I jj Tuesday, April "5, to-? rAor, BIX THE DAILY NEWS LINZEY HOUSE OF TUG OH EAT NEEDS OF OUn CITY is r more GOES TO REITH ONE supply of money available for building loans, WESTHOLME THEATRE can llnd for your savings REPORT IS Tuesdny x. Wlint more puMic-spirilcil use you It was recommended at last Tonight, than nssisling some young marrieil couple lo acquire llic night's council meeting that W, (J, home they so greatly need? Is your money not more usefully RECEIVED II ell It he allowed lu purchase, (he Mr. and Mrs. omplyyed, both lo you anil the borrower, when, invested in gilt-edged IL H. Linzey house, which the cily cent, than in the .savings bank at 3 clerk had been liislruclcd to ad mortgages at 8 per per DE HAVEN linn vertise. for sale. The ctcrk slalci CARTER In 1921 Showed Net cent.? And we wilt make sure of the security for you. City Surplus Utilities of $13,987.58 Is that the house had been properly Laid on Table. advertised in order Ihal any re H. G. HELGERSON, LIMITED turned man could have opporlu JN Tin ptililii: ul 1 1 i lie.- depart liMlatla?r! ''"'' jBfflil nil y of purchasiiifr same and thai ment, aecurdin? to tin? city audi- lKiKI while einpiirics had hceu iilade no "The Girl in the Taxi" (oi'm report for llii'l, reatj al Ihe delliiile application had hceu re council ntccliiiK la.t uilit I f I j I!H it5ifi r j till n i ij t j j i it rri rt h w t m rtt,liu;i fmii i 1 1 i"i"it'lnilf reived. The hou.te has coiic WEDNESDAY IS A SHORT xhuXM'il a in'! suiplux lit WiSi on liienlly been Irausferreil to W. Christie Comedy - - - - "Sin file the Queens" BUSINESS DAY and generally TIMBER SALE X30B4. the ulilflii'.x of the cily of licit h as hcoiuinendcd hy the Admission, 15c and 35c oinmitlec last week. busy. Naturally we lia,!i?.58. The electric 'Ifjdit ilc sralpil lemliTsi will lin ri-t-clvvtl liy llir avoid special sales, but umiMf'r ui i.aiMM hi sirmria uui miit pa i- ti i im:(, showed a net surplus of limn iHiim tin im f I it U:iy or May, ltS2 l I.DIS.ili, and flu telephone d WILLIAMS MAKING fur tlin turrhap nf Llri'iii'D X.IO.'ii. In nil WATCH THIS SPACE 3IM.CUU rrrt l.r Mulli-p, lldllliil'lt, 5(1.011(1 parluiciil, 3C:i I.7U, while (lie lineal reel r lilr riles oml n,mll Ihiinl HOME RUN RECORD f(H nf Crd.ir I'ok'B, on dm and xlluaiiMl water department hail n uVMcil of tomorrow lor near M.cnin uni nir. u. T. I'. 1 1 a 1 1 w o v $ 1 5.1(5.1 7. tianlar Pi Irlcl. Two (! years will In allow cl for Tin' surplus as.sclw over lla. Equals Babe Ruth's Achievement Brand remoiai or tminrr. Supreme Crack-a-jack liirllirr Iih 1 1 Iru la r of I lie Chief I'orvslrr. hilllii'!' for Kite cily wore ?l.0.'l'i. So Tar This Year. Vltlnrla.MilrrTi I.M. ...;.. or KMrlct Fiirt-Mrr. iTIui'i- 7!0.(H, which i an incrcasi- ocr w Lye w ST. LOUIS. April 25. Kcnnejli Ihc year l'JL'0 of S.ri,0JM.57. Williams, Ihe hard slil-'Klntr mil TENDERS WANTED The pTciiprat revenue .urplu fielder with Ihc local Americans, FRESH FRESH Month End srali-il stniilcr . arc IihIIimI hy t lit from M'hool.t aiuouuled lo oday caught tip with the home ROASTED COFFEE ROASTED omens .n.iuiiary swirl)-, .mmIkhII! M.'UniiUu, a ilecrea.