PAflB TWO THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News AIR TRIP FROM PM1NCE IIUPRRT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince STEWART MADE Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLRN, Managing R.J i tor. Hydroplane Hatallon Returned Yesterday Afternoon After SUBSCRIPTION RATIS: Rainy Trip Down Portland NILLBANK City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month SI.00 Canal. By mall to all part of the British Kmpire and the United Mate, in advance, per year ,.,.,..,,$6.00 GOING TO TERRACE To all other countries, in advance, per,year ......$7.50 FRIDAY; BACK SUNDAY TELEPHONE 9 After having been cnniMlled allBht three times a- t . f ! I . 1 .t r . . . . . on a.-iM.iiut rmn-iriii ui-iny AiiTcni'inK per inch per insertion of rain clouding up Hie glass transient Advertising on Front Pax $2.80 per inch after leaving the head t Portland Local Reader, per insertion 2Rn per line Canal, the II. I'. . A I. Classified Advertising, per Insertion 2c per wont sorial ion's hydroplane Han-I Legal Notices, each insertion I Be per agate linn Iimi, Pilot U. A. Thompson, ii -lurned ix.niraci Males on Application. yesterday afternoon at All advertising should he in The Daily News Ofllee. on dav nre l:3o nVhiek from Stewart, the ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. flight to Stewart nn .Monday was Member or Audit Bureau of Circulations. made direct without stopping in an hour and a .tuarter and I he anie flying tm was niaile mining DAILY EDITION s to Thursday. Sept. ?l, &f?. baek with alMii an hour and three-quarters spent on the surface; Regret Absence of the water in Ihe eourse Of Minister. if the slops. The machine left 1 1 ' . . SJewarl al 1:30. The only pas- ii i mncn io ic regretted lhat the minister of public works. encer going north was- Capt lion. J. II. King, wa unable to visit Prince Bupert while in the Mfred Swanson who ar!e, a Wee!,, hut even-one understands the situation and will he glad In guide, flelitrniiig, I.rn Bell and ,khow that the Ottawa Oovemment is alive to the seriousness of Ueorge lleirne. who had gone pip on the Prlnee litiperi Sal- the condilion In the near east. Wt sincerely hope that the air unlay niglil. rode on I he mach- will clear soon and that Dr. King may yet have an opportnntv iim heiile Mr. Swanson. to us this year. We have much Ui say to him and wt would 'Ie Hatellnn had been et "ike eeted at Stewart mi Sunday ami him to a few things o us. .' mere were many people hi town Fewer Pupils In wilting lo see the fir.I an Public Schools. - machine whieh did not arrive on ehedule. However, it dM come The fact that there are fewer pupils in the public schools on Monday about mmn and ilm- this term is due to two things. In the first place there has l.eati ten I two full days here. About a falling off in the population due to a number of families leaving 19 or JO reideiit .if the town town and alo there ere fewer children went up for flight iiieludmg Mr. young ready to enter and Mr. W. J. Crawford and school this term, the number being only about half as many as their family. A Sight from l.Vt year at this time. Stewart to Bowser I.ake had heen THE While there is undoubtedly a slight falling off in the popu. polen of hut il wa decided ihal lation, it is n curious fact that the Daily ew-s delivers fifteen Stewart was not the right j...ini to fly from. Ilalher il .Imuld more papers daily this week than ft did during the week of May he at temple,) from soaie interior 1. There i a falling off in street sales owing hi there being point. CIGARETTE fewer trarisieujs in 0w hut the number of regular city subscribers Terrace With Passengers. QUALITY has increased, and that without any special effort on the part Weather permitting, further of' the circulation department. flights similar In those made tal week will be made here today X Local Mill To and tomorrow morning. The IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANYor CANADA. LIMITED. present plan is tit leave tomor ii Be Sold Soon. row morning smne Imie for It I good news that the affairs of the Prince Bjipert Pulp terrace uilh R. . OH.bons. r.. II. and Paper Co. are to he cleaned up so that a new start may he Orme and lie..rue IteirtH's lalehe. tie .aid when a new-- skipper alltliMlgti to ttelo v. 