PAUB IDT Tftg DAILY KtWB Tuesday. May i9r! JOHN BUNNY'S PARTNER S0RF5 SPRFAD KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NNU'Ot' TUB CHEAT SKVMS 'OF OUIl CITY is a mora APEARS WITH "CONNIE HAD ENJOYABLE WHIST WESTHOLME I J Iitiinliiiit supply of money nvntlablu for building loans All Over THEATRE What more puolic-spiriled use can you Mnd for your sav TALMAGE IN PICTURE AND DANCE LAST NIGH uiiigin i ucguny ings llian assisting some young married couple lo nctpiiro t lie FACES AND BODIES liome they so greatly need? Is your money mil more usefully Flnrn Finch. Plnnnnp Comedienne Tlie first, of a series, of rw CONSTANCE employed, holli lo you and I lie .borrower, wlieu invested in gill -p ik." siiu.n.h.i lv. .., ...w .D.ri- ""!,.. "onira mimi'iir.uh , ,.. v.,11 amairinu of lh Knights of CotunitiUs posl lenten r edged, mortgages al. 8 per eenl. Ilinn in Hie savings liank al 3 per In "Lessons In Love." in-npitt ivr. rrcrlvnl l.v iuIhk lour benefit whist drive- and danecs held in tit" Knights of Co taluahlp tiipillrliip. Ilunlock Blooil Bltlrri was ALMADGt cent.?- And we will make sure of Hie security for you. I'liifn I'lnrll, IliO lll'sl CMUir- My ihlldrcn jtailcd tn lircik out luinliiis Lodge tlooins at Ihe Mel i lienne in ninlinn picture, fonn. I",lr f"-" witii small while iiiiiu.ips which ropolu Halt last nilit, the plncr LIMITED i.fiv II nf lite tale " ltr'"" '"fr y. run wuum ilccnraled for Ihe or H. G. HELGERSON, li.lllltu """fnlln tin. ,r Hip .call anil they noiill eoinfl tastefully Itiliiti.v, i.i In lie )e'eit Willi (.on. off, ami cacji iihip tlm aorcs woi'ihl he casiott with Knights of Coltimhus IN laitci' TalinadKe in the latter m lawr; riim were k larac a twenty rmldcms and colors.. In spile uf LAND ACT. '.Mjocialeil .alional starring nvc ,T"' V1'". ' uv" tlie Inclement weather a law "Lessons in Love" el..cln, "l.e.M.11!. in kV. e. wl icli Wll, ,,, ,;, , ,, crowd was In attendance and the of for Node Intention to Apply to Um Lnd III Prince HuiiPli Laud district. Ilrcon!- IS I III' iHiraclliill III 1 110 vt fSIUOimc lilooO iiipOIcIiip. TIm' druiirl.l acnt tup Kcnial atmosphere which is IliK IHstllil i.f Con.I Man it n 5. and situate riiealre atfalll loltislil. Miss uottlp of nunlmk lilooil l)lilrr., which cliaraclcristic of Knight of Co MERMAID COMEDY - "A KRESH START" n ucnniy or curl i.sMngton. n. i . Hartt lake notice 1 1 in t we, 1 1 1 1 u i Johnson ami I'iii. li. Kuln I'rli-i. Mini .Inlin riiiniiv ""'i''Til rlrlmr thcHi at once, luinhiis fralhcriiiKs assured every Admission, 15c sind 35c waiter .mciiii, or ri.if issinitinn. a. i: in nuoiji hiii il.i i ran nu iin'ruir occupation nshcrim-ii. IiiIpiiiI in apply for vvcfi' a ramiiiis I no in J no early ni'iil ami they grew i.lcai)tl.v belter rich one or a tiioroiiirniy eifjoyam tTiiii.Mie.ii in lease llio following described Vilagraiili days. day, ami In um nimilh the. pure hail ill etiiiiK. muck: t:oinlitcm tug al a imimi planted snuthcaM corner or Lot 45. Ilangc 6. Cobs In "I.i'swnis in Love" Mis? iliaaiH-irril.t Wliisl