SJS' TAG?. FOUR - - top nrr.v VPWS " Tilcda'. I !) v BRINGING UP FATHER gC mciyianu' fkUl I III I IV I 111 I l rac ia H,.r...LrT ! i? - 1 - --. lflVr TliVUt I PRESERVE GAME CATARRH ! i rf the J Sport Chat IBLADDER Daily News Classified Ads. FOR ALASKANS If sb . .- Sp..rl -.;li-iloh - f..r the winter SO, Lrcarf mm tl i ,!ir now ill'HWIlllt lt roll- 2 CENTS PCK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvcrtitvarrMtnt TakfMt for Laas than BOe Iiiimi ii ml M(ri. long lh Call Us Up Protective Association Is Formed, " li'iii..i' ami euerjjie of ajl will BOARD. WANTED MUSIC. at Ketchikan with Large ili-i-i-.l louard geliina lh. Experienced men pi vp afi-facllon - Membership. LADIES ENTERTAINED utilnnr port- orgaiiii'-d and in TIIK new dining room at Ihe "ui KKKKKPKII wtinl poiMnn I'lAXtl sr.iiooi in household removal. ix'i :rtiiii again. Ttie toonih of Inlander is now open. Hoard! where he ran havr small girl LeschrlUky MM hod. All r x.U, KKTCIIIKA.N, Feb. 7. The GENTLEMEN MEMBERS Kelnnar' will ! th. Trail l.lnb by the week or month. I'lmnfl wtlh Iter, 'l ow it or Otiiotry. lakn and special an - r, ; , Order. tor jrencral rnrlagc opiHtiul meeting of 'the Alaska 'liM-ld lolliarit eiuip,tiiiii. the 137. .' It, Mr', li litiiternit, llajtelloii, II. lo Iteginjicrs. Tern. work gie en r-fu) attention. llaketh.ill lagie lime table If. inoileratf. We promise irifii.l delivery ".amo IrW relive Association of The Ladies Auxiliary of ""Kind the 1ill l.agite fcaine BOARD AND ROOMS CIIAK. V. IIAI.Af.N'O, of all iJrtal nribri given to u. Ketchikan wu'hcld Monday eve si. Andrew' .irtety '-undrt- th fioi!o'd rtiid, wilh the iViihIe IlOOM and Ibtanl for litre gen-tlenien W .WrKU JHd.II ngel lady for Hand Itlock, corner Hit"! ning. Ttfciily-nlne Joined arid aide ilrrecttnji of Mr. Jamcx'L. ointpanioit. Hoard nod riMini Fulton. 1'hone xcepliiin of hIhiu- erial l't- HImk m:i it al "n month. adopt.fd a code of principle" Ie. I he president. In.t nizhl ra iter Ap-pfy fre. Will ulo fay J I it er which be governing tlic orchidia lion. Thf- seajMHi ronle! may Carllon Ilesiaiifanl. tf. uioofh. Hot 5. HAIRDRESSINQ. Apply Hally ferlained the gentlemen mrin will beriliie pul there more im, PACIFIC CARTA6 E following officer were elected b-r al a MiecWirul ami enjoyable lolmrlhi year in Ihew liw ot AUCTION SALE. Vev Office. 3.1 Under New Mitnag'Tn n1 for a Icri itf one year: J. M. niutral everting and dance HP-X IIAItHI'H fIIO AMI MATHi Limited Wyrknff, president; Clainl" in tin el lib There pori. Allliollgli oulie recreation At'in iO.N SAI.K Jin Wed nculay. WA.VTKIf- Martitf engine, ,1. rf 23H Hitth Hires! room. wn n cannot In- i-ngng1) in for al Aikrnx, vicc-priI-nt; J. A. laryr allendance and lite Hlh February af J:3'l i.nt. nU eio, - n, iiorsepm. S-l o. M. KII.DAY I'hone lilus ;i Phone 93 room l-a-1 two iiioolh yet hi sritniin-lion coiiitiUon. Knll iArllenlar and' Clary, ami jirrrPlary-Irra.'Urcr; iioiic corner m lenni .weniif! an alviiry rvmmitl of fivo. wen The coiiiforlably fille.1.VIf w.irk i-. already