VkOT. SIX irfli daily irwfl Tm-Isv e. PARSON GIYES ADVICE LARGER HOTEL FOR G. H. Arnold, Notary Public TO YOUNG PEOPLE IN t JASPER PARK LIKELY WESTHOLME THEATRF FIRE INSURANCE Is carefully wrllUn by us In reliable REGARD TO MARRIAGE , BE BUILT NEXT YEAR XnttitU uietKai sjiiu aMl Tw UIIIUITOW. companies. We ara permanently engaged In the buelneet and i Says Time Com Inn, When Girls lmiONTO.V Sepl I. -Waller, our record ara accurately Kept o that when your policy expiree Wilt In i i m ral manager of the Propose to Men gt you will be notified In sufficient time to keep your property ( )! dining and MerMli Avoid Hasty Unions hotel and MAEMUMAY protected. Wo solicit your business. f .3 ilrpai tiiwnt of t anadlan Na-j H. O. HELOERSON, LTD. ticr.il ltada. who aruvrU liere Tilling in, Sept. I The .13110 t.'iim Ja wtiere he has hrett Rental. Insurance. Loans. pi-r. i eomius wiim ihe ant w i Im- able l g Iti lire man mid tt.ak ng niMligatkMm in rmi- IN se.t'Tft, pn.nihility i,( hi, , i no , ii with his offtees staled, rimlug engaged KVv li ,it tian .",. dmlely on hl rettirn' m SlaufTer, of Toi mIi, t -1, hi I a In will make reeowrttirnda-1 "Peacock Alley" t the iMntinrtw irk de-j ' - roiisregfllliia In Si Jaim s M It sFkTsvl LADIES ndll Church las; night. i-.a m- nl t th lire Mallgne.! TIMBER) SALt X 41ST. If MSly marrta- an -, i a r t and Miett road, a fast am Harold Lloytl Comedy .... Seiled ternlcr vill be rerettrrf b)r the lble fur foui riflh. f !i - til' , an (or the eott l? I. 'Bashfuj" Attention! JiNirtrl lomirr,n inv i.ivnii print oit Rupert,tr repiemrer,not liter difortyf rhr and ahotild bo t!i I X II will emitrui't nffi- T- pics of the Day tiazetf . I, for the purr ha or I.Ice nee X net avtiidet hi dtt Ian !. Ilr I d i. hi i.- lMiihiing in Jei A l.V I am a specialist in Ladies' nir llirlrquin Bi,in. c.n. l ! ml Imuwion, and .'ioc lAs.eee board feet of sprue. Odir. ffirwanl to Ho- lime when a :idn-- to ai eoMiirlilte al 'en-! Ivnaonal requirements and Ilrmtork ami Bilaim. " (I jeir ill be illoaed for re-iwiH uniform tnmiiiM'- law wuhl Or illl . r,iin At the prreitl lnn-. am the holder of fi .e French i timber. fr 7" in t!eraM.'ii Hit tiughnui Mir nuMMliilon ia pro'lded Further r-arUralir af the CMrf fare-ter. Medals and eight DijWomas 'lrtorta. r the tMiliirt roretter. dominion. , motor road te rwontiiieiid l for llainlrrsmnp. Prince nnpert. I'be fna)ke.r di-ret ale vthal Muni Jater lo the hot ipriltk a' My specialities Include Marcel TIMStR SAL! X4114. In termed Hip "mMerw iii'an-; Mielle. Waving, Face Massage, Seilrd tender mill be received by th lhrpe" wfiteiji wliii U-acIi -! Sightseers' Paradise Shampooing, Singeing, Hair I Minister turn tunrn of on limit the fill at dij'Vlrkrli nf September,nnt liter ealletl new and Btierttl t(fniUril j -ll'Mllil b- i hi. .. f--.ir Mr. I'ralt rwnnWer that Jaw Dyeing, Scalp Treatment. ISM. tor the Puerto of Ltcenr X 41 K, f in tie, eueh as I rt a I itMrria-j f Ji'.il.