For P.R.Fish Market TAXI QQ Fresh Smoked Shell Phone lift, FUh Fish Fish Prime Meats and neil Service nd PRINCE RUPERT Poultry II..t Ciar. In the City Northern and Central Brituh Columbia' Newspaper Phone 071- VOl VNI 31 I'MIN'CK Ill'I'KHT, II. U. TUliHDAY. PKIIIlfJARY 7, 1U22. tnurttt't CiftnutiM 1.S0S. Strati ta'tt 4)13. PIUUB FIVK CENTS Active Opposition to New Ministers CANNERIES WILL OPERATE AND PACK ALL VARIETIES SALMON Progressive and FAMOUS DUBLIN CASTLE NOW PROPERTY OF IRISH. MURDER RUMOR PLENTY OF COD Conservative will IS UNFOUNDED FISH IN WATERS Constable Saint Wires From NEAR RUPERT Swanson Bay That KItlmaat Report Contest Revelstoke Due to Hallucination. Captain Ronrik Tells of Largs Numbers in Neighborhood In a m-!.a:'i- ri-ceivi-il al the i:on;Vi:il. I'el. 7. rulrew M.lnlyri'. n well-known priivinrial Hlire ullite llii iiioni-iiit' of Captain's Cove. l 1' II oiuliirlor, reiiltfiil here for Hit- ,hisI eighteen year, will from IUiii.tabl)- .l- Sainl, (irry coil are .to nuineroii-i in iiir ( uii-iTvallvc Miroliilnlr iignint Hon. Y. II. Mtit hcrJaiul in who i at Swan-mi Itay wild (iaine (Uiplain'M lijve jtnl now llial u ,Varili-ii Martin anil iitiili-iTIiornlliuailc. lb .,. i-iok Hi rnnliiig I" ft slulemcnl nf V. J. Itowser. who re-, man rouM i-alcli .tevrral loris 'a II. i:. M. , il i. from conference wild Ihe tilay by Jiiri$fiiir- for liieiii, tli-clan.-d il v. -U nlay a Mrl in Ihe iienrii-ii 111.11 mi-re wa m loiiriii-i-i,. . , ,, , . , , Hi v i-okc lilrirl. ,at Kiliniaat a. bail bren repiirli-J !.....,. ! tion rcsanlinK Hie po.iib Illy of PltlNCK UKOIUli; IVU 7. The Progressive jiarlv will ruii-. ami Hit- inn-en were n' elablislini? a coil INblns imJu- -i u,. return of lion. V. II. Hiitlierlaml ill (lcve)ilokc. an-onling !..,,,oulli lo inve.lialc." Il i. lieliwiJi, bore. 1 hern are plenty of tllinl alarm wa caiieil by IbeL,,'iiiriil made yesterday ly T. Mi'llride. M.P.-clcct for liallucinalioiiH nr a native. TimJ, aIll, py caa u' ,rUl , i. Hi- hi1 lo llml il - Ilublin Caxlle, even hundred years old, may b allowed to decay. Ho step has been made by the ,olliy Marr. Hie allrai'il iclim, ai but Hie bu-tini-s.M,. would o i. .nnm.on of Ihe I'ro.tpirnTArC CirUT K I'rovUional Government of the lrib Free State to raove bite the department offices formally nurrendered found (o have eoinpli'li'ly reeov-;w,iworkitil op. kuIiJ Itin captain, - I'iirty In contest nil imuinub iiviui ili to them. VUe6unt Fitxalan of Ilerwent. Lsird-Lieutrnant, held what was probably the last meeting of ' here was one man put up a few when the I'riry Council when the Secretary swore in tbreu new prWy councilors. The Castle has been in tha I cm I and then- were iid iudica- laul; vrar and tin farmers on the ,. province op-'t ON IN EARNEST WITH hands of the Knglbh since ft erection. When the British flag was lowered and the Irish emblem was lllona of ln bating received ',irain v were about Hicm flown there was treat rejoicing on part of the Irich people. ifssJus-v craty . v ill VF.ll. Feb. 7. The an. TWO ORGANIZATIONS 1 Tin;, launch Myfanwy is uw al',and. be pot wurd be could xell .all . ni' iil nl I'riiMW Ueorge ly hWHiiMn L Hay willi Hie ofiieern anil could put up. Tin year lie iii- PUBLICITY GIVEN TO Mi Hi l that the Progressive ALL CANNERIES MISSIONARY IS . . , , . ,itend lo alt more of them. CapU Thompson of Anyox Joins jliiinur n'jmir.