When You THE NEW Want a TAXI YOKOHAMA in a hurry CAFE PHONE HOME BAKERY Deal Service and i ?-. PRINCE RUPERT The Beat of Everything. service Try our Best Car in the City Phone Black BO if Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL Xllt. NO. 8a. IMUNCi: MLPKltT. 15. 11, .SATtllDAY, AI'IUL 8, 1022. VMttrOr'i Circulation 1729. trttt ! 4&0. PRICE FIVE CENTS -, Irish Leader Tryihg For ce m Erin SCOTLAND BEATS ENGLAND INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL TODAY EXPERIMENTAL Disbandment of Royal Irish PLANS TO EXHIBIT JDfiM AMI) CTTCf DAYLIGHT SAVING FRANCOIS LAKE AT NEW WESTMINSTER' V!Llr. i?Jz IS ENDORSED BY FARM PROMISED Constabulary is Suspended; Committee Appointed by Board of BOARD OF TRADE FERRY WEARING Collins is Now Force Trado lo Look Into Matter. Using The Board of Trade last ITS COMPLETION Sum of $30,000 Placed In Estimates Comprehensive' Report Prepared night, C. H. Orme presiding At Ihe mcHing' bf the prince and Minister Hopes A on the Matter by Alfred Commence Summer. DUBLIN, April X. Owing In recent ullai'ks on piepibera and llunei-l Hoard of Trade held last Garde far Board of passed a unanimous resolution former members of. the lloyul Irish Constabulary, disbaudinenl of night it wn derided Ihat Ho' .Trade; favoring daylight saving. Craft Wilt Be Shipped to Interior dial hurt' lias been suspcided n( Dublin Casllc. At .Ship .Street presjdci'l sliotibj appoint -a co'ii A committee consisting of .E. Within a Week for Reassembling WAS URGED BY DELEGATION barracks Free Stale guaitls are placed in strung force and tinned initlee to co-opit'Ae wilh lb A brief Jur, (lift rslablishmcnt F. Duby, Joe Scott Jr. and E. and Installation. I loyal Irish Constabulary tiro placed til (lie entrance lo Astriculltial and nijutrial.As-o r an iron aud' stecj industry in C. Gibbons was appointed to-watt Need of Farm Recognized by Government Palace Street. rial ion and witli Wl 1". llobVw Ihe neighborhood .was presenti'd on the c!ty council Monday The bull of Ihe Francois Lake Following Urge of Michael Collins, bead of tin; provisional government, has1 ilireclor of lh Hril.-ii C.ilumbia in a niosj comprehensive, rcjiori night and urge that steps will be steel completed ferry as Local Member, niinoiinicil bis determination to iroleel the rights and liberties of rnir 10 11" neni in y esiiniii-ser. submilled ilo the .llo'ard .-of Trade be taken to have daylight far Ihe work jn Hie Canadian as the Irish people. He is establishing a eeiisoilnji of all news in rcxai-d to' placing a uorlh- ut its fni'ctlng last nighl by saving hers during the summer National drydock here Is con OTTAWA, April 8. When csli- relating to I lie repnbl jean army. .in i:liibil al that fair next fall irrcd (iardc,' uiffiing fngiiieer. months. cerned within week, and it will a Ill.lli'l amounting lu 41.313,000 Irish niullneers have captured Hie barracks at Mullifailiiliain The committee will.'pel jn toucl The reporf-'Wji's ' prepared espe It Is understood that other 1 1 hen be ready to forward organizations will be go lint Common', neiir Dublin, which the Tree Stale with interior pointsiWilh a view ti Kir ui - represented passed yesterday, troops recently occupied, onie cially Jioaru anu is a knocked down to Francois Lake, asked if sniping has taken place Science co-opcraliiia'. most . docuiiient, well at the same time. Dr. Tolitiie nil experimeu- near College, Dublin, hut nobody -iriterestriig tor reassembling. The deckhouse injured. A IcMi-r