October 26, 1932 P \ay ee 24 me FF ¢ Nill Close End of October Saturday night this shop will finaliy close its doors. Every- thing in the store must be dis- posed of and we are going to sell all the dresses in the store includ- ing Evening Dresses and After- noon Dresses. DRESSES Kyening Dresses and Afternoon Dresses. Will clear them out at $5.95 Come early if you want one. Take as many as you like. COATS COATS The Balance of our ROG Spring Coats at Some Wonderful Fall and Win- ter ( Oate $15, 00 to £0 a Not many are left s0 come early for these. Don’t miss the oppor- tunity. All the Non-Run Lingerie made by Stan- 50¢ Cia Will Clear ay per garment We have some wonderful Pyjamas and Gowns made by Stanfield $1 95 Non-run, will go ° HOSE and HATS 95 Hose—There are not many of these left 85c 50c¢ This is the greatest bargain sale that the city has eyer had. We it the end of the menth. No try-on on the dresses. There are not many in stock. SALE Final—No Exchange, No Refunds, No Credit be sold at lt Hats and oth ear ou a r Hat close The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnace coal “ CANADIAN PACIFIC lo Vancouver PRINCBSS NORAH--QOct. 12. 24. Nov. 2. 'o Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean Falls and Way Ports. ’ Ketchikan, Weangell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH a 8, 20, 29. For Information call or write— . COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, BL. ee =e oe Ae 4. — z -——- See = UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouyer:— ".S.S. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. ' Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday om. "SS. VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, w Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx. *ekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anvox, River points Sunday, & pm. tickets a} — regarding all galla aa ' Phone 568, Stewart and Neag Purther informatica: . "KINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Secon | | | | Taxi 35—Ernie “arge. t! Something new in stylish Polo ‘Rain Coats. Guaranteed rain-proof, {windproof, washable. Demers. 248 | 290. i 1 | | |! | je | i i | | } | | t } ' ito the Ore A “Ringlette”’ on the installment plan. We use genuine supplies. Nelson’s Beauty Parlor ' 250 For Fall Kalsomining MURESCO is Supreme, Eighteen beautiful nts to choose from. Gordon’s Hardware, McBride St. Phone 311. tf William A. Bell, commissary ag ent here for the Canadian Natione: Railways, returned to the city on he Prince Rupert this morning from a koliday trip to Vancouver and Victoria W. J. Rooney, district superin- nde Canadian National Tel- aphs for Briti~h Columbia and Alberta with headquarters in Ed- monton, arrived in the eity on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver in the course of an of- ficial tour. He will proceed East from here $ ery ; m ZO u sane bee net por Burns, Scalds, Bites foe Chapped SHIN, Cuts, Bruises, etc. MADE IN CANADA ¥ ss Nancy Rori i jliagay trip t who has been lon a ») Vancouver anc ewhere in the I irned to | the city on the P rince Rupert this ith, ret | morning C: W. Homer, provincial aeressor, returned to the city on the P1 Rupert this morning fron in Falls dist ince trip rict on of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zeff-1 iboard the Prince m to Stewart where Mr nasseugers vert today bound f: Zetfert has pusiness inverests John W. Allen uperin ngineer for the Dominio jes, arrived ir city from VYan- couyer on the Prince Rupert this iorning, being on one of his peri dical visits here on official du- vie endent Fishei 1 the Announcements Bridge Hall, Hallowe'en 28, LLO.D.E Dance, October 28. Ad- 50c. Ladies 25c. 60 Oct Hill lance, an Eagles’ 1iission, Gents Moose Hallowe'en Dance, Oct. 31 of Norway Bazaar, November Hall. Sons 4, Oddfellows’ Rebekah Concert November 9 Oddfellow’s Hall Boxing, Empress Arena, day, Nov. 9, Bagshaw vs. Wednes- Gurvich Anglican Church Bazaar, Novem- |Round Steak— ber 22 Elks’ Bridge and Whist Novem- ber 23 Presbyterian “Bazaar Nov. 24 TRAIN SE RVICE trains 9.30 a.m. ednesday Transcontinental leave Prince Rupert every Monday, W and Friday. Trains will arrive Prince Rupert 9.00 p.m, every Tuca- ean, Thursday, Saturday. Special low rates on rail and steam- ship tickets t Che Old Country. Fer information call « or write ew agent, or GES REE OFS , F 4 Caneaiba Natienal Permanent Wave; LOCAL NEWS NOTES i } tt Just arrived, lovely Parisian |models, in fur felt sat $4.75 and velvets at $4.25. Demers. 