"S. PAGE TWO TTTR PATT.T.XEW3 Tuesday February " iCss .A 'vThe Daily News FISHERIES ARE m - .j;n.iNnn nupKRT.-nnmsii coi.UMniA verj,. Afternoon, except Sunday, liy The, News BEING DEPLETED I'rintitip.loHl Publishing Company, Third Avenue. . . H. V. Pt'Ll.KX. Managing Kditbr. Sockeye Gradually Run on Less-Year Skeena Becoming by Charles is the SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Year Says Sloan. C.Uy Delivery, hy mail nr carrier, per month Sl.nn Hy mriit.lh all parts or Hip Hrilish Kmpire anil Jhe United Slates, WHITE FISHERMEN. ill advance, per ypar : sij.nn recipes a To all other countries, in ndnncc. per year. ST.nti On Pish Hav. Id m. William! t ;s H.Lor t'nan ordinary milk! It is sweet Slotin, minister of fisheries, delivered TELEPHONE 98 mi address at Vancouver tid wholesome properly sterilized to make ' Contract Rnle on Application,. in which he .s)iole of (tie condition ;0r.itivu of its purityl VlLTtT CHrAlll-Owrf lull h.i All advertising should he in The llaily Xews OfTlcc on day pr.e .Iff the Industry in 'Cnnnec- 4 (.Uibi, vltb rklJ i, I (vck ceiling publication. All received t hlnhwitl the Skcena Hiver. Af (Mty mtioow. Utlvt ran Si. advertising sulijcel npprnvnl. osi of the moisture has been removed Ckwil Milk olih ttutl toir 4 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. ter outlining what hud'TPcn done ,irf, put In 4utbl bulUri olm fct wilhoul effect In try.to,,prespru hrough evaporation- that's why it's just JJ lhr-4iuriri n, tuft mml tht lie' ItSsct filvfr (UllM. ilr. ttrl, ami hni rU the .salmon in I DAILY EDITION Tin-sHay. F'-b. 7. 1922. Vie cream. tiM mtf IOl M lUplMMlll tfud mentioning Ihe herring taallU. Tvtalal tnuUnrini!lrMf., 1 ,41 m lb lr l halrn. iiislry. Air. .Sloan .saiilfi - Is wonderful milk from tested cowsput City Manager it The record of the . iSkeena t(i4 fvt tai BvaMPi (M.mM Is Talked About. Hiver diseJos.g J i un a convenient form so that you can lr kKKK: The scheme wMiaving a city manager as outlined yesterday ( I i." I It art 'IheVpnck of Cockeye for the city of Cleveland wm much lalked about lal cvfining-Lfram VJiS la I'JIO inclusive, yens! ip a supply always on hand ready for in-nt At itr left in Many people seem to think Prince llitpert inighl Tall in line with 23 oer cent 'less than It win' use! Ihc movement, which i proving very successful iir many ,ytarls,nr fntin 11)01 In till I. i coofiinq jvcibcf, Ihc United States. At any rale the plan is worlli thinking nhoill. '21 That I lie- averasc nack of; o waste! No having too much or too littlel .am iun;iJlV Snnieone who is competent lo ilo mi will rome. silong with well iitm tmn ... t. ....i the'right ist the right quantity at just timel thought out plan, complete in principle and in detail, and then vr Ihau il va. in lUOH.IUIl. ran nil begin lo tear UJo itiecf- and show how il woiild he liouud (3 1 Thai 10 icr emit more -id it's inexpensive too! lo fail. It is for I hose who favor Ihe cily manager form of rily srenr. was us-il ilurin? !!( .periiiil government lo bring,it Jorwnrri ii some ilclliiiU; way, so ihal il .r tius.tuin than in tilijp, is the milk for every purpose cooking or may lie discusNcd from every angle." Thn-eifnr and against must " That lii- rice pafdjSfnr of milk! on the table. It is the grade . sockeye fmni 1012 lo ldlO.Tit supreme have an . r I ii'ii i I lo put forward Ihfcir rnie. - 2U r eejit. ,l -lint !cr.rnt Always of the same unvarying, high quality. Boy Scouts...... . . greater iiian'inai pnm rroiu HUUt Useful Organlation. "A size for every need" at your grocers. See The value lif nnlir?aniz,nzl ion for hoys such ns.'lluiiHoy-SeoiiU s-n-aler