commencing. and FUerni Slreei of the fol- pricf lo tf. I, li. Hot ton. Advertise In Ibe Itally N prisrram nrrane- With al! the relief Work Ihal a.t follow: O. T. i!arilirr, rliair- il aiil tmvtng: lira b, dining rvwim :ily. .11 remUred Anpahly anionu ha- been going .n it! Hie Acn-p-.ili- man A. I. HiillM'rfur.l. .S. W. Hie artil. Ix'iiiy. li. imi1.mi. Mill. Ihei'e should tie a great lahte. choir. Inii-cunt, Monarch WllIlK wvnle.1 by Ih hour. Mr. Adam, . v.. Iliillrr, anil JuiiIi , rnture, betUcr, stf. Ituoleniu. .Mi. i!iktl. Phitiu .Mary Iletd, A. :iapjnr(iiii. improemehi , in (In- ground Illlie lflH. 33 I'lmor. Mrolinx, will Uf lnM etc. I'liillinHI-KvlIt Ot., Aue-liWneer, II. ilirgiii. Mr. Jame I,. !,h. (here when Ibe u(.i..r alhlelic Melropole Hal I Up firlt Moiulay of rarlt nmnlfi Wlllianf Telephone IH. 31 LOST Mr. Millar aol AV. again lake the field. NOTICt TO CCSTS4CT0SI al I Itf Piiinffr' Hall. rianr eotrrooni. Ilohb. vocal selection: Jame L. LOST -lluneh of ker Friday. for rent to lodge, or similar All I'm.1!!! f,xpn,.-fd Micrn-, violin olo ami Have (!ny. The time table of Ihe I.mlie' been i-nl !o I lei-an Fall and eventng. Ftn-ler rewar.bsl H.n;,J'J!!SaJS:;, !-.."w' , Kf-lvf) at lifarllly in favor of organizations. cfimie Hon?. . Vauphaii lie cneludei uyox for io-jieclmo, wilt 1 i Vbi league will return l lialtjr New office, 31 '. "f t -r tricl t'lifnrffinriii ff Hie law Darieo wn piano aecompani!. 'wilh toiiitHil' Ihe Val enl to it, firi home al I'riore game. ,I! nt MScV Inf) ref i ami of .cruriiu- Iptshilioit -udi OFFICE SPACE Durinir he eveitfns a very halla learn bring Ibe winner in Keorge. There WU C'iliierable t rUH HEIST , ivOvrred nnf4.i. r .. n IS by 24, heated, suitable for and roirulationt a will, llmmplt welcome iurprie wa jrlven the the winter erie. The ncn' lelay, ffperialty al Ibe (!hrilma F.MlKIt new l ' MM-!,i"Atrr ul lor Ittrt rwiinrot nan ti s professional man, for rent. projr 'pnforciiinf, gtiarantff member when Mr. J. I.. on section will ,ool be finished until season, in gelling Ihe e:igrttviu;l Uiuis Ilooins.",n"remeni.Mr. I. t t'w.,ntt ur run nw Ho rrr-rvalion of same and Ht Valpy, muimvi. n. done bul the In'fill v kIiouM be behalf of hp Ladies' Auxiliary. March I and'the VrtlhaUa and Ihe Agents for fiir-lx'arin? animalf. Tin hunt nutnasere. lutes 3.50 Hr lX.r'M?rt7,',f . Cm Norwegian American Line er and Irapprr are waking up In preetied frt;AVilllam " M. Ilriiwri. Knight' of ,Ctumhti (earn are ready to otnmenee its joiiiiiey- week.and tin. Also furnished " r ! imirKt rnr.K the of Pi. Andrew lie, f.r ing in Ihe very near future. Swedish American Line president I lie. al Ihe prcMOl tipie llif fact Ihal bucking tlie am itnilllli. bank. rktr 1 .1ru to t Scandinavian American Pnciely. a check for 2fln fun. leadership. NVhicli of thee two lMdl ftMf -t r ti la fix N s u i ' ' iaw poilr form. Many rt'porln senefal funil. Mr. ,Ih in team will nut champion WANDERERS LEADING TO HICXTFiirnlshed hnue-keeping MiKlstr at fuMIr VI ff M i .'