Monday, April ?., t tra TUB DAILY NKWB PAOR MX 4 "GIRL iN' A TAXI" THE COUGH REFUGEES IN FOR SALE Eight-room furnished home with lot 33x100 feet at Terrace. " Close In. Good cellar, water In kitchen from never-falllna IS GREAT COMEDY with that WESTHOLME THEATRE urn well. Painted last year. Four bedrooms upstairs, two 2- TicklishSensation BERLIN GIH Tonight and Tomorrow Situations Make Funn, room apartments ground floor. Hot-air furnace. Range, large Countless, Picture Latest De Haven cookstove, heater, assortment cooking utensils, six heavy oak A llltlp tltkllnr In Hip lliroati now mil Mr. and Mrs. a Scream. Oipmin Newspaosrs LI hen ine 4l dining chairs, complete bedroom set, sanitary couch, four beds llirti not a liad dry. niuuirli harklnr to couili;bollirr you about,think but It Capltil to a "Foreign complete, bedding, etc. Now operating as Doaraing house and (iiniiillivts runny kIIiiuIIiuih oviry liaik inakpa a brrarli la the ayi Colony." CARTER DE HAVEN llifin.i'vct in ('iii'ltM F)t? tt'in, Mrnlna Itir lunirs ami prepares th is full. Ill health forces offering of this property at great sacri pri'.xcnl fiiini'dy " Tlif way for more rrrlous trouble. If ii oti'.t liilfurfiiiri' fice price of $2000. Ifow many ppoplp bavo lo.t I rootl ltKltt.l.V. April Si. Hordes of which U lt hf (Jit-I ill Hip Taxi' nlrlit'a rr.nt by that tlrkllnr, Irrl iiasty. lierr H. G. HELGERSON, LIMITED Utisslan refugees arc tloekins IN .tliiiwn ill Hit- WphIIioIiiio llln'-Hilt! latlnir FriiKatloii In the throat? Tho dry, anivals have I rain. 'I'lic (niiifflil and tomorrow iilsrhl liamh rough korpa you awake, ami whrn on every you frit tip In tbc morning 'uu for I at If settled themselves in a section of avoid the Taxi" I In Smi hiii'. in n I:i "The Girl in niei'liiiir his falher. A lnviullful you had bad no ro?t at all. the city" which Ibcy occupy utmost DR. WOOD'S In the exclusion of other nation voiinjf sir riiifi. -ami nc is NORWAY PINE SYRUP HAVE YOU TRIED away, lit' IniiJ piiwiu'il H Jut the .mildly you require lo Hop alilics,rcslau ranis,and'liuve clubs,opened saloons their own and Christie Comedy - - - - "Sir file the Queens" that Irillatlnr, llrklln? coufli on arvuunt hi. fa hi-rV 1mvI cIoIIick. III. 15c and 35c TIMBER SALE X3964. of Its 1 foollilnit, healing- and cspoctorant theatres.' Some of the HussUmis Admfsion, i-ali'i tnnlir Mill lin ITrt'llfit lir till' fallier had inij'lpil on cnllin propt'itles. iro weitllhy," but most of Ihem are Malta's VIiiImt of I.iiiul al Alilnrla nul liter liim a "iiiollycoilillf. lalln- Mr.. r. JoIiiimiii, I'orl Alliernl, D. C pcnriilcss. Hun ikhiii 011 1110 mi ilny nr May, iiks. palclif inn in a jam with un. writes:- "I have uffprpd for yearj, off rnr III" plllTlUSO uf I.iitiii-c X.IVSI, to tut and on, with a tlt-kllng rurh. I could I'hc police have fotind thenv a r itl.tltio and had In vltico :U.0t)H frrl MHiirc, llcinliitk, otht'i' woiiiaii oun Iiiii-hI rci't or Collar I'llra and ..o.inmi lini'al not flerpjilyhu and bad to. sit up In bed proPleiu, as I Dry iihisi. upon men rrrt i.r iil,ir I'i.Ic". 