fiirnlshed the diversion Ilrlrt. I m in e northeast 4 chains tn Inn All IiIibiiI amt skin ill.'cascs aro mum." I''iin'li 1 lite role of elderly of Ihe Ibciice 1 it h an for lite early part evening. ruler mill k. south S chain by bail liloix, ami In art M ami keep Shoes lv water mark, tlii'iirr west :i chain in maiden nil til of l.eila Calllioriic. a II pure, Mrs. M. McDonald caplurins Ho jigtt water mark, inehrn t chain alnitg pure yon iiinst reimn o "cvrry trice of rlgh water mark In (mint of rniiuuciicfiiiriil 'iiii'ii'i(iiis young heiress, por Mm Impure amf imublil mailer from I lie ladies' head print oil a cut with aim ('outlining 3 vj acres,J 'I ll'S more ill.SII,V nr ips. trayed Iiy Constance Tnluiailgc ayntcin by i blooil rlrl lining; iupiIIcIiip .Mrs. A. D. (lillies. the getifs first Supreme Onre worn, will no fully win WALTtli MtMl, .i'ila. iHisiiiK-as a iitaid in order ch a BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS prire heint? awarded to lit l.eter-neaii oranj Appllraiiis. tehrimrv . lo escape iiiarriafre conspiracy. with consolations frolug to your conlideiiee that you w ill Ifl?y a, a Irmrily Hint lia tiecn on the inardrt Icce ves l ie oiinsf iiiati In uui's- for the forty-five years, ami on Mrs. .1. .1. liillls and A. Hamlin, tlie next without LAND ACT. aee'epl pwir lion Iiy IcIliliK' lit III, that Hie spin- wlllimit an eipial fnr all illscases ami dls Ihe lalltr 011 a cut with C. Ilich FRESH rfT?T?W FRESH Nollis of Intention to AddIi to Lent Land further introduction or rec-oiiimciiilalinu, ,0 '" " sm ajK bbi HBJHVakCaa. In oiieen i.linrl.itte Islands Land Plstrlcl. ler is Ihn. wiinian wlimn his rich irds. Minufartuii-tl only by The, T. MlU.urn ROASTED as 1 I frii'iiif. according IHslrlct nr prime llupert. aim ncle lias selected fur 1 1 i til tti I Co.. Lluiltcil. Al eleven o'clock delicious re- ROASTED situate Hi rrnnt ur Block "A" In Lot tit Torotitu. Out. whose depcndahility and Langara Miami. marry. , ftiimpu at lite angular frcshiiiciils were 1 servetl, after Take imllec Canadian ll.-h A Odd Slur the of the evening whicli rest Id maid's plielnKrnpti is enotmli Hire Company I.IiiiIIpiI of Prime Import. II worth are fully proven. The Value of colfee as a hevei i: . nrctipallou HJideiilcr. Iiiti-tiil In aih In cause (lie viniilg fellow In tie APPLICATION OF won client in dmiciiip' to Ihe lf fnr Permission In Ipbsc Hip follow lug dc in ils slicimtli primarily ami scribed laud laiuimciiciug ol a lust Mauled tile thai lie would rather marry I rains of- lite. Wcslholuie Or- M,y,.: nni'i iip iooi imrinwrMciiy hi a sniiiuwcsicriy post or iiiuinii inrcfiinii itpscrvc rmtn the supposed servant limn hi.