248 _lofr ;pany in town. tt -| per Ib. a 35¢ a of Lamb— 15¢ Menten Bae Sod os 10c meer i 48 at ee 25¢ THE DALY NEWS CLDL. Dance Thursday night. 249 Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone Hyde Transfer—All coals are in dry shed. See adv. for prices. $1.06 per ton lower than any other com- Hygga bazaar and dance, Met- ropole Hall, Friday, Oct. 2¥, at 8 o'clock. Sale of fancywork. Admis- sion free. 250 Mrs. Earl Lockwood will sail to- morrow night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Mission City in ‘the Fraser Valley. Presbyterian Hallowe'en Tea and Sale of Home Cooking in the Church Hall en Thursday, Oct. 27 from 3 to 6 p.m. Good musical program. 248 Mrs. G. C. Arseneau, who has been on a holiday visit to Vancou- ver and elsewhere in the south, re- turned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. Bringing passengers, mail and freight, C.N.R. ss. Prince Jolin, Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port at 3:15 this morning from Vancou- ver via the Queen Charlotte Is- lands and will remain over here} until 10 o’clcck Friday night when she will sail on ker return south; over the same route. The County “Joe case of B.C! Tractor and Equipment vs. Ter-} race Motors, in which plaintiff i3| suing defendant for $771.82, has been adjourned from today until next month. Stuart H. Gilmour of Vancouver is counsel for the plain- tiff while W. O. Fulton is acting the defendant. L. H. Hawortk.. office manager | of the Alberta Wheat Pool’s local} | elev ‘tor, returned to the city on the Prince ‘Rupert this morning after having taken a two-weeks’ cruise on H.MCS. Skeena in his} jeanacity as a lieutenant with the! i" l uit of the Royal Canadian jNa Volunteer Reserve i “! ©. H. Woodward, Fairbanks, Al-| ka, real estate broker, who hae} been on a vacation trip to the Uni- ited States, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning ‘fram Seattle and will visit here for ja few days with his brother, G. C.| |W" odward. United States consul,/ | bef re proceeding north FPETTrerereey CAPITOL MEAT | MARKET Fifth Avenue Phone 455 Wednesday and Thursday Morning SPECIALS Pot Roast of Beel per lb. 10¢ Rib Roast of Beef per lb. 15c Rib Boiling Beef per lb 8c 15¢ 0 ene tere -er re ST eee cae Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Is offering 4 spegial prige in EAGLE BRAND PuLtep HER THROUGH Mrs. R. Harvey, of Stony Mountain, Man., is one of the many thousands of mothers who have nothing but good to say about Eagle Brand. This is what she writes: “We start- ed feeding her your milk at one month old and she is now one year and has since been quite well and happy.” If you are unable to nurse one baby, send for Ba y elfare literature, using coupon below. FREE! Wonderful Baby Booklet! The Borden Co, 50 Powell St., Vancouver, B.C. Gentlemen: Please send me free capy ef booklet entitled “Baby Welfare.” Limited, MEME cccenncreniemmommacnenne Address ..... vseetamnererenananstenerensesssvsssesenssceeenene, W, 10 WT a re ae Lacrosse meeting, City Hall, ; Thursday, 8 pn. RAG PR oy aol on C. C. Mills, who has been in Van- couver following a business trip to various interior points, returned to the city from the south on the ss. Prince Rupert this morning William Plenderleith, William |} Anderson and F. C. Eadie of Oc ean Falls arrived in the city on the! Prince Rupert this morning trom | the paper town, being here to at- tend a Masonic gathering N. W. Appleyard, who has been yn a holiday trip to Vancouver, re- turned to the city from the south 1on the Prince Ruvert this morning ithe Canadian National Railways} Mr. Appleyard ic in the service af} here ” as au EXC HEOU ER C ou RT OF CANADA Columbia Admiralty District a AKE NOTICE that Pursuant to “mmission of Sale, to me direc-| ted. I am calling for tende*s on} British j the Ship “Ads No. 1...” tenders to be submititead to the undersigned not later than Saturday November | }4th, 1932 Highest or lowest tenders at necessarily accepted DESCRIPTION Fishing Trawler No. 10-1930 