Monday, April 5, ib2, TAun rarm THl DAILT 5IWB d.. t BRINGING UP FATHER TrVKT't) ALl-,f?5HT 'YOU WOrVT P HA.VE S-oO A. 'WlRELE'j'a? HELLO' l THl the; , HV;c,IE -THE NEW DiiTOR tMl -I'M A SOUNO , I HUttT DE rTriTef3TAINf:D MV HUtEv.NO Hi EMPLOYMENT" AtJEHCX? J sLNssi MAID lt MEIE -HM.L iA 111 SCHO UP ANOTHER MA.IO , 'SEND HEP (jpo ' flw ANDtWIUU THE LXVT ONE QOIT 1 r- 1 HAVE. BREAK rAtT AT Nothirr is more wonderful than th , human skin. M breathes through tiny ., mouthi called pores. If it la left svhole&nd strong it improvea the entire ' bodily health. 1 iltisc iihjw iiivt., wu, vvmi- rlet struetur of the stiri appreciate the" care that musi be taken in docidini vt: f , is the safest, purest dressing'to- 'MP11 .bL i. .- .: l.t i .I:. lip Much scientific thonght And fspsrt-. rnent was etriended in the search tor an Ideal natural healing substance,but it has :'m9 kW actually lieen found, at lait, in Nature's - lip ' own storelioim nf medicinal herbs. v i. Never in tin world's liisttiry liaS tier mm ' been another preparation..lis am bus,. '. Amongst otljer virtues, i. possesses list ' rare quality bf. actually gtbUing new -it H-,o- lu 1 I skin in Nature's Own way. (5) IS22 ay int u nuTMwa Stnict. Inc. rT.'. A MtKACLE RICFORE YOUR feVES. r Healing the injured, and diseased l tissues by this,prepipus betbal balm is a. MEMORY OF HEROIC DEAD foundation wp will fneft our prub-IpiiIs ccpiIiiiks itre on .the increase in ' miracle that may be performed befora HONORED AT SERVICE IN and pnlcr into "a htpnI Ibis counlry is pt-oxed by the fact your cwn" eyes. Children remember in THEATRE HELD YESTERDAY. sphftfc. Canada is ff fi:i I today t hai from Coiirederaliou in I ml; jam buk best for its great power Classified Ads. soothing and healing thein hurts, w.hilst lipcausp Iht piniiPi'i's itiiniii looking uulil lJ2l the number of Daily News ' in the treatment, fl ecrema. ringworm, for Hod apil 'lint for ffuld. divorces tfi'aiileil by Parliament ram chronic but soles,owerfi'i ulcers antiseptic and poisoned and tilsue-building sores, (Continue frmtt Pag ono). Tor Hod's snkp, nii'ii, IpI us tioiu was 15(17- ."151 lo husbands and S CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AsWartleement T"n tor Lmtm than 8o0 properties ensure success; 1 1 ! limit' lo spi'k (iiiil and mil. break 25(5 lo wives.- Iiuiioir that pe stain, many thousands have tam-buk Canailmtis foushl wjlh in. down lln Irdldpf on which wp riod ll'e pVovineps have been alone tq.thank for their complete relf se ilinlivo and 11 wa thn myrj who fiaft alri'lnly fliifibPil lo.''fri'i-al-nnss." reprosenii'ii as follows: tiniarto. WANTED KOIt SAI.K- Cedar rowboal, 18 ST. ELMO HOTEL from- torturing piles. ' rnuslil with lht Imyiih'pi.t; lh fl. long wilh wide, beam, l Differing fundamentally and la action 15.1, guebec H.I, Manitoba 27 WANI'KU AIph and women lo good condition. Price CO Unom's o let from n pip in ranks, vlto hail w'oif Hip all ointm;nls, tam-bukjjs nirn 'Duty to Dependents. Saskalehewan t:i, Atherla 21. from ordinary ; learn the Harbar Trade by ,to Ilunning ho land cold Also .price $100. i,., Kvinrnde, animal fats and mineral compounds. I lip-day for lliilisk arms. free from I'ri'sidpnl K. Iii'tiiiiiip: i-p-markc'l Ill'ilish Ciiluuihiii, 2 No I'll l we.