7mT P WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI R. Fish Market BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, 99 VEAL, PORK. in hurry a Freeh and Smoked Flh. Phone PRINCE RUPERT Sausage Frh Mad Dally. Crab and Oyster. 1 ALL NKWJCAHS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phona 871. l'MM.l; lit IM;llT H.C WKINrlsiiAY. IHTOHKII II ''"r'l eirtalatlaa 1,T0. if. M4 PRICK KIVK liKUTt TURKEY Olv,,L; NS THE ARMISTICE CONVENTION BRITISH ELECTION BEFORE CHRISTMAS FORECASTED BY POLITICAL PROPHETS Armistice Convention INSUFFICIENT CORONER'S JURY LLOYD GEORGE fecfon in Britain Before- SAYS DEAL GUILTY Christmas and Probably Next EVIDENCE GIVEN DEFENDS SELF Mudania : KILLING POLICEMAN Signed at by v. WfAH VlUt. . : II. Month it is Announced Today (Chars of Breaking and Entering Y'rml Ileal, ilk limn Will Adlres Mtetlnci at Man i Against Goodland la Dlmled rkarxetf with Ho- imirtfer chetUr on Saturday in D Leaders of Both Sides LONhON. Oi L II. f Con-table' Mi llealb. fence of Policy Taking advantage or llie el(lemenl uf llie Titrkili iJiffirull). il i iimJrrtoxl that Premier Lloyd Tin- rae Mf . ImmmIUixI, wa taken l fin- morgue rharire-il with hit-akin ami cute-. haiMu(Tetl In T police, ELECTION IS DENIED (ierirge will at onre aeul to the country for endoration of hii Ml'HAM A, ! The Armiotii (iivtiiliiMi Itreti Imr a mom in the iHrniininii t'afe men and rfti-. led bv olii in the near eut. Tlii will mean another wur election. . .! I. nil the (' t t - nm crned. on Mbr 7 aiitl tried before ehlhl Htnlor Orle copa. BHtUh Government I Said to be 'r,,c ,,H''y Cliroiiiele. Lloyd Oeorge'n offirinl organ, ) a The Turk- preril n-eiilnieiil over lb lerin aJKi Ihr Mi Hon. Jwoar r. Mr 1 1. tiHina In He kter( lh coroner a Holdlnq Together Well general election n rerlniu liefore i:iirilniH ami il may le held n- n the Fr"ck tiiiiiii hacking Turkey Th aaylth rmm mnrf thl morning ma Jury find It I it a, molly nf in November. .1 Hi- tin- t-tx. n h i- .i In In- hi ni(ji .J iloe- not concede illiuietl J... I.awler. a minor. I Ik mntdr nl C 'b run. I.OMmiN ih i. II.. Ii i nn-1 II..M,r I 1...William t. Home,t . t.. itlianrellor,1.. I of. I.the exrhe(iier,I.I! ha f been' I Turki-h demand' the Turk will continue In military cam-! hamci with the anr offence. falilr whom h mmiieeo lhal l.lnyu lieurice will.,",,ru ""ir im n wnuixiuii. inc ma, ui -iimnr nn iinanciai l irene. . iwn rere.l ..t in-. b Hi rd with ha in when apeak ! Maneheler n Salunlay! arrangement with the Unltrd ,pt i,.un.i! 1 1 i i mk " !" llrilih. -mil the co-hvciiUom Hoax for further art ion. . s re.'