! Saturday. March 4, 1022. ' THE DAILY NEWS PAG! THftE r (KKIUUtKJUUUUUUUtKKIUUUUlM FUNERAL OF LATE XX Local and Personal FRED IVES WITH Best BOOKS MILITARY HONORS FIRE OR THIEVES George Leek, Auctioneer. If Launch V illi full military honor, the May rob j on of your valuables if lccpt-at each "Oh Baby." Blue 548. funeral of Hie late Fred Ives, $2.00 Eastern Prices who died ju the General Hospital home. UiM. Undertakers. I'hone 41 tf on Thursday"evchlng, took idaee ' ' 'The Best Sellers of Today. ' ' this afternoon at 2:30 o'clocji A SAI'I-TV DIU'OSIT UOX wilt Hayners, Undertakers. I'hone under Hie auspices of the local 351. prince eprgei give you every protection. Annual IFINTER COMES llulchiu,,,,, If brunch of the Great War Veterans' THE SHEIK M. Association. Following rental $5 and upwards. THE LAST MAN i .......Xane More meat for your money, TORONTO Ihe service, conducted by llev. SPOILERS OF THE VALLEY (ircy City .Market. . " tl In Centro of Shopping Canon G. A. Mix at the It. C. Un-iJerlaker' Watson MAIN STREET Sinclair and Business District parlors, n parade: followed THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Then.' will )(; a meeting .of all 250 ROOMS Ihe liearse lo Fairvicw HER FATHER'S DAUGHTER... . s. 1'orler l-'iiiun member! in Carpenters' 100 with Privit.Ritht KURUPI-AM 1'LAN Cemetery where interment look MORE LIMEHOUSE NIGHTS... (.T. t,iiku Hall tomorrow at p.m. k WINNftTT 1HOMP.ON.MAN'O.Otn. place. The Great War Velerans' RILLA OF INGLESIDE ),. . Monlnurry band look part in Ihe ceremonies FUNDAMENTALS OF PROSPERITY 1.75) llahou The Iteeves Vacuum Cleaner and lbcre following Was iuile a large MAKING GOOD IN BUSINESS l.;5 eimls Ilalnon only (5.lHI- and liolliili; of returned soldier., ami For a Taxi, phono 07. tf OUTLINES OF HISTORY KuW to Wi lls operate. Phone lllauk- 700. tf citizens generally as well as the Books for tho Prospector, Plumber, Electrician, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Cash for Victory JJonds Thos. immediate members of the family. Carpontor Biggest selection of Technical Books Tin;re will be praic ami prayer In British Columbia. services every, o is III, next week McClyuionl. If As the ens Ue I was lowered inln TORONTO CONSERVATORY in the llapti-l Church at 8 Hie at Ihe cenielery, firing "'chirk. Cut Flowers.. Pot Plant. grave a OF MUSIC blobul. (Jity Market. squad, comprising Sergeant S. I.. Warrior, Corporals F.. i. SIR EDMUND WALKER. C.V.O, LL.D D.CU, Oiilraiaa. Baar4 al Cat.ra.r. i)on'l forgct'to"ie I your ticket Annual Hireling .Newnhaiii mid T. llricc and Constable,! DR. A. S. VOGT, rrlnde.l. Tor the (I. W. V. A. Vaudeville Municipal Slevcusoii, Tlnilii'lhwiiilr DR. IIEALEY W II.LAN. F.R.C.O, Vira-rriadaal. Chapter, I.O.D.K. Saturday, Mar. Concert Tuesday, .March 7. The II in Presbyterian Hall at 8 mid Davies, of Hie Itoyal Canadian LOCAL EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC best yet. M o'clock. Mounted Police, llred a volley FOR THE DOMINION OF CANADA. and William Itance sounded The annual Tocal Eiaminatfnnii, ThMr-tical ern character of the Conservatory's Tin- l.oynl Order of ..Moose will Ihe last post. The pallbearers and Practical, for 1922, will be Curriculum, the artistic prentif of tat hold Mrs. V.. Mills, iir Silka, Alaska, held, according to locajitj, lo May,June Institution's corps of eiamlners, oad a Whist Drive and iianee u w-as ni arrival from the north on wen1: .N'orman Short, .1, I). Stevenson, and July. the exceptionally hlrh standard represented Wednesday, .March H, in Hie tin- .lack Plinl. .1. Webster. STwal Gold Medah and Silver MdaTa, by these