Wednesday, Or!..(,. , 1 1 PAGE 6 IX TUB DAILY NEWS Lll vj I I l II- II. i. i Ida. I lit w r proAintee. Quality and Charm UNEMPLOYED AiinTicin liirll etnie lo G. H. Arnold, Notary Public Canada iniitt .f this wuntrf e Ti.rosoci nllrai'lir naliiml rveatH, wlilcli FOR RENT. ASK BIG WAGE arc Ikmiih made more readily Distinguish Bcirellilc a the renilll nf (lie We offer the Knights of Pythias Hall In the Helger-on Milldlna of lieHer rrwuN. (IikhI Block for rent from November 1st. A long lease may Seven to Clcht Dollars a Day HHida art' ir.iiittf n ttoi'd in-'liiicnl be had. It Is 26x100 feet with kitchen, anteroom and Lowest for Which Men Will for all llir intivlnccii. lockers. Work for Farmers. Tin' fitfiire fail In g(e any Indention "SALADA" lliat it l n let-rkiiniiiK H. Q. HELGEF1SON, LTD. WIXMI'Ku. (hi. it. . i, - i Ihi- diliriiiK lmirit hit Rentals. Insurance. Loans. nf linrMIio)ij Id at pi f .i !n iaHisEllTTTiliaH i lie tinnli'i m- that our lllor Wlirk linlew Rt fl-t)itHI! :l:- i nn- i j 1 1 W illi tin- mii' idea of in llireali'ii (rravdy the iliiiui in llic -up Dial rheera. "illmllon UllKlllilllMll lltll'tliwr.l Hill crti Manlinha, Hon. Neil r.aiin nm a i : i.' i' 'I. an GROCER FIRES CANS FRESH SHIPMENT. minister nf iiiii ii ulhn ,. derlurril. I lid "Tho mosit Doliclou Ton you can buy" ' -"iiird 1.. ) " (dill "The xitualmn, ti. ay Hn-lil. Wild i ddi . ' nli i.. . iiiauii'il. AT HEADS OF ROBBERS TIMBER SALE X 435. i very nrtitiv" Mr. Cameron Cowan's An lllIM' ill' Iii'-iiu Teal ti ri Sealed Tt1n will for rerwtvrd by the deeliired. lie did nut Mniik of Hn IhImh' lMll''lll wan o AND DRIYES THEM OFF District hmifr, Prime Rupert, not later any crop iti-tiKilly IihiI horn men tnnn mi Mr Sill (lay or DctaSW, Ittf, many lt(ire- wev idle ovMna lo fur the purchase uf Licence X till, near "wlled a yet. lint hihiii Nut Bars I In- - art-ily of turn I'lolipliilijt r.Al.ii.MlV ii. i II iv f in, hiiikwk cnannei. : n i.. la eei x laiidittg out in llir field and mi. WESTHOLME THEATRE f&o.oon board feel nf Cellar, Spruce, lniiild I w nrorfiMluiw now, lull tinnril tniinttiif ami vntiti t tilic- iieiiiinra inn miasm twited, and lmre. were idle Bars tine (l inr will allowed for re in iniinv iilncc ti-uiiK werp idle llml liy Fri'd lMtnrltiii. a well Cream nnival nf timber. fur want of mrn lo ilo Mir and in.icliini'iy -luiidinH Ite. Tonight and Tomorrow 7 and 9 known local roulrtl l" f'urihrr rariimUr r the chirr rr. pUHigliimr. wm-it, ler, Victoria, of the. UIMrlrl lurester. caii-c it could in I In Mtoed. lifaskril nml arinnl IioIi.iii iim-i, rrince, Mr. Ontnemn ail farnnr Plain Milk itupert, B.C. wrr In ,. Kaiiiid- iilo uiti-wild iieiny fa ceil xvlm iitlniitniril in nib him In In-; ! TIMBER SALE X42S3. irlurtwd nn many I In- difficulty i r ( 'nidelltia alterr. S.15 Thirtl virl. .pntie i men Irain ami Bebe Daniels anp on re-fiiiliir BARS i Scaled Tenders will for received by Hi VMiiy where one ur two had Aa Irfiiivatnn heoveil Ihr tin. I In into I he liarcl , Minister nf at Vlrlnria not later than ni (IropiM'd oul, a liaret liarxN HMin on ih Itih day of iirtnber istt. for field nt r limn 97 l t8 a one nf he roMicra oi-intl firn Regular 5c lines, the purchase of Ueeoce X 4111. I nt ihiii'I