-i rrom luso. mi record made hy Italic Itiilh c.IiiiitIi. Ton ml", for llm lonMriii'llnii. al Purl Simpson, or a liiHMlnr lo lie known Hie xtirplus hciMg- in that year ii I In tills dale ast year, wlicu me i n.Miy liiriv Home. nan and ,Kpeeirieailoii'i roil bo InriTleil and lenders KlO.liHI.ri2. e 'made u home run ilrive In The value of cuH'ce as a hcvei-nce li,., uliiiiiilcd up lo 4 p.m. April villi. Itf'.'j, at I'ltis year I tn mui'iiIiih or dclicit a praine yesterday against Ihe De Specials lhe urrire'or c. u. Perry, Indian Aenl. primarily in its i-licnulli and llavur. on each dcparliiicnt has liecu Ho ri inre unpen, .Hot.-es Mi le gnu oeaeon al car- troit Ainerlcan.s here. liroii'lil Porl SlmpHon will Ihi have plain ami -s,l iJlirsrfl aTaTaTaTaaaW Brand (trecn rolfee will keep indellnihly. lerineaiion ror einiinnatlon, lleiillnir, ricil lo ils own individual viiiplu-accou;il Made his total Ininie runs for the pres 'Supreme" tint plnmlilnir, nml eleetile wlrlnir remn'rtlvnlv, itlTslead of hcinr,r Iraiiti-ferrcd ent season up lo five, the same is Fresh Mich is not Ihe case afler it hit" i n ran he tendered Tor cfparalely ir desired. in like ( make it snappy, lo Ihc general .iccoiinl. iiumher that Ihe suspended home I lie iow ei or any tender not necessarily nasleil.v especially near the end of Hie aeeepted. The auditor's report was laid im kin? had to his credit at Roasted .;'. Prince liuperl. li.'i:.. April isih. out the idis.'. HnasUna'. Iitins llaror nml urninii, iiiontli, and we Mini it pays lU.ILDI.NO i:oIMITT;K, on tlie lalile pending arranire-meiils the same dale last year. ' In make keener reductions Per c. C. Perry. for its printing. trolfce lieflytiies stalc le'CliUse of tons uf in onler to keep, all hand NOTICE. ihes"e ii'i'iitnalic principles. I.N THE MATTEH of an application for RENCH BANTAM busy. ine issue 01 a ircsn ccriuiraie or hup. lo FORMER PUGILIST' REBEKAHS WHIST Tastes Good as We are roa.liii(r and packinjr for i uriin Lot III, llloik II. Section 6, City or Prince as Unpen. Map oss. ENGLISH CHAMP re.pill imeuts only, rcalizln.. -lliat. esrn- .NOTICE Is lieivliy (riven thai li Is mv IN CRITICAL SHAPE DRIVE AND DANCE it Smells lnleiilk.il lo Issue after Hid expiration of lially, cnlfee must he fresh ron-ic,! Rupert Table Supoly Co. one. inonlli rrom the llrsl pulillcallon hereof, a fresh cerllllcale of HHe to ine Charley Ledoux Defeated Thomas proe ierfpelly s4il isfartoi y. nhove mentioned nronertv In the name or Jlmmle Twenty-one Card Tables, Re Phones 211-212 J. Ullini which Austin Sustained Serious Harrison on Points In Fifteen lloadley. cerillicate nf line i uaien inc. 3rd March. 