011 an arra ultualt'il hi4 inolhiT of hi.i liinoct'iici'. A to gel relief. In fart, I ruiighed no I u.d cusluins, ii tul have Utile coin Best near fkrciia cnnutliir, IJ. T. I'. Hallway, Dolicciiiiiii. on hidiifr calli'tl lo lo vomit. I tried different tloetora pre own i:alr Mmi'lrt. with the Germans. Tlie ii incrce Two Hi yiars will bo alluwcd fur iiui'II a tlislurhancc. findt hi .irrlptlon niitll I beard of nr. Wood's Brand 'V. 7 in removal or limner. llic riijlou .Norway pine Syrup. I Irktl It and found rTrealestilillleully is fount! in coin ! gupreme lurllier particular of Hit1 Clitff I'un'fli'r, wife a iiicinhiT of great relief after I bad taken the first pelliny the iintiiii:rniils to observe Vlrtorla. K. 1;.. nr JUslilt'l I'urotcr, I'rlnrt: Marmalade lliil-n. B. 1:. 'iiarly. , bollle ami have not been troubled since. Ihe 1 .o clock -closing rcsululioiis. These are only a lew or I he I shall always keep It In the house." I'liev follow the jtussiuii custom TENDERS WANTED comical Incitleiil.s which make In He sure and got "nr. Wood's" when . l'aekeil in a hcuuMful mill niyht'f ldeliire a scream indeed. you ask for It. I'rlcp. 3Cc and 0c a i T bi'Jionin? dinner after filial FRESH COFFEE FRESH attractively dentened pail Wiwiii'irjt Sea IimI li'iulrrs M l.'sliinafr an- Sitflcly.Invited MrtlimlM liv tin1 botllp;Llmlleil.put Toronto,up only The T, Mllburu Co., nielli n ml continiiiiiir licireatin K OAST ED ROASTED i'0ilainiiijr rum- (mnnii full Cliurrli. Tomiito, ror Hit" ruii-lrintli'ii, at and drinkliirj until thyll-'lil. Tort summon, ut a liiillillnir lo Ix' annuo Fall of the Mighty. weighl, II represents llio a Hit" Cnwlty lllrls' llnini'. I'lan. anil , bitrKtvl viilm- in ijuality marmalade K'i'irii'allnUH ran br IimiktIimI and IfiiuVra The Man in the Mood ) ."oiiji one fellow put lila spoon in lir several of these restaurants The vultie of colfee ns if bi'Vci .itre lie.1 Minniiii'd up to 1 P.m. April filii. ivtt. al it enquiring friim UiM clitiin what 'lltlW iflllllK oil the llit tifrifp of C. C. I'rrry,' Indian Arcnl. SAYS:: former weallhy lliissians are primarily Ii) it slreiuilh tiud lluvm entire iiuprri, .mikc Mylr ami rn-woii al il was. "Thai'', soup" said his workln? as wallers, cooks tir en market. I'orl Siinpiuu will al.i liavr -plain anil "VYlj I jie 'Supreme" Brand (ireen colfee will keep illdi lllliti'ly Iml fn i I ria I I'lii-i rnr c v 11 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 .1 1. Itr-atmr. partner. darpod," ertainer.s. A (irlnel; and bis wife. v..."1. Ourlregular price Is 85c tan i 1 ti in lit-lit ii'iHlrrt'd anil cierirtr ror ft'parali'l.v wirinir reiwt ir uVkIiviJ.tivc v A lli;.l. Kenlleiiiaii H taitl lo said Ihe eiiiuiier, "I've licen sail baron, und another of (heir is Fresh such is iml Hit! rase nfler il li:i .en FOR TUESDAY ONLY WE 1 111 nunst ur any triidpr lint iitrftKar v ie a man io. liny- nt.s. iteer ny around in miiiii all my lift! and oun rvmeii consiiiiiie i in- or- Roasted Itiiislril. WILL SELL as a SPECIAL at aiTi'pit-il.I'rinir iiuprri. 