tkat rout THE DAILY NEWS Saturday M BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa, Tm aVKl ar C . ft J HELLO-XEV WELL- ENO IT TWO BOCKL VbTonSght HICK.Ef WMTlH' TlREO YAVTlN-OF? THI2 itrWyE 9 UC C.O.O. RVSHT Mil1ETW!' " VANTt TO II ' u ltTHEOftEb WR.U &S HOME . 1 T la 'feae and atraarlSa 60t(?0W TWO. 1 1 rf;r-v all finished: II .A m em"a er diraauaa and II I . UiMminm, lmeva apattita, OOLUARtltL stck NXkIwi, radar Ml I aannnann, aarract canatlaatioa. tNAv IN THE L7(j;,:trK5."",,' HOUtsE. OMTIU iHS r i I I Tomorrow Alright I v Q2P 1 t22 vt Nn frATuae Srsvicr lc MOVING? FOUREX BEATS HOCKEY GAME a-I Sport Chat ! Daily News Classified Ads. VANCOUVER IN TO VANCOUVER N" one ha contributed more to If so, iln so--es of ili.- winter basket 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advartlacmont Taken for Lett thn BOe JtCUVJ CTUT A f ill season whi. h has jiii i losed Call Us Up MULlCiI rIIlA!i!0nlf 0ne Polnl Mad0 ,n Hocke'!ilian F.d.lio Mann, the reform of PIANO TUNING. WANTEO Match Played at Seattle Ihe Senior League pinirs. who ha waria aonci. T.xpcrienc.ed tnen Rive sails-faction Last Night. arbilr-.ile.l these fixture- liOOli Piano Tuninsr lengthens w AA I Woman for noiet in household removals. Calgary Team Wins Amateur! out lite .schetlule wilh such fair the life and enhances the) work. Apply Central Hnlel. T.3 ' frlKr ViiTlri Ti.K "'r Championship Western Canada I SF.ATTI.K. Mar. I. Playin? a ness anil yalifarlion to all. The sweeines and power or your F0R SALZ tlMl M. s.. t't i-i a It m by Three Points. ilefenre most of l he way. IHfitioit of Teferef i often a instrument. Poor tunins de-i' Irs , sinrare of . Orders for jrcneral ra rinse. 0"l nf laiu ....i Ynnromer shut on! Seattle one to slr.vs il. C. Xi?hlin?ale, p. T.iFilR SAI.K ticklish one-anil it require a cool Tiist or fisfiboal, ami drains mi,, wk siven careful attention. I'M , We promise prompt delivery CAl.OARY. Mar. I. The Font nothing mi the (lrt two sanies ofi hut iletermineil hanrt In keep the T. A. Walker's Muic Store. T7 . IGxl2.firl. 32 X. A. . enjrine. abmil Uiwt. in feel. aet i -1 ui- a. ex tram defeated Ynnronvrr Tow. the series o ile'ile the championship sitiiatimi in lian.l nl all lime, hut 2,noo.fio. dam. 1a rarain. u aa nf all Onnrnrders piven lo ti. BOARD. ereiiej Is abiint r" its last nisht anil sained the of the I'.n-iftV tUvt-J Mr. Mann has come thmush Tu:3;xl0tl 32 II.P. N. A S. all! nnial annul J,. r ' "Il we-lcrn amateur hotkey rham. llivki-y I.easrne. IjHik i-orei on n without a sinple remark hiiu HOAIIIV Inlander. .I0 Second ensine. a2.rinn.00. ler im IU t le itl n-Lterne . - -a a It i litonship. I hp eore at Ihe jnifne Inn;: sliol front the dine line on a mile ipreslionlti hi la nl. Thf Avenue. Phone I:i7. tf Thirty no peneral purpose boat. V... ".jai P C IC GO I 6 