I Monday. April 24, I&82. TBI DAICT rTBWB jnras Wlri BOOTH SCHOOL 'ENGLISH PARTY Sunlight S CLASSES FIND REACHES HERE MACDONALDS NEW QUARTERS t Twentv-fteven Immlnrinl. is Here a Sunlight Way to Settle on Q. C. Everything Islands. home. Six of Eleven Divisions Will Be shines and glows with Running Tomorrow Other i Nine families, Ininllng 27 ner the spirit of purity Flvo End of Week. 'son in charge of Dr. Iiuui, Sir . . . ..! 1 li.. and cleanliness that Six nf I he eleven Has-fes if- I lie riven n me city mi insi night s with llnolh Memorial Schon wm .l. in Irnfn renin i-.nglaiii hound for always goes opernljnri jn newt tiiaiierji1by I" Ihe Ouecii' Charlotte Islands fur Sunlight Soap. - morrow iiiiii i-nhur, y.' l!inr enc; sel.leiiei fit tin'' vicinity nf Mas-1 rooms rnr tli remaining live nri sell. - I lilt I III) llllvillll'l' 1 1,III cocoanut and palm Pure iliow being cousf riuded ill llii; nr 1 no iinny lamines witu are oils are skilfully blended I basements of King- fcdwifrd High being li'.itughl out from the bid into the making of ,Sclwnl and I tort Ifii Street, nml country through Hie efforts nf Sunlight - the purest i should In! ready foe nccopalinn liy Charles Harrison and lr. Ii. II. beM and most efficient 1 1 In- i-iiil nf the' week. I.nw'snn, Ihe taller having arrived 1 flavors In In- runningln- some few weeks ago lo make laundry soap in the j morrow will In! hoilscd in Itiirilfii arrangement, fTr Iheir receplinn world. ;SMvel School. Mm old domcric 1S11 Hie Islands. The leointning school Seventh fnmilies it is expert ed will ar- I'urity and qualityull the aniu'.v mi avenue. in,i i .iii.ii.n i'i.n-,.1, n vini ii irive fn June, timej-in Sunlight. vMilir nml MM lliliw IlixlailsJ. I,a,:'y Liverpool t-lll'IIIS vaer.nl ill King l-:dvaril,'V'i.1 l,U'r!i "" '''""""I liner seyioia arriving ai ttaiirax on II it--1 1 Sclmnl. Ill fee more riimns I.CVElt UKUIIIHS I.IMIIH) are liejim cnnslriicled by Cleans Ajiril IT) when l.hey transferred MMt. Oatsrie of iiiilliii? lit fnit-lllinns n Ihe direct' to the drain and left for Hiis cily. The nil nf liiiseiuenls of Hie llnrilen !?reel parly, Schnifl, n are alsn two til Ihe Kinjr wlinm are resldenls. nf l.iiiidpu, Kdw ul'd llitih clinid liOiisisl.s of Dc. -aiid Mrs. Iiiinn and four children ,nf Old Street, The rhilili'Ku'of Mie live classes l.oinloii,' li.C.j Mr. and Mrs, J-'ix-ler well whnl Ihey bail lo conie lo. BIRTHDAY PARTY which are In ninve into Iheir leio-pm rnmiis fnnuirrow will of llerkenwoll; Mr. and .Mrs. They did not expert In pluck 'e pnnlinlly inyile you and ary .as. I'lischarl, juul Hire,, childreh of money off Ihe bushes, hul if your friends lo oiir nt llimlh Memorial Scho'nl Entertained at -einhle Miss Iris Watts bard work and uf hnnesly llMhgalc; Mr. and Mrs. Marker purpose III '.I 11 ' luck anil W'Jll lake Iheir and nhild of Woodgreen; Mr. woiilii accomplish anything Her Home Saturday Afternoon. jbiinkjf renin there ainl proceed In and Mrs. I,, llbwe and child of I hey were convinced success Spring 1 Hie new moms. (Jleikefiwell; Mr. ami Mrs. A. -awn I led I hem. As lo 'Morning Miss Iris Watts entertained nl Technical Classes. Williams and sou nf Hlerkenwell: Iheir hand In' anything, lie said 11 party al her home. Third Avenue For Ihe .mnaiililer nf Ihe lerni. A. Ivesou of Hammersmith; Miss he had been, iir lo must things West, on Saturday afternoon, the mile-- tlie' mioh In in I'd oilers Ihe silk occasion being Jier lenlh birthday, Opening Mabel ll.eiiiiossf'y of SI. I'aneras; rrom farming In worm keep, pri'.seni ilali. Miss fie)hen, do. and Dr. nnd Mrs. Palmer and ing, and Hint lie was game In flames and music were indulged loeslir sfieiice teacher, and II. II. sou of St. Paiie'ras. Iry