from'Mr. Iloberge nnd calculated la' interest Inl farm would 'lie established in vas capitalists and some of Ihe. other material Northern llf-Hlsli Columbia. also oec to I i in fioio Hie liiiinax'O in Hie' establishment of an iron VICTORIA LADY IS has already been shipped out. of the fair was read in regard li and steel iiidusiry in Jbis district. of Tin- minister agriculture replied RADIO STATIONS ARE ! " The work of reassembling, SCOTLAND 1 Ihe mailer. '; ADMITTED TO BAR thai til; need fur u farm which will be in charge of the I In re wax recognized by the government. AID TO SHIPPING ON Mr. Oarde shows, 'that high building company, will take about The sum oT 3U,00U had MONTREAL HORSE IS ,'rade Jiiaguejic ,and henialile YICTOIHA. Apr. 8. -Mi s Kalh- a month's time,. and it will likely hern reserved for tlial purpose COAST THIS PROVINCE; ENGLAND 0 iron ores are plentiful. Ihal Iherc rjn Ilradshaw. it.A?, eldest duugh be some time in June before engines and ln hoped work would Ik. rum. ENTERED KENTUCKY ire large, areas '.uf Luluiuiiious Icr of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Iliad are installed and the craft iiK'iin'd nxl summer. VICTOHIA. April 8. The nulin' oking eoal 'nra'rby, that there shaw of Victoria, lias been Tor is ready Tor operation. , Skilled That 3 Result of International ire liiinslf)iies anj olher compass station on Ibis Coal I Boniface Is to Run at Churchill pure- malty called lo Hie liar or the workmen will be sent Out from 'I ll r experimental fiiriii was one are highly spoken of by Capl.-T. Soccer Match-Ireland Downs, Kentucky Also riuxe in abundance, tbaf fin supreme ooun of liriiish Colum-jhcre to put Ihe. ferry together, of I lie mailers li be taken up ut Osadn, master of Ihe Nippon I Wins. lay anu nytiro-magnesiie occur lua uiul aiimitle.i as a solieilor. yi,,. boat will be.shippud Trimi Ottawa liy the delegation, and it is Yusen Kalsha liner Kaga Muni.' - i. Georgia. m large iuay lilies Hnd that dllier Mr. Justice Oregory, who presided, i,,,ri. iw jiunis Lakiv and will be understood Fred Stork, the local BIRMINGHAM, .April 8. oalcrlals are',easily .obtstnuble, eilemlci warm congratulations to - in port today from the Orient arted Hom there south to. l;'raiu Scotland deeated MvW YOUK, April I. K. I.. lie deals ''wiihv location,' trans. member, ha busied, himself in Capt. Osada slulcij (liut Die wireless England by Hie young "Purlin." -Miss Head- cois Luke. oiuterlinu (herewith and lias jm-pressed directional finding stallou! orteeoal lo nothing In the International is, of Montreal lias entered porlalion, vliHialbv conditions shaw received her early education The ferry, as, is known, is. 06 Urn minister of a jrric-iil- ut 'I'aloosli irovi'i of fuv.'iliiiililci soccer match lid clones with tjie- senlem-e: a L,SL-ti eoj-g jVA)Sc.b ip iand-gad li- Teel Jong-Ml3J ?tffeHiwidl w'ill v. illi Mi" need of such an In-ftiluHittt. iiJSl.auc4jyj hUii.wlieiKids Ship, played here this afternoon. Id li.iy hor?e. inr-UwKeiiliKvky -rTFalUi' fnflnduslry. aled rroni the t niversily of llril- be equipped with ii :u lo 23-li.u. handicap, of llie numerous- "II is. Ihr' opinion and DUBLIN, April S. Ireland one wj;itelj Isli Columbia. She is Ihe second: Vivian engine. WUS nn riopeij III Mir Oil t.iipc defeated France in the diU'.nce features tut Churchilf firm comic)mi) that iron, now Ihink! Vict'iria enlilled lu rbilji'i-y. Capt. Osada, Iadynii. prac-l International Downs, Louisville, according lo the