Monday, April 24, Ann two THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News THE TORTURE OF TEADANSANT DRITISir COLUMBIA RUPERT - Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The. News INDIGESTION FINE AFFAIR Prlrilin htld PnhlihinpCompans', Third Avenue. II, F. PULLRtf, Managing Editor. Mrs. Crewe's. Pupils Acqclttedl Thousands Made Miserable Thsmselves with Splendid SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tneci aaiucaay Aiiernoon. Trouble This City'Delivery t by mnil or carrier, per month. .......... , . , $l.0o By By mail In all parts of the Rritish Umpire and Ihe United'Stales, 'the Tea Daiisaul hold in SI. In advance, per year ,v.0.00 "FRUIT-A-TIYES" Relieves It mlriw's Hall on Saturday afternoon, To nil olher countries, in advance, per year $7.50 1 Vthht Is Imligestioft an4 wht under Ihe direciinn of Mr. solid food II. . Cli'We nssilei by her pupils ttiues ItT As you know, TELEPHONE 98 Bait lie changed fnto a liquid by the was a jrreat suece. The be take as liall was iiiehii-esnuely decoraled stomach before It on a up ansient Display Advertising . . per inch per insertion BOtirishmf nl by 1hp Mood. wilh Ihe ilnffc.lil effrel and' vmnei Transient Advertising on Front Page .92.80 per inch The ttomaih acts an a rhurn. It U loriy litliles were ocituineil. A Local Readers, her insertion. . .25e per.line.) cotered by a stronjr, muscular eont dainly lea w served at S i:iasifled Advertising, per insertion 2c per word BDd lined with a son, delicate o'elock ai-roiiiiminod by an uver-! line membrane which secretes theOalri lure liy 1lie Wcslhiilme orcheslra.I -f.egftl Notices, each insertion ..15c per Agate, Contract Rales nn Application. J nice which difests or dinolves solid IJt'HIIIV mill, iiiuimt-ii lll'l set the in iuolinn. large assemhly All advertising should he ih The Daily News OfTlc on day preceding food. the.stomach, the 1 lie conlnined splenilid m When food enters prfigram subject to publication. All advertising received approval. muscular coat sqtieeiM ami presses items oT Jtiv'enile rianrinv. and it Bif! Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. the food from end to end, or churni would be a llifficult matter In It, with the gastric juice to dissolve iay . spei-ial Irihule lo any one' DAILY KDITION Monday, April !t, 1032. or digest it. particular number. The dainty it L-llll.l F I I. "- Hut if the stomach muscles are and nretlv in.-inner in Which the II H jm n wcik-or if the dissolving fluid Is ling performers executed their! Report More poororlnsuflieient-then food cannot various portrayals nf the terpsj- Serious Than Expected. and hate be digested properly you M-ii'illl an WOlllH in- illllM-illi. Ii All hough, it was generally fell nf late that there were some Indigestion. urpass even in professional seriius' defect iii the Hoolh .Memorial School building, 11 is "FRUIT-A-TUTS" u the mott uoHdrr in les and re ll ee ixl great credit doubtful'many,realized that I hey were extensive or as serious Jul medicine in the world for ttrtngihenln 'in Iheic teacher. The audience the ttomach mutcles aiut froxi&ine. an OK nnnnuiieei) by Ihe examining architect in his report at the ahuudance uM-iwif A dissolving was loud in apfirix'iation both of pure, verbally and by applause, en-' school board meeting last week. Willi such faults as Mr. Cox fluid to completely digest every meal. cores being Ihe order of Ihe en intimates e!s-tiiig, ,il may be expecled'lhat the cost of remedying "Fit TIT-A-TI VK.S"does this because tire performance. 