-1 only method in Inn world llial n) It is highly refined and contains Piillen, Daily News. If rooms, Places Ideal Naeded, In bis niblrpss llial In-had and Prince I'Mward no ingredient which the skin' cannot 'I'errilories, 7, will savo you liimi and money Hnli. Sleam llealed, m,,. box' of II wai ponptally rxirps.sri by uolipi'il while Hip Island al the fool of the Hasp readily absorb. A fifty-cent many, and - fit yo'.l for ' a tmsition KOIDSAI.K -"NarbellioiiK." U i Phone Qreen 610 lam-buk may save you dollars In doctors' Uip iiiph who panip, llial. para ili- was passing:, -.who. were with one. There is no .need lo worth while. Wo giiarfnleo my intention In lake Hie case bills wonderfully It is a wide unique tangs'preparation of usefulness.with a Miey ili' tio want In go 16 war jipnl. on 'pleasure. If it was ,ipil :i it li ri c for all these figures, steady emdoyment al good into the Admiralty Court and I TAXI npaln. 'I'ho Tiphlln? in It'ranpp for I he. xervlee l.ho soldiers lor tell their o they own story. wage. 'rite now Tor beauti need the money. Price 1.100, what! bcpn in . inslnrintis warfaro would not have Iippii able. Phone 693 they Grave Old Gentlemen. 'fill illitslraled catalogue. Moler llooines K, Freeman. and Hip mon hail bppn disap- lo enjoy.Hie pleasures of liberty: (Call (lenfge ltn Terrace Uarber College., 3fiG Main St The divorce of the Acreage pninfpil willi Ihp balllps in Ihn pniimiilloe, roll SAI.i;. The siililiiTs now wished for Vancouver, It. C. 1 vCabinet gramophonn Five.pnssengpr Tourinif Cur mud. 'I'ltpy cnnld nol hp blarncd peaee and happiness but if they Senate has power to pnint. a bill aiid Iwenly records; aUo siv Prompt hay nnd Nialji inp-ttorn ot nlfitrfti) oolfor nol wantinp any mnro.. rhp WPt'P palled I hey would aaain jro if divorce for any pause wha'lso. HRI.IAMf.7-:. agent wanted for Ilu- lude range nnd large heater, Stand: Boston OHII, Third'Atm sl.impp.rin.l plowp.l i-pady to put Witon was "llaw arp we jrolnfr lo fiphl for Hie same principles ever, or 'without cause if the pefl District. The Sovereign fishermen's llp.-t. Phone lied i'in t'nrdiM,. Soil Prsl-rlass. Tin- " avorl war?' The so tihon for which they bad fought ill Whilil .should M'i.e Hie (.'I'ave old I.ifQ Assurance Company. Head .T.12. . 9t. LADIES' HAIRDREISING ;i.. is. ..loHp't.., tl.p Inwnllrt nnd w?" su,,s w,ar '"f Kranee. No mnuuiiieul was pl'eal -reiilloiiien who are compelled' lo office, Winnipeg, Man. Write 5 li n 111 fl f llnhinl KOIt listen Large Knglisli In the evidence baby lip.TPalion:u-k and in an idptvl wilh V" '' foolinjc lliut enough to Precl. for I he heroic unsavory Clids. A. Pyne, Prince Oenrgn, adduced, 'the ImgKy. prnetically Plume Scalii Trpatnipnt, .Mnnicuru:, necessarily says new. p 'n"r' ". nccompltslipd by mahagpr for Nnrtliprn llrilisli loi-afion for a hon.p. l'rifft .?r,no, ileail hut Hie inleresls of their .Montreal Star rnrrespnndcn-l. Oreen 102. D.r or i.unii-s. i.iiiiiiri-u