Auyuit it, iW f.,Ufdiy. Till PAIL7 HBW0 TAOK TBKU Local and Personal 1 WKSti Renoul SAWS II. Ii. lincertakera, I'honesi. tf Special high grade 4, eteel gives to 4 Hayners, Undertakers. Phone 351. tf MMl long-fell need In both home and office. It cleans Saws the ariililv In ' Prince Hupert Ktiiibiiion Hep. aar.a i ni)i'i i.' to i a. it and pollehes " eperatlon, renewing, brightening and take and hold a sharp bringing out lha grain In lha wood, leaving a highly gloated cutting edge. Hrc i. for pffNciMiig fruit be. iurft n1 m b pubb,d lth a silk handkerchief StafiJl Clitit Slw C. Haiti1 Ix l"n- you buy. liily Market, tf . Si.HhJ 8c 4 Aim An; rn with italnlng. MONTREAL I M.ilakaU and Tugwell. ' Nar-iieihong" VBjj aVBali Doea not adhere, due to the non oily after effect. Vwmw.IC ll.Ma.NI. Monday at II an 2:30. I For linoleum, all hard wood aurfacet, linoleum, aulomo-bMi Mr, li. A. Wnlkcfirld retur aVal !ir aVBl rVJaVBam VVaVaVaVaaaBBBBbaaaay aVaW VJaVmP.aVl phonograph, planoa, etc. PRINCE GEORGE HiU outb.morning" from a holiday tri r rYaVaTariVaTaVBaTal lBBaTaV V.JaaaaaaBBBW eBBaW BaTaTaV'r. H II II 55c II D'lll'.n. f IIik Handy, $1.00 30c Miini.iii.i Mini A, Atl'lrl mi, of lo Esslnglon on urnlay al SWik.llnv Wealertl ri-irci-ulatlv I V:34i by "Oil llAHY. IMioii.- Tint 1 Pint J Pint (Hack U7. "f it Uijip a roil i of American Ouaranteed and recommended by lnd h..i.inn rompanie. have re rfflBali?SsMsE: II turn. if -..iiili ufler hating in-imh Cat Floware ami I'ol l'lant.: ii ii land I14 I In ditrirl. larjrent aeaallrneiit In town. Ilr--Iraul 1 ! - epreed altfaeiian with and Ha?gn. tf all Hi-- and It ' e-xperled Hh-ii fiM.rif may atari a mlara. W. II. MaHUCl. i aiia.llan Na ii "i new Milters here neil tional travail hi 7 auditor, returned fan by. lael mighl't train to l'rim c -- Oeorste. 101180. M 'ii! . Kraer, representing - Mr. Cyril Waiy fam 11 Hi.' I ih r Timber Syndicate, will an. ii i im in I'rinre Iteore eoine lime ily lefl for Ttrrare Tliurday iin iii-.niii in look Into the final eening and wHI wnd a fort- SPECIAL! SPECIAL! plia.i-o of hi roaipany' project niahl holMayln? there. rl m i a.laamvilVfd II I. II. Iltrd itpaned a ate cloth (teorae MeAfe. manaypr of Ho Bargains in inn !.-,. here last wee. He H-oraelowa anwimll. arnted in lablihe,j ill a flNe new ami Id-iof the eily ye(nl iy afl-riiM'n anl watch I. eredtl lo the eily realelereil al Ihr Hotel Pun" Toilet SOAP pert. Many Priae Iteora people lf taftadiac Wei 1ab I hi I. H. Mr If ay, who m iMM-n rihjaaM'r aa4 law i4ae. with it eourt re;rilrar lieri for eeteral 50c, 25c and 15c Soaps flW barh ami olhr allraetion. mnnlk. left for Mo- "oil III on nve arHiiM itf hemli' vi rnwrwlay nialil. H. K. Mrl.-o. to clear at paaniiiH' a a Mwwaaer nrl. arliiis teHiporarily. 