-i ri" lu im- eutri ii'iif Captain ltorvik ' lliinks there , t lion, lir. Sullier-, TDK PRIWINfF IM tpp..c Older Qroup with Headquarters pciore u iari oui on ine rriurui ll.n Istiikc means a Hire would In- a ironil oortuufly Tor a r'i . In llial riilinv at Victoria. WILL OPERATE LONDON PUBLICATION HERE ON VISIT trip. II man would to Bo have into Hie lo be huine.-worked here.up uy-"lection. i irnxiuirTiniic lTimrn VANr.lltAT.ll. IHi. T. Tlifrr jiJjiV meeting I to 1m held Hi January 1 1 number ofi UlilUHO UilULU .gradually and nursed n good deal. l a iiilotavi- flaltl on. Tin Fj Sumher lu rhiMMO n eandL COMING YEAR 'tanaila," Hie publication .lo- Tells of Many Places He Min i sJlDPATir TtDIIP PT 0,11 '"ere is nicuy vl lltti anil it iiu)iiuMiy or I hi obi orKanlzalion nunxuui. utvuu rtbi'i noiuL Tb flh'-hr - A. M. vol.'il Hii.'' f.uiiilr)- ew-edinali M.n- io puliliilii-.I isters to Movie Show llirralcnrd It by the new ron-crrn t when I In- campaign gels iej. "Tomorrow. iininrniun uiai iiirj arc a nui- t4r: way Mr; lluwer will V rroii oriiiiifil S"h1il by tfLipjalnjUo. Wallace to Can-Salmon at Nadeni,m. f (. . C. "l-.-alilaluri- in Flve Hundred and Eighty B reaches!a nee lo Hie licrrini? Ilsberiuen. nn ink pari In" ti t'on- jWniUotiiitijfi a.nTl Harbor All Varieties Likely .eion willi tiwu &SLl&njs.-JX bhiTt-llitroublritalerii -of With Fines of S31,557. If tlirn' a a market 'for them il I mil 1U- a lbor coniielllion llic-y would be roi):iit - as'liorc ami lfTthf spTSrl-a fliafr and lit? for buinm in fulnrr, oniPS Taken. (,lfi )HirlIl Qwnl Cbarlolle OITAWA, Feb. 7. Five Iiuiu .obl. A it i Ihey are nol worth llilns llial Hip -lifiHwnrr will liinnwr- ii. yui- ..I. iMaiids in a 30-foot launch re , ;,,...-i,....... herel-ojr. u. r. iverwm is stuuii? iievi : 2 (IK U CS.IJ IHIV llIIMI IIVIIl tll""W'" Wi.rrf Im. Im-i. DRILL Wi'lrinnr. rm-rivml quires u brave man. and llial ., ; : WNNG Premier. i s-i-viii ii iur iiiTaci r! in i hi" wiuiiiu Hi-ins I li roiiiiellllnn :oni Hint all I he eautierie of lln- dU-j""' what llev. J. (lillett i-. or In- would . ln. Ilo olilvr oryanltalion liax iriel will prolMbly ivrn.' Ihi Then- an: oihen.plrlure or Hie liol be iIoiiib il. lie has lo visit DIC8Y ISLAND J l-eWalivi bulMiuB ami one iiioiiIJis - i-iidim; lli-reiiiber a.. nililnl lo il porpoiinrl two well year. I.aul eaofl - nh park i IHjinls vUiirb lake him around TERRACE SOON all ohl ami tliere lii UIiuwiiib Ilo- oulh.ok the .,.,,, .'ly.'l, aceonlinv lo olllcials of I he Wnimn in"n In tin pervHH Of praclically one or Ihe wurMi. , , ,,, , , , , Idiiilnlii Noel of Ibf union Hill a ready markel rr eanncit ""'l' of tin- front eiilrance. places on the whole e)asl. ami'Mniiai lifts i its uriiii iiiirni nno LIGHT SERVICE - ..... iare responsible for Ihe enforce- Kl)siiiiliii nml I-ant. 1. KhmI. The n-iill U Hint Ihe Ihal in his li lie launch esleru. , - , Vancouver Financiers lo Test will be looking ror fih NKW iiiirui in im- ijruK in .Miii.iua. Mioiiiimi. iiirmlniii,nl for .inner., PKhftl KK F UK Il.lpe. Ho is Irym lo gel a Ground Lately Acquired by IIh' (trirfilli (UMiipany at Anyox. of ver ra.le ami Ihcr,- will boal and the r.i,urcl, ,ML-1 ' l.r.