J 4 PAHK TWO T7T1 DAIT7T ItRWB Av. The Daily News ENGLISHMAN Published pnixcF.Every nupEivr Afternoon,- nninaii except Sunday,Columbia the Prince ROTARY GUEST PRESERVING FRUIT SPECIAL BARGAIN Hupert lially New, Limited, Third Avenue.. . .11. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Sir Thomas Robinson Gave Short SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Address at Luncheon Yesterday CARNIVAL tor school Upenm City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .$1.00 - '-- - - By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, fYfyvff the sneakers at the ltutirjnJtotiehen The next w.- k. ,1 f h- grratc! harnains in yosterslay wa in advanre, per year .ffl.pii all Sir Thorites llohln-on srrlmrby. preserviiiR fnnt thai evri wn. ..frr--,! in llupcrl tUmUition To other cutintnes. in advance, per year 17.50 KngjaCjU who ba iien visiting were nevrr n favoiahle f.i lo ai fruit, for preervin as to. Boys' Depnrtmunl Ladies and GtrlV TELEPHONE 08 in 'Ihrfffitir Ibis week, the guest day. The rwHr- iot strike in States ha eot off alH.l eoni-plelely Department of MrfwiM Mrs. T. II. Johnson, the oMiifHtlit,..n of tat"rn maraels with lh eeatili tlwt Coast mtorket alnlte.l with fruit thai mtil br sttl.l Beys' Jerseys, 100 Pure FtturUi and who left last r Ave, Transient Display Advertising. ... . 1.40 per Inch per Insertion Wool in 1'iiiin Vnlr nod ntabt'fiir,Vancouver aeeompanlcd reganlless of profits, llrrr i y.nir opportonHy to save ittorwy QIHs' Cotton Transient Advertising on Front Paite 12.80 per incli lallcv -It 1 1 Sii-- '.' I" II ftiob.4 M Local Headers, -per insertion S.lo per line by iirXIdinson. by rannlnir your own fruit. Special $2.50, $2.75 A $3.00. Huperii.l M , Classified Advertising, per Insertion 2c per word .Mr AtMna spoke of flrimbv Remember Monday, SapU 4th, Is Labor Day. i nd brown Legal .Notices, each insertion IRc per agate lint a the premier Ashing port of th- Shop early this . Beys' Bloomer Pants Special 30c pale Contract Rates wofltl. While lie was promt or Hubbard Snath, lb. So. on Application. Bartlett Foars for Pre-servtnit. liMule of towlity AH advertiing should be In The Daily News Ofllce on day preceding Me fCt. he did not rare how .mm We offer for arrival Ve. Marrww. pr lb. Sc. Iwreal Willi ettra patent g'-sl fasten- Misses' snd Olrl PHnce ltuiett wrested Ihe honor UUlf ptiblicntior. All advertising received subject to approval. Labor Day. livery MeHuoi.Sltel tKumber. Lace Boots them. He spoke appceeia-uvely t r. Sites .' I to .1 1 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. (-olii Tuesday. So Dotes of F.vlra 2 foe 15c, 4 foe 25c. slio. tan. So. . n Special $2.75 a pair, any of the work of te Notary Fancy "mpi-t Stork at Iarce Heads tlery. 2 for f.luh. and ahl it was a eaur. ipeclal $2 55 pair, DAILY EDITION $2.65 Far Bos. 25c. Friday. Sent. I. I9j;. for hiW lo renew acquaintance Boys' Khaki Wool Shirts Farh lc weighs at least IS Yellow luntam Corn on t'.b. al I'riper Ililf-ert. Hoy Si miiI style with strap Ihs. nelt aFHl we assure yoti per ihtl. 60 o. Just Arrived, Ladltt' Less Government Sir Tboma. who took a leading r.hoM-e White lUnliflower. n shiiohler and two oek- , rt, that fie fMr immiioI ena not Coats Says Mackenzie King. ; an ht oei?nittiflg the food top leave Ihe grower enough to large head. 35c, 0c, 45c. rl iKililiti' sewn thnmgh limtteU iMi ' during Die war, sfsnfce of the t'UH'n made. Ml it- Hy Nil. Yesterday Premier Mackenzie King echoed what lies been Hen ltd loyally that had beoi pay fw the botes. v'c will okanaean llreea iilsjiage. Special $2.75. .ruffs. on the lips ami minds of Canadians all over the country when be shown by Canadians during t hook ortferw only to for 25c. From $25 00 to US 00. amttnitt we have arriving. New Carrot. 8 lb. foe 25c. saul thai what wa needed at present was less government The tarty years of the war. II manifestation New Iteets. large btinrhes. Boys' Negligee Shirts tendency of the day i for the governments to interfere with ha tiesm a marvel Freestone Elborta Fsaches 3 foe 2Ec. wilh eparatr cut tar, in 4 Ladles' All Wocr Suur everything to the limit. Thi is true of all governments. PYiRow-ing him and 5a fidly appreciated now in stock, plenty of large Obboe Twmatoes, per basket. nice aortii"-'it of robsrs. Coats- wnii i j remss the ocean. 