-ii-y. tin t" rut t.l'.e.tioe feet of Cedar, pruee, I'ark eteNlalM enough t ke.. Toupees and wij?s for gentlemen llrmkjrk ami lulum, on in im allotted gr. Such wrllct are tft lr j le!. (., f ill wi-llier I Sir like, lllertlie Cbtnnel. Rinra S, people Mriileein yeai- aol, and transformations i'mt Und HUtrtrt, afideil. eai'h wiHild ! . with the yeari. VfeeiUir deelarr ito-io Three 1 rein m III Im a Homed fur re Women Propose Hber alone. IFURSI for ladies. Switches made moTil of umber MHten rharttml with the eur up from ladies' own combings. further pirtlrultrf ef the Chief rare IteviewiH? 1he tllfrirenl step City vs. Country. t iinding of the hxg, Juetn-r i tee. Victoria. B.c or Imtrlcl forester. to fro mlhe niarnoge rollfge - " " rnnce nupen. b.v 'V -elf is ftlleil w-Hh pfWfilHenl o. Am at your service any lime the atlar, the jealer hMdietl Iielweeit eullii"- of fur-ward to the lime when the ehuntry h. by appointment. Phone 601. and e.i,. ' f jT,e l.nrMin. t be ereelnl . Chas.Le Clercq iu.iHia-caii nrrm young man woman ami ran propu.g tw Thin lli-young u.'e e?l."1JV-. i ,r frr'L? ",;' H.o trtHjgew1lllHJ,luual.so,alrHJy al-L 320 Slith Street. he tHMtshlerrd n rhmI tttiporUiil 'h'"k .T AT ''''"""'I' lie though tliere wtll ..m.h- .l.ghl lrangrelon f ttiie present y.le.in. Imf a little variety at Ifoy er Ml .weethenrt in imvmenHHt. They will tw at Bent's Lingerie Third l utlt for different isatMH-ilie. an I Shop - - Avenut TO EUROPE trail in the ree rouhl do m their Home town lo' ih-clari'd iwill etititin all moaVrn r unrii' harm. that tUe girl Tin- idea of iiuhlittinz the gtKHj w Snappy" HUE tESEMTSXS SSW! lw ,U"n " ,M" " by balm oie in lltr I'uIIioIm- ding wa-.M , s want ue ti Cliun-li. he MMiimended. inHiimi in-ir win v vnv nm "I'uh-lleify an ANMtrt a ilrgo Atqulth." QU(S tC-CHIftSOU-SOUTHA-FTOft. of thi nature i The central h'ntet, having room ery nenl protection whtrh THE YUKON FUR wliirh will lie adapleil lo the COMPANY Printing HABIBUM good." lie awl. "ami help t IKirrnU rrmM ie their UiMrrn ae-rotnneiHl.ilriKi . S Oct. SOU. 11 ( f fmci ef order prn r eliminate lianty marriage wherh wa ti) tetth them a Ingli stand Si.1SOtt.17,Naa.1S Imerata f ttetland of Vancouver M.vnlieU. The general rviatir are all eil to eoerety." ard before rhiM'.ing a partner adds to your business prestige. tOTStAL-SOUTMtrTOII-NTWieP wheme, liemYter, will he adhered He xaid he had frequently for life. He rootd not -e the D0NT MISS THIS EXCELLENT Stf.1SOtl.11 Nit. S Mailt OPPORTUNITY been aked whether after an en. advHaMlity of fMiniliarily al Ike to. It Is the keynote of success .s.rr.ocL xs . m . . m! gagetnenl the roule ohould et. firm plane. Tin-re wan winee. I ImnleiHalely the nsid ( rimi. A batairilllil e.