Thursday. March 0, 102?. THE DAILY NEWS rAOB THflEB PIMPLES 3 Local and Personal Ten Years Ago a SUCCESSFUL ON FACE In I'i'nce Rupert . . . . Brand Fresh Roasted Georgo DIDN'T LIKE TO GO OUT Leek, Auctioneer. tf March 9, 1912. SOCIAL Launch Tlinse 11.1 My tittle plmplos tint brnk At a labor meeting last night FUNCTIONS. "Oh Baby." Blue 548. out on ihe tun tnd other rrts ut Hie V. II. Montgomery was nomin-as Lwxly are simply Indications that the Socialist candidate for Ihe U. 0. Undertakers. Phono 41, tf Lluod It out of order and requires purl- forthcoming provincial election. Co ffe The -mrcesslul si.ciclv matron recognizes I in order to rylnir. Walter Shaw and W. Denning e Hayncrs, Undertakers. Phone There M only one way to tft rid of iii.iHidilii her position iii a society leader she must follow Ihla oliiioxlouj rkln Ir.iuLle, and that la were also nominated but they 351. tl ly g-lvlnff tlm blood a llujrougli cleansing withdrew In make the decision in certain ell tlclliii'il lines; she must not . Hie' TiilU" rorgel nhlcli fan livst Ijo done by that old reliable favor for Mr. Montgomery unanimous. Coffee that tastes as good as It IIhim Utile aids that limy menu Hi., differcnci! between Ihe Tonight's train Is reported on Mood medicine smells. or failure of her ulfuir. liaie. ' , ' BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS , success '. aud wli.'ii the blood la purified the pimples Think of actually drinking coffee will vanish, and you will bave a dear, Mayor Xcwlon, City Knglneev probably you intend holding a whist drive ami dance, a bridge More meat for your money1. healthy cpmpleilon. Davis, Aldermen Morrissey. R that tastes as good as It smells. Uily Market. U Mla Mary E. Dunairan, n. II. No. 3, Yet can .because "SUPREME" e live-hundred parly, an "at home" or u birthday parly in Siella, Out., wrltca: "I tulTcrcd for Mail laud, Itullock Webster, Kerr you honor .of n daughter or friend. IT mi, you will, redulre dance aboiil two years with plmplea and blotches and Douglas; Itev. W. II. Mcl.eo.l. has that characteristic. Sims ijf Canada special meeting l.reakliiK mil on my face. The doctor aald II. O. Crew and W. II. Tobey Because we know will find inlly r Is, place you progruiu, rni'ds, bridge .score or Ihe-hun- Thulsdayr March J at 8 p. It was caused by bad blood. My face niadi! a lour 'of Acropolis Hill "SUPREME" ilicil pad, as Hie rase may lie. 'in any ease, whalevcr your I". v 5; was so bad that I didn't like to go out yeslerday with a view lo selecting every bit as satisfactory anion; a crowd of people. One day I was as we claim we urgo you lculrriiicnls. consull ii? before buying elsewhere. We carry lalklutr lo a friend, and the advised me to a site for an athletic park. to order a trial pound. an cvu llcnl slock or artistic deign, unexcelled Douglas Slurring sailed till the fret a bottle of burdock niood Bilters and They decided on it spot soulh oT material, ami Prince Ituperl last night - for try It. I Just took three boiilcs, and there the reservoir and will report to Packed In 1-lb. airtight cartons. al a reasonable price. Any ox. was not a blotch or pimple of any kind (be council on it. , 0'i't left. Some of my friends asked me what I had used and I said, 'Burdock blood tillers John Flewlri,of Purl Simpson, chased them'." Kdward Shear died al. the Kagle STEWART 8 MDBLEY.LId. leff on yesterday's train' for Porl II. I). 0. has been on the market for Cafe lasi, night while .ealiug a Hssillgton. , . the past R years, so you are not experimenting; meal. The cause of death is with 8..1N0 new and untiled Coffee Importers and Roasters remedy. uncertain and (here will be an E Furnished modern house for Put up only by The T. Mllburn Co., autopsy. PRINCE RUPERT ""I Cenl rally located. Apply Limited, Toronto, Out. Mux 8 Daily News Office.; If MADE MILLION FROM : For a Taxi, phone G7. If I he Ilccvesyueuuin Cleaner SMELT FISHING THIS costs only: $(G.O0-UihI .nothing Cash for Victory Uonds. Tims. Specials in Columbia to operate. 