nisht a 2 to it. making the lluke anil I lie most eerniine4 ef. Ikisketball Asiialion i full; 5 II.I. Yale, dynamo, stfrare nr Is Mlleaaeli a ir .a . t l- Iran Fourex champion hy three goal forts of Senltli faile.1 in pierce aware ami anprecialive of Mprl BOATS FOR HIRE. eleetrie lishl. ?nnn.iiO. trMnnd Ji. na ltu Hi i.i; ' r Limited n the two-same series. Yanrouver le fence. Manir. erice ami plaxers an" I.AI'.W.II "Xarbelhnns"- We sell Tusr 37 H. M II. P. Fairbanks i rivj- r tki- i,., Phone 93 The oulcnnie of the series re- rns -Iso Join hi the fee I in ir. Mr Service. Plmne I Hack 100. If semi-dlesel ensine. Power tmrvMtt lota.- vim lam.u FOOTBALL RESULTS main ciiieny n mailer oi ine inav'fnn ..n ..r ih rtr ih windtaH. Auxiliaries. Water heeiMef at "la IMC I lfe aiolii-ji roa' le of nexl Monday's pauie at Yan-coiver. jrame in ihi cily anil I an exjen MISCELLANEOUS. l.o?jrers ulern wheel Ike said Wlbr I:. -i - ta The a-rt---alo nimihei- oi cow, in II.P. steam boiler and rajEMruner t VV l iaa the Various rules. Vli-1r.ra. on playins PIHFRMEX! RKMF.MHF.R!! Our ka(MMK. r Fourth Round Cup. ial co rod i Ihe d.-cidinr fac winch wilh hoi!e 2ftlo May aier Ihe Brl at4"i ..- Arsenal, I; lreston. I. tor, so Seal I le still has a snwwl The second ojien billinrd han mat bine and blacksmith shop' Ie use a eamp and donkey. FMtbllratlnn k taraJ rtemr--iri''nr l t r" In Metropole Hell Iliiildersrielil, M Millnall. 0. chance of winninr. dicap at Ihe Prince Huperf I'ool is open. We do new and repair I750. . a till flROflV "'.i work in all lines. Satis WIT. .oll Counly. Asion : Villa, 2. Ititoni is now under way and a few 3 H.P. Fairbanks . type stationary sari.tivf) vn i v Ganlifr. I; Tollenham. I. faction guaranteed. Xogue . UVtint, AKM.raa: ensine. Wilh twn for rent to lodges or similar First Division. WHIST LEAGUE aanws have already hecn playe.! Parent Co.. New Masel. pump B W -! " hundred pounds pressure l - W. In it. The rhedale of sames for organizations. Itlacklmrn It, 0; Liverpool. 0. I lie- firs I mttn.1 is as rollrp.: J. IA'PF.RIFXr.KI Iiressniaker. Mrs. seared tip. "3.n.f0 . IX Tiif: roi xtt lJVT OFFICE Ilollon ., .1: .Vewca'lle l 2JKnlghts of Columbus Defeated Suileii s. J. Judire. K. Aldrich vs. Mandeilelrt, rear 225 Xinlh Ae. Pile Driver and 'it) ItV. dIlley III MUT, lfi it x v SPACE herton, 2; jiradronl City, -O. . Sons of Canada In Last Game f!.. Waush; J. A. Allen vs. R. nue Wet. 52 ensine. 2 inn lb. hammer, tt.-2.'0.rtn. pet sea 3 hy 21. healed, suitable for (ilrfhain A, 0: Huntley. I. of Season Last Night. r. n Ptw- Smith. W. Itala'-'no s. A. A.I professional man, for rent. Yet Hnni A 2; Chelsea. 2. Rait Kason. C. llalapno vs. II. ay, K.1 WATtN nonce 7 II.P. litiaraniee inarimt ensine, lad Sunderland, t: Sheffield I". 