' li Tuesday, May !, ig5 THE IVITWF PAOE TWO DAILT 9 The Daily News SAVED FROM REPORTED HE pritjcCR HUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PuliltsliP'l' Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the. The Prince, OPERATION WAS HELD UP liupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. PLAYER vs. H. F. PULI.EN, Managing Blit.or. L E, Cadden Said $180 Cash and "Fri!it-a-tiyes" Gompteleiy $2000 Draft Was Taken Not SUCSCHIPTION RATES: Relieved Me -Very Clear. nifv Dellverv. hv mail or carrier: per fnonlh . .$1.00 B.C. NAVY CUT By mail to all pari or the Briti'lb Empire and the United Stales. "I SMS Miflercdwllh U.siox St.,all Yani-ocyi;,thu sytnptvmn .I. K. Caildcn, ,vho arriveil in the eily from the easi ihi Sumlay .$0.0(1 in advance, per year , with chronic CtnUi-ptitinn of Female trouble, ni?hl's train lo the reiiorled fn nil other eoiintrics. in advance, ner year. ............. $7.CO and constant Jlradncltet. I had. itv police nl I ':!.' on .Monday CIGARETTES laltu lor d9n in the back and.tides l TELEPHONE 98 of the body. A doctor advised wo to Mir, fluence of lupior, that a man havoan operation. llehl him tin nl the corner" of .Transient Display Advertising. . ,, .;..$1.40 per inch per insertion atarted taking;"Frult-a-tlTeaVaod .Venne transient AdvcrUffng? Front pfgh,:. ...,... n2M per inch this medicine has completely relieved Kijthlb uifd Knllon Street, him I'asii and rulkviiiK iir JH(i in cat HeadeK per insertion 2&c per line me ef all tuy infcnry aud utferiiiff. a bank draTf for $J0(I0. Upon Classified Advertising, per insertion '.2c per word am free of pain and headaches and Leg-al Notices, each insertion . . i . . . 15c per ngate line the terrible Constipation, and what lieiug. ipu'stitined by Ihe police Is the fruit medicine, lu 4jd not- know wludher the mail aved tue Contract Rales on Application. "Fruit a tlM." hud a gun or not. or ohwhitl M advertising should he in The 1 tally News OfTlce on day preceding Mailim M.J. CORSE. bank the draft va drnwii. Cad- publicnlion. All advertising received snhject to approval. Kxs a to, C for trial sizfilfjo. den slaled the hihs?ayman, wore. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations.. At dealers or sent postpaid by, a bine collar and that he was Fruit-allves Lf nil ted. Otto-tut. a I'reiieh-Canadian railroader he had known in Prince (ieorge. DAILY EDITION ma Tuesday. May 102 In cuuiiiauy with Caddeit the SUITCASES police have eomheil the -city llior Canadian Press oiipbly bill no trace 'of sued a t ' TRUNKS man as described can be found. 'Convention Today. t Newspaper men. from all parts of Canada are in session at CLUB BAGS i ml Jhe annual nieejing.pf the CanadiaijJ'ress Limited which is now POWER CONTRACT FOR kin progress in',Toronto. . The main IniMiies.s of the Canadian Large Stock on hand. Canadian national Press is the circulation of news Ihrotiglipul the Dominion, and Prices low. ypey RAILWAYS DRAWN UP il is the chief medium'' for (his purpose inJIie eniinlry at the pn'-tsent lime. The Daily .Nws Is a member of the Canadian Press J. F. MAGUIRE f nnil the liiilk of'iiie'lecKr1'hic new- appearing in this paper is Next the Prince Kupert Hotel Following up lis. decision of a Dm. Can fortnight ago to supply lireceived through the Venice of the association., adian National Hallway Co. with power in bulk from J lie city s How The News primary lines, al a rale of Ic Is Circulated ' . Ten Years Ago Ic for use in the. yard, of Founded m its present liasis in 1017,.largely by the urge of fices, railway slat ion and dorks i a if il i 11. I.. f .. In P('nce Rupert J and possibly Ihe round house,.Ihe Zwar iipcessi v w men rem ereu u imperative, mai mere : .i hit council last night after mine froih end of Canada In tin other, the. Canadian fflnw of news, one