PAGE BIX Till DAILY NEWS Saturday, April 8, 1D.?2. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL MAPLE LEAFS GIVEN SMITHERS G. H. Arnold, Notary Public FIRST DEFEAT THIS English League First Division A Iuiik break Hi the daiiciiin WESTHOLME THEATRE HttltF. its juur opportunity lo buy n home nl very reasunahlo llolton, I; Manchcsli r I nile.l SEASON BY BEAVERS season was ended on Thursday 0. when the Athletic Clul Tonight, Saturday evening ttial il is hanler to price and on nuch easy payments, no pur-ehasi) HUinley, I ; Westbrouiwieli, Grotto held ball town hall. Defeats Elks by Deolslve si lii iu the f li:iti fl is lu pay your present rent. Story and a lialf Cardiff City, I; Newcastle, U Margin In Junior Billiard There was a bif,' alteiii.biuee from five rooms and bath. Sl.JUO.OO on tonus of J3U0.00 eush, balance Kverlon. 2; Chelsea. .1. $25.00 month. Huddersfield, J ; Hrailford City League Tourney. distili't.(he Uiwri.aitd various points in the Beautiful HOPE HAMPTON The Mapli' Leafs, leaders iu H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Mancliesler C, 2;' .Sheffield tJ tin; .Innior llilliard Leasne, suf -. in .Muslim" Cariuellu, I'liarficd Real Estate Rentals Insurance fereil their first defeat of lb Miildleshoro, I; Arsenal, 2. season Ibis week at I lie hands of wilh nltciiiiliiiK .to murder Mu Oldham, I; Liverpool, 0. the Heavers, lull coders; by latto Cammc'iil Sealmi lust week, Slllldei laiid, I ; I'resloo, 0. scotv H-2 Itr 831. the Heavers appeai'eit for preliminary before "The NOTICE. 'Jollenham, 2; lllrminffliain, 1, won four sanies and tin- Maple Masislraie lloskius mill was re- Ddll BASEMENT GROCERY AND IV Tllli MATTCIl i.r an ..Motion fP Second Division Hip low- or riTfli (Vrilflraii of uiln to Leafy, only (wo. nianie,! fin- i-jghl days. I'll,, crown SouHi MEAT DEPARTMENT .il iu, niin-H ii. sim'iiiiii s, uiy or rriiiiT ltlaekpool, I; yiiledst 0 i ne liiuiviiiuirl scores were as is rriresonled by Archie l)"iiiili llupprl. Man l)s:i. Uradford, Urislol , .iiTli:K l .lii-rr-tir p-lvi-ii that It In mv 2; City, follows: "f Terriiee and L. S. MecljH is np- lltuiiswiek Sardine 4 for 25c llltfllliil!l III lll( aflnf fit.,,n Clapton, I; Notts Forest, 2. l. Ilalliday (Maple, Leafs) earuir for the ileience. Sea, Pearl Norwegian .Sardines. itni.iMTitir..imi,ii,ii ii n-Tnii irom t-cr linen inc ( iirj-i or tine iniuiiraOim to iih- Cry.x.l, 1; r-ieesler, 0. 118 1'. .McHowan ( Heavers,. 150 Comedy, "The Whiz Bang" value: alinvf inriilliiiii-il .n,N'ii.v in tin. name r J iTfr. spe- ulhaiii, I; I'ortvale, 0. -5c i. M-iniji iiKHiiiry. which ri-i'tim-ati- or (i. Mallelt, lOU; l. Hill, 130. The Interior News says thai il eial 3 for 607 for S1 iimiiiifrru nun i iinicii hip 3rd March. 1913, ami I Hull City, SjjCoventry, 0. H. F.iiier.ion, 150; T. Halver Is doubtful if exen Prince Ituperl brttish Canadian Gazette .Admission, 15c and 35c Niagara Culstip, hollies 7;mi-i, II. I'. Marl :o. Leeds United, I; llarnsley, 0. son, 110. has ever enjoyed lab-ul of llu- 2 for 45c ' lti-rltrar or Tlllc.i otls County, I; Derby Cily, I ami riiirNtr.r onii c. S. -Stisu, 122; F.. Hudson. 