PAfJE TWO Till! DAILY JTEWfl " i . . " .' posal I on foot In extend the mad Good Luck STEWART MINES jfrom, the premier trt Ihe Ilia Missouri proiwrly. long way, but ' tHlmately. I! gentlemen ana la thought to rfo u rjoe farther. ARE DESCRIBED were oercsfnl In gelling the Good Judgment famous w- York of liua- TO USE penhetm llros. to hecomr essoin Enlightening Article Appear .-laled In developing Ihe Premier London Mining tfhd Engineering ,Oo. Mining C.' property and Journal jlh management ww then placed "SALADA" it the hand "f Hie American AMERICAN SUCCESS Smelting Co. Tim what al ftrsi iiniulil have been a Hr.lih sucee- was for nil time turned into an HM British Capital Advised to Watch!Anirnpmt, hi.i-M(ia. IS GOOD JUDGMENT. Out That Plums Ar Not Lost Transport then began to pUy The Tea thut is always Reliable." an important part and step wer.-immediately A comprehensive article, en- taken ! build 1 Idled "MinlnB wvropiiint in road from the lck near Slewurl HnlMli I-.In m lla. which deals , .... ,ll3n- , ,,f aai nno The Daily News almost exclusively with Mn' ,liffiill, eneminler- Stcwarl district And especially ... n ...- -,,,,1 mn I'MINCK HUPEHT - HIUTISII COLU.MHIA with the wonderful record of thefor jn w1nl.r lhl, ,nw i, .oene. Published Kvery Aflcrnoon, except Sunday, the Prince I remicr Wine, appear tn I he liflie 0 feel deep. Mining World and Fjiatneerlng Huperl Ilaify News. Limited, Third Avenue. fteeord," a I,ohlon iMildieatlon Undse Quggsnhslms . 11, of lb. m.ey pro II. V. PULLKN. Managing Editor. I ??"h ''"I I! ,7'"". ' T itM 'r the nHenheim d.vel. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! an account nf It statu nt today ihi ton vance,. n July lt?l a the Imv mine of the district. City (Jelivery, by mail or carrier, per month fl.OO mill eomnenee1 erHhinir. c.n- if not of Hie nrlil," a the arti (eentmtinK and cyanRlln plani- Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. cle descril It i uhen. Varfou were a lo proviiled. ther pnperlie of the district Itlgger plan, fcemever. were n DAILY EDITION nV.Hlo.-.ay, Nov. S9, I9K. rnd injeresltnir infrnvatln per fwl and an aerial traiifwH taining to thern are Rive. A cable wa eontrwrtel liy the Illb- feature of the article i a t of fel iniway ov of peAftne. I lil Pulling Chestnut splendhl illustration amunpany ottinieneei wnrkina toward the For United States. ing , it. These include winter nl of IVtl. Now in dally HeJ All hough t'uileil Stale mav not he officially repreenleil in M-enrs showing the ImuIlriK of 1 the eene the rei the oounril of the Near East conference at l-aiinune, her Influ . : 1 1 t-il. 1 1.. tramway 111X11 ratu- ore njr sieipu irooi in' ,.. , It is the .I. . ... 'inlll lit- IHIirr ,i.., ence ft being fell. Thi wa indicated early, Ihi week in iii'renuer mine ami irarn-s en in the jaJX Va. SIT-e-. Pt Vl'imaVlliei' - aLsv x . lnces aerial eaMeway Matenvent i.iiel by Lord tiorznn. the Untili min foreign HMile from PreVer to Jlyder. world, covering a distance of 1 1 S iler, lhal Knglaud and Unileil Slate were agreed on the "open There is also a picture of the H.C. mile. nere are IfA tnickel of door" puliry for Turkey. filver camp adjoining the Pre-.fsoo (MMind rapacity and In les United Elates with an expanding foreign commerce, I di inier and a panorama of Portland than two a lMeiiet con rectly intereieii in sncn proceeding a mee and II i only c Canal show-inn llyder and Stewart veyetl mer Hie IIS 4le.,Dur pily that her tatemen have allowed their fear of heromitig em taken from a great elevation on Geriujn& In it the frt ix months of lilJt broiled in European difference (o overcome Iheir sight of the mountain to ttie northeast, tine Ihe eMiiMiay has shipet to.n' necessity of taking prt at !niniuie. II i to he hopetl that the nf the most interesting of the pic. than l(.iW Ion over Ihl aerial Hepuhlir doe not nnliune the policy of lelling Krtlain nnd other lures shows the wtrty of eabinet Iranrway. Previously the roia .llifd nations "pull her rhexlunto ;f the fire." minister ami other which visit- 4ny wns uintr ID te rto horse ed Stewart last summer. The ft-lnn onle4lbir tract- ansl twvt Right Sort Of Enemie roui, which i dressed in workaday or. - Blessing To Newspaper. bush elnlhe and -lands in The Premier ..l Mining Ch Bull Durham Kear of making an enemy roh the editorial column of many front of a trusty r'onl ear. In has a capital at sa.nofl.ouu. aim of and clude Hun. A. M. Manson. attor nwnaper strength infliienee. Many an editor doe no lit dividend record I r"l'l dare to expre hw