day Bopfembcr J, 1 028. THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THnE? THE Local and Personal The Man in the Moon SAYSi- YOR GUARANTEE U. C. UnOi "LsONGDON" takers. Phone 41. Till inlimrtti'in- air IN hI the period f panama hat and lee 361.Hayners, Undertakers. Pnoue err hiii l Ml lii none for this When buyinsj lubrlcatini oil, choose the tf year. product of a company which has at its Propelling - Eversharp ki.-.iiniii - iy - command every facility for making and Tom Kiii x 0:is Mn ill mVHj JUJClw-e" t,ut of . . n. distributing the best. Then use, exclusively, Pencil n ratiae," wlthjeimliiiue to U tin' the grade recommended by that repori of tiJiuiiler, until I In xmm-I Ditvf and Hoe tat la I. 'asl tooe Ft ill OS. manufacturer for your make of car or truck. Scores of EVERSHAnP Pencil, Oaljiolir Hall, Kililny Heats. have been placed on Value and Service with sale of market go every during the the patt couple of year. tome good, A UOOil! tTTIt ! Ialf tin t I-f Imperial Polartne Motor Oils. tome otherwise. The "Longdon," made In England, standi Big Dance In Da Luxe Hall no more Vattlf Himii a man In In bold contrast to the many lesser lights. Movement and Thursday night. Newsll's Or lie .ante eemJillon. screws of solid brass, very thin leads. chestra. 2 IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Colors BLUE. GREEN. RED. Mi IS anur to nn m.iulry a to Manufacturer! mnj Aferkefert of Imptrtml Hominy Tovey sail Io what wan IHC Hunt rharartf ri.lir t PUrln Motor OiU mnj Morhtlr tn It Is Beautiful. nia h the n Prifte fltom for trail of the ee of - prinre Cmnodo Corgoyh MoblUil It Is Serviceable. Vaneosmsv lluiierl. a leneal rnre.iHinleni It Is the Best Value. (rrompllr rej.lleil, "ntayiiifr up Peaehea and Prunes arrivlnir late in Ifce iiKirniiiif and beina Price Only 90c this week. Price and quality lale for mffMKi. right. Ci'y Market. tf We Recommend and Guarantee this Pencil. , Ii belter itf fe a turnip than iuujon Organization TKA not be la he fmd. lM- MMro...,. Hall. Sat - eMnaeM-es.cGd urday 'rom I to 7. tSS THP. man wfijii Ue plaarHle la fair imhhs pt every nutoker. Made In five f radce for the JLIl FAMOUS STOVE COAL proper lubricat n of all Ha ie UHfJ to supply them makes of automoLilet, i. if anything, belter thte all. trucks and tractor. '". Consume Ceal Co IMl 1'iione 7. tf MHllr. evnll largely in k.--.ina iwl uf nfKh f the pry I urn Chue, Cfcier. . Im rH.-,J ink e.-n f iiiKlilKr. aiiii if i ihiiiiiia 'iiiiiin, wis re-bv BOOK YOUR ORDERS NOW. MnitrS)U MeCly. llll. anniNineeliicnt in reirarU Friday & Saturday 'ii 'ii' n Hi.- ixtrtr raeui lo Hie railway direrlors i keep. 100 Itoxes in..i mug uuul Hit afternoon. niK pare Willi Hie antiounce- menla of the ilpalli "f IDiiip Italian Prunes HERRING Fir Vaneer. 3 ply, full height of rooms', and 4 feet wide; also SMOKED 76 YEARS SPECIALS while they lamt, Cottonwood Veneer, Lath and 85c box Plaster. Call and I per see my stock. SAYS OCTOGENARIAN BAIT E. H. Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone Ouality guaranteed 383. if . Knst.. Si-pl. ;'l Bartlett Pears NKW I mi service. Phone 38'.'