- CITY CLERK FOR hestia, 'Supreme" Brand (ircell colTec will, keep inieihitle. i,,,! VI. 10, tnruce. Kill feet inure ur less In a iinele's choice, and llieii the com- Ihe success of (lie evening re is Fresh such is mil Hie case a I ler it ha. Kiiniliupsii'rly low water mirk. RAISE REJECTED KIRKPATRICK iiipiii-p .nil ri'PI westerly along, low walei plicalioiii pile tip rapidly. flects rTi'citl credit tin Ihe com- roaslcit. mark. . Ihrni-c IIIU fnp northerly In III El Klnra l-'inch was Imrn am eiJu- inflep in charge which consisted Roasted water mark. Iheiirp Will feel culprit atom. Ittiasting ht'iugs tiii(. the llavoi'HpiJ The Store of Satisfaction mgii waicr uiara in nm or mmuiciii'c aed in Knjjlattd. She. hecan her The application of Cily Clerk f t; .!' I.aCasse, Jlttrtild Mcl.wcn m,.tll) mi'iit anil cniiialumg inn (91 acres nr Ipss Colfee liccoioes stale liecanse of c.waiiia.v kisii a i:ii.ii sroiiACf I litre career with JJell (ireel in K. A .Woods fur an increase lit uid Wilfrid Itobersc tp., c:oMl-KV Iiy 1.1'H.,liunran Applliant.Kfiiiicly, ArciiI. (.8 real llritain, and was also in salary from ?(7.Y lo )S25 was these iilt'lil.ilie 'iriliciples. liwii'il rplininrv in. lova j index ille. Shi! made Iter Hi st hi again couslilercil hy (he cilv GIBBONS WINS Tastes as Good as We are roasting and packing fur , I'lll.SCK lll'CKIIT I.AMI lilSTIIIf.T- Ills success in molioii pictures with council last iiiyhl and nfler some reipiireinenls only. Mint rillCT OK COAST. IIA.MIK 8. full ii llnnnv and fieenmn one of discussion was rejected. Aid it Smells Reduction Out of lially. coiree miixl lie fresh ir,a. ., Foley, Knocked Harry Big TkP imtlrt' that I. 0. I". Mninklmi. ul lite l.ii'sl known characters on the I'.vlihavn slated that he finance Vli-I.irlil, II. (',., HiMicr, In(( in Hi'i'ly fnr a Ctuiiinlllei! Arkansas In Sixth Round. prove perfect ly -salisfatl'iry. tint In llrpiitp lo iro.ii'il for iroal, iH'trolcniii ami erei'ii. She has aiipeared undiv was prepared lull II ml la mi III'' fnllnwlinr (lol rllilT recoiiiinend the increase on the hauliers of the Vitnsrranh. llio-'Mu and 1-pound IhiiiI: Ciiiilii('Ii('lliir al a iiikI 'lniii-il i; NI'.W OIII.KANS, May 3.-- Sold only In airtight cartons rhulns niiiii of hip snuiliupsl cniiii'i' ol iiiph, I'allte- rhanhmiser, lite 'oci niai lite apiiieaiion He Lot 1037, llicnrp south fid tlii'iiiT (ilihons of St. Paul l-lmllH. I lora l-ineli Ki in Ciuniianv. Cane, receneu ami men. I Mis was ominy Silk and wpst 80 flialns. IliPiirc nortli 80 I'lialiis lliniirp nil-1 fill rhiiln In liolnt of ruin- Hani. I'laKir-PaiainoiiiH and (he "ennded hy Aid. .Monlomcry knocked out Harry Foley of Hot iiiPiii'ciiiciil, ci hi til In in? not am"! more n prings. Ark., ia Hie sixth round Ipm. n. r. Mn.NckTn.v, Mlacklnii. Miss I'incli is live feel hvl1" "'al he was opposed o STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. " M lnnpklnn. iri'iil f a scheduled fifteen round live inches in heiirlit. weiuhs no increases at the present lime as Canton Crepe I'lll.NCi: lllflllT I.A.Mi IHSTIIICT HIS niinls. has a fair cotnulexion. " matter of principle. Xeillier ul here la-ii night. 