rAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, TfLiugp, FARMER GOVERNMENT SMITHERS G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public CONTINUES POLICY On Thursday of this week WESTHOLME THEATRE WE ARE AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF 237 LIBERALS STARTED .SnjlUicr will baxe 1U fir4 itiun-icilul LOTS IN THIS CITY -njiicli comprise the Thnrsch holdings. i lection ulnco havliut Ihm ii Tonlcht Tuetday There are many very desirable double curlier. I'olli business incoriurated under the Vlllatf " and residential, included in thi property. 'J'hc prices i:i)M(iM'0., Feb. 0. Kiuplia. Act. are rlnht and e.at-y terms can be niado. 'The .Hniprcji. Hotel siziMieT Ihe n(etHity for lriei'st amtaT properly included in ibis ol'erinp. an well as a linn double, economy in (tie conduct of ttffairit, The Validerhoof hockey tram corner on Thhd AVenuc near Ui I'osloflice. Prices and lite upceclt from tU throne, de-' will b here on February 10, the terms will be given on application to our oP.lcc. Ihered by Ihe LieuicnanUpovcr- i date of the llaiKny men'it Jlall. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. nor al the upenintr of the flrstt se. and larcfi rrames will b playrd. Insurance Rentals Real Estate tiou of Alberta's fifth IrpiMnlurc Headaches Gone The Sniilhers' bvekey team STEWART Thursday afternoon. alo forerat bus relumed from a trip a continuation of the policy ofi Perhaps imaKtne what you can Hunt Lake . and Vanderfhoor. UNO RCOISTRr ACT. development in highways, tele, this meant to one who had u Acted Two wrrtj pbied at fneh same.4 I'lle C,;.:i7. lie Application fio. 14101. phones and railwnys underlaEoti terribly with lieadachei for tea the them all and lof&l won UKi; MOIi:t that application hi) been stud carried ftinvaril by the lute place 1 Lunch made Mi retti-itcr Hubert o. crew, of Prince year. in Special ... Liberal jtovcrnmrnl in lite iiMri. ii. miner eiriu Tat biie inu rriMii IIh- loiicrtcir or tin- I lly r Prince Read about it in uYn latter. J. ftlrhardstiu, one of lite pion lliiN-rl. bcarlhr flute the inh day of prnlnrr. .utptiibc r. ilj. at all nil sinrular thai The vQleial declanition of jhI- Mrs. Tcna A. Smith. Country eer reaideulo of Twptey, died in cecum arcrl or tract of land it id premise Ilia local hospital lal week, nee.l Harriet situate. Itmir, ami Ix-lnr In the city of icj" followed very closely the lines Harbor Croat Roadi, N. 5., and jrnnm iiii'ieri, inure isiriiruiariy known 01. if former in that definite writes: ami ls rllnil a- lot thirty-oik- (11) and years no 40c ,I f i l t iwn as , II link lulrtj -cf r!it (Sit) polieien were announced. Kurlher laud Lots twenty Inn (tit to twenty-retell "I feel that if aatoef ca rec onl A ion wan liont lo Mr. and r . imin mriiinr. imag rorty-iwo (fi as.tistaitcr will be ghen in the ine ad Dr. Chase's mediciaei I certaialjr all in mtU. etrlil (. Man 913. Mm. I.. S. Mclilll at the llulkley Vnn re rvo.nlreo' in contest the rlalra of flrouBhl-Mtrieken nrea.. more al. cat. I salt-red lor lea .can lion WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8, 1922 iih