1315, anil Is Knife Wounds In Quarrel freshments and Enjoyable Rounds Last Night. Sold only In 1-pound airtight cartons lumbered 70U-I, II. K. Marl.Ron. Saturday Night. Dance. Laud Hoirisiry onice.lieirlstrar of Titles. LIVKIII'OOL, April 2.1. -Charley Prince llupert. U. C, I.OS A.N'Oin.US. (jitl.. Anvil 25. Ledoux, I'lvnclr lianlatiiw.eluhL The llchckah l.odfie whist: drive ?tt day of March, in??. STEWART & M0BLEY, LTD. lliiiinia Austin, said 1o he al and dance held in the Mctropolc won Ihe championship or Fn'laiiil PII.VU: lll'PEUT LAND DISTIIIUT-TIUCT -ins- nne lime the. flywcisrhl hoxinr lasl niphl hy defeathiir 'J'lioiuas Hartt Hall lust find (toasters Of COAST, JIA.NOE B. nijjlit was a most successful Coffee Importers lake notice that I. P. M. chauipion lif the world, is in a event. A larrre crowd of Harrison on points In a llfteen- PRINCE RUi'ERT. Moncklon. of Terrace, li. c., occupation laud surveyor, critical condition today as die memhers and friends turned out I'oiind houl. 't lie J'.irlisluiiun mi intend to apply ror u license lo prospect result of knife wounds which it oored six (lilies. or coal, natural da and petroleum on the occupyiiirt ".'I curd tallies, Sirs'. followhiir described lands: i:oinmnieiiir m is alleged were sustained In a .S. A. Swanson was the winner of a post plained one mile west or the northwest ' Shoes curlier or Lot U28, thence north (ill quarrel last Saturday nijihl. tlie ladies'- first prize, Miss Annie BOMBARDIER WELLS From ihe Farm chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 80 chains, thence .west Rd ehnlns to Tuiim .Morrison carrying ntf the of commencement, imilalnln? 010 acres. ladies' consolation, while for tin; MAKES COME-BACK to the Table Liouaieu January v, iiixv. Tuesday. April "J.". P. M. MOf:k'T'IN jfcntlenifli, lien Crossed won thy Once worn, will so fully win ' High- - 0:18 u.lll., I0.H reel. PIUNCK IIPPKIIT first prize and II. Woods the I.A.NIi TilSTHICT l)IS-TIIICT'OF BulkleyValley your conlldence that you will COAST. HNOK 6. low award. ' mj.m'oa, April After an 13:11 p.m., 1H.8 feel. Take notice that I, p. M. .Monckloir, ot TIMBER SALE X-3936. ahseiieij of morn han 18 iiiotitli's Low-- 0:35 a.m., 5.0 feel. the next without accept pair Terrace: it. c surveyor. Iniend o. mit.iv I 'rlUlilfiil rerreshmenls were for a license to urosnrcl fur coal, iieiroli.om Sealed leaders will he received from the riniry nonihardier Wells 18:35 ji.hi., 0.U feet. BEEF further inl ruducliou or recommendation, served nl ll o'clock, after which and i'liiral iras on ihc rollowliiK described lasl nilit defeated Wilfreil Lloyd, lands ' f'firomeiieliiir at n iir..l ,.l....f...l k hy ihe Dislricl l-'opesler not later Wedhesday. April 30. PORK dancing was lliorouslily enjoyed as -old friends chains with or the Autruliaa lieavj-welsht, in the the southwest corner of Ifi-.'h 0;7 30.5, reel. MUTTON Minn noon on Ihe llpst ilny of .May, . a.m., Lot 1037, thence north 8U chains, thence to Hie strains nf Arthur's orchestra. whose di'peiulahilily and cast 80 chains, thence south 811 chains. t!)22, for the purchase of Licence lentil of a '.'O-roiind Uuil. Lloyd 13:18 p.m., I '.1.3 feel. VEAL locsce wesi mi cnains in point ur com-mciieeiuciit. had tin! worst of It throughout. FRESH KILLED POULTRY worlh Low- 7:07 1.1 feel. are fUly a.m., proven. and coutalulnir 0411 acres more .'