.lniij urrml ..n Mn. in defence of the Near Ktfut mm CEREMONY AT Males bejntf left for the next . ..ti-.f ln- lifinl llni mi wa prwtreil to go himI reminded Hht npp 'arrd fr the prnaecu-v (Uy. policy of bit government anil il pot eminent. ia etperleii he will make a vigor-ou NANAIMO TODAY WHEN Slteculation i rife a lo the (i . il ""I nk a i'IkIi f arm will) Knlain. linn H I.. W. Iattie of I'al- tin. in. I.. I l.t.n l-.. ..f II. more A Fulton, ft? tbe def-cm ." reply I" hi critic. Tha Evidence While il i latel In vian RUPERT COUPLE WED old naenati;; are for Ihrowl NEW DIRECTORS i Th etidk-nre ytliren by ImmmIImi (( quarter that I he Premier may my over the premier and trying CHURCH NOT make enalloiial l" ,,ecl "twinht Conenativn SOVIET ORDERS THE b llie effert tll be hail a amaiane. Miss Pearl Victoria Wall Be- meHt forMladiwiHx hl ioi-iendiHi Kovrrnmenl Willi a tunenattve ARREST OF LEADERS lje al tlie IkMiilnmn lle mi comes Bride of George CAN. NATIONAL OF TRADES UNIONS lib atiabl ul (art. S. I Hi SaiinUv' reiiialion in eerlnin Aleiandee Huntae premier. 'Iliere liave been many faaotiHiuc Urt. 7 be bd ,ar-nll WITH REBELS riiiililigeneie. the fcl tint outbreak atrainal the preeiit uten Ctminberlaiii. 4eader ftf Poernment. the moat oilUtand. Hli.. tl. II. U-N :wwffle (a I he Royal Hitlel wilb t NANAIMtl. Del. II. A pretlyin i the K'nernaieiii fon-ea in Hie ,hll, ,,v si, HOLD MEETING: .1 1 1 I4urtau anal rliiini in Wtlli-H h.- ( "MnfMl" weoMinz ttntk here IN IRELAND Hmiw of Omoiimiiih. upeaka at place ttalay U.. m. liii.i i. l.m.i L u i.rT(i-iik aMalrtrta hmr ua. II w fur llie aarpni nfj lliriniiiahani on Krutay ait Win. 1 aiya ii'hhi wueii mi I'eari ; MiM-llml aaatMul s.jet O'fUlllit bta lie ami iHaaitav biniaelt, Vkrlorhi Wall ..f I rince Hupert.:,. . Inn Churchill, colonial ecre- iaiM1P ,.arl w-tll finire Appoint W, D. Robb and S. P. mil ami rrfuaed l pa reaiei laM Inform ulli lit ee' yeuir.l deushler of W. It.!," ... ,, 7" " Holy ORtcet Refuted to Tho ary will ala ail'lre.. a meeting " ' Htingarford Vlca-Prtil-dnta I !-. I'tir men iMHie re. ;liU rim.In. wbn rereiei bi mail j Wall ami the I.I Nr.. Wall, bej"""17 llnmlee liortlv at ia rearte Who IUeJ ! aerte III Ihr i.hal e W4a ii, lb nmm kj Continue Military eame the bri.le of 4.eorue Alet.1 of Section Rebellion. a. vi4enee lhal I be lio eminent a a Tr-- army. btl wW, iMTiMtMaiNieal by lh-M Mtier llunler. ebler o of Mr. LL AVLU I UU i hoMinz firmlv lovelher and I h r arrel ot all 1-1. and Mr. ! JlslLJlHuHtr. JflU.aV.lnUtUl.JfJLl I . I. II lbr item t ri I.. .1 I DUBLIN. OcU:11-Th wruanitlMV a oouulrr attack.. I la aial UuMaJia fcuiiiJ uu Prfore lliioert. Tlie' head of the Catholic Cnurch In ltafral etrclea il ia alalrtl -RV- ni ajiili il Ky tMbtti. Iff homei a eeremony. itk place al the MILL nf the BURNS In there ia no quedtioM Ireland have lud irn-, b Itir Sim-I .aw a oul aeiHHtttM lnie. a or the brMe father. 