. ' . ;nri unci wrw - hob mi I try , " y rr ' .aBea'mm.i.ww.f w mum n M BAPCO waterrront wmirs DoinK of the Mosquito Fleet Which It the Chief Source MACDONALDS Marine Paints of Pfince Rupert' Prosperity and Varnishes generally b I on if ihr an etcllini tperti'ni during th wni.rrrc.nl ha taken H JumVwk rclurnin from a niyMery 'hi week and Ih hoy ar look-j trip. Whil coming A mn Hi The u prior quality of Bapco Marine Paint, "K forward in n rejuvenation irtSkna on Tnday night the trade in nan I lea I circle thi fall. vroprlh-r raughl n net which Varnishes and Enamel could hardly be better ex-prrsted ".vi-rat i.f tin i iK.wcr boat have rnned the machinery i. ,.n BRIER than in the many letten received from leading been offered hiMinea which they i lrtke nn.J ihe i.ki r-tialde ,rifird hate Jmti, finable III lian.1l 'on in a ni .v...,-., n Some of these letters iriipownen. are now published tniiiHvi malng in the facti'lb tii ran mil and left the in a booklet entitled "The Evidence. Ask for a mat l they have m much work mi r raft hung up on a anag ai Hi also a descriptive color card. ha ml al prent. The parnger'atern end, ami wild the itde re. aawssninw copy laiim-he. report a m allfae. "oiflf the Imal iippe, and PRINCE RUPERT AGENTS i-.ry tate f huiiia ami the quietly filled wilh water up f A . - B, THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. li l.ak- aervier l being well the pi!..I hntie wimtowa. ri. had ' - in' ingnoai in in wail r.ir Iwn hb. i,'- i.'.rt arr mplnyrd. Till report wn able in get off Hie and. lift V Baaa.ata KBBBBF T ataWaW aT S$PV o '" ' wfwlilng aflr Hi l.ar an.1 Ihr-n only wilh H.p hlp alb. ! r ,rl, rnMiri mi mm- of llio MalamiiM, wtlh Oapt. ph "THE Manlly h.ari yi Mir ilwl. H.-lrk. at llt wWI, whkh TIN ninrally iiir Ailmlral of IIia ii.wr.l iiim' inl.i rn. ITMti r. EVIDENCE Ki.fl t. vrty tnueh llrklM ami rtval a( lli rM Iwlhlnir mf il BBBBaaaa- BBbL ULPQaBBaBaaal 1 ''1 I'" i'artmnl rtf arlitili wa f.Himl Ifiat Try lHtlf lam. 854 i ti.irrsri. nr.. pnlnjr up fnmi an ngf In.I n naln1. ami with Packages 15 ti'iMit .lamlimlht. IU fepnrta a fw mrrhanleil Imieln hT M..i' .lu'ini- tli r.;i.Oiw ami Ihw, f.ln-a rHy mipply 3?. I- muI ( ruti ha.l b.n lan.! f rlM,w rVa Capi lia hi .il l n.arHH ai till rtrl. whUh l...i) nne. aafji in rlr. fUp it .'Ol.fHifl pmiml aliaJ of Ihf nv thai tiijrirjr iriiw f hU from wliieli. Hie of T.'d nap '!1?iii3bm ......... i . iHimlinir j.ilo.i I.li wrk. iK-MTill'in arn't wi.rih a l. Slirtihal! wlieeling; Imxe ..n a ftflwn earlAail of Ih truck i t.Mi funny for word-, an.l ft"l eartli h IxH-n lii.li Hanna IItisI Im pr. il'a a r i lu ll that Ted la really . -i.i.tw.l at. Tli' IiIkIi"1 prir lanali..n a Ailmlral f thr Purl ltetter liMiking fellow than tin- I..H.I wa W.8f ami Be ami the Ulwanl eahn'ry fl"l lal w-k. Idctnr depict. 'Hie freaky ai. i. ! ?.lr ami Sll?hl rain whleh wa aeepplMt, ami h i of lh aranee wa -l snap i-au. I n.- rfri MrVnl on !! i.nr. airain hi our mUM. Il.4i l.y Ihe negaliveo tieing placeil in h.. a fiMHR ynHiml whieh ay that he earn into evnlael Hie aun under via to 11" a dry. TERRACE HAS U:i twHt vty weletitiin rVfii In wilh . manv ri'nlal lhal h Campers Ladies heat of the un IIH-lleil Ihe rl.eni lli. fi-lwrm.n. lMiran In lmk tike Chwn.Cliln. IcaDy preiared fit hi with the re. in- Miena nr'r eannrri' r.hnw. Thr nllr evenintr nil lhal the film apread tlm RADIO OUTFIT M"-nvir a very alifar. ilmanl the naahin t ih rui Ready-to-Wear ; causing the print to look o