I " WHEN YOU WANT A 1 I TAXI QQ lie im R.P. Fish CRABS, SHRIMPS,Market Freth Sole, Halibut and in a hurry Salmon. I Phone t J PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Horn Dally.Mad Sausage j ALL. NEW CARS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 871. v ir XII . N" -:o PHINCK HUPKIiT, U. C. HATl HhAY, VOYr.MHKIl 25. 1022. TMlirlir'l ClrtelaUe, t050. rt Salt. . PRICK FIVE CKrtTn Sneech by Mio. CANDIDATES : SMEETON CASE Booth School Affair Discussed i v mi mm a v it FROM LABOR: 8. J, WINNIPEG'S FARMER IS MAYOR IS DISMISSED ln Legislature; member Urges Featured Busy Day m W INMI'KO. N. v. S. J. Farmer, lniteii(pnl expulsion of Architect Potter Will be Put In Field For Civic Labor camJi'Ut'-. was elec- Counter Claim of Defendant for Legislature Yesterday Honor at Municipal Election li'd mayor uf Winnipeg (K0 Rent Wat Alto VIUTOIIIA. Nov. 25. Urging that J. V. Poller, of Princtj I.Mining ten Will If lai')' Ml till' pnlenlay by A majority of Sustained lliiert. be expelled from inemberhip in the Institute of H. U. -uumrg fur Hip vh'-uiu-ip on lln- a.lWO olea oit F.x-AM. Ari hilet lt for . inisiiig a lu-ss of 10,000 lo the City of Prince School hoard, Mlri- I'OlllllllnllOtt J. K. iarlina;. Tli- loayor. 'Hip iM-tmn lnoijIrM liy Mr. Muperl. VV. A. M lvnxie. (Join-enutivc member for Himilkanieen, YUTOltlA, Nov. 2.V -Friday wuk a big day in Hie legndu pIppI aluo iiii'inlx-r of IIoip Siim-tini nJ V. II. SiiippUiii i a .ml alth-rm-imc board in (In- emu. look bull nn hour of the legUlalure'a time yesterday lo rail attention Tli' budget -peei h s rlocd afler a lung afternoon !e-.-- Hip Up- for nn iiiiiiiH-ltoit uvifin-t K. If. pgilulutP Jim wan ihf eleetlon by Hip newly-formed to Hip Mtuutioti in i-oniiei-lion with the lloolti Memorial School (lie evening em was eniirclled in onler l allow niem-ill. fatl twiew for Hie Mori liner a azeni of Hip IuhM-ei-sr United Ul.r part-. Derision l Hi Prim e lluperi. He did not blame Die government but thought Ibuc ! Hip pre gallery In attend Hip jtoMee (mil iiiayorully fria' il. oeronie.1 v Hip rrll'in tUtt-eUilKr till. i-ffeil i made at Hip fir Ihiii i- hail been yiven mid iifi-lnip. riilegei were expected to 'I'iip ( IHp del-ate the Hip T' f wm eceh made by Mr. phhiIpiiIh fwr lMk , ittu f Hip new parly la; l from prolei gucli in. noip Jut Mtr . i h. number ftir Vancouver. The lady member ex- rettl Htnl aV-o to iJaHMKPi i it- in ilir work ut-omliheiJ by Hip government. Tliprp " when repres-ettUitnei. i ninoHiitin-f -to 81,1X111 ill.. J omiplpiit inrii at thU. IRISH BILL labor body. im-hcliiM lb-iiniirvaitMPfl Mr. MrKi-mii- "fry Uip! UtliJ Hie nlory of .- Mfnig hpi uuoc Hip freight rale had bee-N reduced iiiiwl i Julur Yn-uns lii . anil ilry ilwl work-rr, TORELORE WINS Hip liulliliua of llie school. He (f n lnl llml luul niPant million of dollar to Hip plot llirr. wpr preent. a eoiirtlpr eiahii of I60 for renl laid no blame on the lrtmtep-4 but Mm. Smith spoke willi (esriie II . 