11. t... April ism. ij. Hie harrel. litln'l know II." he.slrn fit one small eating placi- Itni'istiii;; lirint-'s mil Ihe flavor ami urnnm; UIM.HI.M1 I'er COM.MITTKK.1:. c prrrjv I'bey were baiiki'uplel by tin fJolfcclieciiiiii'ii s(iit of 75c I MIIIVA.M'I' tlni,l a Innlaf OXi; of Ihe Ihiiifs Hull woii't revolution and nnisi work or liej'aiii.e of NOTICE. hrtike iiilij'my liedrooin la"l iiikIiI pfel you very fur is to arrive al tarve. lliestt iiroiualle principle. IN Till-: MATTKIl or on appllrallon rnr tin' lur ut a rro-h t'crtlllralp or tlllc tu looking' for inoiiei' ind 'llial I sol ' picnic rendezvous without lit" I'roll leers who inaile 'fortunes Tastes Good We are roaslliu; mid packing for eurceiii Lot III. HI.irk II. Srcllnfl 2. Ullv of I'lllicr as as nupi'M, vnp j:i. up and-lii'lIed .hitii. look for il. nls. ut. of Ibe'ltussian retlution frt,'- reipiireiuenls only, realiin 'thai, t -ciu I11I1111II011 MtTICK in li lififlty iiuf ,-i rii-r(riven III''that piplralloii II M niv tT r tpiiMil Ihe cafes iu'lliis qua iter, it Smells Ijally. eillfee must be fresh ronsci ( Rupert Table Supply Co. mil- intiiilli from tin- IHI nulillrallnii . W.I-: hear lliis lalk altoiil "the LIGHTHOUSE SHIP wln re they have become conspic liiM-for. a rrt'li t'crllllralo of lllle In iht prove perfectly tJittisfaetory. abuvr luriilliiiiHd property In tin- imme of ravily of Hit! sliorl-skitl era?.e," uous IlKtires in J be night life bc- Phones 211-212 1. Arinui iioauiey. wnirn rrrtiiirnip or rhere doi'Hll'l.seeiii lt he silffi- BELIEVED LOST IN of llieir llllo I iMlprt lli 3rd Marrli. 10 in. anil l ause liivish ;tpeiidltures. Sold only In 1-pound airtight cartons numlit'ifd 7341-1. ienl pravily, however. 'lo make I'be Oerniaii neWspHpffs coni- Iitirlstrar II. r. MarLEiiD.or Titles, llieni come down. LAKE SUPERIOR STORM luin that 1 1 1 v K'Tiil influx of ciist- land llrirNtry onite. ' Prliift" llupi'it, II. C. erni'i's lias tieprivoti jicriin or us ?lt day of Marrli. tajf. .MONKV making i a iiure past- SAUI.T STKJr.Vrill-: April , Ceriiiiut character." One paper STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. I'lll.NCK IIUPEIIT LAND DISTIUCT HIS lime in llussin. The slcuint!!' I,aiititleii of Ilia oerls (ierinany's capital eily Hartt TIUUT OK CHAST, IIA.VUK S. '. Coffee Imat-rtera unci Roaateri bt'ctniie "a Uailatliun lighthouse service car-ryiiijr ;n foreign colony, as Take notirr- that I. p. M. Moiickton. or r'( Nshci'iiuMi were linr a.-crew of seventeen inen u rely -as ii wiitihl bave. become if PRINCE KUl'ERT liitniitl rftrrat'i;.to II,apply c... orciipalloii ror a llrpnse land In aurvfvor,pioxprrl xide hyt" xide in a cerlaiu local is ii!it'ved lo have heen. sunk In our t'lieioies had marcheil in and I Tor i mi I m a I ira and I roli-ti u i on Hie re.tlauriiYi.'