‘ im } Thursday, October 27 j095 ‘ PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS “- ee < : ee eens mene — es = Se = ———— a a aS 7 | LA TELL ELLE LL IRL PNG SATIRE LE SOP LY TREN SRE TS EL I SNE SR bs THE DAILY NEWS. Be PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA a Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES te City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ...... 5.06 my For iesser periods. paid in advance . per week blalicis on cuey vii By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, ae paid in advance for yearly period .. pote pilliaiieesatlid: coves ce - By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- ? pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, pér year ......................... $6.00 By mail to ali other countries, per yer 2... cseccseceecencececeseees 9.00 . a kihe fj ADVERTISING RATES For National Advantage -- For Individual Benefit ys Classified advertising, per insertion, per word schanlabindnabie 02 * ) BOGE! TEMGEER? Hor areeer teeel, DOE TU oon ecw cccecinthcsepeseericgesrctceceees Oh Lega! notices, each insertion, per agate line she 154 . Transiet display advertising, per inch, per tnsertion 1.40 Contract rates on application. | iy Advertising and Circulation Telephone ........................ 98 ===] Plan Now to Buy DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS Clarence Budington Keilland says that we are now get- 4) ting back to an era of common sense such as that of the ‘ | period prior to the war. For eighteen years the world has 2 lived in a delirium and liked it. The younger generation ae has been born on a merry-go-round and would have to be ‘ taught that the world could not be run to the music of a tos hurdy-gurdy while they sit on the wooden horses. 1 939 wk The same writer suggests that we must write off the fit past eighteen years. We must rub our eyes, wake up after ‘ the carouse, take something for our headache and resume normal life under norma! conditions. Kelland is always interesting but in an article in the current American Magazine he states so many homely * truths that one wants to read them a second time. Here are one or two: “Everybody had a bad attack of Delusion of Grandeur. On Monday, October 31, Canadians will have an opportunity to in- vest in a new issue of $80,000,000 Dominion of Canada Bonds. By buying these Bonds you will accomplish two things: ie Now we must realize that a spade is a spade and not an aie . . . : § implement for shovelling money out of the window.” 1. You will.obtain the soundest investment available to Canadians, “Quit trying to impress the neighbors. It only makes © 16 . er ’ ta? p: ar. secured by the resources and integrity of the Dominion. pt “You are going to be pretty busy if you do your think- . .- (2 . 9. £2 . . . lscteeboaetitnd it nets, to Gace vate tana 2. You will assist in further strengthening Canada’s financial posi ' family you are going to have to work overtime—but if vou . : : y; going to he ! put if oO vorable effect u ‘ ah start in regulating the goings and comings and risings and ti n, with fa pon general business e sittings of your neighbors and townsmen you are going ae to be more than overworked—you are going to be an in- a ; de fernal, impertinent nuisance.” Rene ING the trying con- yield in line with current interest rates. “I’m all against the double standard in smoking. | ad- ditions which have prevailed during Within the last few months, Great Britain * ; a aa " eee = ee ee oo the past three years, Canada has established and other countries have arranged impor- ." agarente ast be en saere tide - 9 ‘enviable rec inanci ) 1X. tant fir ancia! opera tio..5 2ach case, these *. a bomb and blow through it as if it were a bean shooter. an“enviable record of financing. For - oo eee te A oo - each case, these But that is no reason why they shouldn’t. I contend that a ample, among other accomplishments, the ave met wit 1 marked sucecss, investors “A lady has a right to do whatever she likes with her cigar- Dominion has refinanced before maturity having quickly reeognized the trend to- ette and | contend that the busybodies need a bigger dose wards fovwer interest rates. of temperance than the bootieggers.” Speaking of gossip, Kelland says: “Almost nothing gives such exquisite joy as putting over a sizzling innuendo da- nl maging to the reputation of a neighbor. I've sat for eve- nings getting positively intoxicated