PAGn TWO TITE DATTiY NEWS ard FriMeil's oration. This .The Daily News STOMACH ULCER lyoutig orator' bud an'eay flow I'Mnv.i: nirinnT nniTisii comimhia !..f'and language free stage nnd a manner.Very pleading The, Here are the Published Rvery Afternoon, pxrppt Sunday, liy The News I signs of nervousness were less' AND GALL STONES !in eviiU-ncp.lrithi.v.apceeli than in Printing and Publishing Company, Thin! Avenue. .inyJr Ibe-nlhefs. Many lllouptil II. P. IM'I.I.RN, Managing Kdilnr. Itpfore Ihe .niifMiliCement of the mm 25 Yeara,Completely BARGAINS After Suffering judges wns uade that he would Relieved by "FRUIT-A-HVES" . SUBSCniPTION RATES: , tip Hie winner. Oncnfnz tits suhJwt. the Cily Dolivpry, Ity mail or carrier per mnnlli . $1,00 Ispeaker irace1 Hie early' days of' Hj mail lo nil parts of In HritMi Umpire ami Hip United Stales, il'reiicti eolonixulion and sptfle- fn advance, per.year . . . .- . SO.Ofl Ituehl. Hip establishment of Ihe We have ever offered To all other cniinlri, in advance., per year ST.SO llritUh nag after the Halite of ihe Phiins nf Abraham and-Ihet TELEPHONE 98 'fi-aiuiii? of Con feteration and Ihe ! XoMb :.merica Act. TheJ LADIES' FINE MERCERIZED LISLE HOSE GINGHAMS In all the lal. d. Tfnalrjit Display A"dvcrliing. . . 10 prr jnch per incrlinn development of Ihe nation had in I Hack. Navy and llrown. Sites -!. Special prjee Transient Advertising on Kroni Page. 2.Sil ppr inch liwn rapid, itue to its constitution special price l,oca Headers, ppr insertion 2ftc per line which was the best in the ('.Instilled Advertising, per insertion .2e prr word world. Immigrants flocked in 50c pair 3 yards for 95c l.rga) N'olicps, pnch insertion If"' pT agate line and developed Hie natural resources. per Contract Males on Application. Foreign trade was its All advertising should In in The D.'.ily News nnire on day pre-cpding MH. CDWAROS j greatest asset and was repoinj- publication. All nlvrtiitijr reepived .ulijprl In approval. M ArLrnciwr Fash, HiuhCbst,P.Q. tde for its very existence. Mining, LADIES' PRINT OVERALL APRONS In MEN'S COTTON SOCKS in Itlm Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. "I ira In my 7sih year. About 23 itishin?, lumber and aBriculture Stripes and Checks, Sics .1i lo IM. :ivv yrart ago, I he fan to hate trouble with were its greatest natural indns-1 Worth up to I..V Special rlcp nnl Crey. Iteinforced hi-e aim i.,. my Stomach. One doctor Slid I had 1 t ics and Hie manufactured proif- Special price DAILY EDITION Saturday. March 192: l, gfTc Oncer; another Mid, I'lcef M the iiicls of Canada were taking their 85c fctoiuach;Dother,fi3lIStue4;otlier, I place on the world's markets. Are Moving Picture L'lters of .the Liver aiM lliCamum-tion real statesmen and a noitie 4 pairs for 95c Makers lmmorat? of the Hall IlUddrf. womanhood had played its part STRIPE COTTON TURKISH TOWELS. rVillowiug Hip disreputable Avhlirklc disclosures and Hip Three tyea'rs af, 1 conaulted one in Ihe country's success. Canada later m order Jd Los Angeles of a man naiiipd Taylor, a moving! of the bint lu Mulitrcct. tool responded in no uncertain Fasl colors. Special pric- picture director with the probability of a love motive, it ha ln-eontp Hp said 1 rtm.t fu to the hospital, Tnsinner to the call of Ihe Motherland MEN'S FLANNELETTE WORK Jiabil to slignudizc all movie actors and actresses as had have an 'LTcef tot out of my in the C iron I War. The 4 for $1.00. SHIRTS characters. The eliief dillienlty with tlieiii is'lhal they earn large t to mar h and rail atones rrnioved. I people of Ca nil da luul luade honorable . in Dark Crey-aiul Khiikl. Ilv.'ix -III! salaries, and not very many people an aide to stand up against was then 74 jir old.ote I"truittnitn".Mid "'SO." names for themselves in "iiaranleeil perfect. Siojj p. j I '-J good limes. They are, however, much like other people, neither TKrn, I began it Hie world. West of all w.n I lie PLAIN WHITE HUCK TOWELS. I found they helped mr A lot, and I AVgulaT' Special of llritih Columbia great province belief niir Worse. Special pt-ice Mi!l take thrni occSMOhAlly, and I am . The mayor of I.os Angclc has rerenlly issued an appeal lo with Prince lluperf as the much ttlef that old friend Hie public and press on liehalf of the movie people, in part a no nie vrht I my liAvedene to centre of it industries and the 4 for 85c $1.45 western gateway of Ihe Dominion. follows. f myself to look so well, I nm paining-iu "The Arlmrkle ease ami Hie slaying of Mr.