las purchaser witniii ai ilaya rnnii tu tentin will be devoted lo the ijiar-ketiiiK severe headacHei. aad although 1 tcok Valley lloajitlal hiM. Friday. the Piper" of tlie o o -ilatc service it tin iniuc twhtcti all kinds of headache nowdert aSer may l oni-' I' ll by iersonal service or as of farm iro(JucI and edu ilm-i-leil . ami your attention it ralhjl M jaat relieved aac at the tiavr, I became U". A. A rtn I rn 2. the Telkwa Soup sccuhi sr. or Hit IjihI iicrist-v Art wits cational and health work will b very nervous and r-jov.at and rverj Ktatiun axenl. Ii u ymie to Vnii-couter Puree of Bean Soup laiiieiiitnH-ui. ami In tlic following eitracl carried on in an energetic manner. lriiI seemed to trouble me. I Have :llcrr-i,lll n ml, it i unilei sloixl, he Pickled Beets nd In default nf racit or certificate ,f Oi-operalion ih olber w!t. taken eigl.tee boaet of Dr. Qiasca .;i hiiiii'ii oeiiir nieci oerurc in rerjslra Nerve Food aad ii has made a ea. will nol n'lueu alone, Mermaid Comedy, "Nonsense" Choice nf iirovineeis will be maintained Special :111m a owner of the person entitled inner ern tiretj aew perwa of me, I felt that ii'li las sale, all erus imi served with Boiled Salmon, Egg Sauce 'muiee. . . and tlms ciainifnr tliruurti .villi Hie ubjeel of britfjiii". abouti I could aot liave lived wiaSostt it. I Stewed Lamb and Green Peas nr miller Ih-in. ami all persons rlalminit rednetion in freialit rail's, and do aot lT. .one headache aovr for Admission, 15c and 35c Boiled and Ma&hcd Potatoes unn rlMrred wmrrM in liMniincnl.ne land liy ami virtue all persons or any 'he Dominion Ouvernmenl will be every hd.-ed I used to have, aad my Ten Years Ago 'falllillia any Inter! In tlie land li flesceni aad I jarl acrve are toot stronj. Boiled Cabbage in:ed It) Immediately .transfer to wle.se lltlii la tint jT(riierrd under in Prlncay Rupert the weirhed v) pounds whea I beaaa and Saturday next The World's Tapioca Pudding iM..iriini iji inn. .s.ri, man oe ror ever he piiiwnce ie natural t-oiiree. Friday Largest 'r'loMH'd and debarred from seilitir up anv sine Dr. Qiasea Nerve Food, and claim in or In respect of tlie land o aoid The epeeeh alt made now I wcith 121. htaovini wtial this Picture. D W. Gr'tTith's Masterpkce, the nr taxea. and entitled the Iteaistrar Khali rrrlsier the formal aiinotmeeirient that a treatment ha done for me, I cannU February 7, 1912. DOWN EAST" ei'MMi under such tat tale as "WAY firt'sd'nt Frank Mohley ha owner or ine lanu o aoid ror lane. roiri(yat deiiartmeul of lalmr loo highly recommea J it to otiien. Good Eats Cafe And wlierra appliratlnn ha been mad. iiauiij the ftilbrwina rouimilti'i-ehnlraaan jf..r Certificate of Indefeasible Title ntnild be created in Ihe near! Dr. Chate'i Nerve Food. 50c for the Hoard II atiove ineiitKMied land. In tlie nanw of f Trade 'ulure. bos. ail Edmansoa. I niiiieri i.rew. and miereaa nn tnvrni-iratinir a dealers, or Ihi ytr: Lc(,-isljUiui. A. J. Mm. 11k- title It appear that prior to the Bates t Co., Limited. Toronto. :i..ih mi .ir-iiioer. iair, une aate cn ri.; rally atnl nai-iiluiii. A. F i Wiii-h taxes .ibr y.in irt were land were tlie aied tild for uvrnlue owner FIRE LOSSES VERY MeMaiPtar: freight rale. W. J. Phone 66 P. 0. Boi 7(1 or. or Miherwi as stated below: tSii'UI.