0. : Wfiio. croia-.r n Agents for The Kni-'hls of tjifuinbiis de- 3sn.nn. Urecn vs. . llartiour. P. Hurke OtttrttM e UH. t1iV, Idik. iv ..w I1 Norwegian American Line Second OWision. ifeale.1 life snis of (inada by a fi5 fatluxn .1-1 iorh lestml an-, Min SVVi, i hk J. II.Klsin-. II. n. Charlton vs. vs. Take no!k-e iiai titan A. Brovn. mme oiwr.xv Swedish rtlaeko, 0; Xoiliiiham Y-. I f 3 in rhor chain. American Line con la the finar pol-pomsl It. F. Self, A. Ranee vs. a II. Mre H l-wrt MlH. P. C- mill'lMST Scandinavian American llradford, rt; Wolverhampton. fillfir of the Whi-I la- far a Hmw in Uke M ne 14 rabic trl!Other boats and engine. ' ' FJkino, A. McRae vs. It. IUwt, S per temtd ft m klrr ml or Brniui Or.j Tver, xoij. j: itui a VIjM " s - UinC - I- Warrior vsi J. Xelson. K. Fene. nbKb (Vis onrllva.MrlT aial drains idle M. M. STKP11KNS. eniared ami a snan saasya Clapton Orienli 2; Banisley. I.J Hie standin? f..r the iiorsan Hirer uraii ihsc nMiei rriM mwiia m tl atne i ..i.i.iw .. J. pilfer Typewriters season tlon vs. W. F.Hotr?e. WT lllythe er ikxsau Riftr. FOR S.lj: Hold equipment. As liuuted fur the -l J Crystal I'alace,, I W e-iham. 2.Ji a ;, a follows: Tbe !er m III tw dlrvned from 11 snkl aad delliered Cary Safes Fulham.O; i:ri-lol City. rt. j vs. K. Mansefl. l. Wipcins vs. S. slrram at a r"tm I.m ST M tbmt tXSr- the rytpiration of my lease on ma4 that ue riHi' i inens League. iirr no UM iff. lunr S. Osi litrKi. tne entry ft i;- k i a. P. McMoriiie.-'It. McKvoy Herl - at s. M 4IUI1 taiy, w; l.el-ejer UHy. 2 ' l. W. I.. tmf m III b urt lur poser parro vim the hinpre. Hole! i- draw ins sumfimn in a nm-. .. FIRE INSURANCE Lecls fvalhalla Pls.j Russell, II. IfrowTi vs. C. Itlyttie. w uoa uesrnisi as im i?i. mvrc a. and prior to arransins for elmrUlltir H W H ' tank)an Tniled. 2; lierby 11. I. It 12 2 121 Cjnt'l Oistriri. tmi Hnrr Dt'inrt. near, three liwrtt. II . ' it. .Volt (louiily-liury. not pIaye1.K. of IL II II 3 III McRae, McMordie and IMS DAlin- a ius on thr rrMMM a lorase. I offer at Ihe followiiur and Ike lu-ilnf asd.if a ell have won their in IDe 1 9 It aiT nt ;iHin. IVTT. aki.uinwi. a i Djbhavn & Hanson Itothertiam C, : I'orlvale, t. k. of I'. n 7 ; : panics .V ns-y bi im iMiirr aha aaruo low prices: ncdr m Ike fteiKtr i. Tin- We.ine.iUy. O: South fo.1.1 tVlbnv II 7 7 heat, eliminating Harbour IMirsuaal ikeru. awS in the -water stlt Seven IHiol Tables, J5 each. at I rnie fraid and liHt-n.iiB'.'a I mi. hi w a4 la w autr m law Third Avenue Shield. 3. ic nt c. II 6 M ti Water HerortW l Pnarr Bunrrl. B. C. Two Hiiwlins Alley!,, film each aad MjiMteso i.l--'- ' I arr reri'd Prince Rupert, B. C Stoke. ) lVxcnlr Cily. 2. Si. Andrew's II 5 9 mltb ottirriimx I tie akl to Water ine acctiraiMfi KwiW may or silk tie nia Ike One s?vm! I.urn-li Counter atltlit no tea dav. fr. ..' t ptkt ft' Third Division Northern Section js. ..f K. it 5 a r.i Herb SiuarL I be net siianiinn Cixr-oaller BOMMia. Wiler B. Hliil.. niufi Parlumml Itanae. f 15. lertti nwe ift nf thl-Ik.