Wi'itneiolat . I , PAflfi FOUR THE DAILY NRW8 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ANNOUNCEMENT! 9Osl o I J tYOLUX )" Lawherj orrict Ht s Conn. wn vuz ruij CVCHT Opt TrAt T THt Detail. AeooT Tnl 0r, to Ptmo out PHOPtTi ran. rtveH Mkeoe i-KrT to voo" TME WHf wot rfL ro UNtT lOO IM CHINA 1 CtiNCaou:1 I I V J f II I We can offer the genuine "INVICTUS" Shoes for men from $10.60. No hollar Mine: made at the prire nnil every pair fully auarnn feed. All hape and le. The Store of Shoe Satisfaction." Family Shoe Store tint- Ihe Prince Itupert Hoard oflmiil be gained hy I her mrt h- Phone 3S7. P.O. Box 186S I'rade. II wi alo uggcled lli.il n. In hi letter of relim- probahly the 8wfl Canadian Company Hon he tell of the hope of Modern would take part of Hie herf. lhoe who lrlei Ihe u.lU". a Daily News Classified Ads. fpw year ago. When the membership BUY BULKLEY GERMAN PRICES GO forty-five went!houand,up to the forty nro.nr 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrtlmnt Tkrt tmr Las tUmn SOa Laundry SKYWARD AS MONEY mvI fr lieee e-rted hrivlil.l bill, &y Mr. Mill, "lime ha,,tl WANTED FOR SALE BEEF AND KILL DECREASES VALUE h.,wn MUST BE SIGNED WITH Service IN that the aeeeh , ir there I a cerlifie.1 teacher Of r'Ofl SAI.K- Sailing Yacht Itn rank wa only a teinpomrv piano ami voice, preferably or wilh F.vinrude engine. ?mi IN THIS CITY Thousand Marks Once Bought manifestation ami thai when th.-wne WRITER'S OWN NAME wiiii orciiesiral experience, I'ii I leu. Hally Xems office, if We ..ffer the f..lt, r uhided our rank beBn Wlin would appreciate the ramie . f -enu:e t,. t,, t. Twenty Suits of Now op Clothes; to ilwindle and are thinning Number of Verses Submitted An' poriunlly of making a fairly FOIl tAI.F. -Slighlly use.l ;. tic: Won't Pay For Vest ;every day.' He alo he i- hard lleioitrunn piano. JVei. ny Sent Without P. Burns Co. Made Arrangements any Indication good Using in a smeller town Economy Laundry Service forced to the c , m Third Avenue enrtclo!on thai of Author of some two thousand inhahl Damp Wash Soft Finish, to Handle All Fat Cattle IIKIH.IX, Oct. . About the! erelon of the O.H.t. weakenml miiis, write for particular in FOIl KAIiROld ?5el RouQh Dry, Dry Cleaning, Offering only thing ran be Itnught in ier- the organized Workers. If the ere for rnietilion nit Hie iW re I newspatier Anyftx ry. Commun- for largo bundle. Hally N.-w Pressing and Dyeing, Rug many today for one mark i i,O.H.t". had not heeii liiiu-he! be oiki.,.)! w lik h wrMer's irame Ity league, Anynx, H. C. J3M office. if and Carpet Cleaning, and RENTED WAREHOUSE wire nail. "Under the preent we would not now be in thr Failure to do this ha Hii.l It the Regular Laundry Itr-lc. fal ity standards of production,"1 Impel helpless, dlriialeini'e '.ir lo kld hek oM. Ful FACHA.MIr! llaneh on I'oreher POR RKNT The I. Hurn Oonpany ha e. remark a native pessimist, "the condition fil which w now find lowlna ar Verse Hint wern Island, t acres eleareil. fin We i-aii ir-iy sens i tired the use of Ihe fish parkin? nail may r may nal br strong- ourselves " 'Ihe resigning sec igne.l: rovrrhmenl road. 