rsday, October 27, 1932 Shirley Shoppe Vill Close End of October Saturday night this shop will finally close its doors. Every- thing in the store must be dis- posed of and we are going to sell all the dresses in the store includ- ing Evening Dresses and After- noon Dresses. DRESSES Evening Dresses and Afternoon Dresses. Will clear them out at $5.95 Come early if Take as many COATS you want as you like, COATS The Balance of our Se - DS outs = $5.00 Some Wonderful Fall and Win- ter Coats 45.00 to go at Not many are left so come early for these. Don’t miss the oppor- tunity. one, by Stan 50c ita ana * $1.95 All the Non-Run Lingerie mad field will clear at per garment We have yme wol i Py Gowns made by Non-run, will go HOSE and HATS Hose ‘ 85c ld vl Felt Ha i er H 50 a c This is the greatest bargain sale that the city has ever had. We lose at the end of the month. No try-on on the dresses. There are not many in stock SALE Final—No Exchange, No Refunds, No Credit Hotel Arrivals Central Announcements Bridge an Hall Hallowe'en xt. 28, L.O.D.E October 28. A 50c D Dance Gents Ladies 25: iowe en , Dance O ) Co \ National | Norway Bazaar, November \ Hall Empre \rer Wwe naw vs. Gurvici Church Bazaar, Noven Whist Novem fe and JONES Bazaar. Nov. 24 ee Daily Special |Family Meat Market bbon Malt Extrac' ree R eae onion 25¢ I Good weight 35¢ ec lies Lamb *@1. 00 4 . 1 tin Bri Ce-~-A-] 25¢ Stew Beef 2 lbs. & b 1 bunch Carre fee P Pot Roast Beef, 4 lbs, & . ing Corn-—-For Hallow 4 tb eed 50e | en, extra special 25 : on : oye Loin of Lamb Chops, ¢ 1b | l,i & 1 in Peas a0c I shoulder Pork & 50¢ 50¢ 25¢ * Ginger Ale aozen $1.35 "3 Ibs. Apples ork Chops Cut Macaroni 25¢ ae 10p Dest stock, 4 Ibs Squiry Halibut ‘rrel Brand Peanut Butter Ibs hovelty e . 2 lbs. vt : rg: cups 25¢ oe Salmon 95¢ 3 lbs = Cups can be used for Sirloin Steak 45¢ “rlous purposes, Limited 2 Ibs » quantity, T-Bone Roast, 4 lbs. & 1 Crosse o Blackwell's $1 00 Sauce MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store . 18 — Phones — 360 17 and 319 ‘Third Avenue Round Steak, 2 tbs. & 3 Ibs. Onions 50¢ 957 — Phone — 957 25¢| PROGRAM IS - DELIGHTFUL Taxi 35—-Ernie Large t2} C.L.D.L. Dance Thursday night.) - a0} | Undies’ Shadi. Club Meets at| Hill 60 Hallowe’en Bridge and, i ‘ ; Home of Mrs: Robt. H. W. |dance tomorrow night, I. O. D. E.; Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone | Bartlett Hall. 249) 290, tf Ancien | Tonight's train from the East | Just arrived, lovely Parisian | | An except iv interestine ana] fue at 8 p.m., was reported this|models, in fur felt. at $4.75 and | delightful program of Am«¢ |morning to be on time |velvets at $4.25. “Demers 250 | iIndian musie d musi ape! os z East India was rendered vesterdav| 4. “Ringlette” Permanent Wave| Hygga bazaar and dance, Met- | lafterndon at the meeting of the|°™ the installment: plan. We use}ropole Hall, Friday, Oct. 2¥, at 8] {Music Club, under the capable su-| SNe suppues. Nelson's ‘Beauty| o'clock. Sale of fancywork. Admis- | Ipervision of Mrs. Robert Bartlett. |P@tlor. on hee. Y la Many citizer will recall one 1 oo me lcomposer of American Inaian mu-| . #¥de eer sy voais are In) For Fall Kalsomining MURESCO | isic, in the person of Di Ernest | 93 ekg beta oe on, Sees $1.00/is supreme. Eighteen beautiful McMillan Mus. Doc. of the Toronto |P&F ton set than any other com-|tints to choose from. Gordon’s Conservatory of Music, who gave|?