'aey Mrtci a LAST BIG RACE ilue -ai -ii-IuIihiI. flip me If of INTRODUCED i Mri Hip scovernmrnt lo put n acpre-net flmlriiiMii of Ihf NMtinu letpr man in the place of Archi. LAST NIGHT IN ion nt the factory tnr the rinlPiM l lule (ilaee on .Nov. i.iit i ,. . .,, . W'liilp a nun Over of uantpn were M..M:MII I.H. Io. .'. lore ?7. lakiiHr f e-hJeHrt tu Hie It-rt Whittaker who had e-diumled lr. iiiml lv Sir HimhHi Mihi. i-we wa eonelnnlpil yterlay House of Common Oct Down the cot of repair at 15.000 DUBLIN QUIET III---i elis-ap biiij iiumn,rrttM-iom me of memione'l Hip tnal ean.liilapa were Honilmilp.1. wtm .t,,.,ifjpr Hhm.Ik mi. tli-lhl aflfrmioii. V. K. Fller eklH-a r-' To Important Bulns Ahile liny actually co't ?IO,OOU. .r-po-sltmn fri hPlmr lalol for Uie PVrM f n. rial rarintr eO for the ,,1-ihiIIIT rami S. W. LONDON. No. 25. A A well paid ronnlrurtion rnain-wr. ond urge.I eowj"" mo of :iej ajapHintr of llie po-rly oh 1- irw.00 hr toil. :. II. lUion". Tnyhir. of Willim A ttoflnl-M. bill aettlp- up the conttitu-tlon Mr. MrKeniie ni'l, rtltuuli tlM lteiflr llml Hasls-rsi Hail. Disorder Following the Ee- ppmher 5 'Arra-mle mat imcoImI. ami mUm. fu rlhe dpfielalil. of the lrlh Free State i plans and 'iufpect building N9 nix I aUo thp bsjnVtlng uf the way known and the Constituent cutlon of Ertklne Chllder Thn-e neecetil ineln.leil J. A. iin ,v i:. F. K'-hjoh,.. b. rr. J. P. C-h.Ip, eilv umiimil a liidt-il by the itovernmrnt. i niverstly el PMrH n-rey. Iiirtl. J. J. Oilll". V. r.. I Act wa Introduced today Hi-ken-. oflk-er iMrd. Fourteen lur.e ran. lit IchUIi totij -of luMua eilleil Mit-fluratiofl. Mr. SmSlh Mid. In the Houee of Commons. I.Hl iiihIii i"nw. . venae, iienrffe heHina on Torplurr wa t to lit hv IIip olnlitlirT an, ftmlinir had hnmaht i-rHf-rit be for. H-MI, John MrKerhnle ami T J ,ne. A -raval-. tO-K ui I Mmlm. wnli-r letikiiiir into Uie illniir It provides for a OLD COLLEGE I v '" " m ami would do t. She would Ho M-kK. Mwr. r.a-ey. r. mvaihiI I1HIIII. continuation of the pent " I b i m. Hrilteti itnHtlvml ion. Maeka. MrHar. Maynard ami liil.' llenr I. Mirn -!i ii lh lin-tinlli t tuition trstim and give i .ri Nll v-tlrr iirp U dt-re..ioe. the Free State power to adopt IS DESTROYED . I,, were aPl.tnll a Mh-y mm. WHFAT LOST AND MFN w1m -otrrkeil on Hip hullJ. I (i. ! i I I. i-n-IIihI n a hen I here ate ualy Uko pef4e l acts anollcable to the other iiiiIIm- ami Mi-.