1'oley was. Coffee Impirteri nnd Rnniteri TI1IUT IK CIIAST, IIAMiK S. ... . ... .11.1 . .. All knocked down three times in tlie PRINCE RUPERT tflv hair anil hue.riev eves. She ,,,u' "yn'iuwi or .vin. .uonioiii Takp nntii'p that I. I'. M Mmiikliiii. or had hul Ivllt 1-1 1 1 1 1.1. Tprrare, It. C, oi'i'iiiallnii liiml snrvpyor. akes her honii. iti Xew York Cllv.M-'iy anylhlliif yunu lo IiiIpiiiI tn atiply fnr a llirnic In prusiPi'l ay nr me services or Ihe cily TENDERS WANTED. rur mi mini pa ami I'clrnli'iiin on Hip Dresses followinir ilPM'rllii'd lamlj CommpiK'tiiir at clear coiiscjeiiee ;uide clerk lull h(. lendeney now- was Nolle to Tail Firm,, Tranifie Osmpinlii a limit iilanlpil oim tut le vol uf the imrih. thai never errs. to decrease rather than advance and Transportation companm. wi'nt coiiipr nf Lot H8, thi-nn- nnrili 8H i lialiis, llM iii'P cast XII I'liaiiiK, IIipiii'p nontli salaries. Teii'lers wlfl b reeelveil tip to 5- HI) lllllill. tlli'lii'i' WPSl 811 i hllln-l to hiiiiI for llm :transiHirlitloii of Aid. Perry said thai in view Tliurli.v. May I. Monday, and of roiiiiiii'ni'pniiMit, roiitalntnti; C4U acres. , -MOVING- Tuesday SYNOPSIS OF hool children between rainrsti sireei aim Located January 83. Ids?. of the 'nature of the clerk's work, Mr Ur de street to t m Ilnr.leii street sriioui. I'. M. MiiX'.KTiiN Wednesday only live morning In earn week. 1 or runner Ihe. rcspnnsiliililv his value aiiij particular, nee. lhtiiKeririn'i. I'ltl.M'.K TIIICT III1PK.HT XV COAST.I.AMl tilSTIitCT It.VM.K ;.. HIS LAND ACT AMENDMENTS In 1 lie cily, r, lliotiahl Ihe salary UI . ll, l.viri., secr"iary. Take imllcp that I. Kathleen Mooiklon was inaueipiaie ami it 10 veil an This is Our Last Month on Third Ml'lnrlll, II. )'., Ill.l 1 1 ti ll w om.lll, lllleml In J. Bent's apply fnr a llcenso tu.-prnepect fnr rnal amendment. Dial an Increase to iK'lrnleiiiii ami . natural gai on llip Mlmv Avenue lie f made. This 'i"1 was Inir ili'M'rlliril laiut.i: lliniimi'lMliilr al piwl Minimum prl.e of flral-eiaas -0(1 sec nianii'ii id ilialiis hmiiii or l ie koiiiiiupm rdiird to $5 n acrai aeeond-elaap to mien nv ,iu. inci.eoij. i)n inr Lingerie Shop corner of Lot i37. Ilniice mill ti gu ilialin. JL'.sn an Bern Itii'iiee weiii an chains iiienep huh Hi fn rie-pinpilon now confined to ur amendineitt heiiijf put Aid. Perry DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. chains, Iheiice cast 8U ill.lln.s In point of vpyed lanita only, and Aid. Mcl.eod were Ihe only Notlcs lo Cflnlriclori. June 1st we will move to our Hays Cove Avenue Stor. conmiPiii'i'iiictit, ami fontatiilnir ntn acn- Hepords will be iranled I'overlm Jmy nore or lest. kVIIII I KN M'iM k liiV. Inod mllalil. for mrleult ural Durp-inea nieiiihers of Ihe' council lo vole ealed leiideM. rmjorae,! Heir Tiller Same Phone, 45 P. M. M'iinkl'iii. am-ni and nil let. Is noii-ilmher land llrldre Kmliaiikmelit i:oli-4rlirtioll." Will lie Prtiiriihl pre-emptlona abolished, for it. The- motion In receive reeeltiit b.v.the Honorable: the. Minister of 'HI.M.K IICPLIIT I.AMi IHS1IIIC.T pis but pnrli of not more than four m and file the application then Public Works. ii lu t? o-cioi k noon, ine FULLER'S Moving Special! From the Farm TIIICT OK COAST, IIA.NUE ST arrange for adjacent pre-emption null d.iv uf .Mav. for building