PAGE TIIIIEE - : T rs .... "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Local and Personal "The Regent" EO HER LIFE 1 or a Taxi, phono 07. If Tills Fruit Medicine Always George Leek, Auctioneer. tf Tins i ii ilcnlni iii.lniincnl both from Hp -la i'l...lni . T,.iir Jtepioilurtion ami Gives Relief li. Undertakers. I'liona 41. If ' iiium .;. It i ci,iini.- villi a 917 Domm St., Movtikxi.. Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548, iinlkpi in,. ,,,, nial ,,a(, u) llak(l, I suirrrrvl terribly wilh hytpriaia. f 1 J' l il for and all th medicines rrt',tt. nntl film a wooden (onn yean HaynefH,, Undertakers, l'honc I io.,k ,il not do tun gmt. (iiisiiii. i iiug u cabinet Instrument, I any 351. tf re, ttnptliiojr alsntl mFndt-n-tirn" . - ' l'1 for Um&irx Hie record. U in ft.mtor all Slnmarh TmuUt fiasff for Victory Uonds. Thos. mm "M at ii moderate price. We have n,. u4 tliim Ihtwdrn of lHfttion, ' 1 tried .MtUlyniunl, Ii. -n.ili.oi in ayjiiH ii t. !.(. . n fi I -priced phoitotrraph ,,ii f,. market enlirrly After fmUhins relieved ofthe a few lypei"la,id nxp, I-wan Mori nfflt for your money. City .Market. really uriuaiial value for (he money. my general health wa realorrd; and if I atn wrUinjto tell ym that I owe llakellial MihiIhIiI. Ksfilhllioii m life tp "Krnit-a tlrra" ,25 xiiie. Hall al 7. Tliii-o Kaino, II Only $110.00 00S',K AXToi.N'frrri; iwhjciiku; Month M a b.u, for fi,'), trial lto25c.. The Heevejt Vaeiium Cleum-i At ilealrra or sent pttraij ly iola only 310.00 and nulliiiu- e'niit a tires limited, Ottawa. lo opriifiu, . JUnoie lllaek 700. II eMnmMvs.Jjd JUNIOR BILLIARDS Mr, ii. WTAVwiaway wan ad- Two f Junior l.easnic Hill. milleil lo .llm , ral lloplal iard ii.inir.. were pljiyM a yealefilay wliejl'nn opersilioii wa inrln I,. !. tin: r.tertalom and perfurnietl. ., ' li- H' aM i . im tiirmcr Ipaiii wmimiiix lilh Tin- KHUKM were Jrftyal (ln'W Mwe Wliif - f...iw: I'rive 4i nd liapre..Melropolc Hal . HinllTiii ExwUUtri, Wlne.diiy, i-Virruary 8, al lj:30 ' n H. Hill, flivver,, III. 'e?lln.1jirtj :n Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. Miir li'-ll. 130; T. Ilahrmin, i : , . . . (ddfellov. iWlijul drive alii laiiei, liiewlayi FeJi. 7, K. I I Until that time we will offer Th- many frW.. if J. II. IIIU Hall af H:3o. Hi Specials in Several Lines i"'hat In-will i mm Iks , ronvalxeiair llf;ie(l lu.Jeam rapidly and nitiie Jiiiiioii, 50c. 31 f now Many Objecls in lius nciure liegin Willi the Leller'T 7f frnui hi rr-nl lonjt and See wifjiiliw The UiY. plctur. contalna a number of object, wnnnnlrtu with U lt!r I". juat tak a scxjii our for Ic look at II"" picture there arc all aorta of thlnga that brain with th. letter V"- like pipe, pirk, rriiii iltriA and pxiwIm to Sehidl' ftA Irouhle retiit'die pump, etc. Nothlnr U hidden; jrou don't have to turn the picture upside down or at an ancle. CHOCOLATES ! Hie lime nil 'llit.ilal for AImi our adverliemenl ii Make . Ilt of all the objects In the picture, the namea of which beln with the letter "P. Have French In lioiiif liuorrv. llii paper for dale of demon the whole family Join in aee who can rind the