-; IfuiJc nnd A. From the Farm ,1'iirilier lake niiee that it the same trior 000 of loc. according lo lite re-purl. fomiiiefce. I ftiall efreit rerlstratlnn In. pnrsiianre or WASTEFUL DECLARE 4. lliirri.; pherle. J. J. Sloan: JAMES HUNTER to the Table' liirh jipliralion and Issue a Ortlnrate of Next comes electricity, lndereatl!le Title to the said lands In the lumiiftr. J. II. PilUbury; mlinny. which caused lire rodint; 80,-Ooo.oiki. and name nr Hubert o. crew unlesa j-nu take FIRE UNDERWRITERS) J. II. Thompson; iitisurnnee. V. GENERAL BLaCKSMITHI G AND CR BODY exerute tlie proper pmeeedlnira to stove, furnace, tioiler BulkleyValley eslalilib your elalni. If anv, to the said .1. ii. Sandal ; psirt. A. K. Mc-Mahtair; BUILDER lands, or to prevent aurli proposed anion arid pipes caused a lo of G3,. n my part NKYV YdllK. Fell. rt. -Three 1 fluanee, A. .1. Morn: falI at tlie Land lleMstry OfTlre. Prlnee lhouanii(MIO.OOO: defective chimney and civic, A. While; public work. Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggles Trucks BEEF C" ,6,h r 0rt"btr liunlrid and thirty-four Hues ff6 1.000,000. and exour'.' -V i'IBViij?' for Term can be airanccd purchtsri J. J. .Slo.it i. PORK ' ii. r. vaeinn. iwellinsrn at 5tiO(t each, jtudlcirnt kvhich man communicated lire, o MUTTON Iterlslrar of Tlllea. 'o littiie.tr 1.70(1.000 periiii. cnild 2:i3.000.OU0. First Avenue and Com Bay : r.. WM J MWAtT.II. Prince Hiipert, B. Jaj-s ltiitherford, Vielurm VEAL C. rraisiered owner: AUTIILR C. lie built with (he money bit in Prince Rupert, B. C FRESH KILLED POULTRY 1 leri'd MITCIIH.U and Prince asessid linpert.hhtimi-It. C.-itkn rerl-1 Ire in the I'lilted stales" from tnitilu; nnriueer, ha Just r-- Skeena River Farm Produce IIAVS. M rare II. it. Cricw, i'rtnce t!H5 In IU20, aecorditl!. to lljjuref. TRAIL WINS FIRST lurnrJ from a three mouths) ex. Itupi-rt. II c. iiKirtraKee. and VANDERHOOF CREAMERY riven out today br the Nut intuit phiratiuu prprllnjj trip BUTTER WATER NOTICE. Hoard of Fire Underwriter. THREE GAMES FROM into lb Weaer lllvrr ditrirl. He UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. that the of I lie valley SAILINGS ay portion The board place. the national STOItAfSK.l GREAT WAR VETERANS NORTHERN INTERIOR TUK oTH:k that the (iranby Con.li iu ltritUh Columbia pri-etit far ViaMatss, i allien a ans.n 11a' srati Tm4ta live-year dated M . V. Co. Ltd. wlMex- addrcas le Jo durititf the re Pert SlaspMsi, ta- ln-.i Dto anil n- n i- n. will -reut atricullurad poss(bilitie ( aillnr al cranir an t ll.rle.r sainnf- Ja" t. trti : Anji.x. c. apply r.,r a license tot teriixl at A I.67S.7"2.157 7. i:ii-t mi CO-OPERATIVE Hit- lorae of 3i.net B're feet or water s Three ttf the ix faille in Ihe anil the whole ciiiiulry ia underlaid c lallinr al son n ilk Ioiiw-im and Mill Da; Milmn ' I-n t or tails i.reek. wlnrh tlnwa oiitlirrt in exaiiiinalioti of mrr 3.0(i0.HU0 . t a ik) prn i Phone 81 and drams Into ilmcrvatnry Inlet