150 ulibre of that demonstrated by TONIGHT ONLY l.ibliy Simps, (Joinhinalkin I'rlnrr Kui-rl. II. c. .1." Hond, 135; S. Iluiiler, 15(1 the Telkwa Shamrock 1 heatre S I st day of Mq rrh, Idfif, company, hmpress IlolherluinrCounly, I. Saturday Special I tin each Toiua- 1; Uury, CI. Anderson, 120; IX. McKon which played iu Sinilhers Inst - 'In, Vefrejablc lid Asparagus, l.v riion.m Wednesday, 2; West ham .Uni i.n Tin: si:i'Iikmk :oi ur or imiTisii lid, 150. week: The. excellence of the pro assorted. . . .3 for 35c COLUMBIA. ted, 1. ' 'Grotto-Elks. lfniin was beyond nil ex pee la I ions. V have Jusl received III I! tnulli-r of hn MiMIMSTIIATlOA Slokpj ,'t; W'olverhauiplon, 0. In Hie fixture ' bel ween (In I l:e. artists were Mrs. K. V. Ilileli Lewis Stone and Myrtle Steadman boxes of Apples thai for ACT mid In the innlti-r of lli Mian- of Third Mivision--Xorthern Seelion Irollo and lie the former l."l IS ll,M llh.VSWIII.I),- Uc'ITIISI-ll, In I F.Iks,- ins, i. ii, i.iieiiii-iiiirn, .miss in ipialily nnd appearance are IriUuli-. Accriusloii, 1; ..Stockport, 3. were victors by the uecjslvr Hiinspei pter, .Miss, Miller, Mrs. the best value tililainalile: r V k K MITICK tlihl In milr-i. i,r tin ll..i..,r Asliinpton, 3; vVij;aiiboro, 1. score of 817 lo 073. Thtf win- :1m.i.)-i, A, While, J. p. Slaymans, (iaiuis and York I". Mrll. Yimiiir. inailn tin- Kill day of April, Harrow, 2; Stale? Itrid'e, t. VI-. 111',?:?. I nniHihih'il inluiliiutruii.r iiin? of panics was evenly ilivlil- Wheeler. Mrs. Ticehursl and P. "CONCERT" - Imperials, heavily packed. in iiu: r.xinip or l.i-m naiiilrMirii!lk ill., Chcslerfield, I ; ' Wa'llsall, 0. I but the Flks sustained three Spouse, all of 'lY'lkwii. ri'o-ril, ami all parlies luivtiifr rlnlni.i again;! (Jrewe, I: (ji-imsby, 2. Muxes al, ai li $3 50 Ilii- ald eMail- are In-reliy n-qtilri-il Ui lur-nlsli severe ilefeal.s. Hunklsl Oranjres. uarunleed name, properly verlln-d. in pip, on nt Darlington, 3; Soulhiort, 0. The follow; D. II. Willemiir iii'iuii- me mil iiiiv ir Mill. ii nii.i scores were as of Hiuelloii ha- free of tree-frost. New mi pnriie iiiiienien 10 mi t-statn on- re-ipilred Durham City, 3; Traimicre, 0. U. Hnrncs (Orollo), 121;. 11. moved his otiill! here, to pav the annum! of their lmbl- Halifax Town, 3; Nelson, I. assay from Comedy, "90 Days of Life" Serial, "Son of Tarzan" al, do.. 40c, 50c shipment Aslori' 150. New euin.'sfl in rne rnriinvnn. (F.lks). llaellon. Hi- will make his JOHN II. MC.MI I.IIN. Lincoln Cily, 1; .Harllbpool, 1. 15c and 35c Fresh Toinalnes, Cukes, Admission, AilniliilMralor, j. llynd, 150; CS. Shaw, 80. he-.iibpiiirlers at Sinilhers in fu J'arsley, Green Onions, ! urn ihu r prii. 199a. Wrexham," i ; Hochdale, 1. H. lllaekhall, III; Kd. Smilli, ture. Caulillower, II h u b a r b. Southern Section. 150. , Cnlilmve, Celery, lleets, etc. Aberdare, 0; (lillinham, 1, .1. Heasley, 150; N. l'rinsle, CH. Coroner S. II. Hoskins went lo MEAT DEPARTMENT lirenlford, I ; Milwall, 0, W, Ueustcy, 150; L. Astorl. 