iiiei--ue in' I u gear.used that -you have a few tins on your pantry rati hardly he estimated, especially in s cjty where there is Ion and a fifrtlier incresisi' in firtr ihis much of a tendency for hoys to rougregale on Ihe street nud gel shelf very day. lhi calchns in Hip years I91rt-iniC into mischief. wn. 2u (Mr ci-nl less tliiin The aim of Ihe Hoy Scouts Association is In develop good Ihc iircoediiip fiur ,year.! . Atso maker nf R. C. Uraml Milk citizenship, among hoys hy forming their cliaracler -training them Tli:;nTnl al Iliver.v Inlpfand in hahits of observation, obedience and self-reliance, inculcating )li- .ia- ls a eoinpreliensive loyally and thoughlfiiluess for olhers, teaching them services and conlliiftiv as ttuil on the The Borden Company, Limited, Vancouver useful to Ihe puhlic and handicrafts ueful to themselves nud promoting Skeena. (heir moral-anil physical development hy true ronjradeship Too' Heavy a Drain. and hy healthy open air pursuits and games. The molto of the No oilier concinsitui can I1 associaliou is "He Prepared," which mentis that the Scout is In drawn from a eoiisjdet-alhin nf he always in a stale of readiness in mind and hody In do his duty uch a rpcord. Ihan Ihal loo and meel any emergency. iieavy a drain lias been toaile The neeessily for Seoul must he ohvious to all. training The upon (lie rum: loo many fih MILK safely of a nation depend not alone on ils lighting pnwer. hul have been caught: the record ST. CHARLES also and chielly im.ejiaracler, on purity of personal nnd home life, hat faces the new Cnvernment on commercial -worth and integrity and upon high standards of s plain and unmistakable. Hip Pure CounlrymitCtiithVheCreamlsflfJn puhlic service: at Ihe same lime no' nation can lie safe thril i Milley'adopled'iu Ottawa in 10 i 2 unprepared to defend itself should any danger threaten its liberty. lias seriously reduced one of! High 'morrfl ideal?', integrity and energetic industry, together with mi r.great natural trtsfsets. IT Hip 4 strong unselfish patriotism, must characterize a nation that will rioVemnienl dis nol clianp Ihal live and.grow and serve. policy, our salmon, fisheries will For" such high -purposes all citizens must he trained. The be wholly di'slroyeil. . I have Hoy Scpul'mavenienr.reh.lizes ,the yjtal net-easily and far-reaching plaeoit lhe record In fore Hip Ilnii-nrable turning millions ,to benpni the palber wisely the hnrvvl or the value.o'f workam'uuglMjylLis.aii eifort haseii m wide experience .P.niP?! Il)oi"le, the New people of our day and Irvnefil sea. of hoy life lo train achljeiK'rall.oii'of hoysMti Ihe development of Jlini.sier in Ifliarye of Fiherios. alo those who will fidlnw in Not All WhIU. eharaeler hy liinding themselves together iirfree hut guided rom- In the interest of our fisheries, our footsteps. .Pishing is an occupation call-ins iKitiionsfup in Avhieli Ihey will 'l.e.-t leani-'tfi saerillee Iheir own H is essential Ihal h? should e reail in Hie early days of for hardy, robust and reliant ends for Ihe good of Ihe.whnle, and 'he prepared" fur good citizenship appreciaie Iheir rondilinn, and Ihe Christian era, or' Ihe flsji-ermen manhood. Hie qualities and lyp GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY and jtalriolic loyalty. in cMiseipien?e adopt a policy of of (ialllee. They have v'bich made for desirable cili. Hriefly Ihe Scout Irainiug divJdes'itseirunder Ihe fntirheads conservation. I .hall do every-111111? evidently solved the economic zenship. On Ihe Allantic coast S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wadnatday following: - . . as far.as i- in my power factors