Saturday, April 8, 1022. , TEW DAILY NEWS MOW FTO " -, f, i - li.'l'i'i'SlliWlSMInillltei tdm W'n: iiin' iiii nniiiiiiiiwwiiiiiiiiwiiiiiwi ii it wiiiiiMmmimn eor and secretary. ' These hVo gentlemen got into nif argu. Waterfront Whiffs nmnl about wrestling and lo prove who was the' bpllpp . man they both pot lo wrestling on Doings of the Mosquito Fleet Which Is th.e Chief Source Hie dancing dock. Cap say lim of Prince Rupert's Prosperity boil! was a good one mill! Ilmj both struck I lie side rail, which r..MIOT1iTy collapsed, pi'pplplliillng Km px. jmnpnts of tlm mnj art into Km me .vumirni 111 uio .Mon.uiiu ; inemry lli.H way. Anyway the Fleet, anil (ik merry men worn; ineuhalnr now contain a sellln sail chuck. However, Ibis on in Jubilant liiifiiur a few days !nf humming Mrdx eggs, aiiilil. I: eurrenpp did not end the bout: and Ihn ajrn for Inn flsll misirms was urn. inieniion lo kepp on hum .wi'Ktlci-s(viliiiiiparcd lionmlng.1. The pns week has mlns around (ho Musf Vj, wlmiv from view ocko..;; iii one an boon a bumper, rum. anil tliirly, dm liumrimr.s haiiPii, mid slurl other s arms, likpa couple of carload 'f the best ti.'illlnit Ii slicing lovers. Af-Mhls jiincliirn in 1 1 in cm I n r. - I ho world, lias boon shipped, Cap I brew a dory oviei-boiinl unit flip large.! fish train Miaf ha Tin. Ilof'othknloii, C:iilalii III I heir first iipieariince (fa tin yp pft I hi port pulled mil on Hass, arrivpd -in porl on W'pif. siiriaeo grabbed theiii by the VIRGINIA Monday last at midnight,' ,;nn-sMIng ripsday nivhl from Kelly'M l.ofr- devoting a pat. nn 'I lie buck lo ... each signifying llo-y hiul liolti f fiflppii rrl.. 1 II.. 1, .' cnrons of ""if uftmn iii no: v"1 ''ii i.nar fish weighing .'150,0(10 pounds, lolle MainN, with a paiially I 1 won.1 iiiimrwisp... llicr would hav i iieen wrcsiiiug in lim water vol. and valued approximately at aiioncd in llio person of Jus. Me Md.oon, fihiH nr,o ppr rar ox-' Knlep, who had Ibe mlsforluiu Caplnin T. WilsiinA press charge. When on,- cun. to M'vor his cli I n boim with an of lln Westerner, made ..pol l on Weil- lompiaies inese i tK ii hip :ixp, nnu who was rusimii in the realizes Iho. groat importance (ioneral Hospital. nos(oy night witli s(mie 2000 of I lie ''lil'mp" fleet, anil what lim will )ip in liosidliil for IioiiimIs nf 'first class halibut, and Ihn flftwrinon, menu to llio pnis-uorily wliilo yet. , and Cap lolurimd I reporter it fiiio (rip, Aflel- over. muling gear Cap will leave for of wir fair rily. Tim Ins lioinn port on Friday. plpiiljful supply nf fish diri-ing Ihn Ii i it It spot again on Monday. Dm week lias niPiinl n Ii.kI drop Tlm irooil ship Wnkp, ownpd Captain llobers'oii of the.Tor- Q ROYAL SMOKES J5t however and In price,., thorn Is ii i..ii.iiiin ii ii'iniiM anil ni'W berg, who has.'Spniimleled kicking al Hip slump. couilie, has born sold in j. I Clark, millwrinlil for the fiooifro, trapping expeditions for (iin goa. son, is overhauling tils cfari Oiip happening along Ihn waterfront town sawmill, inn imw owne proimralnry to a trip (o lim which has brought Joy In lias Plnared - for Georgetown balibiil. banks. Ilo aulicljialos Din hearts of tho fishermen Is wlmro slip will bn used for pros clearing for Ihp Whaleliack Mm installation 'of the imw tail neollnjr trips and other private Monday. on dors along the fish dock, whirl iuriosp.s. makes llio landing , frnni honl Hie bnlllos In place In position, Ilm acme nf comfort, this, cabin wo iiiiicIi more, rnnvrhient nml 'flip Snipp is now .on Charlie l'hur-ilay A slight mishap occurred on it was found that Dip champagne forming a splendid lounge, Tlm safe, Ornleful epre-sinn.. havo .Newman's wnys across, Ihn hay, morning which drew portion