moat. Fifteen Caah Prlaea wilt be awarded for the fifteen boat tUta of word, submitted. The anawtr hartnK the larseM and nearest correct Hat of lration. Family Shoe Store. vtalble objecta abown In thia picture atartlcf with the letter "I"" will be awarded Klrat Prixe; second Tin- furiii of (infract, )lnn beat 'Second 1'riae. etc Ivory and niHlflealiiHin of Q.Onn ruloc for ysird lli i-xra-valiiiM from The eily iMiimril lat iiiah: Young and Old Join in the Fun Ullhorieil Hie fate lo J. W. Mr STATIONERY tin- rily' rock quarry. : xul-mitlcd Kinley or tax al- IT am The Vamoiirer lily World announce tolay a OBSERVE THESE RtLhS moat tntereatinir an.1 amuatns I'uxile Game a. by till" rily iiviiiiM-r and IH. Idoek !ecli4n fi 1. child who'1 sot I, al H:.;j puxale that la different and a Kame In which alt Amy s&aa, woauta or an I In- Iniard nf vrk. smpleye. of th. Taaeeavar Daily Wrtd or wrr adopted Hie upiel and from the tiniest child to treat prin inlerei ( participate van xn.mktr ef aa ottplios fanUly aasnstt These will be .sold at asay cost clear. to will, minor anu'iidiiicnlK hy lin ilale. grandfather. It really la not a puaxle at all. for aa answer. It ceu aotaiag t. try. i-ily roiiticil lal iukIiI. . all the objecta have been made perfectly pUln, 8. Ail ftamn msst be wiaJled by T.hrnary . with no attempt to dUcuWe or hide them. None 16, 121, ul addressed to Stewart ImI, las-lU Jidin Milrlipll ..f h.- rirm ol are so amail but that the pooreat eyeaieht can aee Maoa-r( TaaeeaTr Xtaily WorUL ORMEHMTED A IttiiMiiiK iwrnol liax hi-ni i. Milt-liell A tlurrie adinillrv' skill. Tour ability to find va them: It la a teat of 3. Aarw.r ahomld a wrltt.a ea. aid. ol l.i llivilly. nijH A UrT, lo I In- licncral lopiial llii-iitoriiint' -I'-Worda" tie)ermine the prl. you win. Right of the paper 0&I7 aad wor oa. roilrapir. for the erection, on after supper thia evening gather all th member SHiUrtlj X, S. a. saoJ Writs fall aaa. aad The Pioneer DtuggUt The Rexall Miffrfliu1 from hloo.. together: gte each of them a pencil address on soah pag la th apper right Store of family Firat Avenue near Hie jtinrlion IHtjoomn. lie your haad. aorsar. II ro dealr to wrls. aarthia' Mi5 openilcd on and a aheet of pap" ho " flnJ the most .1. as a Moarat ah.. wilh SeriHid and "I'll in I Avenue. ! HiIk moriiine. "I'-Worda." Ton will b surprised bow lance a 4. Only rer feud tn th Sag-Uah IMcttoa. f a one ami a half frame reL a llat of worda you can get after a few minute ary will ho eouud, So aot as hyphssaisd. deiio' wilh a nielal roof for Tenderi. for Iriirk study. Bit "down now and try then send In your or ebsolct wordn. TJ sita.r th. tire. nail taxalar or yraxal, bat whsr th pi and la lirady. The nwl will be (iiOO. and try for one of the big prize. wire ami printing. .uerr rrrelve.) aaed. th alagaiar enaaot b aa aad Tit Canadian National Railways by the rily council lal nit'ht ami Costs Nothing to Try run.S. -Word of th aa. apalliag aaa ' aad Loiirrer. W'ejilon JiUtyny' fofrrre.1 lo the re.ecjive coni- It coeta nothing to Uk part, and yoi do not hae ealy eae. ira theagh seed ta aigaat dli 'miuIh toaiiiiH ha frt ohjeota. Th isa. k. Baasd loonlttly aaa nuween. , were mr .pmre Qf to aeod in a, single subscription to win a. ?rle. ealy oac. srerra aay etafhU part at th .