()H' ieiiiv served wnn (alien Aiuilbcr tleclaics (Ser-n'liiiis fnlliiwliiu- dtwrrlhi'd lantN: Coinnipiiilnir al Lake jStiperjor Jnriiip- the storm il,'( a iwisi planli'il ouo mile wi'sl or thr,north-tl l"as week. have , bcctip)i Mrnes(s in . Shoes ronwr'tif tot USS. tlii'iu'e nn-in 0 I'luiHxrSlnfC'asl'ao rlialns., tliBiirp notitli (heir own hi'iincO i:- PRINCE RUPERT TIDES From the Farm 8(1 rtiHlus. Ilii'iicp wi'ft tu Cbnlin nv point ' ' '' nr PoiiiiiM'tiPiMiii'iil. pcinialiiiuif WH, arivn. BASEBALL .'Fear Epidemic.-- to the Table .f.uv .nioiaij' .a. ins. ',' . (itiM'iniiiejit , tiu!jrtersi.i!tlllblli Monday, April Z. tv v MONT.kf'iyr Dure wnrn, will so hilly vin ; tve shown little concern for (lit! Ilixh -1l-:"7 p.m., IH.I feet. your cnulldeiicc that you will I'lll.NCi:,TrtlCT IUPKIIT lit' OUST.I.ANH lilSfolCT.-011-llVSHtv.ti. . Saturday's Scores. Iliinncial status of. the iffuaeos. Low 6:iVi a.m., (5.0 reel. BuIkleyValley N ' Takp iinlll-e that I, M. "MoKi-kton". National League. have become accept Ihe next puil- without p, vt suilden'ly Intensely 18:02 p.m., .2 feel. j jerrare, ii. v;.. surveyor. Iiilt'lul to .aiVj; for a beense to Proisnect for. rnal. ifMVUtitn Depiflmsnt" of, Marin and Flsharlat. l'hiladelphla, S.f Hoslon ,2. iiilere.leil )n tbc new arrivals Tuesday, April 23. BEEF further iiilriductiiin (if recommendation, and eatural gas on llin rnriowInK iltvrrlliwi tm Flihtrln Branch. Vcvv York, a; 5. litiiiit: ijomiiii-nt'ing ar a hi-,i pwuvi l llrooklyn, jiarllciilnrly fiom l'olniul and Iliph- 0: IK a.m., I'.i.H feel. I PORK lis old friends IkiIim mmh of tin "iilliml, roriier id A.Tcnilerg 'nni 'Miiillslr'fmiled for lint rc pairs lo .SI. Louis, 2; I'lllshiii'!.', I I. Itusslu, fearing, nil cpiilemic of 12:15 p.m., IK.H reel. mUTTON Lot JliDvt:. II. S. and inn i vaoiiiir llieui'o north iliemi' whose dependability and t'l 11)37,80 flialiK, tlii'iife riiiiIIi."'lialiis.(HKXIiatiti lioSls "l'lpn." "Hatk Haven"' and "l ull." Cincinnati, I; Chicago, 3.. typhus and clnder.a.-.. u'ruiait Itcil I.uw 0::i5 a.m., 5.(1 feel. VEAL C.oplcH or the; speWllriilloiis cmi be ohlalm d worlli ure fully proven. mpiii'eiiifiiL inpHrp w-t'ii and'ijiiialiiliiar Hit r.nmi ii tHiini i n- i'r'p'nr'niorp mm. rrnin iiii uiiiicrigurt! or t lie rneries American League. Cross physicians bavciwaritPiJ llio . -,, (8:5 p.m.. (5.0 feel. FRESH KILLED POULTRY or km. . r- .. i'. M. .MiiAck'To.N. oii:rt; I'rliicu llupcrl,. .Naiiolmu, or Aew Il'i-lon, 7; I'hiladelphia, t. ."overninoiil that ijuIcsk Closer Wednesday. April 2i. I Skrena River Farm Product luipit Jaiiimry'gl-i. ii i a ' Tenders will lit- liiiflU-il lip to I o'clock Cli'veliintl, 2; Dflitiil, li. bonier conl-til cun !e niiiliiliiUli'd '-'. f'i. I VANDERHOOF CREAMERY llotji. on til. Ulllll Install! iieaiie olllce itt lhp 'mj'cvv'V'-"" J. A. ituicR" TIIICT70K'li'rTKiiT,C)V3T.'i.yMNri, JIA.MjK'fiiTHic'r 5C yflis. iiii'lersfjfiitd-1 ' j ." WashiiifTlon, 2; New York, 3. in i'iideniic jii tbc jtpi'iii;,' Is rcr- BUTTER I'akp iinlb'pi.tlWit.M V1V tK ' Mitiu'k o.nL .f.r .J.Mvsk or t ii)7 lender, iiol'uuvcsarlly Cliicuif". "J Hf.'I.otiis, 10. luin. 