@@Y 4 town. Hardware, McBride St. Phone 311. in organ recital in the Anglican ts “4 ; | ti Cathedral in 1927 , The Prince Rupert Pe eee ir so Society will be putting on 4 con- eee ‘Dr. MeMillan was instrumental|”” ae f Mrs 3 : ittle es Tene " ok natant | cere next mont h in’ the First Uni-| ’ > ®. a. Macauley — widen oral man incient | | Wt Pied tire proceeds of the son will sail tonight on the Prince nelodi¢ of he West Casi: : Rupe é ri yt rack tribes 1 ; ‘ y re oncert will go ‘to civic relief work ors ey 2. ae a Cuitiiqask I wh would othe vel where Mrs. Macaulay’s parents re- beer t X Among | | side. these are “Three f the} i — West ¢ re reprodu-| Constable G C. Shar r ced as nearl musical not ation | 34 bi aa) “ a ‘§ 4 : tr 4. Oiarpe, provin Bessette URCRS" EO a i S a ,Clal police officer at Queen Char i ; low { made on| 4 A \lotte City, who arrived in town } R n dinmer of -est ‘ in : 4 yesterday morning on escort duty 097 i + < a On aT eT Ny will sail by the Prince John tomor- ; ° n was ‘ follows digested row night on his return to the Is- ha I : Mor n| lands. a ru cules JO @ hha | ; lel © i f Ru Gillies. | s i. ‘se . Vocal sn e a * at Mrs. D. D. McTavish, who ha - a) ae ail been in the city for the past t i ) \ yoligato.| : : T FP N EM 8 LSION days, will sail by the Prince Ru Alle se We ys ; pert tonight 9° her return 'o Vic- P al Mndiat of lars Tea) Saas < Mrs, McTavish is the daugh- I , RE Ma Mi Cod Liver Oil ter of Morte H. Craig, formeriy of jthis city. Swanna Olafson i } ; c } n . . ; a oes y B Wate wy Tae UT F. C. Eadie, William Plena re Rickets Preventing {leith and William Andersen of Oc-!} ‘ . 5 é all who 2 > 10 h efty Pian o th Cal Vitamin D | cean Falls ho cam t the cft att Gini be |vesterday to attend a Masonic ga-| ‘rs. W | thering, will sail by the Prince Ru | pert tonight on tteir return to the Y as , |paper town Geeda : +4 nr East Coast of Ar YY q : ast Coast or rd Dartor we eae Moresby Island 9 A } Py M M Vict ' East Indian Musi Word ! ved from the Que Petit Ea ee ea ai 2) SPECIALS | Flow 4 Ww 1 Japanese firm is laying plans Ay . c i . — * ‘ rs \balone at Jedway,com-|For Friday and Saturday Ar Wo ne ne nonth or two.;}SUNLIGHT SOAP i , Law 006 rket in Japan| per carton $C p 5 which is d favorite Or-|]QUR OWN TEA—A High 8%e K o | quailty olend, pr iD 2ED ARROW SODAS | REI ARROW SOD 1%¢ A on " per pke wie’ tea, Ge tana SPR ice 9r | a Zac M — 953 Phone 95? lPEAS- AS—Royal City 15¢e At Sieve No. 3, pe roma’ TOES—Mal! t OF c Ri M J i No. 2‘ tins } v KELLOGG'S C¢ RN k LAKES 25 : ‘ De On 5 : oe r | = QUALITY VEGETABLE sh and Carry |. SPECIAL ey Cash and Carry | PECIAI R } went Mwrips a 10 It Pun | eguced rrices 5 Ibs. Onions, 5 ik | on 2 av Hey 7 1 Community Silver DHN PULGER: A~ JEWELLERS BIHE STORE WITH THE 7 LOCK — Wr We fem ry al not