'Phone Iflack 700. If McClymont. tr SEASON N. BRUNSWICK . gum piece given away. Cut Flowers. Pol Plants.. in Sec our. advcrfiseinenl. in (hi: bloom. Cily Market. If FHF.DKItlCTON. N. H.. Ma-eb Lumber & Lath Grafonalas & Records is.nn;, r.ieciric iihiow nakrries 51. Fishermen of five counties ' ' including what is known as Ihe V j 51' MOOSE LODGE North Shore of New Hrunswick 1; cleared up more than a million and clear . to r. i.rawrorii, or ancouvrr Shiplap-Boards Whist Drive and Dance Last Night dollars on Ihe smell fishing season a dircclor of die (Irollo Clear One $95.00 Grafonoia for which is closing. $75 Mores, arrived from (he south In Metropole Hall Attended now Dimension (iloucesler, Itestigoiiehe. Nor-Ihumberlauil, One $55.00 $40 yesterday. by 100 Persons. Kent and Westmoreland Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover couulics have all benefited One $75.00 $60 .New strap pumps in black and About I0(l pcixuis attended the from Ihe season's success, iruwn calf and suede, walking heels. Iloyal Shoe SI ore, .next Moose Lodge, whisl drive and but Norlhuinbeiland County Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding Records, 85c for 65c; $1.50 for $1.10 lo allace ., sji dance in Ihe Mflropole Hall last with Ihe Mlramichi. Itiver as the banner fishing ground, made the All other Records in proportion, We wish to clear niglil. First prize winners al biggest cleanup, eslimales giving and Finish out this line. Jirs. Parr, wife of V. Parr, of cards were Mrs. C. Ilicbards ami Northumberland i?i'.no.0i)(i of the slaff of Hie Camidiun Tnh Are you in the market for Columbia Agency? and Cold Sloraye Co.. arrived J. lliggnr. Iterie.sliiiienis were Ihe one million which the smelt SPRUCE LATH seried and dancing was (heii en season produced. from Hie soiilli-yeslerday lo take Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices joyed. Joe Slagard Smell was master were unusually plentiful up her residence in Ihe eily. ORMES LIMITED of ceremonies, (ieore Milacb was all , along the norlheru aud on the )oof,apd ihe fommillee easlern coasts, of New Hrunswick Phones 82, 200 and 134 Princess I lie Cauadlaii Mary will Pacific call here cuaslcr tin comprised W. Hayiier, J. Slaggard; Ibis year, and because of Ihe unemployment PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store O. Milach. P. Cnh in. IV Cmiii. situation special morrow Imuud norlh from Van Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 eron and J. (irahain. The Moose permission was obtained whereby couver lo Miagway; Ihe sleamei ucheslra provided the music. the smelt season opened earlier win nave mail, rrciyli . exnrcss and passengers for this norl Mrs. Oerlriute M.ulen and Mrs. II. in.l closed later than provided Nations hai ehftrjie of refresli. by law. The oulpiil was marketed We have on hand a very limited Mrs..I. W. Me Kin lev siiiU lo ments. both in Upper Canada and Hie United Stales, as. well'as locally nislil on lie Prince Ituperl for supply of Salem, Oregon, having been call DUTIES OF BRITISH and fishermen are said to have averaged about seven cents cd -uiilli on accoiiul of Ihe pei- pound for Ihrir calch. Two GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY ions illness of her moier wh ASTRONOMER ROYAL men are known to have sold a is vlsiiinv Willi frieiuls In Mini S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail Wednesday It p.m. for catch for ."