PAQE PW TUB DAILY NEWS Saturday, March 4, 9J, FOG ALARMS COULDN'T DO LAKELSE LIBERALS G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Pubiic uniici?anor FORM ORGANIZATION WESTHOLME THEATRE DOUBLE CORNERS ON THIRD AVENUE in (lie very heart of KETCHIKAN! HEART WAS SO BAD E. T. Mlchaud Is President of New Tonight, Saturday the retail district seldom come on I he market. To close uu estate vc arc enabled to offer tlic one adjoining tlic Post Office Association and Roy Pear-son corner Third Avenue and Third Street, for sale at a rry reasonable New Station to Be Erected at Mtny wmifu grt urik mJ run 0un Secretary. SEVEN REEL SPECIAL and houffbold unalile to look tftfr tbrlr price and on exceptionally easy terms. Price uud Entrance to Tongas Narrows. dutici onlnr lo tbe hrtrt irtloD txooailof (he river starring Tim settlers across terms oil application. Impaired or the nervous Mirm unnrunr KETCHIKAN, .March I. W. 0. Mature lnttndrd omrn to tr itrvnr, from Terrace held a incetimr this Dibrell, superintendent of light. hralthy and bappy loitrad of flck andlwcek nl the home of Mli'hat) I H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. houses for Alaska, announces uretchrd. Dm bow ran t vonitn bo iiri,it1(,r- nli f,,riiie.l the I.nkelse Richard Barthelmess Rentals Insurance Lib-fal Association for the pur thai new Us stations are to out h. t :,hr...,.h me ron. be. established at (luard Island tine or work, awei-pinr. duMlnr. cooklor. nose of furlbrrlns the interests and Point Ilelrcat, thiv former at wahln. rtf.T J It any wonder tliat the 0f l,nt tlislricl and Biillff nsis in llie western entrance lo Tonkas imi mcwum mwrt m-hjue, ; (he federal. member lau.c auu urr,uu9 oa5 DOI liusova. lauiii Narrows. At present there is a and dlia.v utIK rmotberlnir ind aliuVuig uiucers were nrrini 11 follows foK bell al Huanl Island but its rprna ami can't aiccp 11 mtuif President. K. T. Mlchaud. value is limited. A reinforced To j I women hof heart Is weak Vice-president, Isaac Martin Exp OLDTIMERS and whoe would nerves are unstruui we TIMBER SALE X2SS7. concrete building will bo creeled rccouiinend Secretary, Itoy Pearson. enence tftnlrrt ..will lx rtrrliril liv llie I vnrt.ii.m.ln.l....v.. !. . I, nn.l MILBURN'S u.i-. u i i i. r i wilt a very pleasant HEART ANO NERVE PILLS wii on iih loin day ur Man-ii. iv, rorlianiern auu anomcr ijweiling will STEWART surprise at the Ihft punlusc .f iim- .&a, ml ).., ctj 11.... tbe bei reuiedjr to tons up I be system I.Hx.utfU tret nit llilnlork Snriirw. Kal.aui. OUIIl SO 111111 tliere IllHJ. PC and Mrrnrihen the weakened orrans, :rrtr itHi rums-. oil lm or., aihc Anu. another lishlkeeper with one, al- Mrs. Iianiel itrtatton, Lotanvllle, ,S. 3 Two Reel Hall Room .a.lar l-anil IMMrlrl. I T . Comedy St Patrick's our Mi year will be allowed fur tr-l"' mil. writes: "As I was troubled with rak IIH.Val l.f tlllllMr. Al uiliiilif inlnllili.. U beart for m-arly .two yrirs I im wrltiniurcha-eil a "A Close Snrtlur particular. uf thr. chief Turrit-I ! ' ........v.. .o Shave" 10 ten .Mil-1 .von what your treat reineuy. In L n lt'im It j,, ((, ii-r. Viriri. u. ;.. or OHirtrt forester, (emulated for Point Ilelrcat al I'rllKT llllpfTl. B, the northern end of Admiralty . n'roup of elcNen claims on. the B. C. NEWS Admission, I5c and 35c DayConcert in the supreme court of