most nczjccled and at the Rugby football that . Ilie Canadian tioveninit'iil lise law, .Miss Miiiglainl having STORM SWEEPS proposal' to eslablisli;fttKllo stu, match here, today by a score the entry list which closed yes same time the noil, abundant ofj been ju practise here for some DEATH SENTENCE lions the 'Vancouver Island! of eight points to three. terday. ' inclals of , tfil.s tio'ilh tiulltry; time. on Another Canadian entry in Ihe will soon command the- attention i'ii:isl.lini would lie of) 1 lie-,1 1 III- 1 THROUGH TEXAS race j licnrgin, Uu1 llve-year-obl justly dsep-e.s.4; FOR MURDERER able value lo trans-Pacific shipping. HANSEN COMPANY IS geblifig owned by Mrs. Louise On the present ation. or Ihe i-e- ANTI-ORIENTAL LAW NOW LOADING TIE Viau. formerly of Montreal. porl. Ihe plVsidenl fcmarUi-d that here were Ti'ol . funds suf- IS DISALLOWED BY Nine Deaths and Injuries lo Unknown Man Convicted or Killing William Number Result of MUST HAVE LICENSE Work of Cuttinn and Hauling lo ARE READY TO FIGHT present ricienl on but.''hand I' ,wuiM ly print be '.kept it on al GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL Salsbury Jr. Is to Hang Terrific Wind. TO FISH FOR SALMON Railway Has Now Been Completed FOR BALFOUR'S SEAT file for referooce. In June. DALLAS. Texas. April H. - Settlers Cutting Mr. Oarde aid 'he would not OTTAWA, April 8. -The (inventor NCOl.YKlT7 Tpril 8.--Allan Nine deaths ami Injuries to an!Order In Council to That Effect Poles. Edward Rcnfell Choseh have prepared .the. report ex Oeueral in Council has llobinsou was again senlenced to Charles as cept on the understanding that dis.-illowed the act of the Hrillsli jdeuth yesterday fallowing a ver- unknown uuinbor of person.result were Has Already Been Passed. The Hansen Timber Co, lias Candidate for London City. II was to be printed, lie thought Columbia Legisliilure nrohibil- did of guilty wilh a slroug recommendation reported eiirly loihiy as a completed Hie hauling of lies Ihe board sbould;go ahead of Orientals wilhjnifr M. cmploymeul to mercy brought by of wind starting order terrific storms 8. An OTTAWA, April from l!ii wrxtils for Ihe Canadian LONDON, April 8. -Conservatives the work at onee, C. O. Howe on tioverniuent contracts the Ihe jury in the second trial on Ihe in V"si Texas and sweeping in council has been, gazetted National itailways filling its winter of Ihe ciJy of Loudon have and A. Y.' F.dge' also favored Supreme Court of Canada liaYin; charge of murdering William UiiMush North Oulral Texas, and providing Dial nobody shall engage contract and Ihe work of adopted Charles Kdward llenfell. having it priiled.: II was iolii-ed declared it uuconslitulional. Salsbury Jr. at Vancouver in April Southern Crnlrul Oklahoma. in tins' saliuim fishing or in Hie lirni of Morgan, loading Is partner' now proceeding at a out that in response lo the last in a holdup. leave any purl in Canada lo fish Decker Lake am Walcoll, where Itcnfell .v. Co.. as llieir prospective special call Qjily 1 85 bad been Mr. Justice .Murphy lixed June INVITE GOVERNMENT for salmon wilhoul a license of camps have been i-unuing, and candidate iiv the event of Ihe elevation cci'hed and of that I5U had AUDITOR-GENERAL IS I'.'l a Ihe dale for the hanging. Ihr minister of marine and fish-erics.' al various other points along or Sir Arthur ltnirour to been jiaid Mr. jardc Tor pre RETIRED AFTER FIFTY II is understood (hat Hie judge AND PARLIAMENT TO Hie Tine where lies cut by Ihe