-. . t. ; at A-liin?l'n. I: Tranmere R Also email back liar and Pnitee h afreet, n o.j:Jk II 3 II 31 dais arirr Ibe ar4 aMaraarr nl M bar, CP for llmifion in the -Maliit.dta eeier seb dicii n Harrow. 0; n.-lidjle, . ! nalirr Hi a l.-al iiiHMr. acccsoic. eitrieti aram.i a: Senkr Hockey I-asup. n nephew ed to e.e. I'll- ' aieerrieW, ; Sl.ickMirl. I.i The date ut tar Sisl pMkraUai t tot Ileiliiclion on combined o. peef . Niftt Pboo - J. C; Stem, S7I LEWIS CHAMPION r Mrs. Herbert HamrMoii .f this utrn at i nn W Loecwill. B!a 273 Jiarlininn. 3; Wianhoro. 0 BOOee Is JlBSiart VI. Itl. Apply O. A. Ross, I'.mpress 14a. ttrfi ITih da ' rilv. is1 crvaiins ouile a sensation Day Phone S Hurhani C. 3: Halifax Town. I. R0TICC llolel. 07 II art I . i, 2 Accrinpion. I. Throws Zbysiko Twice Out Qf jtbift season eroedin? to refrls la Ike outler nf aa aM4iralla far IM Td fnx i nr tur STEEN 8 LONGWILL Lincoln 2; Slaleyltri.?c. I Three Times Last Night fin v innipE:papers, ms trfiaikeep-jins ItMie nf a trm renawaa- or lllle anfr FOR SAI.K Oraniaphone and in has been one of (he main far- Rat Ija 1 and 1. eawk I(. seelai I HOTICf. Xeisoo. 3; ;rimby Town. O. . and Regains Title. Qlr of Prtere Ru'll ijlan til,. . Reconls, cash. One pair rrl Sheet Metal Works "irr tors in Hie winuinr of ntan saurarturr nf un nf la. pillows and some 'dishes. Apply TVK .moTHT. ihar . . Wrexhaiu, I; Walsall, fl. .1. !... as. - f..r rWtAflU r Ulle nmnu lae atMrr UnU-i - aw Affect for ilcCUry Ynroe WICHITA, Kansas. March I. saiiu's by Hrandon lliis winter an.1 tartar beea farm-feed Bar. 11 I my tatea 2f.f. Nfnlh Avenue Fil. 25 IK4 I-trltlf IIMUII ..ua1 SuUvrn Section. U-liaddlct 'tie ha picket off difficult lino Ht iwie arier lae etatrala. n in unit rrated I. tke 5tanitArv And AtenLiir-I.Mlonl.mii. ..ip.n-efl. Stranyler Iviis rc?njicl Hie many ifMiia fnao nrri isibiieain aereur a freh FOR RENT im!"' ,tM.t nil Heating Engineers shots in bi usual cool manner. eeniBeaie nr uue lae iimiiv km i1in lia tu s ' j heavyweight wrestlius - champion-, IKaVd Undv m lae name ' Ua siuaur . In fact be lias .starred for hi- tvanr and laae.Aeaieni Uaiiied Foil RKXT- Ihrce-rca.rn front vvit I iti Street sai FraMr Street HrentfonL 3; Swindon Town. il. sbip, d4ainin? the -et-oot ami iartaa isableri i ia raaraes rrnerei a n. leam several times durins the irl!Si- Priaee Roprrt - - - - B. C Hrishtna ami Have A, 3; Xew-.