british I Island about 35 miles from My heart wai so bad at nliM I oould i'lmou lliver on III" Alaska Mdc COLUMBIA. luneau. not alecp, I would take suioihrrlnr sprlb.lThn terms are not announced iii tin- matter uf Tin: .Mi.MiMniTMt am, wa, o weat couia not ao my nouse- ..... .. Automatic lights are to be ..m Theatre this Our Concert M.T in.l Iti I Iip mailer of IIL.MIY lll'U- "" '. w.... v . v. wi,., ,1 .... Empress tStdanyu yrnr. II Will HOW K, ll.'M IM-ll. established at Slate Island, Men. rrsulls. A friend adiix-j m to try "our Jauuer. iinaiii .ic.iey, nurr Ooiimiilleo has arranged for TALK MiTli:K liul on Hi.- stli dav of i - ,ti :i "la".V..:. i pills. 1 u.ed nil botes and am completely I How sou and I'.d I i-riiapl. lh! from out January. lil. Iniera or anliitttiUirailun I Sitka Sound and several lights relieved. I think they are the best remedy I reappearance llllll. tPlllljlll III tilllll tl tl ..lllllll I ifllMl,I 1 for besrt trouble there is." me .xiasKan in Clrirles Worlhom, n miner iu "The Great Lover" Adiiiiiiioraiur. rrinre itupcri. -uniirii aion? peninsula, u"f I own of one of the St. Prtre. Soe a all ttn,u. n, nnll.-t 'Wi: . oil sum of I25.000 is e.- direct on receipt uf rrlcs by The T. wil-Mne MlNeraiJo, lost his lell liami Patrick's Concert stars of salil Male arc rctiulrril lo tile same wllhl peeled to be spent burn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. last week in a iiroinalurc ci In inr uiHi.-r.Ki..-.i ..wiimi uiiny flays m.lll A Goldwyn Production .seven and olght years ago. the date hereor ami all perun nwtua sion. Mr. Worlhom is recoverin NYwcoincrs will Mi In hear pay debt iim-to ame the iu ald me eslate uuueriinie.1 arc required ALASKA WILL MAKE SMITHERS nicely. Serial, "Son of Tarzan" Vanity Comedy "The Joksr" OA I tu uiH nay or I riiruarv. IV her iiffnin. You will all tsv JOHN II. Mc.MIJI.IJ.N. Admission, 15c and 35c 'inirlal ArtmlnUlralnp FISHERMEN PAY TAXES I'll ere was a lire on the roof money's worth in each your IN PROBATE. ilon. . M. .Malison, the new at- "f NV. J. rawfoiirs house last ami every number on this liiini.v-..,...enl mi... ..1....1...1 tuursiiiiy, nui me maze wit i. the st;i'iiEME cnriiT of uniTisiil KKTCIIIKAN, Mar. I. "This yenr's nll-lar profrram. UOLL.MUIA. checked in time uud I lie dauiai year llie terriloiy is j-'umir after hy acclamation for Umineca con Remember the date, Ill III.' mailer of THE AOMIMSTIIATInN (he non.resident llshermen to was sliiihl. stituency last ACT and In the mailer of the ESTATE I Saturday, was pro or aiciiolas .MAUSE.V. dTea$ed. make them pay the territorial posed by Hew James Kvatis and U. II. I). Turner of .New York iiiieti.ii-. March 17th lax." said K. I,. Hunter, collector, . .. t .. QUALITY CLEANLIIUSJ and associates have taken TAKE MlTKK thai III order of IMilwli.i li.n Iicimi in K'.-lcli iUn n wm-k. .n'coi'iic'i iiv j, .viason .Miauis. Ilnnnr K. Me II. Voumr. made I hp till, iljvl. . . . Aiuonvr those working bond on the Indian i-Tniip of lebruary. 10, 1 was appointed '"p ir some Week. Jills will siiriiintr his ouiuts 'It's Better when Baked by Electricity" Mimiii!!ralor lo the Istate of .Mrholaf ,w.l fr,.r. II... In..,-I .,.,..), were: J. (J. K. .ealey, J. ., Stephens, of mines on llie Salmon lliver and Madscn. de(caed. and all oarl! having ;clalins araiixt the said estate arT'hereb I as it will the Operations in Merino I.. L. leVoin, I,. S. Mcdill, will start operations on March 15. Inei..