VAL v3 E She Season’s Gre at New Low possible. Models priced from 8 Tube Console Model. ee erodyne Circult. ‘109 months, atest RADIO RECEIVERS. Prices Nothing like these outstanding values has ever before been offered. You can give your home the finest of modern radio re- ceivers at a price hitherto considered im- $65 to $189 incorporating all the newest developments in Radio engineering. Get a new concep- tion of the beauty of radio entertainment with one of these de luxe receivers, only 10% down. Balance spread over 12 Pay Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited ——————— ———— = rg = = ~ — ne MacKenzie’s Furniture $125.00 MG 8 SU Si ot asi oS bis bc colts $100.00 5 re ae $2.50 | Odd Dressers, Bed Springs, Bed Mattresses, Baby Chesterfield Suites— UREN i Soa 20ulder Lamb, 5 Ibs. & $1 00 Capitol Theatre at the middle of 1 tin Braid’s Coffee ° this week, is said to be the most |°%¢W Beef, 2 lbs sumptuously dressed tically satisfyin und drama- of all the pictures 1 bunch Carrot Pot Roast Beef, 4 lbs. & abe in which Miss Bennett has been 4 Ibs. Carrots starred. Based on the well known |Loin of Lamb Chops, 2 Ibs 50¢ novel of the ame name, “Two & 1 tin’ Peas Against the World” is a thrilling; Shoulder Pork & 50c story of love and murder in high; 3 /bs. Apples places, of a luxury-loving lady who | Pork Chops 50 finds herself suddenly face to face! 3 lbs Cc with the law with the man she loves | Halibut 95 is prosecutor, of a proud girl wh o| 2 lbs Cc dares disgrace and ruin to protect} White Salmon 25¢c 1 name. Running all the way from! 3 lbs the tantrums of a spoiled child to/Sirloin Steak the turgid emotions of a disgraced| 2 Ibs 45e woman in love, the picture is said to|T-Bone Roast 4 lbs. & 1 Crosse & give Miss Bennett one of the great Blackwell's est screen roles that she has had.| Sauce | 00 In addition to the essential dram 1, | Round Steak, 2 ibs. & there are many light moments and} 3 lbs. Onions 50¢ delightful and smartly dialogued | scenes, There is also a courtroom 957 — Phone — 957 sequence of dramatic intensity, Of interest to the ladies is the fact that in the picture, Miss Bennett wea some twenty-odd new gowns The supporting cast is headed by Neil Hamilton and includes Allen Vincent, Helen Vinson, Gavin Gor- don, Walter Walker, Hale Hami! ton, Alan Mowbray, Oscar Apfel and Roscoe Karns | eee aenmnnnnnmnanraneraneeenen ——————— nee * ae Miss D. Hogan As the weekly revival featur: TEACHE : “The Cuban Love Song,” memorable re ER OF MUSIC musical film tarring Lawrence Tibbitts and Lupe Velez, is being “TILLIE THE TOILER” brought back tonight. Phone—Black 232 A Lost Appetite 25¢ Wednesday, October 28, ty Se ’ en SE ww). 0) Ba A RA my Wednesday & Thursda TWO SHOWS — 7 ang 9.) Feature Starts at 7 ADMISSION Thursday Matinee at 2:39 Feature Starts 3:20—15, & Bbq THE GLAMOROUS, GOLDEN ENCHANTRESS CONSTANCE BENNETT “TWO AGAINST THE WORLD” With Neil Hamilton, Helen Vinson, Gavin Gordon The World Condemned Her For Another Woman’s Crimp Comedy—CHARLIE CHASE in “First in War” “Screen Souvenirs Screen Song—“Let Me Call You Sweetheart” WEDNESDAY REVIVAL at 10:10—LAWRENCE TIBBETY g LUPE VELEZ in “THE CUBAN LOVE SONG” FRIDAY and SATURDAY——“SPEAK EASILY” im ‘e008 0) 8 0 am A RR RRR A A nay Dim, 1&9 pm 15¢ & 5% Paramount News aed a Buy by the Carton ua and Save You save too, because a carton of six EDISON MAZDA Lamps simplifies the replace- ment of blackened or burned-out lamps, Get a carton today and fill those empty sockets, save more than money, ve annoyance, MADE IN CANADA EDISON @ MAZDA LAMPS. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED oe - en RUBBER MATS IN ASSORTED GOLORS Drain Board Mats, each Rubber Door Mats, 18x30 inches ......... Safety Non-Slip Bath Mats ......... SLio Rubber Drip Mats, 16x40 inches ........ $1.2 (For front of range or sink) Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. | Jasper Hard Coal EGG—Per Ton ... $11.50 MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton ..... 2.00) JASPER LUMP—Per Ton ........ 12.50 Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 Do you read the classified advertisements? —By Westover. Tuesday—ss, Cardena ....1:30 p.m. OKAY, MAC: HERE'S A Nice, TUAT SUITS THERE Fi cone se 9 alld SO XY mal SENET Chace ine Cae TM aad |e el \ | etecizes || Scar hor wesw Ly Ler Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m, To Our FiesT AND TALK Ove MUSK J ie Bio you ort A ShiLe aenee 1 hot naitbain THAT Ss. Catala . midnight REAL DINNER Over experiences [if 1 SoU MUST Sure Mac p aes | a you Orpte BD | | OTHER Oct, 24—ss. Prin, Norah ........ p.m, aoe Wwe THIS SUMMER Lee TELL. ME WON't MIND = *y lan mz oe eee From Vancouver— ~~ SEES, , Sunday-—-ss. Cardena p.m. Te Wed.—ss, Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m Siren Friday—ss. Catala p.m. 8s. Princess Adelaide p.m. Oct, 17—ss. Princess Norah a.m. Oct, 29—ss. Princess Norah a.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson— Sunday—ss, Cardena . 8 p.m, From Naas River & Port Simpson— Tuesday—ss. Cardena ....11:30 a.m. ©1913, King Feoruen Syadin, We For Stewart and Anyox— Great Bevtain sighs ceverved Sunday—ss. Cardena ........ 8 p.m. . “ 10-27 SONNE D