TurMay, 'Apr!) 25, los; PMXlt TWO THE DAILY NEWS .Ids HI if The Daily News THE HORRORS OF TWO PLATOON pmnce nui'KHT - nnmsii Columbia Published Rvery Afternoon, exrept Sunday, by The News INDEGESTEON IS UP AGAIN PLAYER Printing and Pn!lihinp Company, Third Avenue.. II, V. PI.ILI.RX, Managing Rdltor. Council Meetlna Discussed It 4U' Relieved by "Fruit-a-tlves" Last . Nloht But No Results SUBSCRIPTION RATES: the Fruit Medicine Obtained. NAVY CUT City Delivery hv mall or earner, permonltU .ipi.iMi Weak Illation or Rv m.nil In nil harts of the Hrilish Ktnbira and the United Stales, Indigrsllon, of foo.l, U one of Al last nimbi's council meetini $0.00 fi.irtUt 'digiwtioo a report front the Ftilitle, Com-miltee CIGARETTES in artvnnee, per year - tli mnxt M-riinU of pnwnt-sliiy Tii rill other ennntries. in ndvariee-nef ve.ar. 4 $7.B0 Ih-imui it is responsible reTardintf Ibe I wo platoon complaints sysleni in Ibe local firp ie. for striom trouble. many parlment was licns.e( nl TELEPHONE 98 Those uhn infer tu'lA Indigestion, Transient Display Advertising 1.0 per inch per insertion almost invurkhly are. trvuUrd uith length. $2.80 ineh tht Heart, Aid. Perrj' said that he djd not Transient Adverlisinr on Front PaKe.... per kheumalhm, I'alpllation of tocai Headers, per insertion. ............. .23 per line SlerpUssnes and extttsh ,f'rnouwst. think il was- necessary lo read all Ibe. I he Clarified Ailverl'H'ing pep insertion. . 2c per word TroU-a-Jive'' viill always relieve correspondence nn subject which had' been brought te. agate line WmiM tliesa tablpts Leiral Notices, ear.h insertion per Indigestion before'lhe The before. Hi.ntrnr.1 Hates on Application. strengthen the stomnch muscles, coupcll All advertising should he in The llally New Office on day preceding Increase Dow of the digestive last leller from the Hoard of Fire I'nde'rwrilers had slate, that jMiMieatioi:. All advertising received subject. In approval Juices and eurrreU'onttipatlon,winch '- accompanies Indigestion. it w'ould be necessary lo- put Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. usually lbre. ex Ira mep nn in llm fire 60c a box, 0 for trial site 25c. 18 Jlndin tins tO for At dealers or sent, postpaid by deparlmejil if the Iwo plalnon DAILY EDITION Tuesday,- April 3i, 1022. Krull-a tlves Limited, Ottawa .ysleni were ailoplei. It bad of50&l(f0 then been decided lo ascertain 20 ' 35 from the fire underwriters Permanent Industries SUITCASES whether' the double platoon ys-leiu Are Needed Here. Dnshbv of Victoria that could possibly be .put in The announcement made by fi. fi. f with Ibe addition nf only the fish by-produi-ls (.lanl .It Turks Intel is 10 lie put ii:operaiioii TRUNKS irce bit of for il will two men without increasing lh again ii the very near future is a gratifying news; CLUB BAGS Irale of insiiralice. The reply was The lime add another iriduslry of a permanent natiirtvto the city, lhal while that inteM be sali-factory has come when jrini'e Hupert must look Ui $uih industries as Ibe of efficiency these for il.s prosperity, and no matter how small they may bo Large Stock on hand. standard ejlics as apidied o differenl they wi add to the. quota which helps ?iipiort ft city. Business of Prices very low. would praclically he the same, a permanent nature is what we must have now; as the present sysleni. The cot J. F. MAGUIRE of maintaining two ojlra nieft Bengough Entertainer Next the Prince Kupert Hotel in the drtparlnienl bad been pone Of High Order. shown that the into and il was It is not often thai Prince Jlupert audiences are afforded the would extra salaries for ope year opportunity of enjoying Mich a delightful combination of skilful ainoiinf In .1t:ii.nn, plus olra and relaxing talent as that provided at the entertainments given by the famous caricaturist, .1. V, Hengough. Mr, Hcngough really The Man in the Moon J a I'liilforois,ijurslion,bonis,in bis beds,mind,elc. II as was In delighted a full audience