-ii lo me,10 on luriiiii or before diuv.the pn.iHTij isth dav orl'a. About 2.0U non-resident N. P. .Moran, J'. Ockleshaw, W. J. is We are Taking the "High" out Stewart considering (he March, AJJ. to, ami all panics Indebted pos UIiitiiiimi lr,i there W.J. The Store of Satisfaction lo the estate arc required to pay thel" mi everv Jiar O'Neill, Dawsiiu, II. (S. lsen sibililv of incorporating- the town anwunt or their IndchlcdtK-ss lo iiiellllld five (loll a is from each of and J. S. (iray of Smithers; W JUST ARRIVED tortus mi. JOII.N II. McMI LI.I.N. them will make considerable dif Sarjreiil. (5. I). Parent. K. A. i!o.- under the Villajfes Act. A com of the Cost of uiitlce has been elected to report Living rTrn thl ISIh(imclal dav nr Admlnlslrator.t.rnarv. Ili ference to the treasury. A repre dard, C. 11. Sawle and J. II. Hen-son, no the matter. II comprises K. It. sentative pf the treasurer's oltlce New Ilazellon; (!. II. llohb, S, Workman (cliaiinuir . (icnrJi will be there this year trt see that N. I-onv, II. S. Stanyer, J. II. Keefe, Hand Tailored Mho money is collected." taria:Francois!'. Lake;S. Slmrl,Hubert Colleymoii'it:Kelly, Wis Oeorsre Wall, Cameron,Mr. WilUam John .Mellor Ueoiffe and MONEY GIVEN AWAY II. W. M. Itolslon (secretan ' . O. S. Wood, I.. Mulvaney, A. M. ' A .$5.00 Gold Piece will be placed in our Muddy, A. 11. Ulowii, lrat Short, P i i Ten Years Ago V. Tallon, J., McKeiuia. James .mu ru 11 ai. Miiiin ami ins son QUALITY MILK BREAD on FRIDAY or CAPS TI-.MiKIIS for MlM-cllaiH'.iii.. supplies a I hai; fc-one to Viettiria. Mr. Smith I ini nc Rupert Hatch, II. fi, Stearns and I. M. SATURDAY I'riiici! nuiH-rt. u. 1;.. l.i sutv ami llab will receive medical ., ll-liiioiiU or Hit- lieparlmont of I Ik- Naval tierow, Huriil.ake. treatment, service or i.aiia.ia and olhcr Canadian Oov-leriiiiient for Ik? has been .quite unwell of TRY A LOAF and TRY YOUR LUCK. Unbreakable Peaks I"-a 1 ini.-iilx. a. w.-ll as to Ships March 4, 1512. 7" "i 1 lie jiniMTi.i 1 liiiveriimeni at incir option. late. seiiisi iciiners. iiiiirwii lo lis1 under- J. I.orne Macl.ureuV real estate I'he Driftwood Creek Jersey Ask Your Grocer for Electric Dread. Latest Styles SIVIUHI.Sfsih lebruary.urn ur reeeiven 10. for up supplies 10 ii'mii of nil the uie ,,ni., 111 lUi AlliCIt llloek was Slock i;luli has been established PRINCE GEORCE Note We will give $6.00 in cash for thfc llll.leriliellllnlinl ll-lll.- wn-cKcii tins 11111111111.' as a result with llie fidlovyins" olllcers: Prcsi $2.50 10 $3.25 For parlod of 10 thra Join june,mentha.ibzz.from 1at April of a blast from a cily excavation. dent, 1'. W. Iss; vice-president, return of the Gold Piece. (In a I'ri.'h Eii'sh nfc.Mevls. .Mrs. Desrosiers, Miss Itlanche J. I'. lowiilei..secrclary-lreasiircr, ' avoid Ihc nmlli.i- l,..i.i'- i.'.L..'n lr,(d) l .-erli Milk.V..n-...-.l.l.. Curliii, V. I'.vill an.l Mr. .Mac- II. Ponder; direclors, I'j ie lvck- (he cotirls, tlic city council has el Hac.ii and l.ard.'Cll were ill the oflice at tin iuh.i, j. vv. turner ami .. 1.. iai . u further lediictlnii of Electric Window Bakeries (ri "read. hi..,. 