the House ot Lords. paring Uf repori. will recommend Tor reprieve Alex. set Hers have been assembled. The report was referred to Ihe YEARS OF SERYICE Paulson, the -accomplice, of llobiu-son, VISIT THE PACIFIC MAY CATCH STURGEON Culling of ties was finished DEMANDED BONUS publicity couihiillec (o examine who was convicted or the some time ago. ml lo secure nrices of nriulllig - same crime and is jointly under Mcmlicrs of J lie (ioverninciit of The pole contract held by (he and to report baid to the board. OTTAWA, April 8. The retirement sentence or dealli. Canada and the members of Parliament Use of Qlllnets for Purpose In company for KusIitii (Canada and Tommy Milton JJarred From All next autumn of K. D. Suth Waters Fraser Allowed. I'uilcd Stales supply has not yet Auto Races on Pacific Coast. erland, au.dilor-ncncral of Canada, Upper In are In be extended an 4 vll.ilion Jy the Prince llu'pert been completed, ''his work is CLOSING DOWN i announced here. He has 1 u B. C. MEMBERS VOTED Ibis OTTAWA, April H. The use of being done mostly by settlers between ..'-lli:sNO, Cal., April.8.. I'om- connected wilh Iho civil service Hoard of Trad"' to come west CONFIDENCE MOTION That gillnets in the caplureof sturgeon Seolon and Terrace. j 1 1 y .miiioii, ciiauipiou auiomomie for the past llfly years. summer and lo IsiL the city. In the 1'ruscr Itiver between driver, is barred from all rm'es on COSTLY MATTER i'iiiire wn. ileeideil on al a ineej-lug Prince (Scorge and the head of Ihu Piicillc Coast on charges Dial 'The vole taken on the. lack of of the Hoard of Trade last NATIONAL DEFENSE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY niuhl. A special iuvi'lalloii will be navigation is permitted in u llsh-eries Milloii demaudi'd a bonus tor entering confidence motion in tlio House sent by lliCj secretary of the board I'udcr published here yesterday. BILL PASSES COMMONS alleged a Fresno Talso race and b"rause it Drydock at Esquimau Is Like WON RELAY RACE TODAY of'Commons recently as reported r reiiresenlatiou in Hansard shows that those IL Proverbial Wildcat Up a anil Hid member will be uracil lo ddvertlsing. C. .Members voting for the motion come td the coast. OTTAWA, ApriF 8. -Ihe bill Tree "Hard to Let Go." LONDON, April 8. Cambridge designed io create a department were Messrs. Stevens Lad-nor, MANY FAILURES University today won the four-mile MeQuarrie, Dicklo and Tol-mie. of national defense by uniting the GALIIRCI JEWELS NEW. APPOINTMENT YICTOItIA,; April 8. -II was relay race run al Queen's Those voting wilh the YICTOHIA, April 8. J. Uldon departments of militia, the navy made known at a conference of Club here. 'The University of Ending March FOUND UNDER A TREE (iovernment Were Mossrs, Stork, Total for Quarter anil aviation service has passed Lane, one of the lawyers advls. Influential business men al Ihe Pennsylvania team came second ug (lie department of lands, bus Twice as Great as for the ils third reading jn the House of Victoria. Chamber .of Commerce and Oxford University, third. McHrido and Neil!. been appointed a member of llu Previous Year. Commons, SAX OIKCO, April 8. The rooms Ihat, il will cost the Federal 'Ilie time of Ihe winning team board of IiivoaI ialloii unde the jewels valued at 13.UU0 stolen Ooverninenl another $-,000,-(100 was 18 minutes 7 2-3 seconds. ONE YET ALIVE II. C. Water Act. LONDON, April 8. The result LAY CORNER STONE fro ii i Madame Oalll Curd were to close down the work al or the trade