- Hnr. ,ail . r;Tt 11 1 ,Z Report from Utilities Committee Terrace Oils Ltd. Thf lallrr will takr over tie- new-work l. keen comt-tilioi. for Ihe finh.j PORTUGAL CHOSENl.ionarv Soeicty ha- sranl.d 00U ,"':" " Pll" - Is minion. Returned by City Council. ill n frw tlayn nml will be lisl year a ureal many .Mneru. iiouanl II. but more iiioiiw is sold to I A II IS. I--t . 0. The lotal amount of lines im can-; salmon wen- -Despatches v .il i;n. Feb. 7.- -Follow -w- allowt! al Yloloria with f litpl. ran nccdeii to jrel a slaunch craftMlial hi-ie. Many Alaskan can-i from Li-lion says Anloiiio Marie posed UuriiiR Ihe saiiM- period, il I'lie" utilities commillee sub- ..r Iiir lin'iirMiralhMt Noel nl Vanemiver. nei's will enable him to keep his ap-lj uerics will no! oiiernle litis year. Slla. who was premier ror a slated, was !U,537. mlltetl u reiioil to the council . liai ill orifuuUalion the different j. Oil. I.lil. Il) group Hie iH-w tiointmruU at places lo advices, recx-iveil. liner pi-riiHl in I'J'.'O. has been With Hie exception or lliree or las nlRhl on Ihe nrjUer of Riv i" iuii ..r.. i io announced tenNl nn offlee in Hie Ureilit .-iD'onliiiK With Ibis end in view -Mr. (lillett ami Ihe result will be lo bene ehai'ved will) 'I"- (ask or foriu-iiiir four of Hie iarRer centres conditions ing Hghl und power eonneclion ' new i Knnrier IhiiMliifr. 'Vancouver, om will Rive n picture show tomorrow pfs-par- I'DtlllHIIiy . . ,i., fit Hnli-li Coluiiiliia caiini-rles. a new I'lilniK't. in Canada are said lo be lo (he llisby Island wireless stn-lion - til m til least one ilrill I" 1 1 1, in im- irei-m iiiffrr nn- imr-i cvcniiiR at 7:3U al the lidd Storage liul il back referred The Wallace Cuinpniiy II Is considerably beUer than al this was lithe ,-lrh I.-. (lie ground which iiloU in Hie jrr(ili, (laplains , ,,n,,TIt,- Hoariliug House, Seal Cove, ' Sliail-fnrlli. imnouneeii will operale their IMfcKflL tAtLUHVL' time last year. In some of Ihe committer for further var-liciilar.s - -lukfil. I'lmy nre said Itolx-roiii. Jolinoii iiinl and will show pic I ores of an educational Naden UnrlMir cannery. II. .j larger ports and border points regarding revenue CTDDIIJl DV OO Tfl ' in lln neighborhood of ami entertaining nature. Winch A Co. will operate two; fllttl MlDKUAKl LL (hen- Is known to be still a con- -The reiort recommended that " .i. i.'- .if liimi muter li.mi' No Denomination. Ihe Dominion (iovcrument be ail-vised eaiinern-s on Hie tKconn nmij j fidi'i-abb' Illicit drug tralllc, but provincial ynveriimcnt. PkEMIER OLIVER GOES .. Mr. Ilillrtt works under the a Uiaf Ihn is city lo loil.l and the-other uwlicrs will A.M.tKM.U. l eu. -ji. u close watcii is iiciiiR kept on prepared H ,ul ilnwii hides III dlf- all ! in Ihe riny for Ihe sook- J Maedonald. presnk-nl of Ihe Itrll- auspiees of Hie Chun-li of l-.n-flanil lliesi-" points and all possible construct the necessary lino hi i il- iiihI v ill noon lir nltli' TO OTTAWA TONIGHT Mtfli t..iln ii.inn l.lliiiil .