any old Ihing. lie was tired in ;ind n very jolly lime was spenl. shnckley, manual training in-' 'The jiarly report liaving' ex-pi'rienreil of Ihe oullook in I'.ngland where 'Those -present were: Miss me-1 Sale siviiftor. will rnndnel Mheir work ii splehrlid I rip, ihe eerynne was running nver the hi Kelly, Miss Winnie Kxley. Miss ill regular el.iss rnnhis of lli vn-rinus weather liaving been perfect. oilier In gel an exislence. Cora Tohlinan, Miss Holt y Anderson, In our new premises In the schools. Miss Stephens will They are high In Iheir praise nf There was nn( a single ease Miss lively n Large, Miss Frizzell Block. give sewing lessons and Mr. uf sickness I he Dolly Moon, Miss Oral Moss, .Miss the service nnd atlcnlinii oieleih among parly on We have arranged for your Shnckley will ijany oil with mechanical Ihe entire Herniee Huss, Miss - Yiolril Mc- out to them both aboard ship trip. convenient viewing the ROMANCE STEWART drawing as well as as. Cutclieon, .Miss Agnes Comadiua, AND 'the and on the Canadian National cream of new Spring rtistiny in the regular school Miss Victoria Kirkevsky, Miss Railway. The accoiiiiiiodaliun 4 Mpd'e's'cleveloped in the most iL fayyiK: - i i m..:..'i drtiwlng lessJms., it l" . '; was al Hint could be desired and Sport Chat Mary .OTiripn, Miss Phyllis llaiv-vey,. 'favored of the Season's HISTUKY JAPAN Forsyth,-moved In llyili'r recently Hordeti Slri'el, Seal Gnve and Iheir Irealnienl from Winnipeg Sliss Nellie Fraser, Miss Nef' Fabrics. Hike" lid heir VM-siview .sciinnis reoiieni'il ,'is 1 - - .lie, iirvir.h,, "diss ("onnie Morg.a;!1,' In . iler llllll nf I V'esl was sptendid. In speakingj ilaify IniMiiesst il us.ualJLLiK innrniiig utter tlie of service-one of Ihe parly said: rrniK itarrieati, . who nrriyiM fMisw.,();v?)Vii, .Moi-gnu api .iiss BENT'S Will Be Brought Home to Prince HtwVHi Kaslei holjddys.-Schnnl s did also Ihe "On leaving WlnrifpeV-l disenver-ed in Tnrnnlo recently losf nicthue iNthlq-.r,, llulger. 0. S. linker and II. -I.. (Tlnlhier I'litranee class, one of Ihe children had lost in pnming to lerni wtj.i 'liddi-, While Visiting There. wllieli is '-''temporary Frizzell Third Avenue iM have heell Too y gelling supplies finding ae-"oinu n rubber bunt, and on notifying Itinbl, proinojer of the po-ionl u:.t SYNOPSIS OF Block, - ntion at llnrdeu SI reel. road In In; used Ihe irain ngenl,. he .wired buck. .prii 2K Doxiug stiow,, iiarr.iru' TOKKl, April 2l.-lnpnnK in rniincclion with work ' nn Ihe Word was Verelved no arrival simply gave lijs t.erhis. fir H)i t - ; '- .1- 1 1 1'iiiM-aUiVn ifn'r her great leader. Kausiis prniip this Mimmer. WOMEN KEPT BACK here that. Ihe .shoe had been pout, stipulalctl, , Itiul .;o)niii)( f Uic will be Intuit jiat brought found and was, being Kent nn In Klesrli must make IliO poii'nJf itii Hip Prince, of Wales when he .Mrs.lt. (Irnsebiisch of llyder, FROM EMIGRATION us. I blue' ye l lo b,iirn nf a rihgsidi;, and post n weight .rr vf- A good point to remember liiKOii mi a pilgrimage In (he. whn has Iteen visiting her ilaupli-ler railway .in . Khatami. 1 hat, could leit or 1H least pair of. Ills plirsq, Inlrnim- hfu4lt0N"tMriUlaM and Ten horde ruttd to i n.cre; pecontf-rlaai. to arrji no" shrine, ring in Si'iiMle. reluriUM.I, nn "if I.O.J)(),, April 22. "A ' far beat that for service." and Ihen niinuuiteeil that he had 1 JI.BO kn ito a llii undent capital of Kyoto, last hunt, nnd,. is. al. pi.evp. the iiWiW' -luigi'iiliou uf yvniuen would Pending sleamer arrangements iiolhing further to'say about .Ibe 'r-mi'tl'ii ,no. conflneJ. , , 10,. mir-v'yd'ind9'ohly, I'Ui-il place nf Meiji Tenno, jtliesl l trtr:i lln'riucwoi.id. I ue.,j',uiyy',,'J ;ii 'iinanemi issisiance for Iheir transfer lo (he Queen matter. Iludd had It) ,4'l"(i'i..l0 Ramsay s n,l-rultnbl for airrWulturar purpos.