opinion on loenl iiiijeet which are alwav ney Beneral; Hon. Ir V. II. on in ue In mining liiUry. Ilw coet l(t the liearU and inlerel of hi reflders o he general ulherlaml. minister of public first dlstrilHUion of too.m.rt wa Ue in a perfectly harmie manner. works; Mr. Ulynn Want. Jmir- made in November. lUfl: this wa The right oM of enemie are a Meing to a newspaper. Any ralist; Hob. F. Wade. K.r. follownl by sUMt.iHio in March organ or pcroii that ha a triflg perHiality and firm conviction. airent general at Mmlnn. and CiA. sian.nno in July, ami there wa tobacco i going'lii have nppHieiil hut it will have more friend and fol Davie, director of l.and Set lie. paid itn ?eptetntr tu last amdh- lower, than a pniele. Hung that apparently ha no character or ment. Ihe taller picture was bf lilritMili.Hi of 7o.nrt. Mtak. taken in Central Hritih OtliintbiA opinion. ing at.lfHMioA n le than I Kriitonal on home ttibjetf't have a pulling power. MHfk,-raking in the course of tlo' tmir of lite montli. Nor i tljis all. a llie editorial are not the Only kind that ran he written. .!ilrKt by the party. ore actually od ha lHn xld The power of a newpaper i beM known to 11 ejemie, but The article is a follows: for u ievelolilenl eele. no i.nd do n'i sn: ih ie i.nitr it i eld(nrrealixfjl by it friend. Cliy Editor Ait I Reporter. Tlie important mining develop. working capital ltnjr re.pnre. for a inesof poltage Ane, i 0 a IT Our froicn htrrtng bait Is eoncedeU tj litHrtM menl which have taken place in 'litis 1 an iecuialoM. Tli already Dl 1 Csut oliey miirbt Im followed to t Hie finest procurable at any Psetti British and Americans Ihe Portland Canal diiiou and more extensively !) llri!ih entrin- been f.f Te i m fl OIIO.iMio. Port and it Is "Fishy." Price, 130 per ton. In Canadian Mining. other portion of llrilih CtduiH. ee. thus !)iiding the creation lilt thank- V.rv largely ' irV Ttit best way of Insuring a good julitj trt The Stewart tor which recently appeared in 'The Mining Ida continue to claim the interest f huge capitals ilon which the ioioMiMy's able geiinal toanaicr - to have plenty of our hard froita lee. tf- orjn ana Migmeeniig lleronl, of London, and which i re- of the minim? community. MMr shareholder receives ma C. A. Hank. Ilii. offer ha Im-pi. It pee toii. prinled eNewhere in lhf!.e cidiimu. i an inlereliug article re-plele Pramlsr Mint are. or prohatuy no divl. lefued. sfjs Our well-equipped store can supply lU&snf ! wilh fact and figure regarding the development of mtie Stritly eakinir, the Premier (tends at all. All eye are now turned to. O UlIIlS nhermens clothing, groceries and previa in the .Stewart ditrict especially the Premier ami the H.C mine wn first located in I OUT Ministers Pay Visit wards the proa res made m driving and hardware, ver. The article wa the mod prominent in the iue of the ly two prospector who have So iniMirtant have been the de the tunnel, whi.'h was report journal in which it appeared and that goe to how the attention since passed away but it was only velopment in Ihl far-Western ed on SepipoUHT .T l.i hi. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company that i being paid fmm far nfield to (he great mining ditric in IttlO thai wt.rk wa comnM-nc. portion of ltritih Colninbia that reai'heil ;'J! feet f r n i llie ji'.il.i1 Ketchikan. Alaska Branek to Prince d on one of three vein dienv. . . I rouliguou Rupert. Ihe (tovernment. with great fore-riBht. ti in iiv,I .-n t'Uii -i aa In telling the hilory of the now famous mine the English rre.1. The property wa 'ben under despalched some of the Journal expree regret that the Premier Mine "Eldorado ' the control nf li. It. IUi!i, of mora iinortant nicnilwrs o( tlx hould have pael for all time from Hrilih to American control. vanouuver, who incorporated a(cabinet, together with the Agent- At the same time it recommend the Hritih Columbia mining company known a the Kalmun (lelieial on this aide, o vllt Ihl field to Hri!ih invetori. The outcome of development on and Hear Hiver Mining To. at territory from wtitcti so the IUI .Silver, it predict, may mark a Hritih nrce. After the formation nf the Sal. much mineral wealth I heimr oh The piril of the article i plendid and it fhoidd appeal to man v Hear Co. a Loom lotiowei tained. Kanndian who would irtTleed and a large amount of stock wa welconre more BritUh ion Fish Creek, undr the control in the development of Canada' natural sold. Public enthusiasm, how reource. of the American Mining A Milling In the pat, American investor have been much more arlivi ever, srw.n lieI down Ml: not Ie- Co., and I Vt ntile from lh Pre. ihMiinadiaii mining than have been the Brilili with the result (ore New York interest npured mier. is ocning up well. Th. lhal niol of the on the ftccne, headed by Mr. Ald- rxdeutial producer of mineral wealth are controlled mine will shortly be shipping by American interet. Epecially in the mining field ridge and Dr. Thompson, ylm l.iull-gmde (.re In Tacoma sml have DritUh capitalists and i ilerel been alow in elablihiiir were represented on lite spot by Icr. 