'In- a: liaiwr nan ai greai eense t. oint I'lMild tell it wa- railing .n made, After October it is to he iaengers. From Terrace expected that there will be some. iHaehiue has alreaily ben lamed an item of new. 11 i.hkIiI a seaman f-r iirlj. Canadian National Railway en thing doing at the plant. II is a fin,mill In excellent condition vaueil hv lietirg Little, of Ter. to enjoy the iiHnH"lt .if 11 fur aim mourn i.e to operale at a, profit The pulp and paper race, and Major nenral Black a erl, of at least .l A CANADIAN ANTHEM ...... rwN,.ai may jisiiiy go ariea.1 aHer the sale if the right ek. of MeiiMi. fe a timher n. No Monopoly. i Prince people get .hold of it. eminalsaHre trip over the Xaa Mr. Kellaway sai, mere would j Rupert slope. on Sunday, ewnditmn be no mwnnpsdy. Ksert one of By Hii-rt North British Finances ling favorable and presefit Ihe mHiifaeurer of fiaaral na Are Improving. plan rarrylHg. the lUielton will eiMild heroine a uteinher i.f thejll Canathan Mherexer you are. DRYDOCK -liirti to Prince Huirt to male triaiVating esmipoay. "We have) Hear a Mee frtun Ihe past. Iijit There is a decided improvement in British finances of late. ome ,mg illaitee flights Ihal to keep Ihu new lorm of mm.! U sa AND Up to the beginning of August this year, foreign and colonial are planned from here to urh munieation in ihe hand of ir rtewewI.erTii lliHe now afar ' government and municipal capital i.Mie have totalled I l,t.',Oar00 place as I'ort Simpsti and own iwhh'I' he proresHlett. Our sirS held the foe in Ihe SHIPYARD "Whether 111 Ihe malttsr at Ketchikan. Mr. Dell that fray. pounds sterling, y taking only those offered publicly. Foreign the the Yanciiuver flight will nl broadcasting or re.-euthtn. uwr If again Iher xbouhl countries accounted for 1H.S07.50O pounds sterling while colonial he altempte, till the weather he. ma mu'art 11 r-r have a lechnieal siran.1 Opsrstlng Q. T. P. 20.000 Ton 'lasting Dry Deck securities were-created to the extent of iNme kill and rapacity of production We snll fight nt 0n.M3.000 pounds. more seltlnl after Ih a yre.-1o he Cnglnssra, Machinists, Boilsrmaksra, Blacksmiths, fstura Considering that the grand total of capital subscribed for in etpiinoxial sioriut are over. equal to any in the world. free, makers, Foundsrs, Woodworker. KU. (Jreat Britain The llaietton deivere. letter I am adi.ed thai in W W will kaep .Mir heautiful North- ldh home and abroad to the end of July was 18.1,-711,022 here ye!erday from Stewart for years .i...nO, will be spent hteal Electric and Acetylene Welding. pound sterling, at least 00 per cent of this amount ha in the nae ..f Mrs. J. Fred Hitrhie and F. C. pur. receiving ap. line isjuaininti frHMi sea nut' gone abroad. The.e figures argue well for the pa rat us ami ereelmn of mad-casting financial Dawson. status Mrs. rtllehie's letter sea. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of fand recuperative powers of the United Kingdom. wa from her win Happy and Mr sjannns, and HO per el Australia has been the heaviest borrower, the commonwealth I' was m a imsines nature. of iiii iii g,, m wages.' iCtmraa Marine and Commercial Work and her provinces raising about 32,000,000 pound Passengers on the ma. rtsen elieera for our aiorioo. sterling, at an hine also hrinat a report of "a GULL YISITED HOME Northland, PHONES 43 AND 3SS 00.000 pounds sterling, while New Zealand and the Straits Settlements rirh strike juf made l.y Harry I rvteiat iHeti of the North are we account for nearly 10,000,000 pounds sterling Tanner, tu,. well known mining VANCOUVER SKIPPER Our aloriiMta and beautiful North India also placed an internal rupee loan jnjjily ji.r an un-l.mlled man, on In ppip.