-s nf (he ruler nml present e.nulil 'lie mveii," sayj U11L annual (iharlolle Islands Ihe parly remained lerm.s immediately ,or ovf,,.lP tid Shlch Is non-tl)i tirtd: Itlii' jr-cal figure.hoail of the. re- indhcir Ihe side-Irack and lie look Partnerxliip .pre-emption, abpllslnst SEASONABLE SERVICE niltorl fnr fjfj nfulhe Society fnr rar on hmd, pro.iNjjdlji Hit1 tmt parlies of iot more'nmn four'mHy "lorarinn period; and oCjJlmnyi nighl. They will leave Overseas Sellleiiient- nf llritish over forme;1 course fiction. Ilennn. founder of the empire;. with lolnt residence, but eanll maktny U iui m m in1!' ! Ihe Prince .lojiu ln Women. on early Art'enpertrw The Mijr tomb Is situated "at AV nre eipiipped lo serve ynu net-esHary Improvements "I'nder the comlilions." week fur Masscll. llarrieau, fluslie,! with his re claims. - ,.' Mftninyufriii.A'h wooded eminence al. nny seasnn nf Ihe year, hut wr prescn'l lrn-eintitora must occupy claims I'M Heinle Ihe Conditions Bad. cent wins over sichumauu five years and make Improvements ui 1 render service reinirl euntimies, "the ensl of English iinii live nules from hoyin, a can you n special and Johnny Jlillman, thinks Dial valua of $10 per acre, including, clear k r-r al J his parl.iculnr sensnn. Wash-aide Ihe .journey is piiilihjlive In uiosl In speaking of Poiidifions in mr add cultivation of at least f -res tvhiclV I In laic emperor Is he will beat Kiescli wilhhul dif- before receiving Crown Orunt. "iiiil to have' rhnscn as liU lat ruifs, lieavy blankets, dainljr women, tliniisiUuls of wlioiii wmild Kugland Mr. IVuscharl said Dint ficully. Hv looked oer Klfsch's Where nre-emntor In nccunatluii 'nu' IS pure and vvHI stand' Che be (willing, tn liii (lie Dniiiiiiions lit leaH than I yeurs. and has made m-u lace curtains all I lie unusual business was a deplorable lif'UfiK place. record, which includes w"o 12-round Hrtltnutr Impi-ovementa. he may. Jie test of time. Tin- washing which every housewife Irf du 'the Avirtli.lniisi; Veiiulrei)' of stale, and Ihnl he himself bail caune of Ill-health, or other cause, in- iiinil) itself I.h reiiiarkalily eonlesls- with Hryijn l)nw- irranted lrtermHllRte certificate of im -llnlili ciinsiMllnu nf a liilifi- feels compelled lo do nt .this seai llienn" i 4 -:fW' been out Of cniplnymenl for the lied, who is fifly-fifly" middle-, prnement and transfer hit. claim. The 1'epOi ,pntceed's id pninl He said (hat Record without permanent res, he enlrusled to u last two years! safely at son, can iiifiiiinl ('I'lncreli', ciiyi'i'i'il willi weigh! champion wili Vilson, ilent-e my be Istiued. provided annll For sale at for laundering. AVn have special out tlie cnndUlnit Of lire 111 Ihe thousands lif families were cant makes improvements lo etlein of ifio.niKi jninule rtlah nf while and loss, win raw- one a a olio n j bniin'Viiuiis, W6U iwr annum and returns siiiiie euci, inarhinery for either wet or dry which are still lille eager In come out In I'unaila but -:;uiili. iiijl. D eiin.ilriictril as In over Oeorg'e Chip, ex-world's year. Failure lo make Improvements SILVERSIDES clean inn, and will i-elnrn anyllune uiulerslunil by Ihe iiiajnrily nf the thai the question of money pi-pj ur recs,rcl same win operate aa rn, Nilli4iainl the of linn' llob and ravages champion, n victory over feiture. T!tlo cannot be obtained li peotde 111 Ihe l.'oilrd illgdoni. The vehled Ihem from so doing. As laml nahlH?