THII DAILY 118WS .lud says, "whnts Ihe use op go-In?: In fish If jbrldl W.nhnr Won"t Waterfront Whiffs let you fish,." and .there a ileal hi nir df Jojrlc In 'lliiU ; Doing of the Mosquito Fleet Which The nnrlnlnme,. Caplnln H.1 Is tbe Chief Source Helip, hrrived from Ketchikan MACDONALD'S of Prince Rupett's Prosperity during: tho week with a carpo nf halihltl, arid Is clearihR for the deep sea fihlnif (rroimds over The adnifrnl of llii Mnpriillolwny for my own part 1'rl like fo the week end, i ippI retioft thai with tliri l.a.ll fee (!! at II. and think t il Inke, Cut Brier woallior riPovftlllfitr nt I fin licpin a Utile flulter If I can finish Captrtln I'elcrsnn, tine of the i.i ina nf flip vvivk It tin moani tip my holidays on the ripht, side firominetit ranchers of I'orcher !aaw IK ff Strength yini a iiiiinltir of hoals havn of Ihe ledger. Have bad womfer- Island, arrived in port aboard MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY Stre ntrlh of muscle does not in- liopn itopnibouiiif In poll. .M nil wealhef- here allhonjrh I the Hetty on Tuesday. Cap Is In dieate strength of nerves. On thin lliotifrh many of flu? lmalx ar'riv heard from a friend, who lives Ihe city on business. Account many people who look Inp reporf'a tiard fia.n.anirf fioinc bear Cow flay, that yon have had healthy enough suffer from nervous Hit slnMn hnf. not hfr.n atfpfulr-il some raf ti, and hope you kept, Captain fmn YeU, left port trouble and cannot understand wild any .criotis tlattiaifc lo Ri-ar, the milk hollies under cover, as with the Tip Top on Thursday what is ailing lliem. Sleeplessness altjioiiplt in a fcV oasn. minnr I told you loo, timrninir to look for herrinnr. and irritability are among the early rnpnlrj and addition fo rquip "Say .lack, the. pcope here Enymptoma, -Indigestion and -tired infill will im JippcHsary boforn have treated mn swell, and I've The H. A S.. aflee taklntr on feeling toon.follow. ,otiio of I tin final will hrj liitflnsr had ham and cfrsfs three times Ice nhd bait at thrj ('.old SlOrape, Read this letter from on On- lln I113I1 nos a?aln. a day, and they don't, know what hit flp the hiirh sports on Thurs llano man: clam chowder means thank ffoml-hess. day afternoon, Mr. WifiL. Creoorv. PliaiUi I'lio nuaritfty of flli landed In Thank., very .much indeed - Canada's Best iSt. E., Ingefsoll. Out., writes: potl ihmiifr ihc month of FpIiMi for The Dully N'ews, which I The Iialurirt, a loselnpr fioat Buy - "I tiau .l", IrouLlfJ for quite a ary propdfd llm nnanlity for have received regularly and I do from .Vorlh Arm, Wark Channel, THE ECONOMY PACKAGE I while Willi iriJigrition. At tinin there I'ffiMiary 1021 by 20,750 inuirid so enjoj reading Uin old sbeel, camo into port nn Monday for woulj be-f'twiidiinj of llie nmti of wlilrh fc'ocn o uliow (hat Hip ft sure makes me homesick. This repairs In machinery. After Hie mr lomachi an J I alio fouuj it JM. tuilpiif of Ihf fleet on tb bilt-K Is a rpmest to pooilness up necessary repairs had been exe FmoulJer,lull to gel an a J good b'wini nlghta lo ilcrp.t!. 