'I'hc lii'iiiiau lied Cross lias P:ei)Ud. . V ... . Low 7:07 a.m., Livrref. IIIU.I. IIM1VI IIIIVI"! IU "Hl'l'l .IOC.a Coast NORTHERN INTERIOR League. KIRKPATRICK also :tiolifletl Ih'fi ovcriiiiient Hint lli'rii'i-tn ofriW.oVi.-t Tiir -rlinl. oplrolt'iiio anrl i:hfef7iu-li1,i'U)r.r. IU:07 p.m1., 5.U feet, natnraC gm liu'N Hln'vVu"uw""f ddsfrlbptl miter, It. TT.-. Vjtrll.-Tsf.'. IDyi?.Klsliel-les. Sacruinenlo, .'I; San rraiirisco, tla1 re Is tlanch of Ihe Itussinns ' InmlHt. pilutm-ni'luir at a lnt plan led i; CO-OPERATIVE The Store of Satisfaction iiiairu' mmini or int; soiiiiiwpii fornt-r or i JiTyiiifr Ihe piurfuii (o America I'rosperoiis ailvcrlisiiis means hvj'Kt fAtt J'SO 03 T..Wialns.'Thi'iirn iIipiii'c noiilh Mil mirth rliHlii-t.mi t-lidlio-flipm-i O'aklund, H; I'orllainl, 2. unless trrcalest precaullons arc regular continuous adverlisink'. Phono 81 timii'ti rl-f Mil t'lialiH to p'lliil of i:om Salt l.uke,- 5; l.os Angeles, I. taken, for scores arc'seeking mi'iu'riiiunu t'ontalulinr mo hitph mom or ipsa. ti. K. Mii.M:kTii.'. Yernoii, p-.'l;- .Seitllle, O.'., uiissioit lo thoi United Slates. P M Mnnrklon. Aci'lil Sunday's Games. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. SALE lll.VCK lllll'i:ilT LAM i HISTIIICT UIS- Notlca to Contractora. American League. National Special TIIIUT or COAST. UAMiE S. Washington, 0; New Yorkv U. ELECTIONEERING IN Canadian Railways Take ilotlre Dial I, Lavender Moiiikton. Scalcil ti'iiilers. endorsed "Hear Illver f lerratT. II. C. murricd woman. Inti'iiil Illidge Linliuiikmi'iil Conslrurlloii." will be IJIi'veliinil, il; Detroit, I. I lo apply for a llrpne lo t fur foal, HUNGARY IS ROUGH procpei It'iTlvitl by the Honorable I In' Minister or IH'lroli'imi and ualurul gat on I ho following I'ulille Work-, up to I 'J o clock noon, lc Chicago, .'1; SI. I.otlis, i. li'MTiiieu lainM: i:ommt'iii'iiig al a pok Itilti ilnv or Mnv. ror I Hi' bulldliu; Of etu- National League. BUSINESS planted IS I'lnilus south of Hip miiithwetl bankuii'iil iipproaches lo Hear Illver Ilrjdge, INDEED Hosiery riiiiipr of Lot IUII7. Ihi'iiru hoiiIIi 80 rlialun. ,i. ,,, ... SI. Louis, (i; I'.iiicjiiiinli, :i. Prince Rupert thpiire east go limine, IIipmpp norlli 80 Plans, Mice Iitrnllous. contract and rorms .New York, 7; llrooklyn, .3. chalni. thenro west 8U tlialu.'. to point or or lender m.iy be seen on mid arier tin April tt'iiiuipiiceineiit, t-onialnlog ilto arrpx more .'llli day or April, ti!. al tlic onicc or Pitlslniry, 1 1; .'hica.Kii 3. Iti;hAl'K8T, 2 1... A new all this week or less. l MUMiKTON, .1. I'. Scarli'll, Provincial ltinslable. Coast tit'eiipalitm, opi'n only (ti jtiun M Moiii'klon. League. li'Witil. II. I .: Hie olllce or A. I.. i;r- 10 cent. Discount rullii'is. IHstrlcl Kiiglnccr, I'lince Huperl, Yciyion, 8-1; Sen I lie, S-'.'