'ITI miller. N'eWCUs. . . ."tll'.SOII in fin. l:lll:iv .,ir.ii.:mv (hi Mlsi-ellainoil.t l'r(il-im. I assessiiienl. and Hi tee I as a ri-sull KIRKPATRICK 'J(I.' K.Kirv 1 lie cily electric lhl slallon I here was a Ins crowd al llie railway and townsile eomnnnii 'Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" For the Fl.c.l commanclns 1st April, ls ,., .. children's mas.pierade held hereksi t,u (,Iin yt.ui. t;ty aj,. VALUE Phone 6G7 SERVICE 'kl Wa-lilnir r liedilniir. (.Ii.thhig. etc, machinery and the power lest will iasi wceh auu mere were many 1 ... towns te comiinnv naid Insf M) Coal fi.r fillips. 'orius or lender and all Information nmv be made tody. ciever aim noei cosiinnes. llie year be oblalniMl by applvlmc to the tuider- winners were uuve, isiepnens, ftlancd, Appllrauls fur rorms are requested to stale ueliultcty the item, or Ikiua, on I'he steamer (luracoa slnppeil irene urerory, Vina i.liy, Harry The MeArthtir lie eamns at Mud A good point to remember w 111 n iney w isn 10 icniier. me low or am' lender not neccssar v twice yesterday lo oblige late rorllierliy, 11ny indt, Mike Hiver are tied tip on -account of accepted. ISIfTIICU) .us 11. Alll. passengers when leaving' for 1 lie tJ.eiii, Harvey Johnson and Us. ,1 strike which followed the dis- aval Store oniccr. north. There is ijulle a muve-menl wai.J llu-Kllls. iiiissal of a man. 'the I ..minimi II. M. 0. riockyaiil. i;iulinall, II. C. There ix in icimui why priceft tdiuiildu'i dron Ramsay's 1 3 Hi lebruary. tv. to I'.entrnl Alaska nil ye. Mind nrovincial noTiro have b count of I lie rciiortcd new prold yuiie u nuinpt-r or yuijng pco- inveslitMlins and it is e.xoeeled strikes. Pie went oy Mcigns to t cjkw a on work will be resumed iu a day 01 iiiursuay nisnt 10 inku in tlic UiK so. One hundred and seenlv-llv We have the EXTRA SPECIAL! NOTICE. UailCC of llie I elkwa Athletic Imen ail- nireele.l. set pace PAINT n exMiiInailtui for tauurli lii; .vasociaiion. lite sleighin;,' is o nlll be held at Vancouver, 11. i; on March lllh ami at 1'rJiire Rupert on March ith. now at ilrf. best und the wvuther The Dual iu the eompctitioii for I'or (his week only we olfcr .-u.'iWfTul aiillninl will be placed nil the walling- ll.-t and olTered vacancies as is ideal llie llaiik of oiiiiueiTe curliu Swift's Premium Bacon or they In order or '' occur. merit. IS pure and will stand the Burns' Shamrock Bacon SHlary Is Uil.ou per 1110111I1, ilus an cup was played last week belw -ei' in Low Prices allowance tor mcaU when auai from head-uuurlcrs. The ofd hoi-se.di'awn aiubulance Vlfkln's and Ogilvie's rinks (ind Taking whole side, lli,.65c rlslnir i aiuu.uo m-r m.niUi after test of time. fornierly used b.v the Prince I; one yruo eanractory servire. 1 1- resulted in an easy win for Alkf'is. J'akiiiK hair side, lb, . .67c I'uMliir Inforiiiailon can b" oblilncd pert Ueneral JlospilaJ has been! Sliced, per Hi . .60c on Chli application r ine Victoria,rothiwintr;11. C. purchased by tiovernuienl Atrenl Tom White, the popular rail- When ipiality ood and price are I'oiiipined For sale at LENTEN SPECIALS 1-lMrk't District forester.Kori-eter. Prince Vancouver.llupt-rt. S. II. Iloskins am presented to the wav conductor, Is rccovcriny; I shopper rcalio the bcnelll Jab'ilii ai'' Imperial Smoked Kippers - February to, It). Ilulklcy Valley Hospital, nicely from his recent serious possible. 