-rrv Scoll. Irs. .., ... nit. ". if rpjatritiT Iwo ly-liaJilx. Il ll ! -i ! ahp u4. Dominion. The flret schedule Maekay ami )iikii a finai.ri an-l UKUVYNtL) in dUUUtfl He wan -Ml;'fiHJ Ihpy indir i.m-,1 ..ii Mr. HihMIi defeat-leil Iwe contains S3 atlcles and fn. iTKaHiiMlHia romniilli-p. wpre IhiHi wHit lWl wlien lie Three Person Perish and Damans . llM I - il4 tire on trial leilalNMi Ml STORM NEW YORK LAKE finMnl. Iliri tn-neManl. Jolm declaree that the national $750,000 in Burning of hum nine In the Fre State ""''''rp.e-labliiiltnirnl. language Alt nation I lir i; P II. lenMiri-r I'1 1 n. - lUiMifonl, lia.l al wtirke-J on St. Boniface ' l III " i-r wikmi. fIM)n) it rippfoary lo iMirrnw. lbn(l H i- Hf-PI ! Krl t -.' lin In-1 SMI A" I SI. N.. -V Four Hip n-iait -ami w cerlaiii llipy be Irish with Enrllsh given ar Inn In ! mi-l MMaltoH mo I l- faeeti Willi aiirfil Mti a IiImii.ui ..r yio-ral ,-ai ... - ..f wheal win (It r.'iiii.imii were flxeil. equal recognition as the official WINMPF.O. Nov. 25. Three i ' a will Inn. V IHII The lel-ature (.,,, iii-Tr4uiiili. Site -tuliil al I Hnk i'tiii i" iii-ii wi-.-r ih-owneoJ Anrlile Ii. U. Hie fi.-.t wU-ihm tongue. lerin are known to btave I. . ill. .1. will consist of the t I Dick Burde jm I.hUi tir tli- mmiIIi VktiU a in h -irihl-n Ioihi on MneiiM Nm-Hip ilefenrp. -aHl tlial lie lMrl-1ied and property damage is Approve Etecutlon M.iji'i Nirhanl (turtle. puVim-ii- mall a-M-iiir ltl. bail oaten IH the eiafi for Hirer King and two Houses, Chamber placed al 73Q,n00 a a rc-ult (M'. i..'. ?S.- II" rtiP-..ll. of Deput'es and the Senate. Menlapr for Mtrni. nnl lo n-xoillia ni,l -liaJ neei- i auy of fire eui-ly llr -mornin-tr liiiilr llr,,' NieiieWr of Uie lieii-aHnieiil of IpmLUiv frimi Mir -kii2l4 or winch roniilrtely ile.-(roycii S!. i. tmiai ion I Im I.on. inii'ln.-. 4pfenpii Imp w.rk of Fred Stork Endorses Freight lipanj of any. Itoisiface Colh-ge siluoled iu Uie - iicr I Ik Hip 0Mirtniiil and ad lhal a Never Saw Leak old countryTootball ir ii of si. IVnifsre. A checkup .ii. .1 r.h i. - Mi- - million ito4Ur U4 Ihppn well Rates Case but Plainly Says wrye MelhHfuM, Hie. ii- tshiiw five sludent fiiisslhx ENGLISH LEAGUE .n.l anal h i ( Ihr tri I liere U1 heen mm; fall- IntHor wh pnr1-J llie b'fibliHX. I Ir-ut fome of lhee -nray Isave troue l.iirlta .. nt. Hi. l- i.nctt bol many -Mirep-e. Hp lold fl lniHil, out -irt--f III First Division -lUt yieir Jtuium.nearby. Vtwo.-srfs i loilm !!)! rj ' Hi refx A. rlwitee-jrH. f Vir Rupett-Entitled-to-Elevator llilH Uf VfewW1 iffifr He TaJ neWeAAPl-etrtil i. ?uiid;-"rlam; 3V smnsTi in oc triu ami uie cisar-reil l tMretttaate-eiitiNM tflH. Rr IPIIIll1BA"lflaJli ih eeii any leak durtn Uie rain lon ilia 0. l.irrHx-l I. remain of one body a yet tt iiiiirilerfi Iml a tHJ-rl ! arPHl Hm W . J. llei-emiig .i IrleL-rutii lln morning iroin In' N.uirouier hull aflrr lli-v had fcetfi rw.MM-1-tl Uie NoHuiu.iam F. I. Ilirlniuuliam unidentified la been found. 