s .linn-lit t riVints half rash, balalirp ar- KttC a"d' ''atPn'!i. 1 ',an ,b' ifpppndenls should be atlendcd lo Columbia. Willie it Judge of a court ran be ing :t Speclnlly miRhl of arms. Dospilft Iho vif- ranppil and it was up lo ,tll. relurned RUTH Cafe for sale, furnished of Mlip "' impeached for corrupt' practice, WA.VTIlh- Hotel or Hftsiaurnnl MUS. P. STEPHEN Apro' lol; all tin.lPr rulllvalion J"r' ,l,,.p itiPii ami cili.ens, foi'iisure atir-ile' complete, phono 17.1. If quPstlon an to uh had ac- no one' fan impeach Parliament. work In or out or town by Above Onvernnienl. 'IVli-tra- 'ami fp.W.1. n i2' ".p; provision for all .of I hem'. Npw.ho.isP, .y ,la,l' ru",', '"-,0,,,i' hoy As a- inal lef .uf fact, Ihi- Senate lady. j)yer Aiarlmenls. No. Ml. AUCTION SALES Olllce, Third Ave. plUipc' lllai. Jfr-ol. IhrpPTooms. W'oohp.l 10 '.I This day would be-' oli!yrvt't! as 'by 20,-barn 16 by ic, rpI;ivpjL.'p- rmon. i.Pn ortP im.iKi. Ion? as there was af rtni'iiPil has never f rallied dissolution two of f ITUATION WANTED DOMESTIC MICTION SAI.i: lonighl at ,7:.nn WATCH AND CLOCK, REPAIRt except a inarrtape fur, " awflit hnocatlt. th IV.L pP lionor .itSeiffijfy wnnn snn man )o the nf his ' V -Im.i.I nt nilTl4ll Mint inn vvlitit Inn rAn..n jrnuses, niiullery anil non-con WOIJAN wants wrk few hours sharp in our Sales lloom, 82.1 bpi'ty (ilosn lo Iowa nri .UI'.B. . Rxpert walr.h, dlock an4 panps. MHII-ll .tllllll 1 Aventid f t.'tmcrsal iriPA nail Snne tiitotifrn ' ser'ici'Coinmenepd summation. Hy the way, it is daily. IMinrip nine ion. 91 jjnod road. Art idpal sunmipr homp 'flip Ihealrfi I.ailles I'll I iiiiiuin II I iii.iivrr- Jersey., suits, silk describe Iheso. mil correct to as for a small family 'ripn ?175(1 1 , ,,.. ..,;j.1:,Lt u;.-.C at y'. o'efnpk- atiil lasted ''jli't a statutory ground as there is no FOR SALS wais, Indies' sweaters, men's Walch nnd Jewellery np.iirt i M MIilJ lllivyj,. lilin v i uiui-i BBy ii n littlP'fiver hour. ' A'rhcession Con iPrtns haif eitsb, halarii-c Ml' an specinlly. suits, fiei'iritft Leek, Auction, francpil. had rpally sained wiaViforiWed up at the (IrV'at War slatut. '.v Oil SAI.I-:--Monarch typewriter, Mail .orders nroinnlly w.-.iy, II cohld bp. nlainYy ppn thai! Vete'Kans ' lieadtiuarleVs which There hnve beep tit. least twt) ijTin.OO: llulcher block,; per- 'J I GEO. QIBB Iliprp waa rnnllv no tit'itfil In Will'. iharchp'd tn'.llip lllealre aiulNhaek moves mailt; by the. Senate to (!ash register, jnahogany ffnisli AUCTION SAl.K. al house on Hall Opp. Post Ofrice P O, Urn It If n Ml L Rl IB IB Al L V B TSk grsm pj w :Jm rfl I The snldiors i lltoiiifselyp.A. I' fl lil Mspti., aain al ll'ip conclusion of the ?p rid of the arduous ak of 2on.nn:. Safe, (Ilall-Norris) Street, Sixth Avenue Cast al Prltitie Iltipprl 1 I1IJ1111LI A 1ItlfU CA VVs l.nrnpt mi If npiwi UnrViee. If was hpadi'd by Hie hearing petitions- for divorce. Not inside 11x23 l-l iriclies, "trn. 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, 5 Real Estate Insurance lip madii impossible by l fill?si T'ie hand, Ibl' Senior service, only Jias thai, hotly advocated the SValefi; Toledo, 70.00; Kuril consisting or oak dining room ORIENTAL GOODS iialional lolprawcp. 