..'Pj;i(5. near W'ark Channel, to The committee in charge coin, or less. p. M. Mo.NtKTO.N. -Hr: 10:07 5.0 feel. Skeena River Farm Product cut feet p.ni.. fisted Jsioiarv yit, 10??. 255,uii(i or Cedar, Spruce, prised .Mrs. S. V. Wilkinson, .Mrs. and Hemlock. .1. Simpson, Mrs, J. .Morrison, Thursilay, April 37. VANDERHOOF CREAMERY PIII.NCE IIIIPKIIT I.A.NII lllSTIIICT (JIS-TIIICT OC COABT. IIAMiK 5. One year will he allowed for re Mrs. Frascr, , Miss Alice Mon- If full I :I5 a.m., 31.0; reel. BUTTER Tako notice that I, U. P. Moncklon, of moval of limber. ' 13:51 p.in., 1 0.1 feel. Victoria. II. C. miner, intend to anolv ror a cotier, anil .Mrs. b. V. Uox. Yesterday's Scores. NORTHERN INTERIOR KIRKPATRICK license to iirosnect for coal, nrtriilcuui and Further particulars of Hie Chief Netlonil Low 7:38 u.lll., 3.0 feel. natural (fas on the follow loir ilcscribed League. lands: Coumieliclnf at Host tilanteil IS rore.-ler, Victoria; tlie Dislricl . 10:30 p.m., tl.3 feel. CO-OPERATIVE a The Store of Satisfaction chains south or (he soiilhwesl corner nf Fores l,ep, rriiice liuperl. II. C. TO SELL ROCK AND lliooklyn, 7; lloslun, 8. lot 1037, iiience south 80 chains, thence New York, :); I'lijladelphia, -J. Subscribe for llm Daily News. Phone 81 west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains. Hience cast 80 chains lo point of coup LOAN CRUSHER TO I'iltshurj;, CliicasroJ i. iiicncciiicnt, coiilaluliiK fl4h acres more or 11. Louis, 6 Oiiiciiiijall, I. leas. (I. I'. Mo.Ni;kToN. p M MoocktoU. A rent THE GOVERNMENT American League. PItl.NCE HUPKIIT LAND IHSTIIICT PIS- Chicago, 3; Cleveland. 0. SALE Canadian National Special TIIICT Or COAST. IIA.NUE 5. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Iloslon, 3; Washington, 11. Railways Nollct to Contractor!. Take notice that I. Lavender Muucklon, At the council iiieelinK last f Terrace. II. ).. marrieil woman. Intend ' Hell-oil. SL Louis, 0. lo apply for a. license to prospect for K.al. Sealed tepiiers. endorsed "Hear lUver niiilif n citoirl u-.o cifii viol fcniii peiroleiiin and natural if as on the follow liu lll-idu-e Lmliaiikmenl Consirucilon." will lie .. .. .' . ... I'hilatielphia, 5; ew York, 0. ilescrlled lands: OtmmeuciiiK at a o9t iTieluil by tlie Honorable (he Mlulrtcr of Hie Itoafil or OIKS P(! salt' Of planted 15 chains south of Hie southwest Public Works, up to IS o'clock noon, Ihe K ,... 10 tl,,, penviiwi'il fcON- Prince Hosiery corner or Lot 1037. lh"iicu south 80 chains. loth day of May. ror the biilldlnir nf cin-"" wiMereport Rupert I Pence cast 80 chains, thence north 80 bankuieul approac hes to Hear III ver llridae,!crilllieul . chains,commenci'iucht,ttieiicc west coutaluinir 80 chains,04 0 to acres point more or Vlaii'! MM-ciiicallons, conlrai-t and rormsl H was decided that Die. (Jily all this week or less. LAVKN1iF.il MONf.KTON, or tender may he seen on unit after Ihe l.