-rty al Stewart. land amount earning 0 per cent at par. Several conversion Fed Out of Hand cf Capt. Batch- We offer (Mir booage U thee. offers were also included, and as: the securities rating for conversion lor When Picked up In Lans. DENTISTRY! were largely held in this country, another large unknown BROADCASTING ii iiriutin. lite motlesr of nation. amount found its way overseas. VAXr.ui VKH. repi. 11. Mrs. Our ffwn'latutB in freetloni New Zealand wa a fairly large private borrower, three municipalities Bati'helnr. wife of the well laid; Modern X-RAY Service placing iniwlerate loans during the summer. OF WIRELESS known ly heard a through our youth b guarded France, the biggol foreign applicant, rai-ed 80..100 000 fowl lIIHWklUr hi Ihe lane be with l mi tie nee pound Nlrrliriff. of which 2.500.000 was for her shipping industry hind her limiie at NoHh Van And saw the great strides Ihal DR. BAYNE nd 15.000.000 for railways. Denmark Britain Gives Right to Manufao. ver. St. t(MM the raeket f.. we hrtide. 1M took Phons away 2 500 000 Rooms 4, o, , Halgsrson Block pound sterling arid Brazil 7.000,000. Siam and Czeeho-Hlov'akia tursra of Rscslvlng Instru-manls some lime, but finally dispaleh lirown In strenilh and manhood Otnea Hours Mornings, W-tl; AflerniMtus. t :30-S:30; borrowed for the first time in British markets Keep Work at -.j 1 oe ranaiH 10 see whal Was and prhle Kveolngs, 7.0, Horn. ne lonn.i an enormous A Nation by Britain made free grey gull .apeamilNr at the top Ve ll defend ties old flag aide by I.ON'DON. Sept. 21. Vigorous of it lung., nr erwp. or bill, or side prolent has been made in the Whatever it in a gull doea iim That Boats infoudly from, sea 1 1 on.e of Commons against the ereaming wilh. , unto sea. BAIT Our fruitu herring halt Is conceded by Ushsrm Dominion of Canada plan of l'oslmas(erieieral "Hullo, milly," M ittr sea. to ba the. finest procurable at any Pacifls Co"1 Kellaway granting In a combine farer. The gu wa.1.111 to him. lucres a spirit, and service its Port, and It Is Plshy." Prce, 130 per ton. Victory Loan or iiioiruineni makers for two sill IsereHMiing . and mounted lu nam., IPP Th" ' ur'"f 1 quality trip Bonds years of the . right.. .of .wirelesH his shoulder. The krner uul. By inspiring it leads to life' to have plenty of our hard froien loe. Pr' l I i uniaiirii'iing in r.iigiami, and a H in," fed it hinl.taek. milk, fafl erest. Ii per ton. Maturino 1st December, 1922. iiioiiopoly of the sale of re- Hr. baron Had, and nailed When it governs we all ulav tin 01 it fife 0,,r ell-ejiilpped store ean supply flsblnir t' eeivmg instruments. 'Hie plan, It in th gentle maimer of all game UUUb fishermen's clothing, grocsrles and proil"n 'pHE DANK OF MONTREAL, under authority 11 auupieti, will riclUdfl .mrl. mariner unlit U attikallv e.H.e.l And he profits us who serve and hardware, ran and other foreign.made wilh Joy. Then whtn fed up heal. of theMintsterof Finance, it prepared to effect, wireleoia apparatus. wilh male, , il and spiritual com. May this spirit bear rule and NEW ENGLAND FISH Company without charge, exchange of the above bondj for Lapiain Wedgwood Benh, tntt. rt .,eed Its broad wlnas eofuiiAind KsUhlkan, Alaska Brancb - member or I'arllamenl, said anl soar,,. awny t the niten All Canadian whoever they he. 5 vtar 5H Bond. broadcast in? should be ci.nld-erml rearbe. o n,e fjulf. Hmw it knew Until happiness over mir land Maturing 1st November, 1927, us a siipiemeil to news, enough I.. g in Oaiflaln Batch. Hpreads its pinions from sea papers. Ie declared il marked elor und 'leo.lllhl II uult-aeaul unto sea. or E. SHOCKLEY 10 the biggest development In Ihe right ..f .,n aeafiirlug folk to -From lrlnre llupert ftolarv H. year 5H Bonds hsemiualon of informalion silei-or 1. Iteyonil the kenl ..f the Bulletin. Planing Mllltt Cow Bay. Wharfj Nsst Impsrlat Oil D"-Phonal Maturing 1st Novmbr, 1932. sitn-e ihe invention of the printing 383. press. H was nut right, he "D FULL PARTICULARS are obtainable upon appli. argued, rliat the development of FIR DIMENSION, riNISHINO LUMBER. PLNKtN0 WINDOW-Agent cation to any branch of the Bank of Montreal in wirefem. broadcasting should be Gives you a smooth, TIMBERS,for: SHINdLES, LATH, DOORS AND left in the hands of a rombine. tmarl-Jrtt shave. Canada. The eaker askeil the p.i.i. Hoberison A llacketts Bkw Mills, Ltd. master-general whal J r'yfe Hinith Hardwood. arrange, inetits bad been made fm Mir "Lamatcu" 3 ply Cottonwood panelling. Otrlaud Company, lloofitig Paint. "'pyiiahl 'f newspaper d aaSMa-Mkv. 4jM J ViaaV