PAOR TWO Tni? dtct if revs rilllfily, Nievwnt1 : , TERRACE NOTES Jlic4MiHsnd. t New Maaelton. Have tn v1) hijft frl.-n.l- here luring Don't Turn the House The rsjrtlirM at tbe Ter- lt Iast. frwilry. Wfak of lifflfeiios Wier Hotel this week wvre T. .1. June, the HuIp ,tfliWhl.v of . Upside Down SI. Hie. Victoria; 0ar Oendnm. II. Fordc. .iad-Jh 4aaf.rtunf ( I. tmlure, A. IHran, O. Ohm.ler. hnnk lirp irfn ti FchUy. looking for a mislaid paper, document, Important P. Ilnslin. II. Owing. Hiwood. If 0 l) letter, etc., but keep your valuable papers It.!'..; J. M..rbT. It. A. Ooo,lrlds"e. Mf A. rVMon-lr of le tooal and jewelry, where you can find them when you Rliiwuilon; J. W. .U'lmild. i. aho4 staff is joilTerm fnuo an want themIn a Safety Deposit Box. MeXclH, Wtorfa; II. Walh-u.teliv, altaek if limUi. tiu ailuMsnl A few dollar a year will liva a. wliieh I tinun siHoewhul yuU lircwin nun, wvny nre Mi wire left on Wetlnes. tarw iimfnitWAns in ihe Hrle. 'lav foe Vanoii(w THE ROYAL BANK O. T. LttHllanil l taken a Mr. flhtneH la eioenel jrar' le,, on fte- iMf IhUel OF CANADA Ifoiii a 1 rt swolti. whMi ha 40Msrrhi hcni fsn-(toeirtt iy Mr I.Mi'Unml hhI S. J. MAOI.KOI). Manager. H. relHai siMni a few day Harry IsH7imiIT PririiT Unpen llranrli. in Prse Hupert last wk. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S It. A. (lo.lrid-e, of Hie Lumber ', lilnnion. i BILL AIMED LARGELY in own hi luMtnet. The Daily News AGAINST ORIENTALS James UieliliHHul. who lu HUPKUT MUTISM COLUMUIA PHI.NCK - i tKMUttil the On-(lMralie store. VICIOIItA. Nov ; . A bill in-M. I'ublisbed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince In town laMng stock.' Mann triMlocnl by Hon. A Hnpert Drily News. Limited, Third Avenue. lnerealnjr Ihe flee for nlfrnse II. F. PULI.BN, Managins F.ditir. rrtverf here fml ll.s-l.esler I. n' ' rlflnria Art seems to hougl.t Mr. I.ienar place. l'" "'T'?1. lr""iy ' T.". TELEPHONE 98 a- irt"iiii'in" linie iwu nwr iimi IIh- Women's Auxiliary af Hie ennlo)e A? d(lie.e lanivlrle. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. ngllen Oliufrti iih-4 at Hie l,.i.e "tk night and day. MNmlaya and Of Mrs. Ctia. A. GHhert. timer 'ys onoer mei nnsnnonr DAILY EDITION itl .-siliinla. Nov. St, 1922. 4 comlilions. ihe new hill roie K. ti. Iltshon. wtwi Ini for fine up n aO for nffeiire 10 for 15 iiwaaBlwr the .sjieena lliver On- on conviction. More Life In While while lanndrie have 0ierHe store for the pal few House of Common. yars, exceU 1o lwve sKrily leen snbjeel In ineetlan and n Thai the new Hritish House of Comnn it li lie a livelier foe SiHilliern tUtirrnia. bate been ol.eying Ihe law. Howe 25 35 o.eralel by Oriental hae In a chamber than for some years pl is assured by event which have this Mr. W. J. llro enlertained larjpr extent eram. provon. oxcolloivca lr;inired since it opened week. The l,ahor members, i( may Im exeelrl. will lie lurfrely resHuihle for ils iuemised Mk lilies' Guild of Ihe Preidiy (tavor vivacity. lerian OhurWi at Hie rhnrrh YOU GET WISE. TKo is ddiKifvilly The extremist, Newhold, has already been heard and, o h huildinz n Veneilay. riltiycv scurd!y expected, made a radical speech. Hi avowed aim, even before Mr. nnl Mr. Kranee are oe. ejection, was lo forward the l!omniuuil movement, n little uf Father t real funny 1Im ritlasre lately vmml- S' a constructive nature may he expected from him. Setl eupytng hy Ihe Font's. When iliCOIH iJMOT Mum Aarl from Newbold, however, it is unlikely that the Labor slrenglh will work in iiin-on. There are moderate and radical Mr. an. Mr. II. Chandler left Isiwn to eatlna Laliorites ami the leaders of the already party have displayed for AHrki Monlay mgtil. Oale and t1. " coMrarCANoA.UNiTia mirwutTOiACCO worry as la the actions of their siippoed followers. Indications are that there will lie just as much controversy among the Lalxr Siller Sh ami members themselves as there will 1e leween them, as a, unit, SMITHERS llrolher Jaik will and the government. In unity there is strength and weakness $ime in division. With such a division in Ihe parliamentary II. 