iWAr6 rs WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI YOKOHAMA in a hurry CAFE I HOME BAKERY . DLaha B w W 1 Kf.n . The Best of Everything. invuv w PRINCE RUPERT I'itrll'"" lit -i Try our service I ALLNEW CAUS Phone Black 89 . IS! Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VUI MM. X", 102. tMuxuK nuiM:in u. ti. ti i:sday, may 2, 1923, VMUrdaf't ClrcuUllon 1B3C fitritt ! 38. PRICK FIVE CKNT Premier Poincaire is Going to Genoa HEAVY INCOME TAX ON ALIENS TO BE CONSIDERED AT OTTAWA Barthou Returns to France BBSBBBBS'SBB'SlB?B'S'SX'S?tSBB?SBBBBXllB FIRST CONTINGENT OF ISLAND SETTLERS. BUDGET IS To Discuss Non-Aggression ANNOUNCED London Mornlnn Papers Soora Pact; Huge Oil Agreement British Gambling Government on Prospects.fop INCOME TAX AND liBXOA, May.LV-Premier Poincaire of Fran re may conic "j NORTHERN PROPERTIES TEA TAX REDUCED (ielioa lor I III! Closing session hi uic economic i-uuit-rcnou u is ENCOURAGE MINERS LONDON, May 2A general believed hero. Vice-Premier Hnillioii left loday fur Paris lo note of disgust prevails In the confer with li is govcniincnl, I lie most important ipicslion lo be t morning newspapers' comment Alice Arm Property Shows Signs on.(he budget for the fiscal year discussed being that of France's attitude on Hit; nun-aggression Premier Mine of Grea,Value which was yesterday introduced pad proposed liy Premier Lloyd Oeorge of F.nglaml. Makes Rich New Strike in the House of Commons, The Oil Agreement Signed suspension of the sinking fund LONDON, May Sty A gigaulu; industrial ngrcemetil wan Void bus been received in be and the prospect of consoqnent city from Major- II,' II. (.richlnn, borrowing Is treajed with scarcely igned on Sunday nlfOcmiii by I he repibscjilulive of tllo. Hiissinii "r Alice riii, staling thai a great concealed concern and some mid the. Shell of Hritish Oil Soviet government group compunjes, Ihal ileal oT activity is cvidenl in commentators sharply score the says I he Hciioa i.-orri'spoiidcul uf I In News. Under the agree purl of Ihe country In the tniii-tna government for what they ter'ni menl, il is said, the Shell group will eliiitnd nil sales uml )iincr Industry, and . there is no its. gambling on a potential trade rerlain condition the pniiluclioii uf oil in every pail of Hussiu doublibal many or'tbe projMeti' revival. for an agreed period. Fifty per cenl of llio net prolyl will be ul-lulled thero will deyelup into good pro-iluciug. The budget announced' a re. mines, say Ilic Victoria duclion in the income tax from lo Ihe .Soviet giivernmonl and fifty per cenl lo the. Shell ' Cuhiuisl. T six shillings a pound to five and gioup. C Majju Crichlon has hud man, a reduction" in the tax on tea by years' tuiiiirij,' experience on 'ihe four pence per pound.. . lliind, Si'uilh ATrica, as well as i CARPENTER BABIES GET PRIOR World.' lie. at iiri'seiil int'rosU sINQUEST OYER RIGHTS INVPARI8 ( in Hid illoinJslake Mine ui Aliet Afiu ..ilidapiedicls' tbalj; it greali'sl iiiines In" Xi'Vlft'America Itie ab"Ve,1mi'lsr.'ipfi fit life" Jilinv ffifi-Dle tif' 'KOglls.lf "fmnflgraiils vvlm urfiv cT at llie UiiR-Vl MRSrDOUGHTY all ner.siiin earrvintf. in- L as llien are immeiist bodies (f (ibalinllc Islxnd lasl week lo sc.IHe (here was taken at the Canadian Nnlfon.il Ilailway slatlon fanfsi are now eiiioyins good (trade ore vvhieb can be al Saskaloimh a.s lhey wen en route west. In Greb-Tunney Encounter