itiies wohM mil (t" to Hie llh The htillrl. a reorr. reel or fprore. ixisr and llem day. IUtterii lahor wr nol IN Pick ihi ao area adjoining Timber Sale field except in drMii to tlireli tthillev 6 for 25c IX 4111. Sedgwick Ray Lyell Island, Queen Kntlafaetory mid the onty rrmndy tlaiieermialy iif ir I.hiik-nlnn'n Regular 2 for 5c, i.lHrn)iir maims latnri. lie) eeMiId vr for Itraw far-mrrn Ih-ikI. bill he pameiy rrai li Two ,t) jfiri will be allowed for removal MOTORLESS FLYING nl fur umtther tin. and tl of Umber. who rould afford to ilo mi a 12 for 25c rurltirr partmilara of th Chlf mm-ler n hulld nddllional hoae on Irtirk the wall it lmrl the iiic "NANCY Vlrtorla. B.r.. or District lorratrr. GREAT CAPABILITIES Prince liupert. B.C. lliHr liii to HrromirNMlaic fruit tleewntlinfr In n ht wer over This Week lalmri-r and Ihir fuMiilici. rihI !hr eviilierti, j ' CERTIFICATE Or IMPROVEMENT. NOTICE. lo find w-ork for the nifii Miroiiuli I.II.MUI.v, tM't. II l.'Hllliill l A bollfc of imiup ettletH it1ini-l From bulk "NI.HEIML amno" Mlnrral Claim, altu-air I lie winliT. iiiih'Ii Hilfi'c1etl in sail liUilllIB ktHH"keJ one of the irimtiteii tiff LARD, in HIVMIOM In the of QllK.1 OfEE.t CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE MIMNO DISTRICT, Price Ridiculous liiilHjr rulldwirjr virion rt-enl Ilia feel. ant Mron the RnM-rr located nn l.nuie laland. Ur dec la red I lie prlli' Im-Ihk .JIMTiinonUtl riliilil- in l:unie. mtrhetl for n rhre. ThU vtas Nowhere" 2 lbs. for 35c. Take Mntlce that I. Duncan F raver. Free Inn itettrh for the Mh" Miner's Cerurirste Ho. tuna. Intend, aki"( by nouie of I he- mrn wan M. II. (Julirlon, vit'f-iirenhlent ROliincn. 6 lbs. for $1.00. Miir daye rmni the dale hereof, to apply ridii'iilona roiind Minnrd"!! nf (lit Krcnrli IJsue Artiniuuliiue. nTrrtt ttwir ami hi.I fiml. to the Mining: Recorder for a Ccrtlrtrat .f Improvements, ror the purpose or obtain-ma aim llaW'(ol, WImti- rropn wi'rr in Kaslel i'IhmibIi tn tJi-nrriiie rerlain Tliir fltaht Mti hanletml liy And a Crown mriher(Irani take of nolle the above that action,rlalm. under laler ilian nrnrcr (lie oily, lliey rarl ii itl uar of (lie art whtrli nrreaifr tif Mr. IIHie lOiimit. a Admission 15c and 35c. Rupert Table Supply Co. Section 37. mint be commenced berore lio rspeM-i l see iH-riire ImiR. Ilr rtfMr, viliii ilniii to the the iieue of a.i'-h certificate of Improve-menit think that unilirl flyinif frianr. arrealiiina that he had Phones 211.21 2. Dated tlili Hth da uf September .D SYNOPSIS OF ISIt. ImmiM lieorrie raimlly prnrllraM hmi IiiiI wlien a aotip ruin in trrapieal eotttrfe unit in inoiiti. e4rtMk her In Ihr -j LAND ACT AMENDMENTS I it i nutio regrtm. Hi avrtzuntenl t tiaarfl frartkly hi le nli.ertrvl The Popular Rettavrant. aillUlllHfr" IrM'th.nls nf vtil- LADIES pri (irfn in aueti eotinlrip a l'4)t r-dured to It an arrt oond rlaaa to II U on arra snrt Miirrerpo nml nf eaalen in Tl TIOtSIR taiE I StM. The Boston Grill Ite-emtrtk-n now cnrinen to aur- Svt itii-rlanil. ealed Teavler. will he received he Ik wealed Tewdera .Ill be rereivrd b ttw Attention! TO EUROPE vered IniHla onlT. NaaMte of lands at Victoria, not laler VaMsler in?P Land. T lra.a .rf L...r Reeorde will bo