0y. llaellon' yesterday to conducf the Finnan Huddle all I Mis week Removal Sale Jirliihton and Hove, 2; Swln- CI. Hill, 120; H. Smith, 150. imiuesl there over Hie body of 2 lbs. for 25c oii, I. The lea rue standing lo ' datt Frank Walsh, who was burned to Urislol, t ; Kxeter Cily, 3. Rupert Table Supp Co. (jharllon, 1'; Newport, 1. follows: .PI. Pis. Av. la- in the Hazellon Hotel fire. y Shorlly moving to riew N'orthainplon, i; Plynioiilli, 3. WE ARE MOVING .premise in the Fri.zell Norwich, 1; South F.nd, 1. Maple Leafs ... 7 0035 805 Mr. mid Mrs. 'Fred Cook have Kxcelslors, ... 0 1052 825 turned from it sTv inintlis' visit Block, and will dispose of yueenspark, ; porlshioullt, 1. St. Andrew's ... 0 1851 8(1 0 i Ottawa. .Mrs.. Ciink 'is at pres Heading' 2; 'SvVnneca, ii; ... d 1538 750 Orotlo ent visilinj.' in I'rince. Huperl. PRESENT STOCK Soulhainplon,Watford, i; Liilon,1; Merlliyr,I. I. Klks - ... ... 0 4100 733 . , on Wednesday, April 12, Heavers 7 5213 719 Mrs. CJenre Oullon has re. Scottish 'Demers' League. Aberdeen, 0; Kilmarnock, I. turtle!! irom Fdihoiil on, .where. slo to our Airdrie, 2; Motherwell, 0. BASEBALL uuilerweiil an "peration fur eyi Ladies' Itejidy-to-Wcar BARGAIN PRICES trouble. Ayr United, 2; Hibernians, 2. New and Market Celtic, "S; Dundee, 0. Sanitary iiojj Pacific Coast League. You can alford lo miss Clydebank, 3; t. Mirren, 2. Vernon, I'; Sail Lake, 5. HALIFAX EXPLOSION Smartest Hats seeing one w o 11 il e f fil I Dumbarton, 0; Hangers, i. Porlland., Xt; Los Aniielcs 1 in the Frizzeil Block bargains. Falkirk, 0; Clyde, 0. Oakland, 1; Sacramento, J. WRECKED llaiirnton'rt., I; (jileein I'ark I. Seattle, 12; San Francisco, IG. .IV Fulton Street Entranco Hearts, 0; "Morton, 0. HER NERVJJS Latest Suits Pnrtick, 0; Albion llovers, I. jn our new quarters we will have the advantage of an up-to-date BENT'S Third Lanark, I; liailli Hovers, PRINCE GEORGE chilling plant which will enable us to take .belter care Tim reader lll, no doubt. ,rciiiriiilMr Mul stylish Coals &. l'rel- 0. . of . ... .. lien rrw ycrtjij ihi-rf a i collision r our Increasing trade. II... I h I.. T.... g IH-.-i. J l I .T.-i-is ( III i unu Third Avenue Practii-ally all Hie sawmills in.Hi? litiirai, N. 8. Harbor mil n prices to suit all. KNOCKED OUT IN SIX alon thi'im of the Canadian llm munlliun lilp was blown up, cutln YOUR CONTINUED ESTEEMED AND VALUED SUPPORT National Hnllways between Prince grin I los or lire and lijlny i large jicrlioii . , IS SOLICITED or tin city In rulm, mo culnr 'a grot Full Llns of Corsets, Gloves ROUNDS AT VANCOUVER (teors-e and the niounlains will deal or suffering; and dl.lrcs among Die and Hosiery. iperale this season, and il is esli- liiliaullauu. ' J y hat of loss Mrs. Wlnflrld MD, Bow of Wlndjor. X m ileil I V5,()00.000 feel, Northern Interior, April 8.