01 Hall, of l.lovU lieorze wi-rr nwiir Uefe e- trong tatmnt that rebel reijiialion or ' wlium be liaW knwn fwr buiioli SJreel, I mI after )! Ih will be denied the office an iliitiM'diate setii'ral election. r ryilMI eNili! imi. aaal akel tier if b The bride wearing a coluine of the church If Twenty Thousand Dollar Losi Irnwlr lMi sell the Hiinesa, ie Iter naaai to wbM-b ah aen-leil. i.f 1&l.il elm Hiimi k allt uilh i atitM'tiit1 it. I lie anl tkie iloor wH.i bi' military rebellion continue. rrom F,r l ,nler'' rolnt NEWNHAM GETS pearl dropped Iriinminn ami lhe GOES TO VANCOUVER iiHllltaH e-itre.iilriii wit ke and be and I.aw It r went tcii of iianili maulUM Willi ral )".i...r f lite The document aya that K.MJAKO. 11.1... iki. II. The in. lorkiaa lb tbatr after Ibem o-raHe kHiooiiK AND TALKS AGAINST I nik Hailwo aixl I' th rebel ha caueed sawmill and iart of the lumber Tbey baal been in lite runui on'v APPOINTMENT hi nudlier al her wed ..... . ... .... deaUMon Ireland i. i. ii . - .i '.lent itiul QUEEN CHARLOnES oane few auaaieti w4eH Hie m-iNe more In rryinsr a bouquel of ""," nl -raer iiae. in... ws. anuw 1 1 .thrill.ill arritcd than British troop eer i Ophelia wt.e with lreamer.l,nc,ns "",'lrr n1 I'latk. Lawler1 Evidence could h don. batketl ery beautiful a he 1 "arr 'ase eirojeu iy of Mountl i .i;ni t.H t ti. II Four dead Popular Corporal are the boy Ia1er aid thai hi- person Have Position In Indian D-partment entered the rwHti on Hie arm of UT ' orioek ial eMilnj. I Inter. hu raMi' ier trtmt and many Injured following flr'' l-rtd 111 the boiler rttom uiel acCMeeil un the treet. itM Saturday her father. She wti altended CONFERENCES 'Kngiaud wilb lb Hrilub (Mrty the mutiny In Mount Joy tn'' larL wlm eaNl he wa ft- by Ml ileontina Iri Hunler.'flrr ""n Mull wurk and ) Maaaetl la April, i eekiiiR prison where prisoner attacked ialer of the wlm wearins."a" urtmar neativtay before II waa in up to hla rtMiiu in the I K- untom. t:orMiral K. ti. Newnhaio. M.M ,1 iwurk in Vamler. He tha with neeie guards arms piture,",lr,d. Kvery effort wa mado bUrk tiHttoi and ARE ARRANGED!llbe develouHienl rntniiait)' with 'tivoon ire. auu ne wcni ui vtiini that had been smuggled Into f Ho- local detachment lloyal erepe a ''e pniperty by bucket hi ill. lie iMd itut know whati Mo'inletl I'olice. Im hal ami carrying a bttmjuel of ffirea in llrllih Irfiliinittia the cell. I'anadian brigade. A llie mill i located on hen' Mrualio. made HHllainl wa tfoiMtf lor. W a very pretty up . the lutlian lie- ! llnue. l.oibn, f tleeeivina; et l-een ain"ited ' lltcv not utUira (key went into ItWe.ioai.l. l.iltle Mi Lillian f t and with the ad-Mue f the Naa lliver di- Detalla of Paaca In Near Eatt to!l,r reilH ei.ii.litMi. Ibere the ol . riHim. and while tbei LUfljIUtK Al iLAL I'arlioenl ItaiKlall. niece of the bride,j'd aitatie of a work train He under will !d I be aetllera flHtai it m l now com ba AeeaniiMl Fallowlna Ar 1 wa wei little Lower irl rrtvtntr later in th evening vvilh he ae itoodland oiih- kohI lip a nliii"l iniMaihle oarn lh-i'u ON LIQUOR IMPORT Ho- Jin i-dit'lMMi of V K. IUlllaH, I""1 f'l f nlr. irot the mlellce M-i nvareUea. wkirk in reply toj dr!.e.l in tdue ereH de Chine firr ami Dm- laml on tirabaai l- the Indian Ayriit for tlvat di-trict. piklB,b,r eon I ml at uIkhjI o'rlork ii'i-llnn be aaid lie had bouiihl and carrying a Ua.ket of on laml taaa aw iMfflrult In clear with bea-lquarler IH I'riace 'o tbe Ike morninir. llie mill ia . I'iMMiN. t-rl. II With rve. wilb M4M Hi'Htey lie had tolen Attorney General Manson Says finM-rl. Newnham . thai It hiiii'iil wa linit im-Hiibli'. lairporul er '(ui' ini al Muduioa (Mil. from a UniI. (Ukvallaml ake bin, the Decision of Supreme it' wild the firat Imperial divtaion O. II. Wall, the bride' brother,t',l bt ami alout one hundred - an -nd to warfare beleii riiiT -a- Ihr arty will try to biaii him iiMHeey and I hi gate Court May be Appealed. for four year and ait month. wa bel imtn ithouiaml feet of No. I eedar and ''.W- ami la rurkiah Na- iimi m. W hdc in the roon. tlie Follow imr tlie eeremony a buf-jllr wa detroyei, llie loa beiii tin "f tin- mid won hi Military Medal in tie In ! i -' iaar i ii .U plan. (6i rulifT- f4 luiiebeoa wa enei. the boul twenty Ihouaaml doMar nit stated that vlnm had YHVHHUA. im. it. The tlri-lih 1 ..i- 11... .... mid Iu. . ail "t tin' miii wlii'li 'ut tlieui. IH.1 1 it 1,, I nr c-.n-wnt-c I .v.-v. I ili'iaiwsl I'.i ti Mm alMH-l a leiii-i lite drawer in the mirea.u. Columbia loixerHiiariil will wouiMled in lhal HuyeiiienLJ. ctMapie leaviux for Yic- ,w1tti prat ticaliy in. iuuraii.e to iun i mid' ii'a' in tin' ufttr eaal ai ul thin (towdlaiHl deHied. C'Mi'iilei' k Haatler of UH appeal .ewnham Ha b4i a kiraa 011 the afteriHMOi train, the'rover. 1'ilinn !'-' auitateil al WHEAT CROP tatrpl. bride wearing a travellliu uit I iu a LARGE Summing Up aualifal Ike iudam( of the ineinber or the ll.C.M.I. for 111! -I'll' liv III IllUllliu- Up Jwlye VlHIHK Supreme Court nf CulvmU con. ! nine tear and h:i been la. tit navy blue and a broadelolh POUTICAL TIRADE I I in i Miiri'r-iu i'ii Im'Iiim arranv- DOMINION THIS YEAR tohl iiMMlhHl llutt be had ' firm in it the riabt f the IhaHiin-m Itolieil I'rilM'e itliiert lor Ilia hat to maleh with melallie trim, ne foi Iiiiiik the aeiierai rharired rtlli u aenou offence ion to collecl cual drtti on ill He ttlknji. They will ieiid the BY H.H. STEVENS AT at two year. wa a iei." ' i i-lerii term- mihI anntlier and in hi lull I it Iniuor iniioried i ftaauda by honeymoon in Seattle ami fori, IH TAW A. IH. II. n olfil- wa not quite popular iiH-imter f the local Uti l "Mill- fur I III) U'Mll hIiiuIu'Ii