- ' " enlrusled. In us fresh and clean ',ess than & years, and Improvement I 1 1 1 iiiniinil resls on Motia, who beat "Hallliug Lev liicluiTs iiainled (here are oflen .of Ihe ireal War of 9 1 o.ijO per acre. Including 6 aciea li'iraeeil iliie, lii'lilml which, as new. . u consequence insky,. ainl llarrieau I hen com cleared and culllvaled, and repldence BROS. unreal, and girls and women slarl coiileiuli'd Dial Ihe Old' Country uf 2 We nlsn offer a cnrpt, cleaning te at least years are required. I'ltnplillheatrelik,. J. a t'rnve nieneed In enumerali.' smile of Prcemiitor holdlnr Crown llrant Second Street netierai 011 the new venture in many cases 'people had Iheir enn-slaully service whieh lias tfiven 'yes record another If he if I cow. the In front his bouts. llarrieau has may pre-emption. Phone 22 iinen Hpaee -own-- P. O. Box-120 Tor'the lenu'res land in conjunction with' his reiililie's iinpi'eparcil of life on Canada, Ihe Canadian ll'iMns eiiMii'il with fine while snlisfncjinii n our palrons. parlicipaled in over 75 bailies ftinn. without actual occunallon. pro. in Hie linin'uiinn.s and with light, troops having endeared themselves vidert Improvementa made f.el,' us relieve of this aiatuinry ynu "(inil, t Vmiiiil il is n ilnulilo iii Ihe lasl couple of years will! nnd residence maintained on CroWn hearted irresjionsibilily which on In Hie hearts uf all while henvier work, of hdusecleaninji;. I.'0 land. llilii' r slime fences niciccil )V out being beaten. He, knocked it run A plume call will put ynu in often lends o uhliiipidliess for I hey were In Ihe Mriilsh Isles. . Uesurveyed arean. not exceedliiK 2U tfirtr khIp hejinw. Ihe inifierial out. Mickev King Ihe Australian acrea, may t leased as homesltes 1'ii'ivnla: toueh with this lalior-savinff Iheniselves and for those unions The people were ever ready In middleweight champion and heal title to be obtained after fulfilling residential whom Ilicy have to live. The re-port listen in and lead nitylhlng of anil Improvement conditions. Historical Associations. service. bolh Hilly and tieorge' Shade, lie For grating and Industrial pirp"" For Sale Pinplmsixcs Ihe fuel Hint such Canadian oigi'n. 7 areas exceeding1 644 acres may be I This ilislrict is parllenlarly 'ANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY knocked out. in six rounds Hilly -HM'd by one person or company. I'tiiiurnul peed advice and assistance. Mr. l ixler said lhalMhey had Mill, factory ur industrial sites n !'"Ii Klesch in 'Iii,s4nrleal nsnieiatlons. II Weeks, while Ihe best Phone 8 1 :ll voiuc lo 'Canada Knowing full upbei land not exceeding 40 acres Lois 25, and 20, niock 1, ' llin .xite nf (he famous palnre, was nlite .10 on wtin 1111s noy vns nay b purchased; conditions include u.vnent of alumpcge. section 3. Most, excfMlent l"f lie iliclulnr lllilevrwlil. Inillt nose nut' a decision' in twelve Natural nay meadows liac,ssslble , i" intu iuL de. nd1). 'V existing ronds may be put chased Srio fpr home or aparlfnent. now complelely KING OF SWAT mil SELECTING HIS TRUSTY HICKORY. ondlt.tonal upon construction of a road Adjrtioing Ho; Wablrnh. ''''y'Ml. II is said In have ii Ihem, ISehateof;one-linlf of Cost ot I'een the nnjsl jiiaijnifieenl nian TbeTrim schooiieii Henry Ford isiad,-rlftt, not la made.exceeding half ' of p'jrrliiiae Kjdt;idid yifiw. f?h'alel teii-fjcr' Hun ever hull). In .lanan. Here! uill lo fish mil nf (iloueeslpr re.Emptors' free grants act for cash-will he-.received Y"n- not far from lli0 Meiji lomhj and a.s a possible challenger for The scope of tills Act la enlarged tinlU'Apiij 18 th. Delude all bersonn Joining and serv-tig North Allanlle fisherman's I1 Hie ninii,nleum Of Ihe llinpernrl ihp with Ills Majesty's Furces. The iKwntiinui, , who in 70-.' rounded cup now held .by Ihe Canadian puis withlt which the heirs or devlseei-,f Agents for Hie I iii pcriu I eapilal of Kyolo. n Mine NoVe, tj