liecessary for the assurance or Canada our fishermen are Anyox. Midnight Thursday for Hwanon Hay, Ocean I 1. Individual character, (raining in resourcefu1iies;, ohsi-r-valion, lo convince him of Ihe serious of a continuous supply, ror of our own raee, imbued with Powell IUer. Vancouver. Victoria and Sea tile. self-reliance lo gain Ihe Scout hadges. ness of Ihe situation. In full now. after two thousand years. nir own ideals of citizenship. On S. S. PRINCE JOHN- For all point on Nortti-n 2. Handicraft or hobliies whifh may help a hoy U make his confiilpiice Ihal lipwill consider Hie Fishermen". fiulld of tiali-lee Hie Pacirir coast or Cnund.i Ihal Southern Oueou cimriotle Islands January 30, February 13 way in life, for which various "proliciency" hadges are given. and deal with existing conditions, still obtains lucrative re- coiidilion oh I mux only lo a lirn and 27. For Slewart. February 2 and 16. 3. Service for the stale, such .-is lire hrisade. amhul.-mre. I In I lie end thai we may preserve lurns. On ihis groat Continent. jllwj extent. I hate menlio I Train Srlc. missioiier, vailor. life-saving, or other colleclivepuhlic duly hy one or the greatest natural resources sparsely populated and with lav Ihc situation with respect o our Pasnen-er MONDAY, WLDNCSDAY and SATURDAY at 11 15 me inp, inciuaiiig aio mjiny neipfiil flclivilies in aid of fheJ of Ihe Province. ish resources, coner-aliui and herring risherie and (hat applies 1. m. For Hmitbera. I'rtnce i.-rg". ilinonlHit and V.'i I personally eg. making direci conneeiion ot all point 1 war tiiiise. . -i. am arnuaintcd prnteclion have not concerned us o a less or luore exlenl IMiysical heallh, VfHU Hip lion. .Mr. Iipoinle. We Ihey should. These are mies-lions. lo (jinada and I'nited Ktatea. hy encouraging Ihe hoy In lake plenty or our fisheries n llrilisli Co exercise and to look after his hoily. f -er. togelheP in Ihe Hone nf however which we musl lumbia. Agency All Ocan SUamthtp Line. (iwniiiiHis for a number of grapple wilh and City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 2C0 The first promise a Seoul lukps on joining is this: "On years. successfully On Ibis coast x occupy honor I promise ihal I will do my hesl to do my duty lo (Hotl mid my I know that be has Hie capacity ole. You r;in mine your eKil. slralegir position among the nonunions Ihe King." The and tie understanding lo deal your base and precious melals, Srwut law leaches also helpfulness lo others, or the Kmpirc. Are we honor, hlyally, friendliness, rourlesy, obedience, rheerfuliiek and with this ipieslion. I am con. and Hiese assets can npver be doing our tull share in strength IhrHI. and concludes with Ihe injuiiclion Ihal "A Scout is clean in fidenl. therefore, that Ihe fish, ivplaced. Vour fisheries, with euiug thai poillou? The ones cries or liritish Columbia Mill not proper regard to conservation, lion CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Ihought. ,word and deed." Ilere, therefore, is a program which or Hie control auioieralion makes for lhe-li-englhniug of hoy cliaracler through - Seoul bp AacrHiced (o sreed or expediency. may-be a valuable and a lasting or our fisheries In lhi ennnee. promise and Jaw. Ihe moral groundwork or Ihe whole movement, asset for age. lion llllisf he given careful B.C. Coast Services Wnder mii-Ii inllnences Ihe hoy mind liinis naturally lo Ihe higher Be Optimistic. Must Conserve. Ihoughl, il being borne m mind - - .. , .. .. i ihittgs in Hr. "A We have been diseussing vanished As Ilritish 1dumhians we are Ibat we should Sciml's Jionor is to he Irilsled," and be engaged in aims lo scuttling ; ajy v-anisbiny