depression is shown round under a tree on the high, the F.sijuihislt drydock in ad. Six Killed in Aeroplane Collision in the increased number or bank-rupldes, WAR MEMORIAL CHURCH way near here yesterday. dilion to approximately I,iSO,-000 CONSTABLE WAS SHOT In France on Express Route. which totalled li'lv for which has already been expended AT MOOSEJAW TODAY . PUBLIC LECTURE. Hie' quarter year ending March, The corner slone oT the new on Ihe' contract. PAIIIS. April 8. -Six persons IDi'i', as ugainsl 75a for the corresponding W'ir Mi-morial Church al i'.nduko SUSPENSION OF It will lake about six months were killed in the airplane col. A public lecture will bu period in iOH and was laid lust Sunday afternoon by finally lo close the drydoek project., Caught, Men Robbing a Car and lision on Iho Purls to Loudon given jn thu Wcslliulme uio lu r:o. the llev. Win. Swcctnani in the and large Minis will have They Opened Fire on Him. aerial express route. The pilot of Theatre on Sunday evening, presence uf a large cu'igrcgutioii. FULHAM PLAYER lo be paid put for material which Ihe French machine and his mechanic tomorrow, al 8 FISH ARRIVALS. . - has already been ordered. MOOSIJAW. April 8.--TI10 C. and Hrieo Yale and wife of o'clock, by J. II. Williams 'I'lie (3,. p. II. coaster d'rincess Only on Saturday a shipment P. it. constable, A. J. Tierney, was New York, passengers in the of Kduiontnii, under the I'our halibut boats arrived in Hcalrice, Captain Thompson, arrived LONDON,Aprit 8. 'I he special of 750 liuis of uleel piling for shot and killed early Ibis morning French machine, were killed and auspices of the Interna, port today wilh a total of somewhat from the south al t:t.' this Joint commission of thu Football Ihe dock was delivered hero by when he approached three another passenger named Hour, t.ioiial llible SOldeuls' Association, over u carload. Wilh Ihe afternoon with passengers, ex. Association ami the Football Ihe freighter Kdward Lukenbauh men who were robbing a car. The, issa. 11. VI. Duke, pilot of the r'.ng-lish Subject, "Lasting exception of the Yaid, which is press, freight and mail, The League has announced (he pt roiu-neiit from New York. CjMilraclors and culprits escaped. machine, is still ulivc. but un Peace Wonldwidu disposing or her catch ut thu steamer was delayed this morn. suspension ut Jleruard Truv-en's, sub-conlraclors will have to be conscious. The cauiu poy wis Soon," Sinclair Fisheries plant, they Ing in the Skeenu Jllver unloading a 1'iilliam player, to square recompensed, The contract flg-uro ADDITIONAL JUDGE. killed. Admission will lie' free' will awuit alo until Monday. a 'large amount uf tin plato (lie result of the Fulhuifj.South for (ho new drydoek was J'AIUS, April 8. U. II. Duke, and. there will bo no collection. The bouts In are: llcveille, C500 at the canneries. She will load Shields soccer mulch on March 18 ),00,000. Hy closing down at An additional judge Is to pilot of the F.nglish plane, which You tiiu Invited. pounds; Myra, i 1,000 pounds; fish and general freight here thi last. 'J'h is mutch resulted in a this stage the (ioverninciit, it is appointed for the province collided with a French piano Yuild, "800 pounds and li. Nuil-soitj ufleruoou and clear at 1:30 for win Tor Soullr Shields by u score estimated would savo less than Saskatchewan at a salary yesterday, died this morning 10,000 pound. Vancouver aUtj waypoits. of one to nothing. 11,000.000. 1,000. making total fatalities seven. 1