- it nade il- njSiU3fdirJ fer"lbMi le uiall amounts. If your answer la awarded Klrrt Prtxe; by the ki auy siao b 1 Prince :iry.' Tlirer ur xeveml limply Judge you wltl win ie. but If you would tike to . Th. 1 ii.m naal.g la the avptl aad ert win more than III, we are making Special Cash aaaaoat neiwl ltt mt vjn wtm Ttrrt KUp mm wtii iiinimtr,i ariieie on A pirturr jthmv will 1h piveii Prise offers during- thia btg Advertising and Booster FrU. ta. M Hie porl ami dilrtel. On,, par l :3u ii.m. Weihieday in din Campaign whereby jou can win Wgger Caah Prtae hav ao bsaitng iieiuariy mierri-imB n- inai i,nfr , Seal Uiive llev by sending in one or two ubscrtptions to The f. raadldass auy ipssali ,y th. rmsalo, se. alv m art wm be award wruirn oy .. . riirmaunre on i o Hell. .o ndmUi..n li.ll.H.. Vancouver iMily World. ed to any as snMhaii see wtU prise, b Shipyards ni. rerern inio me .viiiu r . awarded to aaor thaa em. ef nay-group,'oat-aid inp ,( wj lu. , ,l,.frilv ri u family, wfeaeo two or aaor have Sou Ulal f T. lttistaiiktl l?llttSJ-tl fur 1 j You Can Win $1000 working togtthor. " " S. All lamn will ri.sln th sea. Operating 6. T P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dock -ell Inlet Dry -P-Word" Picture Pu! sldwatioa,. regard! f vteuur mr sot a I lie prowiiy iHNier ami mi-1 . If your answer to the abecrtjOoa for th T....aisi Tsally vorU Engineers, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern , .. wis. Klret Pr. and yo ha. at In no subscription i sat ta. tne- inen oi e, i,..i. wr! wlU win IIS. P,,.r fr(,m ,(. ,,,,,,, f , to tae VancouTfr txlly World, yoa makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Priie and i. Tssr will be tare ta4padat " i"in-ei are aziinuiiy ir..on-- Munui,. iUi i..- .i.ii l.-i However, if yoar answer wine rtr.t you Tadge sT in oa. l-mentn ausscrlptton to th. Vaa-omnr harlag a aemaeetioa wtth th Taaaoavw Electric and Acetylene Welding. ly iur ine opeoiow up oi ux,.,.. r , ,....,(,,. Dally World I either new or renewal), YCH. Baily World, who win faaVg the umn in ef MS sahmlrled aad award th ilin 4 ta. sad enlh Slrwl lo Id,, water front am) WUM he ,.enl WtLJ. WIN li0. pUoe pi al the f th wmaal liai, aad hh palilalia plan lo hrlnn then elaim. before of . , r ,;.,.,. ... Otskf and ywur answer ktn sent I. award.In TWO rirt(-month, by ONE th. agro ta .., th diatoa mt the J.dxe J.erM 'D pi,iiit i- '.nti"'il l handle, all kinds of yoa a flaal aad oaladee. uomimon iwirniiiiPiii ai an I,...,,,,,,... n ,,-iv..i.. Kill l.i,l.. rssrlr .ubecrtt'tiiHi to th. Vcoa..r Daily World arly dale. A rimhI deal .f in- ,jn leitker sew or resewal). TOU WILL RKCKIVK llM 10. T ysArw win . ex atarah S, lets, MARINE AND aIM, Hsk, r,. rr,.llM1. Insteed of II. aad ta a..eases meat f th pus wis sex. I. re.i i. l.emjr laKen in me mai,- M.waHon, from the eiy wa How's tk.t lor liberal offer? Bot look. W. will aad a ouiiMl ut f word wta h pahliahod ler and loiiiithl Iher.