al epnil of nrtn. Trail Club elni l.l billianl toiirna-iiitTt wills. ex tcnlc area of coal. S2J Kna A.MH JACK aANNSLtr, A.t Print aiaisset, 1. C I Miyni. Tin oiar- dam will tie located ;4miiii aiioii rl iiuslreani froin lireseni MalclieJ inil Himikitiir luirnnl betwt'ifn tlie Ureal War Vet Sir Iiou-'lily. the flam. The raiMirity of tlie reaemdr to be Odiirsrc icreaiiHi is aiKirit sr..nuti rre feet, and f ire held rejii,iiHle for i0.l0(i,- eran andthe Trail played Inst (Irimsby ris.lt maynale, Wilfrril i"itl rioiMl alioiit Jim acres or laud. Tie-.Hater "The Store of Satisfaction'"' will lie diverted from the sirum ai nishl hate reulri in the latlrr Vere inu;hty. hi' oti. and Mr. a Urr.tKf f hiiiii yit.autieirlted a"UI. TIm nnili-r llii'li-e annlled i:ondiilon'for club Minnittar nil three, the c.rc Carter, mauaser uf Oceanic Iiii-nery. Is l-i fuipplenient a 4-ikhi to take anil use beiufT C00 to flli. arrived today on She Vrin-r Seasonable all wool Hater ht Conditional l.lceuae .No. :ttl. This leitlce was tMirled on tlie The ludltidiial n'ull of the IJealrtre and have routiuud rniiiid on tlie s i hi day of January, IP;;. FEBRUARY SPECIALS' Skld'-jrale where tunics were a jollow: their voyase to A aopy or this notice and an application SWEATER imrfiiHiil IIhti-Iii and In the "Water Acl. J. oodrick (Yelerali'. 137: V. lh canner' reeenlly purrliased I0K," will In- tiled In tlie onico or tie Writer lleronler at Prince liuiicrt. iibjw IN THE MEAT DEPARTMENT Harbour Trail , 2(i, from Simon J.eier, of Victoria, linns lo IIh- application mav be tiled with S. .. tarrior, IKfi; i. Jltown, wl'i tn inpcctej. the anl Water lleronler or with IIh-Coiiiplrollcr Hound Slenk. per lb 16c "f Walur lllaiita. ParlUinenl 200. n COATS liiiililiinrs. Victoria, willilu tiilrlv ilavr irloin Steak, per lb 20c after tin- Hi--I apiwaiRuce of (Ills notice In T-JImiw Sleak, per Ih 25c W. Parr, lllll: W. lylhe, 200. i Would Beat a local ih-u,'paper. I lie Hale or 11k nral The three eart rcmjiiniiiK ratiie unto inililicatioii or this iMiiln I'ebrtiarjr till. Mih Itoasts llolled . II 25c and ui. be pluyiij Ihi eveuiiiK. Till lillAMJV i:iSul.lHATI-.li MIMMj, Hilt Iloa.sle Itone in , lit. . . 17 ' 2o like a ervi MKI IIMi AMI OWfcll CII.MPAM, 1 :iitx'k Iloasls, lb 15c per MACKINAWS UMlll li. 11 AppllcAlll.William Per Wade Ynuiir.I.. Welinure.Afcul, llrirket. per Ih 10c WIRELESS REPORT TRIP HAMMER Flank Jteef, per lb 8c ... i LAND ACT. Neck lteof 3 lbs. foe 25c 8 become a.m. Heart trouble bat or late year at Nolle of Intention to Applv to Lasts Land. Slew IJeer v.3 lbs. for 25c IiKAti TIlliH POINT Snowing, very prevalent, bomettmea a pala talcl 1 Tlits wide awalic More Is coturant'y Ill keclia Ijiufl lMJrir(, lleeoriliux Ols-frlrl tlie real of tlie beirt, now and ; Shin Ili-ef. per lb. 12'jc riilm: you Ii on Reduced Prices. of prince llii-n, II. and siliule In baroitieler. 2H.D0: li-iopcpw ivccl-ing out of ou a Ih'u your heart sklpa beat, palpltale. ; new ways tlvlng kliulz Inlet, aeroud biKhl from entrance on Shank Soup Itmie., pep i. ... 4c alure. 