.Una:' CP. niiisii In. itf. vii'tlalioiittr i ponie In I Ml W ro, uf v iw ' ' making Ibe presentation, "iit remain lo l seen, The winning sililr. Apply UOfilh Is rnrtetlMl U IS wrtr prrially ly alirn. Tlif orjran- rluws la rnUf Inm rmlmi fH Oliver Typewriter izutitMi lf rorrert Ihal the I.adie.' Auxiliary . had nf the ttviihavn (lup will be PRINCE RUPERT CLUB Avenue i or Phone lllue u-n In 4u su r II Ir wit i tt D rnueavnr Cary Safea -will done well during Ibe pal year, detcrrriined '' UiU eaon by a 217. If. w-tv mnirsrt! fse,-itf' llii flirV'u'h" lrijlation rrquir- RI'MORDiE TIat IVnissl nr tnyli bnlh socially and financially, anil play-off series belwren lhe Val-hailft, CUP SERIES 4Mm FIRE INSURANCE inx every' liunler and Irapper lo FOIl IU!NT Modern fiou.e, , f . , that, wilh united efffriali inem-Irerj. the winning ladies' leant, l)iin obtain a license. rnonir. ami bath. Phone lllue would oon f?i fhe iciity and the winning ihen' learn. In the final game of the fourth 710. Will Observe Laws. ' & Hanson placed in - flourishing eoodiljon. This play-off will take place inler-rltib billiard lournii'oenl Dybhavn Kvery member of Ibe orpan- 'reidiit Ilrown made a mil- mvne time in March following Ihe for Ihe MeMordle ;Up. W. J. TCI I.KT Aparlmeiits And house Third Avenue ialion oblipateti hinrelf la ob. able reply a ditl S. ft. McDonald. conclusion "oif the men' scrie: Nelson, of Ihe Wanderers, de- F. AV. Hart. if m Prince Rupert, B. O. .erve all law. rule and. regulation pal president. fealed I. Wooillaml, Prince Itu- perlaiiiinir In (be protection Ilefrhmenl were ei-ved anil Prince tieorge ha again sent lerl, by a score of 500 to 155. FOR SALX Tiasn sail -. of game within the lerritory and a ilance wa enjoyed in Hie nan oul a query regarding III Self The Wmitlerer Ihii win Ihi wtr ..-.. in I t r: tit i. inn inr- iieriiiK lononiliu MiMtr.r Isml, at Virt..r4 In asi-t llo Federal and 'J'erri-lorral lo Ihe strains, of Arlhor' (lr-..Shield, emblemalic of Norlheni linirnaiiiinl by lt'J2 lo HUD and engine: !isn m ihe trvi rfir r x official in Ibe enforce, clietra, W. Itrnwn aeling an. C. baehal championship. are leading in Ihe series. by it I Kt-15 Iteavy Only lluf Its Ml f I sp,r iw. . i . : meiil of the iaw. The preservation master of cenmnie. (which they won al Ihe Fair margin of 187. .The total sottre ihIo 5nft.nn alsl rul'tni. Imi.. sn rr - i. - - n .J U Ii.l. u T SILVERSIDES of Vame i a mailer of vital The committee in oharge con-1 game last Septcmltcr. In reply. to dale is: ainlers-r. tyj I lo-h.p. I'atmer 350.00 1 WsirVi. importance lo every citizen of isled of Mr. Howanl Sleen, Mr.(Mr. Self, the donor, explain Ihal Prince lluperl, ilDtJ. I H-h.p'. I'.-tlmer nMUl of lUUm. it I lie Territory, Ibe member nay Ja. Irvine, Mis Ina Wod, Mr. 'ihe shield i al present in Ilul- I H-h.p. lilay .175.110 ranker wtiMntsrs r om '! OROS. and it i hoped Ibal Ketchikan A. Clapperlon and 'Mi' Mary fr's jwelry sjore gftilng il I lr. Vtruru, a. .. nr l(.ii" m-Ji.p, Olympic . pm.H. nr. Second Street will be repreeied by al leat a Iteid. - final louche aftd, aflee having WANTS SEPTIC TANK Ilegaf member of the 4j-'-l. WATBM nonce. hundred ao. I C-h.p.. Fairbanks S DlfsrsiM tstl Ua. SERVICE SECTION FIVE rialinn. 