50c. I .' I I h r a4 bell a very expensive war. it became' more necessary than ever In Soewkint of Ihe financial condition sues at S(r $1.45 Per Boi. HtJtAtie Tomatoes. ier Special $1.25 Each. i rl.r VII collect the last mmI ih order lo pay oiir National debt. Now Ihe of affairs Jut nw. Sir We hoe to have an rven basket. 75c. Special $10.50 oath, limit has been reached. The people are paying all they enn Thomas said that all Prine Ho lower priee hut would ad-vis Musk Melon. 15c and 20c. Boys' Fine Dress Boots stand and the linflt of interference ha alo been pert was short of was mone. reached. Whal you not to wad. i'.b Mettvn. er lb. So. made of fin-- ipislil lines ii we wmiiI how is a chance to do business without governmental Much ettuld be done if money wire Italian Prunes now in stock. Watertnelons, er lb. 5c. rail skin HIMlWN Iran.' Ladles' Shoes snd Boot available He hoped Ihe neef-d in Ian aii Interference aud change, for these changes always interfere SO ih l..v... fur $3.50 Hones I sew Metoft. 15c and kwM emne to ha ml so that devei- not kol with busine and make development difficult. potent mishl tro ahead. The Mr) ?0 lh.b Lot fr $1.50 20c. Special $5.S5 pair. anetit nl u i. . Per S Ih Basket 40 Malaga lira pes. 2 lb. foe 45c. had a ptendM natural po'tb r Fresh Shipment of North Eilra Special This Week. 10t Off oue Rtgular Pritn. Definite Date For rnd he hiHd to see it jrrow. If Boys' Heavy Leather Shoes West Biscuits Just arrived. Swift's Premium Hams, Lumber Mill To Open. the government wwM advance in blark a if I tan. A !ron We inebnled n trial onler for new stork, guarantee! not A definite Hate has lteen set for Ihe opening of the big lumber the money for railway facilities 1 1 rah a in Wafers parked in itiiititdy. serviceable she beh will Ladle' Fine Cathmet what wanted shoo Id come. Hive hnrd Wear. Sie H t Moae "rt mill at linckley Day. It i announced by P. L. Hufkley that wn lb. WiNslen lu.tes which is Taking Whole Ham. per lb. I J I I ami rutting lumber will commence on October I, jul a month from big value at $1.25 pee tot. 4Se Special $35. 95e pair Huy them nw. Tliey ar-fre.h. l-S Ham Shank Fad. per lb. now. No intimation Ts given as to how long operation will continue Ten Years Ago 47c hat contained the':L" except in article Angeles reeeritly i:itron. per Ih Sc. t ? Ham Holt Fnd. sr Ih publihed in this paper in which it said the promoters wihed . In Pr'nc Kupart Pumpkin. pr lb. Sc. 50c. to have ten million feel on the tlm'k at Lo Angeles lie fore work Universal Trading Co, St pt ember 1, 1912. there commenced the remanufacturing. Much will depend V. . Smith ha- .un lm. it The Rupert Table Supply Co upon the weather. If the mill operates this wiuler and logging frtm ti. II. M'li(-r.n I wo ht- Phone 376 cmp are opened at Masett Inlet, it should to n large extent n i'hiril Aoor . -- llir Phones 211.212. relieve unemployment in the North. The general expectation imi offief for j:i.ooo. lto- among those likely to know is that there wilt, he work for everybody ante lots werr sold urtil lis a git for l t.too. without much stale or city relief during tfie coming winter. . . tj.fc. .. . - - Th funeral of the late Or. J. wa fll ! .JVT 'III' tine Willi w. 'e wild i-hwi. wli. h w- lo. Pioneers Leave For i). Kdlir lMk plase this after, t-riri'll Slei lik t -ll-wma tei i-uiti. d long -'loxipit to . liable Positions Elsewhere. noon untlrr Maotiie .lwe. The favuri'r. S'l-..- Khiu -"laulklrs llo ti. r . a'iiliila' .j moVe autpicrs. HtlttnonBlol, Print front CS( Riptit. Two long time residents.of Prince Hupert are lo leave, it is Kev. F. W. Kerr olfkriatine. The . am.- ilin',1 w.'ll l -winilward Hi.i ti. v'.' b. made unani. ami lr. bIi. hiI fnin mo u j Mi Nelson Will make hi announced. Alderman C (I Perry, and O. II. Nelson, formerly lallltearers were Dr. . M. Mr. w .Will. Dr. II. K. TrtttMyne. Iir. I.. Ihe very fitsj. Pulling ahead of final residence ill Prni.'