'lll et- TO IIF..NT Store on Fifth Ae- lien l u.' rail y bouse formerly occupied hy tho nough to hang one's self an af- retary also eak of "the decline Plckford the Queen chanse for gatnl in frwl nue Kasl. fully eoulptei with Pacific Sea Product Ltd. ami will Ur he ha looked over the other of the O.H.I?, and it fail, of all Ihe vast number of nneen eomlilion. Apply Jud ""Coily. bulrheriny aereoria. Living Canadian Steam laundry kill Ihrre the ealllc that are pur-based Increases in price." ure in function nn, represent My favor la) fhir Ikkfrril lean Plume tliie P. 3 quarter in rear. Ileaionahb-rent. in the interior nf llritih Hefore the war a thousand the masses of worker." Again I'd walk n ftoni mile Apply Mualem itro. phone S. Columbia. H. Moore, local man. lark would pay for twenty he ays: "ThwigH fully cm. ' Just fnr Mr wel smile MAX ami Wife waul work lo. eery Co.. Fifth Avenue Fjis. if airer for the company made I hi suit of clothe. Today thil um hhi of our sincerity and hope The ilea re I y( iowii on tle man.geihar.("d Man,references.carpenter,Woman handy FOIl HK.VT Fiirnishe.i h..u.... piinounreiiient at a meeting of the will purchase a ve.t. A goo. in the O.ll.ir. in the day of it rook, waitress. Hcply lo II. M.. keeping snile, sleAtn heateil ronnril of the hoartl of trail in piano could be liought Hien fur niirenl promise of ucce. The Loveliest Lad I'ally .New office. Jit but and cold water. Norfolk) American Express conference with I. II. Monroe nf 00 mark, a sum Imw re.piirKllyi'l realite thai the O.H.I . is an mere noee tms a young man o ItiMHii. Phone Hlack n. .'J. the Land Settlement Hoard and for a pair nf hoy's !. Khe' ftistrumenl that can not he nii- had. WAXTHO at oner H fool ga. Money Orders Alex. Prudholme? a Telkwa farm-cr iiindre! pre-war mprks sufficed Mre.1 in ihe flht. either locally He hroke both hi ma ami hi iMd: boat. Ileasonahle. lint 51). FOIl fllLVT Fur nl slid hou.e nl th city hall yesterday afternoon. o build a small bouse, while nov 1 inlernnlionatly nml I It at Its A movie iM show Apply Hally New Offke. keeping suite, tin Sltlh .' Issued on scarcely fool the bill for Iw day I done." Where nailchty hoy go. enue Bast. Phone lllue 117 tf Mr. Hunrn outlined the diffi pair of women's woollen tock- Still a Red 1 .! now he' the loveliesi lad. WA.VIKH, Jllri fan general Norway, Sweden & FOIl HHXT Xew four roootedl culties of the llulkley farmers. lues. Two pound of butler ran This evidence nf the failure of No Longer Hick htwsrw'ork. Apiily Mr. C. II. Denmark at Lowest house, for small family, 4 'l here was no opportunity to sell e found on the market today for the O.H.H. i all Ihe str..titer Mow hear. ye. Tow. Ilarrv ami jOrioe. Weslyiew. If .in. Current Rates .Mlilh Ayentie Wesl. ?:ia the tock in. the ordinary way as too mark, or the pre-wnr price slnre il is not that of an rtin- IHck, WAXTKH. - (teneral servant . Ihej . were Jloo far from the nyir. of a milch cow. ary deserl'r nf a utmemenl or of Yon innlr Mrt nee.I lo la Apply Mrs. Felherslonebaiih. J.AUCTION SALE. far lci.'1rlhce'llupert wa tin4 nat-lural one Mnnof-irel sf itpiuA ofia prejijilioe.l witness. He I still hkrlt: ' First Avenue. it Agents point to which In ship and thread tiMlay for the former prlr-ia "Ited" and is steailg: to eoni. Front iaoie-; ilar met Al'Cn l4 aVA.F. j;n Kighih Norwegian American Line nf sewing machine. I rnde whose WA.VTKll--Woman help. Apply .vvenue, nai. liiurs.iiy. iiel