()(). night's Edson Coal ily. Has to Keep Record of Bin Ben Anyox. Thursday nl I-' p.m. Tor Swanson Hay, Ocean Falls, and Keep Chronometers and Powell lliver, Yaiicouver. Victoria and Seattle. . II. Alclieorge, of Slillwalcr Watches in Order. FULLER'S SPECIALS S. S. PRINCE ALBERT For all points Norllicrn and Oklahoma, who is planning tin Pure Honey, 5 lbs. $1.75 Southern Ouecn Charlotte Islands. March 13 and i'7. For which we arcoffering at the recliou of a Iwo storey con I.o.m)X, Mar. !. -The fiiuc- Oulario Cheese, per lb. 25c Slcwarl, March 1.0 and ,'10. rcle business block mi Third lions . r tin Aslroiiiimer floyal. Saanicb Clams, per tin 15c Train Service. following prices Avenue, arrived from the snulli who bus, il is slated, lo j;ive his Kaglc Lobsler, li 's. each 25c Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY und SATURDAY at 11:15 esli-rday and is regisicrcd al tpprnval ;to (he siiew clock for' Ulneberi-ie, per tin 25c . in. For Sm'lbers. Prince (ieorge, F.ilmontou and Winn.-peg, MINE RUN, in bulk O 7 the Hotel Prince Ituiierl Hie lloyiil Kxclinnve. an- uiulli-farious. Acadia Uodfish, lb. box ... 50c making direct cuiiiieetloii for all puiuls in Faslcru per ton, delivered J) 1 O One of Ihe.iu is f,, keen King Oscar Sardines, 2 Tor.... 35c Canada and United Stales. SCREENED LUMP, sacked Henry Whiltaker, provincial i record !nf (he rale of Hi;; Hen. Dry Sail Pork, per II 30c Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. , goveriiiiieiil archilecl has arrived I'wice eijy day Ihe Kieal clock Christie's Sodas, per lilt .... 65c City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 , per ton, delivered plO.OU from Victoria lo inspect Ihe con at WcslmLnslcr sends aulnuialie-ally Krinkle Corn Flakes 10c First Come, First Served Irui'lioii of Hie new court housr a sigiuil to Hie HoyaT Observatory Fresh Oround Coffee, :i lbs. $1.00 here. .1. , .McNeill, cinilracliir at lOreenwicli. The lime Choice Dairy Uuller, .1 lbs $1.00 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. hi U'ief rnnrwi bysjuess aisn trip reiur soulll.lei rrimi a noleil.this signal,l us arrives ii. l part is carefully of Ihe . ( CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Phones 116 and 564 .isironiuiier i nival, only lo for ANNOUNCEMENTS ! B.C. Coast Services Annual Meeting of Municipal ced tig. Hen, and even jf it apler. Imperial Order of ihi were .such a duly would be al. SI. Andrew s Sale of Work ami Dailhlers of Ihe Kmpire, Mar. most negligible, for Hig Hen is lloiiie Cooking, April 5, SI. An PrinceRupert Sailingsfrom 3 p.m. in I'resbyierian never more- Quin a second or il lew's Hall. . hurch Hall. .Mr. II. I,. Capii- two wrong fu (lie hour, ami rarc- For Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau and Skagway FIRE! FIRE! icll, will give an adilrcss am J.v I bal. The Ladies of Ihe llnyal Purple March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. Mis. II. C. I-Vascr and Mrs. C The Astronomer llnyal also Sab1 of Fancy Work and For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-March Monrne will siny, The lilt Inspector have been rouml and we know just what welcome. ' I'iverybody lesls ehronomiMrr.s ami watches Home Cooking Tuesday, April It. 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14, 25. you need lo protect our walls, partitions and ceilings. for Ihe Admiralty. The clirono- S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, Wo male ASH CARRELS and everything for your protection melers beionging o the Xavy are The Ladies' Aid of Hie Presby East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, AlorBa. Campbell Cily Kugin 1". ,K Whillakei against Are. stored al Ihe Observatory. After terian Church will hold a llaiar River and Vancouver, every Saturday aV'ipVm. and Assistant Kugiiieer l.andrey every perjod or .service (hey are April 12. Agency for all Steamship Lines. ' ' made an inspection of the llooth Rowe's Sheet Metal Works Meiiiorial School yeslerday af examined, and. Jf necessary, senl Full information from (o Ihe makers ,,fu:- repair. The Flks' Annual Faster Nov lernoon. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, Mr. Wliittaker slated , Phone 340 On (hejr (he Obsev- elty Hall in the Auditorium Fri this 'morning thai I lie place bail Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C, valory (bey are (.esled and ruled. day. April 21. been round lo be leaking rather As many are for use. in ho eli-l badly ami hi some of the class- mines, pari ni ine lesi c.iui- r irp Our frozen herring bail is conceded by fishermen room water was splashing from Isls in pulling (Ijicni in' nvens lo tie Hie finest procurable at any 1'aclfio Coast ihe ceiling lo the floor. Mr healed lo a (emperalnre of. aboul Phone 15. . Peter Black, .Agent, Main Office Hotel Central Port- and It Is "Fishy." Price, 830 per ton. Whiltaker and Dr. J. P. Cade !K degree. Thev.jirc, tesled also Do You Need PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. IP o best way of Insuring a pood quality trip is medical health officer, are under in cooling chambers.. After be There will always be some one to take them. vHi, i0 ,(ivo plenty' of our hard frozen ice. Price, iiisiruciion o inspect Ihe scnool ing tested Ihe chronometer is ad l and report to the council justed. The -i Prince Coal per ton. change from a An Umbrella Rupert Company Onffifc Our well-oiuiiped store can supply fishing gear, cdd to a hot temperature should fishermen's, clothing, groceries and provisions BIRTH mil be very marked on the in Exclusive Representatives Ladysmith-Welllngton, Pembina, We have umbrellas for both and hardware. slrumenl. If, however, very much Peerless and Yellow Head Cdals. dress ami for service. Is sliown. irregularity It has A ilaugbler was born lo Mr. Wo also have a really remarkable FISH ENGLAND NE,W Company again lo be corrected by the and Mrs. Lawrence Pollcrton, of line combining Yellowhead Coal Ketchikan, Alaska Branch maker, ltefore the. jiisrutmcul is Kightli Avenue, at (he (Jeneral sent out on-7sfrvleell inusl pass service aud quality wild spilal today.. Ilia Asl ronoiner Itoyal's lest, so fashioiiabje appearance. On Dock Delivered ; Ihe Xavy is assured of hav Ware .selling these at $7.50 LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 To expect a single advcrli' ing (lie finest chronometers if is Some were originally priced LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 AGUIRE ment' to is as foolish as to Dr. JOS. M pay high 10. possible for them to gel. us as MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11.25 hope (a grow fat from Hie effect You should ava'l yourself of NUT, Sold In Carloads only .... 8.53 DENTIST of one meal. AROUND WORLD BOAT this opportuuHv. Analysis Fixed Carbon, H.2 per cent: volatile matter, 117.1 perecnl; ash, D.d per eenl; moisture, 'J.8 per cent; sulphur. Visit his OfficeRooms 7 and S Smith bjb wm Bjaai aav no not suffer ARRIVES AT SYDNEY John Bulger, 0.10 per cent; II. T. V. air dried, J 1.050. m bj BJ m another day with Olock or ptione for an appointment. MJM M hW kT Itolilni;, lerd-V The Jeweller This is a High Crude Hitumliiuiu Steaming Coal, especially Phone 575 VBl .BBv llg nr I-rutrud- SYDNKY, suitable for High Pressure (toilers und Furnaces. The lump Australia, March !. Olllco hours; 'J-12, 1 to 0 and 7 to 9 mm M0t W aurgloal -The American ninety-eight is u very Superior Stove Coul. Let us send you a trial load of ovonliigs. Dr. Cbasa'a Ointment will rellava you at one fool uiolorhonl, Sji lacks, has GIFTS THAT LAST, Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your and afford lasting keuellt. H. hot. all Sunday Appointments l.ady Assistant dealers, ur KU man sou. Uutes it Co.. Limited. arrived here completing her first heating stove. Toronto. Siuupla Hoi tree It ynu mention tula paper aud eaolosa to. atauip to pay poitngs. . half of a trip around the world.