-i torn uf got Metro a iur in all modern business. MOMTfttAL TO LivtsrooL elude thi-r young men and tiling wrong !.! Iml if l iHMeil to Miette. rt ainj Mai. nerk iieree will lap on diiplay for four ia - You take no chances when Si. SOib SSMf. S MeaU.tl the will al Hn from their attention. esMtifiany s..1SOt.1Nic.10 VliHarlaa women 8Tipet of Jin. wa r..n.Ht knt TiiraxUy, rVytrlMtarr Altyoa lnteSMiin. I you trust your Printing orders He telii'rd they etuiutd lieraue rf Jeut ,fl'r'f' mutdiee of etialH Se.ZSOt.MNif,1T goe)i wa folluwml Steetulm afae inrJara fur Maakioa mf Im-An or ttiii Jettlsvy to us. Sea. OtU tl He..14 Meattlirt hefore the engageiueni a !rt of the riglu iiath. err uf tin niton lo ea. h rf We have the finest printing ciinelilir priiei'. "f (le,iin Itjke beviity Mit esstei I fun oi aa at yotir aeeraaj. AM fin v. aSONTfttAL TO S LA MOW equipment north of Vancouver, Sep. SOU. 7!. 4 Tanlilaa had lieen going on. and oIIht KIM'S DIRECTORY nantwala pootlh rly suarantrml. and can handle anything Si. IS Cer.feai -iMC lriaMirua aJvertlsinK means In the printing line to your Si.ZS Oct. 21,Nit. IS . M.tMimi regular continuous advertUlna:. entire satisfaction. SYNOPSIS OF FOR 1922 ISSUED QUCSIC TO OLASeOW. CANAOIAM aThOHL aAHWSTS. Ladies9 Fall and Winter Coals S. 7 Imaem if ! wrssTsaa Lin is. LAND ALT AMENDMENTS There Ara Published 125 Datl Rose, Cowan ftLatta Qutato to uvtarooi. I Papers. 999 Weekllea, and Tsnosn soa tics. and Dresses Sl. 1 SOU.10.Nit. T KmprlM if Br lull, 301 Monthlfe In Canada Sealed taawleea aiklroaaeat to I Urrtlled etraeal and endaced leader foe tlei" Prince Rupert, B.C. air ti stint itirrvhiei, t t. i. Minimum pet f flrit-riaia M it Says IB bo recelted l tali afnr until toeree HO TWO ALIKE. roasTin. Imhii t. o.e.a. suti,. rtuei4 tl ft tl en; mnleiui t ortaek niaua, kilarday. Iia 3a r aepw Phone 234. ViMte, TIim 3rnie It I an aer 1 tetnber. If, for I.Jee.eoa hall a Im all in ftixl iii-i ' ' ' ll'--l eliM Uo i,' ' Pre-emftiMa now connaeS ! 'it- The iVti nil I ion nf the r.ana- " we minarirarel from Itmber rat be iih-l -i. U a Uw if. i nci'ii hon in the t CAaaotan ractrra railway veved tiftdi nlv. v Ineea, lpar. I tad Miy IttJ. tad Traffl aaU Recr4i win k rM4 erle( muf Jiall rWMlK-r lr-rl..r ha ovtliered briaero Ueretaaer tat. Ilt, ind ltuf i lamt ealliMi fie .trtrullinl arpnee tl, i.aue.1 V. MrKitn. by Limited, ftme.'i'e.. 'oVVrm:,"" ric. n1 vhleh la aan-iimMr UnS ALL SIZES AT MODERATE PRICES NOW ON SHOW, rirteerenlp ari-inipl ni ibol1ii4. uf M lint reu I. TiirtHlto. Ilititilltitn. "kor. la iccoedinr alia lie ai-rlfwi There Will Be A Coal Shortage Vul pirtlea at not mot thin four mat ......, . i . .. . . llbO o. Ill diled Hirrb lllk. Ill amno for ld)A-ent pr-em)loA Mir-at. .wi uvmim, aiipintni. l.eea.eaa k bo oVUirrrd u aaaiiian This Winter llh 4nt rnMinci. but imrb raikle Meaam. MrKmi thej ftire- Aitkaail I law-l betaeea Aiyutruaf a rr DorMury Improiremiati on roepoetlTe ad tVfrw RFVT'Q LINGERIE AND LADIES' Silversides tUlmi. imwt atltboritH-a in ttte hv. I kea.aao iu bo drlut red an iaidici Be wise! ITiraBtari wm oeriiiie etaime lo .Sillnnil lloei betaeeo fori Artkiit JDaCIYI O fl. jt.r iad rniki Impruvemenli lo