eiarainations. Princes., Mary yesterday afternoon. alxo a Partial Scholanhip, availahM The Conservatory's Syllabus Jind tht Specials in Columbia .Melropole Hall al 8:30 p.m. , C. I.. Voungman and Hugh Kllleu. within the Conservatory, are awarded Institution Year Book will be seat,to " Among the floral offerings annually under,conditions a outlined any adJress on request. A Idler in regard to the prospect were pieces from Hie General In Annual the Conservatory!Syllabus. Year Book and Applications for these estmlnatfont Archbishop MuVcrnel will lecture must reach the Registrar, on or before fur a small knilliii); mill in Special attention Is directed the mod 1st Staff of Hie Dominion Government to May he Grafonalas & Records on I Psychology of Imagination Prince llupcrt win lust uiyhl re. ami Dreams next Wednesday Telegraphs, Telegraph' Operators fcrred to j(s committee by the evening. of the Queen Chariot le Hoard of Trade. ) Islands, Mr. and Mrs. l.eo to clear . , Itevival meelinus. The llev. J. Waugh, lr. and Mrs. S. .1; Kvans. One $95.00 Grafonola for $75 Iturchill ). Oughton was last Willard l.ilch,.H.A., will conduct Mr. and Mrs. It. F. clf, Mr. and night elected a member of (he special mecljugs. in Ihe Haptisl Mrs. George Davies, Mr. apd One $55.00 $40 Prince llupcrt Hoard of Trade and Church commencing March 15. Mrs. J. II. llilililch, Miss May Lumber & Lath ,, the resignation if V. J. McOutch- Woods, .Mr. and Miss J. Hurgcss. One $75.00 $60 ertn Willi accepted. See the new Skillle Ciame al G. W. .McKay, Mr and Mrs. Peter . Hie Prince llupcrt Hilliard Parlors. lllack, Mr. and Mrs. II. 'I'. I.ee. Records, 85c for 65c; $1.50 for $1.10 Al trie liieelhijr of the Hoard of The idea is originated and Mr. and Mrs. It. Campbell, Mr. Shiplap-Boards and Prade lnut nichl it was derided (o Hie game is manufactured rigid and Mrs. Fred Dubo.ird. Mr. and All other Records in proportion. We wish to clear endorse a proposal of - tin St. in Prince lluperl. Call in ami Mfs. F. W. Hart, Mis., Charlotte Dimension out this line. ilharine Hoard of Trade askina try your skill. 5 5 Gi.ier. .1. I'. Smith and family for certain poslolllce improve Port Clemciils), J Mr. and Mrs. Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Uuder Cover Are in the market for you Columbia Agency? Max Mr. and Mrs. ments. ; C. II. (Hlberl, Mr. and Mrs. F. lleilbroner. M. J. McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. C. Ilislioii, Archie Douagby and ORMES LIMITED A letter was rcail at the Hoard Miss Casey, Tj-rrace visitors in Coulson. Kiln Dried Flooring. Ceiling. Siding of Trade meelinfr last niuht from 1 lie ciiy diij'iug Hie past few-days, Phones 82, 200 and 134 the public utilities committee of rt'turlieil lo tbe interior byj and Finish The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store the city council in rcirard to the tliis iitoruing's train, Church Notices I reel liishling. It was explained ( SPRUCE LATH (hat tha committee had fur some Mi-, and Mrs. Kdward I.iiett time had the mailer under con relumed yeslenlay afternoon by Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices sideration and hond before Inn the Princess Mary lo Vancouver, International Bible Students' We haveon hand limited lo evolve a scheme for bell nflet having spent a couple of , . Association,, a very figlit in (lie Itusiness section days in the ciiy! visiting wllh I.II.S.A. meet evCry , Sunday PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. supply of (be city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry l.ipsetl. evening in Hie K.P. Ilal jit 8 p.m. ' Subject