Official No. 156813, Port of Registry Prince Rupert, built 1930, registered tonnage 9.55, 3 cylinder, 45 H.P. full Deisel At- las Imperial Marine engine. Ship can be inspected by apply- ing to §. A. Nickerson, Deputy Marshall, Sheriff's office, Prince Rupert. H. W. GOGGIN, Marshall of the British Columbia Admiralty District Office of the Marshall, Law Courts, Victoria, B.C. October 2ist, 1932 ~~ THE DAYS OF EYESTRAIN ARE ‘\HERE AGAIN The days are getting much shor- ter and you will doubtless be spending much mare of your time inside reading or at some other indoor “Eyestrain” amuse- ment. Now is the time to have your eyes examined and if neces- sary get a pair of properly fit- PERMANENT WAVES | $4.00 and $5.00 Why not look your best? We are giving free adyice on feminine hygiene. Call for your bo@klet. Phone — 655 ted glasses that you may enjoy your leisure in comfort, Our Op- tical Department offers you sat- isfactory. service. Max Heilbroner—Jeweler eee —— —=+ 'GIX-ROOM House, 239 4th Ave. | Classified Ads FOR SALE Oe. FOR SALE—Mink, Quebec. Labra- dor, young or adylt. $20 per pair. F. Hoppe, Lochdale, B.C. tf. QQ ee FOR RENT: West. Phone Green 89. 251 LOST—White kitten. Joan Watt. Phone 146. (248) FOUN D FOUND —Between | Lucy Island and South Dundas,new rowboat, 9 feet long, green outside, grey inside. Apply J. Furunes, P.O. Box 239. FOR RENT—Modern flqt, Rancd (251) Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. ¢¢ | Saeeeeeseseee tert FIVE-ROOM furnished modern PIANO TUNING house, Two unfurnished. Phone Green 698. tf STORE for Rent, Third Avenue, adjoining Wrathall’s, low rental. McClymont. . tf — MODERN Hoyse Dunsmuir Street | available for rent November Ist PIANOS Tuned $3.00. . Wales Mu- sic Store. tf TRANSFERS Cameroan’s Transfer— Cordwood, Firewood, Furnacewood, Kindling, Poles, Piling. —Official Administrator, tf ULLY Modern House, close in,|* Sarr = with furnace, breakfast nook and DAIRIES fixtures. Rent reasonable. Phone Red 720. tf “= All Our— SACRIFICE SALE~Dinhle corner Sixth Ave. and Eberts Street with building maierial for hose. $200 cash. Apply No. 513 Siath Ave. East. 249 | oe ~ a WANTED WANTED—Smart young lady with) Milk and Cream SHIPMENTS Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 some experience in store. Apply} Box 154 Daily News. 248! aw te 2c wa Ae AGENTS WANTED WANTED—Ambitious man to re- For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 present regular line. See Mr. Crow. St. Elmo, evenings for fur- ther r particulars. 249 RELIABLE man for hundred store route this aistrict, no selling; distribute and collect. Experience | unnecessary. Should net sixty! dollors weekly. Write Shamas Manufacturing Limited, New To- _ Tonto, Ont. |DERECT SALESMAN WANTED - To sell a well es stablished exclu sive line of Ladies’ Knitted eal and Sweaters. Applicant must be! able to prove previous success in direct selling. Unlimited possibil- | ities for the man who is looking AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Srd Ave. Phone Red 637 |The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. RAWES—Phone Black 120 for promotion. CALG:ARY KNIT- TING COMPANY. LTD. CALGARY. Alberta —_——_ - DANCING TAP DANCING taught by Miss EI- eanor Tite. Phone 20 ti ! WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & DIRTY WAULS? We paperhang a room for $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 and up. Call, Red 802. J. P. MOLLER CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall ‘Three Year Graduate Chiropractic | Modern Ray Treatments Given | Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 pen Evenings 6 Excnange Bik | errr nn | Frank Wilson of Inverness can- nery is paying a brief business to town, having arrived in the city from the Skeena River on last! evening's train. Nat More Than 200 PAINT BRUSHES ~ GIVEN AWAY FREE This Week Rawleigh’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 14.000 Units Vitamin A. 7,000 Units Vitamin D. 3 bottles, $2.00 ' Phone Black 623 Free Delivery TJ oe One With Every Purchase of | PRATT & LAMBERT’S “61” Paint, Varnish or Enamel Touch up the kitehen set or see our Nite Tables, | Magazine Racks, Etc., $1.00 to $1.75 it in a few min BROKEN WINDOWS—Call us, we will reglaze utes.—Phone 3 KAIEN HAR DWARE (0.