lnji-r nituation in lMla ainl I net M tamper, auludta llttel la READY-TO-WEAR eatui of II per acre. Inerudlna cleir-Inf tlirir annual tublinatio lite 1 Mtnueeula. an4 eultlTitww of ai l.i.t k roe I eo.aoo to be oVHtered oa CtaadKa Order kernel rocelrlnc Crown Oiant I'a nail mi n N.a.e-r iHrertiiry ltMitl Unea In Mlnaieaoti. Third Ae. Opposite Bank of Montreal, Your Bros. When pro-emptor lo oscupalluii too to be delivered aa rnadi leu than S reira. ae4 bn mt orw in th ihm aullii-nUr tword uf lUe-rtattdina atkan.l line. Meat nf Utantpcy lb Second Street. portloiiali Improrementi. ki mar. bO' of the lKitnininn'a vl-vertininK tfamtwb (ad Slkitrhein hum of U.kealtk, or Mker raiM. '! ee,l to pa detred on I'tniDll' rnnlie l-termdlale rertlfirali al leu inrtlia. leawail IJaee Hi ortheen tlberU Coal Now DIRECT AGENTS FOR protem.nl and tranif.r hl rlalm. aVeeee) p. bo iV lit.red uai i.anidUa The- firm of A. MrKim. Rerordi witbout permaMnl re. LinUtexl. Jilaanil I Inet brlaeea Hed ! . Sem-a roa lioood. pruvlde4 ippll ia the otieeat unl larnfat inTfiaiiMa. Jawlaan ad fort aiimv Advertise in "The News" iM makee Imrroremonti to mini of I.IMAN l be oaero4 oa 'im Daily llta fer anavm aad recoeda aame eavl. lion in the iertin; anettry dun SilkOMl line, ketaeeu lied rl Don't get left f ee ear recore Patluri him lo win miki operati Inproiimioli. fo. huaneoa in the eouatry am) the Jaariloii koo.lll in lad ba LleUko.delivered on r.indlin THE PAPtR THAT GETS QUICK RESILTS fellbre Till ran eel k eMiwel lo nlition uf thf 1 anarhan Nenaatuiuor fitkail I 'oca beiaaca Ladiko ad We have arranged fur delivery imr than S )ea ra, aiMl ImpreioaiMi. Terriee. k. Itiri-ctory ia the fifUtrnth of Tender formi ind SDrrlrtritloni nl be uf of SUM per arro. IptIihIIk S actoa laaue 3,000 Um uf rteared and eulttrated. ind rorld.nre et.a.a. at ma niav ot int. .ivwrrai i pf at leal t fiara are required. till VMirk. A. Mi'Kim. I.llinlltl. IhetitrenL Ha lt .w I ahaa liaiiuei. To Nanaimo-Wellington iTa-impior koidlif Crown Uraal liewMt,iera f lnaMia ami s. m. llitia, iM.irirt lie aieoi may rve.trd aitkor proomptWMV If ke "l"i,t.,.. t r. Ialrle parrtia. equ'rao land la ronjunrtlon with hot lirrtir- linw all unrwn up tl - ' eal. innaiver. C. Tender Mt SCHOOL OPENING SALE Coal farm wlthouk actual occupatloo. pro-tided alatatory Imprvviownta niade PMled be Ike Halle a v ontpany. Sa leaaler far auaalitlea leal I ha a tail rid reence maintained on Crown hook beinn ixiIiIiuIicmI tiHire than framed llnd tie. a III be ecmehlered. ITeaurriyed area., net eteeedtn 9a thirt) yeai atiu. The laaeal or ay lrnlr kv nerewirtly Phone IIS 664. or nt-fea. ma y im leaeed ai Homeattoi, tcvepted. I1ie ikiiiailian Newapairer llire-r- Arranyenaeatt lll be mda Ibmorh the title la ko oktalned after f jlfrtllng r.il-denrtal MOTHERS! and Improvement eondltWril lory iJrM'riif-- in dntail rvciy limn Metrlel Tl Hfeal I. a. r.rtla. Wlaalper. Albert & McCaffery Pnr rrailna and Indaatnal rrarTewea