run. ami a well known llnh lalisl Hi Admiral wilh l.v ariHiing. Jul mp up the lioolh iWulrrfrndl ivIH.riljr, wlirn, w..r..ii(r Oriental. rMi...y I Prices stairway ami ak Knight In ghe W. 0. Spark Hars Concert i 111011 H.n. lhal "Now." ai. Hi' Ailmiral. "thai you a peek nl em, aure (rrl Advance Styles BroadcaaUd from Cilie In ,M,!,," rixrr ,r l"H n'lhlHr I liar nrrr a goo langti. y.oi The Woods are yours tha South. r ""n nh ttu) Hi ean-'ln my life but I have enildoved Ik R: Goldbloom nriea hay a nweh fih on Scotchman now ami asiaUi." i r.mm.f.. nd i . I - 1 1 a. i hMnd lh . hn.ll Well ay ,Jl.d. 'thai The forcalry patml laHnch Iei. to enjoy, but only if thinl Ave. in lim with Hpinre Hmml la R. rrturBetl from a departmen reiiy near a had. and lhb far a riHin apparain i r..n-l.'.-iiirtl. lim ShrnhMll. nf lb, Phriih. riim from ltMlia at Iliat. tal rruie on llmreday morainaj I'M! man win- lia nail ltlirt'. I wn a hi(n - - - keep them mwn working ..il I In iri.'...li..i The dominion gmermnenlj you green Iria in lb Mtuih ami wilt ! cnw lo( of anal and dim ! iin. I mi. .. .i. li i.-Mil rHtroiK in m ely r-atiy i Hi .er for local cnn4tttt4iUni i rt llliery fMitrol I..Mil Marfi'h came. ilrrr, V . I. S.ark.-a I.ik III. kff the dry dork on 11iurlav r 1 see the latest mtn (eeied to arri iai in Hi early in in apparain "ikn.M an.l any Hie week for Attft & Mrrffery. rrmrning after undergoing a .ailHI f I l.r.Hlilraotrrf I ho Halibut lal II. and II. I minor overhaid. rr..m tantr i'iiiiImii.i ami i.... 4i Ihr aril l.lrrtrc way lit. IB W. am T Capt. A. Ja I Put Your Stoves a Ranges kanr may iirar.l. aVrai.inu Unll repair and a an- Hen. arrive.) ih l.rl I hi week llie iHiwvr liat PJl.T. of the ...L!tI.MM........ rl A.I LMWtirKl in... Mr. Spark" i iiiIIHii thrr mil urha. wtlh !3.ooo pound nf halib'it. iTi.va... mrr pAwrrrul amulirkr and ruwJa.U of fi1i nffal IW lh (Bp eem ery well alificd wilh lmr hV atf'irflBilp m. ' The Hit' lliiMrt. Udain r.rs wMh .life ia ganerni nml rMiii lUii.erl Marine PnulKtela Cji I at iliff i.'iilijr in rriTivina ranT4 NVwvw, wa up lh rkrna lhal every Ihlai- weuf off firl Tuck Intel, fron the Sterna ran- iiih.iIm . (r.iin a . r lair lli.f n Vi1ay wMh (Vil rla. erie.during the week, and left STORK'S radlU irnrl K. S. TbH. of Vancouver r- wHh empty w for th aani Fires Out Phone Black 114. ii a ilt to Hi Mnrn. Tlie Swing, Captain Iloang, M.Ht on 'I1trirlay morning MANITOBA MINISTERS Iw-tih 3imo pfwiml made i-i Ihr liiamoml T. lb fih park early In the week. (Tap. i o. Tin arhooner Chief Skugafd. of ALL PRESBYTERIANS twiml iy joMrHiog in Ow llay pulling hi lh Old Stfcr.g fleel. after taking llaplain lhirtopi.n. arriMril in lni.e hi nfiler ready fr amdher on wM at the Imper) Oil ..-k Oommtnt of On Faith tolM,ri h Thurxlay morninir. ral.1 on the amphiMou ini4ilcr on Thuraday mnrning; cleare.1 fm- Br. Geo. L Barton the high not. Ma Char? of Affair at nf I he deep. .--. I Winnipeg. Til launeh S3, kippered hy 4. , TPalmar) lUi.laln A. SwaiiM.n. went mer It I reported that A. O. The liHIy Hay. OapL O. p.'" W1.NMPHI4. Aug-. If.-All il ia ..Kkai KaTaaaaa aaanii ai I ni ilnainn In Hlghy lUnd on Thuraday Frank itccefully lowcii a lo ii" ' w ay ji aiaaiaj Hi.