1 epresenled by the Hoys of establishment of divorce courts delivery van, 2'ri0.n0; typewriter suite, beds, carpels, tables, Anglo-Saxon Alliance:;' the Naval Unmade, in chai'fre of i if Ontario and Prince Kdward desk, .W.00; Walch-man's chairs, dresser, pictures, Japanese Kimonas, Tin1 spp.ikpr "rpfprrpil In' Ihp Instrticlor C. V. Kvill, lb,. Trail Island, but an effort has been clock (llardlnge) and crockery and kitchen utensils. Itamhoo Furniture. Ornani'-nt, rpcpnlly1' I'naijlpil ''jl'rpiily bpjwppit llan?ers. Hoy Senilis, Tux is- Hoys made to put women applicants rt stations, f.ri.fl0; Store1 erVii'ti. Philpoit.Fvill V Co., Auctioneers. llaskets, Children's Itom.w:-. EDSON COAL fijal rttiriitiiilPd lalps,-, .la-p'a'n' and' it' peneral procession of vcl-t'hnts"'iii in olher provinces where llui old ler, 21 fpet, (0.00. Apply to Telephone' 1118. lit; Toys, Flc, atn'lJ iVstticis- Ida LOWKST I'RIf l S. for limjta- which Hip hrishl coals Knglish law prevails on equal llorie A Smallf C. A., Post Office COMPANY f lionet flrfiii arf nne.of (lift trrpntk if the niemliers of the Iliynl fooling with men. II wilrTie re lliiibliiig. Pliiine 3H7. FOR RENT F. K. AKASE iftrhioypmptits towards last-iupr P, O, Hox-01 l ei, RpJ C psf Canadian MouiitPil Police wel-r. called that under the KtiRlish Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th it.j jip,'ii!. II wai IUp first llrnp dislinclly in evidence. W. inw a husband is only required lo FOR SAI.F. Cheap One American OOOI) Clean fleds rrom $1.50 per Thii'd Avenue in history lliul Hip I'nilod Stairs marshal. adultery on the pari 'Of ilalibut hull. Either complete week. Msbprmen s Rest. Late . A leiiiiinij was prove CYCLE REPAIRS. ind (ii'i.U Jtnlaili had struck a his wife, but a wife mil sf prove or not. One pleasure boat 25 Pioneer Rooms. 107 3rd Avc.R. Best Loal barjfaSn,' of siteh impnrlancp. Al-llmutrh in addilion I'riieliy, ilescrliou nt reel: fine for Ibis harbor. One IO HKXT Modern Apartment, Cycles of all makes rrpaiM ho bftlinvpd in Ihp two MANY DIVORCES IN some ollipr Kt'ounil. Before lar-liamenl, open gas boat. 18 feeel. Other furnished or unrurnlshed. K. and baby carriages re tired olln'r inPinhpfs if Ihp worst cantp Hie busband and wife boats and engines. Apply. V. Ilnri. if Cycle Accessories. lo Ihp worst b Jiplipypd llial SENATE THIS YEAR are on an equal Axiling. Suga, llayvipw lintel. tf Hut nt Imlli i.r.l.irs urnlDIl"? at lii two Anffln.Kaxnh nations; llefore the war Iwenly appli BOARD. allMitletl to. ottld tulfv that, alliaiu-p and prp.j OTTAWA, April 21. iHvorse cations a year for divorce were FOR SAIiH Kurd touring car in HOARD Inlander, 830 Second J. GAWTHORN p.trcllpnt condilinn. Lowest Pr ices prvi nftiiftn f Anlilaiisn i .. lip Iih- sppiiis tit bp on Hip increase in considered a large number, buf Jlist completed. Owner Ovi'.riiaul leaving Avenue. Phono 137. U 517 Fulton Street lievftd. llial . ibe; L'tiitPd .Slalos Canada. During- I he first month today it is predicted