rrant.4 eoTortrif nif Thr luirher iiH-lMin of timrti. liae hi nn the I lib day of iHiotier Iftae Wmmo aa awe earn dav iniii . Third Avenue. land eultablo for afrtcultural purpne If If. for the parchato of I lcn X lilt. wrr. rar law purraeer ,t irwt land ( alulily c ririlifia l M. QuintiMi.! I am a specialist in Ladies' and whk-h la non-llmher ta cat It at A views and fltM Tis sit- ;o rwi ow.owv reel of i esHr Iieiiciotis Dainties which tonsorial I mi RESERKITIOKS KOVil but rartnereMp of pro-empmna than nbnltnhel.four litwii'iiil on the ftrvvaleirrei nf H-('ikIiiiii uated on tn area to the last of Borne . " Iteessnv situate an area ill tickle the palate of the lea not more aau requirements and part lake, irancata l ake rvsid. a raMe aowia in .iuei elver or nraae lasrl f, the holder of five arrange for adjacent pre-empt loiw. Bir rtrrrvirl-. and llicne af Barna lake. Banee 1. Coast Land Ins. (at Laav faMlritl hum I particular diner, am French with reeklenro. but each raoaraa jutnt QUEaE0-CHERa0URa-S0UTMAaiaT0N hut I rtct Two ifi mra WIN be a flawed for re Medals and eight Diplomas HAMBURO noreeeary Improremanta on roepoetlve hrr iiiiiiiiinn ir) rllinatrn ami Twa (I year U1 be allowed for re- Rwvai or laMlaer. private llotei for Ladies, OcU31Nf. 28 Emereaa of Bfltalu Claim.. Htimna mutinlarn. In flat ianN aesval of timber. tart her berttralar. .4 use ijsirf fner. fur llairdrenslng. Pro-emptora muet oertto rlnimm tot rurther o.rtlcuUr of the rMef rare- tar. tlrsmrta. nr. ,K til.trtrl rura.ier. Open Day and Night. QUCBEC-CHERaOURQ SOUTH AM rTON. five earn and nut. lmco enaonta to tif Iho i..iif Imi air rin, if rriwre ler. Vtraaria. B.t . Rupert. 8 1 or blltlirt rorestrr. My specialities Include Mar-eel I No. 14 ... ImpeMe of rrenco value of IIS per acre. Inchaaiac bearing- ' " - All White Help. Ituko tt.pert. ax:. , MONTREAL SOUTHAMPTONANTWERe. ('ItiiiiiiH from tier eoartli. ami it Waving, Face Massage, and cultivation of at am b ro TiatitR SALE X4IJI. Noa. Malda before recetvliif Cmn-n Omnt ha Im-i'h In llmt TIMBER ! rvt h iilttir-n tte SALS: X411S. Shampooing, Singeing, Hair I Oat. 2S Not. 22 Mlnnadaaa W'nero pr.-emptor in Krupotlun no. aeaked Teas!are avslf be twreivrd ks ta Dyeing, Scalp Treatment and MONTREAL TO OLASOOW leaa than I ream, and haa made im lhee itircrulinar eurrantU uiMtartl neaieai Teavler w III w rereivod by the iw-r wi i.sgi virnana, But lotet Oct.21.Nof. IS Mataoama portl.tiiate ImiiroTementa. ho mar. bo t'oliimn . 1 MaWalrr of Land, at Vlrtana. nut latee I" awn) law Sari day iaf Ii in Inttif tine Violet Ray Treatment. cauee of Ill-health nr othet enuno. a a a il .kA ...s. .u . ( rne taw miik.i. ..r 1 .... MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Oct. 20 Not. 17 Montcalm rraniad I- termedlote eertifieoia ot nn ervri-atle. ami then hj nn In Il. for the parrbasa of I Keiwe X III, hp i .! feet nt Ipevere. ierntrt: Ladies' and Gents' Toupees and wigs for gentlemen proement and tranefer hla rtalm. tJotMBund and Baham en.! . Oct.27 Not, 24 Mentclare I nil l.ail.eoe feet af rir and enmre an and transformations No. 4 , Toalalan Kerord. oriihoul permanent roo. aimtlM-r. In niiiunlaino I lie ui-vtunl and 41.14 rir. Tin and prare Tir, area at bead uf A Mr Arm 'J..iar Uad Tailor. Not, 10 Victorian donco nwy 1 Imuo(I. prorlded a ppl air annate oa aa area Pelwrrn Mile rust, t Ulstrtrt inn fluent i ilup In for ladies. Switches made cant makeo Improrementa to oatent of an. and te, ooutb shore of traoeoli Lake, Two i veer, will be allowed for re ST, JOHN TO LIVERPOOL. IIS0 per ennum and record eaaae aul. 