'Hie floor them willjfcJiVne high, bul, be tha,l as it may, it is an expense that It keeps the kldhe)saetive.the Iwwels was occupied every nionieril eilh-i aVid the blood which must now be met and, with the experience of the past and expert regular Gastric Juice.pure, no 1,1- Hi.. oifi.tlu niil'itvinrr filT advice callil in, )iu stone sbouhl be left unturned to get Ihe lnsures'pure"pHUIT-A-TmCS" will Correct trots and waltzes or by Ihe engaged in building, in gooil shape a! fa early a moment us possible; your Indigestion or Dyspepsia aiid Juveniles their fiances.happily enable you lo enjoy every meal. The Program . Building Trade Try It. 'flu items the included: on program Given Lesson SOc. a box,fi for 12.50, trial size 25c . At all dealers or sent postpaid by Throiighlhe Rooth School affair the building Irade in Prince IYult-a-ti'-cs Limited, Oil-r Wrlsli dance in typieal Welsh, ffll nyimm ii a ii nmmtOfmmmmi Rupert has been given a lesson not to be soon forgotten. Weather costume, by Knid and Claire Will Nelda lliblilch and Helen' conditions here present more difficulties to this type of architecture liams, McCnffery. a ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii than-.prevail in the most of cities. The school board is SUITCASES Irisb Joan gH&teHMjjj jig ,in coslume, by paying highly fur an experience, which, in it various phases, will TRUNKS West and Nellie liurvicb. provide nn(jv$nniple lo future builders in the city. Similar experiences Spanish dance by Cvelyn Vick-ers, havel(jen met in the pnVl in other places, sometimes in CLUB BAGS ,Verna Tlinfnpson, I.orna Mp-lnn, public enterprises mnt sometimes iin private. Now that liie defects, Winnie Thomson and . , Z it i, ,, . . . Helen May HaH, dressed as in in in-lure have heetyisrertaincdrt measures and their j-ehiills Large Stock on hand. sennrilas. maye, M.r. and Mrs. A. Paul, Miss will be watched villi interest. 'HflMhlli' tyj'fR ;i tErices, yejr,low. v The l'airy dance by Kleaiior Charlotte lllark, Sidney Haz.e(. H III '1 Jones. Caplaiu Nicholsjop, .Mijis Christianity v. r ft II J. Fi MAGUIRE Moxley,lleillilrfiiiner,Annie.Myrtle Citchrisl,Hose Maxine and Agnes McQuillan and Mis. I,,ij 1 Lumber & Lain In Business. ,N.exl the Prince Rupert Hotel Phyllis Dewhursl, In elflike garb. Ward. , In the course nf his address at Ihe war memorial service Kxhihilinn dance liy; Mr. and The iirograiu will lie repeatjl at a future dale al Ihe Wesl-bolme a v Mrs. II. O. Crewe., At Itie con. yeste.rday. Rev. Dr. Grantgave an account of nn interesting inlr-' . . '-f . f; . " .til . . ..! - clusiou of ibis ilem one Of Mrs Theatre. Shiplap-Boards ancP" . view neiwecn nogy?) nanson, ine-wen known American yvnlj-r, STEADY ACTIVtTY IN (Jrewe's little, pupils, on behalf - au the presideiit.or'lheXrgenline Rcpupic, The two nu-n Wad of the juvenir, daticing class SE1TUNG.0F MASONIC LODGE Dimension bcen.cortifiTlring North' Amerira mid Siuth-inerica, andil Ijad INTERIOR jnxisctiled her with a beautiful iceirobserved that Soujh America, though as 'old as Nfirth bouipiel of carnations. Thoroughly Air IJried and Stored Under Cor . America, Svas not ns far developed in Ihe wys of civilization, E. A. Blow, CP.ft Colonization I loll dance by Claire Williams BEING OPENED ?' The president had asked Habsnn for hyfojVininii as to the reason, Agent, Arrives' t nClty From 4 y h) "Awakening Juan West. of Dorolhy Spring"Ctiri'lii-Kleanor ballet jjiCi lMDipJJFiooring, Ceiling, jsiding ' iiil Die Jailer, being A "North Ahiencan, had politely declined 'in Winnipeg. Moxley, Myrtfe Hose am reply and in tnrr asked the PjjeridruQorJii .fyfffifyt, j7r,lie'"prij '!!! A'. l(ow, .of Wirim'pear.,nr- Maxine lleilln-onner, .x llowers; Prince Georoe making Special and Finish Trip wth 40 Members From l-.nid and. Claire Williams, Helen uenuiai repneil in l- IhtHROloiiisM nf rived JtUse vwtyfy wy-Jwl, in ihe cily lasi riiphl rind South Americn cun' friro Sf.iMrjijIAg is McCnffery, Nelda lliblilch and Prince Rupert to Offi for gold, whilo (he registered ihe 'Prince flu- SPRUCE LATH Hnlel. Nellie Curvieh as hee,s; Annie ciate at Anyox. t iiiciinsis hi .vino .