. huskies not afraid to llslit at I be HI.NCI-: I.AMI Shipyards IIIJPK.MT lilSTIUCT U1S-TIIICT per II. t:.. anil the Dcparliui'iil of Public Works, ilrop of cabbage, has into OF COAST. IIAMJE 5. Victoria. II. t:. Salt I,ake, 0.0; I.o.i Angeles, a cuiiie Drawing Winner, Miss1 Take Iiotli't that I. Kathleen Moiitklon. Ct'iiiriictors mar nblaln a cupy or the beiu? here as a result of intensive Vli'torla, II. t:., marrli'd woman, intpml to plans a ml spciillcallons ror It-n- dollars U5, 11'HI.V rnr a llrensn to prospect for roa . (Sin.oo i winch win be I'cruiiiii'd on uieir Francis fauipaiirniii? for llio coining elec W. Dyer, N6. 7. Ih'IiiiIpuiii and natural tm uii the following relurn in good order. S.actainento, 3-0; San tions, Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tlpKiTlhi'd IiiiiiH: fiomini'iit'lug at a hih I'.ach proposal must ! uccouipanleti by co, 7-i. Pattarn planlt'd IS t'halnx sotilli of tint Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, snutliweht nil ncct'plcd hunk clii'tpie oil a cbarleii'd Candidates opposing tlie yov- miner of Lot 1037. thi'iiee north 80 rhalnv bank, or t'iuada. Iniide payntili lo the Hon Oakland, 3-0; l'oi'ilaud, O-o, makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Eto. "DEMERS" llirure west 80 t-liulus. thenet' south gn orable Ihe .Minister I'tiblle Works, ror a erniiit'iit huvo iiicl with such pro. rhaliii. -theut'C eal 8U chains lo point of sum t'tiual to len ht cent. (Iii() or noiiiiced hoslilily Ihu'l they rommeiii'i'iiieiil, and t'oiilaluliig ntli acrcr leiuli-r, which shall be rorrellt'd IX the party now Electric and Acetylene Welding. Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 more or loss. KATIll.KE mhm:kto.-. leiiileriiiir iieciiiie to cnu'r into ciMiiraci CLEARANCE SALE employ us many alhlclic yotiiix e M. Moiii-kion. Mft-ni when called iiikiii In tin so. or If be rail lo men as their cainpaii.'n funds will I'lll.NUE lll'PLIIT I.AM1 lilsrrili:T DIS complete Tenders the will work not contrarlcd he tixisldi'red for. unless permit to act . Our plant is equipped lo handle nil kinds of us bouncers, TIIICT Uf COAST. IIA.MiK 5. iiiiiiIh nut on Ihe rorms supplied anil signed You know that when the. i-H'a fiotly Tako iinllte that 1. P. M. Monikluii, of ny ihe arliiiii signature or ine icniierer. l'fatli ntr Co. lias held u sale ill the L'liartls, spotters-and shields for icrrare. n. t... otTUnuiion la nil surveyor. Die lowest or any lender not necessarily MARINE AND USE , Inti'iiil to apply for a llceiiie to prosper I ucccpled, pusl il has been a real sale of the speakers. ror coal, natural gas and pi'lrolpuin on the following dpserlbed lauds: Commencing ala public Works P. I'lllLII',Knglneer, merchandise IhaL is fresh and up Opposition candidates dceiilcd nosi n unieu one m e west or t lie north Dt' Public Works, to ihilo. tit buy protection after dozens of COMMERCIAL WORK west corner or Lot His. ilienrc north gu Vli'lorl.i. II Shamrock chains, thence west 