'ti a tlr. itn-ter. Iailoc f Hit oi-Hio'i. aWing dial be ere- bit euilor-dliiiii uT tlir iiiuiemi-iit to have rJ I ship. Holloii .Maiiilo-lrr i'.. I. TJiere were I.1M Hludenl- and of velllM Ute faet wrrtijf ami unfair ili-rriniinulion in II. I., freiglil r.ilp r mh ( in tiew of a i TIhi. J. lJI-nii. Hiaufftttr, wa)i:iil"a n. Ilurnli-y I. IH of the ridlejrp ' el-iff in the iniwnnt the Plr-IH of Hip frt-nn. HieeliMg to be held In Yaneumer on M"ibi inglit. Freil Slork. rallel to oror eiial on .opo4t'r '-iriliff U. lliiti-r- firld I. Ixiildinv wlien the firc com. il Mr. SmeeUin iMd ealleil 1iii lit Keiloii . l llrouixvit'li A. I. It mcvH-eil. lK-tieted that the im-e. M.l1. for I'niire Itni-erl, bax bhtp-iIpiI to Hit reiinrt ami ut the SEATTLE WINS ii Ktke ihmhIHv .if -rril fnam MIMlelHiro I. I'rr.lon N. II. I. 'Maie Hon tL U. Ilarrtr. nMMii.lrr o' a v-larfpil from a furnace ex- loame 1 1 Hie e.reioeil hi onnion that the next grain elevulor to ullure. iiefr,ll lite ollw-r(, I lite 4iim ul once. He ;rt4 Neti-aUe I'. I. Totlruliaui II. I. phisbm in Uie lKi--uieit. jarn , , iia-of. -.hotild come lo Prim Itiipert. .plUetMnU ami hM Ihere rr jboibr. -2ultiniri-d tank, n valle I'l.lliam n. Sheffield United 5. IVie ktnnvu ilea.1 are YV. A. Tf fuuwjlljr ,4 Hie text of the teli'ffrum rented by Mr. OVER COUGARS onte men on UliHH -lK MIIl'si. frtmi Hie Sum: ! jail, a Iniok full of atiiele til Uie I Second Dlvltlon 'Ilayb.r. of SI. IliHiiface, and '.... m ....It. t. uhmu ,,n IIm IuimI jhapk tloiH- ami loot tlo-in lo liarn-li-y I. r.rynlal Palace S. LawTenee Igree. of Y1nnpeg. "I-red S4.irk. M.P. 'enyvkltere. 'Iliey -.IhmiM b- eliM-- Prtan-P llupert. NOVEL OPIUM I'llt- i. wwrehouw where Hipy were Markpool 3 Fulbam . The iirilege ilale back ut IHI 8 Uit Night P.C.H.A. Gam Result liiuled. Mr. I U mi ncoml Iho Uion-J. He raid llie tiackuge Itrntirord C. o. Iierby lUMinly n. and was lite oldent insliturion of ed IS ncore of 6 to 4 rrilM iniil of tin- oppotdUon. "M-tyi-a- ThMt.ill ha en I mi a .oilamv. fiteu.iU. Iciaptoii Orient 0. V?-l Ham t. ?. IN kind in 4 lie YVeL A Jeoutt I heap Defended University Mmtter HM-. eneelifFMr of -rti. PIPE IS FOUND Slierlir Shirley te-lifipl Uial oe.rjivenlry I. Stoekport II. o. library coverinsr -Hie c-arliest tats 1U N.o I lie Xrat- rrti' of YanrHitr for Mooday Mr.-. Smeelon with a Utd Hon. J. U. Mrlrfan. mtnieler of M-rted Maw-tip-.ler V. 0. Ilury I. lorieal record of YVcH-.tem U-aiw- (lii ai - I. Hto lop Htshl a trle-l ui,-Hnt esi4- nolk-r N-..tinI.er I en wrMn and Uie bone- 1 -r i t a l on purtvule 0. Ilollierliam 1 0. da wim dero)ed I ti Panic- l.'i-l llipkp,ilH.uall ueienm-M ll-- ,M1 tbp t-ni-r-l.u iwg tfiitti iH-eriMiMWlliiii. uoe., Po,ce DieoreP strange Dial c.rtliiiitf w-4 t. lv rvmoted -n. w-newiay , Hull City 0. of 11 Yerendrye. Uie curly explorer. i. s. ro U-i nialil b b aii-t H.O. wnoreby raltt rate. D-,e, Wn, M,hlna R.,d from Uip i.rroii-e pyeryllillii; Soulliamplon O. Iiirl-r I'.. 