at the Empress Theatre last night ami wbelber Ihiv could stand this I SAYS:-' city will probably be greeted with another tonight. He has been giving J of Ibe cxlra outlay in view expenses eritVrtaiiimfnts these for two-eore lint his such as years now, lhal had to be me al the sle is still a's pleasing and refreshing a it ever could have been. IF vo cub pu as much faith present- lime. He was certainly ju one another as a woman puis in favor of (be double platonn Tourist Trade and in a saTely phr Ibis would be a system in principle bill Ibe cost Suverh 2ualih What It Means. ttrejil old world. was a matter for the conncil to finest Workmanslrip .Vow that the tourist season is to opn in a very short time dieuis. .and indications are that Prince Rupert will enjoy more of this I FKKI, no pain dear inirffbor No Money Foe It. Greatest Value business this year than ever beforc,,it may be appropriate to consider , ii"W, Aid. Dybhavn said this mailer just how wo benefit through it. The benefits are threefold! llul ob, I vim so dry, had been bernre ll(e council so' in Itie World Kirst, from the" ready rash the tourists Ifave with us; second, Inc. lusl nmvo me lo Ibe Ijmin'r Alnru. era) limes before and it was a advertising value they give us after they return home; third, a And -leave me there lo die. fact lhal the money was not "Very large pec cent, of (hem are prospective residents or investors. available to provide for Ibe ox Li 1 .To a very large extent il depends upon ourselves as to just IIS Sunday eveninjr the Mril-ish Ira men and equipment. The how much of thi value is coming ti us It depends o the way Inimitcranls 'were heard to adnptintwif the Iwo platoon system we receive our visitors anil 'treat them while they are among us. remark, "What a jiloriuus climate." would amount In more I ban The Pacific, Northwest Tourist Association is considering the ' an extra half mill on the taxes. .question' of adopting a universal policy throughout the Pacific Aid. .Mcl.eod thought that a -'o"rlh'weit of'Jakltig care of these, people ami giving them such .MiVKIl spank a child "on an financial poinl should be dcpartmejil, ami that if after go. Mh format Wmafc wilj f liable .them to 'thoroughly 'fiijoy;their trips empty .slomacb. always lurit it Mrelrlred, And t tint il was a sys ing into the inieslion with the and iJeenrne familiar with sceiiic Attractions and natural resources. 'over. tem (hat w;as badly needed, lie joint . conimilleos it was shown It is Also the policy of the association that for all lime there ail Ibat the men wnrkiny in the n sufficient surplus was furthcoming Lumber shall tie no more jealousy, if.(here is. any, and no selfishness dis The Chorus Girl's Lament. fire hall al the present lime wkere fo lakevrafo of additional & L$th played 011 (he part of any community, hut all shall be a.s n general A.S a beauly.'I'm not any star. lillle more than slaves. They expenses in llm fire department, unit in welcoming visitors.. There are -many more handsome at i lie. same lime; leaving a rea. bad no lime In themselves ami be All progressive communities in the Northwest may co Jr far; Could '.nol sfo why I hey should sonable surplus fiir improvemenl-j Shiplap-Boards and! operate with the Pacific Northwest Tourist Association in the .My face, I don't mind il, not bo able lo ret what was com- and extensions, ho- would be inj work. Already several cities in the south, such as Victoria, Van For I am behind i inir to them. lavor 01 auopiing tne-iwn pia- The people in 'front frel I be jar. loon I In then Dimension moved couver, ,miw westmjnsier, .Nelson, Kelowna and Kamloops, are If n Ihousht Ibe oily was in duty system, iii.