May 2, 1912. liArussiou, decided on u.tentative SsPriess has since then made coiisiderahle strides forward and is Tniiighl at 7:30 all who are i'iiitraet thut is lo hi' .submitted Superb 5hzalih 8 now an organization of which its members are proud. Modelled able o make ihe trip wilt palher to llv enmpatiy. The. eoulracl Ion lin,cs a good deal similar lo that of the Associaled Press of at the Presbylerian Hall on provides for a supply of lHi) k. Finest Workmanship thet United .Slates, wit,h which it is allied, il depends fur ils success. f'oiirtli avenue and wilt 'thence, a. to the eompuny at the If Orealesl Value forth journey lo Seal Cove where In Ic -rale with Ihe addition of primarily on the goodwill and hearty co-operation of ils li. II. Collins of Ihe Canadian an additional C7 k. v. a. al llie in ifie World membership at large. This' exchange (If news is rendered pos- Kisli niid Cohl Slorare Co, has same, ralis for, Ihe round lumse sle l,iy the leasing if aliitul 12,000 miles of telegraph wires, holh very kindly consented lo show priividetl aiiplication for this is $day and' uiglil, from coast lo coast, operated by Ihe telegraphers llii parly 'llitiuiirh the plant. made within six months. Thc.rn 10 forte? Jlnd in tins This is' Ihe firsf of a si'ries of was snme'iiiseussion a lo a pro 5 llie. c of the Association. In a news sense, therefore, whore. Doff 20 " 55 ofSO&IOO rambles lhat the Presbvlerian viso lhat Ihe railway company minion is in close and install contact and .the. flash' of a news Dubloitr Club ha undertaken for. be allowed t" apply 'for the addi story breaking in VAnenuycr is simultaneously available at Wiu-5 Ihe f juimer imhiiIIis. tional, i'i") k.v.a. after the six ninecr. Toronto and Halifax and other important points where tiioolbs but it was decided lo The low -Jaiioose, Captain delele Ihis.v - -r 5 nureaux are csinuiiMieit, fiiinis;-,iyinp (he barfre Transfer The. proposed coiijrur.l is now jing officers wern elected: Una. Fairness Is The .o. 3 with u0,0na feel of In be ' forwarded' to Ihe head office President, lleurv Wilson': presl. lumber, 300 lorn of eoal and 400 of .the-company n Winnipeg. lent, W. IL llornsby; vic;.presj Of Essence Service, Ions of brick and cement, arrived ileni, c. O. Iiiinran; secretary II is of its vein- essence thal,.he Canadian I'ress he strictly at to iVIork this innrninsr treasurer. Dr. C. Kwert. Lxecu ' iriipartiAl uid unbiased fn 'its presentation iT Ihe news uf Ihe day Willi' lh exception of llie coal PRINCE GEORGE live committee: Mesdamcs lluy V for its menihers Include .newsimier of every political stripe, and Ihe entire earso is cnnslgned lo don and Deykin, Messrs Ogilviei, GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY fhe Weslholnie. Lumber Ciimitany and Itooib. S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will lifcn these critics of its news services are. vigilant lo. see lhat seriipu- Oenrgec Ilorie, aiithorizeil trustee sarj under Hie-. Oniuiiiiou Bankruptcy clay and Sumlay at It' o'clock Midnight fhf Swairsii iiaj i Ions fairness is.maintained. A striking illustratioji of this was a'f Holierf TyrhiirL resident Act, oT Prince ffeorrxe, ()fean i-'alls. powejl lllver. 'Vancouver, Victoria an Seallli forded in Ihe reCeul Dominion election campaign when staff re-' manager nr I'rince lienrge of tti( The Man in the Moon was a visitor In Ihe city last h'Or Anyox Wednesday, II p.m. purlers of life',Caiti(llan'"Press accompanied each of Ihe three week. .Vn assignment was made l-'raser Timber Syndicate., has. re. '("or Stewart. Saturday, 8 p.m. leaders with (be"result lhat for perhaps Hie first time there was tp him of the .leanings Tie contract turned to. Priori' (jeorge from' u Stewart Service Hrst Moat My 13. Y&s Sitlilnlay thcrcsfi visit lo victoria. Mrs. Tyrhurst presented