of Iho bottles was con cruiser is also filled wilh col been heard from all iiuarlers in and Captain Frencby,, her owner, the, Itingo, Captain A. Anderson, spicuous by its nbxonee. How lapsible nicklp plated wash basin, Into the linmliphl nautical circles, ami the fisher has boon busily pupajred in haul Of publicity. ever, 'Mac rose (n the occasion a modern pook stove and sink tiki urn i n i uri rt n i m nn n nn in n i nu i mi tn i men realize lliat. someone is al Ina: chicken wire and plaster o Iliislor, one of thcslar members and filled Iho emply hollies with and .everything is to hand and I taking n sensible inlerost in l'aris aboard' the Mauritania for of lim. crew, .while grabbing al a some cold and mighty wpak lea, compact. The- dimensions of Ihei GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY llmm and giving a helping ham) the purpop of fixing new plank- fly from ilm dpek, ovei I'mlanced and no one 'knew'llm difference. boat are .'n1 feel long by !i fool! S. S. PRINCE RUPERT wil sail Wednesday tl p.m. for and slid in llmir dangerous Calling. inp nn llio null. Ihp online i gracefully into the icy The K.ocrel service of Iho fleet beam and she is filled with a' Anyox. 'I'liursday nl 12 p.m'. for Swanson Hay, flcean Falls, waters of the. bay! 'flip cry of are worling on Ilm ease and tin 20 h. Kermalh Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. nw if one or two pond oloo in fine felt In and will Hvo a p. engine, capable trie light rluslors could lio fjxpil Jump nr a kick af Cap's com man overboard": brought tlm not want this informal ion to go of making eight, knots.' S. S. PRINCE ALBERT For all points Norllmrn and row on deck and willing bands tip in llio same vipim'ly, which inand. Willi Iho completion of nu so please don'l fell anybody Poulliern Queen Charlolle Islands April 10 nnd 2,S. For would afford police protection Hip 'hull repairs, and if Cap can Iliislor rabbe.l is(he swininmr lo safely. about Mae's, misfortune.. (i. K. Alk'insou of Ihe-'Sinelair Slevvarl, April l.'l and 27. culi- looking a (if Hip economical kind, and coax, tlm craft 'off Mm slips by pup, Fisheries is confined lo his bed Train Service. and is (ho mascot of I lie sliip. 'flic His '.McCulIoiigb left which wonlit give I ho landing nf making a noio likp a wave, lie on with an allalx of flu. . ussener MONDAY, WbDNESOAY and SATURDAY at 11:15 bonis al night Rood lighting will leave for an exenioi (our Thursday afternoon with a load t. m. l-'or Sinithers, Prince Oorg'!, Kdi'nonlon and Winn.-peg, facilities, everybody would ho in waters unknown al present Captain Frank l.ockwooil of if .niaoliiiUTy'Vvhieh has boon re A good April fool joke was, making ijiret-t connection for all points in Hnslorn happy. frenohy says that, no iuilllonair' (he President Jfjs arrived in paired at Ilm Dry frock for the played on nnc of Ibe forpnmn (innnda and United Slates. - has Ilii' price tn buy ihA'Snipo in port from a jrobl, iirosiei-liig,ex-pcdilioi, (ieorge(ovn... mill. : On hpr re at a local fish house, on Saturday Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. A fur nrrival consisting nf its pl'Ps'int pxpelleiil Condition nroimj (ircnvile iljmni- turn trip Iho lug will bring in last. Having procured an City Ticket Office, 62G Third Avenus Phone 260 mink, niter and wolf akin, is o don'l iiosler Cap (n sell. lluyo gold puggels wore load of boxes for the fish old legal looking dneunionl the slacked in the -d'-ek valued at hniiies. 1 . whimsical liolifled reported this wppk. 