'naiurt I am of a upward prade and Jlial every lo dale one, (be I it;hi' along the cuted she cleal'cd for an unknown mjAwork my ijfili-m br-caina run-down. liinly concerned I on' the job, big fish storage house here at. rdesllnalioii on Tuesday. I loot a treatment of Dr, Qiue"a Nerve night gixe the waterfront a city TooJ, and founj (real Lrnrfit from liiu Tlip offiee' of. the Admirally like .appearance, different to the l'hern Is sortiethlnsr fasclnal- meJiciiie, The; did ine a gral deal t port- jh il lh? flu epidemic ha darkness we are all so familiar jiirT to the wild ducks around the of vith jooJ. I fiave not teen Loll.ered at all been noticeable alontr (he water, wllh at liome, and if a fisherman I'rlnc lluiiert Yaclil Clubhouse, ribs (he caplniii says the trip Indi'teition and muih better. ,1 liave tiMe,recommended can sleep Dr. front ihirin? Ihe week, and ev drops a nickel aboard his and blue bills, golden eyes, etc. was uneventful. Ctiate'a Nerve Pood lo msfiy of my era I ease are reported. Kven III he can see to pick it up again. by the swarm, can be seen divine 'I'lie following ' boals are at Canadian National Railways filendi, as I tliir.t it aplendid for any fish houses are not intmtine from T'hfi natives here have suggested, under jbe moored boats. If Ihe in Annie present po'rl : May. one run-uown anu nettling a tonir. the complaint and are- workintr after niy telling them of our ducks remain in this vicinity Dr. Chase a Nerve Food. 5(V n nn depleted staffs. lloweer, Ih troubles, that we should get toilet enoiipb H should prove a Heaver Cove, Hingo, W. I'.. ox. all dealers, or Edmanson. imedical splendid rendezvous for the Usher, Miirgnerile, Ingred, Leila, Prince department has the sit some Chinese lanterns and Hates & Co., Limited, Toronto It., tris, .). & .V., S. & S Dolphin Rupert nation well in hand, ami Doctor siring along the wharf, and 'sportsmen around Cow Hay ..... Ii' II, I'lallery, Harfolome, Ilupert H.l.,1 1.. It...- ill I i;nltfr is f.'iviiiK coinpletp hatis '. t-,.1... Illll- ,, R.lll, Dixie, .Narbelhong, Murineag, taction to nis paiienis. some. Tlie 28 ft, pleasure boat, which ' (fladys Xanry. II.. rremnnt. 1'Iy I met sewral people lately is being built for Captain Sand f.ancelet, llekhi, Kox Trot, Lilli:in Shipyards Ctooil fur trapping is reporleil from I'firice liupert and they ers nf Digby af. the X M. McLean 1., .Man, iiieima n Lillian M., from I'ill stand. Iliindas fhland fell me people are asking after shipyards i making ex. Anna .1., Mermaid of Seallle, and Kslfvan Island, at Which inc. nod (sn't that nice of them. cellenl progress, us is also the I'ranus of Seattle, Itefoi'm of Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock skins I mean Ihe who did halibut - boats, which is. being poinls some excellent mink people the I'elersburg, I'aeheiiii and Pro Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern li;Vo been obtained aking. There afe lots nf boatbuilding built for ihe. I.ear .llrnthers. vincial. makers, Founders, Woodworkers! Etc. I'WiviNf-r: or inn tiii rou.runii. Two fur arrivals .are reported guys arnurid here and huutkt IHtAMII. during Ihe week. Captain .Nich they all seem busy hammering The V, 1',, Captain Cook, Electric and Acetylene Welding. .T or i.v.nps. ASK INFORMATION OF ols of (he J, ,t arrived with and sawing, und have very kindly arrived in porl on Monday morning vmun.v ASSISTANT ion llinKST thk IIWOUI.position or 217 pells consisting of mink told 'me a lot about bout with Id,(inn pounds of halibut. FISHERIES INSPECTOR Our plant Is equipped to handle: all kinds Of marten, and oiler, valued a bunding, which I forget. The The skipper said ttiat the liet Mamlnjlu.iii fur lie plii-iDiae approximately lifOO. Tlie local ffreat excitement, to ihe, is lite finest kind of we it I her was experienced REGARDING SALMON MARINE AND liillinir present varwirli-s ami .i riulilc price offered not belnit salisfno- arrival -of the motor bus, and I on the trip and that riinjier nirrea-s u m(iuaury lalr. rur riiluiv vaem-ie lory they are beinfr shipped to often