'liter rattle. There. fie etirrcnl Rant I. ija.t Land lil.trtrl. mot si of timber M. T. LEE up from ladies own combings. lac 1 Oac. 29 Feo. IS Moatreee year Failure lo make Imprortinent Iv H year Bill be alkiwrd fur re 1 11 it la-r imriKiiiara 4 "a. bief r. poe.12rab. IMar.l Montcalm or r-ord eamo IU operate a. lo. li'inN In ftillim the rniifi((irrntiiii awnvai ur nniiier ler B ' 1 1' -'i 1 f.O. Haa S77 rbosva Ilea ) !oe, 22 Jan. 2S Fab. 2S MoaUlaro felture Till, cannot bo obtained I I'rlm e Hiipert, h ' runner Partirnlara of lb Chief rore nf Hip 4a ml. The trllriii i lmt Am at your service any time ;Jlar.S1 Victorian ,oa thar S oara, and ImprovomoMie ter, Vlrtoria. B ( . or uiilrtcl rerevlrr. ST, JOHN TO OLASOOW. of l. o ier acre. liH-ludlnt S aoroa make nee nf Uteee itaUiral Ktf- Prince Rupert. B.' by appointment. Phone C9I. (Oac T . Victorian cleared and rultlrated. and roetdeejeo Dec IS Jan. IS Mar. 2 Malaaaoia 4 ai leai I enre nre reqar.d. rt'iil. (Fab. S Mar. 17 Tualaia Te-empor holding Crown (J rent Chas.LeClercq ST. JOHN-CHERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON mi) rvi.ird aMHher pre-emption. If ho What I liitil ran tin in Hie way nf 320 Sixth Street. I ANTWERP. tenu're Mnd In con 1u net ton with Ma "nail planing" nrtin ran tin. M. fnnn nrtthtiut actua.1 occupation, provided Jan.Oac e .... Victorian Mellta atatutury linprovementa inado Viiiiilnii nay In KnH Ir- Mar. S Apr.- 14 Mlno4oaa I end ted roeMenco land maintained on Crown Imi linnni'lf nc'ii I In- eavle riar graii ST. JOHN-CHERBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON Cneurverod areas, net eicoedleg 30 I.UAH fci-l in fiirly.fite rrro'iil.. HAMBURG. ma I leaaed aa homenttaa, CORSE TS There Will Be A Coal Shortage Vac 27 .. Mlnnaaoaa.. ;I bo obtained after f-jlflllleg reel-te"(ial Vtflliiri- ami 1'aKle ir hikIi r.iiin-lrn' ilen.1 Aor. 14 Mel.U "aled T'ii.h-r and eocdltfenn i,jr Improvement d . float fur a Ntlmlr day. tra- ( the tmih-r (Feb. 10 Victorian This Winter Fm graclrig and Indaetnal purfewoo "wi anil eiMhtrvcii uler f. training Apply to Aoenta OTorywharc or J. J. area eaceeding SIS acre, mar be iiniK inn-r iiiniumi tu live mill- n,," aanien. riete.liin j FORSTER. Oeaeral Afant. O.e. SUllon, - aeo U? one peronn or nwnponii. jt,r a , Be i Vancoot ar, Tolaphona Savmour ZCIO Mill, factory or Induetrlal alte un Irril rtiiln at tuenly.fite lea ums offi.e"until 1 alakon7TdeV wise: CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY imber land nol aiceedlng 40 acre thirty I..II.'. lo.ur. an Ty rr.,. .r..n.V.n". !',:, 'ft ,l Traffic AnU nar bo purchaaed: end it lens InaSudo 'n. mk'nenl of ntampega. I jsil williiiut a ullisile beat of J-' .'