80 chains, tlieuco south i. You run not alford lo'iniss this Ihttir iiieeliii!fs had been broken PHONES 43 AND 385 80 rhiiliis. tneiice eiisl so chains tn noun GENERAL 8TORE BUSINESS FOR SALE. of up by bauds of (he .notorious oi comiui'ui I'lni'iii, coiiiaiiiiiir uio acres. upporluiii'ly gettiiiif your rc-ipiirements Located January ti, tvg. TKMiF.I.S will be recflved by the under lilletl al your own "AwakenitiK Hungarians," who - P. M. MONCWTO.N. slimed for the ourchase of the business x BACON I as a going conctrn presently carried on by price. aciulreil reuiarkaldc sVill ut hcttv-ln LAND ACT. ine Keena illver i:o-ipeiaiivc Association, cabbages and soft loiiialoes, la t-tiii Land. Come and see. . Notlca of Intention to Apply un leu. ut Terruee, 11. u. t HAM E In Prince Unpen Laud District, llecoril-lug The mcrrh.iiiillsi) Inveulory amouiitt to The Asia Trading( Co. ill-smcllius' bombs and itccusion. District or Coast Iiange !. and situate "5.8UJ.ini and consists ut. Ladles' and fienls' BUTTER lu vicinity or I'orl Ksslngton. B. uriilslilngs .0'.'3.77. liroceries, lonaeco. ally bricks during fits of politicul lake notice that wc, Julius Jtliuson and etc.. l,1VS.n. Hardware.'gl.t8S.SC, Hoot eiilhusiasin. Dr. E. S. TAIT I'orl In Ihu police Court Hiis uiorn- Waller Niellil. or F.sslngton. U. C. and Mines f7sa.:iu. inn wnoie biock is EGGS occupation. Ilshcrincn. Intend in apply ror Tbc botliicers uto stationed at rresh and lu etcelleiit Condllloii. Tbe store iiV In'fore .MuKislralc AlcClyiuont, I ipi'ininsinn to lease inc toiiowing iiuncriuen lutings and rurnlsliuigs amount to si.ovj.-5. various' (hroiiKb LARD auds- Coiiiiiifiiclmr at n'txixl plaiilcd al Tint rent or store Is I0 tier loonlli, Hurry I.ellund, .lumes Troiublay points the ball souilifust corner or Lot 45. Ilauge 5, Coast last year's turnover amuunlcd to gt).l)UU. and I.en (iurluud each and galleries and on the speaker's Dental Surgeon Dlslilrt, Ihencn northeast i chains to low Delaih'd Inventories ran lie Inspected ill weve water mark, thence south S chains along Ihe nttlccs or liOIIIK k SMALL. C.A.. Fed- ciiai'Ked with vagrancy. Trom- platform. I hose in the audience low water mark, tlieurc west 3 chains to II. C. ami era I liullillnir, I'liuce Huperl, to tuell disturbances The Standard. high water mark, thence & chains along 'JU8 Loudon imndlng, Vancouver, H. :., hlay's case was poslpoped until allciupl at Empire's high water mark to point of comini'iii'cinciil rrom whom rurlher particulars cun lie oh-tallied tomorrow mid Ihe cases of the source,' but should a strav P. BURNS CO., LTD. and containing 3Vt arms,jui.iun WALTEIt more,Applicants.MKMI,or less. ludlug Hirers on ll will received IIOI1IK,up in C.A..unu lie (lailand for and eight II, I,ellaiid days. were adjourned the vejxt'lubh:slatfe,break there loose is ulways uiul bead koiiiu for of Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 686 haled February. g. . . AuthocUcd Trustee. the hired help