-n..!iipfe li., aujIIOM. il In slliinlv v8 a.m. p M Moto'klou. A rent ittli day ..r April, i)i-J. al Ihe olll.e or J. I'. Scarlett. provincial Constable, i2i yards of' ri'CK III the Pro- HKiflM IrL'A.l) Cloudy, calm, 10 per cent. Discount PIUNCK IIDPF.IIT LANIi lllSTIIICT PIS- KirrV:i.V pieriimeul when.er it liaroinelcr 30.01; lemperature, 37 Shipyards TIIICT OP COAST. IIV.MJK 6. Drawing Winner, Miss Take nollce that I. kathlceu Moncklon, li. i: and the liepartinent t Public Works.:,., ,, j, sj)a,.,., im, when the sea sliioplh, Victoria, II. :.. married woman, iniend lo li torla. M. c. ii.ii l)KAI TIIKK Pl-I.VT apply for a license to proscct ror ciitraetors may obiain a (Mpy or ine'sicaill roiiep was uvuiiiiiue n llalnlng. W. No. 7. coal, Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Dyer, Iteuiiiciim and natural Iras on iih rollow-liir ilaim ami tll"'aUiii fur Wn dnllara 1.1 i ... n... ,.,:,.,i,,,,ii wind soillhcatl liglit; baroiueler, descrilicd lands: Coiuineiiclnir al (Itu.iiui which will In- rcfuiiilrd on a post nlanled 15 chains iMiuth of Un Hoiithwesl return In itikmI ortltM. irovcriimcul also. Vlt.H-.': leinpeiature, 10; sea Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, Paltirn corner of Lot 1037. thence north 80 chains. Kuril iirnponal iiiimt his ai'i'umpaiili'd li.v llie eriislier smoulh, makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. UEMERS" nil arri'pP'il hank rliifiio n a rharlrrril 'J'hc rock and an tneni'U ibl 80 chains, thence aouth 80 chains, thence ea-t 80 chains lo point of hank .'if tlanada. iniifjt tavahli'Pnljlir Pi tin lion. lo he used ill I Im; work of stir- HULL, IIAIIIIOIt -Clenr. Wi,l(j iirtihli. Ihi MhiiAlf.i at Work, fur a Electric and Welding. cotiimenceiueni, ami coutaluinir cm acres Acetylene more or less. KATIII.KKN Mo.NCkTO.N. inn t'liual til It'll t-r rent. (lur t , fui'iiiL' I in I'.nw llnv roai wnv. soulheusl; liaiometer, 30.IJ; Phono 27 P. O. Box 327 IV M. Moncklon. Arent. ti'inliT. wlili li Khali lie roiTi'ltcd if tin-party . temperature S8; sea snioutli. Ifiulerliiir tliM'liiie to enter lulu enntraei PIUNCK IILPKIIT I.ANIi lllSTIIICT -DI3 when fHlli'il muni In do Hit. (ir If lie. fall til Noon. Our plant Is equipped lo handle ull kinds of TP.ICT Of COAST. IIANUK . iiiiii-ti tlie work I'tniiraeuMi rcn-. i PROVINCIAL FIRE Tako notice that I, P. M. Moucktou. of Teiiilei'ti will mil lie eiiixlilervd unleHii DKIIIY ISLAM) Overcasl. rerrace. H. :.. oceupallon land surveyor, made mil nil the rurins iipplled anil ulirned calm; harouietei- 3d.00; tempera, MARINE AND USE , Intend In apply for a license to prospect hy the aetn.-il tiiirimlnrt' nf Ihe tenderer. MARSHAL IS COMING for coal, natural Ira ami pcirolcum on tlie rue lirtten nr any 1 lender nut nerennariiy lure 471 sea smooth; Princess following floserlbed lands: (Uiinincncliiir at a repled. Mary due at 3:15 p.in, south, COMMERCIAL WORK Post planted one mile west or mo north P. PHILIP, TO PRINCE RUPERT west corner or Lot I Us. thence north 80 piilillr Wtuka Lnvlneer. hound. Shamrock chains, thence west 80 chains, thence soulh ieiariiiut nf I'lilille Wurka, li. DliAD TJli:i; POINT- PHONES 43 AND 3S5 80 mams, tnence easi su ruains to point iritiria. i:. Italnlng, of eommencemeni, containing- 040 acres, VAMIOIVKU. April 25. I'ro-vincial calm; baroiiielcr,! 