&Miieiiillini but In- knows no deuominalioiis means an- employvd lit cireuin Seclion 2 at a guarantee of -13,- " "lii'lln-r t Iti- dUlrirl if .lust what measure of pro lias ealled n meelini; nf (he e,. when making his rounds, lie visits vent the Irafllckcrs. Western K7.""To cover construction costs. ' prove nil oil country Will Take Part In Fight Before tection Hie new (iovemmenl at eculive of Ihe associaiioil for Ihe ramps und villages and III'! cities anil eastern points outside The exuediture of $1300 by tho Railway Commission for Reduction Utlawa will Rive Hie soekeyc will February 22 al Vancouver. lonely settlers and carries mapa-liues, or lliose included in tin- above city would Jllso be required. Heg-ular of Frelaht Rates. nol be announced for some tune. shows Iiir pictured, the category are stated to be much light und'j-ower rales would FISH ARRIVALS Palhescopc series, which are be for the ,and light II i sure, however. Unit Ibe res more free of drug peddlers now charged PRINCE RUPERT Vir.HHIIA. t 'b. 7. -Premier titution will be al least as chaiiircd moutlily, and does what (ban they have been for sonic power Used. (lliver will leave toiiiyht for nlriuxmit as last year and possi Seventy-one Thousand Pounds In; can lo cheer up Hie people In-meets, lime. Aid. Montgomery wauled lo" taw.i where lie will laV.- pan in bly more slrlnirenl. II is real Marketed This Morning and (luce a month tic usually know how Ihe ?I30(I was going lo CLUB OFFICERS IIh- fiahl before Ilo- iiaiiwa) ised llml Hi" fish must He pro-lecled 16,000 Holding Over. manaRcs' to visit the main points, be paid and how much power the C.iiiiiiiii-iion aKahinl Ibe liljsii al all costs. and he .shows his picture-! on ATLANTIC IS wireless station would take. which II m g.-uerui-i. Sevi-illy-oue thousand pounds Saturday nishls and holds services Aid. Perry slated that, besides fri iKbl ""ei. or halibut sold at the FUh )'.-change 0. H. Morrison Re-elected President diiLiimiuatiry on Sundays. Iho wireless station, it was ..i.iimi'il are NEW MINISTER. with R. Beaumont as Hie of llrili.ili this. moruiuK und 10,000 Anion-; the points In Mr. Cil. STORM SWEPT very likely Dial Ihe marine station provinre Vlco.prosldent. auniiul ' " pounds is lioliliu over for sale I' district arc lite Mussel! would also'liook up, A sub. Columbia. i jf . unlll tomorrow. Ifulian reserve, where he lives; slant ial revenue would thus bo 1 li' minimi meeting of I In The lil of boats in and t lie LVew Massett, Woilen Hiver, Nadu forthcoming and the wireless Exceedingly Heavy Weather Can. BREEDERS' CLUB disposilion of their en I c he follows DOG would be. Unproved. This, ia U-, tlUpill Club liclll llllt lliver, Port Clements, lluckley tlnues Causing Damage and ' 'l"rl fin- IIhi ycur fJloW- FORMED IN SOUTH : i Hay, Naden Harbor cannery and Loss of Life. eir. would be of indirect advantage l-rami-i, lt,0(0 poumU, and tiiiani'iul I'ondltion fairly whaltiiK station. Aortlr 'Islam), to the city. Tho department I'll" wlilrli Seoul, 5,000 piiunds, sold to Ihe i ii..i.ii.,'.Ai." t.ii i had asked for a definite liininir room I.UI0..111I llfilllllinivt; 1 IVI Ull.l HALIFAX. Feb. C.