Swedish American Line jhe thought the local people a Fifty mark ohjerihe are till The world yrts ran see should, a far n tiossible. iie sure imiight a laily silk dress;!his ohjecllves, hut lie- frankly And lassie, dnfk. fair Him ami lerMnally iHlaniler between 7 13, al 2..lu p.m. lining r.Moo Scandinavian American Hulkliy beef. now it will tuy a rhcait ham ker. ileus them that Ihe O.H.t'. lis i Mali. a ii. H p.m. if chair, rug, small tables, he,I. Line. Ready to Buy hief. T(iere was a time, soinefnol made goml herause it has Lltle Jack Speaks dresser, washsiaml. oil stove, Oliver Typewriters Mr. Moore said lie wa ready to ight years ago, when one could completely failed to attract more f)A4t slarati ha screen i pet. FOR SALK lllioleiiin. kitchen laMe, etc. Cary Safes 'l.iiy the caltle for P. Hurn Co. get a bidtle of rhampacrne f,,r than a small proportion of the rova A I UK WHll Mr OoldbliMini. I'hllpoll. IMIl X eo. AiH lion-cer. FIRE INSURANCE fund had already made arrange, what It costs now lo ride on the worker. nl Ma' i the ureal NaiiiMova: Third Aeime. it making a t.1H fluent fur a tepeiMirary place to subway. Two cigarettes arei Mr. Mill' plan i lo have the My iater tm w1b sieetally of large site in t'C1HX Wale tomorrow. Thor.. & Hanson (kill Dip rattle He va willing it worth what a hundred of H!e same meinher of the O.H.I'. return to For sweet l.itbin Ah Indies' Head u Wear. Also an day, at S p.ni. sharp. m?:i ini Dybhavn pay Calirary and I'.ilmonlnn prices piality cost in tut I. Ilie more nxMlerale branch of nut my "ha.wV I Hill Hart the eicluie line of Lingerie and Avenue, West, includes pistils Third Avenue Hut would not pay any fancy To follow the dally rise in organized labor, oust the moiler- "rm-ah." Millinery is always in slock. of 30 difTerenl kind. f... i Prince Rupert, B. 0. price. The price for prime prices at the present time, the!1"'' leaders "reacthniary." lie Pills up a Row If our slock does not include mI. record, dining chairs, .leer in Calpary today wa four Herlin newspaner reader must fall Ihem and jrtve Ihe reunll- Whea Charlie I booked fn- (be what you want a week's no fable, bulTel. dresser, sectiooul In four and a half cent a pound pay six mark for a copy of hi.ed labor motpmeiii a decidedly show Iter will gel it from our Van. bok rase. wardrobe. bru live weight and down to favorite journal. In Ihe "a-nod. '"eddish tinge, fmler IhU new fill bed. cows ..... .. . ... Our family na a row ; aouver store. Any gixuls so bed, single ihe. open Ihree or three ami n quarter. The oiai uh) Hie )Mier losi mill SMIV Impulse the labor force would. I r imSjmi he SHlsgles, blaiuei will he held on approval Franklin healer, heaters, eir HYDE price In Chicago wa een ti time less, or ten pfennig. he say, lrhe for "the overthrow Ami liatty she giggles and iiwiy be relumed lieorge fek. Auctioneer. ;eight rent which would be about A shopkeeper in Darmstadt di o' the capllalUl cU. the If lUiarlie jul wiggles hi foe, if not suitable. f J the same a Calgary price less play a fixe.dollar bill in hi win- establishing in it stead of Ihe Eipanded Pate ORIENTAL Q00DS TRANSFER '.freight and other charge. lie low attached 1n the following no dictatorship of Hie workers and An actor there wa named Valen Foil PAt.F, Oarbnat