look your riving free your booklet hygie Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Is offering a special price in PERMANENT WAVES $4.00 and $5.00 Phone - best? adv Call e on for 655 THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dutch Maid Salad Dressing Cauliflowers friday & Saturday ,—— Specials | McINTOSH 24¢) ar Prunes. -40-50 14¢) See 14¢ 23c 25¢) Pure Apple M “ { o BUTTER—Sunnybrook 63¢c' | soup 95¢ BUTTER Cresty a) Malkin’s Best RAISINS Secdles Prey eae PTY RAISINS 3 rn sitte, By ue Cs ee %, pkg large size }-oz. each |California Black Figs 2 lbs. for Life Buoy Soap ete 22¢| Jiff Soap Suds ae r pke ‘mo Potatoe Fir vce 91.90, Gold Coin, 100-\lb Fancy Hyslop Crab Apple 4 lbs. for 25¢ Large size 20c | each | | j of 16c) |AYL MER RED CHERRIES | ; Largest Sale In Canada SALAD TEA “Fresh from the ie Corian: a A A A .o en Snappy New FUR COATS The Biggest Stock in Town — at — GOLDBLOOM’S The Old Reliable Now is the time to buy coats. Next year they will be twice the price. Winter is coming on and you need a fur. Nothing looks so well as good furs and ours are the real thing. Your Credit is Still Good sroon 5 Striz 34¢ PUMPKIN—Royal City } 43C CATSUP 17¢)8°° Fresh Firsts , per A7e| = ot PHONE 55 55¢ $1.75 Unwrapped $1.45 SWIFT'S S¢ OAP DE AL APPLES Fancy per 35-ib REDS pe I 40-lb 2 tins ¢ sic ¢ ( pkg. Quick Ar! Chip 4 bars Cl Soap 1 54-inch Crepe Table Cloth “* $1.3 35 for 84¢ 86¢ lic Brand ye! Bran per 3-lb. brick Brand, per No. 2 tit | HONEY GRAHAM WAFERS @ per 1-lb. pkg Zic CRISCO per 3-lb, tin 72¢ AYLMER RED PLUMS No. 2 tin 10c 19¢ 22¢c, tor 35¢. 18 Ibs. i POTATOES 25C per per No, 2 tin per Ige. bot per Watts Grocery PHONE 56 “THE BEST FOR LESS” ee ee ee LF eT) a Greatly Reduced Fares to Europe (AU Classes) i EDUCTION of 5% to 12 avail- able when booking ROUND PRU? Cabin, Tourist and Third Class to Europe. Visit the Old Country this Yuletide—and SAVE! CONVENIENT CHRISTMAS SAILINGS From Saint Joha Duchess of Richmond ~- - + - ++ = Dee. & Monteailm <«--++<+<+<+<+e0888 Dee. 9 Duchess of Atholl «<< «<<< Dee. 15 Note Vhese ships sail ome day later from Walifae ae ae SPECIAL HOME-GOING FARES For complete information apply to your or J. J, Forster, Steamship General Passe Station, Vancouver, B.C »val local tra agent, C.P.R, ger Agent, CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver PRINCESS NORAH--Octy12. 24 To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean Falls and Way Potts; To Ketchikan, Wrang@lkt Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH-~ Oct. 8, 20, 29 For Information call W. L. COATES, General Agent Nov, 2 or write Prince Rupert, Bu, | x “ s _ UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver:-- T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday am T.S.S. VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, Arrivine Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx Weekly satlings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas River points, Sunday, 8 pm Further tnformation regarding all sailings and tickets at VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue. Phone 568, n