--lixceeding- tit (iinadiaii Fisheries Co. at Vic- lloolli 1 inniv i'i.. 1. The figure. -i.iiiliilifil ilurliiK tlio yi-nr vn oilier places. , ly heavy wealhcr on Ihe Atlantic und 1c. 1 "Mill' a profit iiiiiJ will bo luriu and Vancouver Dos 'llrecd-Attsociallon U.Kc The settlers look fin- (he visit Ocean is still causing much delay Aid. Montgomery moved tlial has been formed Auller. KMI00 pouud.. nml (he be returned to the report tail iiiiil.'r u mtiniiwliut or the Utile luuneli'willi Ihe missionary und, in some cases, damago 'lift " Hloiiford if Hie piL'sT-denl. Fotwaid, li.000 pounds, sold lo utilities committee for further "i lul J. briiiRs words of urrantfiMiK'iit from who heir. the Pacific Fisheries at I l.7o with loss ol life lo liners on the I'-Si details us lo revenue and (his Oilletlvarrtvetl the cheer. Mr. on leans.Atlantic irade routes. 1,1"!" WUk U KVIICIIlt lllCUS.ll0ll and 7.2c. the Islands and was seconded by Aid. Dybliavn. last steamer from Willi- u Rt-eal deal' or damago "-aeijuijj i hi- iiuiHliim of club OIL STOCK ACTIVITY 000 Tee.pounds,I.'I.HO and pouiids;vMarjralice.North,i'OUO 8,- will return on the next. about her decks, as a result uf Such(he council.action was decided upon by '"4lUK.'.ul" ,, jl0 pro1pvclS pounds. old to lli'ii 'Canadian haying been wcpl by Iho heavy yeui. Willi u vit-w lo Active Cold Sto?ac. Co. a( EXCHANGE RATE. s,as, her gear out of order and Mv'"- Particularly Fish and uii.-i'iMi among Hie yountf-""iiib.-i-. Boundary Empire Bay Selling Well. and O.Mc , tier bunker.- nearly empty, the WRIT REVELSTOKE jlllt w bjj iuki-n and Vcsln. BilHu pounds: Uurrcciu Tin- rale of exehuiiKO with Ihe Mrillsli freighter "Crugnc," 25 "r " tli- new illi'itcloi' tl.e 1UI from Hie euulli Coon pound, and i?cmb, ,6000 United Stales, has been practical, days-out of Hull, crept Into this BY-ELECTION' WILL '''"iili-iu,wiiieli fulluwa: lU-eel.l paper-lare number or pound, holding liver unlll .to2 ly UtichaiiRcd for I lib pant two porl-ycslerday. , BE ISSUED TODAY l), ii, Morrlnon. or a very oil slock weeks and still timds ul 5 I-?. Tho fishing schooner Corin '""-IH-l'SiilBlH. Inles of Houndury Hay inorrow. , , v , , , 1 11. IIOUIIIIIOIll. thian, wlild arrived here on Sat "''Ury. J. O. Jlcllue. ll.o striking o The fire 4li'iarlinenl,.niad-j In. All I'iliiens anxious for' improved urday, reported having lost two VICTOIUA, Feb. 7 Tli writ , ' 1 K. .1. .Mcl.c.,1, II. HI. :!.l,i!:'a.;o A new plcturo of Albert Bar-rsut, spection Hii inoiulua' al the access lo'tho vValiirfront, members of 'lifer crew iit sea, for the llevelslnkc hy-electioii 11 I'- I'lilleji, fi, lir Alii- Adulator of Colonies la the King Kdwurd nml Iloolh .Mcnioi'-lul railway stutlyn, and ocean dock will be issued today sahl' Prc-inler ' Mi iiuni,,, v, if. Tobey driiii.iK in iiy u,1',J.f1 new French Cabluet, who aeld schools. Fire drills were lield will bo WBlcnnia lo tlio theellinf Pachena leaves Swanson wharf Oliver yesterday uflcnioon. llrlauj. lie tiiil j A' tlilli' Ktitltli. uf both are oc udvunocd me. "--';Jt ' la the now same head pott of under tUe French ile'. and ihe buildings were clcarei! in the. Central Hotel tonight at for Stewart at 8 o'clock Thura- Xoinlnation day will likely bu Hay ilook lias gstieo to the Arm Ccpfereuee. H ifueterlly. day morning, February 0. e lu IU Dully Novvj.