- Hobby 3., as living ln4uurii at that time nd Co-Operative for eultinlif. Last week's winner .'f draw. Kecapilulation Harper, flalmant for the Pacific are already prepared nrnt tnrougti tnls -trying nperlcncc and The mills of the Dome Lumber the Iiork wrerked hrr nervet: Kim vrltri Inc. Miss Irwin. .No. Ml, (ioail IlKhlweiglit Mile, knocked Co. and the: Upper Fraser Lumber as hillowa: "K-f ss'jivlng in Ifalirai it Association mil 'i.r SanFruncisco icow Intrb' about the only ones which inc unie or tno explosion, and It wrucknd Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 iu si.v rounds here last nihl. Co. are uiy iicrvrs so lliai I" could not do roj Phone 81 U'e will not hc runniii!?. I un; niuiliiiK yni, Mrs. iioti.imork, I would take such nervouii Housewife, an al tractive Kprlli l would be under tl doctor's care, BARRIEAU WON The question of iiinb.'itukiui "I taw Mllburn's Heart and 'erv rills booklet coiilaiiiin a resume protective measures for the. advertised, m I took tno boxes, and tbey of recent ticlped me to tnurli I look tli more, and our adyeiiis'iitf. Outpointed Johnny Tillman of St. Prince tieorfre railway yards and now I am completely relieved. I can and many oilier faults about Paul In Twelve Rounds. pai t of Hie lowiisite from IIoimN is recommend Ibem to anyoDe fulTorlng from Hartt laundry service. beiiifr considered, by the rnilway ln'irl and nerve trouble.'. To all ibo?e wbo suffer from ntrvous WINNIPF'i. April 8. Frank (ompanv. .bock we would reroinmeiid our Should you not receive a llarricaii of Yaneoiier, champion MILtURftJ'S Auction Indian As'eul MeAlluu has copy kindly call us. Phone 8, weilei'weixht of Canada, outpointed HEASIT AND NEHVE PILL called of Hie Indians of meetins' Johnny Tillman of St. n as the bcM reiuedy to tone up the entire ;-'ivfiii; your address, and we No. for next Sunday to 2 Shoes bout, here reserve nervoui system and itrengtlji-n the weak Paul in ii Iwelve-round will Hladly mail you yours. discu-s Ihc situation brought ened organ. Mllburn's Heart and Mcrve las nil-lit. PIIM are tlm original heart and nerve food, uboiil by Ihc application of the' J. having been on I lie mark el rur the pant 27 D, McAVthiir Lumber Co. for a years, rriee, soc i boi it all dealers, or Once worn, will so fully win Canadian mill site which would lake iu half mailed direct ou rrcclpt or price by Tlie Sale jour conllilence thai you will of the reserve. T. Mllburn Co.. Limited. Toronto, Onl. Steam Laundry accept, the next, pair without Negotiations arc now under way further ill) rtiductinil or rec-' Phone 8 between the J..l. McArlhur Lumber omuiciidatioii, us old friends Co. and the Department of EASTER SUITINGS of JEWELRY whose dependability v and Otparlment Flthariaa of Marin Branch.and FIlhtrlM. Indian Affairs for the seeurin of worth are fully a mill site al the nioulh of Mud The latest stes III cut. proven. Invlli-il Trmk-rit are rur llm ni'iilr tu I In' t:. o, S. -M.irli.-li" and llu- tfii ulli-Ihhiu Itiver. Mr, McArlhur, who is at The latest in materials, TERRACE i:iiiti- "l ur lsim,"tin.- sK4'Uli'iitl.jii"UUi'k luvc-n"run mill In- i,blliM-il"Hull." present Yisilinv the city, contemplates Made to Measure Suitings rililll III-' lllhllT-ltlll-ll or I III! I'l.