-niiiied wiin the organization. that the 'correspondence nn this hound to cive their employees Air Dried and Stored Under (iover Thoroughly PIF.nPO.YP MOIUiAX dure told mailer bo laid upon the luble ACTIVE PROPAGANDA shortly arrive, in Analolia lo study a iiieiiu iriai ne reffaroeu every Mayor Rochester .read the pending the ".mooting of ,lhn the the (lour as worlh ir Iboiisand dol finance and utilities commit leoc'T " resources of country. A hours of duly exlstina in the Kiln Dried Ceiling, Siding OF BOLSHEVISTS IN Ilussian orchestra is ivintr n lars, lie must have counted Ibe fire department . which worked and thai leave be growled for llioi -Flooring, sfries of rn'opacanda eoneorls in sleeping hours .loo. out- al two ni?hls' per week id comuniieo- as uien constituted Jo and Finish 1 ORIENTAL COUNTRIES uid of the llnssiun famine. . homo. sit again. .This motion was sop. T1IF. following is a full list of onded by Aid. Montgomery, find Aid. Mcl.eod sutrpesled (akins iiiiuks uie .iiapiier uoes 10 ueip Iwo iillOh beinx put to the vrtfe was SPRUCE LATH FISH ARRIVALS policemen off the present AXfiORA.- Turkey, April 2.1,-Aetive lier liiolher; passed. 'propaganda Is neinir carried 0 HI '.ft 0 0. police force-and adding: two fire manufactured In Prince Rupert arid Behind at Lowest Prices the' men lo fire 'department. pa' hero at tti seal of the rivy carloads nffisb were solil . 0 0, ((-. Aid. Smersido staled, that in ' . ETERNAL PROBLEM I KeirijU .piislia .N'nlion.alisi (invent arrival at the Fish were:Kxchanr-re Inday. 'flic ,i o (I(I (i 0 fi il "(I,11." other cities Ibey bad sained "Can you I fib'me how to.niliu' PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. riieiit.liy h J',.ilsliovil trade ilele-gatio'n finanejally!hy the adoption nf the agej a wife? nsked Ibe prOspoci under Professor Cioldan of Manna,JartOlnme,il.fino .(I00 iiounds,. pounds;and I.hunt.Ion .-tt 00 -0 ift'C two plapion system, and the rea live bridegroom of the old man Seat Cove, Prince-Rupert Telephone 361 ' son Ibat information W'as obtained .Moscow- rnlvers.lt The Soviet v:. who had Jus! celebrated his gold ,7000 pound, sold to Month Fish. was' lo find oul if In en wedding -at nnnlVersary. ailUs .were explained a dinner erie Canadian Co, a in.Oc and to Kemalitd prex'represcnlalive?, adopting the two' paltonn sys "loung" mah," replied Ihe old when the lttix'iiau spkesfnan Vivian, .1(100 pounds;. Carolan, Ten Years Ago j reduced tem hem (he city.'.would gain In man, "when you can 'l me boy said:,- In Pr'nc Rupert" insurance 'rales. to managii a nearlh'iiuillc or 10 "Wo mean to ,work hurd to pounds,15,000 pounds sold In and Allia Asuslu Fisheries nOOO J Nothing to ft Gained. harness a cyclone I ,wi)( bo gliid DONT TELL. U3 YOUR SIZE. ASK US TO "FIT" YOU bring ahoul tlie i'(-ivery of Ori-filul (f.lc apd Sc. Appj'j 25, 112. .Mayor Rochester .said lhal- if lo t'ivn you ,tht infnrilatlon yoli Shoe" "INVICTUS" "The Best Good peod'en. 'j'liey iriti.st free two extra mop were put in Ibe ask." - Chancellor, r000 pounds.. T. C. Jpiker; who is a well .. . t JfeiuselvB.s frnln the (irifi if wostT While Ully, fiOOO pounds and known Yukoner,, has been slayinar fireball it would moan no re flume in and see t he lo tjew last duction in the fird Insurance n'ife Advert(so ill the Dally News. V( influence. Tui'kny has iiiven Thclmd, lt,500 pounds. Sold o day. or lwp ii Itupert, nn bis BOND STREET and LIBERTY, r gjirilliant example, and this will Canadian Fish and Cold ftlorago wny ;n .Stewart, .Mr. Maker has from the fire underwriters. It $11.50.. We stand behfnd ;very pair. Jie. followed by nlber Asiatic na-lfo'ts. Co.. at 1 1.7c and I He. jusijj'iilurned from the Old Coun. by putting ml Iwo extra men hoy ECZEMA Hierjol nffcrinK si-ii ladies vifidov ifey it)iit'(, -itrP ennbl i Wiylnlond li oien libraries, Atlas .2.1,000 pounds, sold In ti'y.. where'.lie. has been Inleresf-iiiKf fire obtain a roduHllon in the llal.y LotiU -Iteel at $7,85; AlsT.(n:'hlni.'Myti V ecnnpmlc insiiluteH, Iheatres Pacific Fisheries at O.tic and 3c. capita) ' (u H. C, enlerprises. he insurance ialif:,hero jmMlfy would ON. FACE AND: HANDS bl'twn kid .vtiite-.