loithn people of Canada day by day in jnsl perspt-iMive affairs. Hid small will follow S. S. PRINCE JOHN For aj points Northern and South' son later. a full picture of Ihe progress of Ihe campaign. The Canadian rut: star of Ihe parly is, not. ' Oupeiv Charlotte Inlands, May t.tlh and l'7lh, June lOLIi r. Press also iliifierlook in collaboralioif with telegraph companies, 'most.always 1 the man. who sings the V. N. Hogiie' who has been 2 ilh, July Htli' mid :"intl, August- fitb nnd jitlh, Sept m-l ,1' " spending some time Vm Ihe foal AMATEUR STATUS illy I 3i lb. , the collection jiml ilislrihution of the. election results, ami in this has relumed lb, j fo ciljv Mr. Train Service I (i new record for speed and accuracy -was set up. 1'I.Kl.N U put.; under martial llogue will buy lumfier along the IN WIRELESS LAWS Plksenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al IMS Jiw, we read. Why not mix f.'T. P. for Hie Willana Lum a.m. For Smithcrs, Prince fieorge. F.iliiMihljin, and W.iiuiipr . Conectlon With few Irishmen with the Orientals ber (.lodiiiany of Portland, Ore. Canadian Amateur Wireless Oper biaking direct couneclioits for all fioinls in i;aslern (,anail British Empire. and iiiak! n ceal. good serari out. goiflhis season. The Willapa ators Beginning to Be Recoa arid J niled Slates. A feature of the pasl has beenjhe in i.f il. , Is a 1,0(10,000 concern. Mrs., nUed by Authorities. " Lines j yaar biiililing up Lon- ? , i'.it Agency for all Ocenaan Stearriihlp , Itogue is in Seattle where she r oou ny arrangement wun iieufers or a Canadian Press cabjc sc IIIK flapjier flajtped her City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Phone 2M. curly w;ill shnrly undergo an operation Officials, of the Vancouver isknd . vuy which aims in. parlicular to cover the news of the Drilish head, -And and Mr. Hogue will leave li.i Radio Club are in reiH'ipt of infor I Knipireju jnosl complete fashion. While still in. jU infancy I hi made a 'Igoogu eye;" a f-w days in order to be with malion relative to the vave-Ivtinlh pecial eable 'eryice'lias already achieved a, considerable success Al Charlie, whir was -gaing: his wife at. '(he crisis. ronci'ssions permitted for 4iili with Ihe resiilf lhat more and more news of Creat Hrilaiu, Ans- Al Ihe Miube.lin.s In Ihe'"s1iy. Iciir operation in ,the Domiiuoir;, Charlie spolke, and su did he, Mrs. Alex Wimbles was bos- says the Victoria, Times. l s CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ( naiia, ev .e-nlnnil; India rind Ihe Kmpire generally is made 'Hie seiiuel .is. I'm (old: 1 le'ss last Thurfi'diiy night lo. a uuderstooil that Ihe' status; o( ,'(hr; .available roKlht' (Luiadian public. The service is steadily build- l bat now sie's flapping, flapi largo surprise parly, which invaded anialeur wireless enthusiast, will B.C. Coast Services ing up and US coiineclions are becnniing more and more intimate jack.s, the Wimbles resilience' on he amply Liken care of in a hilt'.in and llie readers if Cnuadiaii newspapers are gradually gelling I'or tin1 lilollll uf Charlie's fob! Vancouver Street, and spent a.be brought dowa shortly dealing '. better servirK very enjoyable Mine. Dancing with every phase of llie fines Inr). Sailings from Prince Rupert I'llA'l' pieiilk (Hp wheduled for was carried on to an early hour Meanwhile the members of the Sunday was certainly O-t'-l". in Ihe iiHiniingiv' Hetirshmenis club learn.thai lH(i metres niay be For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau; and, Skaa way-April were served al midnight. used us (lie maximum wave length 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2. I IIL seasoiiiipid'uaclies when For Victoria 8eattle Vancouver, and Cor spark transmission, htcentjy ,fU TOURS FOR Ihe fiijiiily nii.st',chpose between Ihe Pril'iciy Oeorge Athletic 200 metres wits',iJxed aji, Ihe waTt-uium April 25, may 6, 18, 26; June 6?n "i new .wearing iauparel and new Association fuel last Friday wave lengtli for i.