liunr H (ami after whieh they will re. PRINCE RUPERT MEN I al ealiniale of the wtiea4 pruilur- r whether he wa RUitty or prtim-ial lioanlt, wa lachmeiit and wa active in both : t'n- i inliiiii ln - Hon for m b the iN.miniMli not guilty for the rci-on Ihul it dialed here yeicriUy hy Aiwa tl.W Y.A rind S.it.K. matter. turn lo I'rine llupert aim lake tbjrvau of atatlalii'a laeU on the duty Uf the t'.rown to lorney tieut ral Manxm. The dat.' of hi teavtn Up tlieir reatueuee al IIS seventh Member Let off Barrel of Spleen ... . . ... tt.. I ..r ... the the I ileftjot Ave.. r'.at. to .. nte eue to hilt, Trying Damag Character LIGHT DRAGOON IS 'oaMlllloli up u ije emi im up the rily to take up hi new ai ,ual. Hle. 9HH.773.IHMJ iMuliet. which had twt ttn done, and lie RHNin rftNVPRIflM pom Intent ba not yet been d-Mld-td. Both Woll Known of Local Leader NEWMARKET WINNER l..l .... I...i .. i.i l . vwnimiwiwn Mi Wall i well known in for Ho- wtnJe of (mintilu -.wa .www.ww ii 1111,1 iuiuiilt JIMI.KM4 I IHI lioaliel IHl ico. However, euffieieul ehem- A GREAT SUCCESS the north where (die ha been YANf.til LYKll. H t. yl. Al a had been brow hi oul iu the ae for a year and a half a Mir. meeting here fttr the purpoe of Hc-ree la of Capt. For year. Property REPORT lo ru that necuwNl wita not lit. WIRELESS nical uperv ior a I the I rince orjtauuin the I.literal.Coner- tr; Prlia Thousand Pound Hundred Million Dollar Worth a Ih a linger ami clean life uni Hupert llupill N prevUtu to vallvr parly In' Vancouver. II. H. of New Securities Taken by FISH ARRIVALS that he ww mdn? heailluiu to 8 a.m. thai al the hoplial at Huiel-ttf Steven denounced Ihe Oliver MN !. II. I'. Former Investor .HAIlKKt',' lent met bill. He wnuld Ih allowed Ill I.I. IIAItlltilt. Itull; Ught 1 ami Aii)tx. Sh i a srid. (iovernmeut' liquor policy and ) 'i.-.ti. Luihi Inatronn" at tilt biNtU iiimi keli il lU.tHHI to no but Hi furl broiiidit on4 OTTAW A. Ih'I. II. -the eon- utlieaul wind; barometer 3U,(0: uat of tbe Vancouver Oeuerat iiecuatsl Fred . Dawson of "Me liiitnlretl t Mte aaaitMiL wnwi IwhiiuId ut IihIiLoI al llie Klli in the ae wlmld aland attain! tieraion of IU;.' Yiri"iy ImiihI in lemperalure 5a: ea iiitHlerale. '.opitat and ered a I'liHed I'rttie Hui'ert of haviiia brought ' t'.uiHiU'h hanUK-au nf ! Rtebuaae til iiKO'lltiitf. He I.im If brouiilit lip hkuIii at mi-' to new five and ti-n year (ioei-ii-meul Sitttke LatoiM-he 8 p.m. Mlllliauk Slate ami) nur at Cump In bf nuanltlie of beer illcual- HiiMiaHiui (MiumU willi extra U-'i'iv. arrivaU uera: future llioe. "You are only a fite and a half per cent Souud a.iiithoouinl; H p.m. apoke lwi and alo Iu the inllllary ly duriuar tthe al few mouths. A ! Itulli-cliiM" "'Hi' i: i: K.i.ier aa.iMii ihhiikI al you nit man r I. and I wnuld juduc bond wild a moulh'a inlerenl I'riu-.