20.8-.'; 9, tv. QENKRAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE. lemper. Located, January 'i'liuuias left J'ire Marshal P. M, MONCKT'IN. alure ii; sea snioollt. BACON I LAND ACT. . alKiied TK.MiKI.S fur the will purrhaKii Im rreelved or bv Hie(lie tiii4lnei muler. for l'rincc ItuperL on the sleaiuer HULL IIAIIHOH Clear, wind I Notlct of Inltntlon to Apply to Laait Land a a Kfiliiir einiiirn pn-eiitly earrled on liy Jiri,l(.,. (jeorRi lasl llinlil lo OP soulhwest;jiiaroiiicter 3o,00; Ivin. HAM t In Prince IiuiktI Land District. Iiecord- lux liistrkl of Coast lianire Z, and situate Limited, at Terrace. II. I'.. iiaill.e lire districts and appoint pcralure 50; sea smooth ; U.30 a. BUTTER In vlilnllv or Port I'.ssinrton. II. C. ine liii'ltlialiciue inreniory iiioiinta 10 deputy Hiiirsliuls aloilK I lie (irand 7 Fffl A Trip I Uenla' spoke ilcanicr Iledoudo lake notice that we, Johns Johnson and j.nJ.Vii and vnnm of Ijidiea' and in. pass. Waller Meinl. or Porl Ksslinrtun. li. c riitiiKliiiiira .0i!5.7T. liroeerlea, Totiaceo, Trunk I'acillo ami 1'acillc Orcat iny IMne Island 8 a.m. south, I EGGS 5 occupation llshermen. Intend lo apply for rtr., '.-iVh7, Hardware t.1 US.50. ilnot permission to lease the followlhir described and SIhh'H I18J.3H. The whole atoelc la Ivtsiern tines. hound; I I a.'ni, spoke sleiuner LARD I lands: Comiuencliiir at a post planted al rresh mid In excellent condition. The aiorc Mr. Thomas, il is said, will also l'rinco Ocortre iilieam Pine ls. southeast corner of Lot 15. Itanre I. Coast llltliiK and rurnlhliira arnounl to a 1,595. Dental Uislrlct, thence northeast chains lo luw U5. The rem nf More la fin per month. nvcslivaic condition al Hazcllon and northbound; 0:55 a.m. spoke Surgeon I.art amounted to HO.duo. vear'a turnover thence south 5 chains fcklRirM')-!' water mark, along us a sciptcl to the recent Maze netalied Invenuiriea ran lie itinneeii'ii ai .stcamei' Spokane in .Milbuuk low water mark, ineiico west 3 cllallis to hlKh water mark, thence S chains alour Ihe onicea of IIOIIIK li. SMALL. Veil- Ihern which rcsillte.d lu loss of Sound southbouiid, The Empire's Standard. eral liulldlnir. piiuee llupert. II. C. and hi if ll walnr mark lo point of roiuuieneeuient Vaheoiiver. II. I... life. 0K l.iiudoii Hiiildlnir, P. BURNS CO., LTD. aim coniaimntr a acres,JI.I.IKS WALTKH more JIIII.SII.li Aiiilicauta.MKMI,or less. tallied ri ortere i vhniii on will aiipllcatliin.rut be I Iter rerrl Kiitlcnlar fed up to can and be ob-lie SEEDING DELAYED IN Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 686 Paled Febriiarv . tSt I'ludlug Inl May, l, LEWIS WRESTLING (ILOIIC.K 'IIOIIIK. C.A.. Aulliorlzed Trulee, MANITOBA BECAUSE LAND ACT. Prince lnieii. It. I'., mill