2 for 25c. KrawA OlaJtoa, a pioneer "f K. Claaa war fined I0 in Ho- - Iks Mirlaati. reMiraled Ma HSral polie eourt IM morn i tin for Mrlaelay rermlly by aiviner Iritins an aulmnobtle without a aHy ia lb UmrH of l ral- Hall lirene. Hi w aUo given a I hern were : youna iaiir tit warnina- in rgaVvl to Hfreedingj eaajaM3MaajajaBjaaBBjaawBjaBjaB ORMES LIMITED I "II I 1 aaaVBBBBaSBBBBBaVBarBtB9BBB alteattanec, iUrtr aaea rang-init ll'riitrr Hufri IUy rrmt Uu- n Mr and Mr. Alex MoMatter friNM 4 to 29. 3rd, AVe. and Cth St. P.O. Box 1GS0 -- of Anyot, are viHing ia lite eily ri tuiu. ill Fresh .1) j Phonea 82, 200 and 134 Ohi.ImIiIp r.. A Hrarkra waa with relative. Mr. MeMa.ler h I J. V. Murrav. poloffiee in- III in i he cit iwftitl ir m t l ha been hrrr oene ttioe and Mr TMl PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES uctor. i in I he eily on Mi'Matrr arrtvad lMurday l.r.iai ' i k ! Mlii' li "int h n ' t'rtaa llupert toka) earowt ! lm It.-, ii 1 1 ,mf'-in-il from t.u teiitna. H I.. MeMi?R ire4ia'l " SndMter. FLAT Rupert well known .. Jane'vtlaoain.-.IU. loronio on laF ntaUl e train RADIO MAY BE USED Mr. Mrliitoai aa in tfr llaaina iniatMa man. arrif-.l POWE ntr and ilMrirt. far aeteral friMH SMkaa on the I'l tm-e Itu-prrt TRANSMITTING ItMlay e it route to Sunt Iter. month alleading lo Me variou Brand intereata. An arlive program i planned FISH Uarlee for Ibe properties which Mr. i llli.Ai.u. Au. IS- IN-. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Croniit control. Mniiitirlf. of tlw Knerl liter ii. M. Willlx-rofl, of Anyoi. RUPERT Tburs-i; in. i;.MMiany. t..IS iblcaaiie K. WTIIi.erofl. of 1. 1. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE i sail ..hiiii of W. ml Hunday al I' i k Moin gM for Swanson Bay, the niteroaliOMal i.lio vongrv.e !hi eity. arrheil frejin tlie jiortb I.rant Mahood. ntanazi-r f Hi.-.Mserit-an available from the Millina; A. Mimnu now 9ttn Palle, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria ar.d Seattle. that : a IburtMar nishl and will I Anyei Wrdnr.iJ.y II r Stewart, Saturday. 8 p.m. I here may roiiic a time when mim1 a weal al Tof-raaa return. itperaliitg claim in the Si.-wart local retail stores. ili.lricl mrludinii Ibe llithh- t turn thr ulieela of m- power tag to A ay ox next !j,UfcxlJ' nigh I. I. S. PRINCE JOHN I "i ail piiiU Northern ani Soutliern lulry will ba fin iii.iMif by m4io. which a rich lrike wa n-i-i-ntly Queen Charlotte lelanda, Muy IJth ami 7 Hi. June loth and rattHj naad)-. i in the city today en-route In mmim re.!r-t, povivr Six buatlrad ton at .Nanainio Ii I )1 Hili ami .'-'ii'l. .ogul &lh and lUtli. SepL 2nd, t6lh tran.ifHHin eil.U twtay. for Ihf W-lliuBloa eoal lia bean landnl I" Stewart after a fori, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ii i Vlthf Hte.age you rf nte by radio ha at our wharf. W ara anxiou ill Still - liu.tne.i. trio .oiilh. Mr. PRINCE RUPERT Train Service txrn rarrietl by Hie powar f to deliver If at your houe or .Mabood i aceonipanieil hy llr. Mar Italian and W. SuU-i. of Passenger Dally Eicept Sunday, S.45 p.m. Ira lro.MeaanolH viaea from the lore. I'boiar 110 or 501 for iHiiulher.. I'rint-e Oeige. lAlfiiunlon, ami Winnipeg, .mling la the r.H-'iin atalion prn-ea. Albert V MCaffery Vancouver, Iwo director, .