIG marks a mi-lit by Oermany of 50.000,000 until a deci gold Thursday week on the Skecna lion of duminy licenses, which 2. Great Britain in now sending large shipments of coal to the United and. anyone could use a many ie explaineti were lieense. lhal States. ion has been reached by the Al nets he wished to and thai lelouzml lo dad ineft or to men Bargains lied premiers. Ihe fishery a law on the riter was that del not exist. He said that 3. Heretofore the United States supplied large quantitiea of oal t- The remain of the late Ole a farce. while he had a list of liceu-e. Canada. This winter Canada's mines will bo incapable of supplying Mr. Dickie asked he witness e had no mean of proving hi- i.hruiian.en, the fisherman who what particular point he had iispiemu in this connection the demand for not only will they have our own markets t" wa drowned lait week off the in mind when he said the law Chairman asked what difference attend to but the States will be calling on them heavily. bent's Lingerie south schooner(art America,night for were interment shipped in wa. a fa'-c. il made If be bad a Itcen.e and 4. In view of these facts there is bound to bo a coal shortage this winter Mr. Duff sab! the ease of Ihe someone else did Hie fishing. snor l'acoma. Japanese using three nets was a O'Douuel said II was illegal. LADIES' READY TO WEAR CHANQEOF CHANGE. specific case. ami that the name of Ihe fisherman In reply to a question as to must be .mi the license. Be Wise! 3rd Avenue. Ilrowu Si iit-e I bought a ear how long before A u'eloek yesterday Opposed to Jspansse. I don't hate to walk to the bank afternoon Ihe net were out Further Reductions on our lo make-joy depo-iU. Wllne wa- very -irong remaining Spring and Summer Illark Ah, you ride lhrr O'Donnell replied from 10 to 15 against Japanese eouipelllimi in Suits, Dresses and Ilrown No, I don't make any. minitl's. He said lhal Ihe nel Hie fishing loudness, and a-ked Stock Your Coal Now Coats, For Monday, Tuesday Portland F.spres. were dropped mi the firing of a for an eten Ineak in all Hung. and Wednesday. if on by Ihe aaniierie, and in re The chairman asked if the Jap FAREWELL MODEL ply to a question by Mr. Mallei! anese were llrllish subject, i,, a to who fired the gun Ihe which the wiiiiess replied lhal Auto Salesman (lo cut ton ler BENT'S of mouth previous) That ear is wilnen said it was fired by the he was sure a good many of We have arranged for the delivery of 3000 Tons of ranuerie. them were not. a good buy for you! Unlock Driver Willi tiarrasin Thirty-five Cases Pending W. Ilrown, a fisherman of Port Third Avenue. - Nut for me. Il' it bye. bye Mr. Motherwell said there were Kdward next gave evidence in the to my bank account. "Topic of six canneries from which guns course of which lie said "I am the Day'' Film. w.-n- fired denoting the expira. a gill net fi-heniiaii. and started Nanaimo-, lion of the closed week end W lo fiiK about 33 year ago on COAL Wellington i m1, and that the canneries did Ihe l-raser river. At that lime Edson Coal Co. I tin- firing; also that 33 cases we could throw our nets out HYDE w-ir pending on last night's ao- and catch anywhere from 300 to t loll. 1000 fish in at hours. Today Mi. Mart el I thought that If the Fraser i practically done Famous TRANSFER Hun' were as many as 33 cases from a sot-keyo standpoint. I The Best Coal on the Market Today pending for Infraction of tlio came to the Skceiia about -'5 EXPRESS AND BAQQAQE, fishery law it was no wonder years ago. Wo fished nothing Get your coal now liaforo the winter rush comes on. We have our own t nia EDSON COAL Day und Night l'bono 580. that Mr. O'Donnell said the taw mere lhau -do fathom net. und and can deliver now to your advantage. whs a farce. could gel in the marly days from Mr Motherwell lo 30 to 100 In drift. Now u time to gel replying -a ion a Today Best Coal ( ufi i4tii a to what aelion was you can go outside here and drag wlnler your snjudy. A SPECIAL PRICE FOR taki-n against these cases, sal for a wek and yuu will avei ag Phone 116 and 564 Dial a fine of from IS to t50 t lo 5 a drift, and at Ihat ym AUGUST DELIVERY. Wood Wood ould be iiuiMMed and the gear i will fish iw.i ii eU Instead " For further information. Stove Lengths, SpllL ami the boat eould be ronflseat- lone. lines, said that he luu Albert & Ltd. Phone 58. ed but that lit boats und nets seen Japan. .. fishing in McCaffery, Office of Prince Rupert Feed 139 2nd Ave. WesL are the properly of the eanner-1 time about U0 yard from Co., Cor. Second Ave. and e in which ihe fishermen havo patrol tioal and that he had Seventh St. Phone 680. I Ii. l lit i'l-e-1 ' fished for years and ;H! niM M M . .11 il ght I ltd Hi- ro'vi-i luni ,. ,,f ih. .f: