PAUK TWO' TUB DATI7T RWB Utrdrv'A4.ii. u t .- - - The Daily News COMPLETELY FREE LIBRARY ASKS aJPEgagaga -PRINCE HUPRHT i BlUTISIt COLUMBIA Published Every Aflernonti, except Sunday, the Prince FOR TENDERS Rupert linily News, Limited, Third Avenue. OF CONSTIPATION Thrift II. P. PUI.LRN, Managing RdJUf. List of 4S0 New Books to be Pur SUBSCRIPTION RATMi Tried for Years to Ftod Relief 1 ehased Preparatory to Opening The judicious practice of thrift it Citf Delivery, hy mail or carrier, per month.. fi.on much an evidence of character as it is the fly mail to all part of the Kritixh Kmpire id the United Htatas, The Library Mount at a me.i. of comfort and in advance, per year 0.0i "frCit-a-tiyes" gaye it injr ye.lenlny Afternoon decided t vyorth-vrhile assurance' To alt other countries, in advance, per year ...... .$7.& call fur lender for Ihi iiiy r contentment tn the years that are to come. CAraafe CMuttptimH a iificunl a llt of nw HHk ifcndh r -iceived TELEPHONE St wfMNt it Wfa, i one of tLt fro'iu the n-w librarmn. The regular saving of a stipulated transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion treat eaases of ilisease Some autiie-ritlet Mis (iranU The hot contain sum of money is not only ufWn yout 'iVansienl Advertising on Front Page 2.80 per inch even rUim that foostipatloa jsoiiifthinit like tMi tllli-s mid but a halit every thoughtful Local Readers, per insertion S5c per line ft a not b permanently corrected. dejil with a wcW raniN of aid. power Classified Advertising, per insertion. 2c per word This it a f rut mistake, heeaute hrre ie?t. Nearly half of Ihe Imm.I. petson should cultivate. Legal Notices, each Insertion. . . . : I Re per agate line it cured the proof anil the thai hoaelt eonslipalloa mad U aa Ml t 'are detuned rtiriilar1r for An Endowment Policy otfeis a Contract Rales yoiinir eople, nlthoiigh in thai on Application. All ndvertiing should!!- in The lla'dy News Ofllce on day preceding rtf ukrty Bad aaturalty. uroiip many will M mhuI la'at splendid opportunity for regular saving. publication. All advertising receded subject In approval. Yamorra, X.S. older people will wish tn read. Thete is no better way to create an estate Member of Audit Bureau of ClrcuIiAlons. 'Tor year, I was troubled with The list f(r a.tiHI I classified! than tlirough systematic life Insurance Conttlpatioa, and had to take lata-' into hik mi r,lill-Miitiy. re. tit ft and purfatitrt all the time. lurion. siH'iiJuay. tiaefitt arts, fim-arts. deposits. Life insurance is always worth DAILY EDITION iim Saturday, Aupil IS, fi If I aefleeted to tale thete, tU Iltrralur, travel, binaraphy. par and it is the first asset realized on in bo rlt aould rfn to do their hilory, fiction, anil reference. Co-Operate With Terrace work. Alllioiuh .Mls firapt's dvtiet the event of deatlu Save regularly and And All Other PolnU. A bowl two yean aro, a fritnd have nt vel nffieially cora-liarliced. in the meantime enjoy the peace of mind Co-operation between all point in Northern Iirilih Columbia mJiwJ mt to try "rj--iWi", wLkh I she has ntaile oul tin and comfort that such thrift brings. should be Ihe rule. Rev. Dr. tJrant, when ddreing the Notary did. The first box helped me so south lit in her spare Inn- and will' Club, drew attention to the need of cher co-operation lielween that I titaiaed furttter tuppliet of Ihe advaulativ of the lil in th Get In touch with us for any information this city and Terrace. What he says I doubtless correct. Thece therrmedy aad eoatiaued the treat-neat. Victoria pittilic library ami require in regard to your is pot as close co-operation a might be. Yet Terrace people are After atinfatwwt eiftit boiet, edvici' of the librarian I he it. you may dependent for some of Iheir prosperity on Prince Rupert and any bowrlt were alile to f form their Atlene Convention insurance investment. Prince Rupert depend on Terrace and other neighboring place particular fuortiua without aid. Mi 'Irant, with the consent f for ils jruperity. There i no rivalry but there should be cooperation. 