ft wday. May 2, 1022. THi rarer'wb fa ob rm REDUCTION OF BISLEY TEAM DISAPPOINTING Sport Chat j MNI)ON, The curhiin L'iMs tip Inliiorruw May 2. The decision i reduce I In- nuniber nf nn the 1022 schedule of Ihc! MACDONAUTC compel jlor in Ihe Canadian rifle Western International Maseball loam for t lie llislcy cumpciiiion League. CtilKat)'"'"'!! be at Van. j ill is year u,i '-ii received eouvcr for the npcninsr af Allt-! nmonjr riflemen here will considerable b-lic. Park find' Kdmonlnn opens ' disappointment. This the season a ' Tncoma. Il has' year will be ihe Jubilee .r Canada's been a 11.11011 need Miat Hob llrown iarlirip.aliin in the Nation-' will have, complele, Chat-Re of Ihe al llifle meciinjr. Canada' is Ihe Vancouver Jleave'rs on Ihe fiebj omy 1101111111011 wlilfll has con but tin- control of the .llul, will BRIER fin ry eruerc, lenui an jbe veiled In Jhcfioard ot ilirec- I . 1.... r.. r mm I If v rif- Ihe llislcy l ompeli. p'"- 111 iiiriiior... years noli liail Itohsf, (In- ilisinm-e from Aim. 111 Kiok aiiei- iiue neiii and Ihe Irallii'niTil South Afrien In Kn;-laml bllKiness fi "well hul it' is he. iikin ilju-aclically mil n Mievid llial bciter rculls will be. the iiie.sjoii for cilher of IheMi uliliitiii'il. iimb-r,. luo new, system. lit parlii-ipale. Auslralia, how Vancouver business jnen are lining ever, is now merioiisly consider up in force hchiml baseball ins Ihe possihilily if eri-cliliK Ibis yen,- and livc'r Inn members a hut 011 lli-li-y common fui have been i-htiiilcd in Mo- association. The Human Clock permanenl occupaliori hy Aus F Ml M'Cii.X'S""'"'imi ii JiS m MiW a.a 2fe tralian riflemen on pr i- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ml ft I I nas long ueen a iavor- restorative treatment whenever joinim- the 4'.anailiaiivhiil. There The following . have been Hie TIN 1 He idea of mine to com- there are indications of hag been desultory lalk from winners ami the 'rnnners up of il 1 J.- ...liL HUi I. - J --.- the system becoming run Him- o lime of Oanaila offi-rinf: Hie KnjHisii I'nolliaU Association 854 down. Anslrali.-i a ,li.ne in Hie Can '.iii during; Ihc liwl fifty yers. "Without proper attention "Fortunately I learned the adian iit-emises at lllsley, mil, so of soccer Packages 15 value some years ago of Dr. far il has no rcsiilieil in nny. lK7f-i Wanderers beat lloyal Chase's Nerve Food, and to Ihiiiir ilerjuile hein? ibme in Ihe lliiKlneers, I.O., .. 321 .. i ii n a i i its use I largely attribute mallcK lK7S-:i Uaiiilerersf ii'al. Oxford my healthful condition at Oreal efforls' arc lieinsr maile linivcrsily,;-.fi; yjj; - -( t ' as ever. this age. this ji-iu- to slreiilbeii Hie iric K7:i- (lxforLl!iiversily heal Inn Wanderers, t-. "And so it is with the hu- "When I hear people talking list, ami at the same lime 10:1k lloyiij Kii'inecrvi". ' " IKSH-3 Aston Villa heal West, about being unable to ing a drastic rediiclion in I lie tHTt-S, ltoyal Kn?ineers - heal llromwicli Albion. 1-0, ' eitllLC 1 ilim 13 Llldh me sleep, or of suffering from overhead expenses. Old Klouiaiis 2-u: afler a draw. I8!t.,-U Sherfiehl Wednesday Dr. E. S: TAIT . headaches, i .1. ii.. l l... nervous indigestion or worn-out feelings, I M7r.d Wanderers heal Old heal Wolverhampton Wanderers, FAREWELL WHIST Klonians M-ii, afler it draw. S-U ask them, 'Why do you not IH7.i-( Wamlen-rs beat Old Ih!I('i-7 Aslon Villa beat I'.vcr- use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Dental Surgeon to increase your nervous energy?'" DRIVE AND DANCE I'.l mi ia iU, :i.o, afler a draw. ton, :i-'.'. tieaii.ii. z I rt7li-7 Wanderers heal Oxford I8H7-8 Notlinsbam I'oresl beat "Through all these yeara SOc a box, all dealeri, or AT ST. ANDREWS University, -.'.ii, afler an e.xlra Derby Ooillily, .'t-l. Edmanson, Hates & Co., Ltd., half hour. IH'.)8-!l- Sheffield United heal. Toronto. The S. Andrew's Sociely hed a I877- Wanderers heal Hoy. Oerby County, l-l. Hslgerson Block, Princs Ruperf, B.C. Phone 686 farewell concert and dance in Ihe at I'tipim-crs. ."t-l, 'won oiilrihl I8!)ll-lt)mi lltiry bCal Soiilh- St. Andrew's Hull last niihl 011 but restored lo Ihe As.sis;lation.) aiuplon, 1-0. ITI.'li M L" I .A I u l.l' ceiil res of l.uropc have mloplcij (hi- eve of their nioviiiir lo Ihe m-w K7'-!i Old Klonians heal '.Hid-1 'I'olleiiham II. beal i 1 ijij win:V LB uii' ilayiiyhl saiiiy permanenl y quarlers at, .I'lillon SI reel ami Olapliam Movers, 1-0, Sheffield V., afler a draw, 1 .iris win i-onuntii- 11. Ilils year Sixh Avenue, A record attend I H7lJ-.sn Clapham Hovers beat (-1. replayed al llotou. 1 urn i a 171 iniim lull ilise.uil il in I'.l'.'l umler mice of members ami Iheir friends Oxford I nivcrsily, l-il. HIIII-2 Sbeffield I'lliled heal NOTARY THEO LTD. niiuv 1 1 a vi 11 ui COLLAR f, a m-w law. I.oinloii look In -nv did justice In Ihe excellent niiisi. K8fi- Old Oaflhiisians heal Soulhamplon, afler a draw l-l. PUBLIC iiw ilayiiyhl on .March i'l! while a I program provided under the Old Klonians. 2-0. 2-1. Seven-room house for sale, close in. Hath and enn- sewer , all Ihe cilics of Ik-Uiiim ami lircclion of A. Olappcrton 8S. Obi Klonians heal lllack- IOQ2-n lJuqy beat Derby Mora Than 500 Larae Cities : France have joim-il her. "ler The ronccrt opencili with selec biirn Hovers, 1-0, Jiiimly, r-i). neclion, $4000 terms. Bargain. Clocks Were Advanced many, hy a nalional law, hohl tions by Arthur's .orchestra, followed I8M2-.1 Illackburn Olympic heal IVU.t-l Mam-hesler Oily beat Sunday. aiuor anil will ciimhii-l all il by vocal numbers rendered Old Klonians, 2-1, aflftt an extra Ilolton Wanderers, I -it. Rentals Real Estate Qeneral Insurance i:V YOIIK, May 2. - Oaylijjhl liiMUli'is ami Iraile on j. usiiAl by Mrs. .1. II. Mcl.eod, Mrs. W. half biiut. MIOl-T) Aston Villa beal New-tslle Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block JP. O. Box 6S lime slamlanj. , Miller. Mrs. A. II. Hunter, Mis kx:i-; Illackburn Hovers beat i;iiili-ilK2-n. 'I'Iir xiliiaion in New York Cummins,' l. O. Sluarl. It. flobci t Ouei-n's Park, (ilasfrilw. 2-1." lHir,-C,, Kvi.-rtiMi beat Newcastle Mini: in more Mian f.oo or ii ,ila!c is pcculiarr In Ulc firsl son, and A. Olapperlon. IKKU". lUackhurn' Hovers beat llnilcil, l-rt on s i:rjirni ciiies,; in titmul year nf (lnvernor Miller's ad. i)oiiuiiiin rcrresiimcnts. were Omen's Park," Olasjrnw, 2-0. lp0f.-7 Sheffield Wednesday I'JI l-l 5 Sheffield' Unile.l beal . smaller cities nr rural enm-'il Iinhil.lrali.tn. -Ihe "farnT" hloc" tcrveil -atv Hie coiiclilsiniV'of Ihc l85-t! lllackbiini ' Hovers heal heal' lertrin, 2-1. , : Chelsea, .'1-0. , Played at Old !'. ami In every nook or paiM-il a hill rcnealdic Hie 'sjalc concert program' when the win West llrnmwich Alliinn, 2-0, af MHI7-8 Wolverhampton Wnn-drers. Tra rfor,t. lh Atlantic Tlayliilil savins' law hul per. Hers nf the highest apprcpale of ter a draw panic. (A special tro heal Newcastle United, .1-I. I!)l5-ir., I!()-17. 1017-8. il f or bale seaboard. milling il hy local orilinanc'c. AH points In the St. Andrew's wliist phy was awarded for Ihe Jhiril I!)1 8-ID. No competilioii. oT I lie larse cilie haililaylialit drives held durinff Ihe season consecutive win. First lime the i!KI8-U .Mancbesler Uniled heat liiliJ-20 Aslon Villa beat llud- on standard linns unb-ss ji saving last year, but many liiivu were presented with prizes. Mrs. final lie played in ""' pro llrislol City. 1-0. dersficld Town, 1-0, played al Practically new modern iiiw before Congress, which cliamreil for I fie coiniiiir siiiiinier. 1), Conk was Ihc winner of the vinces at Ucrhyil ;i U Ill0!i-l() Newcastle United beal Stamford Hridse.' After exir.t residence in excellent residential i -'it lln'iii permission in .Most uolable iininny .such ladies' first prize and S. M. New- IK8C-7 Aston Villa, heal West llarnsley, 2-0 after a draw l-l, time. section, splendid l;ar-bou laytluhl sarins tiim-iables, is llrnmwich Albion, 2-.0, at Kverlnn, I!)2l-2I TotlenhaiK cilics arc !trirlieer, Syracuse Ion the pcnllemcn's. replayed Ilolspur view. Central licating". "il. llul hanks and "slock ami flswcRu. Aftvr Jie of (he Daiiriu? was afterwards enjoy 1887-8 West llrnmwich Albion 11)10-11 Hradford Oily beat beal Wolverhamplon W.. 1-0. f halih'st local fi'hls Ihe city has ed to tin; slrains nf Arthur'., or heal Pre.slon North 'Kud, 2-1. Newcastle l' 1-0 afler draw, j Played at Stamford llridpe. OITered at less than cost. .N.'w York ami Ihc four of ccr kiiuwu, Syracuse, on April chestra until 2 a.m. !88rt-'. Prcslon North KmHieal il.l), replayed al Old I raffonl. l!2l-22 llildileisfield beal a real cities nlotis the nm si WoUerlianiplon Wand., 11)11-12 llarnsley heal West Prcslon. Agents for in passeil an orilinancc against! The SI. Andrew's Sociely will i daylight saving time. linkeriiu willi ihe hamls of (he move tn Hide new premises on I88.l-fm Illackburn Hovers lieal llrniiiwicli Albion, j-0 afler a; Norwegian, Amerloan Line Sheffield