. at w.iodwaide i.hanneV; nt BRASSIERS and Natural nay mea-low Inoceoaotbto lM.t;llUe, ' Order Your r eiiatltg ronde may bo puichaoid HinK. Thr. newt ondttfonal nn.n errfietructlon of a road their lirtirrai iiitrlKll)llil It ' lie .en 1 . twl ..... . S Ua.lflr.1 SUITCASES ! them Rebate ot one-half of eaet ot 1.. r 1-...1 ..i. oad. nol eiroedlng half of purchaao ui'titpitii' "naHiilaninz." a I ttula .1 .1 ....i. s rue la made. te lilstriri laamrer. l ost iiffn, BulMin. I ELASTIC GIRDLES TRUNKS filitlrr are lniiM ul it tireal 'MWeaeler. Itrrkrr Coal Now RC-CMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. Building, ii-al in Franrr itml (JrTtilany ami tlrloHa. ai tsa. ..rru.. ... .i Thr -ooio of tout Act la enlarged u deal of dredges. Iiunrsn mM,.. CLUB BAGS "'lude all pereono Joining and acre many ri-riiiM'iit are lieinx jaaiver. B.(. . anil at the rel tifrirrs.' nig with Mia Majesty a forte The tancoavrr. and nievrettaa. B- Don't left mi- -Uhi whk-h tho hoir or deviaeoa tried. Ktrkkcr. the fainoua mr-inaii, Tetnler will wit be get riaasklered unle.a WE WOMAN MADE FOR 4 a deceaeed pre-empt or may spwey Htaili; a uninlerful fliuht i i tuaile on prfalad furn. supidied by liar JS WE CORSET We have arranged for delivery Large Stock on hand. fir Tnin iille for on under roar tho Act the la death eatoaided vf le-rtipany with a tetier. dilkai.'p.riiiT,t ronlamesl,,,d Ha-rem,cr,.uc with run 1 i OR WE CORSET FOR WE WOMAN of 3,000 ton of Prices vey low. -uh a'ter person, aa forrrerly. until one The (tinier aeremletl fnnn the Each irmier most be rrui.uJed be ? aar the oondualon of the gieal an ari ruled elau a -k. ...... r0 mailt ar Thla prlvUeg I ala mode re-' not your Hfure conform to the U'aaaerkupiii' tn a eotiMHlnrahl) ISLiid . "f the Minister af Nanaimo-Wellington J. F. MAGUIRE rialtve. riuai 10 in nr. J of the have or th thapt (oritt; the Nn feea relating to pro-emptloM are lieiahl vi 1 th Kii at ute, althotiKh aiiemal of ti. un ,,f iuAn Hl-M ttyle lui'f Next the Prince Rupert Hotel tue or payable recorded by after ar.ldlora June on If. 111 pro-nmpltona the v.ini wae mil hlruiTsr, ami it f the iMiminlua ar imhI.Bill also and be rbrque arrepled a jour requirements Coal ZJZL';'; If r. 'ales are remitted for fire ytara. wan enli-:t llil the niltit wu qaired to make up aa M annmnl. Pmvlslor for return of money ao- 3ole. Bin ii.i. P.n 1 ......, lall ill rued, due and been paid alnca Augiaat ciiiiijslele niH-Irr nf hi rrafl. He 0 liepartuienl by (let-ltint .a i-rrpt. i our l.oi.ii Imi.trtliieol i. 1114. on account of paymonla, . "'.'""a rt'liee for Hi ami i-h your la.i..'. lruii Phone 116 or 664. 'r tage on aoMifre re-omptlona. mile a iiiniilii'i it nhai'ii eurveg. cum of p.v i' Intereet on acreeme-'t. t mirrhaw. .mil sertaliii- ililarr tint the e Viorks Bherb Bill br returned ir the nr llatn ( tit. f, wow. 'own or city lota held by member a t-f luletkliar ladder ma aobnitt,n Albert & tilled ln'li.iviinii- i.r ih. tlifferesl a reguur bid hne. McCafery force, or depend, i- acquired Kliilei B iirder. Silversides direct Iwtmei.i or to Indirect,March II.remitted IKS. front aa ly alinliit. ly nolhimf front thr.t ft. r.. ii:nnni Hiaa.Kocrelarj. A STYLE FOR EVERY FIGURE! LIMITED SUB PURCHASERS LANDS OF CROWN el an aeroilane driven by a mo lietsartiiM-ni oil.. of piemir Public ti.V.irk tf. NEMU CORSETS fcwlu.ivr rrorlalon anado for Issue nre of or. feature