-Micrica inun r.ugiana ana ncnnann came look perl nilchrist and Phyllis liew'hursl inR for r;r;i:" . Mr. Wow, who is representing Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prlcti Kale and Helen us (ireenaways, the industrial and Hesouives Ie The Crnnd Trunk Pacific . T.hejessoh to lie lehrncd from these few concise words is parlmenl of Hie 0. P. .V. a. j May Hull as fairies. In llils steamer. Prince (ieorge will sail a deep one, Dr (irant argued that the principles of the early making a leisurely ami coinidele dance fine Helen May Hall cave n al 2 o'clock on Wednesday afler. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Jlritish colon iters must be. maintained to ensure fuliire greatness, invesligalion of Ihe line ihroujih exhitiillnn of toe dancing. nooirthis week for Anyox instead -ami his argument is a true and logical one. While the doctor (lie west in connection wilh .sel-lleinenl Laren,Scarf Verna dance Thnirihson,by I.orna HMen Mc lof al II o'clock in Ihe evening Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 iilaiis. Knquiiies for as per regular schedule. The would not Mjrthat to carry on these principles Canadians must ceniral Hriltsli Columbia lands. May Hall, F.velyn Vickers and vessel will relurn on Thursday literally earn M Hilile around with Ihem and keep their eyes lie says, are coining in fnsislenlly U'lnnie Thomson. ariernooli al 2 o'clock instead of heavenwa'iyh'e Would' say, and, say truly, thai to ensure future u ins department, and much of Suhsliade dance hy I'.nid Wil at . greatnelhe princjples of Christianity and.brelhrenship must hot he migration from the "prairies liams. I'lie special arrangemi'iil of be loslight of jn the sfirc for commercial advancement. In the stales of California and J'liompson Jlilllerfly and daneo Winnie'by Thomson.Verna scheduln is lieing made to nc- pDs s ERno Oregon has .been turned Inwards c'ommodale a parly of fii Masons ,.Tp .Irgnment,might be applied internationally as well as Mrilish Cnlumbra. Hiissian Mazurka hy Helen Mc- who are going norlh to insljluie SE xxr..VVC i HilVC 1CLCIVCU j i nationally. Canadians must be open and above board in their , Mr. Wow stales that there is a Caffery ami jlelen May Hall. lodge al .Ihe smeller town on Our Fresh dealings t.h among themselves and with their foreign relations. irospect of a- fair ifinniernllnn Minuet hy.l.oriia McJ.uren and Wednesday Right. Spring Stock of Winnie Thomson. One Caundinii must no! be made to distrust another tbU year bolh from the United busiiipss dealings of doubtful rharaeter; npr must foreign through peonh. Blales and (Ireat Jlritaln. mid Highland Verna l-'ling Thompson,by. l.ornn Henry McLaren, QUALIFIED. Garden and Field Seeds ' thinks ...:ii. '.. i i : . .' . . ' the total at the end of ..ui wiiuiii wi- nave dealings, lie, inaoe lo oouM us., The reason (lie year will sbfiw a much greater lleilhonner and .lack lliblilch, She .(disgustedly Von might is clear. Prosperity and greatness are always accompanied by Influx than last year. The I'iper McMrew accompanying. to sleep well. FERTILIZER (Fertab's Concentrated Fertilizer) content, lacking which they can not be possible. If one person or territory into which Ihe new set Those Assisting. He Huh? one luitioti ji suspicions of tinother jt works to Ihe disadvantage tfers are gnjtig is so exjensive Mrs. II. O, Crewe was assisted Sio- Vou lie so easily. -Car Fresh stock of PRATT'S BABY CHICK FOOD and of Iht Mispccled one, but if business is rarried on in a fair and that with a M' soinar 'here and In handling the dances by Mins negie Puppet. SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS few Winnifred Cheslon