launched at. lis- r,i' a litis deeeusml under pr-mi,tor the Act Is msy extended aptay Norwegian American Line Mussaehusells last week. from for nn year from Ihe deuih Swedish American Line "iMiiidHuv -wlili'li In sex, he'.nriKed Much person, aa formerly, until one 'l cjly until. MeiJi Teniio innved The Henry Kni'd is somewhat war after tbe conclusion of the gteal Scandinavian American var. This privilege Is !' made re Line. I 'i Tnkin lit' tnniliii'ii limits smaller (ban the .schiinner iMiri'. rocatlve. ! Tlie niailsnlenni of .1 jm 1111? lAn and Mayflnwer, winch may No feea relating to pre-emptions are Oliver Typewriters due or puyabfe by ar-ldlers on pre-. ITennii 1, Imi il I on Ihe low hill of he tier compel illirs fic Ihe right millions moiiided after SC. I'tlX Cary Safes I''ni'lii nmionkiiiff Ihe romanllo lo challenge Ihe Canadian de TaxtiH Provision are remitted ftr return for five of moneys years. a.-i'utd, FIRE INSURANCE land nf V'imalo, where in the, fender. She measures l.'M feel, duo and been paid since Auifuat I, IHM, on account of payments, ear dim awn, was -fuunded Ihe Kin- eight inches over all and has -r taxes on snliti.-r- I'l-e'emptlons, l"i'e root beard wllh a 12 font Interert on aire'ei i ,MinhiLse Dybhavn & Hanson of .latian. II Is a 1 11 run ?; town or city lota held by members tt fi'iindtOf, lutnuliis nf Slidie nnd ileplli of hob), ' llled Forces, or ,lt)is-"i neitulred direct or Indirect, remitted from en Third Avenue ':"ili, Hiirrnundi'il hv ntieiejit iisliiieni lo JlHirh 31, IX'U. I'he French Olyinpia cotnniil-lee Prince Rupert, B, 0. liees nd doiilde line nf iniials. SUB.PURCHASERK OF CROWN In has decided lo bold Ihe 11)21 LANDS Iiolli -these Ininhs are nl- Olylnpie games al Colninbi's, a Provision made for Issuance i,l shrines, slpiple and ijroun grants to sub-purchasers n il'ielied suburb of Paris, il was announ Crun fiodrt. uiiiulrlnti rlahts frtmi lisped, ierfi'ct oxalnptes purchaer who failed to complete iiri.,ll,,.,,i. Tlml ced this week,' II Will organize l'JrihiiMe. Ininlvlng forfeiture, .on ful First Class I'-dioafed. tbe games wilhotil Ihe help of ttllnienl of cennlls.Ha nf putt-hasa, interest to Ihe fminder "f .lao- and taxes Where suh.pturhas "n is the Paris uionicipal council ninl 'bra do not rUlm whole of I't tainal ia MiliuiiM til Kashlwnbara, tel. purchase orlee due nod taxes nmj Electrical Work the grounds of (hern on "I Hie foot of Mount I.'new, while Inge ba dtfetrltuled preisrll6iialely ever : lie the racing club of France which whola area Applicnthms must be iiuid Meiji Shrin,., recoKiillion by May I. 1V i thai has underlakeji In build a siioU and Accessories Kintwriir's Inny CiHiiiee-"H'li ORAZINO with 'IViLln. into. ' 1 (Jraxlna Act. 11). fur ayalematu Automobile' Repairs ' develoiinieni of nveslock Industry uio, l"d Or Hie prt'senl-day eaidliil. f - r f 'J viues ror crsring uistruts unu ra.iae and Parts .1. i:. Jack left the city for administration under CommlMslouer, Annu.'il aiUKIia permits lasued baned II I. TlfOwn reliiirie.l In Ihe . i.s i.'iiiiMim...i IMi I'sk on Hiis mmnings Irain in on numbers luogml. priority for aslab H.PATTINSON -TDJiPBBirriiTir onnertinn with Ihe supervision Itshed owners. 8to.-k-owners may , P'i'y nn. last nlahrs train. and is catcher bt tbe New llamblno form Associations fur range uanae Wally Bcbarifi, itar York Yankees, and Ituth, alto ot tb Americnu La(u of pondrnplioiiat work 011 the niant. Free, or partially free, petunia , Flrat Avenub ''RiMered nl ( Di'Inon Itnperl latnploiuhlp team, lelectluK tbelr wur plubi durtug ou ot tlie practice gamtt at tbe New Orleau rW- for settlsia, rtittpeia or travellers, up plotcl, pamp, , Klijanzu Co, a new mill, U leu bw4. t