go' and meet It, and some for seven entire days there was COMMERCIAL WORK Alllitant For..! Ruioirl Ihe east. times see old friends. Tlie people not enough wind lit blow a malrh Board of Trade Secretary to l-.t.lnl nri-t ICinirern are etnnlnveil I urn stnylng wilti keep out. l'.xtensiohs being made Write Major. Motherwell In iii(r the tiro f;i,n May In Sepn-inlicr are PHONES 43 AND 386 luslvo. or earn anil this m-rlml h The (roller Kly arrhed In port chickens ahd they are Very Jalne to Hie fish hold.' Cap says thai Retard to Transfer of airmien npri- ihiiiup iiv work nn im licinenlii :-4ii-li ns trail, elr. Ii-aipiiim early in (he week from iMimlas birds, I think (hey call I hem with the low price, of fish he Egfls From Skeena pii .it itmuf rai-n year a iiinir a nan wine.dots, but I dorri where have River. f.erlfT n i-tvrn. I'rolluilKill to the Island wlfli a fine carit :of skin see will to make .provision for P'iry talT In iim.Io Iiv iiwiII anil i - the. majority consisting of mint they got Ihe idea of he Wine packing a greater quantity, nallln a iicrnXiiii ptrera. The Salary-Is from naming aU otherwise chief will The Ikiard of Trade nt its 'I ir iiuuiiii urn iini yi-ar- and aim which were sold locally. pari in. (Item, Ihe engineer li-il vear. Travelllna- Mnpti' am ni I'he crew nf a nuiritir of fbc though tliere' are a few ilols on;h!ive. to be laid Off. ineeling Ial night instructed the aiu. some. The rooster crowi-d soi ecrelary In write .Major Mother . . ...... smaller craft are still out .on I"t'jii.lMluii"li.AllflrllAn uuii Aa iirlnli f miiiji-rt I rei- IrafipinK bent and it Is' ex peeled much one night that I threw one Tim 1' f.llKell C.inluin Ieler well and inquire If j was the in GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ni 111 itruiMi rlnlrai i.THiirnnia tor ai ii-a-i one will he making for home in the if toy best shoes nut of the win- 1 nn. I- on ihe high -snots on her tention of the (lejiarlnieill of ir. ir Kimil ler trimi! Mivlriil run. linn ami wllh wnm.s eaperiem-e. bear future. low at il( and Instead of going maiden trip. y fisheries o transfer salmon eggs S. S. PniNCE RUPERT wilt sail Wednesday 10:00 p.m, Tor t;tnr-y misck-noiiw ihe nave alilllly to irmln-in tiro naiii.virk ami hitting tlie rooster the or rry from me iteaiiwaiers or Stewart and Anyox. Thursday midnight for Swanson Hay, nntimi' iiien, arm nate kniiwieiiini nr It Is reported that during Ihe blamed shoe went fii Ihe rain The Annie May, Captain Jack I the Skeena lliver this year as Ocean Kails, Powell lliver, Vancouver. Victoria and Seallle. I he'l fxainliutk.iH ri.' arn nnrliv wilili'ii, trapping season of IU2O-I021 water barrel, and I bad lo do llohins, arrived in port on Thursday bad been done In Ihe past in S. S. PRINCE ALBERT For all in.hits Northern and hriiilaln'ii Mlv oral alilllty anil aiu atoiiir i1ivlsmit tho almw m loi.t lln.tin approximately f.'OO.ono worth of Mack Bennett bathing beauty morning wllh 7000 pounds order thai Ihc Hoard might lake Southern (Jueen Charlotte Islands, March lo and 27. l-'nr utPMM'niJ nuiin dv ai'inii'oniK m in furs were landed at Hi Is port, stunt In gel it back. Such is life of halibut. Cap ' reported very action if it was found any such Stew ail. March Id and .10. ifrtiniv,rt in Vf rinciiiloii cOiK-aHnii Iiv ami ttio etainlnlnir liliie" are hiMril.niib- and it is. expected that at the lie niy best regards to all the heavy weather on Ihe Hi ward nioe was contemplated. Train Service, Bill M rererrtiie i aUMt to returni-d litirrs etid nf the Tiri'sent seaofi Mils' good people; around