- John al t:umbewa. autH( at YaHoouver. She l a Mr. Steven aid lliul Attor iIIiikit at Ul U I l ami' oeeoinl "' IIKAH TIlKK I'OIXT. ller of hr. Jame Wall now nf lieueral Manon'a legal firm ' IS.ilr. mel Hr; wild Ui tc be of reicelulile imrenU. I adie ha leeo M-ry aureaful. ney ami t loiieae. ow'in'il by Hir A. eat: calm; ttaromeicr ;",l; Yunrouver and fiirnverty h.111.0 wa the principal defender of fir I'iaheriaa. tony tell you now Ihut there ia The nuance iniii 1-t-1 niuiounee 1 i 1 1 . u III III t IU' ll tli" M. M. OlnitMltiei . li.OOU only one rule ou ran adopt if you that the sum r f 1 00,000.000 of ea moolh. vurtteon ut the l'rlnee lliiitert boolleager in the north and ho lUiir . iunl tliinl. MHIIwt, at II.HtV. UHit Ml'.; Jl wih to be aueeeaaful und liapiy lite new' loml Iimv - been taken liliiHY Isl.AXU. I v I; (ieueral topllal. aud uto sf O further charged that tlia Gov. -i.ttW :'' 'd wmil. norlhweal liahl; baRiiilile tl VVNitl ion--ii5.e ..r. I Tlovul vfiiment had failed to britijr iu I laker ihmwmU ul and that u to yo aliuulil.'' aaitl and the tloviTiini'iil etpreae ..v,-.. FIGHTING IN DUBLIN H.tlke. In llie UttttuilUu 1 'd Hi Honor. ajlti fact urn with il"' reault. tot; lemperalure Sit Ilguritank al Telkwa. M'tivietloiu in ibe north where Cold hloraaa 1! . well. i Mi. Hunter i Hi' aJaitt bttotleyuera flouriahed and the DURING LAST NIGHT iimi two iM.unii" ul lii iOi' BASEBALL POUTICS TAKE SIR Noon dii'H- of the li uii Hupe-rl only eonvtelion brought there. niul 4.Sthi.: .Ma Mil. 100 iMuml ut it;.l TIlliB I'ttlXTlftai; llaiiy New havou leH oil thniwere by the civic aulUurjllei. hi III IN Hi t II Niinn'iiiu I i.HOe. HIMl H.0o.: I" tl"' It")"1 ROBERT HORNE HOME calm; Uaroioeler .1000; tmupej'u 13 ur the pajter fur mw threei Flab l' COAST LEAGUE tui-e 57; eU lili"'l-i. eara. CZECH0-3L0VAKIA STRIKE mhiIiiimIii - uit'iiiiiiaiii'il ly heavy 'u( l- nf finiiK iM'i'urivd til K"I'V HIMI ('"lllIlN Ml (.'It'll Hull Uke S. Seatlla J; i-alM Ih LuNImiN, tlct. II ir Itolterl lillillY ISLAM' iv -ea.l; 'ii' ii- tiail of the rlly ilttrieg .ui.I H '.'I' tin' Atlut h Icvaiilh, tlarkiiea. Uorue, Itriluh .iinellar, Ua rallll.' i.tli "Hi'-lfi :moi; leill. Mi.. Aunt- M-Uuillaii. or 1 tic-l-at I'llAtlUK (cl 1 1. -A iMU of . Yrni'ill I.04 AutfkM l-"t ...lIiuum! iiululluiLi-lv iliA t1iIU .c 1 iii. " a in ilk. oflu a'alT. I' M ui 1 tin ;ei-iin-Snvakfa -"al miner 011 iiii ihmIiI. Tba ftffhtln. "M iinin'ti miui 4w" v 1 - 11 iiiiuiiiia rmnlniH toateu I" iVoW fitfi'-t lii'l.'lisin iai I'V' innif for "au- ar. mm "i u waa- Jipu'. ha 'ii I'aautiHi ' i " 1 "'- I ,11 Oi Uk- Sari lllll' III" I I'm I mii.i Miii. - "it a ' "uni II' llf it 1 ' I 'i.a. i-'tuv'-i w'l' 1. iii- will n'H0 a ' i Uf t UlUl)t. iui.iiiU ltUtlOI. 1 J i.i i'ou wffll arw uut.