-lllTll' pull jnK' in a mill lo handle nillrn ui ! rtuc-e llucrl, .Niinaliiiu, ur .New Stiil FRUIT LANDS W-iniinli-r. a Hue -til lid of timber which lie TRY US Going on at Bulger's KIRKPATRICK TciiiIitk will Im- i"i'i-lvi'il up lo 1? uYlix-k has secured ul Mud Itiver. Work IKM'li. on On- HOlli instant il llu- ulllfft ir tht The Tailor l uiiiiproved lots, two UII'li'l'i-lKlll-O. is .eoiiwilenciii,r al once on the LING, The Store of Satisfaction to three miles from Terrace, a 15 airriiii l.i.vei ii. or any ti-nJt-r not iH'cum-arlly buihliiitf of a 3000-foot iailway Second Avenue Phone 649 PRIVATE SALE AT AUCTION PRICES IN THE to 800 (SIkiii'iI 1. A. MOTIIKIIWKI.l., sidinjf to be used in connection per acre on lerin. Cliic-r Iiiim rlr or rislii-rlei. MORNING Partly improved 10-aere lots, xmii'niivHi'. Ii. i:., April int. loss. with the loading of ties that haw 70 lo 4 1 00 per acre. been cut this winter. One five-acre irael, all cleared A good point to remember and plowed and fenced. Heady for I. S. Huuney, district forester, PACIFIC CARTAGE Many pooplo aro taking advantage of our private farminp. Ciood soil. Good loca Special lias relumed from a sixteen-d'iy sale at Auction Prices between the hours of 9 a.m. tion. One-half mile from town exploration trip to McCirepor Limited and 1 p.m. Some people come In the Itiver. of that district during morning Ramsay's on trood road. Price S2000 cash Maps arc Write for our free booklet on Prices to bo corrected. Phone 93 and pick out the different articles they require, terrace and Uislriel. and we put them at auction up In the afternoon or Mrs. N. J. Kinney died of pneumonia Furniture, sPiano and KENNEY BROS. & CO. ul the .Prinen, Ctvurwn llo--pilal Safe Moving , . ; evening as required. PAINT Easter Week on Monday. She is survived Real Estate and Insurance Brokers by a wldnwcr and seven children. Z"' 1 General Cartage 1 DAILY Terrace, B. C. VAJcU Sand and Cravet Latest Hats Mrs, II. W. HatfKen, wife of the Private Sale 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. IS pure and will stand the well known surveyor, died at " Auction Sale 2:30 to 6 p.m.; 7s30 to 10 p.m. $20 to $40 Suits,, C.i;encl lust week. Night Phones J. Oj Steen, 871 test of time. The best in town All-wool Spring Overcoats W, Longwill, Blue 270 V: 11, 'I'abruiiii formerly of the Day Phone 5 $25 to $35 For sale at Family shoe Store hero but now Strand Tennis Pants, Flannel, etc. on the road for a Vancouver STEEN & LONG WILL John Bulger firm, arrived In tho city today Sheet Metal Works SILVERSIDES from tlit south on Hie Princess Heatricc. He will bo in tho district Agent for McCIary Furncaec Prince Ruport OROS. Cafe Steve King for a. few days on business. - and leating Engineer Horace Second Street Dorer in charge All White Help. Hart Block Third Avenue Thu newspaper wilh tho circulation Etb Street and Fraser Street 22 P. O. Box 120 phone Is the real advertising Prince.Itupert .... B.C. medium.