prior righlfi over ordinary workeil eb".'ihlv His company Accidental Drowning Is Vardlot Kcon. eil.ir.i-ii.H wlieii; entering r.xpecl.s to resume d'vcopmciiT Body of Husband Not Yet in Canada BASIS FOR Foreigners Earning luihl'e eoliveyanees. oe-- work nel monlh and tu. reach u Found, M V YOltK, May '-'.'Hie pros- i-iMillli-' lo ail unlet isMl- sleiiily producim? staije bcori,be lii-fl or (leoi-gc. (.arpenller s re. ed liv police lieailipiarleifi, 1 fall itf nexf: year. SETTLEMENT Over $1000 a Year May Have to Chief Minty, provincial polio says ti lleillei'M desnalcli. The noted Molly arden Mine is chief, received a wire from Ti'inl lli.i win-Id's light-hoavy- The curriers of hahios tptile close to.Ho; lloineslakc pro, Masselt (Ids morning lo the ef Income of 8 Percent rank immediately afler pcrty. and Major Criclilon is or IN IRELAND Pay Levy fect that an inquest had been i in 11m ronlesl oil May '.''I ber 1 II ml men m- men other. Ihe opinion lliat the former will held by Coroner A. IU Mallory lueeii iiin-i'v firi'ji nun iiene inn.. vvi-e ili.saldeil in Hut war. vel be tnadi a paying proposition. of J'oii Clemenlf, over the body ' OTTAWA, a. The House of Commons has in..- r.... ii.. iff hi.iii'iii'v we 1 1 1 1 Premier Makes Strike May adopted of Mrs. (tool-go Doughty, found Yeslenlay news came down The Regular and Irregular 1 1 lie vesolutiou of Fcrnaid Ilinfet, member for St. James, Mon- on the beach at (jraliam Island, Branches Republican Army ll l 1I...1 1 1 : t i: i and that the bad brought in from II .irorgi or tSlewart, that iii-iii, jTuviuing mui ui ninnii' uniting iruui uuc uuimuji iu uu- jury . Is Wanted. r 1 ' ..1...11. luili- Say Treaty SASKATCHEWAN PAYS Ihe Premier Mine made another olhn within two iiioulhs of an election will nol'lte disfraiicliised. a verdict of accidental drowning. ii mi 111 h 111 1 i iii r 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 i mii- lii- sfrini iui thai property; in DUBLIN, May 2. Representatives The body uf Oeorge Doughty has , Tho resolulion asking Hie common's, to consider ilie advis-abiblily ll.llit lllf. Wllllll'l 111 III. INTEREST ON BRANCH liamoiii drilling fnm No. I Vm of the regular and w,t yel been found. of inconio lax levy all aliens resident',, in Canada iivli Tiliilicy fi iinler here, are iiel Ihe drillers ran jnlo. a new Irregular branches of the un. on The provincial police are en-deavorius "iiIiiiih-iI In a cablegram reeeiv-il LINE RAILWAY BONDS oily of high-grade ore, fully Irish Republican Army have who earn more than .I,U00 a year has also been adopted. to get in touch with from (loorgcs Oaiprntior by eigbly feel wide, all high-grade signed a statement suggesting This will not affect Americans. Jack Doughty, flic son of the .ni'iiiniiLei I'i'iiiik 1 11111111 3 HKHIXA, May 2. Ilo lo-miiiinii apparently. This is a now chute proposals to avert a catastrophe Tho molinn .culling on the government to provide old age victims of the tragedy, who is at (iovernmeiii having a.iln of ore ami docs not show on the on the basis that pensions was adopted without debate. present on board the snag scow I UK A iUKJW failed lo nay inleresl on coupons iirfaec, which is seven hundred the fact is acccptod on all Cygnet which is up the N'aaj of llif (iraml 'trunk 1'acjfie feci above (he liiniiel, so thai Hie sldos that the majority of the Itiver and out uf touch with tele- ENDOftSE BOWSER'S branch