fi-l. , 0-0, and cxlra half hour. Swedish American Line clock. This, was followi-it hy! I'lillon Street, oppositi the Hand Wednesday, draw an HENPECKED HUSBANDS it urauird farm ppoi. aclion in m-arhy, .smaller i-ilies, nis-k, diiritiK the week. I8U0-I Illackburn jlovers beat in Ihc replay. (Heplayed at Scandinavian, American is mil fulhiwins In the foul. Hiich as Ogilcnsliurs, Walcrlnwn, Nolls Oounty, :t-l. Hramhall l.ane, Sheffield; new CONVENE IN SECRET Line. nf iff law cilics. New Oucifla, Ilhaca, ('.orllaiul 11 i The want of a pood excuse ll-2 We He wicb Albion trophy provided.' Oliver Typewriters , Albany ami Buffalo arc on villain criim-luoralle lieal Astlut Villa. 3-n. lilt 2-1.1 Aston Villa heal Suther A u li ii 111. Iliiiuhamton laic; never kepi 11 from LONDON, May I .The place Cary Safes 'Silt time, hill smU placet nrceil In remain on simulant "'I'lic ' Wicked (-i"i I8D2-.' Woivcrhampfnn Wan- land, 1-0. for 110111111? Ihe annual Jiioctinfr FIRE INSURANCE II....,'III...I ... .iiiii It him-io'si... !..,..i-i- iik-..II.1 linn', -J llial'lhe ceiilral pari of of the ''Acsnp's. f ilm Fables" , leri-rs beat Kvcrtnn, 1-0. lOIIJ-ll Hiiruley beat Liver of the "Ancient and llrinontble the slalc wj'U lie nbitasl entirely series. ; I I8i:i-t Nolls Oouiily heal llul. pool, 1-0. liilcrnajitiual Order of llfiipeck-ed re, have repealed local-, nr- servi-i) hy Ihc "winlei- clock." Husbands" an organization Dybhavn & Hanson - ,1111.- ,1. i.j At the Seaside. having iieadiiiarlers at Sowcrby, i'Id Third Avenue dork durlnir Ihc silni- Tin- principal seuhoaril. sum. near iliiidrord, is hciiijf kepi, a Prince Rupert, B. 0. tner rcsorlH are on. the new slricl .secret. . isacliusells, Ithnile Mauri, lime. Allanlic Oily, Newport, I.asl year's.' incelina-, lo ensure .-i.iiin ami .ew .leescv. linw- Narracaiiseii aiul liar. llarlwir arc frcednhi from-wifely interference, uic on ilayMlitlimi on a saving ilayliylii. was held at an isolulcd spot on linilly slalc-wiile haul. Hanks in New York will npcr Hlackslmie IMVe moor. Much For next local. your jv ,ni'4inanecs govern alr oil ilayliphl time, .s will Ihc time will lm rciiired al ,lliis i''in, ... aclimi ....has hcen stork excitation amt all oilier' years, tralln'riny for the con- iiitiu.ii 1....- Action Unanimous. hiisim-ss. Trains will he rm) on .sider'al ion of a Ions list of applications Shoe Repair Job till lime, unless Him new lull for membership, us New York City, Philadelphia. is passeil hy Ooinrress. hul asj each Capdidalc inusl be severely try aio. iloiloh. llnllimmc. whs the case last year Micro .will; iro,sir.-,niiiieil resai'diu bis I'Ucgh, Waxhinalop ami Oil. he ii special limclahlc arrauei) fitness' to' be dulibcd "well and J. C. EMERTON he eluflks went ahoail an-Anil for eomiiitilers which will gel truly ".henpecked," Champion' Shoe .Repair Shop in all lhe.se, ciliex them into Ihc city. on lime. Tlu'rOrsanial ion's stationery KnuyJ. lilock. Third Avenue "i hy im-al i-miiicil wan The triiin. gniiitf wps1, w"' declares. Hie order dates hack lii leave hero on sliintlaiM lime, Cover the grounds the yc'oc II Hi)7 'II.C. "Repairs while you Walt" look f-ni c of I he chaiifrc. h Alhanv on ilayiiyhl I i 1110 Spend less time going lim-elieiil Jl?t liawei from where pu are to where year noclicslep ami ... . . ami pass Syracuse yon ought to V li..il.li.... f I I. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES on stnmliiril lime, hrlnginsr n new be. Crowd more into the busy day. "(ily hy liH-ni uillii!iici New iiiiinllcaliiiii for Iravclers Ion ami eW Haven Almm will h" an hour aneau Modern Tuesday, May 2. t I such f.iilin.iii.-i.u 1.11I lliiti of Walt-lies M10 train Icavlna New York, business demands the speed and liixh-" 1:1.1 .11111., 1 0.1 feet. Bell 8 Grossed JiaririiM. hast joincl Mnir hul on lime in Albany, while at efficiency of the Chevrolet "490". I7:i.l IMH t7.2 feel. " ami ilnylixlil saVintr li.n Svraetisu Ihcy will he an hour Low 10:50 a.m., 1.5 feci. Painters and Decorators mo alnmn slale whlc Iiy ac.- fasf. 2.'l:ill p.m., K.li feet. PAPERHANGINQ " cilics ami rural .lUlilclw Wednesday, May ;t. ver Ihe slain. IliKh r :f t a.m., IK.S feel. KALSOMININd ""In iMlaml Joine,) Maaehil- BASEBALL f IH:2U p.m.. I7.(k feet. I'rc.wnr 1'ri.ccs III a lae law for tiaviiw Low--i 1:5 1 a.m., 5.2 feel, Work neatly mid quickly Kht at th(. last session. All Yesterday's Scores Thursday, May I. done. aine's larjfe cllles aro savins Ilili 0;2t a.m., 17.7 feel. 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 "i" hour, huf lonsi of New AMERICANLEAOUE )!M0 p.m., (7..I feet. l,shiie is leaviiiK its flocks Boston, 5; New lotk. - Low 0:0H a.m., K.l feel. Chicapn. ilr Oclroil, a. Aik fur ftiHitulars pfvur Jrfernd payment fin. 12:5!) p.m. 5.7 feet, "aen is Ihe cenler of a mid Cleveland, 2; St. f.ouis, 1. liiduy, May 5. wesi lie 1 1 lavmc i lav uli I: Waliliilmi. ft; I'liiladelpjiia, lll?h UI3 a.m., 17.1 fc. First Class The cily ileeided last NATIONAL LEAGUE 20:11 p.m., IH.O feet, "use us ciocks hy ii yule lliooklyn. o: Philadelphia, 2. Low I :SQ, u. in., ,fi feel. Electrical Work lU ,rtit.n .ni.... I it..HID Ml...(II 1 t Mil......III V New York, 0 Hnlon. .'I. :l p.m., 3.8 feet. II til ---.fiAm ii I'ia f il.l nilll I l', 'rv.I II I'iltsbui'nr, 7; ("inclnniiti, n. Saturday, May , ac with Ilia laro-esl e.Ilv IIIrIi 0:011 a.ui., 17.5 feel, and Accessories be la,kc. such places iih. LION AND MOUSE. PACIFIC cjmTAm0 21:12 1..111., 1 0.1 feel . Automobile Repairs 1 "Hill. lUU'JHI- lllMPJtll lift Kablc(iiam t'lappcr maij lew- - 2.-IH a.in., 7.(1 feet, and Parts and Milwaukee have mlopt- dances neat. She mccls a col, 15:15 p.m., , 5.0 feet. fllA B'l,l,P'- n...l:m uiuaiiLiis.i jr.lll.lv Ik chap, Uo siw-H all over he? H.PATTINSON last year on rceular central fecf. She Rive him a peppy The. newspaper with Hie. (lis cimmre mi year. tilap, Moral: SI en. bcnyis P"P' vitiation N ih real udvertUluv Flrat Avuti ' Aeiop's VWiw Rubles, medium,