21; Miimotli. aal side. ea throbs, or beat villi (tira rapidity and I 'lake notice llial t.daar Harold t'.ravi ford. The ultuve prieesi are on ynuiir IlI'M. JIAIlllOIt Snowinsr, violence you think tl la rulnr lo burst I service that is all the word implif i iierililsMou H-i-iiialioil in loirKer,lease llie liilends 40iHiviiuc lo apply oesrriiiefi for steer beef, chilleii ntock. I took lipiht oulheal dnil; baromeler, You bate weak and duty rprlla, atnkltir lauds: fiiiiuieiii-liiir at a l"it plauteil of 111 your order early for your Sunday 2V0: lemperaliire 35; hea enailon, are nervous Irritable and dr : At a considerable expense, wc h:vt aeeoiiil lutilit rinm the eiitraiiree i-asl klie side nr klinlt Inlet, thence it) chains inast and tae money. unuolh: uiliO p.m.. pot( ulcajn-er preised, and If yon allempl to alk up 1 nr.Lstt Sckov ft rM iWt engaged the services of Dr. Sthoii's 90 KIRKPATRICK inutli. Ilieine Si' chains cast, thcln-c i stair or aajr distance you let all out of i:Iiuiii- imcili. tlu'iii-e xii chaiiia west and Fresh Pig Hocks. . . r. . .2 for 26c .luiieati, in Millmnk Sound, bicatti. arc Hal Ken.MttfAU bfk Foot Expert, who will be here on imlaliiliir HiCAIi IIAIKil.lt 4 acres CitAWl'OltD.mure or less.Applicant. . We have the choicest new Cabbage uurlhliouiifl; In p.m. pokc We knuw of no remedy that lll do to Haled Ili-.-i-Ililier It, toil. to go with this line for a fine Mleumer Ailyox oulhboiind. tnucb to make I tie lirart refalo alrrntlh Monday and Tloy, l-i ; "' and 1or. rcaulalr lit beat and restore II ' i boiled dinner. IUOHV ISLAND' Cloudy, v S-'10 l" " to a hmlitijr iionnal eoudlliou al lll f ty&frStm ARRIVING WEDNESDAY norlhea! wind; barometer, 2V.3M, - tsULBURN'S Al WAfiiMiray. IVIrtia 1 Another large shipment of lemperalure, 28; ea Juoolh. HtART AND MERVf PILLS H:30 ji.liu lu I p.tn Armour's Shield Bacon and Hams Noon. Mr. Chad Irk. Pellil, Out., writes: -!' Dr. tckotl'a Ami. "I bad palpitation of the licarl, anil lor IVUUtsrtMl Arcb la' the This will work widi at 35c per lb. DF.AI1 Till',!'. POINT iH,,,y; aWmJ. Ittiarv expert our rep' leatl rterclae, Midi a (tolnt upstair or' SAUSAGE I'urjty llolled fill. i'O-lh Hack 90c litrhl eal wiul; baromeler. 20.-tM5: up a bill, my heart ould beat like a trip- ; tvf ciimpiRi Practipedtkt and supxeat to you, after examining Kinsnporc Pineapple, tall tin lciiix'fulure. 32: ea miikuiIIi. liaunier and at lime 1 wat dlity-lieaded lb chmuh aWOt,tU WU H your fect, tlie quickest and most economical 7 for $1 Itl'l.l. IIAIIUOH Cloudy. Ml'IiI and were bad near.a lukln arutatlon Is If my lime i' way of bavins foot efficiency Dried Fruit Market Very Firm -nf lnut wind; barometer, 29.-41; "A rrtrnd aurreiltd I try klilburna Buy Now temperature, 32; ea timiioili: 11 art and .Nerve I'llla. io J procured lliree Anyone cart sell you a pair of -Ivf with a Flavor. New SeiiHon Prune. l.e. tni-KKi 1 1 :!0 a.m. spoke gtramcr Kityu jluc, and by the lime the first one was Whether they are just die shoe rcqui nJ Alni-u, Yokidiama for tvl I beian to Imiirose. lo all I took all I 2 lbs. 25o, 9 lbs. $1, 25 lbs. $2.65 Portland, for fect, whether they arc stylish kwieft, and now althourti