- ii.'wlv rhiK'n ahint nnni-Irr io..rning wilh n, happy load ofin( ,,1 fr Hi M.wgaii wnk hi ii t4f.r rlrit for1 BAIT Our froien herring bait Is conceded by flihrrinen Chiropractor who Inn office I neaatay are Mnirkr. The neamn wa ',Kng limnpany. Surf Inld. on to be Hie Ducal procurable at any Pauiflo Coatt -..ii-h and naiumlly ihey are all the annual Sunday School pic-, .Monday morning he fore hreak. i Portand it is -Fishy." Prie. $30 per Ion. WAL LACE BLOCK I i ri Miyirrian. ii i Nuirrini Mr of I he slaion Army. fat. llie ftdlawing lxal have nair-j I7 The best way of lnuriu a good quality trip Is rifona CCO. that mi far lhy have neulecleil krled fih durMlB the week: lie.; aA- to hav plenty of our bard froien ice. Prioe, iiiiiniia any Viunip.-a -..narean- Harry (iittirrl, (lermancnt kip. Ihe Janie Carmther. with fence, Unimak. Perahing. J. P. II per ton. ii'.ii. Ir nt Ihr 1-aiineh f3, a l-en our idd friend liapl. 1 ti H Paron Ti-I.l. XV. ami T linker. Ja. Ur- ffc.ffIfo "r wall.equipped store can aupply Bsblns; sar, Tin l- .r..hlv (he fir lim indimeit for Ihe pal few day at the wheel. Meamed gracefully rutlier. Viking, liaiay. M. M. v flherinen' chitbiag, groceries and provisions in the lii-l'.rv ..f Iht- pr-iMtie and haleen under Hie doctor' into port early in Hie week with hrilipher. Swing, Knhe, lape and hardware. anv caWinM ha l'n 'Mllrely af Mir. Harry I iMag fine and a litll cali h nf 95.00A pound, Senrer, Triumph, Scrub, Sclma. PACIFIC CARTAG E in- reiai"ii di-miniiiialkin ul-'li'.uch utl Main Ih al Hi wheel again. dill ay h will try ami do U-l- II. and It. Sunaver. Tonlenkold. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company U.. may tiaxe all m-en uer nl lim. t'jtern I'mnt. Fiaher, Murineaic. Ketchikan, Alaaka Branca Si-.ilch. The American haliliui ehoon. Weatfjord, Imperieuae, llolphiti. Limited 'Dim in... niim Sir JaMien Ai. er 1'om and Al. after unloading home real lhlcrtlng freaky t-dold, rtroHi. Anna J.. Tom an-l Phone 93 km. li.-iii.-iiaiil-"eriHir, ram in Thurlay mornina proceh I holograph hat been pr.Mlui--.!;A I, Adeline, rtoaepU, llinglealcr in Ihr .t hnin.-i.t imildiUK for In the llnld Storage for ire and in lh vicinity nf Hi" waterfnnt Wabaali. Wimdrow, Ullian Si.. Furniture, Piano and an inrw.-w wild in- adiMra I ait ami hit out again for U . by V. W. Knighl. They are quit KAyuaii, Wireje. Venn. Norma, E. H. SH0CKLEY ami inlrui-led them u l heir re. high pot. Safe Moving accidental prliirtiiin but to ny llelianc. and America. Ull-in wilh lh renreHall ih leatl Ihey ar very rrnten,ue. , Planing Mill! Cow Bay. Wharf: Rit Imperial Oil Dock. Poll Cnrwl Cartage lh king In lh.' nr.iiii-. fclr Rhyming Phonst SS3. ..f Rlpllng Rhyme bf a 'cihai the lieal in nf Ihe Quit- a gloom wa rat oxer Sand and Craval Jam i 1ani h..rlly fur Ihr Rhymtr. buiM'li i tin photograph, or in. the waterfront tin Tburaday FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING. LUMBER. PLANKINQ AND . .a-i win'i- I., will pi-Md a "Have you heartl lb tatl tended photograph, nf the Prin morninit when Ihe aad new became TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. hi.Inlay , n.'W. prepare for a gral linck, ce l,mile. hit th limit i known that the schooner Agant for: the Klk havy inoveil their billet perfectly eoae.l, even the name Aiqerica, (lapt. Mike Keating, bad llobertaon & HackelU Paw Mills. Ltd. Ite' PRINCK RUPERT TIDES down to lb1 provincial ?orrn-meiit ur the ImmiI tiring raHy read, thlarrive. the previou iiHilit with J. Fyfe Smith's Hardwood. Costumes d'ck. and now they're ahlp look n IlKKigh il a In thel, ,.i.ly or tile r.hriiiann i "Larnatco 3 ply Cottanwood Panelling'. Kaltirda). Align' '-' looking fin and fit. H certain, nidl nf a terrific typhoon, and nlioanl. Chrttlanen wt drown-1 