0. md Father Aulneau and .. . t"n ... ia ii I" II jllim-brlMfe. mruanr for Yieloria. .17 lor ways Hint an- dark and w UiciPr .enure. .Soulli Shiol.U O. Ij-nU II. 3. ixien In-'ian maacred with 1.,i i..ti. u.nof i-Hie Uiit4w4inl tliereeiy wn4H- ...... ., , ., E. H. Mortimer Idem ul Fort Si. Charles were Ille iii the L-lt bowk b'l bern irirr ii ai mm, iiitr iiriatiirii Wottrrhamptou I. Noll U. ui iur hi usjiraee smni uie Un- main tilne for Die de- loist the llauic. I'hinee in lei-iiliar. In their I Third Division (Southern) in riHreir nt KrtMoti Oidiwsbla ami aieiit WHISKEY-LADEN BOAT for f.H- f'"v K Mortmier. Aberdare A. 1. Oillinichaur 0. ltif.or in the unlpri.ily rrf all mm 4i urge I he l-iiiiiim pwt-pruiM-eni M-an-li opium many year, Milice offher hate encountered nr hip y-per.y. - Urighlon ami II. I. Swindon I Cli-trn bo had pnlit.led a prltalf 1C UCin AT CCATTI tu iimieure Hiimealitile be had l.ad NrM U.k DEMPSEY TAKES eb-vaUmi ul mailt different .irlHlen unl iiy -he fUljrt,w, ,,. ,:,,ar,ton A. I. in to H-ar. eNilrm-lloN of smile Isad reeeited o.ore enw OrienlaU to -.suiike opium, but to. ami u , ul( Tow( 'llMMnan Mnmr-. inemlH-r Hov. of Kraih ViiM--outer. SIH-iit till early -prsmt C. M, Pascoa Claims Ownershlo of for Omshk. ccupI Mr. mnwr VSm llie IWifW route will tr t-al Milii-e offtrrrii iu a raid lite pka ..I. t.jMm , ,,ri,to, MILLION OFFER Launch But Has Nothing to ami Mr. Julie of play one im.IiHp- iiueMt bar e.lerti I jMHida other niihl i-aua- upiii uu entirely skyliidit uau -me asain.riiHi-weir The nest wot com.hk NorthatiiptoH 3. Faeler I'.. 0. new Uleii-.ll lleij by u ninuker to Norwich City I. Merlbyr 'lYosii I. do With Liquor and Htiarepr--4iiiliiii( fuel" regarding ftutii.-r ami will teMi lreui4i- pktiitt he rcclt-d wum on Ootuber Hip Mertille aeUleun-nl ibm- 4uine for llie PtMlfie prtMlurp Hip ilreatib' elulniet lol Pltmuulh A. I. Soulhend I. M Not 1 1 Is 13 renill from "lulling the Park II. I. C. I. Mad by Al. Wood For Thro tbe ttork of the l.bjuor l'iiu (W-e." i 0ueeu'-4 Newport 1W4. ami In -reply so a (ueisoii Mr. Yet to be anmluin v.iiky alioanl, Irul Hoard. "KtMtlly wire MayiMr I i-nlall i- 'l lie pipe found on Uie prmie Mortimer Htaled lliul the plain. Ileadintr I. Ilre-nlfurd 0. Bout, Opponent Named t.-iii Half Muon reuiainn ilir4a live utoveiueitl ami -Jal- wan imUiiuu more or le than un i'wanea Town 3, Ports mouth I. their reot had lId HIT only il at Hit- llallnrd l ily ibtek ordinary muail ink t-oltle. The! Third Division (Northern) hia UmI -ou vs 01 do all you mn had . NEW UNION oiM-p ut time and Uial Ibey U:.MPIIIs Teimeee. Nov. !i. i in ouifonie of a IiImI BRAND lu motwJy Hi in Nil-H-isUou. Yyur wily Oriental had extruded Hie lale.l on October 30 uat Ibey Ashing toil I. South ptH I. --AI. YVo-od. New York theatrical i Haainnt her by M. I'a- itirk and replaced it ttilh A. I. Accrinstou I. WILL BE lelearuiii will l-e rd ul Wl a spool iikuiUis I.rewe STEAMER w .iiki not pay (be three -.'