-M third fall fn.m SJanislas iiyzko ;C3lt and .1 in aaieii eeruaeaie 1. aaaa-tiered suite; furniture for sale, every, Hnl 0. by means wf a headbw-k. course of the series, in which and t dated ei Varr. ttl I linns included, also sew in? tu:i-chine. I aad Keri-ir iHaee. rrtnre iHanen. h. Hrislnl H-4illiubain Po.ipon- Ztiysiko Unit the lille from lirandon is now leading. - In a re- . Tad da -t Hit, t'jli Phone Hltie 211. Call isIthe - aarna ccnl Wihnis bi h. r. i.Knii. firarur piclnre lwis aboui a yaar and re- paper tterinr at Title. f.oti Third Avenue. i2 la It anatler n n.: Aarilon T-rxa. lamevt it in the ectmd Mialrh.i appears. A- I: Menhyr CToac PMKItCS TO at IT. FOR RF.NT Six-room liotiA will, CT and la ine aa -lUVShll a 1 a L L ntvit M. T. LEE . 1 .leaders attt be reeHied lT tae ander- sun parlor; well furnished; iated. inie-Ute X-irthamidoB. 0; I'lirf-wKnilh. elraed ap a. Taedar amrarar 1Ut last., e if r and award the dcfen.e rhnmpion .-r..MI lllll. I hlMNII! I l " IIT. at I aJa.. Ir na-r. f. Icae I bow every Uiodm ronvepictx-e. ia All I d Lidies & Gentlemen's ll22 -ijn- on April 19 and coh- aretalM tautn a- lae I'alMi V artel Phone niack SHU. If h'Merl. Vetina. II ! - V; lifcriiil-r. Xrwrli dir. "; KxMer tly. 0. -Imp ! bis y.iiser bed her reeej.ll nrr( try enrrr ' I niaeH t'- jliuiu's unlit ScplciHbcr 21. There IW e4H1 nr see. fnrfrltliaW M IV l-t Jucen-fark It, I; Swan-on. fit. Waldet. 'will be in U stnraine I'laal aad Utnlmn foil IlKXT Furnished t-slrooin UCmI . Parana. TAILOR cisht teams the lca;u Ileadin-M ill wait, mat dayeid. Zhysiko's manager expressed iiii:f aninlK. ' wilb hoard for ba.taf rtaitn- aiai'.-i' aisain Ibis ear: Toronto, Huffalo. rederal Ratnlta. (errbr reauiTed , Fit GaaraaU4 Soulbaapli. &; Soutkcn.1 the ialealiwii to raailcnpc iui-e.lut'l) T.aee Kmr. a. C Phone Hlark 217. 5"i irrteed. ! ate f ST Itoclie-ier. Syracuse, Readipz. Mrm. v.u. ivzxe : -to atrb 1. Itf .. I ruled. 0. . for a relura aieesinp Ue e-naie ate rer Third Avenue, opposite P. O. Watford. 0; Plymouth A I. aad aid lie w.uhJ pos a forfeit Hallimore. Jersey Cily and Xew tif.MIVHI.V HiCHm I FOR RUNT Two room and aubtusl of lb. Hw'-'- Scottish League. of i.MVil ark. 1 his list inelude oin new ELfc.:I0Hl. I.TMiT d llliu. balh. Apply XHl Summit Avert IS, Phone Red IS linns and .bows Toronto as the fta aebair r Alfred att. a jl dB II! AM.ion IL, I; IHmdeev 0. ueeycnlTt If tHli only Canadian one in the circuit Tat i Iff raiara of UeriK tin., tTTfl Clyde, ; Airdrte, I. SCOTLAND WINS refrrred Is m Ibr Malawni deetaraiaw ar FOR ItRNT Moilern bouse. 5 Formerly Montreal wa one 'if bc Falkirk. 2; Qhccms park, n. I G. luaawi. ara said uuiual le2iie cities. Openers will eninw m. mmm te-.- atf at rnm and balli. Phone Jtluc NaUca af aalaattaa u Jt Hamiboa A, 3; Clyde&ank, I. Prtnee isvfen. B. nat si ilk dav n eat Ireland This Afternoon In Ift. 710. to Uueea 'Cftaft' u ,. " played on Apnl 19 at Newark. Irbraanr. TORK'S Hearts, : Ayr I'aited. 