'I'h annual dues tire. Dealer In cycle , WMM Tks Itotlr IMI Jmr. I. S' l.00. u,. . . 'siwr i r.i txmtu.iL , 1 Hi WALLPAPERS II i expecled lhat oilier I own. Aid. Collar! Presents Resolution i o.,-,,rc Miomge naiiery(f0- t Urrnrm f, uko nsl u a and dynamo, jr,.no. we at., - ras.-vi1.: .r;,S in similar will follow perfeclinp PAINTS to City Council Referred to have an iis.ortmenl nf other ii.s-mu in,r kusii mm oku- - u js orpanizatjon. A Terrilorial- ..f llnM.II I.I. Board of Works. dynamoe and miigrieioe at cannot i Tl t flllfiHl r:f wide jiiovemenl but help Stiff Bill WINDOW GLASS price. .1 force feed ilirlcalor. irrsrn it a sni aUeii :. : t. . i --t f wonderfully in ectirinp thf de. . - ' ' ' ' ler lot Hiup im III, A resolution submitted Aid. I S.h.p. Itever" Oer. by v IHI Will Ut UWSI rf I'"'- ' FRAMED and UNFRAMED ired law and their full en- IS.B"- Collar! and Aid. Kelly jil last I lO.h.p, lievere (ieur. II UihI ib-wnlml U.I I ' 1 1 ' fureement. Kvery member ot the IMI IM.tru-1 SkrMVl hlt-fr I' PICTURES local-urbanization feel thai Ibe night' council meeting Ihal Ihe I ll'-h.p. Ileverse Hear. 1... b-iin- ... u..imI uit thf r .-t city engineer be requested t gel ...tit .......r...... .mi .u.,.n.t. in,,. lh Ittk liav .if Jtoiury. r- , ,, , WINSOR A NEWTON'S movement will meet with the ( f W wAUm tnA ' otil estimates for Ihe cost of a no pound. .New and used pro. rirut thrrrin ni to m ' k all Territorial of u hearty approval .. . . . . nil." Bill I ll.l la Its fl' ART SUPPLIES and Federal official concerned M'pth- lank srwer service to the pi'iient, woais ami engine lor itr h-oVr si irnx ni ' M Hoiilheast porlptu of Si-elinn 5 vnriou purpoe. .Northern' oi,jrisw h. n- h.ii-.ii.i m ' c in the preservation of Kiime. SPECIALISTS In SIGN and in conneofion wilh tin- proposal i.xcnuiitfe. i-noiit- 1110. 11 l j.,nrttullr f W'ilf BlfW ftr. !Hrlion of Section fl wa HuH.IIHf . tKWU, a. SHOW CAnD WRITING RESIDENTS PROTEST FOIl Dressing table, V"! "r:l referred lit the board of work. in chairs. lrars bml. earnel. din. : Aid. iloljart, in his 4 it Phone 22 P.b. Box 120 INCINERATOR BEING piesenling li.V r, tlliln ur.l r.... Tl of n M.rwi motion, staled Hint Ihe Ihtolh rvnl irw It Ifimiry ft. !; BUILT THIRD AVENUE Krhool plic"lank would' nol he healers, cte. j - i.tii',ii'tH rot'flT or It-fit capable of taking care of ihe piiiiiM.ii- ' lalTIli'lioM sHU AllWIM''4 iiviii a tin. 32 l.lslliliT Section fl requirerfienu a pro. A p'lHion from T. II. Johnon m SMALL ACCOUNTS hi pns'ed by Aid. I'crry anil, dial being FOH riAl.l- Fishing boat 47xl2x . rsi H.i. Aiv.orr.Mtff. rum TORK'S and several oiher restidenu tf Ihe chsi( il xCemsil jinl s 1 Jl. B In; 20-30 fl. I. Vrlsco. !eeti(in 0 proleHntr the propo. feasible to have nnorhi-i- septic Standard engine. Fully equip-led. ".Vrsitt'-votj.V iO- Avn rM .'