and Mrs. a .going there (he movement (., open mnnifer there can be no reaon for suspicion or distrust, and is scarcely lA'rceptilile tut any Ward. Mrs J. A. llinlnn ofric-! Mail orders promptly attended toi there, wilj -likely ,' nbne. Thus .will the nation prosper" and particular point,- and ;Vor this ialed at the piano ffjr the children's Prince Feed Co advance in -Uo. world. reason tj I-. ihought .''nerally dances, Tim young lades Men Rupert Mini I lie movejoent K slow, but who, had charge of 'the tables p.o. Dox aaa Phone 58 taking the coinlry a a whole, cuplained by Miss "F'ete" Ttc-mayne mere l more Jah.d Mllement were: M. I.orna Tile. Like grutig on thnrf (s stinposed by Miss Constancpf',MAMlillen, Miss II 'X. '7t must peorne. I mviiliy fiemnyne, Miss Cerl. rude .Nelson, Miss Klizabelh Richness DON'T TELU US YOUK SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT-'YOU LARGE PARTY OF (iroves,Miss Margaret Miss Palmer,fihona Miss Saunders,ller- A nesjmper man was telling "INVICTUS" "The Best Good Shoe" EASTERN SCHOOL nice Palmer and MM l.ucy Pill us a few days ajo Ihal Pacillc Come in and see he two new lasts bury. Harry Ward was on didv BOND STREET and LIBERTY. Milk Is tlm only lliing he would TEACHERS COMING at I lie door. use on porridge, or in lea and $11.50., We stand behind .every pair. Noticed in the Audience were colfee' Jb lives with his Mster. Special offering see ladies window drey Niihuck ' ''"P Mf. and Mrs. C. A. Wakefield, llahy Louis heel nt, $7.85. A She sonjejjines gels a can of Also lit black and sperial train hearing a lar.fce -Mr. and .Mr. Tien. St, Mr brown some oilier brand of milk and,' kid unini) price. party of Kastnrn llhited Slates and Mrs, H. Ueatiinonl, f,., ad rut school teacher and their friends .mis. Haz2et..ioncs, Mr. and Mrs as it always goes jnlo u crwwn FAMILY SHOE STORE Pol is tii he run over Ih Canadian H. A. Philpoit, Mr, and Mrs. Geo Jug, lie nays he can't ted Ihe Third Avenue. (Operating Foot Comfort 8ervlce, Dept.) Nallotial flailway to difference Until he lasles it. M Clean J'rince Flu. Me.MroIl. Mr. and Mm. fi-rxl perl ahoui July i according to an llilchie. Mrs. w. Felherslon-liaugh, has heroine M,rj 0f a HlnndiriK Resist wear longer than ordinary Wart" annoiiiicemenr niaVle n Winnipeg Mr.jind Mrs. C. V. tvill. joke, she li-jing n f0(, him, utensils. Sticky substances last: week where 11 ,y. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. V. .TUomnson. inn pas never neen successful. cannot adhere ' genrfrftl nge'iil or lli0 Hurlinglon Air. He snn lliat Pacific Milk has, Dr. JOS. to Thm tig tttm Htm vt mutlt r,nn." and Mrs. W. C. a I .MaJoi MAGUIRE the hard, glassy surface Hallway, and Sv miker'son, S. Thomson, I). Hoflgson, CaplaiiH lo hinl at leasl.'l.he flavor of Demand McClary't. BCnernl agent of Hie Canadian i . n. rum. Mr .aioj Mrs. N. rich, fresh ereiim. National railway passenger de II. Wall on, Mr, aiid Mrs. W. F.. Pacillc Milk is ihe only milk pot DENTIST At All Good S tores parlmenl, Minneapolis, were conferring Williams, Miss M. NcUon, Miss up in iiritishiCinnrnhiH. Visit his Otnce Rooms 7 and H 8mlth wilh, local nrricials. The iiecKwiih. Vr. and Mrs. S. K. Pacific Milk Block Ire J, J Co. .or phone for an appointment. loca Ipassengpr dwpartnient has Campbell, Mrs, .1. C. Mct.enuail, LUliuimii in iiii i i ti as yet received no ricfinilo advice Mr. and Mrs. Krsltine. Mis Cr. Limited Phone E76 n lo Ihe excursion and llie num. Skine. Cny Davin, ft, V. Clothier, AbboUfortf raciorit si n4 Office hours: oil 2, t to 6 and 7 lo 0 Subscribe for The Daily News her who are malinir Ihe trip or C, A. Whittnker, - n-r Self, Mrs. Ld.ip,Llmlutf B. O. ORAKK (TftltT Sunday evenings. VANOOUVtN Appointments jllieir Itinerary a. i-rer, Mrs, II. Tra, Lady Assistant