lines in Saskaleliewim. acliuil extent is not known. They Irish pooplo a ro willing to t BISHOP OF AUCKLAND graphio communication,. A letter Ihe provincial giiNcniuiciil, uiider wil liol need lo touch this body accept tho peace treaty and was handed last night by STAND ON RESIGNING LIBRARY BOARD IS COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Chier Minly to two Indians who which Ihe bonds are Kiiaranlenl, for Hi roe years, as they have agree to an election with a NAMED BY MAYOR the Naas river lias mad" payment of seiiiUnn-nual enough ore now Hooked out (o view of forming a government . are proceeding Up YICTOIUA, May Ooiimtwi-i(Vs inleresl falling 'due loday. lasl that length of Him. "The which will be truly representative A report from Ihe mayor Charged With Sedition In Calling addressed to Captain Milligan delivery. the Cygnet' for personal ui 11I n iiiri't iiiir ln'cc h hiirlil The aniouul. invohed is ubout future uf Ibis camp is assured of Ireland.. The the Brillsh Forces In Ireland muui'cipal appointing .. It in expected Mr. Doughty 1 .1 1 11.... for some (iiui! now anyway," tho unification of on army free library board to control Foreign Jr., will leave forthwith for Mas-: slates Mr. lieorwe. that basis Is also suggosted. library affairs was received The official returns from Ihe sell. MOB ASKS FOR by the city council LONDON, May 2. neuter's render Mine Male Hint from DAYLIGHT SAVING last nighl and adopted, Auckland New Zealand linn tilit.tl. iw 1.. In A ill.- DOLES OF FOOD January I lo March .'II (his year corres- RADIO ENTHUSIASM Ihe 't he members (if board if Mr. Mw.'(,r Junl Ih'cii .usked 1 7,20(1 Ions of ore were shipped; STARTS TOMORROW pnndoiit reports that Monsigneiir Itl Miu nil l.tr Milt I .illl iJltl'V 111 I I IN VANCOUVER ill ore below .n'oo Is put on the appointed are: Listnu, (he Unman Catholic IN WINNIPEG ALSO ami If. F. Ald. Collail lump and ore shipped is valued Mayor Mado Wolcomo Announcement Uishop or Auckland, has been I'ulleii, with terms at from Si'oo In H00 per Ion, ox- committed for trial on u charge YVINNIPiiO, May 2. In con. YANCOUYKIt, May 'I'hree to Sporting Interests piling January .'II, 11)23. of seditious utterance in recent a with the of radio Nl.l lvH Af'UMVtk billiilred illieniployed paraded lo Ilev. CI. O. Ilacker, Jaiu junction wave at Last Night's Meeting speech when be referred to the which sweepinj? enthusiasm Is Canadian warehouse LONG LIST OF DEAD I In Hwifl ilarv III, 1U2I. Mritish forces in Ireland foreign PLAYERS BEATEN BY In re loday and demanded doles laylilit saving is to go into ' ' as over Winnipeg and province, reor of food. The police dispersed IN IRELAND SINCE erfecl in l'rince Itupert tomorrow, troops. gaiiUation or Hie Winipeg Iladlo CANUCKS MONTREAL to club will be erfccleJ al a general Ibl crowd wilhoiit violence. He-rore May 'J, according mi announcement going to the warehoiiSi Ihe .MIDDLE OF 1920 made ut lasl uighl's council WENT OUT TO GET meeting of amateurs of the city IAI"I-I1 I I .'