-prteeV something lo Ibe and railways illirouphnut (be Vesta, SfiOO pounds and Oroth, He is pari ieiilarly well acquainted pro. ciuntrV' cedure in the eyes of Ibe ralei for Five Years FAMILY SHOE STORE 5000 'pounds sold lo Canadian Willi llm .Nails' country and the T ft was. further announced ibat I'liih and Cold Storage al 9.!ic iiouml llotf dlslhct .both of payers. Tbo matter had simply Third AVenuo. (Operatlna Foot Comfort ierVlee; TJept.) a flussian cniiiinission would and resolved itself down Lo the e.g. r.eiemt or sail rheum, M It Is id oflen which c. are surpassingly Bond he pendilure or some $.1500 and still called. iuanirU Itself la little round M-tu is convinced. pimples ft bled contain tn titremely Irrl getting (he results. same i tatlnic nuld. Ttieae break and autisn A M .St, Andrew's cathedral, Vic Aid. Kerrvsiiid lie understood quendy t crust or scale la formed and the I tie fire underwriter were con Intense burnlnr, lictilur aod tmarllar, loiia, on April tAlh, Miss Anna templating giving the City of erpeelally at nltUt or when the barf il Dr. JOS. Maie. Calkins became, (be wife of MAGUIRE, Prince itupert a now fire Jnstir exposed to a ilronr heat, li almost un William Harold Scoll. 'Ibe bi-arable and relief I flailly welcoraed. young couple will bo al. home nnee. rating. There li fcr.ly one way to te relief and Aid. Montgomery..tried to show no remedy Ilk DENTIST after dune I, al '.'10 Linden lhal the chairman of tbo Finance BURDOCK BtOOO BITTCRS Avenue, Victoria. Miss Calkins Cominillee Take It Internally and II teti at the Visit his Office Rooms 7 and 8 Smith coud finance and Mr. Scot, both well known in the jwo real of the disease In the blood and drlvea Blockor phono for an appointment. plnloon system from tbo. rcvehua It out of the ayitem. Prince Rupert, where I hey formerly Phone 87B of the riiljlles department wllh Apply II eiteinally and It takes out Iba resided. .Mr. Heolt was eon. out Increasing the mill rale, and Itchlnr. atlnrinv and buralnv. and promote! Olllce hours: 9.12, 1 to 0 and 7 to 9 nee led with II .S. Wallace & Co. healthy beallnr. inniijuii that if Ibe council wish, eveulnns. ed to do Mp. J. Safe, 3tt Trincen Ave., Vao- Sunday Appointments Ludy AssUlon . t b(.y cotild find ways rouver, B, C. wrlteij-'-liavlna; mrrtred Psltl ' FORMER-CATCHER and means of doipn il. wllh eeiema on the face and bead for Iba . .. ' y. ri Aid. Perry in ilhswering Aid, last nv years; I consulted tevtra! doctora, , OF ST, LOUIS IS Monlgoineiy explained Ibat while and tried various klnda of aalvea and - ' Cbean lotions, but I derived no benefit from any NOW POLICE CHIEF asking for a 'reduction of light of tiiem. i aid uoi know what to do until .Resist,wear longer than ordinary tales he was. nuggesling ex. friend advised me to try Burdock Blood THEO COLLART. LTD. nqtarv I utensils. Sticky substances pendilure in another dlrc'ctimi, Bitters, and after I naq uied two bottl.-a I PUBLIC. cannot Adhere to "Urn J, t VcC.rj-, In UnJn town. WICHITA FALLS, Twc., Apr. 1'5, and thai one could .not have Ibe berfan to ret better aod now after taklnr elfrbt hollies I bave not even a blotch Seven-room house for sale, newer f1"' on con In, )aili and t.. W. calclier McCormick, with bun the hard,' glassy surface and the halfpenny at the. tba I me. I feet cannot prals I, n. 1. tied Ion, $4000 Demand McClary't. the HI. LouUi Notional in ,VI3, same time. He said that the too hlfhly. hope Xou will tnike full ui terms. Bargain. was elected cliief of police here on finance and the bijblir utilities of this recommeodatloi for lb benefit of At All Good Storta Monday nlabl. An a Tejaa Ranger committees were Jbout to -meet those wuo are luirerinr from tbli terriM Rentals Real Estate Qenera Insurance mssM lie. bai been on duly In and about tng'ethfr to into the. euestlon cc-oiplelot. ecjema." 08 go B. B. t). put up only by Th T. auburn Phono Blue Westholmo Theatre Bloek P. O. Box I Hit iy,) Wichita Falls for three yesir.i. of finances of the public iilllilics Co., Llnilttd. Toronto. Ont.