Ihe Hay." voyage, but nothing untoward lie will also ask I be inspector Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11:16 the qualinrallniK. nfr-ir.Tha Eiamlnatlona. fifrure will be equalled if not ex a occurred, ahd. (hat excellent if the Indians are to be compelled l. m. l-'or Sinilhers, Prince Oeorg'?, Kdihunluu and V.'iiin 1 tin evarnlnilllruiv will tin liMil at lhi cellel. . Captain Hansen of tho Iris fs morale1 prevailed aboard on .llio lo gel their supply of fish peg, making direct connection for all points in Casicrn anil nn tun i ntc namrn liei.iw. I arn liilliiv fululkilu tn li..ii1il annlf In lltii busy refitting at Cow liny, and entire venture. from the headquarters of Ihe Canada and United Stales. hricl n fiiii FurVlMfr aim rif.rur W uiriiriiiaiiiiii illstrlrl for r-Upplf.n i.1-llio Willi ttie nss of Alexander will bit for the 'halibut banks Skeena this, year instead of from Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. linnr nl llii fvninifinllnn Bint tlin llalcrow, who died at the fUenerul again nvC"r Ihe week end. Martin Miller, foreman, and Ihe I'raser as formerly, thus de. City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue Phone 260 lUillnir In wtii. ti 1 will lie lielil. (ipllra- Iii fmiiLi liinlil. in earli i ai', li llllcil llosptlal on Wednesday mornitijr, Chris Dickson, -boom-man, of the pleling the supply of salmon iliml In ri-ni-li m.ilinil Him to ai.the Imi-t liMrlrl iwn day I mc.w r in iiRi-d TiO, another ui I s tarul i tl The Dixit) Hupert, Captain Ceorgelown sawmill arrived frofn eggs on lie Skeena waters. 1 f Diiiiiiaii'in. character well known to the N'ewcombe, arrived in port on (Jeorgelown on Monday night ll'lirA. Hale. irit'i Annlv hirr-Mer to lilo tt waterfront boys, Is sadly siilssed. Wednesday night from the an. aboard the: launch Cladys II. Ow. AS A MATTER OF FACT CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY pilimp l'i imer March Mnrrh I U i Vaiwonver kmnl.M.pi Ilo was a native of l.Hlh, Scot ardi KapJds, where he has been Intf to the very heavy weather nn!-. iiiineii uareii in I'rinre iiiiiipi i land, well known to his chum wllh a parly engaged on govern ehepuntered they experienced a puitH-ro- MaM ti il Crlnre linpert The Idea that chemicals nre in B.C. Coast Services i iniv urcrpp rrli S? rrlnen iienrge as Sandy and had been a resident Merit telegraph repair work. Cap bard trip In. "'in March .cluti of 1'rllice Rupert for some five. feporls thut (lie snow in that jurious, merely because they are Pint.,n Mutch s Willlniiiit l ake i'main- l.ale Harm :m viiii;un .iue years. He wa- einploj-ed 111 the; locality. K tw-ii feet deep in Tlie gas boat Starslon, Captain chemicals, is erroneous. from neniiy s XlnNicr.0. ii. or M'rm.I ami. boiler shop at tlie IUy Hock dur-Inp place, and that snowriioes will Hrodhiirst, brought, in a. scdw We live on chemicals. The air Sailings PrinceRupert Ihe cnnstrlicliori nf the two be added In the equipment on load of fish boxes and lumber we breathe js a mixture of oxy For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Canadian Merchant Marinn boiilst Ihe next trip. last l-'riday from tlie i.leorgelown gen, nilropen and certain inert March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. and had tepn employed dutjim' mill. The fish boxes were for gases, as is also the water we For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-March the summer tit Any ox by the The .Wigwam, Captain Claude drink a chemical compound of Hie past delivery jo Cold Sloruao and 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14,,25. (iranby Smellinsr 5. Copper Conis Kelcluirii and Clilflf Officer Jlin the lumber was for the Dig Hay hydrogen and oxygen. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, He was one of the best my l nomas, arrived in port on Like most every! hing in Ihe pany. Lumber Coninany, for local use. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell mechanics on the coast, and was Weinrdy, morning with a boom world, however," there are good River and Vancouver, every Saturday at ,1 p.m. -Agency tnovicE of.rhniii r.nuiMr.iA. always ready and willing to lend of log- rum Inverness for the and bad chemicals, as well as good Oeitrge McAfee, manager of for all Lines. Steamship lOIIKH V IIMVS' II. a hand In utij-.of the. boys who Dry Iocf' shingle -mill, and left add bad laundries. the Oeorgetfiwn mill, will return infonnlilioh I'l l'.AM I KVr -of i..A.M!l. I'Ull from needed Ihe .lien c fit nf bis in'rVlu on HtursdUy .morning with , a Tbe! good cherpieals are those or to Tim cilv on Wednesday next W. C. ORCHARD, General B,iMlXAnn. Vrti position Agent, ,'n'uv anical cxpeTience. scow JnuijC rjf etVrtl .for tho 1'ott, we eat drink ,auir tirc.-ii tie tin' ronKUT jiiNtifii. '".i - Simpson hopilHl.- ; oil lite Hi Hi, I'tdhcedliipert. knd AVK iiie $n, the,;. Jaiindry to Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince. Rupert, B.' C. Thp.a taiiiiimfiirfi. .i fi-ie ilm nnrnofie Captain fl. K. i-Utubly, of the keen us clean. Tim harmful Jf IHIInr In inmiirL-'' VawKifYy:r..i.Jtld rilmrA In eiiuliln viicuniMiis camU-P'ltl- utlil Clare; Injured his Jc.Tt hand re-f-etilly The Kfh'el Julie, Captain il'tie tug I'ir Leaf arrived lit Cbimilrnls are tlie poisonous gaser. Willi In (iiirr. . ; while chAppin,? kindlinir lit llilchle, is.-refiltiig at Cow Hay port-on SVednesday a. scow ahd compounds ;wc are all , fa-Inllla'r tixTcmps, liBiiitu',Foraat are Rangara.emtiloyeil lti full the dark, Tha aXe hit the wall prior In her first trip of Ilm load of foal for Albert A Mo-Caffery, with. ' UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. salary. H aui.iiii per iiwnilh behind him with the mult that season to the ltipli spots. for local cnnsumplion; We would Hoi llii'ilk of using SAILINGS -For expiMI.-en. 'ruts is inep'nsi'ii in Vancouver, ealilnn at Swan.ion Hay. Orcan Falls, Tuesday, 8 p.m. ;;"i ia pt-r liinnin the aeeotui year nun he struck his knuckles practically he .harmful chemicals In .our For Port Slmpaon, .Xaaa Hlver, Auyox ainl Allen Arm, iinila.v, midnight. ii.ii.iiu a inuniti. the mini year pnniueu paralyzinff his flhRers, which has J'hn launch Oh Hal.y, fiaplaln The Margatlc.c, Captain Jack hoinefc; why riot tslve our clothing calllnK i oceanir- ami .Naas llarlior on aallina-s Jan. ?0, li. 11, tt, Man h l. ll-rart(,rv kirvlo it irlvmi anil Kiinii-tilit s, CalliriK at Kmnervllle. aiiineon. ami Mill nay nalllnits l et), o, is. Marcli Pi'trk are. olitalnml In Ihe etamliuuhm: also prevented him from li.klnjf ahy Mrhill-Jones. cleared nort oil '.hflsllatiseii, afler undergoing Ihe same intelligent consideration, r.. 10 ami April v, rrr arn nppiiriunitlea rur prminilinn to overhaul 623 S.cond Annua JACK BARN8LCV, Aaant Print Ruport. B. y minor repairs and left O. C'liej1 ii'isiiiihi. lianrcra wlin rsll In active hart In the llshltig industry Thursday morning, with a party and send Ihein fo tbe laundry iuiir rnr inn jiiihfr ki'hiI'-k m iheir nt for the time beinfr. of some eight nmii, fiii" Smith port on Thursday for the halibut where this chemical principle is mnliiaiirin ln;iv have mt iinnnriiinlty