. Mr- Ann Hawkin lia- jut i-cle- Boys' Jerseys ton-. ,,r Children's Reefer Coats stand ll...I..ii lirtll. Third ,ve-iiii. In-alri) Ii.t KlJril In rt Inlay liy Wool. Ill fill.- .111.1 U. jl 11 Ml Plain Navy Ferge in a For Preserving: an.) fifth Klre.'t. Ihty and riding in a motor i-ar for tin 1'a-liiiirt... a--oi-tcd , oor. $30.00 Ton pood heavy weight: double $2.35 box per Smlit .erice. Han n.. Iiilil. fn-l lime. Sln allrmuli-K tier Sum 2i o 3t. per formerly with I. n h Urn. A lonrMiv to pfain living. She Special $2.50 each. hreated, with bran button 35c Per Basket. Finest on the Coast Mi Mi-. kin anal n ii.r Mavw.-U. think inetareo alo ha imiur. and bailee un eleeve. tbiu to uV with H. She ha Boya' Combinations -Heee Siie 18 to 30. Mclntoth Red I III' fllll.TBl if lllo lair Ker- esjwiked a pipe f'r 70 yearn. lineil. natural -liaile. me. Obtainable from iin.i' sifhr. who iiird m Sail tor- diuiii weight; mzi-K 22 to Special $6.00 to $8.50. Apples . hlae v.teiiiaw after-ii. RABBI WON PORKER M. Ladles' Sweater Coats All Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. will fr.Hn IjLayii. i run-.' rhaawl Special $1.65 per Suit. pure wool with bruli collar No. t Wrapped Slwek i" Kairxlear eii. l ry. Capl. r..4r-man. box PRINCE RUPERT ..f III,. Sl4li.iu Army. of. liKI.AHllMA CITY. Sept. 21. - Stanfleld'a Underwear in and cuffa and belt, in $3.50 per t . i it i i ae. 'If all the nrxoral liundretl llutar a goiKi heavy weight, nb- a wide range uf colors. ... ian who drew for a 1 50-pound tx'd. Sic J I to it. Cooking All rftrii. Apples I Ii.- t'rrpt meuf of Hi,. Brit. pia offered at a mft at a Itotary Special $2.50 a suit. i)i ColmnMa fiari'tle ann.Mnnee eluh pientr reeentl. the iorker Special $10.50 each. Jumble Pack. 1tr re.rtiolllls; of h. a.Hjnt. fell Ut lite lul .if Jlal.l.i Men's Wool Socks Heavy $1.95 box oifiil of AmlreM Ty.n ( Ik-ran INatt of TeinitteH Nai Urarl. wtn wight, color dark grey, Ladles' Two Strap..Pumps per t alN a alateiiitlaM- mailrat b1h number. Tti' llH fell iff 9. Medium heel, in la a and and roron.T .n. tn plan Ha bin offerrd lite priia to Fathr Special 3 pairs for $1.00. blacky Sue 5H to 7. We have jul received a lakrn i. i.niiin- H. Hill of I In A. F. Moimot. ator of Hi.-Cliurrli frvh shipment uf GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY aim- i-liue. of (lur Lady of Pi-rpeluia! Men'a Felt Hats i Hrwek Special $3.95 per pair North-West -- Help. make in a large aaeort. 8, S. PRINCE GEORQE ANO PRINCE RUPERT sail Thurs-n Ilienl of and Curtain Scrims and Muslins tylee colors. .. ! of Ho- Kiji Tinie and It a Friday. lul Hie pig vtii Biscuits I rJ.---i.ij :! I.- i a MiJHi'it for Swanson Bay, Sum 6 Hrradi rrceneil hv Perrv Tinker alive and wmild kr- for another O.MIIik lo 7 J-Mtlis. en fine net and fancy Ocean Falls. Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Hi. It...I Klalr man 4nwn Ike day. o Father Moiinot took Hi Special $3.50 each. designs in while and ecru. Graham Wafers, 1 Anyei W 'in. -dy, (i in. r'r Stewart, Saturday, 8 p.m. 6 lb. boa $1.25 ruiful in luu U-l year to have porker. Men'a Moleskin Pants of Special 25c to 95c per yard. 8. S. PRINCE JOHN rr all point Northern and Southern tM-rn ilii.Jt mi-lien. Thin year LEMON CAKE, tra good guaiily, ma4e Qusen Charlotte Islands, May tatli and 27th. June 10th and Hlr rainfall i far eareeHina laul WIRELESS REPORT Fine White 6 lb. bo SI.25 in Kngiand; color durfc Sheeting of 1. Jui Hi. ami z.-ml. August 3th and IVtb, Sept. I ml, loth vear ronlina to rreorde up lo all Fairy Sodas, nailed or plain. aizeit. grr -Inpc; the end of May. extra good quality and 4 S a.m. 6 lb. bos $1.25 Special $5.25 per pair. Ml incite vtfde. Train Service weight. t X Jt IHHHY ISUV.MI Itaiiiing. Our la-t shipment ai Mrioli.T f l lie dominion Passenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 6.45 p.m. frr-li iutleal wiihl; baniinrlr i . Men'a Ribbed Underwear Special SOo per yard. aold out in two days. We Vir SnnUnr. Hum e Qeorge, Kdinonton, and W'innlpea, Chautauqua trnp wfcn-h ha .'.;il ; tewtMralur. 5J; Kt-a I mi'. Moot, ii.-avy weight, like lo el theiu when they ' 4kMV win. . I connect mits for all points in Eastern Canada Dei'ii lounita StHilheaoterti A). rouirh; p.m. MMjke teaiuer in un-y and while; ail Grey Blanketa all wool, 7 are f re I'll and crinp. a.ka arried la Ike rily ,m the Aitmiral Kvan M p.m. I (o mil,. Mr-. Id. weight. Sue Hi x tit. I'rinrr.. A lire yealerday after, ALU TrtClIS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME noon ami are regiatered al Ike 7:11 nouth of Ketchikan ullibound Special $3.50 per suit. Special $8.50 per pair. Picnic Hams Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines Hotrl Ontrai. Tlipy will provrevl p.m. nHtke -leamer l'i im i - lb. liee - 19'ac. paoed oyl at 0 City TJuket Office, 62$ Third Ave. Phone 2C0. oulli oir hr Prinre (ieortre to. p.m. iiikIiI. .Ill I.I. HAHIHHl Hanunij. Now in the; time to buy t oilhwe wind; feartnneler. nu-e entail boiling ham. Our : leiiierature . 51; ea iii..J-.-rate; week-end price U right. Tlir liunilxinif i;iievrte ear. H p.m. Hlv -It-amn Universal Co. nir arme of comfort and Trading I'.oritia 312 liiilen noutli or CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ImI 'iir. Ju-i iuri'liaed by Mr. Keirhikan bound fur Seattle: 8 Rupert Table Supply Co. lor MtilMII, now yiMM bim a to. p.m. npule Kleauwr Prince John B.C. Coast Services tal of ilin-r auloiuoliilt-a. Former. Phone 376 due Yanrouxer Jl p.m. Sept. Phones 211 and 212. Iv. lo iniif firient ram M p.iii. poke nrair Curacao. lninir mimrhiur. to In- re. 1 10 milen from Seattle noiili- Sailings from PrinceRupert fui'il. With tlii- lalr.t ailijilinii, liound. evi'ivlliliia ran Bh- ainpty taken For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway 1IE.MI THKi: pi)I.NT- Ovina-l Full stock of 3-ply Cotton rai r ,.f S.rrial atti'ution in at i -t SepliA, 15. 25; Oct. 2, 13 and 23. n 1 i,uiir. lrifi. tlaurea and Calm; uaruuiWer, ;"J.lO; temper- wood Veneer Is now being carried Tor Victoria and Seattle-Sept. ature, 12; rMoxitll. Vancouver, iiliiii.i'v I'linif 841. 221 by Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., The 9, 20, 29; Oct. 6, 17 and 27. oon. Phone 116 or 564. if S, 3. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swaneon Bay, IMllllV ISIV.NU lUiiuug. - East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Nimu, Alsrt Bay, Campbell frenii oulhel wind; barometer Winners of I In- k, .on. Rlr and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Use Our ..3; lenipralure, S; a let a the Pacific Milk nooiii hi LECKIE BOOT Agsncy for all Steamship Unas. nmgli: II u.hi., Mxike "leumer the Kxlubit' . Hall la-t w--k Full information from Modern lrinee Kua alieum lawyer I t. were: I. Mi- H A. l'arou; '" W, C. ORCHARD, Oanaral Agent, anal imHIiImmiihI. Krexl Haidy. M . K. Hellman.! llll.I. IIAIIHOIt ItainiNg. Cornjcot-4th Street and 3rd Avanua, Prince Rupert, B. 0. Workshop freh nouthwext wind; Iwtfuiuetor C. h. Howard. -I'-lieral louril I saaaaaaKSjaW-Oi for farm work 2tt.e6; lemiieTalure, 31; iea nl. naetil for tin- Canadian Nationals W tione to large ex. eralr; o a.m. I earner It.tilway. airi'i la-' nitilil from soft Venture iu MlliMtuk ouml as. a glove .i-nHf in niuipping our work-yli.. iiorlli. Torouio to nii-i-t the Montreal, mut nn we have the most bound; It a.m. npoke Ktrvmier lliard uf I'radi- party .on Suttii - to the foot and B.& K. Flour Admiral Kvans in Jun Char, Pastry -.nn t - .liop tn I t.C. outside day. He will accompany tin- ex j of Vmiii-oiivim-. loile Sttuml MKitlilioun.t. rurloii Kant from here ax of-; aaaaaaaavr3 like iron Ih-l) Tit UK POINT wears Cloudy, Our Staff. fk'lal reprencutatuc of I tic coni. This is light Muluwel wind; iiaromrler. Mr. Ragstad and Mr. Oourlay . I.,.,,...i,,r.. m. imuy. r.ipeii wairu rriiriim-Mr. I muukrale. ll Jack Bulger Jewellery ANNOUNCEMENTS j Hei-autf Unit in a ftrtnig it need iml be uu-gaiuly. and diamond making remodeling, Your j and Our netting, clock repair, FISH ARRIVALS. Lerkie'a heavy duly root wear (five you Four arhooHer markeled at t. Pylliiun Si-l.i- it.tan in K.I eolui ciimfort with protection ami lung wear. It Insurance i Guarantee in HIM puvl of lialiul at the P. Hall iii mnkes the day' work enier He sure you uclu Mr. J. Bulger Opiictti work, Kiab lUehauye tin iiiurniiiy a ! ully get a Leckie when you buy sight ti'liug. lens grinding. ' follow: . Pl-r-l.yl.-i I I i i I .i.l: - , !it riiKi.iMny walcli repairing, ThIiomm, lll.noo poumU, ui I ai-and suai-. 1-1 1.lav T , , n Ask Dealer droitiinnti. etc. your 'aw,.tk Hiae; and liriuuold, It.ono " of Quality Goods TUM !"'. at 13.3 and K,jft. in the EM ORRHOIDS for LECKIE'S f far itie name JOnn i:aua4ian KLIi and tkild OUIger, H You deputy have the Ueet. You st the Beet In MB A K" Sloiave Do at auflir anoihrr dar wlui on Hie Tho Jeweller Itchimc, BW.JldK. or protrudlaX J. Leckie Co., SOLE ll. and It U.1HI0 lK4Hd. al 1H. or lUnwrraolde. No Ltd., THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. 1 4.He and He uud l.illian M t.-lo aurrlcal eporaliua mtu-r.4. Dr. t' a will rUr ywi al imu.- aad Vancouver( B.C. 0m i.iind. Hi, Hoy allvra IhHm aeoni. SS a ; .0, Boi 745. Prince Rupart B.C. Phone 360. Co. i . . - Oval.r. ef fallinas'a, IhvSas At i I 4 rjnilaa'l. Tor - r" baa See.