'INinner, hsuiiMiHve elnrineer Hat aliiMisl t'Cieks U'esthoW Itiefllre last Biattt. Labor party there will be Utile danger of destructive legislation. nf Hie O.N.U., nsiiire, from Me. talial wftieh ill he ffmmlmt lo 1 However, the ir1y wfll agree, ierhap, mi certain moderate rtlle. Raslmteliewan. on unlaT With am mi. hut tltabl. IIm screen verwHiM i RED MOUNTAIN meaures so their good to the government may yet be felL In ta-t. Father l rthtir Simer Hoc he4, ory i:y case, they will keep up a eloe Opposition. -4. wry UOol with tlie aee f au M. The mri.igpmeiit of the llf.t Mi I llirWirejMi, of Anywx, I train. kiitg (he imlae mtt ! pre-s l?My ami wtiat of MOT m reported a gross output 9 in g"i-' A ri.Kliw frieHt, -tiere 4 his week, Hbe au4iutes linsliiMr with Trace Of Coalition . t even d)s" oeratioii4. Thi t a a?m oniji f havlna jiM retiirne,! from a long Ttie heU tHiHtt after another. May Still Remain. lUy, a coniared with 10 per day for m- J i rlsnj Jo hi temte in Wide. 'He low IVrri.. 4irerle. "Fli the 1 AVith such.n.large, element nf l.altor in the House nf Com. even day. Bioim, which U recogTiixed as lhe.'dppotiloMjjl is likejy that Ihe reWirts liM tMMur rsimlilioii ei7 TSfo-ei lo F.nglaftd I k"d wilfl as WoioiB." the sreniirHi being the We advise investor to walch mine reluni-: r br IW MoHieKfrrd Rd of work of Itoty llnharl. A siuemlM ltnservative ami (lie Liberals government will co-operate more market fliirtttaliott in order lo lake Hi many Hi tt rank's of the norm. sii,orts Mi llahen. pro man ii mey were tnn only iwu parties in ine lloue. -This: prediction phiyel. Howevfsr. he thiik thai lUkiiig lMlfwi l fvlinlinir:ea lUten Huban. 4(eurE in. Full loforniation relative In Ihe HoHmlanr It. 4 M further in Ihe rereives support announcement hy the guv-ernmenl reeovery lo normal condition. lain mine, it odnrlion awl lite reaa4 lor IMacOuarrie. Nroan Kerry, Har that the middle policies of the former Lloyd Oeorjfe ad-miiiislraliou l'e.e Father liJt althoiiffh -Kiw. Is asiire,. ie in the share. w W le ftiroiiel l tockkohlcr- -i mon font. Mb IHirar, llewr to be carried in are lo on respect trade and employment. Mak 4iizhly of the service (miI. not seem Lsnlley, ArtllMC Ihmahl Mt of thi office iipon repit. Any big divisions in h? House, it may le expected, will In rendered Itrrti-h lo lthmibia fiernns hy ihe inlerese,(.gentl l'o get her hating ISy.lney lleaaxs. For convenience, fill mil and HH Ihi ru' come between Conservatives and Liberal united and Labor. With OeneralV iefMNuienl in ln!nl The picture wa rene, h? moderate Labor memlwrs occasionally siding in with the government, ami w1iilt (here he met Ihm. T. To rome out riyht V'iHililan 'nsiiiiinm fri Wotvertou k Co. Ltd as may al.o be expected, it would also seem thai these big. It. Pattullo ainl William Turn- Until h lle, laraiiMHinl. , 70 IhiiniuHMi Hank IHdf., Vaaeooxer II J ami important division would be rnlher infrequent. bull. leae furnish me with the mot rerenl Subscribe for 'I Itaily News WAPUt LEAF FLOUR. relative lo llouinlar) lied Mountain. Liberal Party Work on Ihe filmier Itiver eoal Coming Together. fiehks closet! tlown for lli win Name As far as (he British Liberal parly i concerned il is apparent ter las weok. No nltieivl an. Oh nry word what ,ddre now that the two divisions, Georgians and Asunithians, will nonncefneoi has feen nae with come together under the leadership of ex-Premter Lloyd George. reirard to fuliire AciivitH hill A differenee in There would lie no object in having it otherwise. perhaps, it i eonfhtently eM-elsi that Our home inee Mother n Wolverton 5 Co., Ltd. through this coming together. Lloyd George may rise rapidly Ihe miring will see fiirCher e. again after his recent fall from power. The Moderate Labor may veloMiients in Hi is very priniii"- Ha leen mine Members Vaiuimver Stork Kxi-h.' also rnme into the combination and what the result may be Hi coal are. MAPLC LEAF FLOOR. 