2 lbs. for 25c SILVERSIDES illness. lloneless Dry Salt Cod- Ilev. F. V. Abbott linn koiic east 2-1 b. bricks 45c . . USE . . on a live weeks' visit to his old LAND ACT. BROS. Kaslern Sail lleiTinj-'s home, ill Waterloo, Ont. lie willlWotlc' of "antlon to to Lean Land, It is said everywhere Second Street 2 for 25c Shamrock bo accomi'iaiiied on his relliru bv ,n skeena Olirl. t, ttccordluir lua-Mr. Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 Eastern Mackerel, each 40c AI.I...II ..,,. ..I r :'!"y...W"c "!!'." and .Ituato In .n uuittu; 1 ih-i .,1 Aiiuia unci, oeronu uivm iruui eiiirauce Shnihsall's Smoked Muck himln.. ii 1. . Idc. cheapest .u.i.i in.; uo.ciice 01 ine minis- rale 1...11 thai bm. nar,.t,i r,...,...! that our Spring Hats are the bost ard Hi. .1 2 lbs. for 35c ter church services Will be taken occupation loa-rcr, intciidH to apply for Classic" " I'iniiiiil lluddje, per lb.. .20c BACON periiiisaion 10 icafe 111c rullowinr uoacr bed and that our new shoes "The allcrnatcly by Hev. )r. llrirv e Id vuda: i:imriieneinr at a po.i inanie.i n pr'e" ARRIVING WEDNESDAY HAM of Telkwa. nii.l s! II II..-L i..- "". ,.',:""a. '!'!' !i. '!". '!" enliancee of the best wearing and most reasonably - --... a.wnaaar. Itl IIIH'I. Ill'IlI'fl 9tt I' 1.1 IU tot BOAT t m 111. lhi-tir 90 tlulii pum. thciico...... SO shoes in the city. There Is no better shoe lj.litain.1 n-.ftti Ihnnen Of SALE It-ianaa. xi w a.lie III IIM Head Lettuce, C.auli(lower, BUTTER 1 a t I I w .'iuoih .1UUIH9 IIUS Kl'ilv 111 I wit to inn k v m:ir.i iiiurn r ", the money. Fresh Spinach, Parsley, l.uli-foinia Vuiie..nv..e. . ..11 ... I...-I.., 1.. 1 "Vi ""Vvrono, Arpllcant EGGS w v,. ..U0,i,VA..7 ,1,,. m'.'.i urvriiiiirr i, ivai. Celery. Ithuharb, win no uaek next Wednesday CROCKERY CHINA Sweel Potatoes, New Cub-baye, LARD evening. Subscribe for the Daily News. Our Goods ALUMINUM etc. 1 Spring Greatly Reduced Rupert Table Supply Co. P.The BURNS Empire' CO..Standard.LTD. On taking NOTICE.over of my transfer! COAL Voile, (iiiiKliaius Priiil. Chaiiibruy.sll("'1"ue' Phones 211-212 business by Messrs. J.einon & tonne, Xii'iiiMookn and Orfe-amlic. CHINA TEA $20 SEJS, reg. Smith, I wish thank Imlci''" o my many Suiiiiuer Now $15 While and (Jrcy Collons, palrons for their loyal support a '" Krteusivo and Whitewear liuvu uiTiml; There Mellliitt: ODD PLATES and DISHES and trust they will show lo my hhciiIh """"' From Be to 35o For your next successors a continuation of'lhe FOOTHILLS AND CADOMIN variety to inspect and a wide raiitfe or Mothers! same. COALS lo choose rroin. Of ipialily on are the Ju TABLE TUMBLERS From S1 to S3 Dozen Shoe Repair Job HYUU THANSFKII,W. Hyde. Delivered in your bin And as to prices, we have set the Pc SPECIAL Bring the children Screened Lump, ton $14.00 low prices. ALUMINUM SAUCEPANS try to the The funeral of llio lulu Alex Screened Stove, ton,. 13.25 Regular 53.60, NOW $1.75 J. C. EMERTON ander Halerow Took place this YOU'LL LIKE IT Champion Shoe Repair Shop Rex Barber Shop iiiuming from the JI. CL Under-(akers, Ltd. Parlors'. Ilev. W. II. lied- Consumers Goal Co. Ltd, Jabour Bros., DENNY ALLEN CO. Kuiad lilock, Third Avenue man officiating, Interment was Sixth St. Phone Blue 78 Phones 7 and 311 645 Third Avenue "Repairs whle wait" BATH maue in, fairyie.w ueinctcry, tin. Third and Seventh Phnne- you niediato friends of deceased act-In? Lome MacLaren, Manager Corner ru pallbearer.