ba pajrrhiae tlei (artMlured la. MMll ttn reu eiceedlnt; (I acrea mar bo ami lillaitr- in the Ikuhiiiioii tainrh lute a by actual Settler from their ana ' LIMITED a.ed tr ana perano or nmtaay. luaala kudi. a n-wtnMr of ile. any w ms naT. Mill. faiu or laduatrlai altia -a '1 lie - fi---.i wni ami t nenerii Tie tent, i ii !! -i.r-riv nbN land not iieoadlnf atrea rriHion al nil: it aive-a alao (he bo purrhaaed -emdltlona Include ClnlOlta Attkauil Hulaiya. onr ami - - - f"r nay ooy rhi ri ipni i llli-litS III- n'nent of alumoai. eurroiimliiin titi and vlllae Tucuolo mmsayS paints Natural nay meaiowa lean ea-ible Ihal have im (ntycra of thfir nvn; Torottlo, Altuil til Hit. illtri 'T eviatlna: rooda ma j ka purtkaatd THURSDAY, AUGUST THE 31ST TNC HCIT PAINT TO PAJNT RIGHT ' otidiltoaal upon rnetrueilon of a road and are obloieil to took tn the-limn Edson Coal Co. 'i ihem. Raiila of ena-half of coat of liled are -tinting oin Aliliual rx-hool "i for tbeie nr of the road, not eireedln half of purrnaae It Will Pay You to Get Our Prices. rU-t. la madi. worhre ltuio iiiii)b. Government i'v rytliiiix that our t'lnlilifii na. ore CMPToas' rate omants act. SHOES, SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR, SUITS AND DRt lHe lU'c,,i fira the ftarl Famous Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. ahr -onp. of thl Art la mlaried BOYS' SHOES nelude all peranni Joining and aere-iim eation of i-ai li town in il rela Auction SALE with III Majaatjr a F-rrea. Tha tion to othir rent re of lniiort lloy Heavy Hlioe, sue H.t. Hparial me w itkir. which the kelra or devlaeea f a decoaied pre-empt, mar apply t tire, iiii- railroad and watrr of Loin at the lloy llra.y Mhora. elif 11-11. tifaeetal EDSON COAL i I'll from lltli for one under year th.from Act Iba H dealk ailenood tl waya by whirh U ia aerel; the CITY OF PRINCC QCOROC lloya" lleavy Ihmmi. alie 1.. yjMotal . . -urn peraon, aa formerly, until ana telfiraiih, hankliiB ami 15 Itiaeouiit off all lloy a' and dirts' Hb- Ladies' i ar after the ronelualoa of tha ia.t rspre. On Thursday, 8pt. 14th. ar Thla privilege la atan made ri-1 Ini-ilitii-.: Hi.- uublii' huildiita. liarliiieat. Now is the time to gel roeainri, BOYS' JERSEY SWEATERS Ko f.aa rilailn la pre.emptloat are the rhi-f iniio.trie and the van- Acutloneer P, J. Moran. your winter supply Ready-to-Wear I ilua or payable br artdl.ri on pre-' Mil ix iiii,l,r.ia jn wtiirli the aeo. "Hal htiity lies" lleaty Knit gw.jgrj, in MM 1 recordad after June mptlona it. I 1 S A SPECIAL PRICE FOR laiea ara remit led for five yaara. I'le? ift (he Itewnaieiiifaa'fL It jvru-ffnl About Twelve lluiidird I.o(. uiur let. grey, maroon and roiiiWiiallvm f'kvr dn i AUGUST DELIVERY. IT"rllop file return of monaa aa- to KO at 15 Discount Lowest Prices Ihrn to tlereriliilTlr' raed. dua and bean paid atnee Auaual ta(Mm valuable . I'UI, oil account of .'tea with imurut entente, BOYS' SUITS For further information, payminta. tlifU are iulli.ieil there, e1vin I'lione 58, Advance Styles ! lat.raet taiea on oa aoktl-r arreementa ava-amptiona.to pureraao 1 1,fir n-riiMl of iue, datn( of will be offered. Upside that, the nnee tt wuf Hall a4t ' ( Office of Prince Rupert Feed Mrs. R. Goldbloom ;j town allied or forroa.city lot or denendeeii bald by mimbira aeqalred of (iihlieutioii. iMiiitte uf I'lilrtWIie-r. able. We are offering !