A .rll. lull. ZBSYSZKO TODAY Notlca of InUnllon to Apply to Laata Land, In r.iueeu Charlotte Islaiids Laud lilstrlrt, IN PRORATE. OF COOL WEATHER The best in town situate llecordliK In front Plstrlcl of or Pluck Prince"A" liuperl.In Lot 0i),ami IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH D AIT Our frozen herring bait is conceded by nlicr''ien COLUMBIA KANSAS (ilTY,- April 'J 5. Kd Coasi unvsra isiaiiu. L,iT11 to bo the finest 1'aclflo at ll'lI'Vllll.1!!. 4....I I il. procurable uny Take notice Canadian t'lfh (ld Stor III tlie matter irWiT"AIMIM!TII.Tln "Slranler ' . Lewi, t'hanipiou n n.tiriA', .'iii o. v iih aire Onnpany Limited or Prince llupert. II ACT anil In Ihe luiiller or tlie I'.lule of ctiiilinued cool wfuthur Port and It is "fishy." J'rlco, $30 per ton. . , C, (M'cupallon fish-dealer. Intend to apply heavywcii.-lit wrestler, will inept prcdicle"J " WU.I.MM X. MrliONAI.il, Pereascd, ,IH Strand for permission to lease the following de-KlllM'd Inlentate. Stanislaus hsysko, Hie former and the temperature throughout TPF ,,c1 WHy of '!'"''f" ft (foud quality r,l). lands Comiuencliiir at a (tost planted TAkK .NOTICK Hint III order of Ilia l0 1UV0 I)1(J(ty of 0U. mr(i fiuim lee. J'1C,, one foot in a aouthwesterly direction from Honor P. Mcli. Vouny. iiimle the KOlh day cliainjiioii from wliojn he won lii.-j .'Itipiiuiui lVOM II uccniif 8e cding ti ton. ine northwesterly post or maun neserve or 9J1. I waa appointed Ailiuinta-Icator per prll. have No. 10, thence ISO reel more or lest In I In Hie Kklalc or WILLI l X. Mr- I J 1 1 o some wee'ksl'iKO, in it wrestl-liiff operalions been slot iiped 0,,r southwesterly direction to low water mark HiiVM.il. ileceaHed, and all purlieu liavlotr I li .ii itrli.tll 1, till Wont ami Onfrfir: wcll-etfulicU store can supply flalilntF krc"; match hero loday. In a 1 1.1 ine in... ...v. ....a must Cafe Ihenco 700 feel westerly alone low water naiiiia a ku I tue taiu Okiam acu nerruy i: . I . I...... .I,.l.,, ,..l .......i. . nsherincn's clothing, Broccries und provii"" mark, thence 100 feet northerly to hlirh reuulrei! tn fuinlsli tame, properly verllled, mulch limit ii lUtle. over a your Ul l.fcO llit.u H.iq;Li & Oil Ihc and hardware. water mark, thence too foci easterly along; to me mi or liefore tin) VI at day of May. a6 I I 1 li, II.,. I in y ii waier mam to noun oi commencement Illtft!. and all nartlea Indebted tn Hie ealala .lisyszko dcfeatt'd Lewis an. IUI1U.. OHIIIIunr in HIU IIIIIV UJCa lily ami I'oiiialnluv two i acres- or lest. are minimi tu pay llm arnounl of their iwr)n Mm championship title. ti'lmeii uiioilill'r itt blill iti ,,..v,.i "v i -.o ,i, s NEW iitUftil All White Help. CAN API AN KISII li COCU H TOIIACL lildcbloduea lu nm forthwllh. I J, ENGLAND FISH Company COMPANY LTD.. Applicant. JOHN II. MrMI'I.LJ.V. which he 1 1 0 1 I lllllil II feW Vt-'oCkS On.o fanner there has 000 acres of II y Duncan k'emieily, Ageut. Wr wheal land seeded. Ketchikan. Alaska Branch Paled ritruarj t, tVSt natid u... ,i,t