.ireclor. has offered Jack Kearn He Iitiniv ownernlllp of meitliiiv ii id puolii-Hied Ml lite Ihrouvh which a hole had been burham Uity I, Traumrre II. 0. until building tva. back re-iit -the 11.000.000 for a serle of lliree i ili-. hum ownerKlnp of PUT ON THIS RUN 1'tM." bored, on Hie side of the bottle lepaired. He added he had been Halifax Town 2. Cheslerfiebl 0. matches b'ttteen Jack liempsey. he bad drilled a hole through the 1 incolift'.ily t. Darlington t. No Catch In Reply giten full iwjtter by- bis client to world'" rhampiou ticavyweigbt new freiubl and pu.-nei Mr. StorkV-i re-ply i H foHow: Via ami thus completed lii pipcf put Ihe mailer in Ihe Irands of Nelson I. ll(Hli(.ile S. l-oxer. and opponent still tu bo KILROY AND FORCES Kti-auu-r of et-pl conirui noii uitu "Mayor 'Ildall, f rhroufth llie hole in Ihe glass be the sheriff if be thought fit. He staleybridge C. 2. Harrow- 0. named. The offer has been ac miiular U llie enlure drew the smwke from hi Hunted had 4o 4he coiicIummi that 'A'aUall 1. Orimsby Town 0. v f u lyM- Yontouter. come cepted conditionally. leuip:i-y CAPTURED AND TOWN i.ill" of opium into the bottle ami Wigaii ltoro 3. Bradford 2. l.ut tometilial lariojr -boiimiwi "Iiy rtMiutt of Wie Y'uii-eoutpr Uie enanU were iryiuy to do the may meet Strangler Uwii iu a I May irom lte 4ba I tilnn then iiiliifled it through Ihe spool. .wit of the rent. Wrexham 5. Ilarttepool 0. OF NEWPORT FREED i.. ii. r..i net Sun I ui ire yon aim owoer mixed bout. It was atidciit that the siuoUr SCOTTISH LEAGUE Hlyde, tthere he I min num. etiwj- lutluem-r Ui riMimte the Mr. l i-.licro-.keil him if tie Isad to repUt-e Uie uleamer i.nei unfair dirr-imiutiou in freitrhl did not hate a lain' supply of w-uited Hie l-ejit no llie fir-4 -of Airdrieonianft Heart ?. 1 UMX N .v , Tli-- Na- on the Prime HuiMfrt ami Anyoy rule iruUtt Hi il-H.li Ikdumbtu the drily for Ir- hud carefully 1 1 lie 010111-11. olio 1, Ayr United I. CITY COUNCIL WAS arii i ..-vi-iul day n.ule. arcoidinii lo aiinouni'pnn'nl ami mil utknjv I" -the uIiiumI a trruped all llie ashes from iuhle "Xii." wilm rej.lieil. Celtic 3, Tli ml Lanark V. IN PRIVATE SESSION ' s uc vi-mi'iii. Iiiite cap- made in Vancouver tit k- week by tunre .lil for our tiiMtinee. Hip bottle lo nu over uuain. The "Well mu did iu4 enforce II Hibernians 3, Albioir lloters 0. it i , ,,i Kill -y ami ai'tt-nty John lUrn.ley. inaiiuKini iliiwun "Hie fad thai Prince UupoN ott-ier of lie- pipe was im! lound. on Hie fu-et of the month m you Kilmarnock I. Falkirk 0. FOR SEVERAL HOURS ai - uin. In-Ill tin- (own of ol the Union S(eumlup U. or n. is heated IMS liiilew ne-ai-er Hie ihiui Hiate waited -it." the coun Morton S, Duiideo 3 ' for tti-pk" Tin- Free C The r.heloliln i to be 1ul Orient Uian Yuncouttv uud I lie ROUND TRIP WINTER sel suiigesled. Motherwell &. Clyde 3. '! ilii-i-p iin-ii imineiilly on the l8(iutf amp trnuiniM of the ltuadUn NhIn.u Tried to Get Rent, l'arlick Thistle 2, ALerdeeu I. The member of the city cuuu- pei EXCURSION TICKETS insUled Itailh Hovers