- I'nylor 'were weight and pnjojinplifi t cry much" The phenomenal Rrowlh of indeed unfortunate alTairs hut it is mit just In crilieize an entire h. w. i:ivahis. Canada had made it Hie brightest of those ill Hie motion t'em in Ihe crown of the engaged pieture grnup' peofleMiei as 00c a box, 0 for$2.50,di!id ite5.'c1 industry for incidents, many of them not Irne as lo fuel, which J'ruit-t-tive llrllish Hmpire. Ati!"al?rsor eht pra'paid by have lipen puhlislied hroadeast reeently. Limited. OlUwa. miss Pete Tremayne. Universal Trading Company "I helieve. Ihat the Hollywood motion picture eidouy shfiuld Miss I'elc Tremayne's address not l.e eondemned for the actions of a few of its memliers any vas also one of great excellence. more than a district or an industry located in San Francisco, New SUITCASES This young lady, taking as her Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street Object "The Value of a Higher York"I or am(Jhicago.convinced that there are hundreds of clean,' law- TRUNKS liducalion" hail a very smooth Phone 376' JAS. H. MARK, Manager P.O. Box 1712 atid eletir sneaking Voice and ahidiug men and swimen engaged in the making of motion CLUB BAGS made unite impression. She pictures, and in Iheif Itehnlf I ak Hip opcii-nfnidcd judgment ajid an 'declared thai the men and women the'even-muulod justice chararleristic of our American petiple." An enormous amount of flagrant mistalenienl and vague Large Stock on hand. jwilh blither education were al-jv.iys found guiding the affair.-. The independence of Canada was and unjustified speculation and insinuation lias heen sent hroad-eal Prices very low. or state and business or a nation. Ihe modern ideal of national in reganl to the. Taylor murder, largely liecanse neither the Canada, especially, demanded freedom. A blending of llie J. F. MAGUIRE .authorities nor the newspapermen on the ease could find many all educated people ami Saxon and French races had eslahlis-hcd inferences. facts oi which lo base their conclusions and Next the Prince Rupert Hotel they were necessary for her development. made up Ihe nation. There had S Brand Fresh Roasted The future of Ihe been a long struggle for representative Stripped of wild theories and reckless exaggeration, however. country depended as much on government and the. lhef9Clj. ''tP'K).ihe-' .is fol!f;w -v' V ! HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EX the character education of Ihe new country had been handicap-, ilirector Jui Worn importance illj tfie'film worid was killed CELLED THEMSELVES IN people us it did upon the natural lied by the statesmen of (ireat ' mysteriously in his own home, lie was a man of peculiar popularity ORATORY CONTEST OF resources. Minds were useless llrilnin who al first did not un-dersland u Coffe with women. Love notes from several women were found ROTARY CLUB IN without education and no expense Ihe people. The autoc t in his home, add there is a possibility, hut by no means a certainly, BOOTH SCHOOL. or nnins should be spared in racy of Hie government before! that he was murdered on account of love affair. some jprobiing . was gratifying lo con federal ion had also been a . The case, rs so,exactly similar to the Klwell tragedy in ev (Continued from Page one.). je that Ihe school Hoard of -dumhling hlifck. However Canada p ioiK nrsi n to ine diameter or rne Hvo viclmis, second as to , . Prince Rupert had showh I hat it had been finally granted the You'll drink a second cup If she Ihe'ndssibfe niolive of Ihc murder, and third ns In Ihe circim. " ma' ,e 30 J'1""" ncc wits nllve lo the sit tint ion by establishing full measure of Home hide and erves "SUPREME." stances surroilpdiug Ihe murder that they might be exact dupli-, was drawn. a first year I'nlversity now possessed all the rishls ofi "l.ei us lonk on Hie eily it Nothing like, a mellow cup of rates one of lhe other, with merely a change of scene. as clas& in connection with the High a free .nation independent of the I appears Ihiriy years from now," coffee to start the day right except Under these circumstances there would seem lo be no more School. It would be line of the dictation of the