‘ ihe ee ; a4 ’ PAGE TWO a THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H, F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ...... 5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance . per WEEK 0... cece ceeeees 1}; ‘ By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, ... Here’s Haid ir AGVANCE FOF YEARLY DETIOM 2.02... cnsecscecscs-cocsssececcseesseccessonees | aD! comforting relief By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- : u“ ss a pire and Unitea States, paid in adyance, per year . $6.00 without dosing. By mail to all other cOUNtrIeS, PEL VOAT « .ccccecccececcccscnecrersseeserenveee, 9,00 Just rub on ADVERTISING RATES iCKS Classified advertising, per Insertion, PET WOME .......-.--. ce. vreees sess seers 02 Yicks Local TOMGOTS,: DET WIETCION, DOF LS seco. 5... ece-c Or ; t . . s were 1 & ittle more and the na s rerig nior and Intermediate—will be yet is sympathy. Fron cy to come out the top enc ; : : Cage na a sah Rome aus e " : yreanized with three teams in each tians this w 1] be fa score. The hoys are play- ' map both these boys are mix Tt ing a much better brand of ball] have an old gruds on a winner-takedall ba Both entration on shooting practice hould turn in some very commen- For Basketball able cames are training hard alread the Rovers—Greer, G. Williscroft (6), cayttintande wish to be in perfect conditior Bremner, W. Williscroft,’ McRae, | Wednesday There will be six bout ull on McMeckin (4), Armstrong. * 7:00-7:35—Warriors. this card. The prelimi: Are Scouts—Miller (2), Sather, Vier- 1:35-8:15—C, N. R. shaping up well and the promoter ick. Gillis (6). Nelson (4). Davies (2) 8:15-8:50-—Rovers states that the card will be ecided Refereeing was in the capable} %:50-9 25—Boy Scouts improvement over the fir } hands of J. Currie. Johnson. Mor-| 9°25-10:00-—Merchants now has a better idea as to the ab- rison and Brick Skinner Sunday ilities of the fighters anc 1:00-1:30—Tuxis. better position to match t LEAGUE STANDINGS 1:30-2:00—Panthers. ‘a Bees a 7) ‘ ats Senior enque tt ae . Bi cat WALES BEATS SCOTLAND Grotto 2 0 4) 3:00-3:30—Grotto EDINBURGH. Scotland. Oct C.N. R.A 1 l 2' 3:30-4:00—Amazons Wales defeated Scot Kaien Hardware 0 2 0; 4:00-4:30—Jan. Asso vee tS Unie tit Ladies’ League 4:30-5:00—Meteors ee ee : Me Cardinals 2 0 4 —~ aocest MaLew Mere aR) er’ 3 3) BASKETBALL Comets 0 2 0 Intermediate League oe . FOOTBALL Warriors 1 1 2| October 28—Panthers vs. C. N. R Tuxis l l 2.A.: Amazons vs. Cardinals; Tuxis Merchants 1 1 2 Warriors; Meteors vs. Japanese SCHEDULE Junior League Asso Meteors 1 0 2 November 1—Grotto vs. C. N. R.| November 5—Borden vs. Booth Rovers 1 ] 2 4.: Comets vs. Amazons: Tuxis vs November 12—High ys. B mov Scout 1 ] 2 Merchants Jananest Asso vs November 19—Horden v inese 0 1 0 Scouts November 26—-Booth vs. B : pana . : 2 : ee = OGDEN’S CUT PLUG e If you “roll your own", use Ogden's fine cut and Chantecler cigarelle papers FINEST VIRGINIA | Nn LIVERPOOL THRIIFTINESS is a state of mind that is nearly as valuable an asset as a bank account.... For thriftiness can alw ays get a bank account of its own. And it’s easy to tell thrifty people from the vay in which they Ae the newspapers — just as you can usually spot the ather cing. The great majority of men and women never put a newspaper down until they have read the important news which is directed to them through advertisements. The modern woman, especially, finds the advertisements in- dispensible, She spends more than five-sixths of the family in- come.And the prosperity, happiness and health of her household frequently depend on her reading of the advertisements and on the wisdom with which she chooses everything she buys, The advertisements bring you complete informatian about ac- cepted products and new ones. Through them you can compare values... discover ways and means for greater household effic- iency and enjoyment ... and make sure that every dollar spent will bring its full return. . —s og Yo he