'I his properly i silinli-d on Ihenuelve. They have been h-nlh to take a ehance and have beeii Messrs. Plate A Cromm. Thi Hie Mxslian side of Ihe interna overcauliou Hpeciilalor. Su-h a criticUm can hanlly e made group lKndel the proptrty for tional iM.nler. llie ore i beinc oj the AmeriejBH. At the same time the American have alwnv stSp.OOO and spent STO.OoO but. sent down to llyder awaiting hown their ability of Inking cre of lhemelve. after working the property fi- shipment. : There are other reaon. Umi, why Ihe American have bealeu twn year during which many ex. B.O. Silver Mine ine Mniiti investor in the Canadian mining field. For one pert visited the district, opera, Dealing finally with H.C. Kit tiling, they are eloer at IkhkI. and. for another, they are more lion were closed down. er Mines, over which Ihe Seluk- cjjnjerjant wilh condition ami method in Cnnada.' They are Found Real Richness we Hold Mining & Finance Co, JiellPrable tn meet Ihe Canadian on hi nwli ground than are Ihe It was in July IUI7 that It. K I.old a controlling interest, (hi lritih. Neill, of Spokane, bonded the concein ha u very good ehane . . A Utile more advertising of Canada in fireal Hrilnin and n Premier for llori.non. lie employed of beconrinio one of Hie few reel J3!5iacssai-i 'i,e'' n,or ;o.operation or a personal nature, never forgetting Pat Daly a foreman nf a l!ritih successes in llritlh Col Jli ijerely for houcf dealing, would do much to stimulate crew of worker. Mr. Neill. how umbia. provided the board and 3 ii lotto i Hriljsh intere! and em-onrige Hrilih capital to Ihe mining field ever, wa not content with the oliareholder. Ill London hold fast 85c h well a to other miiuI of prospective development m (he opinion nf other but at once ex Dominion. amined the outcropping, took) Brownie Razors sample, examined the previous work done, made a general survey The Heirloom MADE AND GUARANTEED BY "I Now Feel Fine" and former came owner to the had conclusion completely that Edition Gillette Safety Razor Co, of Canada, Limited Mrs. P. G. Murdoch, Box toissei the richest utinl of development. Every razor wo are offering at this special sale Is th genuine Gillette 433, PorUc la Prairi. Ill theory proved to Im Our twenty-eiighUi Vear Hook Razor made at tho Gillette factories In Montreal. Man., writes t idisolutely correct a, after only -which ww have called the Tha blade In each outfit are the genuine Gillette blades, guaranteed y "I was troubled for two feet of excavation in No. ' Gillette to tha shave yttn '-lta give Identically same perfect, velvet-smooth clsan cool "Heirloom Kditiun, j'it wi'h tunnel liulhe)n made, he discovered bilioutntu, coattipation. that for yaar has been a $5.00 luxury. lidnty sad liver t.ouble.. I the true vein which wa.v been iUed. tried different really paralleling tlm prevloiu msny kindi of It is Dm very book you nee EIGHTY-FIVE CENTS tuurie medicine, but uthioe Jid ci much cobd UBli! I t.;rt W A . a result of Mr. Nc'IT work to help ,ju tvl'li j '.ir Christinas will take all the risk out of your dally shave, do away with the bother of l.nilii.iiiii) too of ore. were developed, t.ift Shopping, and we are stropping and honing and bring you shaving comfort for the rest of your ncv ttl fine, but m never 'oiitaiuiny gold and iher plaed to send II free on re. shaving days. r-i'-l .:.t.-... ,1. S .L . L worth ,10 a ton or a tolul or 3ii.. piest. , C pun u in MUH, vSSV Dr. Ouit'i Ouitmeat Us rt. (.110.1100. It should be iiicnliuned Week ueved my buibsad ol pCtt. that Mi. Neill was us.iM iated with SPECIAL SALE One Full from which K uit uff.. M.essr. WiKid, Wilson and A. H, badly." Trile Big Missouri November 25 to December 2 inclusive at DR. CHASE'S Hie last tiameil bus recetilly KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS had another success at the Hiy Plincff'1 ORMES LTD. Missouri mine norlh. farther On IU 4um, It Cenu hot, U drilm, r uua, b.u High grade ore ha been slrueK VANCOUVER, B.O. - - and it is umlrrstood that a pro.