tomorrow evening, "The Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Al the meeting of the Hoard o .Mr. Knglish, manager ol Hie lies urrecl ion of the Dead is at trade lust nielli (lie publicity .Niiiipkish Logging Co., at Alert Hand." All welcome. No. eollec Edson Coal eoinmitee was Instructed lo pr Hay, was a passenger for Alert Hon. pan- a leallet in regard to Prim Hay on Ihe Princess Hcali-irc Ihis Itupi'il suitable for usinif in a week. Mr. Fiiglisli i, making a Presbyterian Church Phone 68 P. O. Box 743 oniiiiaiy envelopi- along with trip of inspection of logging op. Morning worship al II o"cloek. business eralions al Xiiniikish l.ake where Miiiject ".Men of Granile' Sun letters. This will I... JAMES HUNTER which we are offering at the piite small ami will not cos he mis Tl't men employed taking day School nl 12.30. Cveniug much, yet H is expi-cleil o mak out logs for various mills in the service at 7:30. Subject, ' 'i'lie GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY following prices it co'llain all Hie nriuciiial fuel district, lie will return to Van Itcign of Law." Special music. BUILDER ilmiil the city. comer when Hie steamer calls at Preacher, llev. II. 11. Grant. D.D. MINE in bulk RUN, $10 7 . Alert Hay on her southbound Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Rugglet Truck O Baptist Church delivered P per ton, vr i ne I wo miiiisiers from Hi voyage. Morning service at II oYlock. Terms can bo arrunged for purchasers. SCREENED LUMP, sacked dio ciiy, iK.ii. r. I). Pallullo ami Hon subject. "Th,. Life of Moses.' First Avenue and Cow Bay pr ton, delivered P . M. .Mausijii, were appuiulei WIRELESS REPORT .siniiiay M-iioni al .':.m. lAcningi Prince Rupert, B. C. lelegale.s ,o (lie conveulion of Hi service at 7:30. Subject "The First Come, First Served soeinieil Hoards of I ra e al Science oft Prayer." I'reacbe Victoria, .March j, ami if anv S a.m. Hex. W. II. Itediiian. if ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. other members of Hie lio.'ii-'.l nr. Hl'l.l.fresh soulbeasl IIAItHOIt wind;Overcast.barom-ler, ouij; in ne in iu south aboul Phonos 116 and 564 I...i i: .i 21.50; leinperalure, :i'J; sea ANNOUNCEMENTS urn nine uiey will Hi- given ere- DENTISTRY ough; 0:15 p.m. siioke steamer lentials. This was decided al (In meeting of ihe Hoard of Trad .ill i 'i'1 1 1 D HelHngham for SI. Andrew's Sale of Work ami last niglil. Kelehikau, ' in Qiieeli Cliarlollc Home. Cooking, April 5, St. An Don't neglect your teeth, One deeuyed or missing tooth, Sound; 2:50 n.in. spoke steamer drew's Hall. lowers your vilulily. I. II. Duiilop, rind, llupcrt in Dean Channel. . FIRE! FIRE! u,i llllirill. ii-i-in........I oi..r II me travelling i.auaiiian pass ra ii t liln in int. Ihe Ladies or Hie Itoyal Purple- DR. BAYNE DKAD TIIKH POINT cine Hallway, was a visilor in Jtaining: Sale of Fancy Work ami 'fin- lire nii''rlin- have Iti'i-ii round and we know Ju whul the city (his iiiurnliig. having light southeast wind; baroincler. Home Cooking Tuesday, April II. Rooms 4, S, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 yjn.f iii'j'tl Id protect uur wall. partition anil ceiliups. arrived from Hie souih mi the .".i.lKi: leinperalure, 31; sen Ulliee Hours: .Moniiim's, 'J-12: Afternoon, I:J0-5:30; We make- ASH BARRELS and everything for your protection I'rinci-ss Healrice last niylit returning SIIIOIllll. Ihe Ladle- Aid or Hie Presby KveniuKs, 7.0, against fire. on the same steamer at DIGIIY ISI.A.ND llaln'iiig. terian Church will bold a lla.aar noon today. .Mr. liunlop has. fresh, soullieasl w ind; barometer. April 12. been H.Ot); (i 1 1 1 1 i i-u I n i ;I7; .ea mini- Rowe's Sheet Metal Works inspecting wharves nl Hie rale; 8 a.m. spoke tanker Alias, various ports of call for the i ne i.iks .miiiuui i-.aster .ov. Phone 340 Princess Heal rice will) a view llielimoiiil, California,, for Ketchikan, oily Hall in the Auditorium Fri. Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central lo landing facilities, lie is also 38 miles south of Ketchikan. day, April 21. PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. lining up business generally for Noon. There will always be some one to take them. till' new service. This is Ills Hl'l.l. IIAIIHGIl. .Huining, light R A IT Uur roit,;n bcrring bait is conceded by fishermen first Hp norlh. southeast wind: leinperalure. 30: Prince Rupert Coal Company 0 i, (,0 finest procurable at any I'aclflo Coast irometer, 20.311; sea rough. l'ort- and it Is "Fishy." l'rlco, $30 per ton. .I D..FAD. . IHFK POINT -Clear. Do You Need Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, Irj' The bosl way of insulins a good quality trip is rami; oaromeicr, ."..j(i; leinperalure, Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. v-i i IUV0 plenty of our hard frozon ice. Price, HO; sea snioolli. $1 per tgu. DIGIIY ISLAND llalning An Umbrella Oiiff itc 0l"' wcU-ciluiieil store can supply fishing gear, fresli soullieasl wind; haromcler Yellowhead Coal fishermen's clothing, groceries and provisions 1MI.I0; temperalure, 38; sea mod-crate. We have Umbrellas fur both ind hardware, On Dock Delivered dress and for service. LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.60 NEW ENGLAND FISH Company FULLER'S SPECIALS we uiso nave line a really remarkable LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 Ketchikan, Alaska Branch combining MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11,25 service and ijuality with NUT, Sold in Carloads only 8.50 Pure Honey, 5 lbs fashionable $1.75 appearance. Anulysis Fixed Carbon, it'.2 per cent; volatile mutter, J7.I Ontario Cheese, II I 25c We selling these at per are $7.50 percent; uli, D.O per rent; moisture, 3.S per cent; sulphur, Saanich Clams, per tin . 15c Some nere originally priced 0.10 cent; II. T. V. nlr dried, 11,(550. per Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE BEAUTY OF THE SKIN Fagle Lobster, i '.s each . 25c us high as I0. '" This is. a HIkIi (IiikIu Hituminous Steuininy: Coal, especially i1? nturl aelr of every woman, Hliirberries, per tin rt.t........ 25c You should avail yourself of od i oliuia.hlu hjr llis una ol lir. suitublo for llisli l'ressure Uoilers and Furnaces, The lump Ui.w eOlatiiii'nl. lliuple.,UnekLi-ada, Acadia Codfish," 2 lb. box.... 50c tins opportunity. DENTIST roujihueae and rtslniwi ol tlie ekln, Kirtg Oscar.Sardines, 2 for... 35o is a very Superior Stove Coal. Let us send you a trial load of Ii tlui .klti la levimf nt' eorein, diaaiHsir, and Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your ainooth a nd vulvety. Dry Salt Pork, per lb . 30o John Visit Ills Omce Rooms 7 and 8 Smith All ilaalen. or Kd mention. lUitea it Co., Bulger, heating stove. r.lin lVrunlo. SmiiplH Irmt i( you Christie's Sodas per tin ... 65c Block or phone for an appointment. meuLlou tbla iwrt-r. Krinkle Corn Flukes .. 10c The Jeweller Phone 575 Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 Olllcc hours: U-12, 1 to 0 and 7 to 0 i Choice Dairy lluller, 3 lbs $1.00 evenings. WSml Advertise in "The News" Sunday Appointments I.ndy Assistant t 11 1 liiVST iWa persistent advertising is ub- Daily - - - - illltely lii'i'c isary to suei'is The Paper that pets Quick Result n