or flu Willi Joint residence, bin each mkli' passed. b.iukiiicnl ppi' lu Hear Hirer Ii ridge. Take lire I. ImproveineutR on respective Your clfoice of one of Ihe follovviug at'lii h ( the Table II', Hint P. M. Mnncklmi. of nei'C.iHHry Stewart, II. C. any to Terrace. It. (!.. oeciinalliin liiml Hiirievor: clalma. ' In speaking lo his application Plans, specifics Hons, totitriel and fnrtiie aslug 3 His. Our Own llrand llulter In lb- Intcml In apply foe a llcenp to prospeci lre.einplor inut occupy claim, loi Mr. Woods said thai vhe wauled of lender may be seen on ami ifier the pinch or fnr cnal. natural gas and petroleum on Hi" file ear and make Improvements to u'llh dav of April, tuts, al tlie olll'-e or (iraniilalcd Sugar for SI.00. following ilescrlticd hunts: Coiiiineiiclnir al a value of JID per rr. Iiicludln clearing a iji'iiinle an-wcr allhuiilt he J. 1'. .-ejrlilt. rrotlnclil Ooiutable. BulkleyValley liost planleil one mile west of the iiortli-wesi and .cultivation of. at leant -re Stewart, n. i:.; ine onire or . t.. I (Oc tin greengage plums. 13 II. II. I. ild v- was mil prepareil lo tftvo the eorner of Lot Htffi. Iheiie,- north gn before receiving Crown ilrnnt. ruiliers. nisiriet r.ngtneer, crinee Hiiperi. elialns, theiicM west 811 rliHlus, llieiice aoillli W'bere pre-eniptor In iM:cuittoii nu icasoii at (his lime. Ii. ;.. and tlie'Prpariineiil of Public Workn. I iOc I ill lillteliel l ies 35e litis smoked , BEEF an chains, Ihenen east go chains to potnl Iph than X yeara and baa made on, Vblorla. e. C. '-5c I'litiliarli' of eniuinenceineiil, containing Glo acrea. .portlonnte Impi-ovemetitii. he may. bw Mr. Woeid.s will he leaving ne.vl t'onlractora tna obtain copy or .the I tin I tUC lilt l.iMlllli il PORK uicou'ii January u, !'.. cause of Ill-health, or olbei cause o-riHiited week for holidays in the south. plans ami apeetlleallons fnr ten dollars :: tins fresh herring ' 3 15c t III-. I'.IIM;--: e. M. MII.NCKTIIM. b teriiLdlKip certificate ol 1111 isiu.uiii wuicn win ue rerumieu on tueir MUTTON proi.emeut and Iranafer bin claim return In giaal nrder. I U5c liu lii-lt slew, '. lilts. Dominion -I VEAL PIIIMK llllf.HT I.A.Mi IiISTIIICT HIS KccorrU' wlihoiii perinaoeiit rui. f acii prnposat miisi i,n aeeuuipanieii py I Sov tin corn licef hash 0i Ih tin ii 'IIIICT 1 if CiiAST. IISiM.L S. .ieiice mes Ik Iihiip'I, provided appll . SURPRISE PARTY an aeceotrti psiik eneque mi a chartered FRESH KILLED POULTRY nil maken Improvements to eitem of bank of Canada made ratable lo the linn FIXTURES FOR SALE Skeena River Farm Produce lake imllcp thai I, lavender M"inkl"ii 10n per eonuiii nnd records yame e;,ii. Arable the Minister of Public Works, ror a f Irriiicp. 11, 1;.. iii'ircied wninan: Inlcm' ear Callure lo make improvement urn eimal to ten per rent. Hue or VANDERHOOF CREAMERY lo apply for a licence Pi immiwrt for inal or r.'ci'id wHine will operate Ma ie In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. James lender, whli h shall lie forfeited If the'partj be obtained In tendering decline to Into oelliileiiiu ami ualiirul gas on the following feilure. Title cannot finer ronlrtrt BUTTER ili'scrllieil lauds; Comuiemliig al H hm' .pjiv I In, f eury. and Improveilin.