&. Ipfuul ta t'"" i Co., Cor. Second Ave. and ! dlrirt ar Indirect, remltied from aa-haimeat imlilira, euhocriAlitill prirea. liiuti. TIHU Ul w lu ise.tM til r.u. you at thla School 0 piling SuTe, ta March II. It:. Ul. or ti9 nul up lu I!. bill BOYS' PANTS Seventh SL Iter ami ie of.' nasi, eirnila. Third Ave. I sua.puncHAStns of cnown caeli, blliur In me Jraf a lib lul.r '' I etc. A bitt variety of ami t-ii'l'""v LANDS tion. el on lb deferred p)un-uI. Ltdt oer Tweed, ere Dl(. Proelaloa made for laaul nri of Thr CaiiHiliurf Ni-wmiswr Hi lle.e qmrler r..b. Inlanr In imm, two. cut ami bloomer lyl. Hltes from ?t t" il 1 Crown crania .to ub-prrchaaara ot Crown Cauda. aoulrn( right! from lectory ahuA (hut Ihere ara ti. aixl three year llh Inleretl 11 lai count. . 1 purr hater! wha filled to oomplila pruieiiartilt to p fully -ail fur mi tUy of BOYS' AND QIRL8' i'jrrhaae, Involvlfif foefeiiur. on ful lay ?& dail) tairrn Wluf lasunl Ml If Uiufbt by ullier llnu lh prtxai UNDERWEAR PACIFIC CARTAGE Dr. Geo. L. Barton lareat and of taiaa.renoltioria Where of purctiaei.aub-purchaa-r In. in. the Iiii i ri.ogt, at exnnutrel roautan.ibla for tama. "Turnhull. 1'i'iuiiaii . and I'eerlea laki'. ' do nol claim whole of original par Wflli 1?1 Ul yr; OUtf Wieklie lor lull parilrulit apply lu Um Ui pirwa und one tui-ci- uit. titfial for I If ki ill, purchaai duirlbut.d prlca propurtionat.ly dua and tai.i aver may i ml 301 i.n.Mllilie., With tin- ulh.-r irtiineul Aleut, Suulta luri liecrii uy U in, 15'A Discount. . , lM Limited (Palmer) wboli aria Appllrillooi rouat be mad a puhlii alitHia laaiiwtl at v.ii i-ni, in. iH-i'illiiM-nl of Liudt. Vklvrli, K.i.. Plsase Rsmsmber "That Everything for Boys and 0r by May J. lit. Phone 93 OnAZlNO lrrv-4l Hum- are in all l&tU jour-i Store la on Sale till Saturday, September 2nd. Chiropractor Urialn Act. Ill, for aralamitar uli of one oi t and ouolliei h - Furniture, Piano and divatopmint vldaa foe cruinf of nviatock dlatrict Induatry and raui pro. I Ml, tuihliahiHl and reed hy lhi Ladies' and Gents' Idmlatitraunn under Commlailoaar. people of Cattitila al Hit nioiirenl. Jabour Rros.. Ltd. Safe Moving WALLACE BLOCK Aanual araaln permit! laaued kaaid Tailora aa numbera raid, priority for aatalt frn yOal Canorat Cartage) Phone SCO. farm liahod Aiaoclallona aanira Stork for ranga-owner!mniii.may Mia, J. i. t .atln wa a passen M. T. LEE Phone 45. Cor 3rd Sand and Gravel m.aL rr.a, br partially free, permit! r for Vu-lorfh on Ihf lriin-e fir iittliri. cauipir or IrafaUora. P.O. Ba ST7 Pkeoe Kae! 136 la taa kaal.