-f the f i iltre.'i runiieeiK-ii for all ints in Kalrn Canada Suree.Mful work ia uow ilone in Ltd. If newly formed company t 4.lJU!l .iini linif raiio wave, a, for in . ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME -lanrr. our traii.-Atlantie ta I'he r'red Stork laaror rup. t ton nul out mo.t of thair power Iropby for eily atiainp4oaliip. f hnrrh Notices "Supreme" Lines Agency for all Ocean Steamship Brand i'lMUItI. i in exbibilion in (imrge 'I'lte' Cllf Ticket Office, 821 Third Ave. Phone 260. furniture lor window. The . II. Wattle, of Haielton. ia trophy ia taleed a liaudome onr in I he i lly today rHurniiieT from winch will N riglilljr prited by First Presbyterian Church ,i 1 1 if to Vancouver an4 other tlie winnlag loam. Het. A. K. Mitcloll. of Mount FRESH FRESH ...ill In-lit citie. leaanl Predi'-riau ihurch CqffeE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY - - The Keleaikttn lar?e lleiljna-ham. will preach mhiiiiuk and even ROASTED ROASTED Jame tui-getui. the local in low of Hie gasoline lug ing at Hie l'ri-bylei lan Cltureh. B.C. Coast Services tiaitrcr ataii and piper, ratairu-l l.loyd i:.. arrKel til port at .Vow. jn.t a little admonition. Let The Coffee That Tastes as Good as It Smells. today from Vancouver waera o'elork )-enki) aflertMMtn aud u all eoav out and li'-ur Mr. Heard In tha Hornet . . - i In- tiMtk pari in plot im-ial Uag-iupi- ia uiihaaaang a rargjj ar Ala kit Mitchell aud i ie Hie li.-m-fil w from PrinceRupert eoMspatilion. alutoa for lraihpmeHl Mal uf a new me.iijj-. The Sun My, that coffee smells good," was father's first Sailings - over tfia tidaodinu .Vatjiutal Rail day Seh'M.I will not reoien for remark when he came down to breakfast. It was For Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway A Maekle. m..-rior of way. a week or tw. true a perfectly delicious aroma filled tha room. August 4, 7, 14, 18, 25, and 2S. .ri), I bak 1 1 "in a Inp lo the "That'a real correal" ho exclaimed, aa he tasted Nan Ititar. II.- k-m.i i I hat the Mr. W. K. WillUtroft. Mr his first cup. "Why, It's tha best corfee I ever For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle HOTEL ARRIVALS pink are "till riliuiiun tronv W. llourna, Mr. Alexander. Mra drank. What kind Is It?" August 2, 9, 12, 19, 23 and 30. on tin- ritir uui Strong, Mr, lierl Mlllt-v, Mra ''SUPREME' Coffee," mother replied. laUlngVef 8.3. "PRINCESS BEATRICE" auapended until utv Ullinn off rapiJIy. Joe S. J. Ktaua and Mra. W. It row u. Prince Rupert. further notice. lluirliiitni i mi In. iiul wk- all of I'rinea It u pert, are Uoli-'Uyint Mr. and Mr. W :. Hall. Mr. Ground, Roasted and Packed at the Warehouse at n, I rip 4o