-of Watt Last Night Was Very when called upon to tin ao. or If be fall tn planted IS chains unuth of the xnuiliwest HIK) tier iicre. Including b acitu complete the work contracted for. coriicrdr Lot IU37. Ili' llee amiih 811 cluilii. cleared and cultivated, and rcldeio-e Pleasant Affair. retiners win not ue inusnieren itnie-a NORTHERN INTERIOR Ilieuec east 8U chains. Ilieiicp 111,1 Ih gu of.el lea"! '1 enre are reipilred. made mil on the forms supplied ami signed si chain. Ilieuee wpsl 811 chain-, tn point ol I're emptor holding C'row-n OrMiit by the actual signature of the tenderer. 0 17 F.ds EFHC CO-OPERATIVE coiiiiiieiicciiieiil, containing Mil acres more nin.i recrd at'ijllier pre-empllou. if he. A vcj'y plcasaiil surprise party ine inwcai or any icnuer not iieee.ariit left. LAVKMiKII MliM.KIiiN. land in with lili. aeccpled. or ieiipce-- coiijiioctloo P M. Moiicklnll Agent fnciii. ivilpoiii actual occupation, pro was iven to Mr. and Mrs. .lames e 1 Wc hitvc received Phone 81 vlded stiitutory Improvement iTi),de Wall, al their new home rn Public Works rnglnrrr. J Our Fresh riiiM:K ncpnir i.ami ids rnn;r -las aod celdeiii e inapitained 01, Crown Iieparlmeiit of I'Dbllc Works, TIIICT HI- CIHST. IIAIMiK t. grunted land. 111l1111.-e Avi'iiue hy a niliiiher of Victoria. It, i:. f Spring Slock of Take imilce (hat I. P. M. Miincktnn. of c if.veil an-., net eTeeeiiing "0 Iheir friends. , las! The Terrace. It, c . xuiieyor. Intcml to applj n.'ieij. ma - tie leaded aa homesltea, evening. NOTICE. for a license to prospect for coal, nelcnleiiiii litle lu be ol.lalned after f'llflllli I re.rl lime wtisfstieul with mush; and and mil 11 ra I gas on I he fnllnwlug ilpserllu'd ami liopl-ov'emeiil IX MIL Mti ll.ll of an anolleaiton fne Garden and Fieid Seeds SALE lamis: cotiimeuctiig al a pnst planted 1;, Kol graxlng and leddsti ml iini-poMo lancing followed hy refresh-iiienls. tlie lsue of I' frcli eertincate of tllle lu Special elialns Koiitti .of tlie aoiithucst rnrner of ui'OHh egeceillng 840 b re may be 1 Lot 111. block 11. Section b. ( It, of. Prince Lot 1 1137. Ilieiici: in,1 III 811 chains. 1 ipnee i..t liv mil" pcrtroo or c.ioiHiiy. lllipecl. Mop ttX. east go chains, thence smith so chain.'. .Mill, facility or ti'iluvtrinl vllu .m .Those pi'tv-cnl were: Mr. and Mflici; is Hereby given that t s mt FERTILIZER iFertab's Concentrated Fertilizer) UNDERWEAR, IIiom'p west 81) chains In potnl of cum iioliei land not enceedlng 40 acres lutenlloti In Issue after Ihe etplrailnu of iiiciiceiiietit, mil containing Ot'i acre- 1001c nay be purchased: comlittoiitf include Mrs. .1. Ili'i'iuner. Mr. ami Mrs. one iiiniilh tlie nr-l piibllcalliin FOOD and BLOOMERS, or lea.. M. Mit.MikTO.N. lynenl ,if ulumppge. Captain, Mr. ami Mrs. Ceo. hereof, a fresh cerilltcale of tllle to the Fresh stock of PRATT'S BABY CHICK Hated January ilt. -I