- tu. Dr. E. S. TAIT publisher of the Journal in Jhis city, are Itoth getting better posi . wli. ti ..f V. Kemin. Dr. il, A. HwiriX, Oil of I be ruck, site loaiotano'il oeri. .iy li. was formerly tions than they now hold and will leave soon, the one for Van Dr. J. P. Cade and P. W. Andr. her kiUial lead to Ike end. Harry it resident. J Dental Surgeon comer and the other for Victoria. Both will be mied. Aid. MW. Walford' ' lireamer," Hill Ker-jnn Perry has taken a keen interest in public affairs in addition to "liagiM.m." Henry Olli. PREST IS TAKING (XUct oerx, 9. a.m. lo J.t. his departmental duties. Mr. .Velum has devoted his attention I'ales tn alt ehiirehe of the mis' "KiUalla and leaig. SnnJaj bj Appointment city are taking part today in Ihe Stork's "Sunbeam" ersed in a ! MOYING PIOTRES mure to political life. News of their departure was received yes bunch with Irofesr llensoti's lerday wilh regret and the" hope, was very generally expresd thai giving of eloquent appreciation "lHHellia" five seeomls CENTRAL ALASKA to the late (iriteral llonlh. head they may not le kept away permanently. In that wih the Daily tern. Gart TlMMUfioon' U weed a News heartily joins. of the Salvation Army. who and Hie II.. stir II. K. Free, passed last week. away . F.tlUHA.NKS. Sept I. - Since man's "NarbeUintig ." eroed Fire Insurance the wreck of his machine, the I'll, lugelher seveeail erond later. Relief Arrives. The tar Hear, in the wilds between E.H. SHOCKLEY same order was maintained The announcement that there has been relief in the matter TenYears Hence j until round the Langara Huoy. here and Kagle Mime week ago. of fire insurance rates in this city will lie very welcome to those, in Prlnca Rupert the wind was light aim fully an C. O. Prest. the aviator, wilh the Planing Mills! Cow Bay. Wharf: Noit Imperial Oil 0t who jut now are feeling the squeeze of hard times. The rales, hour and a half was taken oo ,asislanee of the Fairbanks' New. Phone 33. it is generally acknowledged, have been too high in this city. The this first bg. Itunning free be. Miner and eitiien of Fairbanks, FIR DIMENSION, FINISNINO LUMBER, PLANKINQ 10 companies have been making huge profits from Prince Hupert September 1, 1932 fore the wind, which began to ba been making iiHivint: picture TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, -DOOMS AND WINOOWt insurance and yet the people here were helpless. The Hoard of I lie annual Hegalla of the freshen riabt after nonn, ever- of the Fairbanks country, show., Agent for: Fire Underwriters are supreme in this matter and what they say Hoyal llaiila Varhl lllub Ueoei ineh of Imtii canvass wa hoist ing the farms, the mines, the ne--college Hobertaon A llarkclt Paw Mills, 1-td, has to be adhered to by all hoard companies. here liMlay with llo- largest lial ed, "(ulkles,' nmading Ihe and inlerealiug activities, J. Fyfe Smith Hardwood. oi none, fur Hie imir rare Many first, drawing away in fine well a the scenery of the I-amatco" 3 ply CotUnwood I'aneiiinif Better Business that tja Jteen seen siiiee the style. Ih-atmg bttek from North rtMintry. , Oarland Company, Hoofing Paint. In Some Lines. first regatta was held. There Island t" Hose Spit, (Ualkless These pielure together wilh Mayor Rochester staled last evening that there had been were nine entries for Ihe 33 iwnle the most of her fine quel one thai Mr. Prest look of the more travel here this yer than ever -before and that business oelri alas, whieh ha prove! to Hie. Mil hetween the Smt anl caribou among whicji be uvade the1 with him had been Iwtter. The daily train service had been a be by far the mt itonular. Ihe tjoHiiiiiHlore, she got into a landing that proved fatal lo b p it Our froien herring bait t conceded tr t great advantage as people did not all come on the same days. The Sieve King "tuJklesV earried calm which permitted the I'e. plane will be prepared for the Dl 1 t0 b, tn- nnMl procurable at any Paci( w travel was more regular. uiosi of the mooey far, in 'tie ellet and Poinsellia U elae tin motion picture theatre of the Portland It is - Fishy. Price, 130 per ton. It is