-oniirjiiGlfs 8. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butediile, Swanson Bay. iirei .for Ihe rear wheels, t uisht in tin; Prliicn Ceoi-gM- Club wave 'ov'illalions. These ,1'vyo East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Nanigj Alerf Bay, Campbell BETTER for the purpose, of drawing tip a wave icjjgins. give amai.euM .a Rlvee and- Vancouver,, every SatUrifay.at 1 pTm. i 4i .'V"." WELL KNOWN SKIPPER program f(,. ,,, .Cinpirc Day slightly increased II.Id of rafigV Agency for all Stamhlp-'LlneJ sporls on XI uy 2 1. A good mixed from; forpieriy, and inakrt it Full infonnatinn frohi BREAD WEDDED LAST NIGHT program is planned. sltile to esta'blisli liller-citv coin W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, , j nmnicaHon oVr private sets, on Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. II. V. assistant Tiliey, Miss Barbara Kuztae Is Married passen aniaicur licenses, in itie interests ger agent on the C.N.It. is spend of amateurs and to Chariest Wallace .Rev. Q. professionals all ing a few hi the Q. Hacker Officiating. days cily renew are askeii to observe the regulations ing old acipKiiulances. Prinr lo d.enling will; this subject, as UNION STEAMSHI " COMPANY OF B.C.,.LlMlT A the amalgamation of the (I. T. breach of the SAILINGS iuiet. wedding was. solernn- a amateur yH zed al 7 o'clock lasl uixht be. P. and the C. N. It, systems Mr. would likely mean heavy res.lric-lions For Vancouver,..Ocean Palls- tnu Hwunsoi( Hay, Tuesday, P m' 'Pi I ley was In charge of the pass Foe Vannmivne' Alerl llnir nnrl Iir.f lln...lu. Gnimxlnu ween Charles Wallace nnd Miss on Ihe n,mateurs ....... . , n m its a class, - .-WW-... v M v iiuiiii ,ni,iiiijuj J I enger traflU! on ihe (i. T. P. be it Fop anvo. Alien Arm Dnpl Nimnmn nr,A lal.inrl. fill" Itarbara Kuzlar, al llie home nf s said a class that, has hut ....w v Jt '1.MI .11111 II HIII.l ..?-- tween this and Cdraonlon Mr. and Mrs. Peter Camilla, 132 point cently suecedeii in gaining recognition midnight, and formed Seventh Avenue West, the Hey. many friendships on a. more.,advanced, piaqe. ror; nana, nivar wanneriea, i riday a.m. .Made with early residents' of Ihe town. eo. p. Hacker performing the IN eremoiiy. The bouse wasi pre). ANTS AND GRASSHOPPERS, The Prince CANADA ily decorated wtih flowers, and fieorge Tennis Club held a meeting last Wed DONT TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT" YOU vergreens, A wedding supper It is fcnhl lhat Insect ants 4rjd nesday when arrangenienls SPECIAL were ALL THIS WEEK was served to a few Inllmale men 'uncles ore (he only tliitigii friends, of the happy couple niul made for an early start of (he that fight by means nf armies. MEN' DRESS SHOES, ip;ht weight '-weted black puir ta16 very pleasant social evening game this season. The fellow- wen, ynu can. excuso iuq anij We have, just received a Ahipment direct from t'nglaii'l was spent. Mr. Wjiliace is the they have never been tnlj ROYAL COLLEGE FOOTWEAR for men", made in Norlhan'P' well known skipper of Ihe IMi tut TiVMIwt W lUtmL love mt' another. Moral: "Doo'l Ion, Englatld, Medium toe, al(. niton. Tu Introduce thl H"' m and Mrs Wallace recently ar- CATAKnn of th be an uncle. "Aesop's l'llm apeelal price of $9.25. , Ived from Ihe Old Country. It BLADDER Kaldes." . is- their Intention to reside per. Sid,SkuuLI FAMILY SHOE; STORE inanently in Prince flupcrt- r,' in skew Eth Cioiule Yon can't nlways, detect a PW VQt Qornfort ServU-n Dept. is rapidly aainincr approval ei'oftk hy. hi appnncff riv hi iha public if you, have any minor font troubles at,all Heller be honeot than clever look fall to call iu and oe u.