USf. fVatiira! hay toedown toucce crible above mentioned property lu the name of MIDDY WAISTS, 'V exriltng roads may b ptjicliRNcd (icihle.s, Mr. 11111I Mrs, Win. Ced- J. Arthur lloadley, which rcrilllealn of SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS NIGHTDRESSES niiilil loual ujHin ciiiistruciioo of a road till" Is lilted Hie 3rd March, tm:,. ami Is les. Mr. and Mrs. (in Mr. ami '1 them, debate of ona-half of coat ol van. numbered 7341-1. Mail orders promptly intended lo 1IOUSEDKESSES, iniid, not exceerilug half of purchase Mrs. A. M. Ilremn'er and Mrs. It. r. Marl 1 1 in. SWEATER COATS, I'lec. Ih made. I.,1111I1, Land lieglsiry onire.Ittkidtrar bf illlus. WASH SKIRTS, May RE CMPTORS1 FBaE GRANTS AC I Prince llupert, I'. C, Prince Rupert Feed Co Day 'I'lii- i'oie of tfln Act le enlarifcU list day uf Mjircli. Iti-.'J. and KIMONAS ncliiile all pernoriM Joining mid aerv JAP CABINET RESIGNS P.O. Box 333 Phone 5 ng with 1 1 Ik Majeaty Korces. Th OENERAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE. 10 per cent. Discount ine i lllip, wliicll Ihe heir or devisees "f a deceused pre-eniptor may appl; I.D.NDOX, May 3. The .japan- TI.M'11.8 Will llfl ICCllVfll bv the no.ti.p all this week Specials 'ii tllh, under Ihe Act Ii eilended Igncil for the jiurclnsn of the buslnpss from for oiiv year from lb death i'se cnliilii'l , lii'itili'il 1')' Premier as a going concern rrcrcniiy cirrieu on bv !uch jieinou, aa formeily. until on 'rakaliashi has reslgm'd for tlie Ihe skeena lllver Cv-oiicrallve Asswlalloii. D A IT ur froze lierring buil is conceded hy v ur after the conclualon uf Ihe gieui Limited, nt Ten see, II. C. Coi" I UEMERS" car. Thia prlvllegi In llw mnde ra purpose of periiiilling a partial Ihe imrchatidlse liivclitory aumuuu to l(, 1)n il0 nncst procuable at uny I'aciflo roeanvo. sri,8.fil and ion..s pf Ijdiea- H M.I ileiua" Pril. l nriil il .la "1'lalit " .Helen C.'in nop Inn. COMBINATION CANNED No fees relallog to pre-emptions ace eorganl.atloli of the iiiinislry, Itillilshlligs gi.6i,77, Orocerle- Tolmce,. v.. , duo or iayable by aoldlerg 00 pra an Ivvehaiige telegraph des-initeli etc., l,i.'03.7, llardwaro Iliads Tho hest way of insuring a good quality says Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 VEGETABLES mipiloua recorded after l'"ie 6. PHI and bliilea Min.xn. i tie wimlo stuck Is Vrfl-l ., I'r'C Thxiw are reinilted for flva yearn. friiiu I'okla today. fresh and In cTf'ftllrnt (oiidltlou. Hid store linvn nli.nlu nf fine I.iii.l feii7l.ll ice. Mai kin's best tomatoes, 2'2s KiovIhIop for return of mono)a ho llltlngs nnd furtilshliigs sinuiibt to tt.iti h ton. erueil, dun and beau paid alncc August 05. Tim rent of store Is no pit iiioiiIIi per Malkln's best corn, 2s I, I'.'H, on account of paymemg, 'ce FISH ARRIVALS. Lost year's turnover mummied to S4B.000 Oliffifc 0llr well-equipped store enn HUpply nllf 'r taxes on aotdbrx ore-emptlona. lietail"d liiveni.irlps can be Insppcled at vyuillld ..USE.. Quaker Early June Peas, 2s Intcreet on agreeinenis 10 mii-chare Ihn onicea of ItolllK ii SMALL. : i fishermen's clothing, groceries and vm town or city lot held by me in tiers of eral liuildinir, Ci line llupert, It, (:.. and and hardware. Quaker Beans, 2s, Wax or Xllled Korces. or ilooi iileeti acquired There vvita iiiai'keled al the ih 1.011111111 iiiitiiitog, vsneouver. n e direct or Indirect, remitted from n fish mn ttbinii furilier nartlculiir inn i.. ,.i.'