ami i(.if.ut ui embodied Bros. Crown granta to aub-prgrhasera ot in ,v,.,y rurat, irlrei. Crown Lands, acquiring righla from Second Street. purchaser, who failed to wmpleie AMERICANS DO NOT Iioin $4.C0 to $10.00, ' purchase. Involving forfeiture, on fulfillment Dr. Geo. L Barton and of taaea.connltwne Where of purchase,aub-purchaa in-tereet COME TO CANADA LA DESSE CORSETS The Ideal DIRECT AQENTS FOR era do not rlalm whole nf original pal flume for ever) type, iiriff from el, pun has price duo and taaea may $2.50 be distributed proportionately over FOR CHANG; OF A DRINK to $7.00. (Palmer) whole area Appltcationa must be made by Uay I. Hi. i'aled Tender addr-sted K, n BIAS CORSETS We liutl' re. drrelvaed. and mrn , a i . - 1. QRAZINO III! l-Mianrial l'ot ,., .enseal hi wnarr it lew alt. B.I..' Bill lie "ntly iHlnidured title irMtmy In Chiropractor Uraalng Act, ISIS, for ay.tematk (.rriieii i inis orri" until devetan.iert of live.lock Industry provide I'UlllliK Ill nl lo the lai'ire noon. W.daaadar, Oatobee IS.11 1SM.o'ajoak our liniaet In-iiaillitenl. l ine Jim-l for graalng districts and range llllllllii'l nl Aiiiri'iraii ial- n MensUM. a fritMt administration under Commlaaloner lotll "r,';,""''' t,. th. UrtNl crt u.v,ell an WALLACE BLOCK Aanuitl iretlig permit a Issued baaed 111 4 ' flat lUiii.nia hy iiintoi- rar ClMnrt of hkeVna, bT ,ma " laaek rnracl Ve have laeeu ghow-inT on aumber ranged, priority for eslab ans ami iitims i,r cimtrart Phone 660. Itehed oaner. fttock-owrera may i-ter 17.OHO it crnant'd the isrru bihi .pecinraiUiii and r....,.a esn... ... tliaiu lu our eiietniiifr and form meut. Aeeocletlone tr, or partially for range free,manage,permita hoi'tlei' in Ihi Ul aleiiilur.... ...yfar,.... ..'iHTiTi".f nislrltt l.ugineer,,nMHn".post at office th imtlreil that w hate u uttsil th-urn for aettlera. camper or travoliora. ua i'si'-ii nun uiny ua-'iinr in inr ouiiainr. viruiria. n ami .i ., mi for I hem. ,. a ten hee4 ureviotia rui- 4lhe Wall rvlrertJul,,,V u.c"1, ',",c Huf"' ,n4 Van Try one, nrice run frtnri $3.75 Journal n r.-is' lu "InvIsfOrutilltt ' '"' .""J '(ilere unle.. to $10.00. King George Cafe (,-,.n,M',.l vi.ilLea a..In the .........iinilev nIla.,el:?rr,,n,Tcr dl""' coiilalned therein. . P. C. CORSETS from $1.50 up. DENTISTRY - - arn iai.iie ihihi i.. The W'nH street Joniliui, an aerepied rliiMiue ou g rh.riered bank Brasslsrs from 75c up. whirl, leav,., t(t, ,, thai ,K',W,o,.,.M' equaV ft F!M'lV t& Elastlo Qlrdles from $2.76 up. NEW CAFE (....M,,B IntlrfBla Conilmr JWrTffi'leSra'b aiv all IinOera lllilfllt aecurily. nr War Bind aiel rlteuu'a f We aerve the Beat CHOP RAMSAYS paints Dr.J.Maguire '" -"Mriaed lu .uiiw or there."1-B.urpri,T.b.s::!;4 .1 SUBY and NOODLES i Tltf RICKT PAINT TO PAJMT RIGHT nii.wini iii'iiiii jajpiaaii K in nor. i'" ..i .H . :"L" " ."P'aiimg an ac Jabour Bros. H Will Pay You to Get Our Prlcea. Rooms 7 and S Smith Block. U.r .,e,- r, ir.i.leeeMl Ltd. Car. ilk Slraal aad" 2J A Office Hourst 9 to 9. aa roiiiiai. , with atmut 13,000 Phone Blue 471 Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. Phone 575. Lady Assistant. tn the lr.nuM.. i uuetwe and ""rrr lth(K Ulna eiretarif Phone 645 Corner 3rd Avenue and 7th Street