I, Hamilton A. 0. cil with (he exception of Alderuian which nertife 'ie ha been ul HufittUy wlh h miliiiiid vrmit'l Mr- Mnctkmor 4hat lie, run liybh'avu lio-l In roiiimlttee uf lukiiis ulni-e her wilhdruvtal from uneipiaVhMl on the roiiLinent mid Iricd t uc4 H -tlie first of etery lluiurl Uliee ptmsa-AiiiiK m liutKuirtcent Jiur- The (.uiiadlun National Hail- moiilti. II. H. su.n-e, wis ia iwwseugvr the whole lust iiiuht in the routi- l'ice II. Uriuee M FUNERAL NOTICE Imm- ViilJi tfry dock uml uplenilftl Wilts aiiuooiup reiiurcil lures 111 "You coiKI nut ire It?" His llie Prlncp llupei-l urritintf til chumber and discussed Mayor Atrrka UKo. mii- fiM'llllie-i nuiriieU me In effect from tvoinls on llie 0. T. P. llomu a-sk(d. hie -Hi i iivunnny. He -U ifolin; Itocbester report in reifard tu n An -tuinu-eii., auI r GREEK CABINET llnnl Prince lluiiert U Hie loaHNil I'.. S. S. to San Fiunvispo, Uis An. "No." ihe wltiiet. M-iilictl. on -lo SU-wart in vs.unection with re.oriianliation of llie stufU of H''T f MAMe, uie requt'M hx-ulhm fur the ertwlion of teles and oilier pmuts In Oallfor- "I lnojie tbe lMH.db of fill Ihe Stone group uf mines which Ipe ariout dcparlmetiU. Tbu f i iu ttttt-nd Uie fum-tnl of RESIGNS AGAIN unolhcr Kruiir eletu'or on Him iuu. l'ikeU will be uu sale daily (own wiill ted .Uit U ue o he rtiieoWy boisded to Wood, merlin s was closed to the pres laji Iti-ikHmr Ili-iiiy imtHel. Ui'Mled bere, it wtntTd to Murrli Jl. IUJJ. and ood re. when our bill arty due. III TVM Hint W-ilton, of Ferule. but a one alderman ei pressed it ' anit-ioti. in Up tn-ld nt A'l'llFNX. Nov. SJ. Ih t.ivek pc-tirr bent reiullit for mir Na- tui-iiinu imlil April 30, 1VJ3. Honor remarked. this morning, "they talked from, ' umivi lrM. l'Jmpt-1, Sun l abiuct bun reelKiied. Hie l IKnUuI lluilttay uud pi-otuli- tin1 Tnkct muy In- touted bi Y'nn-loiixfi Mr. Murtbunr dtmied tbe stale, tor the mseci-(-Muale)Mo bolweeil light lo eleveti'thlrty without doing N-'V.-iiiIum- .'O. ul -.'.;io luteal eiluatiun ha becumu cum iurthjfii pi-uirii- with spctHly or Scallli and Steauishlp meist of the pUtotlir thai be had the wUc- uml sjiist olieot but anything." The city halt staff in ..ii.uliol nn nrroilllt of the miH and diiii-4 si-rvh-tv .- isu n.tly in. - .n I' H iiifoi'in-iitiou. been uked to rvjair Ihe plu.ee whi'ii Mi luyk'i tl.rtitiii-il to were straining their ear all 11. M. SIMPSON. aulhorille-a iuvutma l' linir f.ii lh- Mi op-ulco of wilt.- ' call i'v lick.i Ollitc. durbsg the summer. He also 11,1 ask i h. ! i ai Nn the list uf morning fur au inkling uf the dc Putt HiHutol . lury former mini-dem liurJ NuiK'outpr iu llili mailer. Uaiiadiaii National Hailwuys, of oib'riitg lo try ami -gut the lieu on Uie eafe, he Jd 4iiH iu uisiun uf the city father but un. nor KHKI KrOHK r. ,-.- Iliil'i'i' Hi' -. di: i-l M'- Kj-he- i.Ltd -.i-l thiuy wu bo thcomlu,-. ' v ii Ii rt'ii -"ii