Motherland. It R said the sjipaker. "Now have "SUPREME" It we another and basis for Ihe wicked distortion and exaggeration of the simple . .... .. i .i i greatest as.cls Itie-'city could had been proved that such a cup, facts in the film """ i ruin fin rtrry llilliu illiu il.yp the right coffee because It's the to regard people than there would have been of government had the Hie .suburbs, of the cilv extendi proven as coffee that tastes just as good similar ailnrfcs upon society people on account of Klwell's social Willie Kergln. strength rather than Hie disintegration connections. beyond We.ifvipw, now a gor Willie Ki'rgin also dealt wflli of the Kmpire. The It smells. geous residential sedinn. A r.very class, every profession, has its "black sheet).' There cement bridge1 with 'double car "The Crowlh of Cunada" as Cereal War had given proof Hint E You can prove this claim easily are some shyter lawyers who rob their clients, some doctors who Irackji and rows of beautiful nation. He traced the ton years the nation was not decadent. by ordering a pound from your nre actually criminal in their operations, some statesmen who hislory'of Hie country. The re lights connect clion :i with TJiere was a great deal more to grocer today. figure in Standard Oil disclosures, onie nrcbitecls who build the business section of sources nnd industries had had be done in bring up i I h destined perman- criminal .uealh-lraps. a great growth until now the greatness hul. with of vnf buildings. Everywhere there n spirit M Thcrv;arv ill fart, disgraces to every elass an," p.v'ery profession; is confusion una1 noise, 'there country was one of the foremost devotion nnd. self reliance, il STEWARTS MOBLEY.Ltd. bill, iiilelligeut and.judicious people do not hold n whole arc nurneroiifi theatres -and Ihe producers of raw materials and would work out its own destiny. profession orta whole industry fir a whole element of society streets are filled with elegant manufactured products. Canada Bartlett Wakefield. responsible for Ihe ads of if few ileliinpieiils mid disrepulnbles. tnofor cars- Huge skyscrapers had taken her place among Ihe HarHett Wakefield, speaking Coffee Importers and Roasters lowers of the world and had E" thrust llieir glistening domes on "Athletics as an Aid to Per PRINCE RUPERT Greater Efficiency grown from a mere colony to a info J lie sky where the hum of fect Manhood," said I hat pres. Among Workmen. mighty nation. 'Ihe dawn of an airplanes may be heard. A lit day athletic were hul a de The hard limes is having the elfeet of making worklnginen traffic officer at Ihe corner of era of a HHIO years, of continued nf the boyhood games more eflleienl according to innumerable reports received rroin Kixlh Hlreet and Third AVenue prosperity and growth was In If the nation was In be success prions quarter. The First National Hank, Boston, sends out a is directing the nevr ceasing sight. . fill it wa necessary to keep the report which says in part: flow of vehicle. In the centre Misa Gertrude Nelson. minds and hndic of Hie prop! "While the volume of hand-to-mouth buying is perhaps of the' city i's a fine permanent Miss fierlnide Nelson, npeakiiiK in a healthy shape. Athletic increas-ing slightly, business as a rule is being'done- on a very free library with people flocking on the satne subject, "The training was becoming more and narrow or-no.prolil basis. Fluctuations in raw material prices, tip and down il stone siairs. firowlh of Canada as a Nation." more general and was. now liejng high labor ami transportation rosts, varying demand for finished The old government buildings at delivered tier oration in a clear given a great measure of at RUPERT BRAND goods, make manufacturing tineertain and very difllcull. F.xpec- the Market Place are no longer and forceful manner. She dealt tention in the schools. The dif. . . . . considerably with the ideals ami !Mii' l"wvK l'.rUV rr "'"""f"''"""'! Kooils continually majestic but have been added to ferent kinds of sport lauaht Ihe markel. .Northern mills throughout New Kngland are until they now look like those al working of the governmenls characfer and self-reliance arid reducing wages and lengthening hours, the result meaning about Victoria. Up Meltrlde Street may better fitted the people to meet Kippers and Bloaters 10 