tli- k-' '-iiherihe u lite old hold a I'tH-t A. Olnen, A. Macko- an, Ml . and for all Steamship Lines. STEWART & LTD. Agency MOBLEY, 1 Simp.ou with their fa in I lie. Mr. 1. II, Mulhoilaii'l. city; Full information from fo- the Oatlv Newa. Mm. ('.. I.. Miiuroe. uo of thi (ieot've Mt'Afae, lieorgelown; Corfee Importers and Roaatera PRINCE RUPERT. W. O. ORCHARO, Oenerat Agent, niy, i vi.lliug with friend, ut Kuiil M. I rvll, IntertieK. : W. C"ner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. 0. Siiiio. Ilelt, l'rim-e iieorge; Mr. ill- - am t IharlkMr and mi- v. .v Your Mi Helen HaiidaL regUlrar Me.Naal. I'biiadalplua; Mr. and We Have of trained nure for the pfo. Mra. W, Simpaon, Auyox. Another offer viiH-e and luunager of the Can. Central. good . . The . . adian ure publu-aliou, armed J. A. .MUler ami K. I'ayne, Lodge Emblems from Yanetiuter n , the Hrinee I'rlnee lluperi; It. W. r.lcarwHter. It i-rl llii umriiiiu. Mi Han. Dcean KalU; W. J. Wallace. C. Black Suede French Heel, 2-Strap Shoes For Ladies street Silo Solution dal will tiil Hie I'riiira lluperl, .V It.; Mr. and Mr II. A. I'art, or ev-iiing- wear. All sues S-95 Ma.oni' i iiiii'-il". K.l'.. I ilei'-t K ' . Sliriiiei'. Hax-lton and fori Mlnpoii ho.' Calgary: W. Hiehaj il-on, llatel- LECKIE Shoea for Men, Boya and Children (he genuine red I i.i-i I''1 T.I . Hr. pilaU lelurnlng u(lr next ton; Mr. A. Xinl'-r.on. Niiitroll- slit' ii au Mc in .lock, at Lowest Prices. ''HOARD" SILO. ayl Tliuinlay eveulna. j. . i ter: Hank rowi'-i f"-wari; r. THE .ttl'- of I.lipi-I itirf.-iviii k at'ti M Si. i in FAMILY SHOE STORE "A Silo n Every Farm." I'wttolix from Au httetlgn(ioii into life death Third Avenue. Phone 357 Third Avenue. Air w ( 00 ail'-"' -wi'.g A new alo.-k of ilifferent of le Cliriluueii. Hie fisher. Persislenl advertising is ah. Anyone can erect a HOARD SILO In hie spare time. l.'Hlge llillg in1 111 man who lo.t hi life IliU week nliitelv neeeanr to iicee. itsaiiy aUtutitiigrs of the IIO.UI oter (lie Hoop Silo ant from (lie aeliouner Aiueriea. wa John Bulger, Tat sr. ant UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED oiiIuliul in tin'" caieiogu. held elerday It wu derided ip.novNii-. Write, fur r.atalngur ami 1'iicea. Tha JwalUr that death had been due to Sir- rCZEMA vh.m lr.a SAILINQ3 H,. eidenlal drown uu. Instruction ru u' Oliit. For Vanoouver, Ocean Falls and Hwansuti Hay, Tuesday S p.m. are expealrd today froni Taooma, I ate I fur buna aa Itnt. For Vancouver, Alert Hay and l'orl Hardy. Saturday p.m. 1 HE LTD. LAST U.H1. l rll.n SI iw iii. -iBRACKM AN-KE R MILLING CO., GIFTS THAT whera lib family realdea. re. Ch.M'l flUUiia.l In. II wt iiUoo tbh) Foe Any ox, Alice Arm, l'orl Simpson aud Wales Island, Sunday P O 350. gaidlug tha JipoiliMi of the o4 .iuap lur wui ui midnight. o 745. B O, phone luw 11k. Prince Rupert if fciUuxi i eiualu. Evmt (For Naae River Canneries,. Friday a m.