7TU rrlitf is Mr raw Ahj Im Uslixf. the local commissioner, will at at up to date, I bate iteter had aey StlM'MIor fur yte"LLLVwUBBBBBBBBBBBBMf lend ihe librarian eenvention trouble. I reeommsad Prime TbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbv further ran bbbbbbbT When Prince Rupert people go to Terrace to upend their (iirly in Sepleuibcr atnl for tin.' "Fruit a tWes" to at! lufferioc a 1 holiday, they spend come money there and Ihi i sometime will ri'im will le a few day tale in did aad I am ture they drrite enough to make the difference between profit and b on the rqu&l beorlit". larrivuiK here tn take up he. year's operations of a merrhant. If facilities were offered, more A. W. FRANKLIN. duties. There irmy be sssme iteley Prince Rupert people would summer at Terrace. The culom of in Ihe public work detHMiei;l spending a few week out of low it i growing. Almost everyone 'FrBlt-s-tWes" are atdd by all acalin "the liiMldinir on -1'iiid count On taking a holiday in the summer. Terrace-offers a complete dealers at jOe a boa, C for $iJU trial jAveime. si Ihe ItbrarMH neina: b change for Prince Rupert people and there is idenly of aiwt Sjo or teat poUpaul by ft uit-a-Utet sent a few day will mean hill . MANUFACTURERS Life fruit there, especially berries, on a normal season.. Those thing Limited, Ottaaa. OuU The library cannot n until l are anattraction. As the population of Ihi cjty increases mor ilHitldins i ready for iterMpatMi people will viit Terrace each year to the benefit of both place. SUITCASES In the llieanlHMe Miss liranl Will! INSURANCE COMPANY Attend lo the clabmiHK of tl ! Provide Facilities Im kik and other detail of tin TRUNKS Hcab Omoc, - TonotiTo. Canada.. For Visitor . ;wirk wh' i neeary to j Prince Rupert i just beginning to awaken to the fact thnt CLUB BAGS j;ireiaralory to it being- ajtene, I" the tourist business mean a good deal to her. So far nothing (the public. particular ha been done to cater (n the business. Loral taxi . renel from Hie Ladies' Mii-r'al fTIIt'i VIO i vulcnrp on he firms have not' even put on a sight seeing cat to'-accommiMlale Large Stock on hand. r.luh fof the inclusion ( a i w ii ! half them. Visitors like to ride all together in a big car with som.' Prices very low. i!.'.k recoiiuoeodeil by them i one along to point out the place of interet. For this service they rlvliiK attention a will tb riu-liKtfetions are uually glad to pay a dollar each and a load In.n ight seeing J. F. MAGUIRE uiaib from linir ! The Man in the Maw Lumber & Lath car at a dollar a head pays well. If local firms will not fiit on Next tha Prine Rupert Hotel 'time by public ImmIic. i I such a car it will be worth the Hoard of Trade nui'idf ring whether I.SAYSt- 1 they will form a small rompan) to operate such a car at thi MC BAIN GIVEN NINE and point, ir we are to gel tourists here we mut show them Ihe city COIIK i ihe centre of I rouble Shiplap-Boards and provide oilier, facilities for them. v Ten Year Ago MONTHS FOR ROBBING in Ireland Here Ihe trouble s' mostly Mh the Nil lie. Dimension Top Of Mountain In Pi'now Rupwrt Connolly Acquitted Alleged Should Be Seen. AHCHITFJ3T COX ha a liitle lburoiisbly Air Dried and, Vtord CaVf Clpff The view from Ihe top of Ihe mountain should he seen by Auut 12, 1912. "Rolling" Case on Steamoc bill be wwuld like to eollecl. everyone who viil thi cily. The view from that point i su Mr. . r. Keryin and family COtlohtln Comas to a Motto: 'lleware of an etrt. per! but so fur there i no facility for getting Ihere. If lhem.wa sailed fur Ihe south on the Close Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, feldfng a winding trail to the lop, saddle horses might be prxrided to Prince Htifcrt this momtnsr, TUB bes paying J.4. in the carry tourist. Perhaps belter would lie a tram service up the They will be. joined later by Or. Jatnca Mrll.un alias King. w.Mid la ttetng an eijssn. The and Finish hillide. Thi ha been talked of in a desultory way for a long nernin,I who a plans a poinr on a Charged wilh robbing J. Naaa tn iialifiatbn is iinlimlteil gall. lime. Out lie(ore very long it will le n ere jury to provide a mean trip lo the Kal and Kumpe. a "rolling" affair which crnrred SPRUCE LATH for tourists to reach Ihe top of the hill and also for resident to 4 two week ami on the sleaur A l.l MIIHIIMAN ha iteconie ue the mountain top as a playground. In. winter snow shoeing K. fi. riiblrons Is the winner of Chenhin while omuitg fraten heir lo a parler Interest m a Manufactured In Prince Rupart and aalllng at Cewatt PHatt anu inner winter sports couiu If enjoyed a in) for summer it i (.. II. Wark'a raffled piano. Ihe Anyo In Prince ltiiert. w.. thirty millimi ibdlar fortune. poiiie that a goir course might be made there. drawing for which liok place ound guilty by Judge K. Mrll. Let's all pile lumber. Perhaps Salurday ni?ht. Young veslerday aflernoiHi ami sawing wood Is the net! be-t PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Smaller Places - sentenced to nine months wilh thing. May Also Help. explain C. II. NiehoNon and hard labor ai Okalla Prison faroi. leal Cote, Prince Rupert Tela has Ml Smaller place like Terrace w ill find it to their advantage tn hi secretary, W. II. Ko?g, re Uouray Connelly, facing a air 'l-r IN ..rder lo gel sotnelhing provide facilities and attraction for toiirit. If a gcdf course turned south Ihia morninfr. eharge. was aCuilled bill la IHI nice ami fresh to discuss the could on provided in that uetRhliorhood it would be freipieuled a being held under the ImorigralK n seined tward al il recent meet. ' good deal by Priu.ce Rupert people am bIso would be an added FEDERAL MINISTER Act, it being charged thai be ing luraed a al trillion once attraction to people with small incomes to settle in the district. 'osse Ibc line frll the l.'nile I more n Ihe 1 tooth HcIi.miI. I uof ha become the popular sport of (he man who i retiring PROMISES ROADS Male without Ihe necessary Canadian National Railways from business or who is finding the need cf exercise but iot of qualifications. The rohheiy Till' sky pllat advocate fn. too. strenuous a form. It may lie difficult to provide a course af IN JASPER PARK came to a flose yeslenlay aflr- tng prices. Ami price filing Isi or near Prince Rupert, but Terrace should be ait ideal place for it. iewn after two dstys' hearing. Te what we have all been kicking! Oovtrnment Pcapared to Furnlth jiMiire Mild that it w-a ooly againl for year. We all want Prince Rupert reached Connecting Link for Proposed t liable from Ihe eviilenee. fa urn I lo fn our own prices tint we! as. In the date and terms ALBERTA PREPARES Mcltain hale in think anyone else has! guillv but lliat (here was Highway. Ihe Of U'lie," but It i etpecled nothing adduced to Imw Con. the Hutu tit fl his. DRYDOCK TO SELL BOND ISSUE llial It will be placed On the llon Charles Stewart, inlnasler f t.elly s complicity and he had nu. market the In taller part of Sep. of the interior, ha assured Ihe thing to d-i but aeiiuil bun. al. WHKN we read of the fur",. Five Million letnber or early in Oct otter. Kthnonlon Aulo and Ood Itoads Ihoiigh the mailer presents those who leave the) AND Four per cant to Be When the refunding issue ha of money fouiwl Association that Ihe feeral city receive, il almost makes on Ms -erson wSttlld lie tlealt with ti Takan Up This Autumn. been dipoed of, Allterla's park brunch I prepared In later. wili In go away. SHIPYARD financing will' he ,tne for the build within the limit of - Jnpcr KD.MO.VrON. V. Y. Fisher appeared in c .urt Aujr. I.- Pre. year. Two previous issues have park whatever goisl roads .are WHY not try giving tire sen Is partition are now heinir made been made, totalling 7,3 18.000, necessary In connect with Ihe for Ihe prosecution and Milton tn those who come here ift live' Op trail ng Q. T. R. 20,000 Ten treating Dry Dock by Ihe provincial treasury de. and ihe province liabilities ioniale. of Williams. Manat.n Alberta.lirilish Columbia hound, instead of to those who detert. engineers, machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, fttUra parliiiem for a new debenture have been increase! this year lo tioniales. fur the defence. Crown ary when Ihe .la.per highway makecs, Feundere, Weodwerkere, IU. issue some time this autumn. that exlehl, Ihe forthcoming aut witnesses were H. King. V stretch of Ihe proposed Iran. FINED FIFTY FOR The province baa 5,ooo,0Kl of umn I.'lie hot adding lo litem Canada highway is built. I'oco. Itoorne ami K. Clay, of Prince Electric and Acetylene Welding. I per cent sterling debenture itice 11 will be only for the' honla will be connected with liupert; . Newsman and Joseoh USING ANOTHER'S tnalurili? Nnvemher I, fcud a re. purpose of repayment. The Japer by road, while another, Thompson, of Vancouver, arc ' Our plant I equipped lo handle all kind of funding issue is i he put out treasury orriciat are now gel. roail is lo be constructed from C.eorge, V.. llillhoriiuh LIQUOR for Ihe pui'iMise of meeliiiK I Ills ling ready for nulling lb. sub- I'ocalionta lo .Mieiie Spring's.! and John S Service or VanetMi. PERMlTj Marine and Commercial Work obligation when il falls due. N on when a favitrahle opportunity one of (in most attractive spots ver, fellow- passenger on t'tc In the At.yox police court yes. definite decision ha yel heel Tiers. in the park. eteatner, and J. Nash, Mie m., ilerday. Kidney Anfleld t char-"d PH0NC8 43 AND 3M Ilrilish Columbia ha already alleged i In have been.i . robbed.. -Ilo'li under the Kiajmr Act wilh iiavJ agreed tn build a highway lo Ihe ing uei a MTtolt belonging to wts aide of Jasper park by way! in.I Ihi man He wn found giilty Making Money Grow of the .North lliompson valley. and fined 50.00, wilh cost pERIIAlS boybut tbara you arc cannot nuay afford thtagt tbeot yen new.would Why Kit aot to ALICE ARM A WORK OF SCIENCE Closing Out SALE aave uf lot tWmr Thrrt it much personal wttafactloa to U touad la ur. S' ir nee has made it poaaibln Ing money one dollar groat to tu in a I Sort time k it Or. and Mis. Inroyd have re. I.. ii-liver "KAI.AIlA" lea to sss-ews NO MONEY IN IELLIN0 SHOES. ierwV it five Wra ten aiul u on but V yU art aavf a lor a defia turned lo Anyoi afler having i"ur table, wilh a flavor as We are forced to quit My whole stock of tow-' ob)ct, sIssiU you vpm a baak acrouut, UtUrf is t4 spent a Ktnple of week camp, di'lii-ati' and appealing Hhoea tiui.t Bn. to keep honor wilh creditors " moaey always tbrrt (r you whea yoW ad It, there U as when my lesa temptation to tptml small turn It trow quicker nig here. ii trfi ihe garden. From aero The most ssnsatlonal price cutting ele ec t and It safe from lost. Yoa will and aur Manaftr and Hie iii i'illl in a lead cheal, I In the open. city will be carried on at 380 Third Ayenwe. Staff williiaj to krlp M. 0. yuu. Unas, tnauoger of I lie 't liv blended, u. electrically, THE ROYAL Koyal Hunk, is cndiiig hi holi, The Haft Block BANK w iKhed, vacuum jiacke.l, and OF CANADA day Vancouver and (he Hound otcl ! rinally resealed in air.tight Kale to com i tine until every pair has been sold, ta ' TORONTO J ulnioiiium, "AAI.AIIA" reaches and IS.fio values , ut in half. In Centre of Shoooirvi 4 v..ur teapot li)0f pure and wilh R. J. MACI.EO0, Manager, O. A. Clothier, resident mining Buainats District wry bit of Ihe fragrauL flavor I'rlure Itupert 1 1 ranch. IN engineer,properties who ha in been Ihe examining Kiltalill Land no rooms CrtaaU Sato 3 I Vri-served.lea Il lhal is you the most can buy.ile-li'i'nia M. McArthur, The Shoe Man Valley, returned lo I'rlnce liupert imnttM,Hsn-a. bis. Just try it and be -.nviiiced SSO Third Avenue. uti Thursday. A-k fur it I' day.