'flmro are manager hisj a inimlior nf .irnall craft ypt In Launch Oh llaby, Captain My millions, nt dnlitrrP. till Cap woke foreman thereon that he was liill-.liiiios, up. - - - Willi Ihp arrival' nf new-head liable for hiS Poll Tax two' which for rrpnrl from their trapping ox has bopn un pcditinns, and several arrival" derailing a inachiuery nnl tuill blocks at!,lhe-(ienrgelown,-mill 1 a years, ago in draull nf the pay-inent,nf CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Vic 'iMhrkland has now log carriage is1' to be in I urn pxpoc(oij "early In. ho com overhaul, i practically cnnippi iM-iu-Hcally ' which he was liable to pompleled his new Joaf, Which is stalled. . ten dollar fine, 'flu- victim B.C. Coast Services Ing work- . .. ed, and everything will snon bo a in pond shapp for tlm forthcom. lUidrrgoing finishing '(ouches in' .' nf the Joke, thinking it was a finod progress I being madp Ing season's rush of husinp; Iho Hone Yard Creek,- nn'dr it is 'fhe fiagoom,-owned by Dr. W genuine reiiueslj wn much worried, son l ho dcninlitinu of the over .sure simie snappy, looking craft. T. Kergln, i undergoing fin- so his manager told him, Sailings from Prince Rupert head roadway leading from Cow The Wigwam, Captain Claude tl is expected overturi's will be Lsliiug touches at Hit- hands of lie .had bettor get ' legal adviee li.iy. Tho structure has hpon Keichuiu, called into port nn made lit Cap - lir have ftl new .1. .K-.laok al (tie Prince ltiiier( ns lo (lie best proeoedure. Off For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway reinovotl aH far as ilm Akcrborg-Tttwnpson Wednesday morning .for nddl boat become I lie flagship of the I (Huh moorings. This vent (lie vicliiu lip town ami March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. shnp, and the fiNt lional gear and suppli prepar- trolling fieri. pleasure cruier was built, at Hie consulted a well kiinwp notary For-Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Jlry Hock liixt hy II. .1. . March 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14, 25. ncn nr maiorial lias poon laid. uory in leaving JieiiaKaiia year who said he vvnuld look lip ihn 'I'wO lauiichfng' ceremonies F. Tiirney from 'whom Ir. Ker- 4. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, I'assage Willi llio Iwo donkey en ea.-.e. In llio meantime, the no A a roult nf Ihn Disarmament Kines for tho .1. It. Morgan" Log appeimd during the week al Iho gili made Ho. purchase. It is lary was informed nf Jhe Joke i East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu,' Alert Bay, Campbell rnnfororico Imld in W'ash- ging Company at Surf Inlet, Tho . M. .Mi-1.can shfpyards, when the lasJ word in cnmrori and and he rang Up Hip victim lo loll River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. liitrion i-pppnlly at which tho Wigwam will leave for Surf In the now I,ear Urns, halibul boat. compactness, and has collapsible him thai unless tin; Poll 'fax Agency for all Steamship Lines. MoKijiiiln I'IppI wan not ropro. let early in the enuring week. and Capt. Saiin'dor's new era ft berthing for seven persons. plus the. (en dollar fine, were Full information from sfnir.l jhp Ailrniralty branch of hit the water. Mac bad gone tn three berths forward and four paid before noon he was liable W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, the riool in uiidorffoin ro-organization, The Silver Spray. Captain Hilly .nijio trouble and expense in ufl. 