that llvere rcalizril I hat it was a jrronl of the first session of the four-Ippnlh will be over 150 llli,s session. city- Phone 2tu. 91 OATS FOR HIRE. SHOE REPAIRS Order Now! Phoris 58 factor in Hip prpsprvfniir of worlii ParliamPtil some. 1.12 poll! The majority nf applications are, HOAT for sale. l.aura H." wilh UmhrallA Raoalrs ipat'P Ppupo could only ip as- ions for li voice and annulments from relurned soldier, or their 5 h.p. Regal engine. Will be LAUNCH "Narbelhoiig"- Wo sell CIoIIips cleaned and pr,tf4 stlrpd when Ihprp was ah nn-ili'rslandiiitf of . iiiarriaiie hn've been wives I;1 1 1 1 1 1'1 1 1 y ilurilig Ihe-lons sold al half price Apply lo Service. Phone Black too. if Soils calleil tor and deliver! belwoen Hip Iwrt lodged Willi the Senate. Of these separation. Numerous members Hank, of Commerce. 90 OATS AND LAUNCHES. Pliotln llliie 291 Anjlo.f!axon nations. 85 have' beep filed by husbands of the Senate commillees take NlkTht Phones . J, Gi Bteen,Jtj Tip of Canada was with ilid 17 ihy. Avivcs, Kroiu Ontario Ihe .stand llial where a man was Hep has been to remit all Ihe fees FRRR TRIAL, Johnson liht, LEM JOHN Avenue W. Longwill, Blue 270). f.v (hit soldlprs tor Hip Canadian mere aiie 121 petitions,?:: Iieinp; overseas and bis wife wiis unfaithful paid In iiy relurned soldiers wilh speedy outboard motors, yc 144 Third Day Phone;B' fpalixi'd that they bad bftpn sav from 'Inrnnlo the (ioml, from lo hiui llial he should Hie. 'exception of 2"i,,o cover the propellers, accessories, cut reVair SHOP ftd by IliPir' scivicp from tli6 Quebec, 10, nml one from ltril-ish nol be charged the large fee 'osl . of jirihling in coniipclion prices, Tree deliveries, l,arn fleneral repilirs; Kas rni?in" HiPiiapp of Hip pppihy. Thi-v bad Colip)ija, That divoicn pro labofii S.ViO. So a freuuenl nrac. willl: the. case. variety engines new, rebuilt. M"3es. locks, keys, sewini? Sheet Metal Work Kivftii sprvbv ' of , Hip highest' Canoes, llicycle motors, Fi-pe chines, hicycles, grainnl'l""'' quality in sari firiiiK: IhPir Hyps catalogues. Canadian Hoat A and elerltical nipliani,"! . Agent for McClary FurncaB PRINCE GEORGE for libPl-ly. Tbo, qiiPslion at-osp l-igiiip l-'Acbange. Toronto. ROkHJAR BROS. Sanitary and -, j, as In wiiai Cumula was to rln 820 Tliirl Avenue N4 Heatina Englrysr for hPr soldiprs fell ENGINES FOR SALE. Jiul.- Jip sure 'ijjilirs front Vanilerhoof last ' iHlWe Red 578 6tb Street and Fraaer Striiifc that when Hip Wih slrpiiiioii week IhyHidpil Mrs. W. M. Illack. Second han and in good running Prince Uuptrt - . lj times of rpi,aii;vpli"n had slQi'k mid Samuel Cocker. order, .29 h.p. Standard; I-30 m nrltrit cleaned passpd n jrrpat' ihomorial, n nml nrcsanil liv Inlest slf1' h.p. heavy duly Murrain; 1. " vraliliidit would p raUpd fni- Hi,. 