704 Dominion Bank Bldg. Sy. W- in such a rn&e will only remain for future events to disclose. In . VANCOUVER, B.C. any case a useful opposition, such as uever will be provided by Rtthort KHhW I extending hi Hverythiug she radical Labor. n(ay l brought about. Looking at the British bolne itninises wliieh witien situation from every angle it appear that the outlook inplHe,! will ronirri-e one f Hake remind "eprincc tgscorgc is safe and thai dangerous legislators will be held in rherfc. rti'e inot iiii to ihite IwtfU arwl One tit !re ereani SAWS t4re in Hie interior SINONDS 8pur Provided lenHnrry. lleeanae it limit TORONTO For Adminlttratlon. I Centra of Shopping The most economical saws to use There i sufficient element nf Opposition in Ihe rtritish I. 0. Gangster Is loiilding rw In your moiilh. nil Bwainaaa 130 ROOMS Oitrs.t SimoAil Canada 5a w Co. LlmiUd,St.Utmi St.aaJ Acor Ah-VaM...r.B.C House of Common to pur In action the Ilonar Law government lKHies on JMrM Avenue for TJsin U lo I iui m iUi etnai..i . sw... MONTntAt at.e-' w jiich. if left to ilHf. might not be a very progressive administration. PHhtml. .Mither sriwait iuMFMa, MAm-9. t Ihe Asit is. the new government o far. hns shown little in.-diratioii nyt JtMK)OTtU:iIWHnOOtgHlgK " '"'sWtW.ltfJ., BJ.T vi , ui.l naJl lu,VV VVS" of anything big or tiWul in the way of legislation. II MiUeti A Otiawoan have (tie Wonderful rook was expected that d would le a quiet and strictly- conservative eorfriel for a new tioii-e for G. administration and the events of a week go to bear out that assumption. A. Kosenltial on Hniadwny West. Now and wonder A government oflen fail through too mueh energy Why he ha not ImiI. imi the other hand, it i rertain that it cannot succeed with persistent movon are afloat lack of iL That is one reason why the present Itrilihgorern-tnent wtHi re-win I lo the reom4ion Always used f work on Hie Hivtwr de Ibnitej may not he ven long livd. mine. II U wait 4 hat big fdan MAPLE LEAF FLOUR. are way w1ii.i, If (Wy All our Xuia baking materialise, will spell reneweil IlK-t.lirosperily lo 4he laihm dis. I being ilone with ULlYlLlVJ REDUCTION SALE MAPLE LEAF FLOUR, The school trustee an eon HARD ICE So that e are eidecmg the erection of a new IniCh sehiMtl huihliiiv, tbe Gov fure nf lot of HATS SUITS DRESSES erniiieiit ImvIiib itJioiale, il willirwnes 4 mnkeihule fifty Ioh1 eat this 33 and 1-3rd Par Cant. DUcount, le t-ent in Nlie. not. plan are r.hrislma. Guaranteed beurv itrniareil for a suHable WAISTS BLOUSES GLOVES liillltilg lo tf ereeteil sijieeu ONCE USED ALWAYS USED. Our new ice tank and machinery now completed' enables to the 1 1 re sent m-4 root. 25 Par Cent. DUcount. iiii to guarantee that our Ice in a bard a any on thu . WATCH FOR OUR C OUT EST. COATS, RAINCOATS, UMBflCLLAl W. 8. Usury, on lielmlf of lte SWEATERS, SKIRTS, CORSETS, BRASSIERES, Ma-DHie LACES, NECKWEAR, VEILS, SILK UNDERWEAR. (Mslr, ha iMopleei Fihrmeu now tell u that our in th beat k obtainable. 20 Par ui'i-uoeoii-nls fur Urn nseeMi GUILTLESS PERSON Cant. Discount. of a doohle issruer at Main Htree We will gladly allow iiiipectinn of our new plant, and if ml Fr Miemie, whU-h ks ei-H's ENTANGLED IN MESH HOSIERY KNIT UNDERWEAR demonstrate that by reason of freeaing our ice for ten te.1 it, tm ed a a il for hour longer than before it IH bard. lenij.le. OF LAW IN PICTURE 124 Par Cent, nlirmmi - - ALL NEW STOCK. coma Early and Oat Th t H. I., dale m 1mmh anpbHeil How gintltes i.ersoo tan k Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd t&'tnni perHry of tbe HiiHier Htaage. m , mt-.lie ef the Miunrv AssuwkiUon. taw aiol even m aecMe of miir-'lr 10 DAYS ONLY PRINCE RUPERT . viMilly deniontrate in Phona 27. Ml It. Wrtoeh ttud Mi Wal.."Find the Wooiau." featurintf Alma kin. f Huieiion, also Mi Frl Ituhen whUh opuned at tha