millions. all inleresled in securing and ine Sailings f rom Prince Rupert develop such high;seiise of personal honor, supported hv liullillng up or Hi is coast or Let us bp' opi'iriiistie enough In what Is niore important retaining Ihe imlividiia own religious failh, as lo conlrol o'f a raee or fiIiermcn. who. wlien every activity espect (bat in Hie not tar dis. increased" production. Pro For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway his life, his work. Lis pa"y. his study, ami later his hn.iues1 occasion reiptires, may be n fHrff IIIII Mll.lii-inir ll..j I I... ,L.,II I... 1 it 4. 1 lant nilure, we can siuiitorl and duction and conservation go hand itei upon Tor Hip protection or January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. . . " '7 ":" l,lr'c c ooiurame in an respects, all suhscrihe lo a policy that hand wilh in relation lo Hip II exploitation Hip in which is in hoyho-id Ihal life hahils are formed. J country ihey live wj a uro!'cct of re- of our resources. In and ror the maintenance of our For Vanoouver, Victoria and Seattle-January creased production or our soil rherUhed institutions 7, 21; February 4, 18. means closer study of rotation P!ni?il?!!!!!!!l!llllfllllllllllll and. soil flu idity; of our forcAl, Agency for all Steamship Line. more systematic consideration of TERRACE Full information from reroresirallon; of our coal I il I ) . . W. 0. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent hi jmines, proper mining nielliods to i.f Tl fin&J..KI..ni prnviuciai m iprpyenl the possibility or millions ernmenl engineer, is here mat.gnv- Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert, O. 0. MACDONALDS of tons being left behind: fug an examination of Hie Skeena m and finally as o our fisheries. Itiver bridge site al Ihe c a lion W have bien evploillng as yel The bridge. If built, will have m. only a rew or Ihe many varlelies a steel -pan I mo to soft feet long of fish which we have In our and two steel pans, 150 feel DENTISTRY Cut Brier waters. Willi be experience of long. The eel supp'sirudurp i the present to guid us we can will resl on coucrele abutments mmmmiMi (look lo the future wilh con fid-ienee, and a short lree approach will Don't neglect your teclh. 'One decayed or missing tno'h as far a. our fftberies are be required al Ihe southern end lowers your vitality. MORE TOBACCO concerned, '.h we saw o shall to connect with Ihe FOR THE MONEY wagrrrr road we reap" They -owed Ihe wind DR. BAYNE and shnll reap lire whirlwind." The University nt II. C. 15 I.el us not Hie whirlwind. ex. Room 4, C, 6, Helgerton Block Phone 10S Packages If" f(imM7$L Wm reap iPiuiou eciiool will be held here Let us in HrilUh frdiunhiu be on Jlarch 1 1 to March 27. Among Office Hours: Morning, 0I2: Afleriiooiie, :30-0:30, IbTins 85 determined lo now wisely and ine lecturers will be I . M. Cle FIvcnliiKt. 7-9. ment, l A. Hovlng. II. M. Kin;., and Miss Marion Mouiire. Thei-.-will SUITCASES be six lectures dally undei-llie JC-MAca ampin's or Ihe farmer fv jwS'mWPM Kill TRUNKS Institute Nanaimo-WellinglonfA A CLUB BAGS Archie Honaghy, Hie local lawyer, AT REDUCED PRICES jJljU J mi I eipeohi o rent (be house r"H .wTOMMM LASTS LONGER MORE HEAT BETTEn SERVICE Large Stock hand. which Is being built ),y 0 A on Willie. Watch your monliy bill and you nnut admit Prices very low. NANAIMO.WELLINQTON Is the Cheapest and Best. I J. F. MAGUIRE on Aclual Ihe Iwlkifl.n work ji'a.Cnrmnoufiy commenced Hall ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Miiuiiiiiiiiin Next the Prince Kupert Hotel and it Is etr.eeed It will ha fin-Hherf Phones 110 and EC4 in a few wrckn.