0. isiraed. niTtarnT t. ci International Match 2 to 1. v. ' Kilraarnock. r: Parltck ThUlle. Jersey Cily, Hallimore and Mai I'ualic. MODWt.V Apart ment In renl. annate la rrl . . . lanrara iwanu :,-, s SF! 1. I. CLASfiOW. Mai. b I -Sr..Hand inc. with SyracHse, llocbeslt-r. si'MH.iiv r KiTi ax Phone Hlark 151. tf lake IkilK ;. , .ri.- TOVES. lUHb Rovers, ; Motherwell, I he. Ireland In the ...iernalio..l,,,i40 rofonlo followw up I. a heretMi:arf arHinaanmlMl iiiij a-Itt wsm'.";',.. . . MUSIC. tZr i- j',. , .. ltansr, 3; Marfan, CI. 1 i. jae i .aie pr iruna . ' IP" . Si. Mirrcn. ; Alnleen. I. ln-.n at e,i.- Park. Hi.- -re . lrs m"nl'Cr in an n h0 bal aat reeeneal PIANO SCHOOL. ane nrrtted root Unds la a anoika-. -1 '-".a V Third Ianark, I; Cellic. 0. tl B,-UleStrrH 'the cloe .landing a- f.4lnu: t ruaviti taannar a LechcUky Method. All jtradM .. It. Ibeare all" n-rtv J her Fred Stork's Hardware SILENT PARTNER. : Scot la n.I. 2: Ireland. I. Advertise in Ihe. Oaily New. Ctj Jarre's UludhUle arder; FT-miaJ e. laken and special attention smutmrnero ta ft " ' ' "is IUII to bettimicrs. Terms aura,aaler mirk.taewe Ib"- , .. Sbcovd Atenti pastarf, nanriam iiiOfleralc. tmh airr '' - PHONE BIACK "lMn'1 you miss your hubani fnt'eiaaa .' 114 C11AS. V. HAL.GN0. lb- Hire of - , ry nrueb n.e- that he is a traV-t-lins :' iff .c serf Ice Rand Mock, csirner Pitth and k I" r man?" Id TraiefaarHf aad aif I p. 0P- Old Highland ef tvajran . . . rullfn. Photic Hlue Ct3 It paled Fefetuar. i ; I "Oh. no! At breakfast I Jc.s-island le. Wdf actsjdted 3il acr. III" fi 4dtertin land a newspaper up in frvnt LOST " The best in town WHISKY T. t'taOMtailed rtaiar. laT aaaaal aaatket af kaiamia" k iof plate and half the time I xU ander a ladrn'a aaxer a LOST Purse, belween Rand .,IJ I. 14 rinaai la i-Httee nupeO ;f..rpe be isn't there." ry Illock and Waldron A pari-nientn. tf Idiltvl .4 a t.o.L Ivcoouiisl. Supplied to the P. & 0. Steamship Line eltaed. Tntal I m:t Finder deae pbone I,late.aehhllk awure! I'n-i r I.-Walter . ' . j i !P' Strand REGULAR TANK. BsBmal for over 40 years; to .His Majesty's a Hlue 300 or return to Suile l), iv)4llia Mnai' - , . Waldnm A ment pari s. i-raaaa I -Ua. aW Transports; to many exclusive Clubs HER SYSTEM. ctf--'i ai Cafe Ray 'our bohaBre at Ue and Officers' Messes all over the world. "f j cu fr quarrel with your BOATS FOR SALE Iltetrlft.suiVa'l eoiwr police ftaltoo. Why don't mater mark. H?euej you 75 Ye art Matarti. Atk for Catto's nusian'jT VVHKN m need of boats, enjrines. Vna nalel' BUl- tail bicn out?" "U by, of our! w e da i anchors. ronipase. mamelos. May "If he" husband. g ra Saxat at Oct.ramrir iMOta ftTMrS I ' ' All White Help. couldn't wy you suppose nrr r.k all my carburetlnr. projiellorji, etc. iM enjnatnta . , jRn,"-.ii' yu him im-'" E pump - loxeiy jewetryT l'itt,l.,,rc rji-palcb. ft ta (be Northern Fxcha'nR. wv i Topic, of the Day" Film. Pb CIO. ' me tf I Paled iit-ru".