Oarland Company, Hoofing' Paint. I l f-10:16 ly ha en proved, Hial Ihey M.ar ba.By brnl and battcre,t;,., through th rapaiung of lhj High 3:til a.m.. to Measure hi Ihe lucky day alright, the urrounde. aharklike anlmnU by (UM.. I S leeU ,i(,ry ,n which h and a partner "ARISTO" Brand .uw- am, t fl. day on which they moved. They with wide upen ninuth w-ailing to'wer working. Chritianen wa early In Ih morning. Reaionable .C p in . C - feet. ar iiji blow-in. w atiow it. mimewiing apear on wvll known by Hie w atcrf ront ' jut lb tlm the "brain" Hie how of Ih bmt like n i-'riu -,, wueli rcapei-led! Sunday.:W Augn-'IT.0 fl. and Hiey ur make Iota of iin lb. high etploalve hell niiioiifp II.aiii It una a niAn nTi DENTISTRY! STEVE High a.nu KING yell ami wlmop fir 'having burning it. Th Iu:50 p.m., IH.0 fl. rhin. Ihey have otcr production rriing ijualiti ami bad ieu th water for Hi picture might eally haveiruhing llie Pacific coat for a' Third Avanua Low- 10:31 im., nu loiil for brcakfa!, of Modern X-RAY Service on i SS:IS p.m . . egg all Hi i-ecurre.1 in lh recent lerrlflc number nf vear. A rident of Steve lay rggi coiire which bit th typhoon r.hln.Tar.oiiui. be leate a wife and ev- and now Ihey all look liuky Inwn of Swutow. A photu of ,r,i .hildren. The vuinathy of guv wilh bin mucb: on l"lrL.)tc.. ..j,,,,,.,.,, Lanr4 fiuu.h Hi entire Moaiiitltu Fleet Xoe DR. BAYNE University of Toronto lg. lliry re aurr ...', n.)..rni ami j. iiatey, now ineae ceie out to th bercatril. Room B4ack r hunch of Klk lhal vr you did ,,.,,,,.; 4, S, S, M4flron Phon 10 Toronto Music wh ,.M con,r,., - OtDca Hours! Afternnnns, Mornings, .t; Conservatory of ee, and If ymj r f eel.n down ,,0lj alll ,v,n thr, n,,4 ln - t:30.S:30; Kvaniugs. 7.t, I lh roiiowmg iioai are ai i EDMUND WAtJtra, cv.o, u.c.1-. n-uu ami out jui uiop i,ii.Liiriiiiiiit are badlv bent. a. a. M.r, mm. hm, rrtL Vnii'll leave feeling imieli preaent in port: P.H.T.. Heacue. HCAIKT W1LL-4N, Mm. Km, r.B C.U. VkerrtMlMl. lea. The leg look for aM the wtvrld "J millkinlnli MalM mI . MmW la IM lalU. iM'ller. Ihaf ur without a lit. 11.. Ll..i ,il,hi nf m n.,il. Itwin. Maeve, llayvtrvv II., Viola. .. Mg-urcNa immtii i. n- ul three cheer f,.r "" "r '!'' "V"" Dixie 'lliipert, Narbethonjr, .1....1.1 ao A picture of Hoc and a dog, vvr Wumu. Xli.iill- lai.liiA A hTovilall ,,UH M" lb luiuiu. W miM ihimi ull the F.lk and 11 one can hardly tell lh .l1"'1 Hana- THEO LTD. COLLART, Hilly Hoy. Maybird. Ilekla, Ty H.; V",H ll Mm n.r Mm OrrM (IH tUmM lll. Hill about. I tier a e-qul - - I" Hil "tile rn. a canny eo. )ieaver mv. and voiunieer. BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaBaBaaa i"V r4..L k. 1 N.rmTl CI.M CWMtrl IUU. imV.U' Or.l. a can le. (ot If ymi're apt In Wa ara nw Agsnta foe tha Nw York Life Insurane Company, W. umIdM ImUmo l.f ft '. iwi that wayymiH iP n fK- It I uiideratood that Flole Th most liberal and strongest company on the continent. n.c rtnta mat awrga at any iime. al.atla III Hie kllC." Wh aid aaaaaBaBl 11 1 aBaBaBaBa ha imeii up th lea of the oil Atsala, IMf.eoa.lM.SO. Ll us shew you how to save your mI4im CaWaur u4 "111 hen? l.iiim.H and ha refunded tin' money. ai M Utwa,t r.( . MML i ! f 1.50, miuii inter!, to Ui varl. Mil .... . local HAMtKATioNi roa . Phone Blue C. Wlholme Theatre Block. P.O. Boi aa. . M4 IkmOMl Im Dm0.n la M.r. Jaa. fi Jalr Tha launch ,Nartthng. rl-lloomn im harrbelder. Her attorney, "..:, raa L aa il" a" K. ITffmarr, had rather (Continued on pare 6