In tin 11 jiiliwincm raner eviiniln.illons. However, the, injury, with care Island fpiarrj-, The' (larly Vill be hanks. recognized, and where- only, I lie Caillll.l:ilA. vuauncatlona limy, I...foe II..IH.II CandldatM.Miil.lMi'tM lull fill nursiiief. I progressiiieT fay engaged nn quarry work In com-ni'ctlon , . good cheiniciiU are usedf From the Farm P"ir limn roriy.'nve yeurs nr'uKc, renlileiil orably and Ii" I I U 1 aI to with material for the Captain A. SwansOn Is laid up This Mrvlce: Is at your disposal. r-' .'iiiiF.ii i.iniiniiini inr ui ii-ani mil yfiiri the Is EDSON COAL with lnfliienr.a, but progressing to the Table " ,l"l rh;uarii.r. trotiil pliyslcal coiHllllon tickle the dominoes lo tlie .ue-IIrIiI liy. '"I Willi k,u.U av,u......:. Jiati.sfactnrily, f,u',"'.y .li(iiii f,n 'with Hie prae. or his rortunate audiences. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY EH.i1'" "J L"i"ir it'iiber cnii.-iiiK, utr- Hob Ilaiinu, who U nick in BulkleyValley COMPANY la KV.lin"f rt"'"'"1 rr fuii'l yorrri pniti-cllotii Acli ami pnmii'ss liavn a l lnssie Flirt, who is still so. liojillul wih Ihe flu U pro. Caplalii Hvehsen,'1tif the gas Phone K. (advt.) Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. . lllli in PXAIiiliialli.iia nriniiiixa work m.,i linn..bkIIv iiiiiiuie M.'1-llll.n iiihii. Jouniiiisr al lh' 0nve 10" gressing favorably, ,aud it Is an boat Sturralt, look all pri-cait-fions BEEF I.?. !.'. nr' are iledllrnml In test the day resort, has writlcn a very ticipated will be out again in to avoid accidents oil his n"'.'""'' l'Uiy at'Mttr Ilm almve tinea, herring PRINCE RUPERT TIDES PORK uu" Mm near future. last trip for In Captain's ' tHMiinl ititcreftllnR mir Jarb' J! Kiaile liy applicants In MUTTON I...,'Vi'Hee, iKtiicnllnn and lllne are aiili-iL'l extracts are given here .' Cove; which was undertaken In Best Coal some . ... vecliicnthin liy thn evaiiilnliiK ln.aril. .1 Saturday. Mnrch t. VEAL i!h"'''eiM Is trlviiii in icliirneil anlfller willi. "Yusterduy aiternoou i Ji and fl. Currio.left wth Ihe a soutn.easieriy gaie, nerore FRESH KILLED POULTRY Hif iHeeanry iinallllcullirtis. Ilm proposed l'ulp Iltiby Mao for .tho nnrth on leaVllig tho harbor he "hove fn" High- t:.M a.m., I.3 feet. around i,,",,nv eiaiiiliiiiilniis will uk Place was Skeena River Farm Produce fn.nV1'"' 'I'll'ei-I nn Manli lath anil and Paper Mill site flffuriOpT out fhursda)', on a llfnHrt' cruising In make his. anchor and cubic. I7:0H p.m., tn.rt fret, at lie I." "!L 'ren tfiitli, l ue nirlin-r par- ihe advlsablllly of tiullltiff Mil and lOjfKing expedilioi. declire, ahd also lashed his male i t.W-tli:6l fliiiii, . f fv-et. VANDERHOOF CREAMERY thU proposition u to tho mast to prevent him frdm ; US s53 p.m., feel. BUTTER into XV. It. MarlNNM. change washed while Sunday, March 5. Lowest Prices bod overboard ev bring Civil fiiTvlcn ('iiiiiinliiinii'r. from f rst band onsei-vauons mc Captain Jud Tliurber, NORTHERN INTERIOR Ihe Ship out. Thn Cap lliRh-i SMI JK.H feet. .i look very feaslldo 1o-fti. cry intention or leaving pn pumping tun.t fhlfiK "iveitiKnp is to busincHlt myself bin aboard tho Mayflower early In lueft lashed himself to the fleer 8:(13 p.m., 15.0 feet. COOPERATIVE "'at titeam is to machinery, Ihe I never mmlo paper l"t f nhl tho week, but the bad weather ing wheel and proceeded on his Low -tl: 15 n.tii., fl.ft feel Order Now! Phone 58 'rami f eilieis the giiya Phone 81 prnpellftifj; t.nrd acauluy power.- to tun It can make paper. Any- Interfered with his plants, As way. tieyonn Having a few sore aa i p.m., 8,o feel.