per cent. for I2',4 percent, more work. hn cfii the new university of SORES SPREAD Ihe exigencies of daily life in thr o tion is primarily forced by southern competition. n.i,,.' Prince Iliipert. The road In the world. The first, feature of im is anolher step in the process of deflation destined lo bring the wharf is lined with heavy com All Over pnrtance was that of fair play prices of finished goods and farm products nearer a i.arilv mercial trucks and moored al One should win only by honest J ormer can not buy freely at relatively high "prices, while his , in t lie piers are many large freight FACES AND BODIES. effort and should he ai ready to forjSaloJat products bring low prices." and passenger vessels. The accept defeat as viclnrf. If (he ALL RETAIL STORES Oriental commerce is fully developed. Mr. Ifowbrit 1 1 on IM In, -Want ttiuu. hody whs tn good condition Smk.. wrtien:--"! wbu to tHI ytm ot lti also would be (he brain. Athletic ! Food Any Touch of Indigestion "Turning from tills picture of twin-lit have rerlvl by u.lur your training should be a part of The Most Tasty Breakfast future and coming back to Hie valuable medirliir, Burclork HlioJ Uilirra. every boy's education and hhonhl My flilldren HarteJ brt-ak to out Obtainable preset tirne, we find Dial Prince he continued after he Your Until various tlw-lr tier villi mall while iilmplea hlch was a man. your digestive organs Itupcrl i already on the high. kipl filing larger earn day, I'ua would Club President. Food are in order your food, instead of way of prosperity,. It is up to form under llm uralj am they woull vm - .While. Ihe judges were delib all to work fnirether and liasfen uK, and caili limr lli'o K would le Smoked Daily by erating, President fuiby will properly nourishing you will be liable the tarter; imw rre a larr a a tunny gave a when Prince Feed to clog and poison your system. Your lake day its place among ftuperf the cities.will their live rriit Dudley,piefe. and ua would nearly ID pred dfUlf all over and short the Holary talk, telling Club in of devoting Hie idea ko of Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. blood will be poor and impure and All wilt then reap the great re aeht to the illlapa for a txiltle or rood much lime lo work uionug the you ward of their investment and Mood rnedlrlne. The dnirtOI twin me a children. Much of their effort PRINCE RUPERT your nervous liollle of Hurdork DIoihI HI I Urn, Wtllth I system more thoroughly run pioneering and will ha the hon. rniniiient'ed irlUnr Ihem al onre, was to be expended in that diree. down. Take immediate steps to secure orrd citizen Of a great city." lu alxiiil ten day I aw' an liurrovn Hon and would be used to such the The young speaker commenced lueiil and lliey rew uteadlly belter each ends as local requirements seem, healthy of Takt activity stomach, liver, his oration III n burst Of mach-,d'' ,nd ln '"" fontb Urn aorea had all ed In Warrant. An essay contest and bowels. To this end vou should ine-gun like npced which rnodcr-r' ?l,?, tn (tt'ae are caused hod been put on as well as this aled as he advanced. bile his j a us j as inrfff rrrrrrri ,weil.e nr ,, Wo,K,, itlll u, tfX ,,ut(! tM kp oratoricnl contest and n echoo! speech wt( perhaps not as It pure you riium feniore every liaee nf census had been. taken. Here in THEO COLLART. LTD. - - ris. Beecham's sruoolh and easy flowing as some ,,M Impure and inorhld mailer from it, Prince Itupefl the club bud in of the others he nhowed that he yaiem uy a blood rieanitlDa inedlrlne mind swimming lank a and near turh a E., a -BURDOCK had Ids subject well in hand and BLOOD BITTIRI gyrmiatiutu. FOR SALETwo Lots on 6th Avenue handled it with 11 style that up. remedy that baa hern ou-llie inarkel After l. 0. Mcltae) had made ti McBride St., $1200.00, term Sold pealed (o all. for th pai piriy-nvr. vfara. aod rihorl address announcing ... 25c-40 the pilh m il .'i i. i .iii.i everywhere Pills without ao for all dlaearea and dH- Howard Frlxxelt. General Insurant. winner, the gallicilng dlpcred Rental Real Estato niltefa fit the in boxes BIokJ, - 50c- 90 pilh i ne irrowin of cnou" as a Matrnfaerurrd Auty If Tim T Mill.urn wiui the singing of the National Phone BlUe 65 Westholme Theatre Block p. u. nation was lh uhjecl of How- Co.. Lli.nod, Tnroiiio rlnt, Anthem,