with the fumes of gossip. I wouldn’t prohibit it—God forbid—I can’t get along without my daily nightcap of it; but after all, there’s no use lushing it from breakfast to midnight.” i But he returns to economics and says: “We have been living in an age where too much wasn't plenty. Now, if we are to get anywhere we must inaugur- ate an era where plenty will be just enough.” and at a reduced interest rate—S640,000, (1100 of its public obligations, due in 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934. The new Dominion of Canada Bends, which will bear 4% coupons, will be offered at a sufficient discount to provide an income The success of the nev’ Canadian loan is important. It wil! further demonstrate the camtidence of Canadians in their own coun- try. This confidence \ il! be reftested in the money markets. of the werld. For the national advantage ---and for your ‘nd'vidual benefit---plan how to buy Dominion of Canada 4 per cent. Bonds, 1932, when trey are offered next Mona “ts “A good deal of rebuilding must be done for the roof aa aks ; » hinees have grown loose « the floors ar ‘ ig ; . . Par ved ssid in ne the bls ta do it with.” Cee This preliminary advertisement is published by the DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE to enable Wal ped twe nave the toes CoO a0 with. : ; : a : iN AL u ae or Canadian investors to make arrangement: te: participate i) this. oliering. Py ve ALWAYS! > For Chantecler Cigarette + ? Papers speed up the rolling —————OO Ol See ere PES ener - io a” of aoe -+.+makeita kt ab ia, detiaaiadiade , icker, easier, pleasanter farious branhes of the organization @, ; 120 leaves job. ecein ° ; nie ees MOOSEHEART and what has been accomplished in Elks Membership A for Se. and once you have tried he home for the aged and children ° . Not More Than 5 them you'll use them DAY PART y { departed brothers at Mooseheart Drive Succeeding ALWAYS! Gillis Royer, ‘chairman of the ca committee, was master of cere- Another Meeting Last Night When Progress is Reported—Big Gath- Attendance at Successful onies Gathering in Moose Hall The box of apples donated by N Good 200 PAINT BRUSHES The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canailian Fish & Cold ‘Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, 'B.C. i]}W. B. McCallum; Senior —_— Mussallem was won by J. M. Mor- The Loyal Order of Moose and | 50” Women of Mooseheart Legion joint-| The entire proceeds of the a § lly celebrated Mooseheart Day yes-| "ing went to the Christmas Tree erday by entertaining members 4. }! ind their friends at a whist party | }/ and a social evening in Moose Hall. There was a good attendance. Opening with the singing of “O)| | Canada” was followed by musical | | selections by Mrs. J. S. Black's or- \chestra i ‘ sine | The prize winners at whistowere: bo°e @°0°%@ @ © ¢ @°@ 9/4 4 ladies’ first, Mrs. Ole Stegavig; con- | olation, Mrs. Robert McCarthy; te |The Dally News com be pur- jmen's first, W. B. McCallum; con-|¢@ chased at— |solation, John Desmuiles @ Post Office News Stand, 325 | After refreshments had been ser-|@ Granville St.. Vanconver ;ved under the capable catering of # Karl Anderson, ‘Prince jthe Women»of -Mooseheart Legion, @ George, B.C. jaddresses were given by Dictator/@ R. W. Riley, ‘Terrace, B.C Regent *® General Store, Anyox. ;Mrs..\F. M. ‘Crosby; Great North|@ Smithers Drug Store, Smith- | Moose B. J. Bacon and’ F, Scadden *#-ers, B.C. |for the Alumnae Association, show- jing the many good points of the) @¢*®@**#@*@@eeee0484% NEW HOUSE AT MASSETT MASSETT, Oct new residene is being erected here which shows that this place is gra- dually going ahead 27:—Another testeerser+eias ering Next Weck ' Another meeting in connection! with the membership campaign | which is being conducted by P. A }Miquelon of Calgary, Grand Or- }@anizer, for the local Elks’: Lodge was held last evening when good ogress in connection -with the drive was reported. The final! meeting will be held on Wednesday night of next week when there will be a banquet and a special program. ! ——— Miss D. Hogan | TEACHER OF MUSIC a Phone—Black 252 ; GIVEN AWAY FREE This Week One With Every Purchase of PRATT & LAMBERT’S “61” Paint, Varnish or Enamel Touch up the kitchen set or see our Nite Tables, Magazine Racks, Ete., $1400 to, $1.75 BROKEN WINDOWS—« all us, we will reglaze it in a few minutes,—Phone 3 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. veda COL Reet Bos ,