- will Ih- rive .itra amoasts on all prise in th. aarn. maaa.r aa ealcxiy tbarsaJtar a paaalhi ta th Taa-ooaver wHvI and filed by the rouil tf ror answer U ausiifled by TWO t.monlhs or Xktlly Weeld. COMMERCIAL WORK IUJIMH' oireioijj a "e i-niri,.j , Mjj; yMrly anbecrlptlon i.lts.r n.w or renewal i. and yoa llolei ( t I il I iy Him ine iie r awarded Heron d Kris, yoa will It, and LARQER PICTURE TBXJt ON REQUEST PHONES 43 AND 385 .. ...II 1 .11 i s on down. (e third column tn the list f prises.) It takes bat TWO l-monthe or ONK y.srlj subsorlp-Uoo (either n.w or renewal) to qualify far the big CASH speaker.. i, tt a( nl qjglijti 'oun- loe prise. JlBJ-l.tTKl.T. Two sli-ru.ntn. r ONK PRIZES ' yearly I. the mailman. Tour ewe subscription will e meeimn. latnl llial o see win reeeive pxisn an roost and w will svoarrtplioos to slsrt at any follows I ANNniiMrrMrNTfi l oiri uouee nail iwn cerveil on futsr data. THEO COLLART, LTD. - - NOTARY IC line criui'i1 lluierl niilb- lo ,re- .H l V :.!....( Hull Kalinuiiv IWIII' III ewr fkll pae PAVAIHiK IS lovvr Hie lane al a low level he Subscription Rates ADVAXCK !1 Hi 3 TWO FINE LOTS on 5th Avenue W. 1 1 hv IJ.W.Y.A. e i a in . uveen Foiirlh ami I'Jf III SI reel BY CAKKJEB BY MAIL $1300.00 on easy termn llo.iilal Women'. Auxiliary 1 1 he.cily ivrenlly vvn eoiupelleil 6 riMinliui I l-SO 4 iMnliu SUX) Ul ill 2JS1, Silver lea i riday. IIIU. .ureo award datiiaue lo o irnn.fe t jvmr SS.tM) I ycr WOK) 1st PrUs .e so 00 S ISO o S 10OO OO Rentals Flea I Estate Qeneral Insurance Home. man wiioc ruek win damaxeil Two S-aoatha sabserlptiaaa will aoeepted la Srd Ssd rria rrtss BOO 100.00 too.oo IO0 0O Phone Blue 69 Wettholme Theatre Blook P, O. Box 66 t' r M oa. ssoataa r (oar X th Prtxo TS.00 Kinulil o 1 iliimbu Annual i-i a itvuii or iiinuiiiu into Ho of on year. Three.xsoatbs smbacrlpaaa by ear-rr M.00 0.00 ewer. SXtS by ssaO. SUM. fiwi wUl act b de-B.d Cth Fria . . S40 tiJtO IiaiK'i'. February by sesil la ten. what aorrter service is Tth mas . . aoo sooo sooo Btk Pru .. : 00 lso too A letlr from Hun. Jaimv eth rru . . Phone 15 Peter Black, Man Ofncc, Central Hotel Mm dock. lltoniiiK ii iniiiitler of illDUW ALL roUMVNICAT'OKK 1TU lota t isth IOlOO Prince Over Twelve labor, ft'lliiiK out resuialinii for VANCOUVEB DAILY WOELD Is Uu of a tie far aay prUe offuwd Rupert Coal Company fetleral asi!ianre ii unemployment STKWA1JT RHAli.tAnuaitsa,Iuude n. oi.Itanaer. th osh rail partlolpoaC snwul sf swoh pris will b psid to l-.X.-lfl -1 (I 1.1 . .-Of Ut l t - Thousand Watches relief work vnt reHived by he eity eoiim-fl ,it liihl and LDY8MITH WELLINGTON, PEMBINA PEERLESS and oorTauasrt mt. bt tast ootsrm xxaixt wosvi-d referred lo Hie tioaiil oif works. YELLOWHEAD COALS Repaired. tin comiiiiiuiealion ilhl jiol el ul Ihe relief plan a amiouiiped 1 cook the.i ttays. That is what FULLER'S SPECIALS ANOTHER REDUCTION tur repair book shown that fi-,nii cllawa a week ajro but j The Man in the Moon 1,1 wi inidain of. we have had Hull number urKvax ralher aloim Hie line ofl . oieo Hrookfteld I'.gg ,40c ouirrivvi trtterj euxlomei Ei' wali-lie 111 fori last vvur's .eheme. It i iinder- SAYS:- IN gtd; other. Jiavtf peen