In tny 6 cm year tH.ftcholrsnunloa your K HI waled Peat'he. . . .2 lbs. 45c 200 mile toutliwe.t Hull Harbor, HJuT. RsWs the I reel Mke a yvutir alrl: no dltilnraa or bonicNU. KaJuLts at the same time, comfortable, involves 5 lbs. $1 inbound; noon, pike -Prince Ocart-lliunifiUir. and caa ualk mllei with, .nlsra.inaniaiMt Wholesome and Economical Kvaporalcd Apple. .2 lbs. for.45c llupcrl in tJui-'Mi Charlotte Sound out fsflanja. At lime r my alcknesi I bid. aslananT. question of service northbound, due J'rince Itupeit vsritacfl itV pound, now I welrh ttu." (iallon Apple. olid pack, per I'rbr. (fte a boi at all dealer, or tualled If you lutTer from anfoot atlmentt, fiom s tiny rorn to tlie m Food Product tin 60c 11:30 njti. 'ednirday. Ulicl fQ receipt of price by Tb T. Mil. tzravated ris of Hat funt.ynu are atue to fin J Immedlait reliel LITTLE PIG lb 35c Jelly J'uwdciM, 3 for 25c; doz. 95c DIOIIY ISIiANIi Clear. liulil burs CV- Lluilled, Toronto. Out, and permanent correction by taking advantage of thla tsprx'ttun-Ity. SAUSAGE, per Combination Special Canned north wind; barometer, 2SI.12: Delay onlf aietravatca foot troublta. Mke It TM 10 GOOSE LIVER SAUSAGE, per lb 35c Fruits lelnjicialuic, 10; llghl .well; 11,-30 take advantage of ihi opportunity. TOMATO SAUSAGE, per lb 30c Assorted, per dozen, $2.75 a.m. pokt CIii-Iomii leaving Fool Examination Frrt WEIIMER SAUSAGE, per lb . '. 30c your choice, Quaker Rhubarb, Norlh J'aelfio Cannery. Nrl ntctturf to ttmvtt ktt BEEF SAUSAGE, per lb 25c i; Ii:I Alin'ile LnKUiibcriie, 1; LIVER SAUSAGE, per lb 25c Ucl Monte, Sunkit or Libby' HAZELTON l'eache, liitedur hulvpd, I, tall; SWEDISH SAUSAGE, lb . . 25c per tJlobu Pear, 2. or (Juaker I'fuiun. 1. Held, of Vancouver, ha BLOOD SAUSAGE, per lb -25c 2. Ut jieavy yrup. Have money been, apjioiiiled leaclier at Ihe BOLOGNA, per lb 25c in 'dnell lot. I'rult Scboi), Mud Creek, and he HEAD CHEESE, per lb 25c ARRIVING WEDNESDAY BOAT arrived on Vt'dneday iiIkIiI to Frenh Spiiidch, t'atilillower, tuke clmiete. Made Fresh Each Head Lelluce, Parley. New F.ab-haire, Day J'reh Outdoor Mexican To-, .Ore frlnii ltesHilver Standard under rigid stiuilarj curtdiUoiik in our own sausage kilclicn. tualtie, Itliubarb, llununu. Florida Mine in now beinf, taken out in (c. good hapv und I Jtlnjr Jtuuled Wc carry larau Blocks of Grapefruit, i 'Would ujiprtciatc showing bow Kuusiigij is iimdc in you iJe-jii screunud to the bunker. Lump and at..., i ..i.n.ii...,. j.r .id i.ui.m me f jrUili' WALK DOWNSTAIRS AND SAVE oii.li, ssintii, shim iiiiiuivii 1.1 1 Order from your Butcher or direct from us MONEY Frjfe'-nized Coal. Il hoi, vi ted to the free, ileniuiulrutioii on Ihe iibuvt' iuir- I,act week tbo 'thermometer cok'ji le8 leas smoke. liou'l delay If ou hatii any fool liouble ul all '", here diuppi'd to 23 di'Ki'oe be-low You'll like it fee' uxpuil a ibancc to exumlna your P. Burns & Co. Ltd. Rupert Phones Table 211-212 Supply A zero,daughter ' wat born to Mr. Consumers Phone Goal 7 Co, ltd, FAMILY SHOE STORE and .Men. John Willau at the J. LoHie MacLaren, Manager Third Avenue llazellou llo-ipltu) ren-nfiy