.' Shamrock Refugee II.itineiii to March 31. l:o. Ivvcliauge lliisTliolliing 85, tuliiixt nil li 'J 1 1 1'-a tli ill. NEW (Hio iioiiuds of fish. Tins arrivals oilers wilt bp received no tn mi i ENGLAND FISH Company SUB.PURCHASERS OF CROWN Almve arc lite llnesl lines of eludinj 1st ,Miy. I Hi, LANDS were: (ILOlnlK lioiilK, c.A.. Ketchikan, Alaska Branch caned vegetables wo liavo . I'rovlelon made for laauanea of Mars, 10,1100 pounds, Mint II,- suinnriitpu I lUalfle. Crown granta to auh.pureliaaera ol Prince Imperl. It, C tflh April, 1ii?. BACON ever stocked. Crown .Ui'ida. acnulrlng rlglita from miii pounds, sold to Pacifie I'islt-I'l H HAM SPECIAL PER DOZEN pjrehane.purchasers Involving who failed forfnllure,to complela on fub ies al I le .uid 5i'. IN THE SUPREME IN PROBATE.COURT OF BRITISH t Assorted, taking three tins tweM fillnienc and of tnxea coneltioria Where of purchaaa,aub-purchaa tn l.iiiijing 15,01)0 piiiinils, I'Uliel COLUMBIA, DrJOSMAGUIRE BUTTER of each era do not claim whols of orltclnal pal June, 1,000 pounds, Theluia H, III .Ihn, mutter of TIIK AleMIMHTIIAIliiv.. . I' UI.,1 1(1 ,l,U i-eL purcbaHe price iue and taxea may !? '&l'!",B 3,.jU0 sold Sinclair puiiiiils, (o VVILI.IV.M X. EGGS ba diatrlbuted pmiKirt Innately over McliONALO, Pciiised, wlinla area Applicailona mut b mad Fisheries ul 1 1.0c and 5c. lalestdln. $260 by May 1. 1C0 TAki: MIIICi: that In ... LARD ORAZINO Dally, (,t)uo' pounds, Vol tin. Ilotior I'. Mrli. Vmiiig, made, the toth dav ttit. I was DENTIST of April, .pnnlnled Uratlng Act, 1HI8. for ysleniam leer 5,nuo poiinils, sold lo Canadian iralor In I he L.lala or WII.I.UM Ailn.lnls:x Me. davalopniont of tlveatock Industry provides po.NALO. ilereused, and all I' mid Cold Sloragu Co. portlet l oving for graslnc dlatrlcts and rang rlalins against the said estatn administration under C'ommiaslouer. al I ii! and 5c. retiulred tn riiuilsh same, pmi.erlv are herrbv itll Standard. vent The Empire' Table Aunuil Kiaxlng permit Isuuud baaad to mo on nr before the HIM Phone 575 day Co. uf Mav Rupert Supply for Sampson 1500 pounds, S. & Hi. 011 iiumbera rungod. priority estab Hit, ami all parlies Imlebleil Hi the es ain P. BURNS CO., LTD. llahad owners. Stotk-owncra may 1500 Teddy J., "000 are reiiulreil to pay the amount of tlinlp form tvaaoclatlons for rang- manift. pounds, Indebtedness tu me forthwith. Phones Block 211 Rooms and 212 maul. ITrc. or partially fres, pot mils pounds., h 61 IT'Ho liuutli i"ilterlu! Jonr II. McMULLIN. 7 and 8 Smith for antlers, or travellers, campars up Otllclal Ailinliilstritop lo tan Iliad. at ll.te and 5o. PalcJ lui. glit day uf April,