Htarslon. fapanesa Kimonst, Crockery. the setting U nf the workers re. IA ft. i II f. 0 in., filled with 'nk-d for a rt of caltle that tice: "For this note foreigners tine, Itamboii Furniture. Ornaments. ' EXPRESS AND 8AQOAQE, .might )e offering' o that he roultl formerly obtained goods lo Ihe public." His ilanrina was almost serpen- IS h.p. Union engine. Ac-eooi'iMi..iiitii ll.isket. Children's Hampers, i Oar and Night Phone 680 . ir akc preparation to call and alne of Srt.25 mark: now the Quietly Take Control tlna, t for sli. Hull fan Tuys, Kle. ce them. et ware worth J.flno mark for This coincides exaelly with lh Hi eipanded pate year old. Hull, engine and I.OWF-ST PIHCKS, i W. O. Murray of the rn.npera-llve it. Therefore I sell only to ad scheme which wa laid Hirer Wn certainly cre.nl. Interior in excellent com)uion. r. K. AKASE Best Coal I'rie lore wa inclined In think man. year lie fore I lie ii.H.i;. sei up as Caused by his salary elephantine st.ooo, term ran be ar P. O. Hot 01 Tel. Red MS, the )xef would he belter killed in a eparale oriraniiation. The Creates Flurry ranged. For particulars apply Third Avenue 1 the interiors uiovins spirits derided llial they lliare wa a ynwut person nameil Capt. Watson. . O Hot 517. Wood Wood ONE BIG UNION take City. if WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Alex. Prudhominr su2lte.ted iwoiilii quietly control of or. Murray. Stove Lengths, Split. that Hie oily should put up' a ganiied lalior and use it for Wttoni poverty wa causing some FOIl SAI.Fi. Fie roomed house F.ipert watch, clock and killing pen where anyone coiil.l WAS FAILURE I heir extreme purposes. Hut the worry. ami lot. r.he in. il.nno.no. chronomeer maker. 139 2nd Ave. WesL kill. There wa no need of an liilU or I lie w orkers have reco Me nfe- atear on the screen, I'arl cash. Monthly paymenl. Watch and Jewellery fienair a Phone BSO. fbbatnir here at preent but nie( Hie folly of extreme, re And tier roiunie are seen. House and lot on easy terms. speelalt. slauahlerlinuse would fill the volulionary aim or method Lack of litem Mtmetiiue create Logging machinery, boal. Mall order prompHy eieeuted need ami then Hum nr an)on Winnipeg Paper Quotes One of they have bad an object lenfi a flurry. engines, etc. OIBB lse could lle it. Its Leaders as to Future in I'jirope In "dictatorship of the Surely Funny M, OEO. M. KTKI'IIKXM. Post Office !. Hot 71 - V. I". William thdhght Hit Action. workers," and Hiey are far less A coiiMfdian cutted Harold l.lnyd. If Phone 22 Opp. Prince lluperl.O. it Let Us Advise You people interested ought to under likely to he duped by Ihe Heils At humor is surely a "boid," lake work of that kind. t'nder the caption "Admit now than formerly. II I inter Hi actioim are funny. IMIAT8. FUigine and engine fit. TAXI with a lifetime eiperi V.. C. Oihhnn suggested that O.H.t'. a Complete Failure." Ihe esiinz to know, however, from To enjoy, rusts little money. ling; Auto and auto part; Phone 93 cine in all branches of H Hum should allow any other Winnipeg Free Fres ha Ihe one of their own nuinlMr I hat Ily atlcniliuu the itliolme, my stove, tool, anchor, chain (Call Heorjre lln) Hi iidmir Trade . people to use their place. They following editorial article 'Waller Ihe O.H.U. i dwindling and "woid!" block, proitellor, scales, and Five-passenger Touring Car Brickwork, lid that at Vancouver, charging .Mill, secretary of the fnVa. "thinning every day," and if a variety of inisrellaneou Prompt Day and Night Hervn e fee for It. toou branch of Ihe O.II.II. ha there is any attempt of tit ADAIR CARSS filling at low price. North Standi Boston Orlll Third Avsnue Stonework, Mlied Car Loads resigned hi position on the who remain lo return lo ltn CHAPTER, ern Hxehange. ground that the O.H.t'. ha prov- main body of organized workers CLOTHES CLEANED Concrete, etc. Mr. Moore aid they wiaiird to I.0.D.L GOOD WORK FOH SAt.K. Iialton Adding Ma e.l nn entire failure and. though and rapture control of il, it and pressed by latest KTI'-AM Plans and (rations co-operate with the farmer but chine, wide carriage; Toledo Hpecif the he still believe in it revolu will not hute heen without winn prrssltif proce. free n ai clients. they had rented warehouse fnr our tionary aim, be think these ing. Returned Soldiers' Plot In Pair Computing Kcale, new. Ap Hull called fur and delivered only sis week, by which time hi ply hiiller a Hrcery. f view Cemetery Is Being Phono MS William Walls & Co. expected all I he heef wnuld hav Beautified by Them LINO, The Tailor been kllbd. It wa n tempora'y FOIl HALF.. Kllrhen rangf I wo Builders and Contractors nrrangement. It Milled hi com i he Adair Cars Chapter. I. f rlig. small refrlgeralor aud AUCTION SALES. P.O. Hox 823. Phone 4S2. itany better to buy from Hot II. I.., Iium' I re ii doing gmid work kitchen ulenil. Hnap for Conducted In your home. Pales Office 1017 3rd Ave. rush. Phone fl!)3. prairie bemuse: they (rot in a hi roiiiii-rt wild the beautify If every Thursday at 3 p.m. in our Jobbing Work of all Kinds. mined car loud of beef, mutton, ing of i in- returned soldier BOARD. rooms, 8end In your good early pork and veal Of thl beef wa plot in the Falrview cemeter) QEORQE LEP.K, Auctioneer, nly about one third. Ily xetlimr The chapter ha been responsible HOAHU InUnder, HJU MtDUIld St3 Third Ave., WE HAVE it in regularly no refrigeration ror Ihe erection W ft flagpole on Avenue. I'huns 137. II Phoncti Black S16 Red 157. was necessary. ihe lte and "I financing Ihe Ammunition Mr. MiCaffery critlcied the buildina or a cmiwrete curb TIMSta SALt I 4141. BEAUTY CULTURE PARL0R method of I. Hurn ,1n 'doimrl around ihe entire wlilch Phone Hlack O.'A pol con Sle4 Trntlsn will u rersltsd by Hi MRS. and Shot Shells here, lie had made here sist viiiiiir nr STEPHENS business NABOB of 3 Ktuvea. Thbk work i hjt not uur """" I" I IIS 1 it llrU.l., above Wi-athall but bad never done untliiii(r fur! io U undertaken In Hie Immedi ,wr in. ,rTliatt Ut .mSSS kn.it la All Susi ! Cslitxrt , -- -. -. u.. , IIH Third Airnue ; III. the town. ate future. MM. 0. I,. Yoiingman It wa finally arranged that Mr. aP uml Mr. M. !.. Warrior have bee: llalrdresslng, 8haiiiMMiing' ll n 'Munrti and Mr. MrCaffery hntild mainly re.possible f,,r Ihe ral iialng, Marcel WuWng; Violet STORK'S Hardware Hay Face and Mr. Moore Into Hi of fuinl enable this work 8ep Treatment. accompany iff (i . JT!.1'" psrii'Mltr i,r tks rbisf rr. ManlcurliisT. Limited tnterlor, Mr. McCaffery repreien- to be carried out. winrV Vc" t.r..ur. Hwllche order. made i., I Phona Black 114.