vamped. Fry' Karon, special 37'ic ''palrs. Ulmid II111I a more itf-nl orib-r- Pacific Milk, per cao $5.50 We make our rhargv juft in rotmril ha been pa-l ex IJHIKT lime. are u-iU.illy (he TDK lijeilion In haviiifr a Cariialinii ami SI. Charles... it low an we can. Ilemlin? tin' ieope of fcleitil a- lime vvhi'ii a lid of petjple .yoit udysmith-Wellington woman (tilling on a jury 1 I hat pur ease $7.25 'v lvai farililie fur Milder- I i!laiei. out willr (heir little hammer to ( mi?lit be a iiioiiilior of (hat Castile Soap, biir bam '25c lakiug iuo( any kind of a m 9 . knock thins. jury. No. 1 Apple, special $2.85 job, from living breaks in Caddy lloyle, eharueil wilh Laundry Starch, pku. 25o Ton Prices rliiar, ey eHlii!'.. pens, ele fluliliiiir, and J. II. I.iv liu-'stocio. A 1'1'SSI.MIsr 1 a mail who A.MO.Mi (be Ihin?. that don't Knuire! Marmalado 90o On l)ovk Delivered lo Iho ino4l delicalu time- eltanieil wilh aaiill, ax iho-ouU euler a re.lauranl expecting to Rt'l you anywhere is lalkiiiK baek Our Ikt OOo Tea, 2 lbs ror..TB5c piOl'L'S. eoiiio of a fraea Fullnii find t'liiue.)' eookinu. al your wife. Special Urcauiery Hultcr 40c inVeLuT,.l. $12.75 $14.25 We ran also manufacture Mri'ej iui i-rniay aflernoon a Hrookfield and K. 0. 1). 45o iiuixl any kind of juwellmy we iv plvvii trial in Ihe police Till-: value of a , llollac i WHY 'fliould a girl blilb when Fresh qof fee. 3 lb, for $1.00 Double Hand Screened frl O 7C you need in a hurry. roiirl Ihi iiioruiii befirey sfj lili'iiui-d hy VJlie?" liuinbet of she is covered wilh confusion? Cream of Wheal -25c $16.00 TRY US (emimry .MilfiHlnlle J, Jl Me- loave of bread will puivhaee. i:iirititv'i Sodas, tin t65c ... Ul"tip, in SACKS Mulliii ami were ri'iuaiult'd unli) Subscribe for the Dally News. .Mavis Hahing I'owder, 2t,'e!95o " ''J-iulliVe(iiiHluii Colli" if- tlmiiiH Hi'' tail llfl' John Bulger, tomorrow. All the evidence I KCjl.VOMY I "sniurHiiiitf iur Hoifer'sSyrup, 2' .25o 't- Imvs been wnima coal uu.l have 'lub-'"'' now in, Ihe wiiin-se liavinn il'audfathei'. tied ' lo practice You are net Corn, blsr lin. 3 for .50c ' u .'-.(...miion lor producum THE BEST COAL for nil The Jewollar been I Vie". who had hi biiT wliieh Hit' preffiil Ki'neralion CZEMA whan Two in I Polish .1250 aui purpose (wheHicr for household "'' ol' lul" ftjkrJT jaw broken, io'oi,ii' liauphiiie, know,. uoltiiiiK about. E Mi'you us Ulnt-Dr. No. I Jan Hit-e. 3 lb, for -25o 't'!"' ualily tor llu iloiulitl ,'"l i'tnain i, 'GIFTS THAT LASTi J1 hi partner, Hurry Skiiliiiort', a a mrnt tioiii. for It relieTra Eexema at and onee bkla and tlsdu-Irrlta. ICmprv4 Cocoa, '.-i lb. -25c Stlatlirltllaihil'l. eagT -neejri niuifuxTrte ianvner. am) Ifio'lvvo ",S WOMAN tan eook?" i a allv hesls th skin. Hanipl I DOl lr. i. C. frvh Kinr iWW. WE GUARANTEE FULL WEIQHT are u. w. . ;. illianu aii- head lino in CTisi' Olutuient free il vuu mention thit a euiilruiiiorary.j paper and end So.lump for posMg. tue. a Ontario Cheee. jn;r lb. . r28o 1'eared in eourl fot1 .& Utjf?jitjJ. X'tsiily every vvoniau i:. a (an, boxi louiiUO,alldtalor ivroo" or EUnisnsm. d tV. i-'niyit'-.f Cuff''1'. I' 83o