'fhe aft berths when closed, for;a fine nf $500 or. six month Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, prince Rupert, B. C. aful (he cnlla.ios of fhaiip and first male, Hen lloli. procuring a couple of hollies of. are flush wilh Ihc-vsidn and in jail. This, put Hie match to Hoi fi!in(f' branch bavp boprt vor, returned to port from Hip champagne for the ceremony and are hidden by beautiful panel (ho fireworks and the victim liaiiiiiioti-il Into propollPi. mouth of Portland Canal with a ad llioni, as he thought, caw- ling, silualod in the observation grabbed his hat and ran for Hi whiph have an pxccllont culling cargo of mink, oiler and wolf fully slowed aw.ay in his roll cabin. The fiiTwUnl berths when up town legal opinion only to odjro, so much so In fact that kins, but have been unable, as Ion desk. Ilowevnr. when Him closed are tastefully upholstered find upon arrival that Ihn door Hip Adrniraf i rrlalninsf nnp for yet. to make a sale nu the Inoal lime name for Maj- 'o pick upHn dark green leather and give wjis lockeii. Alter a prolonged DENTISTRY "havinp purposes. Ilo say.x Ihoy market owing In low price of search Ihp notary was located .- tiavi nl a safoiy razor boaton fered. who then imparled In the vintim Don't neglect your teeth. One decayed or missing tooth for cloio sh.lvintr and would oflho' joke' Ibe fuel thai il was lowers your vitality. fliavp tho hair nf a bald frg, 'flip launch lied, Captain fi. April I. Iloilnolloiis in xlaff'will cnno. Slroelliorsn, arrived from DR. BAYNE (iiinlly lake placo. Vhc "now. Harbor on Wednesday. Cap Pal llaly, and T. !. Shenton ih monkpy" ias Iippii rclipvcd is in th'o city nn Important inpi-cJor nf mines., together wilh Rooms 4, 5, 6, HelgersAn Block Phone 109 T his uiilhnrily and I now, on financial business. a parly of mining experts left on "Oftlcc Hours: Mornings, 9-tS; Aftcrnnonst 1:30-5:30 j f.'a?od' jn isiiukinjr up tlm iaucp i the Pacheria for Stewart . nn Evenings; IioIIUm for. Jho Admitar.s fojsllvo The Maude, Captain S. Pierce, Thursday morning. board. Tho tjlonfitf. havo boon arrived in port on Thursday laid ,nff and havo horn inf.talloil morning with 1000 pounds of 'fhe Snagscow, 4 la pi a In Mull I In n noodlownrk branch, for the fjrsl class halibut.' Cap reporls gnu, which has been on Ilm Ory THEO COLLART, LTD. NOTARY bciipfit. of (hp t'lcol,. ho that, no that tlm trip was O.K. and that Dock for hull repairs, Mas re PUBLIC member of, tho 'Moot nopd bo a excellent won I her prevailed on iurjmd In Iho 'finvernnmnt wharf, billion Mior. It is undornlnnd, (ho whaleliack. and will leave for Iho Xans lliv- Slx-'roomed house for sale; close In, $1,e00,terms. on ifoo.j' aufhnrity, that Flrtsio er early next week, l'lirt vll tiltp (ivot'iiffiiln a ,11m O, I'. Smith. Of Ihn Hilly liny AdiniralV socrolnrv and will Is overhauling jn preparation' I 'fhe following boat's nre at Rentals Real Estate General Insurance j work (ti (ho dual j-olo nf Klonoff for his leaving for Mm Oundas; present jn ports Kixin lluperl,. Oil Phone Bluo 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O, Box 68 raphor mid "anchor nio" dU Camp, Inverness Cannery, which Many. ,lUI"-lii"OHi. nm, cm-iiy, lon.prf Tho Admiral says that It Is expected will bp opened up Tnwoha, S. VI tn, 1'ug. Cub, Tulip, Flosslo can do moro work around Westerner, Ilea, Torhorg, .lean, hi (warier (ban (hroo able Hoy and the Horseshoe will be Hoy W., I.aura K Manilla. Heav Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central bodied With the run this season. A er Cove, Somnie, Mink, Hilly Hoy, on KPampn. -thoso put Grandpa is So Popular PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO, 15 at any time, day or night. also Why Oh Anna .1. mruonsKjnrd, chantry in aff II in anticipated new store scow is, going out Hoy, There will always, be some one to tako them. thft savinp In cash will permit which will afford heller neonm- Kolcham .ami Pioneer. of (ho Aihriiral'H sanclnrn bciiifc niodatinii for Hie commissary lOOD health and good seems to supply exactly-what Prince Rupert Coal Company (IccoratPd wiMi two Catto, fifteen end of the business. I m humor usually go elderly people require in PAY LAST RESPECTS year old, instead of nrio. hand . in - hand. The order to keep feeling well Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, Mr. and Mrs. John Malll ar TO ANYOX RESIDENT sufferer from torpid liver, and happy. Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. Jack Toner bplns inlipopd rived from Vancouver on Wednesday indigestion or irritated Mr. D. F. Armstrong, R.R. with a loOcli of tho flu, and aboard Iho S. S. Prince nerves cannot easily maintain1 No. 3, Maljorytown, Ont., Funeral Service for Late W. X. pending Hip aforcinpntlnned Itunert. J. Malll In taking over a happy countenance writes : McDonald at Catholic Church. Yellowhead Coal rhunoM in nluff, I'IosmIu has Ihn slore management al (he Inverness and a cheerful disposition, "Through overwork and nn extra taken nvep, (ho autivo manaKe-uietu Cannery, lunulas Camp. whether young or old. amount of im-nUl strain, I ANYOX, April A service was On Dock Delivered of die Muif,Upt 'Co Hcep became very nervoua anU run held ill tlm Cjhoie Church H The grandpa represented down. I began unlntc Dr. Chaae'a late LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.60 Caiilain Dolpli I'luirsday innrning for Hie tba fair damsel In rheurful Tho Scrub. a in this has succeeded JS'erve V'ood. and they certainly LUMP, Sacked 11.76 14.00 luiinnr .lack has Installed an Prince, arrived in porl. on Thurs picture aeenivd to touch the right iot. William X. McDonald, al which 11.25 MINE RUN, Bulk only ... , 9.75 elpetrio Jack (Marled morning wilh a light caleh. in maintaining his good It ulniont teemed for a time a there was a large circle of friends Jneiibalor. day health and good spirits by though 1 fairly lived on thorn, NUT, Sold In Oarloads only 8.50 tho Incubator oTf with what he Cap complained that Ibe wealh, und 1 can recommend thin treat of llio deceased present, anion the of Dr. Chase's Nerve Analysis Fixed Carbon, 4l. pCr otml; volatile matter, 37.1 him, and that Iho use iifent lo anyone requiring a medicine wiom were a large number of HioiibIiI FIohkIp against (o bo cgKH, but er was !is Food to keep his blood rich of thl kind, l am now over iilembers of Ilm local I-Jk Lodge percent; ush, D.Q per cent; jnoisturo, 3.8 per cent; sulpbur, found, upon Inquiry, that tha fish had taken a dislike lo and his vitality at high II year old." 0.19 per cent; H. T. U. air dded. 11.050. Was thai In nf which Mr. Mclhuitild a supposed eg-gs wore old (.'"If idea nf bail. Cap snys ("Sworn b'fort me at Mullory-town, water mark. is Orade Hittiminous Sleaniing Coal, This etipecially . . a High ,1.-1.1 ..!,.I. ,.t thla 7th day of March, member. Tlje I0!)' 'balls, Moh(a Mild i was too make op i'ir inn uaui runii u Men and women of advancing mi,"-.D. a clow, j.r.) prominent from the cburcll suitable for High Pressure Hollers and Furnaces, 'J'ho lump inuelj to fish ho uble to shoot some was uccompaniefl expect of any Jnoubator, was SI, Ja.nK, years are learning Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, lo the wharf by a proivinsiou of is a very Superior Stove, Coal, Let us send you.a trial load of whether "juice" rock oysters of Cane driven by or more and more the benefits 50 cts. a box, all dealers, or I'.lkn, from where it is being Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your Hteiiui, (o i)ule)i out golf bull, uud had several fills of oyster Hates & to be obtained by the use of Edmanson, Co., Ltd., heating stove. and wondered If .lack bud il In stew. T be trio was marred ny this restorative. It Toronto,,, shipped to flrnnby. 0u. Mr. Mo-nonald great Ida beau to start a ynU boll an accident lo hU chief cngiiu Was 5.1 years of age. of