'Oi.l Wednesday last, in ,e 4 h.p. Oaille perreptions. Ap. pis.ilng pioiets Iinlf .'nlilllijn imp u who had ,pivpiI Presbyterian maiise, a ipiiel wed- ply Prime Rupert Hoathmisp' S nits caili'd for- and deliver 'V' so wpIIj 'Ii" I hiW' would niily Jt.i dillgj, was HOPmuiy,ii hPlwei-H Phone Red 391. f P.hone 649 mi For your nest.) palifttil that which was most di-sirpd Oporgi' Phiiiji Whitrield or Van.' LINO, The Tailor m. m wviiilil bp bi'ouiiht aliiiul. derhoor, and l.ury Lillian po,,0l BOATS FOR 8ALE. few It- Shoe Repair Job Foundation In Ood. r llullalt, 1,1. O., Iicy. ,V. lira, HYDE TRANSFER "No. power IbaJ does not find ham officiating. 1-18 ft. boat filled with t h.p. its fuuiidalioii In Clod can stand,' ' ' Callle perfection engine, ean-npy Phone 580 try iKTiati'd ui: lu-ani in piosinir. V. .i; ' Plllnaii left fur Hie toil. In firsl class shape. Baggage and Express J. C. EMERTON "r.vprytbjup onv a falso foimda-tionmitsl -oast on a fmslness H ip on Wed. Apply Prince Rupert Hnat-boilse. and tAAnlt. final 1 M .. . n Champion Shoe Repair Shop bt pulled down. Canada nesday, Ph i Red 391. if VWSI IIM -drii' " Agenls Rupert and pi can, iiovftr cniiift lo Kt'eutiiPss ' Kmad lilock, Third Avenue i MISCELLANEOUS. Globe Airless Tubes. Uiilil I lift innpU conip back to Miss )4; I'niser of I'mi fraser wait' Hip princip.lPs on tvli!i-h I In is visior ii the Sccotiij. Avenue "Repair while you a city. 50.1X1 RKWARD if I fall U grow counlry was built, tha priuciplps hair. Orienlnl Hair Root 'Hnlr BAGGAGE and EXPRESS Of Hiiisp pjimpcrs who camp A quiel wi-ililing Was fnUimi Orower. World'fl Oroa'les by front across Hip -oppan to Hip pil on Wi-diicilay Hair PARC(1 evening al SL Orower. tirows halt oi WAKEFIELD'S , FAST VildpfllPss hf. Hip iipw land with Michael's Church In- iiav u bald heads. It must not be DELIVERY an axu in, oiip hand, a bihlp- In Pollinger, who united in the holy put where hair is not wanted. Prompt Service Bell ft Crossed I In- olln'f aiid llii'ir trust In (ioi, iioihik o in.tii uiiony .Mary l-.lia-. Cures dandruff and all scalp Phone Blue 418 NS'p iil loso iiiiIpss wp pomp belli, daughler of Mr. 4 ,, y. trotibleis. t .7.1 per Jar. Sland: (Ill's Cigar back to IIih Krcat foundi)liuun' Sklniu-r "and Mrs. Painters and Decorator Skinner of Agents, wanted, prAr. M. fl. jprinpiplps fti (Jiid. Prince Oetirgo and John Alexander Crosse, 118 Logan Ave., Win-nipeg, MUSIC. PAPERHANCJNQ i " No grenlur kvi hath any Firn, eldest, i, , f Mini, " ' ' i (ban that lit' lay dowii lit I VI I u.'1'HI II II KALSOMININQ man bis ir. CiiMiRbfl.l, Ph. and Mrs, lift for ItM frb'tids.' That HAULAQE AND TRANSFER i ny.i,oii-i.. .. I.,ii....i. All irr'' ln-war Price); was Capiibpl or Vfeloria. Aller Hie i,j ii i. i ii hi ,111ft priticiph thai was shuwii In sprvlc'e the coupl left ji,,. laken and Kpeciid alt"1""1 m) W'oi k npally and aulnkly Phono. 1S9 donft. bt.irpat var by Hie Canadian evening train flip a linueyiiioou Furniture. to beginner. Trrm ioldirs and Hip princlpln on trip lo thir ciasl rollnwing which Removals, modnrale. 31 8 Fifth Street Phone 477 wjiU'b al cJvilUatlnu i fouitdftd, they will lain up llieii- pi.nimi,. Prompt, Service. OHA8, I. UAI AHNO- , Pririco . . Rupert Tranrr ii i c is.ih ..i When we are based cm (hat Starring tonight at the Westhohne Theatre. out lt-Hidt-nce in Prince (leoigo. JIM nana. ..nionK. corner h STURQEON si L.i ..I BI.1 l ution, ptione i" v"