. I ..I iiio'i visited Ihe (lily Hall ami meeting by tho mayor, who JACK BLOOMFIELD on May 12. ci'.mlv .if Mm,I ii.iil iliifi-nh-il t! 0 asked Tor relier or Ho rlglil to HI'JLI AST, May According said thai press notices to this er BEATS HARRY DRAKE MINISTER; IRISH 'tin eventual outcome of Ihe )sriiril-(.alnhilile al. Iiieroxsr beg. Xeitber were tiiaiilcd. lo Jlelfasl polio,, returns made red would be published todayi movement for co-operation among CONSTABLE KILLED g ! .1.1 j ..j u, ni . "-' public today t IK Protestants and The subject was brought up by amateurs will be the organization NEAR I8.'l I'alholjoa huve been killed Aid. Kerr and (hero was a si rung LONDON. May 2. Jack of local radio clubs throughout TT-rrr'rr,r ,r,r,r'r CAR TURNS OVER in Melfasl duriiuf IIih neriod from delegation in the public seals fn Hloomriold beat Harry Drake lasl Dl'HLlN. May ?. -An auto the province, lo be followed by NANAIMO; ONE KILLED inly I, l'J:o lo April Vl), ivii. s.uppmi nT the adoption. The night in a scheduled 20 round driven byia constable of die Irish the formation of the Manitoba "DAYLIGHT SAVING'' Froth Jiinuiiry I of Ibis year to announcement of (he mayor was bout lor the cruiser weight Constabulary which wiiis. semt Hadio league, annual meeting of AND OTHERS ARE HURT April 21) the figures show that met with a round or vociferous ehauiplonship of (Treat nritain. out on Sunday lo bring iii a which will be held in Winnipeg; haylihl Having will go I I'l'oloslaiils and G'J Catholics applause from those 'persons who Drake did well al long range Presbyterian minister to conduct with representatives of all radio into efrcel. May :)ril, lJ-'t', NANAIMO, , May" - ('.buries have ncii killed. were mostly representatives of work but llbioiuficbl was much camp services was stolen and clubs in the province attending, ami eon(iniii ilntil Sep-leiul)i.r (i liven, or Coiiiicnay. was in-slanlly A postman vva killed and bis sports orttauiatioiis Among stronger, landing several powT Ihe constable was killed. 1 1 r present plans materialize. iinlcHs liilli. Iutrick Hpratt was sou wounded when ambushed last them were: II. F. Self, Harvey erful hooks and upperculs. He nlhei winn oiilereij. All por-soiis seriously injured, and two others nluht while delivering loiters in Frascr, V. O. AiaPirson, C. also hail the belter or Ihe in. MAY DAY DISORDERS JUDGE HARVEY IS uirecleil will, therefore, sustained minor Injuries when Ihe Keudy dislricl of Armagh. Ill)the, p. Laporle. C. C, Clement. fighting. Drake's seconds throw ' , kindly pill their linie-pieeen the car in wbich lhey went travelling son, . JMcpxieS. .VI. w. MCliiillsb-lan, UP'tho sponge al the end or the IN ITALY; FIVE CHIEF JUSTICE OF aheail one hour al turned over two miles from FIGHTING NEAR PEKIN lUAIkins, W: Mci.eod. .1. ninth round. 4 niiiliiiuhl on Ihv; 1'iul in-slant. here istenluy. CONTINUES FURIOUSLYlCash, If. A. lire V. !, Dennis, DEAD; 100 WOUNDED ALBERTA PROVINCE li, C. (libbons, .li.D.f'o.fitl, Jr., 0, IMPROVEMENT TAXES. My (tnler. CARDIFF WINS. I'KKIN, May 2. (icnenl VVu II. Arnold and II. 1. Llnsetl. IlOMj; May 2. The May Day OTTAWA, May s.--'I'ln Bu. Finexl A. W'ooili, I'el Fu's drive for I'ckin him been YICTOIUA. MU 2. The Y.ie-loria disoi-(ir casualties in Duly num. prcnie Court decided (his morning City Clerk. LONDON, May '-'. Cardiff deflated vigorously resumed in the vlo. II. II. Crowe arrived from Any. city council last nighl vot Iiercd five dead ami one hundred by a mujority ruling that XewiKirt B to 3 in Hie. Inlly of Chang Sin Tien, 12 ov on (ho Clieloitsin (his morn, ed 5 lo t ui favor of Improvement wounded. Nouo of (be 'disorders Judge Harvey is chief justice of Huifby Union game today. miles south of the capital. ing. luxation this year. reached any degree of magnitude. Alberta.