. s SELL ed erecllon of the city Inriu'eru. tank to Hie west that won I.I lake A bargain. Ttieo. Apply Vs. t-ltt. TOVES. lor on Third Avenue wa km "I would like to take the ( are of Keel Ion U requirement Chilian, Limited, Secrind Ave. I'll! IVAIVT received al la I ntxhl' council the smile time. jUI ' of line. 3d a era Ina t I'IMt. meeliiijf and referred t' the opportunity stating that Oil; still' "MOM.V vv AM "' hoard of work. There was also yvc cordially wtlcome sr.aall iCHEAPER POULTRY T VkK OTIiJ? Slsat Hie u leller In Ibe Hanift coineclion MONEY IS tilmirtllv liuiro-l i.f rilllt' j , ,.itk, fl'ion L. O. Kby who nbJcHH accounts at all our offices." ' I'lllK, pure lire.I, while Iglmrn at nr lw or tjVtiirk rrirfuafr.In lh uri.arierff" '"",,,!, lt'eniiouxly In un "olic-in and 1 ASSURED ACCORDING KMtsIer from good laying anroon al It Vard of anf""" v.t Second Avenue Varil Ulullnl al ISTT lHria foul Mioi'llinx" plant in-iug huill TO BEST strain for sale. J'iioue lllun Vanruuvrr. H. f... ?. it PHONE Bl ACK 114 -Sit Frririk WdUm-TyU, AUTHORITY Hen-li' ' ',, r.:f. l.iirsiianl Ki lis ih-iIt ,i in tin heart of I lie. city and at 3i In AdNilrally mail" snU "'"' the door of hi aparlmeilt hou. ' mAtinftf ihtCani uf IMamtitJ. TOftO.VTf). Feb. I The head BOATS FOn HIRE ""om WllruUr. sf Ihe HiJrh a' plant fjiould he (mill in arc ri.lii,i! . Ibe Kiiburb. of a large Toronto loaning c.oin-piiny C0MINIJ Hl I" DOWN l.iiunch M.Vnr-lirtliong" rrl Vwibrr, OiW The recommendation '"r "'e made ihe laieinenj this I am not usklng you I. Il. i ron- Hui-ii, li. ' M. T. LEE l(e of Ibe' incinnratnr ha not gdT-l week Ihal innin-y.wmil.l . mail-aide for a j'tb, I not offering you tri.f.lioii. Oa strew, ... mer yel tfoinc befyi'i the council bul FT m fei fa In free supply for mortgage a service at reduced prices. Iteaui:lfltlll IS sver feci,all 01 i 41 I'-Hlle.feel La.'dicV & Gentlemen's the preticnl aullallon ha resulted purposes upon llrst-clfis prop-eilics Phone lilnck too. ie.n- feet- li-nll. ...,,.-,1. : " fro'n an announcemenl 4 at 7 per cent, uilhin u bid " M lis. IHlef ut toy TAILOR made at lal week council BANK OF MONTREAL monlh. In fart, he added, iliai MISCELLANEOUS. "'iM.H.n s.14 mceliny by Aid. Kerr Hi'at Ibe even now he woirW liestilale to i.AulissI frmii I.,His.lew Virhall lh. al W ':' Guaranteed IISHKIIMHM 1IKMKMHKIIII Our. Fit IiSTABLISI MORE IED Hoard of U'ork wa about to THAN 100 YEARS refuse u loan al 7 pvp cent, I he li.iirl ItMlfS. Vaiiniuter. A.l upon . machine, mid blacksmlfh shop riVTUi lite V7in nar oi bring: in a report at an early an especially allraelhc risk If bis lt Third Avenue, opposite I. O. Prince Is open. We do new and repair ' , norniT smith. Branch:H. dale i-rcoinnieudiutf tin ilo on Rupert ST. G. LEE, Manager-., clleiij posilley refused lo pay work In all linn. Halls, rfillrui.r fr l' f,uM,i, If i Phone lied 118 Third Avenue lial Wlow, the the current rale of 7' per cent, TH sililrafa fr servtes of "'V.L.Ve fuel Inn guaranteed, Nogues K lio.pilul. which kill) BuiWIlif, "nf" l prevails. Parent Go,, Nw Massel. B.Kilillll,C. CO I