refreshing lo hear that business is good in some quarters. past, she has proved herself lo tin Ihe eeoin rettiBaL Ihe breeie country. IPF Th btl of bvsurlng a good quality v9 We all expect that there will now be an improvement be ihe fastest thing afloat when wa decidedly fresh hy the time AVe-t to have plenty of our hard frotrn li t hauling to win.I throughout the city. Kftptemher should mark the beginning of ward. Although langara wa reached ami f'ulk SltverMse in ll.e Msllv New SI per ton. the coming of heller times for Prince Hupert and for the whole handieapped I uiln. 25 see. she le again got away with every Ontfifs "r w"-eipjlpped store can supjdy flsh'i c. of the west. manairrd In round the course spinnaker drawing. It wa here TTTTTTTTTTTTTIT flahermen's elothiiig, jrerles and V v 5 twice, in (he lead with several that PRINCE RUPERT TIDES OagiHuii niel wllli her ar. and hardware. second to spare. blent fifteen mimile foler. the The course was from Ihe com. Irvnger wind eurryimt her spin. Friday. Keplemlier I NEW ENGLAND FISH Company AstedDollars MMlore anchorage Just east of Maker away bodily. In half an High 10.17 a.m.. In.M feel. Kotchlkan, Alaska Branca Massett Inlet, round I.angara Imur. rerf. ware being taken In 2S:I2 p.m., IH.6 feel. arm atUfl ka IH rttaratd horns OS Huoy and horlh east to a Into) and I'm n...ilia gave up. was Low 3:15 a.m., 0.3 feet. Sstnrday aifht,lf httiaj tptot JSorJIO at $prtl; Island and bark twice, BMticalar Iraighl going until North I kind 15:17 9.5 feel, without aay pltatnrt or proAtf p.m, mriny the day, the North lah buoy wa again rHiuded when ftatifrday. September 2 WouUa't it hat ba bttter for your erowded with fstuf sif toit4of(ptadiat; th moary,yoa was plane fr-rivin- the rU.se hauled mi HIT X High 11:10 a.m.. 17,7 feel. DENTISTRY! hia dput4 it to U crtait of your mtUcs from I'rinee Hupert ami t-mlkle. won her I ha rare on 33:05 p.m.. IU ? feel. account I'oi'l Kdward, while Ihe big er. the last leg. Low I :IH a.m., 5.7 feet. Thlakitotorl Opta a satiaf s accoaat nost 'ursou plane hovered over the I7:lir. p.m., H feel. Modern X-RAY Service payday at ear Dcaott oraoch, aa4 sata all I'Hirse CJirried eager h ml red W. J. Hows bat at last been Sunday, September 3 your apara dollaia. every trip watching Ihe seaman. displaced as lh,e leader of Ihe High 11:51 a.m.. I5 feel. 1 n BoakM "Ok I i ship. (liberal-Conservative pafly In 23:30 p.m., I O H feet. DR. BAYNE 'till"! m nqumtt, There light breeze frun was a U.C.. at 101 the Ooiivenlhvn which Irfw- 5:11 5.1 feeL a.m. .Hie Rooms 4, S, 9, Helgereon Block r"' 1 soiilh.weit which freahened UNION BANK OF CANADA I considerably a Ihe afternoon closed la-i. Iioire night.of the The provin-overwhelming 17 58 p.m., 7 feel. OfUce Hours: Mornings, V.tZ; Afternoons, t t 1 a I wore on. giving Ihe skipper rial :Mi.-riii..n just closed wa Kvenlncs, 7.9. lot lo think about. Muring the O. II NcN.m. of Victoria The SUITCASES Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager earlier pari of the day, there official w.ie was Nelson 55J, was 'a b of light canvass i vu i Stevens ;. and Hnwser al. When TRUNKS deni when the wind was fluky. the resuM wa annnunred there Itisiug rapidly it was not until CLUB BAGS THEQ COLLARTo LTD Hill Keraln' spinnaker was cur. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED riei that the oilier boats ISI la l.i- tS SAILINGS sliorteneil away sail and the rom-se CATARRH Large Stock on hand. We are now Agentc foe the New York Life n,UP'BC,fM" For Vancouver, Ocean Fulls and Hwunion Hay, Tuesday 5 i is The most liberal and strongest company on the f p.m. was finished with timsl of die BLADDER Prices very low. to ss t For Assets, 3S.S0. Let us show you how Vancouver, Alert Hay and I'urt Hardy, Saturday p.m. yaehi .aiiying two or three Foe Anyoi, Alice Arm, Port Bimpaou and Wales Island, Sunday re. fs rWi'illlBBaT BWTTrTTBB Each CimU J. F. MAGUIRE money fl- inidnlKht. Wmn Mm yun went off at Hi Ml Nttt lb Prince .tuprt Hotel Fhone Blue 99. Westholme Theelre Bloc. p 0- $tt For Nsas River Canneries, Friday a.m. o'clock, C. C. Ferry's 'Trpellet i-9HatK!!. fMkrjWi