ready to Jump in I'rliii e liuperi; He C. tsih prll. Uti. I AMI SOT. IMPERFECTIONS OF BEAUTY front of 'the speaker for nn In Notlca of InUntlon to Apply to Laasa Land. IN PROBATE. stant,, in (,'ueeii Charlotta Islands Lund District, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH "Dey say, Sain, dut Ho hund-soinusl llecortllnir District of Prince liunert. and COLUMBIA. flower.s hub no perfume On tin; rare occasions when DA IT Our frozen herring bail id conceded by fUherrnen The best in town situate in front of block "A" in Lol CIS, and the liundsjoiitcsl birds no lliere nrci no disturbuncc.i. (lift '"VA 1 Go8" .angara isianu. Ill tin' inn tier of Till: AOMIMs TIITIO V to bo tho finest procurublo ut uny I'aciflo Take iHitlie Canadian Fish k Cold Klor-ago M T and lu Ihe mailer, or the l.Uli' or so life'," huskies act as cliuiuers. In biiinv Coiiuiany Limited of Prime llupcrt. H WILLIAM X. Ml'DO.VALII. tieceasoii. Port and It Is "Kishy." Irice, $30 per ton, t:, occupation llsh-dealers. Intend tn apply Inieslale. , ' "Yes, an' do handsomest Kula of (he fcrallieriiiKs this is suld to The best trip " ' ror nermlssloii to lease the follow hilt de- IPF way of Insulins a Kood quality 1 Strand scrllH'd lauds Commeiiclng at s post planted TAki: MITICF llial lu 'tinier of Ills hull no sense one of 'cur vefuti reouire ulinost us much courage to have plenty of our bard frozen lee. I''"' one foot In a ttoulhwesterly direction from Honor F. Mrli. Voung. mude the VOIIi day ed me liu' nlglil'." Uoston us speaking. for uu outburst of $4 ton. Ihe norlliweait'ily post or Indian Deserve or April. vtr. va uiipouue'i aiiuiiiiis per IV o. to. thence i&U reel more ur lets III a I ml or to Hie IslHle of Willi VM . Me Trunscript. apldauso from, uny section of (lie e'l-ctiulpped southwesterly dlrerlion to low water mark, DONALD, tlcreased, and all parties having house is suflto brinfc'; u colic Onffite ur store cun supply fUlili'K K,eaf; Cafe theucu'TOU reel westerly along low water claims against the said estate are hereby flslicnnen's clothing, groceries und provision' mark, thence 100 reel northerly to high retiuired lo furnish same, properly vermeil tioiof inissjiles.v. and water mark, thence 800 reel easterly along to in mi ur lii'foiii the tflut day of May TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY hardware. high water mark lo point or commencement Wii, and all parties jiulebteil tn the estate and containing two (9) arret or loss. are required lu pay the uin.iuul of their S t 4S4 Tlie noNvspupei'willi thu clr- NEW FISH Cul l) sJTUHAGL ENGLAND All White Help. CANADIAN 4 iiiilciileuness in me loriuwiiii. FISH Company COMI'ANV LTD- Applicant. JOHN II. Mc.MCI.f.lV. FOUND- -Wrist watch. Apply oululiou, is tjio real advertising Uy Duncan lienncdy. Agent. onicial Administrator, neichlkan, Alaska Branch flslilng' bout "Jurir Cow Day medium laiea tepruury je, DhImI 111! .lit u i)t April, Hi-' 0 a . . .,-., i !' ifcMrimBiiiiiMMMMMHMM